Presentation on the topic of the world of professions. Presentation "Journey into the world of professions"

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Classroom plan Introductory speech Oral journal “in the world of professions” Extra people in the labor market (Problem) Five types of professions (Educational program Test “You and your profession” Career fair (News feed) Trial of the profession teacher (Crime) The rarest professions (entertaining facts) Final word

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Oral magazine "In the world of professions" Today's issue of our magazine is dedicated to professional guidance.

The following sections await you: "Problem" "News feed" "Educational program" "Crime" "Tests", "Fun facts" We hope that the materials in today's issue will become a guide for you in the ocean of professions.

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Test "You and your profession" 1. New Year's Eve is the best time for you to: a) get enough sleep;

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b) watch TV with your family;

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News feed - “Profession Fair” A web programmer, web designer is a specialist in creating websites for the global Internet. An auditor is a specialist who checks the financial activities of companies and evaluates their success and efficiency. A brand manager is a specialist who comes up with an image of a product - a brand - and promotes this image to the masses. Logistics specialist who regulates flows: warehouse, transport, production.

A transport logistics specialist comes up with schemes for transporting the company's goods, a warehouse logistics specialist organizes the storage of products. Marketer means “knowledge of the market” in Latin.

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A specialist who studies the market in order to find out the needs of customers, their tastes and preferences. A merchandiser is a person who monitors how his company's products are presented in large stores.

He goes around the stores, gives advice on product placement and window display design. This specialty is not yet taught in any educational institution.

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2 Leading subjects of labor in types of professions Type of professions Leading subjects of labor Man - human social systems, communities, population groups, people of different ages (salesman, teacher, doctor, hairdresser, etc.) Man - technology, equipment or inanimate nature (mechanic, technician, engineer etc.) Man is a sign system, natural and artificial languages, numbers, symbols, formulas, i.e. various sign systems (programmer, translator, draftsman, linguist) Man - nature, plant and animal organisms and the conditions of their existence (agronomist, livestock specialist, veterinarian, microbiologist) Man - an artistic image of a phenomenon, facts of artistic reflection of reality (artist, entertainer, tuner of musical instruments)

Memorization techniques For the development of various types of memory, there are the following techniques and methods of memorization: grouping - breaking the material into groups according to some basis (meaning, associations, etc.); grouping, highlighting support points - fixing some short point that serves as a support for broader content (thesis, title, questions, etc.); highlighting strong points; plan - a set of strong points; classification plan - distribution of any objects, phenomena, concepts into classes, groups, categories based on certain general characteristics. classification 4

Grouping Let us be given a certain set of numbers: The method of grouping is to divide the set of all given numbers into several groups: Single-digit Two-digit Three-digit

Isolating strong points The principle of this technique is to isolate the main thought from any content, remembering which it would be possible to restore the original content, for example: An excerpt from a fairy tale about a kolobok: Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman. So the old man says to the old woman: “Come on, old woman, scratch the box, mark the bottom, see if you can scrape some flour into a bun.” - The old woman took the wing, scraped it along the box, broomed it along the bottom and scraped up two handfuls of flour. She kneaded the flour with sour cream, made a bun, fried it in oil and put it on the window to cool. You can remember this part of the fairy tale by keeping the phrase “making a kolobok” in your memory. This is the main point of this passage.

Plan The principle of this memorization technique is to isolate some strong points from the entire object, with the help of which you can completely restore the entire original picture. For example, in order to remember a fairy tale about a kolobok, it is enough to remember several key points: 1. making a kolobok; 2. escape from grandfather and grandmother; 3.meeting with a hare; 4.meeting with a wolf; 5.meeting with a fox.

