Project on the surrounding world: "Wealth given to people, Yu. A

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PROJECT on the topic: “Riches given to people” Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Completed by: Student 3 “A” class Roshkov Andrey

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Purpose: 1) Study the biography and contribution to the development and prosperity of the Fatherland V.V. Putin, our president 2) Tell classmates about his life 3) Prepare a presentation on the topic Tasks: 1) Select information on the topic 2) Prepare an electronic presentation and report on the project topic 3) Introduce classmates to the project

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I chose for the project a person whom everyone knows, who will leave a big mark on history. This is a person whom someone condemns, but someone is proud of. This is our president - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. This is a person who will go down in history as a fairly major political leader who clearly defends state interests and solves the country’s security problems. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin created the image of a business man capable of solving problems. Almost all leading politicians have a successful dialogue with him, and one cannot help but listen to the opinion of our president.

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Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Russian statesman and political figure, President of the Russian Federation Born October 7, 1952 St. Petersburg, Married to Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Putina (1983-2014) Parents Maria Ivanovna Shelomova, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin Children Maria Vladimirovna Putina, Ekaterina Vladimirovna Putina

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Putin is a candidate of economic sciences. Fluent in German, currently learning English. In 1973 he became a master of sports in sambo, in 1975 - in judo. Repeated champion of St. Petersburg in sambo.

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In 1975, Putin graduated from the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University. Served in the First Main Directorate (foreign intelligence). On May 7, 2000, he took office as President of the Russian Federation.

Objective of the project: Find out what nature gives to people.
Form of work (individually, in pairs, groups, whole class): in pairs

Stages of work:

  1. Find out what the ocean (sea, river, lake) gives to people
  2. What does the forest give to people?
  3. What mountains give people.
  4. Conclusion

My responsibilities for the project:I have to find out what the forest gives people, find suitable pictures and interesting material.

Working hours:a week

Ways to present the results (story-portrait, story-biography, album, book, stand, etc.): Biography story

Plan of my speech at the presentation.

  1. The forest is a storehouse of natural resources
  2. What the forest shares with people: mushrooms, berries, dead wood, game, fur, wood for building houses.
  3. Beauty of the forest

Materials for the project(write, stick, draw what you think is necessary).

They say that the forest is a real storehouse of natural resources. And I have been convinced many times of the veracity of this statement. I often visited the forest and the forest always shared with me a variety of its riches.

For example, in the fall we often go with our parents to the forest to pick mushrooms. We love to wander along forest paths and find boletus, honey mushrooms, boletus and aspen under the fallen leaves.

In the summer, we sometimes go out into the forest to pick berries. Like bears with a sweet tooth, we collect wild raspberries and a bucket of fragrant wild strawberries, from which we then make delicious strawberry jam.

When I was in the village with my grandmother, she and I went into the forest for dead wood - dry tree branches needed to light the stove. So the forest shared its warmth with us and warmed us.

My dad told me that his friends go hunting in the forest. They then bring carcasses of wild boars and deer to make delicious food from their meat. I even tried deer meat once when we were visiting. It was very tasty and unusual, the meat was dark and rough, apparently the deer ran a lot through the forest.

I know that in the forest animals are hunted not only for game (meat from wild animals), but also for animal skins, which are then used to make fur coats, but I really don’t like it. It seems to me that no fur coat is worth killing animals over.

The forest also produces wood for building houses. My mother and I have been dreaming of our own log house (a house made of round logs) for a long time, and maybe our dream will come true someday.

However, for me the greatest wealth of the forest is its beauty. Every time I come to the forest, it pleases me with new stunning colors and landscapes.

How do I evaluate my work on a project?(whether the work was interesting, easy or difficult, whether it was completely independent or required the help of adults, how the cooperation with classmates developed, whether the work was successful).

The work was difficult, but we did it perfectly! I couldn’t have done it without help, but my mom and dad helped me. Our report was very interesting and exciting!

Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Thank you very much to my parent and friend for your help.

Objective of the project: Find out what nature gives to people.
Form of work (individually, in pairs, groups, whole class): in pairs

Stages of work:

  1. Find out what the ocean (sea, river, lake) gives to people
  2. What does the forest give to people?
  3. What mountains give people.
  4. Conclusion

My responsibilities for the project:I have to find out what the forest gives people, find suitable pictures and interesting material.

Working hours:a week

Ways to present the results (story-portrait, story-biography, album, book, stand, etc.): Biography story

Plan of my speech at the presentation.

  1. The forest is a storehouse of natural resources
  2. What the forest shares with people: mushrooms, berries, dead wood, game, fur, wood for building houses.
  3. Beauty of the forest

Materials for the project(write, stick, draw what you think is necessary).

They say that the forest is a real storehouse of natural resources. And I have been convinced many times of the veracity of this statement. I often visited the forest and the forest always shared with me a variety of its riches.

For example, in the fall we often go with our parents to the forest to pick mushrooms. We love to wander along forest paths and find boletus, honey mushrooms, boletus and aspen under the fallen leaves.

In the summer, we sometimes go out into the forest to pick berries. Like bears with a sweet tooth, we collect wild raspberries and a bucket of fragrant wild strawberries, from which we then make delicious strawberry jam.

