The husband of which zodiac sign is the best husband. Love and sex

Choosing a life partner has always been a serious problem. And although modern women can afford to get married more than once, no one wants to make unnecessary mistakes. Therefore, the question of how to choose a husband so as not to regret this choice in the future remains open. What should you pay attention to when choosing a spouse? How will this or that man show himself in marriage? Astrology will help you find out how, based on the signs of the Zodiac, men behave during a wedding.

Aries in marriage: a good father and lover

If Aries is calm and self-confident in marriage, then he will become a protector, a loving, faithful husband and father, and a good lover. Aries born in the Year of the Dog (faithful dog) and in the Year of the Pig (heart of gold) are especially reliable. And yet, the stability of Aries’s marriage is under threat more than that of other signs.
Aries like to brag, exaggerate their achievements, and command their partner. If a woman is strong, impulsive or ill-mannered, if he is a leader by nature and begins to contradict, then conflicts arise even over small things. Let him blow off some steam. You can’t argue with Aries - he doesn’t hear you and can offend you, even if he later regrets it. Aries fires up quickly and calms down quickly. Aries wives, remember that peace in the home and your happy family life depend only on your tact, patience and love.

Taurus: a good master and a faithful husband

Taurus people do well in marriage and family life. They are peace-loving and cannot stand shouting or quarrels. Although they can be stubborn, capricious over little things and lazy, they are generally patient, careful and pliable. They love the comfort of home, good food and are ready to arrange the house and garden themselves.
Taurus fathers are usually gentle, warm parents who care for their children, although they can be a bit dictatorial towards them. Exclusive owners of their woman, they do not imply deception, affairs or flirting on the side. Relationship disharmony and instability are not for them. Adultery is unforgivable and will destroy a marriage. Taurus goes through the hell of jealousy, despondency and does not want any reconciliation; he may fall into alcohol addiction, “Don Juanism” or deep depression.

Gemini men in relationships

Here are examples from life. The girl asks: “We had such wonderful meetings, we understood each other so much, why did he disappear?” The woman is surprised: “We had such great sex, why doesn’t he try to repeat this unforgettable night?” Because there is a certain coolness in the nature of Gemini, a moment of mood is often mistaken for high feelings by both the Gemini themselves and their partners.
Gemini is a cold-blooded sign. First, the desire to learn new things pushes them into a love adventure, and then their sophisticated intellect begins to analyze everything, compare all the pros and cons, analyze the thoughts, words and actions of their partner. If this is unprofitable for him, he is transferred to a new target. Therefore, in their youth they are fickle, and in adulthood they divorce.
A Gemini wife in her late forties may ask: “My husband suddenly packed up his things and left for another woman. He will return?" Most likely, the triangle situation will drag on for a long time. When Gemini decides to leave the family, he does not have the patience to sort things out and wait for a divorce. He prefers to simply disappear, he may lie. So does this mean that men of the Gemini sign are completely unreliable and should not be in a relationship with them at all? Of course not! After all, they are not polygamous, do not strive for infidelity, and prefer one woman. You just need to know their main features and take them into account.

Cancer husband: the most attractive man, but so mysterious

Just as the Moon changes its phases, people born under the sign of this planet are changeable, and their behavior depends on circumstances and mood. Let's take a closer look at Cancers in marriage and life.
Developed intuition, the ability to carry on a conversation and be a friend, allows them to win a girl. But the femininely romantic and sensual Cancers, behind the facade of external charm, childish naivety and enthusiasm, hide the ambitious nature of a man who is aggressive in his demands. They are not created for marriage, because they strive to suppress others.

Leo husband: reliable protection, happiness and prosperity

The symbol of the king of beasts, the Lion demonstrates power, ambition and pride. He is only angry when he is hungry or his territory is being invaded. But few people can encroach on this, so Leo is usually calm and kind. Let's take a closer look at Leo in marriage and life.
Leos are the children of the Sun. Their ruling planet gives them energy, strength and health. Their motto is: I intend and I do. Their mode of action: to give offspring, wealth, happiness and development.
Both the Sun and Leo symbolize the masculine type of behavior that magnetically attracts women.

Virgo husband: practical, reliable and constant, but why doesn’t everyone appreciate this?

Virgo men in marriage
Virgos usually get married after a long courtship, subjecting their beloved to many tests, after which they fall in love with her forever. Virgos in marriage require their partners and children to live in a disciplined manner. In the family, everything is assigned an exact time and place, everything must be in “virgin” order, but they also give their all. After all, such a man chose you to serve you. He provides well for his family and will be faithful. Cheating on his wife can turn his character around, and the thirst for love will turn into a thirst for revenge. Provided that his wife is attentive to him and friendly, he becomes an excellent family man.

Libra husband: in search of spiritual love

Libra men in marriage
Libra is ruled by marriage. Libras in marriage are the best husbands who provide for the family well, create an atmosphere of harmony, and are good fathers. They often rely on women to achieve success and goals. Libras need stability more than other signs and rarely get divorced.
There may be some dissatisfaction on the part of the wife, since Libras in marriage soon get tired of the physical aspect of the relationship (they are more concerned with the spiritual component), and after the romantic period, frequent caresses and regular intimacy begin to strain them over time. Everything can be fine in married life if you do not require your husband to constantly pretend to be a passionate lover and allow him to freely engage in social activities or his hobbies.
If a husband suddenly has a casual affair on the side, it is only because he cannot say “no” to anyone. It will end for him rather with a feeling of guilt and repentance.

Scorpio husband: the most passionate lover

Scorpio men in marriage
And yet Scorpios get married. Scorpios in marriage meaningfully choose a woman who is mentally compatible. They guard their home like a fortress, provide for their family and are excellent fathers, although they can be overly harsh. However, extramarital affairs are not uncommon among Scorpios. They perceive sex on the side as an area of ​​human relations independent of marriage, but they will never allow casual love affairs to threaten the family and, having gotten married, do not allow the thought of divorce. You will say that this is immoral, that they are selfish. Perhaps so. But nature created them that way. His sexual appetites and possibilities are unlimited. In addition, sex restores his strength to continue working for the good of the family. If the wife understands this, then he will value his wife even more. In addition, he easily manages to satisfy his wife. Dear wives, think better about how to please your beloved Scorpio in marriage. Give him enough sex, but don't do it too quickly. In his youth, Scorpio loves soft light, romantic music and the aroma of perfume. Later, bright lights, mirrors and a well-groomed, clean body. A wife must be careful, devoted and faithful in everything. Scorpios are owners, don’t give them any reason to doubt. Don't insult: he will remember and take revenge. Remember that Scorpio can have outbursts of unexpected aggression, when he can take it out on you. Don't react violently. In his race for success, he is simply exhausted physically and mentally today. You better get him a bath. Tomorrow he will forget his troubles and will be grateful to you. Don't bear a grudge against him.

Sagittarius husband: shoots in all directions

What is Sagittarius like in marriage and love?

In love, Sagittarius is known as a seeker of adventure, adventure and pleasure, as a fickle fire that will burn and disappear everything. You will notice and distinguish him in any crowd. As a rule, Sagittarius is dressed in high-quality things, well tailored and sewn, if flashy, then branded, and carries himself confidently. He flirts with everyone and can talk about any topic: philosophy, science, politics, religion. He will choose a girl who is bright, different from others: a beauty or a smart girl, the best student or an informal girl, an Asian or an African, etc. If you fall under the spell of his unconventionality, remember that he can disappear after a very short romance as unexpectedly as he appeared. Sagittarians are delighted with sexual adventures, and they like not so much sex as a change of partner. Experiencing intimacy, they sincerely believe in love, give their all, but soon sad, tender memories remain from the meeting. Sagittarians are not often found in marriage: it is believed that they are not created for a long-term union. Their goals in life are varied, but serving a woman will never be their goal.
Sagittarians marry when they come to the conclusion that the ideal friend does not exist and choose intellectual communication or tolerance and comfort. The wife must create an atmosphere of prosperity and ease of communication. Not only does she know how to improve his opinion of herself, but she manages the house well. Sagittarius in marriage will be an excellent protector, provider and father. He can be romantic, noble, if there is motivation. At the same time, connections on the side are commonplace. Sometimes a husband confesses to his wife that he has been unfaithful, and the wife agrees to such a relationship. One can only be amazed at the talent and ability of Sagittarius to achieve their goals and force others to live by their rules.