Classification Let's try to classify several types of transport: bus, trolleybus, car, airliner, motor ship, fighter plane, ferry, airship, motorcycle. Transport Water Land Air Public Personal bus trolleybus car motorcycle Passenger ship Cargo ferry Passenger airliner airship Military fighter

Voluntary and involuntary attention Voluntary attention manifests itself in the form of volitional effort, that is, a person himself directs his activity towards something. Involuntary attention occurs against the will of a person under the influence of some stimuli. 8

Qualities of attention 1. Concentration - maintaining attention on something while distracting from the main thing. 2. Stability – maintaining attention on something for a long time. 3. Volume – the number of objects perceived by consciousness at the same time. 4. Distribution - concentration of consciousness on two or more objects at the same time. 5. Switching - a quick transition of attention from one object to another. 9

Abilities Abilities are individual psychological characteristics of a person, which are a condition for the successful implementation of one or another productive activity. Abilities are qualities that ensure the success of mastery and productivity of a particular activity. 1

What abilities are developed? Humanities? -Which of the following words is different from the others? 1. - doubtful; 2. - confident; 3. - trust; 4. - true 5. - definite; -The meanings of which of the following sentences: 1 – similar; 2 – opposite; 3 – neither similar nor opposite. - Three doctors are no better than one. - The more doctors, the more diseases.

The words INCREASE and EXPAND have: 1. – similar meaning; 2. – opposite; 3. – neither similar nor opposite. -Which two of the proverbs below have a similar meaning? 1. Strike while the iron is hot. 2. Judge not by appearance, but by deeds. 3. Alone in the field is not a warrior. 4. All that glitters is not gold. 5. The forest is being cut down, the chips are flying.

Mathematical? -How many digits “9” are there in the series of numbers from 1 to 100? -A soldier, shooting at a target, hit it in 12.5% ​​of cases. How many times must he fire to hit her 100 times? -How many acres is a plot of 70 m by 20 m? -A carp swims in a round pool. Swimming away from the wall of the pool, he swam due north. After 3 m, the carp encounters the side of the pool and turns to the west. After swimming another 4 m, he again comes across the side of the pool. What is the diameter of the pool?

Technical? -When do sounds travel faster: in winter or summer? -When does a kilogram weight weigh more: in winter or summer? -The garland decorated the New Year tree. 1 bulb burned out, they threw it away and made the circuit again. Has the light from the garland changed: has it become darker, lighter, or has nothing changed? -If a ball, a smooth cube and a cylinder are simultaneously launched down an inclined plane, which will end up at the bottom first or will they all reach the bottom equally?

Organizational? Do you like to attract attention: a) yes, it helps in life; b) yes, quality of work; c) no, not especially. Do you agree with the statement that you can get to know a person only through communication? a) disagree; b) I don’t know; c) I agree. What do you do after you fail: a) I analyze the situation to understand my mistakes; b) I’m taking on something else; c) I resume my attempts. What do you think is more important: a) to be educated; b) be smart; c) be an organizer

WORLD OF PROFESSIONS OF THE XXI century. Students of grades 9-11 Author: Anikina Tatyana Nikolaevna Geography teacher, class teacher MBOU "Khotkovskaya Secondary School No. 5"

Goal: to introduce students to the diversity of professions and the professions of the 21st century.

Objectives: 1) to orient students in the vast world of professions;

2) help you decide on your future profession.





V. Mayakovsky

What could it be

more important at seventeen

years than choice

profession, which

will be dedicated entirely

your next




Mikhail Lomonosov, driven by thirst

knowledge, walked thousands of miles to Moscow-

University and, not being rich, became

great and famous. Good times these days

education costs a lot of money:

the number of budget places in universities has been reduced

It seems that you can get a second higher education

only for a fee. But there is a way to save...

There is a house where I live

And for me he is the best

In it both in dreams and in reality

And in the evenings my dad

When the birds in their nests fall silent,

He will tell you quietly about the Moon,

Rockets, satellites and stars.

May my home remain forever

Let there be bread and laughter in it.

I will return there endlessly

And only with him is my success possible.

There are many professions

good and different...

The doctor treats us for measles

There is a teacher

Painters and carpenters -

essential workers

We will build a new house

We will live together in it.


The cook makes us compotes -

This is very good!

The cook makes cutlets -

it is also good!

