Continuation of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs this year. The main news about the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - personnel purge

The upcoming pension reform will certainly affect all layers of society; it affects not only civilian employees, but also pensioners of law enforcement agencies. It is expected that the pension reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will lead to an increase in the required length of service for retirement, as well as to the abolition of some benefits that allow security forces to retire early and then continue to work in other industries. While the project is only at the stage of development and consideration, no decisions have actually been made yet.

Latest news about pension reform in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

According to the latest news, the pension reform in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 should lead to the indexation of pensions by 7-9%. However, it is proposed to abolish the preferential length of service: if so far it is enough to serve only 20 years for retirement, then this period is proposed to be increased to 25 years. Because of this, the ministry’s expenses on payments to pensioners will be significantly reduced, and valuable experienced personnel will remain in service longer.

However, the pension reform in the Ministry of Internal Affairs pursues the main goal - total savings of budget funds and optimization of all processes in law enforcement agencies. From year to year there is talk about the overly bloated management staff, endless paperwork and lack of automation mechanisms. Now the security structure plans to abandon departmental health care institutions, make criminologists civilian specialists and unite a number of departments in order to reduce the number of management personnel.

The pension reform, despite the increase in pensions, will reduce the number of pensioners due to later retirement. This proposal caused a sharp negative reaction from the security forces, and now it is only at the discussion stage.

Prospects for reform: main provisions

One of the reasons for the pension reform is the financial crisis, which affected all layers of the economy. Because of this, the government is forced to look for ways to save budget funds, and one of the ways to save is to extend the length of service for law enforcement officers. It is expected to be increased in several stages:

  1. Pension reform in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, it may last until 2019. It is expected that the length of service will be increased by 5 years, that is, by a full quarter before the original term. As a result, it will be possible to receive a pension from the law enforcement agency only after serving for at least 25 years.
  2. From 2025, it is planned to carry out the second stage of the reform with an increase in length of service to 30 years. So far this project is only at the development stage, but judging by the general trend, it may well be realized.

2018 will be a landmark year for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, because for this year the government has planned to carry out another reform of the law enforcement agency. Many probably remember the recent reform innovations of 2016. At that time, a number of changes had already been made to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

First of all, the subordination changed: two departments were added to the security forces at once: the Federal Migration Service and the Federal Service for Drug Control. The day before, this issue went through a lengthy procedure of discussion and approval in the State Duma, but in the end, the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin signed the corresponding decision.

Another structure that joined the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2016 was the newly created so-called Rosgvardia (Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation).

Now it is the Russian Guard that has become, perhaps, the largest system in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It includes absolutely all specialized units of the Russian police. In addition, both military weapons and armored vehicles with air forces are entrusted to its control.

And it was the Russian Guard that became a stumbling block in the issue of reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The whole point is that for the full functioning of the newly created power structure (Rosguard), legislators need to radically change absolutely all the functions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It should be noted that the total number of security officials working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is about 1 million people. Of these, 200 thousand have already been laid off as part of the department’s reform. people And some specialists were transferred to serve in a new department - the Russian Guard

Despite some reduction in staff, the administrative apparatus of the law enforcement agency continues to prepare units for one of the most significant events of 2018 on the territory of the Russian Federation - the World Cup.

With the onset of 2018, one of the structural divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the State Road Safety Inspectorate - is abolished. The pretext for the abolition of this service was the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, by whom the Head of the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Viktor Nilov, was dismissed.

The news that traffic cops will soon disappear from Russian roads immediately spread throughout the country. The reaction of Russians to such an innovation was ambiguous: some welcomed such an innovation, and others were wary of such an initiative, believing that it could only be harmful for drivers.

There are rumors that Russian authorities took over the initiative to abolish the traffic police from their colleagues from Kazakhstan. They tested a similar reform in their law enforcement agencies and back in 2012-2013 they decided to create one department from two services - the traffic police and the traffic police. However, Kazakh drivers were not inspired by this step.

The new department was subjected to a barrage of criticism from motorists: they say that its employees do not have the proper level of competence, and in general such a reform should not have been undertaken.

As for the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, it will include the following steps:

  1. the traffic police ceases to exist, and its employees are transferred to the rank of ordinary police officers;
  2. there must be a total purge of the leadership of the security department;
  3. carrying out a large-scale reduction of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Most experts look at such reforms with a certain degree of skepticism.