Capricorn husband: reliable friend

Do you want to marry a stable and reliable husband? Choose Capricorn! Such men are simple, honest and reliable, like the earth itself. Find out everything about Capricorns in marriage in our article.
Capricorn: stable and attractive
Capricorns fall in love with difficulty, but they love deeply, although they do not know how to express their feelings. If a Capricorn man has chosen his one and asked her to marry, he will always remain faithful and is unlikely to get divorced - and he has a strong craving for home, family and stability. These men retain their charm and freshness until old age. So you will never be ashamed to go out with your beloved man.

Aquarius husband: freedom-loving husband

What is an Aquarius man like in marriage?
Aquarius in marriage is a faithful and devoted husband. Among the men of this sign there are quite a lot of monogamous people. He will provide for his family, help relatives, and will always find a way to earn enough money. Often he works all his life for the benefit of his family. He trusts his wife, does not control her, does not force her to change. Even in quarrels he makes compromises. You can always come to an agreement with him. Even if he leaves a woman, he is ready to maintain friendly relations and help for a long time.
And yet, among Aquarius there are the most divorces. They leave him because they consider him selfish. They believe that he does more for others than for his family. He is always busy, and his loved ones do not always know where he is and what he is doing now. Aquarius leaves his home when a woman tries to "pin him up her skirt." Life even in a golden cage is not for him. He silently and for a long time prepares his release, but at one fine moment he simply disappears in an unknown direction without saying a word.

Pisces husband: sensual nature and devoted partner

What are Pisces men like in a relationship with a woman?

Love for a woman in the life of Pisces men occupies no less place than self-realization. Boys of this sign mature early and fall in love platonically: with a high school student, a teacher, an unattainable girl, and sometimes with unworthy people in the hope of saving them with his love. Love comes to them secretly, grows imperceptibly, and more often the lover does not dare to open his feelings for a long time, but cherishes his dream alone. Having matured, Pisces men can also love on the highest spiritual level, with dreams and poems, with prayers or an easel and brush in hand. Feelings overwhelm them, Pisces’ speeches drive them crazy, they consider their beloved to be an ideal, they tolerate and forgive shortcomings. Their sensuality excites a woman and gives her true pleasure of spiritual and earthly love.
But among Pisces there are also men who do not love at all, preferring a variety of sexual pleasures. Or men who are “collectors” of women. But even in this case, they respect, value and protect the items in their collection. And if Pisces cannot make a decision and understand: to leave, leave or return, then they will silently move away. They are not conquerors: they will not win you away from a rival or create scenes of jealousy, preferring to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their beloved. Your fish will flash its silvery fin and swim away. And who is happy in this case? No one. Both are wounded. Pisces love can be heaven or hell. Will you take a risk, girls? Then - go ahead! Help him conquer you.

Aries husband: hot head and ardent heart

Aries are warriors, ready to conquer new spaces in the world around them. Their head is full of ideas, and their energy is aimed at their immediate implementation. Let's take a closer look at Aries in marriage and life.
He is ready for love from an early age and falls in love at first sight. A girl can meet him in the gym, nightclub or on some trip. Aries prefer active recreation. Praise him among your friends, and you will attract his attention. If Aries falls in love, he will be romantic, sentimental, and some representatives of the sign are capable of heroism. He wants to get the object of his desire at any cost, and if refused, his passion turns into obsession. In love, Aries sincerely believes in his feelings and can promise everything you dream of. The fire of his heart and assertiveness ignite and excite. It's impossible not to fall in love with him.
If Aries is calm and self-confident in marriage, then he will become a protector, a loving, faithful husband and father, and a good lover. Aries born in the Year of the Dog and the Year of the Boar are especially reliable.
You can’t argue with Aries - he doesn’t hear you and can offend you, even if he later regrets it. Aries fires up quickly and calms down quickly. Aries wives, remember that peace in the home and your happy family life depend only on your tact, patience and love.

Leo, Sagittarius, and Gemini women pacify Aries with their calmness, and such unions can be stable. Aquarius and Libra are very attractive to Aries on a physical level. Aries fall in love with girls of the Virgo and Taurus sign and even get married, but in these unions some misunderstanding persists for a long time. Cancers, Pisces, Scorpios, Capricorns are better off avoiding Aries.

Taurus Husband: Loyal and Caring

Self-confidence, self-esteem, common sense and good physical shape of Taurus men attract girls and women. Let's take a closer look at Taurus in marriage and life.
The symbol of the horoscope sign Taurus is a bull resting all four hooves on the ground. These people live earthly lives, and do not soar in the clouds. They are practical, thorough, earn money through work, know how to save and spend wisely. They will always find benefits, but are not prone to intrigue. Although they do not like restrictions, strong physical stress, and therefore often go to extremes. More than other signs, they tend to smoke, drink, seek variety in sex, and are gay. Despite their outward closeness, Taurus’ feelings are stronger than those of other signs.
It is almost impossible to seduce him with all kinds of feminine tricks. Restraint, some indecisiveness, maintaining distance, your success in work or study will attract him more. The Taurus guy is persistent, he will stubbornly achieve his goal, and if you saw the fire of desire in his eyes, the signs of attention on his part became persistent and regular, which means deep feelings have arisen.
Desires and feelings for Taurus are one and the same. Now physical intimacy determines everything. Taurus attach great importance to behavior in sex and do not tolerate frigidity in their partner. He is open in all manifestations of intimacy and assumes the same openness in a woman. If a Taurus has fallen in love with you, his love is touching and tender, strong passion, not complicated by conclusions, excites and lasts a long time. Many Taurus are ready to surround their chosen ones with luxury. If Taurus proposed, it means he looked at you more than once, and his choice was meaningful, marriage is designed for reciprocity, fidelity and the inadmissibility of divorce.
Taurus people do well in marriage and family life. They are peace-loving and cannot stand shouting or quarrels. Although they can be stubborn, capricious over little things and lazy, they are generally patient, careful and pliable. They love the comfort of home, good food and are ready to arrange the house and garden themselves. Taurus fathers are usually gentle, warm parents who care for their children, although they can be a bit dictatorial towards them. Exclusive owners of their woman, they do not imply deception, affairs or flirting on the side. Relationship disharmony and instability are not for them. Adultery is unforgivable and will destroy a marriage. Taurus goes through the hell of jealousy, despondency and does not want any reconciliation; he may fall into alcohol addiction, “Don Juanism” or deep depression.
Divorced Taurus is often broken and dependent on negative addictions. Relationships with him are difficult. But if Taurus overcomes his possessive, jealous nature, then there is no more ideal lover and husband. Women strive for marriage with Taurus. And most often, Taurus is happy in marriage, although he does not make much effort to do so.

For Taurus, a harmonious union with Virgo, Capricorn, Leo, Gemini, Aquarius (for love and friendship) is harmonious. Signs of Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius should be avoided.

Gemini husband: grief from the mind or happiness from the intellect

Charming, with developed intelligence, excellent memory, able to listen and understand, witty, they magnetically attract and bewitch. One of the most incomprehensible, contradictory and unpredictable signs of the Zodiac is Gemini. Let's take a closer look at Gemini in marriage and life.

Even Geminis who have not received sufficient education surprise with their intelligence and resourcefulness. They always understand their benefits, achieve success, and know how to arrange their lives quite comfortably, although not immediately. A Gemini man will always charm the desired woman. As much as the Gemini mind is rational, their feelings are chaotic. They have a very sensitive nervous system, and even a woman's touch can arouse desire. Constant readiness for action and impatience pushes him to rash actions. After a surge of emotions, the mind enters the fight. And a woman who seemed attractive yesterday seems uninteresting tomorrow.
Gemini is a cold-blooded sign. First, the desire to learn new things pushes them into a love adventure, and then their sophisticated intellect begins to analyze everything, compare all the pros and cons, analyze the thoughts, words and actions of their partner. If you like a man of this sign and he likes you, keep a longer distance from him, the best position is that of a touchy girl with a strict upbringing and good education, or a divorced woman who is careful.
Gemini is the sign that, like no other, gives importance to childhood impressions that influence his entire life. If his family or one of his parents has instilled in him the correct moral concepts, then he will adhere to these rules and transfer them to his family. But if in his youth or childhood there were no correct moral guidelines, then such a guy will rebel against conventions, break off relationships and family ties. The same will happen for Geminis in marriage.