Every year up to 500 (!) new professions appear.

Some, reflecting the specifics of a particular time and current situation,

“live” only 5 – 15 years,

then they “die” or transform beyond recognition. In total, according to a single

tariff and qualification directory, there are up to 6 thousand professions.

It's not easy to choose!

Here are some of the newest and most promising.


Emergency commissioner -

An insurance company employee, preferably a lawyer by training, determines the amount of damage and assesses the company's obligations to the client involved in an accident.

Arbitration manager -

for the period of bankruptcy it becomes

"new director" of the enterprise,

controls its work, trying to remove

from debt dependence.

Education – higher legal or

economics plus special courses


specialist in purchasing fashionable clothing and footwear. Selects fresh collections at exhibitions and shows, is well versed

in fashion trends and customer preferences.

By education, as a rule, a merchandiser.

lawyer specializing in resolving labor conflicts

on the part of the enterprise, including trade unions.

Must have excellent knowledge of labor law

be a good psychologist and sociologist.

Barista -

specialist in the preparation of espresso coffee and drinks from it,

knows everything about the degree of grinding of coffee beans, and is fluent in the technique of obtaining milk foam.

Currency trader -

person who earns

on differences in exchange rates.

You can get the necessary knowledge

at special courses.

The main advantage of this profession is complete freedom.

Developer -

real estate specialist

with construction and financial education.

Logistics -

controls movement

material and information flows,

monitors work coordination

all divisions, calculates

the most profitable and economical scheme for the development of a particular project.

Logistics is taught in economics universities.

Speechwriter -

writes texts for speeches, reports, prepares interviews.

As is customary, he has a philological education and works individually or in a team of politicians, entrepreneurs or on commission

PR agencies.

“face” of the restaurant, “hostess of the hall”.

Meets and accommodates visitors,

can comment on the choice of dishes and drinks, informs about promotions carried out by the restaurant, controls and coordinates

waiters' work.

Training takes place on site.

Headhunter (“headhunter”) -

recruitment specialist,

usually with psychological education. Can lure a valuable employee from one company to another, acts as a scout: collects information, has

own informants.

Professional expert -

classifies and describes professions.

After all, today not only we have big

requests for the chosen profession, but also

the profession places its highest demands

requirements for a potential employee.

49.6% of Russians work at

acquired specialty;

61% believe that additional

education improves professional level;

43% note that continuing to study improves self-esteem.

Invest and receive

They say that the 19th century was

the century of capital, XX - ideas,

and XXI will certainly become

century of people. This means that in any

professions will be in demand first

All professionals with good education.

Worthwhile education

Investing in education is beneficial.

The cost of studying at the largest college in Canada, Seneca College, which lasts about 4 years, will cost approximately 11 thousand Canadian dollars per year. The starting salary for a Seneca graduate is 30-40 thousand dollars per year. That is, you can recoup the money invested in your studies in just over a year. Further - more: in 2-3 years this figure will increase to 60,000 and higher.

What about in Russia?

What about in Russia?

Today it is more profitable for us to get a specialized secondary education than a higher education. Guys with the appropriate diplomas are immediately hired at a salary that managers who have graduated from colleges only dream of if they find a job; of course, during a crisis, 1 out of 10 university graduates succeeds.

The auto and aviation industries, oil companies are ready to immediately offer “average” specialists a salary of 45-50 thousand rubles per month. The cost of training at a paid college department is from 20-30 thousand rubles. in year.

So consider it!

Pop professions

The Americans presented a list of those

whose services we will especially need in the coming years.

Doctors and lawyers, as always, are in first place, followed by programmers, biochemists and biophysicists (nanotechnology, food industry, medicines) and ecologists.

It would be nice to also get pleasure from work. British researchers have found that white-collar workers in highly paid and prestigious positions are not happy at all.

Absolutely satisfied - hairdressers and cosmetologists, military personnel, chefs,

sellers and teachers.

In Russia you have to choose between respect and prosperity.

