Irina Krug’s husband Sergei Belousov - photo, biography. Mutual responsibility Former husband of Irina Krug

Glazko Irina, better known as Irina Krug, was born in 1976 in the city of Chelyabinsk. Their father was a military man, so discipline always reigned in their home.

Since childhood, Ira dreamed of a creative profession, and therefore was a regular at the Chelyabinsk House of Culture. The family of Irina Krug is little covered on the Internet, most of the information about her is as the wife of Mikhail Krug.

Irina Krug's husband

Nothing is known about Irina’s first wife; Irina Krug’s second husband is Mikhail Krug ( real name Vorobiev).

The couple met in a cafe. Then Irina served Mikhail’s table. He noticed her immediately. Before leaving, he invited the girl to work for him as a costume designer. The girl refused because she has a small daughter. But the singer was not one of those who give up at the first failure. A few days later, the Circle manager called Irina and tried to persuade her to accept the job offer again. And she agreed.

It would not be out of place to say that the relationship between Irina and Mikhail began very slowly. Mikhail had already stepped on the love rake more than once, got burned more than once, so he was in no hurry, looking closely at Irina. They lived in the same house, but were only employees and friends. They addressed each other by name and patronymic. Only after some time did they begin to get closer.

When their relationship grew into love, Krug was in no hurry to propose marriage. And they decided to sign at the registry office spontaneously. The couple was heading to the store, sportswear, when suddenly, Mikhail proposed to Irina, and they decided to immediately sign at the registry office, which was nearby. It was romantic, as Irina recalled.

A year after the wedding, the couple had a son. Unfortunately, all the joy of this event was overshadowed by the tragedy that happened a month and a half later - Mikhail Krug died at the hands of bandits.

In 2006, Irina got married for the third time. Businessman Sergei becomes her chosen one. Irina knew that many people judged her for this, but she, being a young mother of two beautiful children, really needed a man, love, and support.

Biography and personal life of Irina Krug

After the death of her husband, the biography and personal life of Irina Krug became interesting to many. At the same time, she was left with her daughter and infant son without a husband. She even had to leave home and live in a rented apartment for the first time, since she could no longer stay in the house where the tragedy occurred.

Mikhail Krug did not take Irina’s desire to sing seriously. One day, he bought her a karaoke machine to quench her thirst. It is still unknown why he did not consider the possibility of working as a duet.

Two years after the tragedy, Irina releases her first album, “The First Autumn of Separation.” And two years later, Irina Krug’s second album, entitled “To you, my last love"(words and music by M. Krug). For the albums, Irina used the unused texts and songs of her husband that she found.

Irina Krug quickly gained popularity, of course, not without the help of her late husband, but without her talent she would not have succeeded.

She became very famous in the world of chanson; millions of fans appeared over several years of the singer’s performances.

Even before the start of her singing career, Irina Krug received higher education, because in my early youth I did not have the opportunity to do this, but I really wanted to.

With her third husband, Sergei Belousov, Irina had another child - dreams Andrei.

Despite three children, Irina not only finds time for concerts and tours, but also to take care of herself. The secret of Irina’s slimness is the absence of fatty and fried foods in her diet. Also, Irina is grateful for her figure to genetics, because it decides a lot. Of course, how mother of many children and a singer, she is constantly in business, but more than once spoke about her desire to go in for sports to maintain physical health.

Children of Irina Krug

From her first marriage, Irina Krug has a daughter, Marina. She graduated from college (specialty - hotel complex) and entered the institute to obtain higher education. Son Alexander (from Mikhail Krug) studies at school. Plays several sports at once. He has a very good voice, as Irina herself noted. When Irina Krug takes him with her to rehearsals, the boy is often interested in drums.

Journalists constantly ask Irina about the future of her son Mikhail Krug, whether she would like him to follow in his father’s footsteps. To this, Irina always answered that if the boy showed interest and talent, he would approve of the desire to continue the family tradition.

The youngest Andrey is 4 years old. Irina Krug’s children and her husband are the most valuable thing. Their family has a tradition of singing the national anthem at New Year to the chimes. Irina also admitted that after the appearance of the youngest member of the family, she felt great trepidation, which was most likely due to her age.