They claim that such reshuffles among the security forces only carry destructive consequences for society and irreversible losses of experienced, highly qualified employees. It is clear that comparing the functions of patrol police officers and traffic police inspectors is a thankless task. They are different in many ways.

In addition, the duties of teaching staff do not include excellent knowledge of traffic rules, and their retraining requires a lot of time and a lot of money.

Reductions in departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: latest news

The process of reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs began in 2016 and has not yet been completed. In October, the security forces will face another reduction, as a result of which their number will decrease by 900 thousand people. Experts predict that as a result of such personnel optimization, there will be 15% fewer department employees, and in the management apparatus this figure will be 10%.

The initiators of the reform note that, despite such a significant personnel purge, the quality of duties performed by law enforcement officers will remain at a high level.

Government officials say that the reform of the law enforcement agencies will be carried out taking into account the characteristics of different regions of the Russian Federation, including the complexity of the crime situation in each individual region.

Reforming and optimizing the law enforcement department to make more efficient use of the financial resources allocated for its maintenance, which will be very important in the difficult economic situation in the country.

However, despite the bleak prospects for the said reform painted by the army of officials, some experts are skeptical about the upcoming round of reform changes in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Referring to the experience of previous years, they say that the reduction of qualified employees will inevitably entail a sharp decrease in the efficiency of the law enforcement agency.

By “saving” on the security forces, the government is essentially digging a hole for law-abiding citizens. Apparently, if the situation continues to develop in this manner, it may soon turn out that the level of crime and corruption will exceed all imaginable indicators.

It is noteworthy that personnel losses could have been avoided, but only if the budget financing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was optimized

But, for this, first of all, it is necessary to solve the problem of budget deficit. But when the economic situation in the country is stabilized, then we can talk about preserving jobs in the law enforcement agencies. So the first thing the government needs to achieve is stable GDP growth and an increase in oil prices.

Who will not be affected by the reduction?

Recently, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Koltsev, said that the so-called personnel optimization of the structural divisions of the department he heads will not affect all regions of the Russian Federation. The districts that will not feel the effects of personnel purges will be:

  • Nenetsky;
  • Jewish;
  • Chukotka;
  • Crimean.

Also, personnel changes will not affect lower ranks. This means that ordinary police officers who directly interact with the public will retain their jobs

In addition, the reduction will not affect employees of special forces units.

For reference. Since 2011, the number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has decreased by 35%. This trend may continue in the future if those in power do not find another way to optimize the personnel of the law enforcement agency, alternative to total layoffs.

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Many good initiatives in our country are turning from a necessary initiative into a cheap profanation. The global reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 seems to occupy a middle position between two extremes. The idea is good from the point of view of the declared ultimate goals: to get rid of ballast, to work better and more efficiently. But for some reason, such serious statements are being implemented with the help of half-measures, which are unlikely to affect the growth of professional suitability of personnel.

We started off on the wrong foot

The final form of the change has not yet been adopted: according to representatives of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, operational adjustments will be carried out online, depending on the success of a particular initiative. But there is no doubt that the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will begin with a reduction in the number of career employees. This means, first of all, the dismissal of thousands of police officers, of whom there are already not enough of them in real life.

When a person comes to the police station with his troubles, he is often refused help, not because they do not want to help, but because there is simply no one to do it. The police were overwhelmed with paperwork: in order to formalize the arrest of a person suspected of committing a violation, according to the rules, you need to fill out up to 13 A4 sheets! This wastes hours of precious time. We need to start by eliminating red tape and converting paper documentation into electronic form.

Interesting: in some regions, heads of law enforcement agencies banned their subordinates from visiting nightclubs and restaurants.

Is less always better?

However, experienced and decent police officers have nothing to fear from layoffs. It will primarily include employees of related organizations and departments. Already in January of this year, layoffs have been carried out. In addition, many employees will no longer be military personnel. The following categories of internal troops employees will become civilians:

  • accountants;
  • personnel officers;
  • psychologists;
  • doctors;
  • employees of departments for combating extremism.