In youth, Gemini is best suited for Libra, Taurus, Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio. They stabilize Gemini's indecisiveness. By the age of thirty, Gemini becomes less restless and will appreciate the stability of Taurus, as well as the personality and passion of Aries. After 40 years, Gemini has already learned to control their restless mind and at this time can be compatible with Sagittarius and happy with Gemini in marriage. Gemini is incompatible with the signs: Pisces and Virgo.

Cancer husband: the most attractive man, but so mysterious

Developed intuition, the ability to carry on a conversation and be a friend, allows them to win a girl. But the femininely romantic and sensual Cancers, behind the facade of external charm, childish naivety and enthusiasm, hide the ambitious nature of a man who is aggressive in his demands. They are not created for marriage, because they strive to suppress others.
Cancer men are slowly moving towards what they want to have. The eastern wisdom “The patient wins” refers specifically to this sign, which allows Cancer to outperform all competitors. This behavior convinces a woman (and sometimes misleads) that he loves and is attached for a long time. If his eyes sparkle, he is talkative, cheerful, looking for a meeting, you immediately understand: he liked you. He prefers a date alone, with pleasant music, nostalgic memories of the first meeting, accidental touches and tender, timid kisses. His feelings seem sincere, and they really are.
In bed he seems like an ideal lover. The constellation Cancer rules our breasts, and your boyfriend is excited by this particular part of the body. He controls his sexual desires, is able to play a long love game, and is a leader. You can remember the first night for a long time and look forward to the next one.
Cancer loves comfort, strives to have his own home and is looking for a faithful wife. If you started living in a civil marriage, you will see with what pleasure he arranges his home and selectively chooses household items. The Cancer partner in marriage is confident that he has found his happiness: love, partner and friend.
With good intentions and a sincere desire to have a family, Cancer gets tired of long efforts for the good of the home or simply gets bored with relationships that have become familiar. In his youth, without any compassion, he leaves numerous girls in love with him. Cancers in marriage cheat at the opportunity without feeling guilty. Cancers are the most promiscuous signs. Cancers are possessive, they are suspicious and jealous in love: their mood can change from euphoria to melancholy. He hides in his crustacean shell, and this makes you suffer. Trying to evoke frankness, sympathy or pity will not help.
Be tolerant of his desire to brag, support his intentions to be the main one in your relationship. Avoid conflicts. He cannot stand criticism, harsh conversation and loud women. Give him the opportunity to feel successful and young: clothes, furnishings, entertainment. And most importantly, Cancer wants to be loved faithfully, all the time waiting for confirmation that you really need him. Women, be sincere in your feelings, kind and gentle.

An alliance with Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo and Pisces is favorable. Leo attracts Cancer with its strength. Cooperation, friendship, and a happy marriage can arise between them. With Pisces - a harmonious union in friendship and love. With Aquarius - friendship and respect. An alliance with Libra and Capricorn is unfavorable and even contraindicated.

Leo husband: reliable protection, happiness and prosperity

Symbol of the king of beasts, the Lion demonstrates power, ambition and pride. He is only angry when he is hungry or his territory is being invaded. But few people can encroach on this, so Leo is usually calm and kind. Let's take a closer look at Leo in marriage and life.
Leos are the children of the Sun. Their ruling planet gives them energy, strength and health. Their motto is: I intend and I do. Their mode of action: to give offspring, wealth, happiness and development. Both the Sun and Leo symbolize the masculine type of behavior that magnetically attracts women.
They stand out from the crowd just by their appearance: strong build, athletic, neatly combed and well dressed. Many of them are not averse to wearing men's jewelry, expensive accessories and branded clothing. Balance and cheerfulness give these men charm. Not always skilled in intimate relationships, they captivate with their passion and sensitivity. The Leo man is never rude in love, he is gentle and romantic. He will try to please his partner, preferring a strong connection rather than pure sex. In addition, the Leo guy is the most faithful of all the signs. Success in Leo's career and financial independence inspire a sense of reliability. He is not greedy and gladly gives gifts. Such a husband may say: “I need more and more money so that my wife and children have better clothes, a car, a house, a vacation...”. And for him this goal is quite achievable.
He does not need to be conquered by successes in his career; it is better not to confuse Leo with superiority and assertiveness, remaining a little behind. Leo in marriage considers himself a king, he is called to lead. Recognize his business qualities, express respect, flatter and admire your chosen one.
Focus Leo's attention on your feminine attractiveness. Emphasize your seductiveness and sexuality with well-groomed clothes and elegant lingerie. When meeting, create an atmosphere of luxury, comfort, intimacy with pleasant music and a light aroma of perfume: “everything for you, beloved.” Leos, especially in marriage, cannot stand even the thought of rivals, so tell him that you have never loved anyone as much as him, even if this is not entirely true.

Until the age of 30, Leo is compatible with Aries and Sagittarius. Up to 42 years old - with Capricorns and Geminis. After 42 years - with Libra and Scorpio.

Virgo husband: practical, reliable and constant, but why doesn’t everyone appreciate this?

A Virgo man is not easy to understand. He is practical and taciturn. But underneath the outer coldness hides an amorous and vulnerable heart. Let's take a closer look at Virgo in marriage and life.
He considers all of you, girls and women, ideal, but he is hindered by uncertainty and timidity in front of you. Take a closer look, have patience, and the reward for your love will be the sincere tenderness and devotion of the Virgo man. It is unlikely that you will notice him in the club. He wears discreet clothes, there is no fiery searching look, no calf enthusiasm in flirting and excitement in dancing. The Virgo man has no talent for undertaking anything - he is rarely a conqueror of women's hearts.
Passion seems to Virgos to be a disease of the soul. They analyze their feelings, under the guise of secrecy or ridicule, and try to prove their affection with deeds rather than words of love. Virgos are not just calm, but very prudent and careful. They make demands on their partner in accordance with their ideal: they pay attention to how you behave, how you look, they look closely at you, how polite you are. They expect moral integrity, chastity, affection and similar goals: work, intellectual interests, etc. Sex is not the tool to keep them. In addition, Virgos are afraid of getting infected and almost never enter into casual relationships.
With flattery and admiration you can inspire him to do anything. He will show passion even when there is none. In sex, Virgos are quite skilled and can satisfy any taste, but what strikes a woman most is the tenderness that other men are not capable of. However, they always remember their behavior in bed and the behavior of their partner, notice body details: skin color, shape of toes, smells, and if they don’t like something, they can turn away forever. An observant and critical mind, pickiness and even snobbery often make them lonely for a long time, and sometimes misanthropes, inveterate skeptics and drug addicts. Among them there are also sexual tramps with a penchant for pornography, changing women one after another when the heart is completely cold.
Virgos usually get married after a long courtship, subjecting their beloved to many tests, after which they fall in love with her forever. Virgos in marriage require their partners and children to live in a disciplined manner. In the family, everything is assigned an exact time and place, everything must be in “virgin” order, but they also give their all. After all, such a man chose you to serve you. He provides well for his family and will be faithful. Cheating on his wife can turn his character around, and the thirst for love will turn into a thirst for revenge. Provided that his wife is attentive to him and friendly, he becomes an excellent family man.

All three earth signs: Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn behave passively in their youth, but their goals coincide and their connections are honest. They are suitable for each other because they are strict, patient and organized in the pursuit of professionalism and financial stability. But, having reached the age of 30, Virgos loosen their strictness, fixation on work and are now compatible with Scorpios and Cancers, who help them free themselves from restrictions and get a taste of life. But Virgo’s rationalism hurts Cancer’s sensitivity. With Scorpios, Virgos can be happy, but they look at life too differently. Unions with Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer often fall apart. By the age of 42, Virgos have already developed enough to appreciate the intelligence and activity of Sagittarius. But Sagittarius is not suitable for Virgo for marriage. He should also avoid Aries. Frequent conflicts are possible with Libra.
No sign has more bachelors than Virgo, because they are very indecisive in the courtship stage and in their choice.