Money can not buy happiness

According to opinion polls in our country the most

respect doctors and teachers, but at the same time

these specialists have some of the most

low salaries.

A professional look into the future

According to Forbes, already in 2026

stores will switch to automatic

payment, so cashiers will not be needed.

The profession of a postman will disappear even earlier (2016), since the “paper”

Few people send mail anymore. Miners and oil workers will be left out of work as they switch to solar and wind energy.

What should we, who have graduated from universities, do in the future?

but who shifted theirs

responsibilities on the shoulders of robots?

What did educated free people do at all times?

They thought!

And from their thoughts artistic ideas were born

masterpieces and great scientific discoveries.

The most in-demand professions

Look for yourself...

Test for teenagers 14 – 16 years old

and their parents

  • You are working…
  • With people

    With technology

    With signs and formulas

    With wildlife

    2. You do all the work...

    By oneself

    Leading other people

    In a team as a team member

    Don't depend on the people around you

3. You are busy at work...

- creating or managing threads

material assets (goods, money);

Interacting with people;

Creation of artistic images;

Transformation of nature;

Maintenance and/or management

various machines, mechanisms;

Analysis, storage of information.

4. You are working...

In room;

On open air;

In extreme conditions;

In constantly changing conditions.

5. Your working time is distributed...

By shift (sometimes day, sometimes night);

At your discretion (free

Depending on external circumstances;

According to a clear schedule, weekends

days are always free.

6. You spend most of your time...

- sitting at the table;

In transport;


Any options are possible.

7. Your salary...

Fixed by contract;

Depends on output;

Determined by how successful

your activities;

Depends on the case.

8. At work you are responsible...

- only for yourself;

For other people;

For the operation of mechanisms;

For material values.

9. In the process of your work it is necessary...

- carry out investigations;

Come up with something new;

Act as an expert, use already

existing knowledge and acquire new ones;

Influence people;

Take measurements.

10. At work you have to...

- plan everything in advance and strictly follow the plan;

Make a preliminary plan, but

adjust it yourself when

necessary during the work process;

Do not be bound by plans, deadlines;

Be prepared for any surprises.

11. What you value most about your proposed job is...

High wages;

Comfortable and stable conditions;

A result that people value;

Possibility of creativity.

12. For successful work, it is important for you to have:

Creative imagination;

Organization and responsibility;

Engineering Thinking;

Leadership skills;

Physical endurance.


1. Compare the answers and make sure they are not

contradict each other.

2. Check if you are confusing the concept of profession,

qualification, position.

3. Write down separately:

4 qualities that will help you be successful in business

intended profession,

And 4 qualities are interference.

(Details about professions on Internet sites). ne37.jpg

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Classroom plan Introductory speech Oral journal “in the world of professions” Extra people in the labor market (Problem) Five types of professions (Educational program Test “You and your profession” Career fair (News feed) Trial of the profession teacher (Crime) The rarest professions (entertaining facts) Final word

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Oral magazine "In the world of professions" Today's issue of our magazine is dedicated to professional guidance.

The following sections await you: "Problem" "News feed" "Educational program" "Crime" "Tests", "Fun facts" We hope that the materials in today's issue will become a guide for you in the ocean of professions.

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Test "You and your profession" 1. New Year's Eve is the best time for you to: a) get enough sleep;

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b) watch TV with your family;

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News feed - “Profession Fair” A web programmer, web designer is a specialist in creating websites for the global Internet. An auditor is a specialist who checks the financial activities of companies and evaluates their success and efficiency. A brand manager is a specialist who comes up with an image of a product - a brand - and promotes this image to the masses. Logistics specialist who regulates flows: warehouse, transport, production.

A transport logistics specialist comes up with schemes for transporting the company's goods, a warehouse logistics specialist organizes the storage of products. Marketer means “knowledge of the market” in Latin.

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A specialist who studies the market in order to find out the needs of customers, their tastes and preferences. A merchandiser is a person who monitors how his company's products are presented in large stores.