My husband helped Irina with the baby in every possible way, especially in the first months. She also noted the considerable help of her mother and mother-in-law.

Of course, it’s hard to part with your children during another concert or tour. But Irina loves both her children and her profession. That’s why he worries about leaving every time and misses his family. But that's all free time The queen of chanson devotes herself to her family and prefers to relax at home. Noisy companies and parties are not for her. Home comfort, the love of people close to her are the most important thing, where she draws strength and inspiration.

The name of Irina Krug is becoming more and more popular every day. Having gone through many life difficulties (her husband Mikhail Krug died in 2002), she managed not only to successfully master a new profession and gain many fans, but also to maintain warmth and sincerity, which not every performer has. Looking at this beautiful and successful singer, it is difficult to imagine that she is... mother of many children. In September 2013, Irina and her new husband, businessman Sergei Belousov, had a son. Last Saturday the singer new program under the name “Chanel” came to Kirov. In an interview with Istochnik, which took place before the concert, Irina Krug spoke about her family and also shared her beauty secrets. Irina, I know that this is your second concert in Kirov...

Yes. I am happy to return to your city again and again. There is a very good crowd here. The listeners are kind and frank. And I am very pleased to introduce the Kirov residents to my new album.

I saw your busy touring schedule. How do you always manage to be in such great shape?

I always say it's genetics. I don't do any special procedures. The main thing is to monitor your diet. For example, I completely excluded mayonnaise from my diet, everything fatty and fried. At the same time, in addition to fish and chicken, I also enjoy eating meat, but only in boiled or stewed form... Also, do not forget about sports. Previously, I devoted many years to speed skating. Nowadays I rarely get to play sports. I really want to start going to Gym, I want to do swimming and yoga.

Didn't you follow the Olympics?
I tried to watch as much as possible. But mostly my husband enlightened me. He told me who won how many medals, who won, who scored how many.

By the way, does Sergei help in raising his son Andrei?
Certainly. Like all fathers, young fathers help their wives. He cares and worries a lot. My mother and my husband’s mother are also very worried and helpful. Without their help it would have been very difficult for me. After all, I have three children. Of course, there is not enough time.

Has the birth of your third child changed your life?
Yes. Life has changed completely. My attitude towards children has also changed. I became more touching. I began to love children even more (smiles).

Do you have a hard time being separated from your family while on tour?
Of course, separation is very painful for me. But we constantly talk on the phone. I always have a lot of photographs of children with me. I take them on tour with me and watch them. I always have my favorite faces before my eyes.

What do your older children do?
Marina is studying at college with a degree in hotel service. This year my daughter finishes her studies. Marina wants to study further. She plans to go to college. And Sasha goes to school. But we want to next year He entered our cadet corps. Maybe it will be the FSB corps. We don't know yet. Sasha played hockey, football, and swimming with us. He also really likes drums. When he comes to my concerts, he has a craving for drums. He always asks my drummer Denis to learn how to play the drums. This is amazing to me.

Would you like Alexander to follow in the footsteps of his legendary father?
All the will of God. In any case, if he wants to sing and perform Misha’s songs, I won’t object. But now Sasha doesn’t have much of a passion for music.

Do you have your own recipes for raising children?
I am sure, in essence, he is alone: ​​children must be loved. Only love and warmth can awaken goodness in them. You know, it seems to me that life is much more difficult for children now than it once was for us. It was a different time then, we lacked a lot, sometimes even basic things - food, clothing, but we, nevertheless, were kinder than the current generation. We wore identical jackets, but helped each other. Because there was morality in society. Nowadays, children have so many temptations and temptations... Of course, it’s not easy for them. But if we want our children to grow up to be real people, we need to instill goodness in them.

Irina, do you have traditions in your family?

There is one and the most important one. We always celebrate holidays together. And on New Year's Day we all sing the anthem. And everything is happening in a very interesting way. Parents and children stand up. And we all perform it in a friendly crowd. Sasha sings especially well. He is the most active.

How do you usually spend your free time?
In my free time, I like to stay at home and lie down. I'm not a fan of parties or noisy companies. I really like being at home, in silence, with my beloved husband, with my children, with my mother.

And finally, what would you wish to our readers?
Goodness, love and happiness! It is most important!