Libra husband: in search of spiritual love

Happy is the woman who loved or loves a man of the Libra sign; she experienced the real happiness of spiritual romantic love. All her life she will be accompanied by the scent of roses from her first date, the smell of candles and the melody of her first happy night. Let's take a closer look at Libra in marriage and life.
Libras were born under the auspices of Venus and belong to the element of Air. As a man of the air element, he is endowed with an analytical mind, intuition and understanding. Libras do not follow passion, do not lie, and have lofty ideals. He is an honest, attentive person, a wonderful friend and partner. Traditionally, the planet Venus is associated with beauty, love and women. He, like a woman, is charming, his smile is irresistible, and his correct behavior and delicacy of communication captivate. Men of this type look for external and internal beauty in a woman, always hoping that she will become their spiritual accomplice. But Libra is not always happy, since the illusions of a romantic often collide with the cruelty of real life, and the absolute harmony that they seek all their lives is impossible.
He came to you to woo you, and is taking a closer look. Give him time to understand and get to know you, do not rush into actions and decisions. He doesn't fall in love at first sight. Libra fluctuates between reason and desire - it needs time to balance. He enjoys platonic love for you and appreciates your spiritual values. He likes to delight you, seduce you, and in return he expects praise, approval and admiration. A loving woman should wait until his romantic period turns into the need for intimacy, and he will be the first to give her a signal.
During love, Libras are very idealistic. They require long love play: caresses, kisses, after which sexual intercourse must take place quite quickly, otherwise their aesthetic feelings will be offended. The setting makes a big impression. Their planet Venus requires luxury: silk shirts, lingerie, perfume, soft light and romantic music.
Libras in marriage are the best husbands who provide well for the family, create an atmosphere of harmony, and are good fathers. They often rely on women to achieve success and purpose. Libras need stability more than other signs and rarely get divorced. Everything can be fine in married life if you do not require your husband to constantly pretend to be a passionate lover and allow him to freely engage in social activities or his hobbies. If a husband suddenly has a casual affair on the side, it is only because he cannot say “no” to anyone. It will end for him rather with a feeling of guilt and repentance.

The scales balance gradually. Therefore, different partners are suitable for them at different periods of life. Until about the age of 30, they are attracted to Gemini and Aquarius. Their connections are fragile and changeable. After 30, Libras become more practical. Now they are more compatible with the signs of Scorpio and Aries, since they have aggressive ambition and assertiveness (this is what Libra lacks), but they also strive for a stable family, and they are seduced by the calm behavior of Libra. By the age of 42, Libra has already made some kind of career, learned to control their intellect, and is now compatible with the romantic Pisces and Sagittarius.

Scorpio husband: the most passionate lover

War or sex - this is what the planet Mars, ruling Scorpio, portends. But you don’t want to fight with your man, right? Let's take a closer look at Scorpios in marriage and life. But do not forget that this is a water sign. And just as water quenches thirst and gives life, so Scorpio quenches the desires of passion, love, his own and his partners, drawing into the pool of caresses and pleasure.
Girls, women, wives, you may suddenly encounter a man’s gaze asking for love, and unquenchable lust in the eyes of Scorpio. Sooner or later you will respond to this call of alluring eyes, and you yourself will not understand how you already ended up in his bed. What excitement, adrenaline, sex and pleasure! But don't rush to make plans for the future. ! Scorpio is an excellent lover, but he never allows himself to relax and fall under a woman's spell. Availability doesn't appeal to him. He must defeat a woman who is independent and equal in mind, and enjoy the victory. Having defeated you, he may soon leave you, although he will do it nobly.
If love is the soul, and the flesh is passion, then they constantly fight among themselves. The soul wants to be faithful, and the body requires new thrills. He seeks love to justify passion, and sometimes he himself cannot distinguish one from the other. He falls in love, but, unfortunately, he doesn’t know for how long. This is the most incorrect sign of the Zodiac, if we are talking about a man. And you will not change his decision to leave - it is irrevocable. Scorpio is the hero of love triangles. He will not show his feelings in public, he can behave indifferently, sometimes rudely, and even cruelly, but in private he opens up completely and admits his feelings. If it happens that it is impossible to conclude a marriage, he can love his chosen one stronger and more tenderly than his legal husband.
Scorpios do not marry for a long time, have love affairs, approach sex easily and usually begin to engage in it at an early age. This is the sexiest sign of the horoscope, and it is quite difficult to imagine Scorpio in marriage, in the role of a respectable husband. And yet Scorpios get married. Scorpios in marriage meaningfully choose a woman who is mentally compatible. They guard their home like a fortress, provide for their family and are excellent fathers, although they can be overly harsh. However, extramarital affairs are not uncommon among Scorpios. They perceive sex on the side as an area of ​​human relations independent of marriage, but they will never allow casual love affairs to threaten the family and, having gotten married, do not allow the thought of divorce. You will say that this is immoral, that they are selfish. Perhaps so. But nature created them that way. His sexual appetites and possibilities are unlimited. In addition, sex restores his strength to continue working for the good of the family. If the wife understands this, then he will value his wife even more. In addition, he easily manages to satisfy his wife.

Around the age of 30, all water signs are attracted to each other. Scorpios are attracted to Pisces and Cancers for their closeness, charm and emotionality. As Scorpio gets older, he looks for a partner. The cunning and intelligence of these men can attract the business woman of Capricorn or the reserved, sexy Virgo. Taurus and Libra can tolerate the aggression and power that Scorpio has developed. After 40 years, Scorpio will appreciate the intellectual Sagittarius or Aquarius. For marriage, Scorpio is suitable for the horoscope sign Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Virgo. He must avoid Aquarius and Leo.

Sagittarius husband: shoots in all directions

Sagittarians are born under the sign of Jupiter, the planet of luck. As if knowing their purpose, they are optimistic, energetic and determined to succeed, craving money and power. This planet endowed them with an inquisitive mind and a desire to conquer. Let's take a closer look at Sagittarius in marriage.
The combination of human intelligence with animal endurance and sexual insatiability is characteristic of this sign. His duality is expressed in an astrological symbol: the Archer Centaur. A centaur is a mythical creature with a human head, arms, upper torso and the body of a horse. Accordingly, Sagittarius can be of two types: loyal, idealistic, who direct their sexual energy to creativity, serving others: Sagittarius chose the right goal, strived for it and made his desires come true. Other Sagittarius take the path of philandering and red tape - they shoot in all directions and at random. They can have several relationships at the same time and rejoice at every sexual victory. Love for such Sagittarius is sport, adventure, rapture. Despite all their variability and desire for diversity, Sagittarians are trusting, cheerful, good-natured, love nature, and have a kind soul.
love Sagittarius is known as a seeker of adventure, adventure and pleasure, as a fickle fire that will burn and disappear everything. You will notice and distinguish him in any crowd. As a rule, Sagittarius is dressed in high-quality things, well tailored and sewn, if flashy, then branded, and carries himself confidently. He flirts with everyone and can talk about any topic: philosophy, science, politics, religion. He will choose a girl who is bright, different from others: a beauty or a smart girl, the best student or an informal girl, an Asian or an African, etc.
Sagittarians are not often found in marriage: it is believed that they are not created for a long-term union. Their goals in life are varied, but serving a woman will never be their goal. Sagittarians marry when they come to the conclusion that the ideal friend does not exist and choose intellectual communication or tolerance and comfort. The wife must create an atmosphere of prosperity and ease of communication. Not only does she know how to improve his opinion of herself, but she manages the house well. Sagittarius in marriage will be an excellent protector, provider and father. He can be romantic, noble, if there is motivation. One can only be amazed at the talent and ability of Sagittarius to achieve their goals and force others to live by their rules.

Sagittarius is compatible in different ways in different years. Sagittarius guys prefer Leo and Aries. Taurus and Pisces are good partners. After thirty years, if they are sufficiently educated, they choose Gemini and Virgo, who fascinate them with their intelligence. After 42 years, Sagittarius becomes powerful and can get along with the same powerful Leo, Libra and Aquarius.

