Glucose's husband defended his hard-earned €74 million. Alexander Chistyakov: happy in marriage with Glucose Ex-husband of Glucose

Current spouse Natalia Ionova (Glukozy) is from Leningrad, Alexander Chistyakov’s date of birth is 01/25/1973. Also in school age The future businessman showed excellent organizational skills.

The choice of a financial and economic institute was dictated by a penchant for exact sciences. He received his second education in a similar specialization at the private university “Intercerting”.

Chistyakov begins his work career in the field of investment policy. Climbs quite quickly career ladder, becoming the head and member of the board of directors of JSC United Energy Systems of Russia.

Soon, Alexander Nikolaevich was appointed to the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSC FGC UES. Today he is successfully engaged in business, being a co-owner and manager oil company"Ruspetro".

Alexander is happily married to singer Glukoza, whose off-stage name is Natalya Ionova. The friendly family brings up a son, Sasha, from his first wife, and two common daughters.

In addition to business, the singer’s husband is engaged in creativity, writes scripts and acts as a film producer.

Since 2012, information about the bankruptcy of an entrepreneur has regularly appeared in the press. Such rumors are related to the embezzlement of 100 million euros in a lawsuit filed by Elena Baturina.

A British court ordered the businessman to pay part of the said amount, refusing to appeal. It is known that in 2017 the case was completed in favor of Chistyakov.

However, publications that the entrepreneur went bankrupt continue to appear. According to some sources, things at the oil company could not be worse. "Ruspetro" was even taken away from the London Stock Exchange.

Economists say out loud that Chistyakov has gone bankrupt, claiming that the holding's debts exceed its liquid assets. The rumors are confirmed by the fact that the businessman had to pledge most of his shares.

Singer Glucose: biography, personal life, husband, children

The real name of the artist is Natalya Ionova, date and year of birth is 06/07/1986. Previously it was stated that the girl was from Syzran. It turned out that this was a PR stunt by her agent. In fact, she is from Moscow.

Since childhood, Natasha has changed a lot of hobbies, quickly losing interest in everything. At the age of 11, the girl goes to a casting to participate in the magazine “Yeralash”. Successfully starred in the series “Toadstools”.

Later she appears in the videos of our pop stars and cinema. While participating in the filming of the film “Triumph”, Natasha meets Maxim Fadeev.

Soon the girl posts on the Internet a single of her own composition, “Suga,” which the producer accidentally heard. The musician immediately contacted Natalia, offering to sign a contract.

This is how the creative collaboration between Ionova and Fadeev began. In 2002, the group “Gluk’oZa” was created, performing in the pop-punk genre. Soon a contract was signed with the Monolith Records label.

Fadeev comes up with a great idea to place the girl online in 3D format so that Natasha can finish school normally without being distracted by touring.

In 2003, the producer officially introduced singer Glukoza to the public at the Star Factory concert. The first album sold a million copies.

Computer soundtracks are soaring in rotation on all radio stations and charts. In 2006, Natasha marries millionaire Chistyakov and disappears from the world of show business for a while.

After the birth of her child, she again actively engaged in creativity.

In 2007, Fadeev created the Glucose Production company. Almost every year new albums and videos of the singer are released. At the same time, Ionova gives concerts, participates in television projects and successfully acts in films.

Natalia Ionova's husband - Alexander Chistyakov

Glucose often said that she wanted to meet a smart, strong and interesting person. And so it happened. The singer was flying to a concert in Chechnya, and the flight was scheduled for the early hours.

Having reached the chair, Natasha immediately fell asleep. It turned out that the girl accidentally took the place of Chistyakov’s VIP. The man kindly did not wake up the singer, giving him the opportunity to get a good night's sleep.

Her friend was flying with Natalya, who introduced Glucose to her old friend Alexander. They had a pleasant time before and after the concert, exchanging phone numbers.

The couple had a virtual correspondence romance going on for a long time; they rarely met in person. This relationship lasted about a year. Everything was decided by a romantic meeting in Paris, after which the lovers never parted.

Natasha moved to the businessman's mansion, where his son from his first marriage, Sasha, lived. Glucose quickly found with a young guy mutual language. Chistyakov was in no hurry to propose marriage to him, then the girl took the situation into her own hands.
Natasha herself asked to marry her, assuring that she would not find a better man than her. Alexander agreed. A grandiose event, which lasted several days with a change of location and outfits, took place on June 7, 2006.

