The sort order set for the database is different from the system one! The sort order set for the database is different from the system one. How to create an empty prm file.

How to fix the error “The sort order set for the database differs from the system one” in 1C 7.7 on Windows 7?

How to fix the error “The sort order is different from the system one” in 1c 7.7?

A fairly common problem when connecting a 1C 7.7 database to Windows 7 is the error “The sort order set for the database differs from the system one.” Because of this, it is impossible to log into the connected database, although before this it worked fine on another computer.

In this article we will tell you how you can get rid of this error and successfully launch the selected 1C 7.7 database.

We remove the error “The sort order is different from the system one” in 1c 7.7 on windows 7

So, there are two ways to resolve this error. The first is done by changing the code page through the configurator, and the second is done using the OrdNoChk.prm file. Now we will talk about two methods in more detail.

To remove the error described above when starting 1C 7.7, you need to single-click in the database selection window to select the database that produces this error and select “Configurator” at the top, then click “OK”.

Opening the database in the configurator

Tool for changing the code page for 1C 7.7 database tables

In the window that appears, open the list and select the last item “+ Current system installation”.

Setting a new code page

Click “OK” everywhere and agree to change the code page in all database tables.

Code page change warning

After the message about the successful completion of the operation, you can close the configurator and enter this database in normal mode.

The second way to fix the error “The sort order set for the database differs from the system one” in 1C 7.7 is to create an empty file named OrdNoChk.prm in the folder with the 1C program. By default it is C:\Program Files\1Cv77\BIN.

File OrdNoChk.prm in the folder with the 1C 7.7 program

All you need to do is create an empty file in it called OrdNoChk.prm. Please note that the file extension is .prm.

This will disable code page checking when starting the database and thereby get rid of the sort order error.

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As a rule, most users who find an error in the system indicating that the sort order is different from the system one are apparently working with the 1C package version 7.7. It is this that is most vulnerable not even in terms of the effects of viruses, but also in the area of ​​errors and failures that lie in the program code of the package itself. However, when you receive an error message stating that the sort order is different from the system, there is no need to panic. There are several simple solutions that can fix this problem quickly and permanently. In this case, at least two solutions can be applied.

Database error "The sort order is different from the system": what is the problem?

The problem itself is that the main program in the form of an executable file on the server or client machine cannot initialize the database (SQL).

As a result, connected user (child) terminals cannot access the database itself (although the main core of the program starts without problems). It is believed that access to the application itself is provided precisely at the level of the server version, which is responsible for connecting other user computers located on the local network. This is precisely where problems arise.

The sort order is different from the system one (Windows 7). What to do first?

It is believed that in release number 26 the ability to ignore database files was included. But you shouldn't rely on this service.

Non-existent object

It happens that an application, when launched, refers to a supposedly non-existent object in the form of the OrdNoChk.prm file, which seems to be located in the BIN folder of the program itself, installed in the system program files.

If a system message appears stating that the sort order is different from the system one, there is nothing easier than creating an empty file in this directory with the same name and replacement when saving, for example, in the same Notepad, which is included in the standard set of any Windows -systems. Another question here is that the standard text editor of the settings, containing the initial data, does not work when directly edited and subsequently applied in action.

Changing the database structure based on local data exchange

On the other hand, the problem that a failure occurs with a message indicating that the sort order of the installed one differs from the system one can be solved even by means of the installed program itself.

But here you should initially think about how advisable it is to use the tools and tools described below.

If an error occurs when it is reported that the sort order of the database differs from the system one, in the 1C application itself you should select the configuration section in which you need to go to administration, the code page of the information security tables and the current system installation item.


In principle, the message that the sort order in the 1C database differs from the system one can be deleted quite simply (or get rid of it forever). As practice shows, in the simplest case, you can simply create the empty object indicated above. After that, signaling that the sort order differs from the system one will no longer appear.

In fact, eliminating the problem is not limited to just these solutions. The fact is that in the 1C environment itself you can write scripts or create additional applets to control the entire system based on the same Visual Basic language using DVB format databases. Otherwise, the error associated with the appearance of the message indicated above can be eliminated quite simply, if you do not take into account flaws in the code of the program itself or viral influence. But this, I think, is not the worst thing. Sometimes the “crankiness” of users who do not know how to organize a database and connect it to an installed program can lead to this type of error appearing again and again.

You should also pay attention to the fact that when automatic data exchange of the platform itself with other databases is enabled, they must all have exactly the same encoding. If it is not installed for all databases, then the very question of importing and exporting data becomes, to put it mildly, meaningless. As a last resort, as mentioned above, encoding should be disabled. This is especially true for situations when different terminals have different versions of Windows installed, and even with different architectures. This can also lead to unpredictable consequences, to the point where it will be impossible to work with the program regarding simultaneous access to information.

This article will discuss the cause of the error. "The sort order set for the database is different from the system one!" in 1C:Enterprise 7.7, as well as a way to eliminate it.

0. About the error

2. Changing the IS code page

If you work in 1C:Enterprise locally, or use 1C running any version, this error can be corrected as follows:

We launch 1C:Enterprise in configurator mode, then select the item “ Administration» — « IS code page».