Capricorn husband: reliable friend

Do you want to marry a stable and reliable husband? Choose Capricorn! Such men are simple, honest and reliable, like the earth itself. Find out everything about Capricorns in marriage in our article.
Capricorns fall in love with difficulty, but they love deeply, although they do not know how to express their feelings. If a Capricorn man has chosen his one and asked her to marry, he will always remain faithful and is unlikely to get divorced - and he has a strong craving for home, family and stability. These men retain their charm and freshness until old age. So you will never be ashamed to go out with your beloved man.
How to win Capricorn? With a vulgar, extravagant outfit, expensive jewelry, non-standard defiant behavior and an abundance of makeup, you are more likely to repel him than to attract him. Don't use too harsh perfumes. Classic or vintage clothing – your style. Do not wear hoodies, shapeless sweaters and trousers. Unobtrusively emphasize your femininity. A short, fitted dress with a moderate neckline and stiletto heels will always be in place. Capricorn is devoid of romanticism and is not capable of intrigue, and does not know how to show signs of attention. A capricious, hot-tempered and always dissatisfied or arrogant woman will irritate him. The friendly tone of the conversation, modesty, calmness, the ability to go into the shadows and give him the right to lead will interest him. And a gentle smile and a shy look will charm you.
Capricorn is clean and loves order. Capricorns are squeamish and do not like casual relationships. Don't rush to take him to the bedroom until you're sure he's attracted to you and you both really want it. Don’t get fancy with sexual poses and don’t expect non-standard approaches from him. Everything is determined by your passion for each other. Capricorns in marriage and love remain very practical, thrifty, hardworking and expect the same from you. They cannot stand spendthrifts and lazy people, but they are proud of their wife’s achievements. Don’t praise yourself, he sees everything anyway. If he is already in love with you, do not drag him to discos and in the company of your friends. He is jealous and does not really like to dance, he is not attracted to loud noises and bright lights. But he loves nature, car trips and being only with you.

If you are Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius, Sagittarius, then you have a chance to become the wife of Capricorn. If you are a Scorpio, the chances double! Cancers can push Capricorn away with their anxiety. Marriage will be difficult for Aries and Libra with Capricorn. But love has different quirks - everything is possible.

Aquarius husband: freedom-loving husband

Politics, business, a scientific idea can captivate Aquarius no less than love passion. But Aquarians are ready to love and are looking for love. There is something uniquely subtle and tender in an intimate relationship with him. Girls, if you don’t want your personal life to be reduced to the formula: kitchen, TV, children, bed - look for Aquarius. It will not be boring! And you can have a heart-to-heart talk and have fun together. The Aquarius guy loves life in all its manifestations and this fascinates him.
Touches, glances, encouragement, omissions are the best methods of communication at the stage of acquaintance and first date. Don't try to make him jealous - he's not jealous. Don't say anything offensive to him: he remembers insults for a long time. Don't teach him how to live and don't advise him. He won’t listen - he goes his own way, lives by his own rules and is guided only by his sharp mind. You can ask him for help. He is responsive, happy to provide support and will be flattered. Show that you can give him something in return. He values ​​business skills and the ability to partner. And, of course, be attractive, sexy and mysterious. Don't trust completely and instantly. He often fluctuates between instinct and reason, he can fantasize and then be disappointed. Casual relationships in his youth were not uncommon.
Aquarius in marriage is a faithful and devoted husband. Among the men of this sign there are quite a lot of monogamous people. He will provide for his family, help relatives, and will always find a way to earn enough money. Often he works all his life for the benefit of his family. He trusts his wife, does not control her, does not force her to change. Even in quarrels he makes compromises. You can always come to an agreement with him. Even if he leaves a woman, he is ready to maintain friendly relations and help for a long time.
And yet, among Aquarius there are the most divorces. They leave him because they consider him selfish. They believe that he does more for others than for his family. He is always busy, and his loved ones do not always know where he is and what he is doing now. Aquarius leaves his home when a woman tries to "pin him up her skirt." Life even in a golden cage is not for him. He silently and for a long time prepares his release, but at one fine moment he simply disappears in an unknown direction without saying a word.

If you are Gemini, Pisces, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius will suit you. Leo and Aquarius can work together successfully. With Virgo there is a strong physical attraction. With Cancer - an alliance based on mutual respect. With Capricorn - after much grinding in, calm, well-fed old years are possible. An Aquarius married to a Scorpio will have endless quarrels based on jealousy. Taurus is not interesting to Aquarius for their weak fantasies and imagination.

Pisces husband: sensual nature and devoted partner

The symbol of this zodiac sign is two fish swimming in different directions. Pisces men spend their entire lives searching for their “I.”
Their soul trembles and hurts, not finding harmony in the practical, cruel world, and their thoughts interpret reality in their own way. Some embody their ideal in paintings and sculptures. Others devote themselves to family and children. Still others shock with gayness or alcohol. And yet they are charming, because they are soft and kind, they know how to dream, empathize, they will not offend and will help. In addition, idealistic Pisces have money, they will always think about a roof over their heads for their family and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of loved ones.
Love for a woman in the life of Pisces men occupies no less place than self-realization. Pisces men can also love on the highest spiritual level, with dreams and poems, with prayers or an easel and brush in hand. Feelings overwhelm them, Pisces’ speeches drive them crazy, they consider their beloved to be an ideal, they tolerate and forgive shortcomings. Their sensuality excites a woman and gives her true pleasure of spiritual and earthly love.
But among Pisces there are also men who do not love at all, preferring a variety of sexual pleasures. Or men who are “collectors” of women. But even in this case, they respect, value and protect the items in their collection. And if Pisces cannot make a decision and understand: to leave, leave or return, then they will silently move away. They are not conquerors: they will not win you away from a rival or create scenes of jealousy, preferring to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their beloved. Pisces marry meaningfully, and their family life is stable. Pisces in marriage are the most devoted and affectionate of all zodiac signs. You will have a caring, affectionate husband. There may be many children. Create coziness and comfort for him, give him your love and loyalty. Your union will be happy, long, and perhaps eternal.

Pisces is a mysterious sign. Their heart is as wide as the sea, and their passions are incomprehensible and mysterious, like the ocean. Try to solve them, dear girls and women. If you are Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn or Cancer, and you sincerely love your Pisces man, you have a real chance to be happy. And Scorpio women are beyond any competition. Their modesty, closeness and chastity are exactly what Pisces needs so much. You will understand each other without words. It is better for Libra to avoid Pisces.

Is it possible to rank men by zodiac sign according to their qualities as a husband? Why not! Of course, not everyone believes in this, and love and family are a purely individual matter, but if you believe in horoscopes and certain qualities, then our list may be interesting for you. So, what does the best husband look like and what zodiac sign does an unimportant family man represent...

Cancer husband - a reverent husband and father

Few can argue with the fact that Cancer men are ideal husbands, the very ones that other women dream about, imagining their life partners as such. Cancers rarely shy away from obligations; they are ready to work on relationships and build a family, and take responsibility.

In addition, Cancer husbands are distinguished by high emotional sensitivity, so the rare Cancer wife will say that her significant other is an insensitive egoist. The only thing about which small quarrels and disputes can often arise are everyday little things like household responsibilities (who should wash the dishes or take out the trash).

In a word, a Cancer husband is a rare family man, devoted and loving to his wife and adoring children as his continuation.

Cancer husband and Scorpio wife: Tom Hanks (Cancer-Monkey) and Rita Wilson (Scorpio-Monkey)

Marriage to Rita Wilson was the second for Tom Hanks. They got married in 1988 and have not separated for more than 30 years, supporting each other in everything.

Libra husband - deep, but modest and indecisive

The Libra man is another astrological candidate for an impeccable husband. Despite the fact that Libra is an extremely hesitant and indecisive sign, a man of this zodiac sign has an ardent heart and he really wants to find the one and only one to live with her all his life. Sometimes it may seem that the Libra husband is cold and indifferent, but this is not so. The main problem is that they do not always know how to express their feelings, and sometimes they are afraid of seeming sentimental, which is supposedly not typical for a textbook man.

The Libra husband brings balance to the relationship and balances his other half, supporting his wife and becoming a real support for her and the children. But you shouldn’t put the entire unbearable burden of family relationships and obligations on your spouse. It is vital for a Libra man to feel balance and his interest in it, not only as a wallet or protection. Show him love and care - he will appreciate it.

Libra husband and Leo wife: Matt Damon (Libra-Dog) and Luciana Barroso (Leo-Dragon)

The beautiful Argentinean pulled out her lottery ticket: Luciana Barroso married Matt Damon in 2005 and gave birth to four children. The actor adores his family, protects it very much and calls it his main reward in life.