Krug Irina Viktorovna
Date and place of birth:
March 29, 1976, Chelyabinsk.
Career: in 1997-1999 she worked as a waitress in one of the restaurants in Chelyabinsk. In 1999, she met Russian chanson performer Mikhail Krug, who invited her to work for him as a costume designer. In 2002 (after the death of her husband Mikhail Krug) she began her career as a singer and released her first album, “The First Autumn of Separation”
Family: daughter Marina from her first marriage, son Alexander (born in 2002, father - Mikhail Krug), son Andrey (born in 2013, father - businessman Sergei Belousov).

Krug Irina Viktorovna (b. 1976) – Russian singer, performs Russian chanson, has repeatedly won the “Chanson of the Year” award. She was the second wife of the famous performer, the king of Russian chanson Mikhail Krug, who was killed in 2002.


Ira was born in the Ural city of Chelyabinsk on March 29, 1976. Her maiden name was Glazko. The girl was born in an ordinary Soviet family: Mom worked as a draftsman, dad was a military officer.

As a child, Irina, like many girls, dreamed of becoming an actress. While studying at school, she attended a theater group at a local cultural center. Although among her classmates she was known as timid and timid, she was especially shy when she was called to the board.

She also liked the profession of a dentist. If all her peers, playing with dolls, sewed outfits for them, then Irina treated the teeth of her toys. About Us early years and still always and everywhere pays attention to people with beautiful smiles and snow-white teeth.

But most of all in life, little Ira wanted to be a figure skater; she loved watching skating competitions on TV. figure skating. Irina went to the city skating rink with her friends, learning the moves and steps herself, but when her dad took her to the section, the girl was not accepted, they said it was too late. At home, she then sobbed bitterly, her parents consoled her as best they could. Ira remembers well how his father said then: “Let these be the bitterest tears of your life”.

Youth and first marriage

At school, Irina fell head over heels in love with a boy from her senior class. Youthful love was mutual, and then it seemed to both of them that it would last a lifetime.

Almost immediately after High school prom Ira became pregnant, she and her beloved went to the registry office, registered their relationship, and soon their daughter Marina was born.

After the birth of her daughter, Irina entered a trade college, at that time it was considered prestigious, and after graduation she got a job in a central department store youth fashion. A small, thin and pretty girl was often sent to advertise cars that were sold on the ground floor of the department store. But neither in the youth department, nor next to expensive foreign cars, Ira did not feel happy about her chosen profession; she was not interested in it.

Irina’s husband was educated as a dental technician, and she saw this as some kind of sign of fate, because it was not without reason that since childhood she had a special passion and respect for this profession.

But the husband became addicted to drugs, and under their influence not a trace remained of the kind and cheerful guy. He became angry, unbalanced, plus infidelity and alcohol addiction.

For a long time, Ira tried to get her husband out, return him to normal life, felt sorry for him and forgave everything. But when he swung at a woman with a knife, that was the limit. Thank God it didn't get into trouble. According to Irina herself, she could forgive if her husband decided to go on a spree, turned off his phone and did not come home to spend the night; she would treat him endlessly if he drank; but when it became scary to live next to him, she put an end to it until the child was left an orphan.

By that time, Irina’s parents had divorced; during the divorce, her father left her mother a one-room apartment. When my mother got married a second time, she moved to her new husband, and the apartment was empty. Ira moved there with her little daughter.

The salary that Irina received at the department store was meager; it was not enough to feed herself and her daughter. Former spouse didn't pay child support. A neighbor next door, observing how hard it was for a young woman with a child, offered to place her in the most prestigious restaurant in the city of Chelyabinsk, “Malachite,” where she herself worked. Ira understood that this establishment, called “the box” in local circles, could not just be entered from the street. But the neighbor really put in a good word for her, and Irina was hired, but first she had to take waitress courses.

Meet Mikhail Krug

She worked as a waitress at Malachite, and one evening they were expecting an important guest for dinner - the capital's chanson singer Mikhail Krug. Irina, as the most responsible person, was instructed by the restaurant director to ensure that the guest was served at the highest level.

Everything went without any complaints, and when Ira was already serving tea, she noticed that Mikhail was whispering about something with the restaurant director. Then they called her over and invited her to sit at the table. The circle immediately got down to business and said: “Come work for me.” The young girl replied: "Thank you!" and went to clear the tables.