Despite the 13-year age difference, the couple has many common interests. Both do yoga and creativity, love to spend time together and travel.

Close circles noticed that the businessman and singer were providing beneficial influence Each other. Natasha changed her jeans to stylish feminine outfits, and the stern Sasha became more smiling and open to communication.

Photo of the wedding of Alexander and Natalia.

Singer Glukoza separated from her husband

Fans of Ionova’s work are especially concerned about the question of whether Natasha and her husband divorced or not. We immediately hasten to assure that the couple continues to live in a happy marriage.

However, rumors that the singer is getting a divorce are not unfounded. In 2016, the couple really experienced a relationship crisis. The number of accumulated claims at that time had reached its limit.

According to Glyukoza, her husband constantly showed dissatisfaction with revealing outfits, photo shoots and parties. Alexander demanded that the singer change her lifestyle and social circle.

When the relationship reached a dead end, the question of divorce arose. The 10th anniversary prevented an irreparable mistake from happening life together. Realizing that due to emotions both could lose the most valuable thing, a happy reconciliation took place.

The couple not only did not divorce, but were also able to receive the “Couple of the Decade” award.

Sobchak and husband Glucose: correspondence

One famous blogger unexpectedly stated that oil tycoon Chistyakov had a direct connection to Ksenia’s pregnancy. Recently, the media star’s phone was stolen, after which Sobchak’s correspondence with various famous people appeared online.

Blogger Lena Miro claims that Ksyusha sent Glucose to her husband intimate photos. Moreover, the couple was often seen together at social events. Soon Sobchak announces his pregnancy.

Having compared the facts, it was assumed that the father of Ksenia’s unborn child is Chistyakov. In response to the insinuations, Sobchak posted her correspondence with Alexander, in which they openly ridicule such rumors.


Son Sasha from the businessman’s first marriage in this moment is studying at one of the most prestigious colleges in America. The guy is already 19 years old. It is known that the young man wants to get an education in the field of technology.

The couple's first daughter was born on May 8, 2007 in Spain. The girl was named after Natasha's grandmother Lydia. She studies at elite school, delighting parents with excellent grades. Lida is interested in vocals. Glucose regularly posts songs performed by her.

The second daughter was born on September 8, 2011. Glucose gave birth in the same Spanish clinic. The girl was named after her husband’s grandmother Vera. The baby shows a penchant for dancing.

WITH early age children are raised with the help of 10 nannies. Youngest daughter Due to allergies, I have to be sent to my spouse’s relatives in Spain for the entire spring season.

Husbands and wives of celebrities arouse no less interest among the public than the idols themselves. We all know the activities of Alexander Chistyakov - the husband of Glukoza (singer Natalia Ionova) is a fairly successful entrepreneur. Today's article is dedicated to this man.

Alexander Chistyakov: biography before career

Alexander was born in St. Petersburg on January 25, 1973. At school the boy studied diligently, he was especially given exact sciences. He also proved to be a leader in the class and an excellent organizer.

Innate abilities helped Alexander enter the Voznesensky Institute, which graduated specialists in the field of finance and economics.

After receiving the first higher education Chistyakov Alexander Nikolaevich decided to continue his studies at Intercerting, a private Institute of Economics and Finance.


Alexander Chistyakov changed several jobs in the field of finance and since 2001 began to quickly climb the career ladder at United Energy Systems of Russia. There he received the position of head of the investment policy department. Over time, the young leader managed to join the board of directors of this large and prestigious company.

Alexander Chistyakov was a workaholic and combined work in energy systems with a high position in IDGC Holding, where he was listed as first deputy general director.

After seven years of working in the holding, Alexander understands that he needs to focus on one thing. He decided to further develop in energy systems, since in IDGC, apart from exhausting work, there were no prospects for growth.

Since 2011, Alexander has become known as a co-owner of an oil company. Ruspetro is a growing prestigious company, on the board of directors of which Alexander Chistyakov is the chairman.

Meeting your future wife

In 2006, Alexander Nikolaevich bought not only a plane ticket to the Chechen Republic, but also for personal happiness. On board the same air transport was nineteen-year-old Natalya, known to everyone as Glucose.

Alexander was 33 years old at that time, but age did not become an obstacle to sympathy, and then Great love. The couple owe their acquaintance to Ksenia Sobchak, who introduced them to each other.