Scorpio husband is a “knight” to protect his family

Probably, not many women expected to see the best Scorpio husbands at the top of astrological rankings. All this is because the Scorpio man is considered obsessed with sex and shallow passions, hot and fickle, overwhelmed by emotions, which, indeed, does not go well with an idyllically measured family life. But you need to look from all sides...

With all his ardor, the Scorpio husband is one of those who fights for his family, stands up as a stone wall for his wife and children, and is always ready to defend their rights and protect them if necessary. If there are harmonious relationships in the family, including their intimate side, there are no omissions or duplicity in the couple, then the Scorpio husband will be an ideal for a woman who is ready for a bright and strong relationship.

Scorpio husband and Pisces wife: Ryan Gosling (Scorpio-Monkey) and Eva Mendes (Pisces-Tiger)

The six-year age difference did not stop the sultry Eva Mendes from charming the girls' idol Ryan Gosling. The actors are not officially married, but have been together since 2011 and are raising two daughters. The couple hardly appears officially in public, trying not to draw attention to their family.

Gemini husband - a man in search of a “diamond”

Geminis have a reputation for being two-faced and fickle, and there is some truth to this. But you shouldn’t assume that a Gemini husband will cheat left and right in search of easy carnal pleasures and new emotions - this is not so. It’s really not that easy to persuade Geminis to marry or “get them involved,” which is why one often gets the impression of their elusiveness.

But in fact, the Gemini man is simply looking for a long time for that woman whom he will deeply respect, and subsequently cherish and cherish. His future wife should stand out from the rest, which will once again emphasize his own exclusivity. The Gemini husband strives to be proud of his wife, whom he is ready to become both a protector, a lover, and a best friend.

Gemini husband and Capricorn wife: Johnny Depp (Gemini-Rabbit) and Vanessa Paradis (Capricorn-Rat)

Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis were not officially married, but they were considered and were one of the strongest celebrity couples. Vanessa was the one who saved him from self-destruction with alcohol and drugs.

They met in Paris in the summer of 1998, when Depp was filming Roman Polanski's The Ninth Gate. He fell in love with her at first sight and said that he immediately realized that this was HIS woman. The independent French woman charmed him with her fragility, unusualness and the fact that she asked him for a child. It’s not hard to believe this, because their daughter Lily-Rose Depp was born in May 1999, and three years later their son Jack appeared.

They lived together for a happy 14 years, but even after breaking up, when Vanessa's heart was developed, they remained on friendly terms. It seems that even after Depp’s fleeting marriage to Amber Heard, Paradis still remains the same woman in his life, even though there is no talk of a reunion.

Pisces husband – faithful and sentimental

A man under the sign of Pisces can be the best husband for a woman who loves sensitive and emotional creative individuals. The Pisces man is in many ways similar to the Cancer man, but if Cancer is more down-to-earth and practical, the Pisces man is distinguished by hypersensitivity, which takes him off the ground.

Pisces husbands are very warm and loving, caring and sensual, deep and creative. But they do not suffocate with their love, do not plague with jealousy, “everyday behavior” and do not become toxic. In fact, the Pisces husband will always remain in his own world of dreams and subtle emotions, which his wife should also treat very carefully and respectfully.

Pisces husband and Taurus wife: Javier Bardem (Pisces-Rooster) and Penelope Cruz (Taurus-Tiger)

The most famous and beloved Spanish actors met back in 1992 on the set of the film “Ham, Ham,” when they were very young. Then the romance did not happen, but later the sultry Spaniards nevertheless united their destinies and gave birth to two children. They do not like to discuss their relationships, family and children in the press, preferring to keep the most secret things away from prying eyes.

Capricorn husband – stubborn and pragmatic

Capricorn men are famous for marrying late, but for life. Divorce for them becomes a real and deep emotional trauma, because they are by nature rather monogamous, who strive to acquire one single partner for life and are not predisposed to polygamy. If Capricorn got married, then he is ready to become that stone wall on which a woman can lean and that partner from whom she should seek support.

The Capricorn husband wants to be strong and reliable, but sometimes he can become very stubborn, considering himself and only himself to be the only one right. They are pragmatists, but not without romance, that is, they will always strive to provide for their family, which is counting on him, but he is definitely not an insensitive “cracker”, concerned only with money and other material goods.

Capricorn Husband: Mel Gibson (Capricorn-Monkey) and Robin Moore

Mel Gibson and Robin Moore spent almost 26 years together, raised seven children and... broke up. The news of the divorce of the exemplary family man Gibson came as a bolt from the blue for both his fans and ordinary viewers. Then there were high-profile trials, millions in compensation to former women, new children, assault and new courts. Apparently, the saying about gray hair in a beard has its place.

Virgo husband - faithful, but unsure of himself

Virgo husbands can become excellent life partners, but due to their natural self-sufficiency, secrecy and melancholy, such men may suffer from some kind of inferiority complex in the family. Sometimes it seems to them that they are not good enough, unworthy of something, so their wives need to take this into account, who should encourage their Virgos and charge them with optimism.

Virgo Husband: Colin Firth (Virgo-Rat) and Livia Giugiolli (Virgo-Rooster)

In 1997, a Briton with impeccable manners married an emotional and smiling Italian journalist, who gave him two sons. After two decades of marriage, Firth never tires of declaring his love for Livia, whom he calls the most beautiful woman in the world and the best wife and mother.

Aries husband – selfish and demanding

Aries is a hot and selfish sign, so relationships, including family ones, with a man of this zodiac sign will not be calm and smooth. Aries husbands will strive to take a leading position in the family and emphasize this in every possible way, so women should keep this in mind. They are not distinguished by romanticism; rather, they are pragmatists, prone to forming comfortable marriages.

To maintain harmonious family relationships, an Aries husband will need a lot of quality sex and recognition of their leadership in the family. Women should not try to make henpecked Aries out of their beloved Aries; rather, they need to be able to become the very neck that turns the head.

Aries husband and Libra wife: Michael Fassbender (Aries-Snake) and Alicia Vikander (Libra-Dragon)

It seemed to many that the womanizer Fassbender, proclaimed the new sex symbol of Hollywood, would never marry. But with Alicia Vikander they were perfectly encrypted. Having met on the set of the melodrama “The Light Between Oceans,” the actors fell in love with each other immediately, but did not comment on their relationship, and then there was even information about their separation. However, in October 2017, the paparazzi obtained photographs from the actors' super-secret wedding in Ibiza. They take great care of their relationships and do not allow even the most curious to interfere.

Leo husband is a star in the family sky

If you are attracted by a life full of explosive emotions, then a Leo husband may be the ideal partner for you. Leo husbands are in many ways similar to Aries husbands - the same fiery element, the same restless temperament and desire for individualism. But if it is enough for Aries to emphasize his self-worth in the family or among a small circle of friends, then Leo needs to be admired and admired by everyone.

He is emotional, therefore highly sensitive, but if something gets out of his control, he can tear and throw, becoming aggressive and quarrelsome. Life with a Leo husband can turn into a struggle or, at best, a woman will have to constantly put herself in second place.

Leo husband and Aries wife: Ben Affleck (Leo-Rat) and Jennifer Garner (Aries-Rat)

From the outside, the marriage of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner was considered exemplary. Three children, 12 years together, but Jen was tired of enduring her husband’s constant infidelities and alcohol addiction, which she no longer had the strength to put up with.

Taurus husband is a demanding loner and individualist

Taurus are the most stubborn representatives of the zodiac circle. They are so adamant and their own standards of living are so high that it seems absolutely impossible to live up to them. Taurus men sometimes make unreasonably exorbitant demands on their partners, and when they are convinced that they do not meet them, they once again decide that it is better to be single than to lower their standards. It is not difficult to assume that even after getting married, the Taurus man will not stop criticizing and educating his woman, trying to “pull” her to his heights.

Taurus husband and Pisces wife: George Clooney (Taurus-Ox) and Amal Alamuddin (Pisces-Horse)

The name George Clooney was practically a household name for a chronic bachelor; he himself repeatedly said that he was not interested in family and children, because his life was full enough without them. Apparently, there was no one who would become the most worthy of the contenders. She became Amal Alamuddin - a British lawyer, human rights activist, smart woman and oriental beauty.