Well after midnight, when the banquet in the next room ended and the waitresses were cleaning up, the director called Irina and said that Krug wanted to talk to her again. She was afraid that he had bad intentions about the young girl and asked her partner to be somewhere nearby all the time. Irina has already seen enough of how celebrities sometimes behave in this job; they immediately start grabbing their knees.

Mikhail spoke tactfully. He invited Ira to work for him as a dresser with a decent salary. But she couldn’t understand why he needed a girl from Chelyabinsk? Can’t he really find a person with experience working in Moscow? She replied that she could not accept this offer, since she had recently divorced her husband and was left alone with a small child who had no one to leave with. Krug looked carefully into her eyes, stood up and left. He left Chelyabinsk.

And soon another chanson star, Katya Ogonyok, came on tour to the Ural city; she was on excellent terms with the restaurant director and one evening dined at Malachite. When Katya found out that Krug offered Irina to leave with him, she said: “Misha is a serious person, if he decides, then he will take the girl to Moscow”.

Soon Mikhail Krug came to Chelyabinsk again, and this time Ira agreed to his job offer.

Life and work with Mikhail Krug

During a meeting with Mikhail in a hotel room, he dryly informed Irina that from now on she was a member of his team as a costume designer, and her first tour to the city of Volgograd was coming.

Ira left her daughter to be raised by her mother and stepfather and flew to Moscow.
Touring life began. In Tver, the Circle rented her an apartment, the salary was good, and they paid it regularly. Ira sent part of the money to her mother in Chelyabinsk, and, as soon as the opportunity arose, she rushed there to see her daughter Marinka. She kept very little money for herself, so she ate modestly and did not buy anything.

Later it turned out that Mikhail never had a costume designer on his team, and he invented this position especially for Irina, because he fell in love with her as a boy. But he was an extremely cautious person, so for a long time checked Ira and took a closer look at her.

Everyone in the team was already talking about the fact that Mikhail had chosen Ira as his beloved woman, she herself felt his gaze on her, but the matter did not go beyond a working relationship.

But the moment came when Krug could no longer endure it and came to Irina’s apartment in Tver. From that night on, he often came to see her, but as a team they did not advertise their relationship; while on tour they stayed in different hotel rooms.

Once before a concert in Moscow, in the dressing room, Mikhail joked with the backing vocalist about the residents of Chelyabinsk. Ira was struck by such conversations, and while the concert was going on, she got drunk out of grief, and then told Krug everything she thought about him. The next day, ashamed of her behavior, Irina packed her things, bought a plane ticket and got ready to fly home. Misha came to the airport for her, picked her up and brought her to his house as his mistress forever.

One day, driving past the registry office, they stopped, went in with what they were wearing, and signed. So the costume designer became Irina Viktorovna Vorobyova (this is the real name of Mikhail Krug). In the evening, friends came to them and they celebrated their wedding.

Ira began to put things in order in the huge house; she really wanted to show her husband that he had chosen a good housewife. She loved to cook for him and became a real loving and caring wife. He liked that his wife addressed him as “You” and called him Mikhail Vladimirovich. And Misha himself called his wife Irinka Viktorovna.

Mikhail had a son, Dimka, from his first marriage, who lived with his father, and Irina immediately began to treat him like her own. Ira also moved her daughter Marina to Tver, and over time the girl began to call Krug dad. Ira stopped going on tour, took care of the children and the house, and every time Misha brought her expensive dresses as a gift, which there was nowhere to wear, because they didn’t go anywhere, they were happy at home together. Then, when she became a singer, the outfits came in handy for her performances on stage.

In 2002, Irina and Mikhail had a son, Alexander.

And a month later, a terrible tragedy happened in their lives. The house was not entered famous people, who first tried to kill Irina’s mother, who came to help her daughter cope with the baby. And Mikhail Krug, who came out in response to the noise, received two bullets, from which he died the next morning in the hospital, as they passed through the abdominal cavity and tore open all the organs.


When Irina received an offer to sing Mikhail Krug’s songs, she was at first afraid of such responsibility. The widow of the king of chanson was afraid that she would not succeed, but at the same time this opportunity attracted her. But then Ira thought that in this way she could continue her husband’s work and preserve his memory.

