Presentation on the topic of dishes in the senior group. Tableware Senior group Purpose: to introduce children to cutlery, dishes, to activate children's vocabulary

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Dishes. Types of dishes.

Utensils are items for storing, preparing or serving food.

All utensils can be divided into: Kitchen utensils - in which food is prepared. We encounter it every day in the kitchen - these are: frying pans, pots, ladles, stewpans, etc. Tableware - from which we eat, including cutlery. Everything that we regularly see on the dinner table: plates, glasses, gravy boats, cups, mugs, spoons, forks, knives, etc.



Tableware is: plates - dessert, table and deep, - bouillon cups, - soup bowls, - banquet dishes, - herring bowls, - gravy boats, - bread bins and bread vases, - tea and coffee cups and saucers, - teapots and coffee pots , - milk jugs and cream jugs, - sugar bowls, - bowls, vases, jam sockets, - glasses, glasses, - jugs and decanters, - cutlery (forks, spoons, knives)

Table set: plates, tureen, gravy boat, banquet dish.

Herring girls. Breadbox.

Tea set: teapot, cups and saucers, milk jug, sugar bowl, butter dish, bowl.

Coffee service: coffee pot, cups and saucers, creamer, sugar bowl, vase for sweets.

Set for jam: vase, rosettes, spoons.

Glasses, glasses.

Jug. Decanter.

Cutlery: forks, spoons, knives.

To make it pleasant to sit at the table, it must be beautifully served.

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Presentation on the lexical topic "Utensils" for conducting educational activities in the senior correctional group.

Clarification and expansion of ideas about tableware, its purpose, the materials from which it is made. Formation of concepts: kitchenware, tableware, teaware, cutlery. Activation of...

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  1. Clarify and activate vocabulary on the topic.
  2. Clarify and expand ideas about tableware, its purpose, and the materials from which it is made.
  3. Form the concepts of “tea”, “dining”, “kitchen” utensils.
  4. Improve the grammatical structure of speech, improve word formation skills and the formation of quality adjectives.
  5. Develop the ability to treat peers with respect and not interrupt each other.
  6. Strengthen skills correct pronunciation automated sounds in the responses of speech-language pathologist children.
  7. Develop visual attention, perception, memory,

Materials and equipment: Whole and cut into pieces pictures of dishes, a ball, a postal envelope, toy and real dishes made of different materials (glass, ceramic, metal, plastic, wood), a computer.

Progress of the lesson

I. Org. moment.

Children enter the group. The speech therapist draws their attention to the fact that there are dishes along the way, but does not mention the word “dishes”.

Speech therapist: Oh, guys, there are some objects lying... Let's collect them. Something tells me that we will still need them (children collect objects in a box and sit on chairs).

Speech therapist: Guys, today in mailbox kindergarten, I found a letter, and from whom, you can now guess. Let's listen.

(An excerpt from the fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief” is heard) (presentation)

So the kettle runs after the coffee pot,
Chatting, chattering,
It's rattling...
The irons run, quack,
Through the puddles, through the puddles
They jump over.
And behind them are saucers,
saucers –
They rush along the street -
On the glasses - ding!
They bump into

And the glasses - ding!
They break.
And he runs, strums,
The frying pan is knocking:
"Where are you going? Where?
Where? Where? Where?"
And behind her are forks,
Glasses and bottles
Cups and spoons
They jump along the path.

Questions for children:

What work is the excerpt from?

Speech therapist: Guys, did you find out who this letter is from?

Children: From Fedora.

The speech therapist takes out the letter and reads:

« Hello, dear guys! Oh, woe is me, woe! All the dishes ran away from me! Come to me, please help me return the dishes. And I promise you that I will improve.

With respect to you, Fedora»

Speech therapist:(shows a box of dishes) Guys, what did we collect along the way?

Children: Dishes!

Speech therapist: Yes. I told you that these items will still be useful to us.

Speech therapist: What are the dishes for?

Children's answers.

Speech therapist: Right. Guys, do you want to go help Fedora?

Children: Yes!

Speech therapist: Guys, I have a magic ball, it will show us the way (throws the ball): “One, two, three, show the way to Fedora!”

Speech therapist: So we found ourselves in a fairy tale... Guys, what kind of dishes are there in general? Would you like to see?

II. Exercise “What types of dishes are there?”

(presentation) + materials from which the dishes are made.

The dishes are placed on the table, the children look at them and form qualitative adjectives(A metal pan is metal, a glass glass is glass, etc.)

III.Game "Collect the Whole".

Speech therapist: Oh, guys, how Fedora doesn’t like her dishes, she broke them all. Want to help her glue the pieces of dishes together?

Pictures of dishes, cut into pieces, are scattered on the carpet. Children are given cards with “whole” dishes. You need to assemble your picture from parts.

IV. Word formation exercise “What shall we serve in what?”

(presentation). There are special dishes for some foods. Herring - herring bowl, sugar - sugar bowl, fruit - fruit bowl, etc.