In the window that opens, select from the list, at the very bottom “ +Current system installation" and click " OK».

We wait for the re-indexing to finish and calmly work with the information base.

3. Create the ordnochk.prm file

If users work with 1C:Enterprise 7.7. from computers on the network running different versions of Windows (for example, Windows XP and Windows 7), or you work with the same database on different computers, for example at home and in the office, if the database is located on removable media, then you should create a file “ ordnochk.prm" and place it in the root folder with 1C:Enterprise installed (by default it is " C:\Program Files\1Cv77\BIN\"). This file will disable sort checking.

It's not that difficult to create. Create an empty file using Notepad and rename it to ordnochk.prm, with .txt on .prm

It should be remembered that when solving an error in this way, a problem may arise in displaying reports, and the order of the lines may not be entirely correct. In addition, this method is not acceptable if a system of distributed information bases is used.

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1C: what to do if the message “The sort order set for the database differs from the system one!” appears

The cause of the error is a mismatch between the system settings and the 1C settings.
By the way, if the operating system is localized and the regional settings are set correctly, then when installing 1C its settings will be brought into line with the system ones.

Checking the settings are correct

I. System settings (for localized Russified version of Windows)

1. Open Start - Settings - Control Panel - Regional and Language Options.

2. On the Regional Settings tab, the drop-down list should be Russian.

3. On the Languages ​​tab – More details... – Languages ​​and text input services dialog box – Options tab – The default input language should be Russian-Russian.

4. On the Advanced tab there should be – Russian.

II. 1C settings

2. In the drop-down list In mode, select – OK.

4. In the Code page of infobase tables window, the drop-down list should contain – 1251 – Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian and Serbian languages.


1. If you are using the DIMB component (distributed infobase management), - when sort order checking is disabled - you SHOULD NOT use characters of any alphabets other than Latin in the three-letter identifier of infobases included in the distributed database.

2. It should be borne in mind that disabling the sort order identity check can lead to unexpected results - for the user of the 1C program! – the order of lines, for example, when generating reports.

Troubleshooting Windows Vista

If you are using Windows Vista, then get rid of the message “The sort order set for the database is different from the system one!” the above methods will not work.

For this:

1. Launch the 1C program. In the Launch 1C window, select the desired information base.

2. In the drop-down list In mode, select Configurator – OK.

3. The Configurator will start. Select menu Administration – Code page of information security tables...

4. In the Code page of infobase tables window, in the drop-down list, select + Current system installation – OK.

5. In the Configurator window with the message “When changing the code page, the indexes of all infobase data tables will be rebuilt! Do you want to change the code page?" click Yes.

6. After a certain period of time, depending on the size of the information security, the Configurator window will appear with the message “Code page has been changed!”, click OK.

7. Close the Configurator, you can work with the infobase.

8. To work with other information security systems, change the code page of information security tables in the same way.

There are cases when it is not possible to launch the 1C program, and a 1C dialog box appears with the message “The sort order set for the database differs from the system one!” After closing the window, the program closes (you can run it in Configurator mode).

Valery Sidorov

Cause of error and solutions

The cause of the error is a mismatch between the system settings and the 1C settings.
By the way, if the operating system is localized and the regional settings are set correctly, then when installing 1C its settings will be brought into line with the system ones.

Checking the settings are correct

I. System settings (for localized Russified version of Windows)

1. Open Start - Settings - Control Panel - Regional and Language Options.

2. On the Regional Settings tab, the drop-down list should be Russian.

3. On the Languages ​​tab – More details... – Languages ​​and text input services dialog box – Options tab – The default input language should be Russian-Russian.

4. On the Advanced tab there should be – Russian.

II. 1C settings

4. In the Code page of infobase tables window, the drop-down list should contain – 1251 – Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian and Serbian languages.


1. If you are using the DIMB component (distributed infobase management), - when sort order checking is disabled - you SHOULD NOT use characters of any alphabets other than Latin in the three-letter identifier of infobases included in the distributed database.

2. It should be borne in mind that disabling the sort order identity check can lead to unexpected results - for the user of the 1C program! – the order of lines, for example, when generating reports.

Troubleshooting Windows Vista

If you are using Windows Vista, then get rid of the message “The sort order set for the database is different from the system one!” the above methods will not work.

For this:

1. Launch the 1C program. In the Launch 1C window, select the desired information base.

2. In the drop-down list In mode, select Configurator – OK.

3. The Configurator will start. Select menu Administration – Code page of information security tables...

4. In the Code page of infobase tables window, in the drop-down list, select + Current system installation – OK.

5. In the Configurator window with the message “When changing the code page, the indexes of all infobase data tables will be rebuilt! Do you want to change the code page?" click Yes.

6. After a certain period of time, depending on the size of the information security, the Configurator window will appear with the message “Code page has been changed!”, click OK.

7. Close the Configurator, you can work with the infobase.

8. To work with other information security systems, change the code page of information security tables in the same way.