She began to learn everything from scratch. Vika and Vadim Tsyganov helped her in many ways, they brought her to the studio, explained and showed everything.

In order to survive, provide for her children and finally get rid of the fear that constantly haunts her, Irina went on stage under the pseudonym of her husband - Krug. She always liked to sing before, but when she told her husband about it, he replied: “Stay at home, I’d rather buy you karaoke”.

Now Irina tours a lot, performing her husband’s songs, and people go to her concerts. She is happy that in this way she preserves the memory of the talented singer and musician Mikhail Krug.

Her first solo album was called “The First Autumn of Separation.” Then 8 more albums were released with compositions by Irina Krug, two of which she recorded in a duet with Alexey Bryantsev. Every year she takes part in the “Chanson of the Year” festival, where she invariably becomes an award winner.

Personal life

After Mikhail’s death, Irina completely changed her image, she became blonde, lost weight, and now looks amazing. She often recalls how Misha told her: “Remember, Irinka Viktorovna, you will only get prettier over the years.”. And he turned out to be right: Irina has such heredity that she becomes more and more interesting with age.

Several years passed after Mikhail's death, all this time Ira raised three children herself, Dima (Mikhail's son from his first marriage) wished to stay with her.

One day at a hairdresser, Irina met businessman Sergei Belousov, they began dating. The man was three years younger, and at first Ira had a terrible complex about this.

In 2006, Irina and Sergei got married and bought an apartment in Moscow (Ira left Mikhail Krug’s house to his mother and sister Olga). My mother and stepfather moved from Chelyabinsk to the capital and helped the singer raise her children.

Mikhail Krug’s son Dmitry graduated from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg. Daughter Marina is already quite an adult and is taking her first steps in the hotel business. Son Sasha studies well at school, he especially likes mathematics, often takes part in mathematical Olympiads and takes prizes.

In 2013, Irina became a mother again; in September, she and her husband Sergei had a son, Andrei.

Irina Krug is a successful Russian performer of chanson music. The singer is the widow of the no less popular Mikhail Krug, who was killed in 2002.

After the death of her husband, Irina started her own solo career to provide for themselves and their children. Today the girl is one of the most recognizable singers in Russia.

She was repeatedly nominated for prestigious awards and several times received the most prestigious award among performers of her genre - the “Chanson of the Year” statuette, the last of which she received in 2011. Where does the singer live now and what real estate does she own?

Irina moved to Tver after her wedding with her second husband, Mikhail Krug. It was he who gave the start to the career of the then aspiring young singer.

Initially, the girl planned to connect her life with the career of an actress, however, under the influence of her husband, she changed her views.

After the wedding in 2001, the newlyweds moved to Tver - that’s where the husband lived. Their house was located at 172 Osvobozhdeniye Street. At first glance, the building looks like an ordinary cottage.

It is equipped with several bedrooms, bathrooms, a large spacious living room, a kitchen and a guest area. In the backyard of the mansion there is a small garden and a cozy gazebo.

The house where Irina lived with Mikhail and children

After tragic events In 2002, in particular, after the sudden death of Mikhail Krug, the girl with her children and the singer’s mother continued to live in the mansion.

Today no one lives in the house of Mikhail Krug; it functions as a museum dedicated to the life of the singer.

After experiencing grief, she began to think about possible ways earnings to support the family.

Thanks to her husband's connections, she began a solo career. While living in her mansion with Mikhail, she wrote several songs that became the basis of her debut solo long play.

In addition to working on her career, Krug received higher education at Tverskoy state university, from which she graduated with honors in 2005.

Third marriage and move

At the end of 2005, Irina met Sergei Belousov, a famous businessman.

Now she lives with him, her two children from previous marriages and their joint son in Moscow, where the couple owns own home and an apartment.

Apartment. As you know, Sergei Belous insisted that Irina and her children change their situation and move them to live in Moscow.

There, the businessman purchased a spacious apartment in the Kurkino district. In the photo below, Irina and her children are walking in the courtyard of an apartment building.

Vacation home. It is known that the family also owns its own country house in the Moscow region. Irina herself mentioned this in one of her interviews. However, the exact location of their home is unknown to the public.