V. Phys. Just a minute.

Here is a large glass teapot, Children "inflate" their bellies One hand is on the belt, the other is curved like a nose.
Very important, like a boss.
Here are the porcelain cups Squat down, one hand on the belt.
Very fragile, poor things.
Here are the porcelain saucers, They spin around, drawing a circle with their hands.
Just knock and they will break.
Here are the silver spoons Stretch, arms up, clasped above your head.
Here is a plastic tray - make a big circle.
He brought us the dishes.

VI. Exercise “Oh, woe to Fedora, woe!”

Speech therapist: Well done boys! That's how much different dishes It happens! Now let’s surprise Fedora, and while she’s not at home, let’s put things in order in the kitchen and put the dishes on the shelves.


Between the slides there is gymnastics for the eyes.

VII. Fedora.

As soon as the exercise ends, Fedora enters the group.

Fedora: Hello guys! Are you here already?! And I went to look for the runaway dishes, but I didn’t find anything.

Speech therapist: Hello, Fedora. And we found your dishes and took them with us. Hands over a box of dishes.

Fedora: Oh how good! Thank you! But guys, I decided to improve! I won’t, I won’t hurt the dishes. I will, I will do the dishes, and love, and respect. (Looks around) Oh, guys, you’ve already put things in order, put all the dishes on shelves, well done! Thank you very much! And I have prepared gifts for you for this.

Fedora takes out some treats and invites the children for tea.

Natalia Sviridova
Presentation on lexical topic"Dishes" for older preschoolers

I, a practicing speech therapist, am constantly in search, I have 15 years of work experience. I would like to present one of my works to your consideration.

Presentation on lexical topic« Dishes» for a subgroup lesson for children senior preschool age . It takes a lot of time to prepare for the lesson and I decided to collect all the material on this topic, which is suitable specifically for my children. This presentation can be used both in senior group, and in preparatory.

In it I collected: articulation, breathing and finger exercises, pure sayings, poems, riddles, D.I. "The Fourth Wheel", tasks for the development of visual attention “What did the artist mix up?”, "Find differences". For auditory attention “Find the place of the sound in the word”, "Sound Analysis of Words". I tried to do some tasks with animation, in the form computer games. I guess with these presentations Children are more interested in working in class and learn the material better.

Target: vocabulary development and word formation and inflection skills.


1. Developmental: clarify and expand the idea of dishes, its purpose; consolidate the concepts of tea room, dining room, kitchen dishes; clarify and activate the vocabulary by topic« Dishes» ; develop coherent speech; teach to compose descriptive stories; improve the grammatical structure of speech.

2. Corrective: exercises to develop breathing; development of visual attention and perception; development of auditory attention; development of fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement; formation of relative adjectives; word formation of nouns in diminutive form; agreement of nouns with prepositions.

3. Educational: developing skills of cooperation and mutual understanding

Publications on the topic:

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Individual lesson with an autistic child to familiarize himself with the world around him on the lexical topic “Dishes. Furniture" Goals and objectives: -formation of psychological contact, experience positive emotions during joint activities. -formation of sensory.

Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson on the lexical topic “Utensils” Abstract frontal training on the lexical topic: “Dishes” Purpose: Expanding the dictionary on the topic “Dishes”. Objectives: 1. Teach to use categories.

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MDOU Lipitsky kindergarten combined type “Spikelet”

Conversation on the topic:

« Where did the dishes come from?»

senior group


Zhuravleva N.M.

Volkova V.V.

« Dishes for guests»

Target: Introduce children to the history of dishes. Systematize children's knowledge about the purpose different types dishes. Introduce the methods of its production. Promote the development of cognitive abilities. Foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults. Material: various pictures with dishes (exhibited on the typesetting canvas during the conversation).