Aquarius husband – ambitious and self-sufficient

Aquarius is one of the most ambitious, self-sufficient signs, which makes them difficult family men and long-term partners. If they are passionate about work or other entertainment, then a strong family may, in principle, not be part of their plans. It’s definitely not worth putting pressure on them about marriage, and in the family you also shouldn’t force them to do something by force, because it may turn out that he unexpectedly chooses his own priorities.

Aquarius husband and Aries wife: Christian Bale (Aquarius-Tiger) and Sibi Blazic (Aries-Dog)

Former model Sibi Blazic worked as a personal assistant to Hollywood star Winona Ryder in the nineties. She introduced the not-so-lucky girl to her friend Christian Bale. In 2000, they got married, had two children, and Christian Bale became not just an Oscar-winning star, but also an exemplary family man who does not allow anyone to meddle in his personal life. His wife never made her own career, but it is enough for her to simply be a wife and mother, supporting her husband in his weight gain for new roles and on the red carpet.

Sagittarius husband – flighty and multifaceted

Sagittarius men are most often associated with infidelity. This is a fire sign that is not as narcissistic and selfish as Leo or Aries, but much more prone to inconstancy than they are, including in its hobbies. The Aries man loves to explore, learn new things, travel, discover, learn the unknown, including discovering himself. Even when in a harmonious marriage, the Sagittarius husband is usually not inclined to dissolve in the family, devoting himself entirely to his wife and children.

Sagittarius husband and Libra wife: Vincent Cassel (Sagittarius-Horse) and Monica Bellucci (Libra-Dragon)

Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel were jokingly called beauty and the beast. Bellucci is a languid Italian provincial of breathtaking beauty, Cassel is a hereditary snob-Parisian from a famous acting dynasty, with a devilish appearance and a hot-tempered character. Their love and passion for each other literally oozed from their eyes and was visible to the naked eye in their gestures during public appearances and paparazzi photographs. They spent 18 years together, 14 of them in an official marriage, they had two daughters, and then they separated. The news of the divorce sounded like a bolt from the blue to fans.

But everything turned out to be simple. The couple lived as a guest marriage for many years: Monica adored Europe, lived between Rome, Paris and London, and Vincent fell in love with Brazil. He filmed in Europe, Hollywood and Brazil, attended noisy music festivals, took part in projects and communicated with people who were simply not interesting to Bellucci. And then Kassel had a Brazilian girlfriend 30 years younger... Fortunately, the couple parted as friends, without mutual claims.

Every woman dreams of getting married and having a family. You can choose a worthy life partner using the rating of the best husbands.

Getting married is not a problem, but finding the right man is much more difficult.

Of course, every person has both good and bad qualities, but usually negative character traits become more noticeable after marriage.

When meeting an unfamiliar man, we first of all pay attention to external data, and only then try to get to know him better.

The team of our site decided to make your task easier and provided a rating of the best husbands.

With its help, you will find out which Zodiac Signs will become your faithful life partners, and with whom it will be much more difficult to build a happy relationship.


We decided to start with the worst version of husbands, and they rightfully became Gemini. You should not completely avoid contacts with representatives of this Sign, but you should carefully study their qualities.

The main disadvantage of Gemini is inconstancy.

Sometimes crazy ideas arise in their heads, and they want to implement them right away. When the fire inside Gemini burns out, they can abandon the matter halfway.

However, if you can come to terms with this quality, then your love boat will not be wrecked.


They need everything at once, but not every woman can put up with constant whims.

Representatives of this Zodiac Sign are more attached to their family than others.

So be prepared for the fact that your mother-in-law will know absolutely everything that happens in your life.

Marital union with Pisces is possible if you have iron patience or try to slightly change the character of your spouse.


The Sagittarius husband will be flexible and caring. You will receive love, romance and tenderness, but it is quite possible that he will give all this not only to you.

Representatives of this Zodiac Sign are too loving, they can take care of several women at the same time and will not see anything wrong in such behavior.

Not every woman is ready for such a family life. If you do not want to become a participant in a love triangle, then avoid serious relationships with Sagittarius.


You can probably only learn about such family life from scary fairy tales. Scorpios adhere to the rule: “either as I said, or not at all.”

With such a husband you will always feel protected, but at what cost?

It is unlikely that your spouse will take your opinion into account - it means nothing to him.

This will apply to everything from choosing a new sofa to the location of your honeymoon. The desire to control everything helps Scorpio achieve success at work, but not in their personal life.

Obedient boys in childhood and exemplary husbands in adulthood - this is how Cancers can be characterized.

Such a husband will carry you in his arms all his life and will never dare to offend his beloved wife.

Representatives of this Sign take a very responsible approach to choosing a future spouse and rarely leave their family.

Behind all these advantages, as always, lies a significant disadvantage. The main drawback of Cancers is laziness.

It prevents them from achieving great success both at work and in their personal lives. You will have to forget about romantic walks in the park and crazy trips.

From the moment you get married, TV will replace all your previously favorite entertainment.


This representative of the zodiac circle is the “standard of a real man” - strong, bright and insatiable. On Friday evening, Aries will often disappear from home.

Don't be afraid that he will go to another woman: most likely, you will find him in the nearest bar.

For such a man, friends come second after his beloved family, so they will become quite frequent guests in your home.

At the same time, your spouse will never insult you, but on the contrary, will admire you, telling everyone what a wonderful wife he has.


An Aquarius husband will not cause you unnecessary inconvenience and worry. Stable job, average salary, no nagging towards you on his part. For women who do not like change, such a spouse is an ideal option.

He will indulge your whims in everything and rarely express his opinion. You will say that this is indifference, and he will say that this is love.

From birth, Aquarians love freedom and a relaxed atmosphere, but if they find a person with whom they feel at ease and comfortable, they will forever connect their lives with him.


Taurus by nature are unpretentious, constant and responsive people. Living next to such a man is ideal.

He will always support you in difficult times, help with housework, and perhaps even take on some of your responsibilities.

Taurus always give their all at work to provide their family with everything they need. However, you should not take advantage of your husband’s kindness.

Representatives of this Sign are patient, but if they feel constant pressure, then you will see their other side. Your task is to sincerely love your spouse, and then he will reciprocate your love.


With such a husband, even in old age you will feel like a young girl. And many years after the wedding, you will hear declarations of love and receive bouquets of flowers as gifts.

It is important for Libras that there is harmony in their family, and they themselves try to live up to the image of the “ideal spouse.”

If he suddenly comes home late, you can be sure that he was just late at work, since a Libra man will never cheat on you.


It will take a lot of effort to marry a Capricorn. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign have a huge number of fans, because they combine the best masculine qualities: intelligence, charm, strength and confidence.

If you can defeat your rivals and earn the love of Capricorn, then you can consider yourself to have hit a huge jackpot. Capricorn has only one drawback - the desire for freedom.

You will have to try hard to get him to voluntarily go to the registry office. If you succeed, you can rest assured: an alliance with such a man will have only advantages.

This representative of the zodiac circle has a strong character, and if you happen to live with him all your life, you will notice it. Your family life will be like a theatrical performance, where Leo constantly changes roles.

Either he takes care of you like a father, or he rejoices at your successes like a child. Most often, he will simply be a faithful, loving husband and, of course, a passionate lover.

In alliance with Leo, you will not be bored, and even more so, suffer from lack of attention.


Finally, you found out who is leading the ranking of the best husbands. The ideal husband is a representative of the Virgo Sign. Virgos, as a rule, have everything perfect: work, salary, family, home. You don’t have to do household chores alone; your spouse will always come to your aid.

From childhood, they have an ideal upbringing, therefore, when you go out into society with your Virgo husband, you will only catch the envious glances of other women. The only drawback is excessive kindness.

Such a man rarely finds a worthy wife, since out of pity he can marry a woman whose qualities are far from ideal.

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It is not uncommon for representatives of different zodiac signs to try to gain the right to call themselves the best. This is especially important for men. The title of “best” has an important role in the aspect of family life. It's hard to find a man who wouldn't want to be a better husband.

But who is the best man for marriage? What kind of person is he? This is an accomplished person who is not afraid to take on certain obligations, is ready to support her soulmate and never gives up when faced with difficulties and problems. A good husband can protect his family members, he is a man who has few shortcomings, and those that do exist are not a big problem.

Besides, all people are imperfect and sincere and lasting relationships change both partners for the better. Knowing the characteristics of each zodiac sign, you can predict the future pattern of behavior of a representative of the stronger sex in relationships after they are sealed with family ties. This data will help you understand which man will be a reliable support, and which one you shouldn’t count on even in the event of minor troubles.