According to the popular singer, she lives with her husband and children in a country house, mainly in summer time of the year.

Irina took part in the “Let Them Talk” program and openly shared details from her personal life.

On May 24, Andrei Malazov’s program “Let Them Talk” was aired with the participation of the widow of the late singer Mikhail Krug, Irina, now also a popular and beloved singer by the public.

Her hit “Bouquet of White Roses” together with Viktor Korolev became one of the most popular on the Internet. And the performer’s concerts are invariably sold out.

Despite the fact that after the murder of Mikhail Krug 14 years ago, she was left without money and without outside help. And although famous surname her second husband played a role in her success, however, she also made a lot of efforts to win her place on the Russian stage.

“It was necessary to survive. Because Misha did not leave large fortunes. This is all talk... And when they came to open the safe, they thought that there was so much money there... I say: “There’s nothing there”...,” - Irina said. And yet, she managed to rise to the top of the musical Olympus. So, according to the singer, she visited the office of Joseph Kobzon, who explained to her the strict laws Russian show business. She learned these lessons well from the recognized master.

In the program, Irina told essentially the whole story of her life, in particular, she talked about all three of her marriages and the three children she gave birth to from each of her husbands - Marina, Alexander and Andrey.

Irina's first marriage was very difficult. The husband was from a very good family, a dentist by profession. From him she gave birth to a daughter, Marina. However, the husband first became addicted to drugs, then to alcohol and their family life went downhill.

By the way, Irina’s first husband recently died at the age of only 40.

Irina Krug with her first husband

Irina met Mikhail Krug when she worked as a waitress in the Chelyabinsk restaurant "Malachite". At that time it was the best and most prestigious restaurant in the city, visited by famous people. Incl. The chansonnier, who had already become widely popular, was also there.

Irina Krug is a waitress at the Chelyabinsk restaurant "Malachite". 90s

Once the director of Malachite instructed Irina to serve Mikhail Krug’s table. According to the girl, she was very scared, because Mikhail was known to be picky about food - he did not eat many foods (for example, garlic) and often caused scandals if the cooks were not pleased.

However, there was nothing to do - she went to fulfill her duties.

To Irina’s surprise, Mikhail offered her a job on his team. She did not immediately agree, because she believed that the star was simply mocking the provincial girl.

After dinner, Mikhail wanted to talk to Irina again. She asked her friend to stand with her - she was afraid to be alone with the singer.

“We were polishing cups for a banquet... He comes in... He was so polite. “I want to offer you a job, you will be a dresser.” It seems like you are earning money here. I say: “You know, I have a little daughter, I I won’t go.” I refused him,” Irina recalls.

No one in the team understood her; they said she was crazy for refusing such a tempting offer.

A big role was played by the fact that the then famous performer Katya Ogonyok came to the restaurant. The restaurant director told her about Krug's proposal to the waitress. And Katya Ogonyok remarked: “If Misha said it, then he will definitely take it away...”. This is what ultimately happened: Irina could not resist the onslaught of Mikhail.

Irina lived with Mikhail Krug for a relatively short time. They had two years civil marriage. In 2001 they officially got married. In 2002, the couple had a son, Alexander. And on the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002, Mikhail Krug was killed in his home by unknown assailants.

Even now it’s not easy for Irina to remember that tragic story...

Irina Krug in the program “Let Them Talk” (05/24/2016)

Now Irina is married for the third time. In 2006, she married businessman Sergei Belousov. They recently celebrated 10 years of marriage.

Irina Krug with her third husband Sergei

Irina Krug with her son from Sergei Belousov

In the “Let Them Talk” program, Irina showed her third husband. She also took the film crew through her new home.

On one of bookshelves one could notice a book about Mikhail Krug with a portrait of the singer on the cover.

According to Irina, she loves to cook; it is her hobby on which she spends her free time.

As for the older children, Marina is already an adult girl and lives separately from her mother with her boyfriend.

And here common son Irina and Mikhail Krug - Alexander - studies at a cadet school.

Daughter Marina

Son of Mikhail Krug Alexander

And, of course, in the program “Let Them Talk,” Irina Krug, together with Viktor Korolev, performed her hit “Bouquet of Scarlet Roses.”

Irina Krug and Viktor Korolev