This raises many questions, because after transfer to civilian status, salaries will drop noticeably, many will probably quit (which is what the reformers seem to be striving for), but who will count the salaries and restore the peace of mind of active police officers?! As for extremism, the latest news about the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 makes it clear that from now on the Russian Guard will deal with this. Will the sum change if the terms are swapped?

The question of the fate of experts and criminologists, who also want to be left outside the system, has not yet been resolved. But the idea of ​​removing police duties for issuing and replacing general civil and foreign passports has already been implemented. Now these functions are performed by Rosreestr, and every citizen can obtain an identification document not at the police passport office, but at the well-known and already familiar MFC.

Current figure: in total, about 20 thousand career police officers will be cut.

Without medicine, but with pensions

The organizers of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also took care of the image of the police. By the end of the year, departmental clinics, hospitals, and sanatoriums will come under the wing of civilian ministries. This is allegedly due to the increasing number of complaints from doctors about pressure from representatives of security forces. The latter will now be treated in regular clinics under the compulsory medical insurance and voluntary health insurance system.

But no one thought about how the relocation would affect the microclimate of civilian medical institutions and patients. The purity of the moral character of an employee of the internal troops should also be supported by the ban on loans from microfinance organizations, which has already entered into force. We can only hope for length of service: it will not increase yet, and the 2018 pension reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs provides for the indexation of payments by 7–9%.

Among the global changes is the disappearance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, whose tasks will be carried out by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is not clear why the MGB is being created - the Ministry of State Security, which will absorb the FSO and the Foreign Intelligence Service. Investigators will once again unite with prosecutors, and the traffic police will merge with the patrol service. According to experts, this could relieve the ministry's payroll. We can only hope that the changes will be useful to ordinary Russians.

Question of the day: if a police officer is not even required to know the rules of the road, what is the point of merging with the traffic police?

The ongoing large-scale reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia in 2018 will reduce the number of police officers, transfer some functions to other organizations and departments, and also tighten the discipline of employees. The first steps have already been taken in some regions of the country.

Police reform - what to expect

The most serious changes that police reform will bring will affect the so-called “non-force” functions. Changes are expected in the system of medical care for police officers - non-core functions of the ministry will be transferred to other departments. The corresponding proposals for the project “Increasing the defense capability and security of the state” for 2018-2024 have already been prepared by an interdepartmental working group created under the apparatus of the Security Council.

General information about crime (January-July 2017)

The working group plans to abolish departmental clinics, hospitals and sanatoriums. It is expected that they will either be transferred to the Ministry of Health or sold. Police officers will be served through a voluntary health insurance system. The authors of the changes cite the widespread belief among security forces about pressure on medical personnel to reduce the number of detections of occupational diseases. If employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are served in regular clinics, then this assumption cannot have any justification. Currently, the annual cost of medical care for police officers is about 25 billion rubles. According to the authors of the initiative, the transition to voluntary health insurance will not cost more.

In addition to the medical sphere, changes will affect the forensic unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - legislators are considering transferring them to the department of federal state unitary enterprises. In addition, civil servants will become:

  • personnel officers;
  • psychologists;
  • financiers;
  • accountants.

It is also planned to transfer responsibilities for issuing passports and driver’s licenses to civil departments - Rosreestr, the Ministry of Justice or other organizations.

Police cuts

The ministry's full-time employees have already been laid off, primarily in the counter-extremism units. At the same time, layoffs affected not only the regions, but also the central apparatus of the department. Thus, as reported by the media, employees of the Main Directorate for Economic Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs moved to the main building of the ministry from their offices on Sadovaya-Spasskaya Street. In addition to reducing staffing, reforms will also affect the department for countering extremism.

Earlier, news agencies published information according to which the functions of operational-search activities in terms of countering terrorism and extremism will be assigned to the Russian Guard. The ministry itself has so far refrained from making official comments.

Experts call the dismissal of Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation Sergei Gerasimov another sign of global reform. A high-ranking official was dismissed by order of the president. The decree was published on the official legal information portal on August 21, 2017.

Gerasimov was called one of the “ideologists of police reform.” In winter, he sent a letter to the Russian Constitutional Court calling for criminal liability for violations during rallies to be maintained. The official stated that this penalty must be applied to those persons who have repeatedly committed administrative offenses.