A month and a half after the start of the affair with the entrepreneur, Natalya moves in with him. His son from his first marriage, also Sasha, lived in Alexander’s house. The boy and Natasha quickly became friends, and to this day they have a wonderful relationship.

Wedding and children

In the same 2006, the couple announced their engagement and signed soon. Glucose said that it was she who initiated the creation of a family, inviting Sasha to become her husband.

One fine day, the girl told her partner that she would be the best wife, and if Chistyakov did not marry her, he would lose a lot. Everything was said in a joking manner, and Alexander, taking the hint, went to buy wedding rings.

Today the couple has two daughters - Lydia and very tiny Verochka. Alexander Jr. lives with them; he loves his sisters, father and stepmother, whom he often accompanies at events.

Joint yoga classes

Natalya has been interested in and practicing yoga for a long time. Immediately after meeting the entrepreneur, the girl began to involve him in this business.

Alexander Chistyakov did not resist at all, and over time he stopped imagining life without classes.

The couple always works out together. They explain that such joint exercises strengthen relationships and spiritual connections, so they almost never fight.

Peace, harmony and happiness reign in this friendly family. Alexander does not forbid Natasha from doing her work, and even helps her in this difficult task. The singer says that without his support she would not have managed this!

Producer and screenwriter

It’s not just business in the oil sector that attracts Alexander Chistyakov. Glucose's husband and successful entrepreneur has recently begun to get involved in art. He took on the role of screenwriter and producer and did an excellent job.

The businessman's debut work was the script for the cartoon "Savva. The Heart of a Warrior" and its production. It was in 2015, and Alexander really liked this work. The picture turned out to be really interesting and successful.

Alexander cannot seriously engage in creativity, because he has a serious business that takes a lot of time. The entrepreneur considers script writing a hobby that brings in additional income.

This year a new cartoon "Baba Yaga" will appear on the screens. Alexander Chistyakov again undertook to produce the story of this middle-aged woman.

This is the kind of person Alexander is: a successful businessman, an excellent husband and father. He has everything for happiness!

Alexander Chistyakov- millionaire businessman, co-owner of the oil company Ruspetro, former top manager of RAO UES, husband famous singer Glucose.

Alexander Chistyakov. Biography

Alexander Nikolaevich Chistyakov born January 25, 1973 in St. Petersburg. After graduating from school, he entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute named after N.A. Voznesensky to the Faculty of Marketing and Finance. In 1995, he received a degree in economics at the Interserting Institute of Economics and Finance (St. Petersburg).

In 2001, he began working at JSC United Energy Systems of Russia as head of the Investment Policy Department. Then he became a member of the board of directors, and then the owner of 48% of the company's shares. In agreement with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation Chistyakov transferred to the position of First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSC FGC UES. Also for about seven years he was the first deputy general director of IDGC Holding OJSC. Alexander Chistyakov was involved in the formation of investment policy, organized asset flows, monitored the implementation of new technologies and controlled the regional branches of the JSC FGC UES corporation.

Since 2011, Alexander Chistyakov has been a co-owner of the oil company Ruspetro. In 2014, he sold a 13% stake in the company Alexander Rappoport, and in the summer of 2014 Ruspetro left the London Stock Exchange.

In addition to business, Alexander Chistyakov is engaged in creative activities. So, in 2015 he wrote the script for the animated film “ Savva. Warrior's Heart"and acted as the producer of the project. After the success of the project Chistyakov with Fedor Bondarchuk And Dmitry Rudovsky produced full-length adventure cartoon« Baba Yaga. Start" Wrote the music for the animated film Maxim Fadeev.

Alexander Chistyakov. Personal life

Alexander Chistyakov met my future wife) on a plane flying to Chechnya. Glucose was flying to a concert, and Alexander was on a business trip. Introduced the future spouses to each other Ksenia Sobchak. Ionova was 19 years old at that time, and her future husband was 33 years old. The age difference did not prevent the couple from getting married six months after they met. For Alexander, marriage with Natalya was the second. He has a son born in his first marriage.

Natalia and Alexander have two children: daughters Lida(born in 2007) and Faith(born in 2011). The family lives very friendly. Alexander does not limit Natalya in her professional activity, understands the need to attend social events and communicate with fans.