Progress of the conversation

-- Guys, let's remember the fascinating and instructive fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Fedorino's grief.”- What happened to the heroine of this fairy tale? That's right, all the dishes ran away from her.- Do you remember why this happened? Yes. Grandmother Fedora did not take care of her dishes, did not wash them, did not clean them, did not groom them.- How do you think. Are dishes worthy of respect? (Children's answers).- When do you think the first dishes appeared? That's right, a very long time ago. At first, ancient people did without utensils. Vegetables and fruits were eaten raw, and meat was fried over a fire and eaten with hands. But very soon they realized that this was not very convenient. Why do you think? (The food from the fire was very hot, and it was necessary to eat everything at once, because there was nowhere to put the leftover food). But different types of dishes have their own history. But before we get acquainted with the origin of some types of dishes, let's find out which items belong to the dishes. (Children list).- And so we already know that dishes are items for preparing, eating and storing food. There are also decorative dishes that are designed to decorate the interior. These are vases, plates, dishes, etc.- Name the items that are used in preparing food and drinks. (Pots, frying pans, baking dishes, teapots, coffee makers, dumpling makers, steamers, etc.).- What utensils are used when eating? (plates, bowls, dishes, salad bowls.)- What do we use for drinking and beverages? (Cups, glasses, shot glasses, mugs, goblets, wine glasses, decanters, jugs, bottles, thermoses.)- What kind of utensils are used to store food? (cheese bowls, tureens, pots, butter dishes, bread bins.)- What is cutlery? (spoons, forks, knives).- There are also auxiliary serving items, who knows what belongs to them? (Trays, saucers, candy bowls, vases, etc.).- That's how many different dishes there are in the house. And all of it can be made of different materials. Which ones? (Children call).- What kind of dishes do you think appeared first? (Children's answers).- The history of tableware goes back centuries, its rich pedigree is surrounded by all sorts of legends and myths, as well as entertaining historical descriptions. It is believed that the first dishes appeared about seven thousand years ago. It was sculpted from simple clay and by hand. Over time, people realized that not any clay is suitable for making durable dishes. Then other substances began to be added to it. This is how ceramics appeared. As for glass, it was used back in ancient Egypt. However, glass production reached its true flourishing in a later period. In China they came up with a recipe for porcelain and for a long time this recipe was kept secret. Wooden utensils also have a long history. Pots and bowls - the first utensils in Ancient Rus'. They were made from wood, and later from metal. For a long time The pot reigned in the kitchen - the direct predecessor of the modern saucepan. The sizes of the pots varied greatly. The pots also differed in their external decoration. More elegant were those in which food was served on the table. Pottery skills developed in the cities and little attention was paid to the external decoration of pots. However, despite its versatility, the pot had difficulty satisfying numerous culinary needs. Then all kinds of pots, baking trays and frying pans came to his aid. You have learned a lot about dishes, there is still a lot to learn, so I suggest you relax a little and play.
PHYSMINUTE The basket stood on the shelf, idle. Sit down, round your arms - depict a basket. She was probably bored all summer. Tilts the head to the right - to the left. Autumn has arrived and the leaves have turned yellow. Stand up, imitating tree branches. The time has come to reap the harvest. Stretch, pretend to pick fruit from trees. The basket is satisfied. Round your arms in front of you and nod your head. She was surprised Spread your arms. That so many fruits in the garden were lost. Rise on your toes, show with your hands big circle.
Cutlery also has an interesting history. For example, an ordinary table knife. Our distant ancestors did not distinguish between combat, hunting, utility or table knives. Each one carried his own knife in his belt and used it for different purposes. Special table knives came into use much later and were sharp at the end. Then later they began to make them rounded so that people quarreling while eating could not hurt each other. Very interesting story has a tablespoon. The very first spoon was made by a man from stone. It was very heavy and heated up while eating, then people began to make spoons from animal bones. Spoons, like knives, were often carried with them in special cases, or simply in a belt or boot top. Later, people began to make spoons from wood.- What kind of spoons were they? (Wooden).- What spoons do we eat with now? (Iron). The fork is the youngest of the cutlery. Even at the royal table in the 17th century, only a knife and a spoon were used. The first forks had two prongs and were only owned by very wealthy people. All other people started using forks much later. Result: What interesting things did you learn about dishes today? What was the very first plate, spoon, and fork made of? What kind of knife was it? Can people live without dishes?

Tatiana Studenova
Presentation "Tableware"

Dear Colleagues! I present to your attention presentation on the topic" Dishes".It is intended for children three to four years old. This presentation can be used So: first ask the children a riddle about dishes, and after guessing, show the slide. You can show the slide and read the poem for this picture. With this presentations the following can be solved tasks:

-educational: consolidate the idea of dishes, its varieties and purposes; correctly name and distinguish dishes.

-developing: expand lexicon, give an idea of ​​the materials from which objects are made dishes, practice the formation and use of nouns with a diminutive suffix in speech, develop memory, attention, logical thinking and coherent speech.

-educational: cultivate emotional responsiveness, careful attitude To dishes.

Dear Colleagues! I really hope that this presentation will be useful to you in your work with children. Thank you for attention.

Publications on the topic:

Project "Dishes" in the junior group Type: Collective, cognitive-research, creative. Participants: children junior group, parents, teacher. Implementation period.

Topic: Dishes Purpose: To introduce children to the concept of dishes. carry out a basic classification of utensils according to purpose, use, form.

TOPIC “INTERESTING TABLEWARE” Objectives: to enrich children’s understanding of tableware; teach to classify utensils according to essential characteristics;

Goal: Formation of children's ideas about dishes. Continue to expand children's understanding of tableware. Develop cultural behavior skills.

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Speech development middle group Educational objectives Clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic “Utensils”. Develop the ability to write descriptive riddles.

Long-term plan "Dishes" days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday morning Conversation “What do we know about dishes?” D.I.: “For what?” P/n “Catch it, throw it, don’t let it fall.”

Presentation for the summary of GCD in the middle group “Fedorina’s dishes” Integration educational areas: cognition, artistic creativity, socialization, communication, music. TASKS: Educational: Consolidate.