The best husband according to your Zodiac Sign! So. Let's begin!


It is possible to build a strong relationship with Aries thanks to the biggest advantage of representatives of this sign - strong character. On the other hand, this feature in some situations becomes a stumbling block. Despite the fact that it is difficult for Aries to prove their point of view, it is not easy to build a constructive dialogue with them and look for a middle ground, compromises; these are good and reliable men for marriage.

An obvious drawback that ladies should be aware of is the infidelity of Aries. Representatives of this sign have certain difficulties understanding the word “loyalty”. Fortunately, you can work on this, but you will have to invest a lot of time and effort in re-educating the satellite.

Some may be annoyed by the fact that Aries do not understand hints well and sometimes become simply uncontrollable. Nevertheless, this flaw does not seem so terrible if we remember that Aries are the best fathers among all representatives of other zodiac signs. There will be no problems with them in your intimate life. These are attentive partners who respect their significant other and care about her pleasure.


Taurus may not seem like the best candidates for the title of a good husband. Before marriage, such men often cheat, neglect their responsibilities as a partner in a relationship, and demonstrate their worst habits without being embarrassed by them. But many women will be pleasantly surprised by Taurus' desire to be better after marriage.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are ready to work on themselves, eliminate their shortcomings and be the head of the family who can be relied on in all matters. Still, sometimes Taurus shows his harmful nature and can greatly escalate the situation with his negativity. But this happens extremely rarely and does not affect the strength of family ties.

Taurus are reliable husbands. If they make a decision, they are one hundred percent confident in it. On the other hand, it will take a long time to wait for a decision on a marriage proposal from Taurus.


Geminis are definitely not the best husbands. Ladies who have chosen such a man for marriage often complain about his irresponsibility, unreliability, poor performance as the father of children and the support of the family.

Of course, some women manage to change Gemini for the better, but this takes a lot of time and nerves. The result may not be ideal, given the fact that the representative of the Gemini sign does not understand the concept of family well and is not ready to live for the sake of someone else but himself. They often prefer the company of loved ones to the company of friends. Romance in a relationship with a Gemini ends quickly. Now he says words of love to his partner, and six months later he is watching football and asks for beer.

This state of affairs will suit those ladies who are not too demanding of their husbands, are ready to take on the bulk of responsibilities and, for the most part, spend time separately from their partner. It is important to look at relationships with Gemini realistically, understanding that it is difficult to maintain passion with a representative of this sign, and interest in each other can disappear quickly and without a trace. On the other hand, the risk can sometimes be worth it.

Living next to Cancers is not easy. Relationships with them can be bright, but after the wedding these men begin to behave strangely, fearing for their freedom of action, defending their interests even when no one challenges them. Many representatives of this sign develop paranoia. It literally seems to them that their woman is robbing them of happiness and good luck. Cancer's anxiety affects all aspects of life together.

Cancers can become jealous, which forces the woman next to them to live in constant tension. A happy and strong marriage is rarely built on such a basis. Ladies who are especially impressionable should refuse marriage with Cancer. Only a girl who is head over heels in love with her partner or a morally strong and resilient person can endure his antics.

a lion
Leos can use a mask of indifference, but behind it lies a sensitive, attentive, loving person who has difficulty experiencing separation from a loved one. These are potentially good husbands, but not everyone can find an approach to them. A few years after the wedding, Leo’s narcissism and selfishness appear. These are jealous people with whom it is difficult to speak on equal terms, and even more difficult to convince and prove their point of view.

At the same time, you shouldn’t expect betrayal from Leo. These are noble men who will only behave meanly if they are hurt, deceived or manipulated by their feelings. Life with a Leo can sometimes feel like a challenge. A woman in such a relationship can look at marriage from a different perspective, discover something new in herself, and strengthen her character.


Communicating with Virgo men is always easy. They will be able to support any conversation and find a topic for discussion even after 20 years of living together, everyday life, and sometimes even working together. These are patient people who are ready to forgive a lot. At the same time, such men will not tolerate a woman’s impudence. There is no point in offending Virgos for no reason.

Representatives of this sign can work hard on themselves to become a better husband. For Virgo, family is a priority and for stability and happiness, such people will give their all. On the other hand, these are demanding individuals; they will have to come to terms with the habit of criticizing everything around them and challenging any point of view. On the other hand, Virgo can be taken with tenderness and attention. Such men are always ready to compromise and will not refuse to help their beloved even with household chores.


With Libra, the first few years of marriage will seem like a fairy tale. But it’s difficult to call this happiness stable. There is a high probability that representatives of this sign will question your merits as a wife, they will doubt their feelings and the correctness of the decision to seal the relationship with marriage.

Libra does not cope well with the role of a father. They cannot find a middle ground and are often too soft or too strict and demanding with their children. Only ladies who are able to constantly prove their love to Libra can survive relationships with such men. Such women must be ready to fight for the marriage, to save it when it hangs by a thread due to another change in the partner’s mood.


Scorpios cannot live in peace. If there is no problem, they will invent one. The crisis in relationships with such men comes very quickly. If they are inflated, then often everything works out. But the woman will have to constantly turn a blind eye to her husband’s claims and his desire to make her lover emotional.

What is valuable in husbands, representatives of this zodiac sign? These are people with a good sense of humor, charisma, and excellent intuition. It’s not boring in a relationship with them, but it’s hard to relax in marriage.

Marriage doesn't change Scorpio. It is difficult for such men to part with their bachelor life and old habits, which can be terribly annoying.


Sagittarians may have a lot of shortcomings, but in love they are reliable, attentive and caring. These are attractive and intelligent men who are always ready to try for the benefit of each family member. Representatives of this sign never sit still, they do not tolerate boredom. Such husbands are open to everything new, which guarantees pleasure in intimate life and stability in spiritual connections. Sagittarius has a good relationship with money. Money is not the most important thing for them, but as the basis for a comfortable and carefree life, representatives of this sign take it seriously.

It will be difficult for jealous women or those who are used to living at a slow and measured pace with Sagittarius. These men do not tolerate unfounded scandals and begin to get angry when their personal development is interfered with. Girls who are ready for change, free from stereotypes, will be encouraged and inspired by a relationship with Sagittarius.


These natures can hardly be called romantic. They are accustomed to looking at everything logically, to reason rationally even where it is worth giving in to feelings. On the other hand, these are faithful people who will not connect their lives with a person for whom they do not feel sincere love. Marriage with Capricorn turns out to be stable, but devoid of emotions. Sometimes Capricorns become boring, but there is no doubt about their ability to be a reliable support for the family.
Representatives of this sign can be extremely suspicious. For this reason, women will often have to fight for their trust, the main basis for a successful marriage for Capricorn.


Aquarius manages to give the impression of a man capable of being an excellent husband.. But jealousy and a frankly complex character prevent them from winning such a title. These people value their freedom and do not understand the point of getting married, as such. You can build relationships with them within the framework of a civil marriage. Forcing Aquarius to walk down the aisle is pointless. These men quickly lose interest in their partner, for whom the wedding is so important. If you're lucky, Aquarius will one day be ripe for a marriage proposal. But this rarely happens.
If a woman has enough wisdom, she builds a relationship with Aquarius on the basis of friendship. Under such conditions, representatives of this sign become excellent lovers, patrons and reliable helpers.


Pisces value family and stability. They, like many women, dream of a strong marriage and for this they are ready to work on themselves. It is known that representatives of this sign have a greater risk of becoming addicted, falling into the network of bad and destructive habits. Fortunately, for the sake of their spouse and children, Pisces are ready to do everything to improve, become better and give up what is killing them.
Pisces can be ideal husbands, but they rarely manage to achieve such a title alone. They become good partners only next to a strong woman.

Marriage– these are not always everyday problems, gray boring everyday life, jealousy. In many ways, relationships after marriage depend on the nature of the partners. Knowing a man's weak points well, you can avoid unnecessary stress and reduce the likelihood of shock from unpredictable behavior and other similar unpleasant surprises.

Top 5 husbands by zodiac sign:

1 place. Scorpion
2nd place was immediately shared between Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces
3rd place. Sagittarius
4th place. Scales
5th place. Cancer.