Rumors about problems in the family of Chistyakov and Ionova arose periodically in the media, but the couple each time refuted the journalists’ speculations, demonstrating an idyll. In 2019, news appeared in the press that Alexander Chistyakov was seen in a restaurant in New Riga with a bright-looking girl. The media again began to vigorously discuss the topic of the crisis in the marriage of the singer and businessman. But almost at the same time) she admitted that she and her husband were thinking about adding to the family.

Natasha Ionova, whom we better know as the singer Glukoza, matured early. At the age of 15, she broke into the world of show business, and already at 19 she met the man of her life, with whom she is married to this day.

How to get a good husband

Young Natasha met businessman Alexander Chistyakov on a plane flying to Chechnya. She was supposed to give a concert in the republic, and Alexander was traveling on business - at that time he was managing an oil company. The noticeable age difference (13 years) did not become an obstacle to further communication, and the couple began dating.

Later, Ksenia Sobchak said that Alexander had long noticed the singer and asked to invite her to the opening of the water park. Therefore, having accidentally met a girl in the cabin of the plane, I did not miss the moment and took the phone number.

A fully established, adult man - top manager of FSE UES, co-owner of the oil company Ruspetro, and yesterday's girl, the daring and slightly eccentric Glucose, dated for about a year. Natalya proposed to her lover herself. At one of the parties, she, as she herself admits, “out of the blue,” said, “Marry me! You still won’t find anything better!” Alexander fell into a stupor. Mikhail Shats was sitting next to him, and he asked him in a daze: “Do you hear? She wants to marry me! To which Mikhail Shats replied: “No way.”

However, a few weeks later he came to his beloved with a ring and said: “I agree.” After a while, he admitted to his wife: “I was so not ready to get married that I probably would never have been able to propose on my own.”

The wedding of the 20-year-old singer and the 33-year-old businessman was extended over three days. On the first day, they signed at the Kutuzovsky Registry Office, where only witnesses were present. Then they celebrated the event in a close circle in one of the capital's restaurants. The next day, the young people held a celebration in Barvikha, at a country residence. 200 people attended the celebration. The next day, the newlyweds went to continue celebrating in St. Petersburg, the homeland of the groom. In their marriage, Natalia and Alexander had 2 daughters - Lydia in 2007, Vera in 2011.

Who is the prince?

Alexander Chistyakov is an example of a self-made man. He was born in 1973 in Leningrad, after school he easily entered the Voznesensky Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute, successfully graduating from the Faculty of Marketing and Finance.

Career in economic sphere turned out well, and at a certain point Alexander took the post of head of the department for investment policy in large company"Unified Energy Systems of Russia", later he managed to join the board of directors of the enterprise.

At the same time, UN held a responsible position in IDGC Holding OJSC, but was forced to resign from the position of deputy director, concentrating all his working potential on Energosystems.

Since 2011, he has been a co-owner of the oil company Ruspetro, where he is Chairman of the Board of Directors. In addition, Chistyakov is trying his hand at creative activities; he wrote the script for the cartoon “Savva. Heart of a warrior." He also acted as a producer of the cartoon “Baba Yaga”, which was released in 2017

So different

After the wedding and the birth of her daughters, the outrageous Glucose changed a lot - she became feminine, softer and calmer. Jeans and boots with thick soles were thrown out of the wardrobe, feminine, sometimes very bold and revealing, but still dresses appeared.

Interesting notes:

For a while, interrupting creative activity, Glucose returned to the stage, but in a new look. True, show business dictates its own laws, but the husband accepts the rules of the game and understands Natasha. An indicative case was when all of secular and semi-secular Moscow (and not only Moscow) discussed the provocative image of Ionova, in which she appeared at one of the events.

It was a presentation of the new U-Boat watches, in the creation of which he took part Hollywood actor, now Russian, Steven Seagal. Glucose appeared at the presentation in a dress with and without a deep neckline underwear. When asked by journalists how the husband reacted to discussions, not always flattering, about his wife’s toilets, Glyukoza said that the husband often does not know what his wife left and came home in. “He doesn’t read women’s magazines, and Izvestia, unfortunately, doesn’t publish me,” she jokes. True, Alexander did not like the candid photo shoot in Maxim magazine. He expressed dissatisfaction, but interfered.

Natalya speaks of her husband as a very decent, well-mannered and intelligent person. And in every interview she expresses sincere joy that she is so lucky.

Photo of Glucose with her husband and children

Natalya Chistyakova often shares photos on Instagram, sometimes shots with her husband Alexander and children appear.