When I was in the village with my grandmother, she and I went into the forest for dead wood - dry tree branches needed to light the stove. So the forest shared its warmth with us and warmed us.

My dad told me that his friends go hunting in the forest. They then bring carcasses of wild boars and deer to make delicious food from their meat. I even tried deer meat once when we were visiting. It was very tasty and unusual, the meat was dark and rough, apparently the deer ran a lot through the forest.

I know that in the forest animals are hunted not only for game (meat from wild animals), but also for animal skins, which are then used to make fur coats, but I really don’t like it. It seems to me that no fur coat is worth killing animals over.

The forest also produces wood for building houses. My mother and I have been dreaming of our own log house (a house made of round logs) for a long time, and maybe our dream will come true someday.

However, for me the greatest wealth of the forest is its beauty. Every time I come to the forest, it pleases me with new stunning colors and landscapes.

How do I evaluate my work on a project?(whether the work was interesting, easy or difficult, whether it was completely independent or required the help of adults, how the cooperation with classmates developed, whether the work was successful).

The work was difficult, but we did it perfectly! I couldn’t have done it without help, but my mom and dad helped me. Our report was very interesting and exciting!

Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Thank you very much to my parent and friend for your help.

The main idea of ​​the project “Riches Given to People” is to tell about a spiritually rich person, whose destiny evokes respect and admiration. This person lived before or lives now; he is well acquainted with the laws of goodness, real, human greatness is inherent in him. He generously gives away his wealth to people, which can be seen in his deeds, thoughts, and actions.

This story is about Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, the world's first astronautics theorist and an ordinary school teacher. He knew a lot, achieved a lot, and gave everything he had to people. It was thanks to Tsiolkovsky’s great contribution that space became a reality.

Tsiolkovsky's life was difficult. At the age of ten, he learned about the terrible disease scarlet fever and the world became almost inaudible to him; he almost completely lost his hearing. But this misfortune did not break him. He worked all his life for people and became a world-famous scientist.

At the same time, Tsiolkovsky was a simple school teacher. He taught children mathematics, physics, and chemistry. How could a person teach who constantly used his own invention - the auditory trumpet? There are no barriers for a true teacher. Tsiolkovsky knew a lot, and knowledge is a great wealth. And he gave this wealth to people. I just couldn't do it any other way. It was important for him to be needed.

In order for the children, his students, to learn better, Konstantin Eduardovich resorted to various tricks. He was very fond of simple, visual experiments, and showed entire physical “performances.” For his conscientious teaching work, Konstantin Eduardovich was awarded the Orders of St. Stanislav and St. Anne.

Dozens of Tsiolkovsky's students became teachers. His own children also mastered knowledge and gave it to their children. His father was also a teacher. A whole family teaching dynasty has formed.

How did this great man manage to get everything done on time, since he worked not only as a teacher, but also for world science? Science is the key focus of his entire life. There are people whose greatness of soul is amazing. Love for people is a special kind of love. People with beauty and amazing strength of soul can change the world, make it better, even if they come into contact with insurmountable obstacles and barriers. “Love for people is the wings on which a person rises above all else,” wrote A.M. Gorky.

Tsiolkovsky’s life is an example of a person’s noble service to people.

Objective of the project: Find out what nature gives to people.
Form of work (individually, in pairs, groups, whole class): in pairs

Stages of work:

  1. Find out what the ocean (sea, river, lake) gives to people
  2. What does the forest give to people?
  3. What mountains give people.
  4. Conclusion

My responsibilities for the project:I have to find out what the forest gives people, find suitable pictures and interesting material.

Working hours:a week

Ways to present the results (story-portrait, story-biography, album, book, stand, etc.): Biography story

Plan of my speech at the presentation.

  1. The forest is a storehouse of natural resources
  2. What the forest shares with people: mushrooms, berries, dead wood, game, fur, wood for building houses.
  3. Beauty of the forest

Materials for the project(write, stick, draw what you think is necessary).

They say that the forest is a real storehouse of natural resources. And I have been convinced many times of the veracity of this statement. I often visited the forest and the forest always shared with me a variety of its riches.

For example, in the fall we often go with our parents to the forest to pick mushrooms. We love to wander along forest paths and find boletus, honey mushrooms, boletus and aspen under the fallen leaves.

In the summer, we sometimes go out into the forest to pick berries. Like bears with a sweet tooth, we collect wild raspberries and a bucket of fragrant wild strawberries, from which we then make delicious strawberry jam.

When I was in the village with my grandmother, she and I went into the forest for dead wood - dry tree branches needed to light the stove. So the forest shared its warmth with us and warmed us.

My dad told me that his friends go hunting in the forest. They then bring carcasses of wild boars and deer to make delicious food from their meat. I even tried deer meat once when we were visiting. It was very tasty and unusual, the meat was dark and rough, apparently the deer ran a lot through the forest.

I know that in the forest animals are hunted not only for game (meat from wild animals), but also for animal skins, which are then used to make fur coats, but I really don’t like it. It seems to me that no fur coat is worth killing animals over.

The forest also produces wood for building houses. My mother and I have been dreaming of our own log house (a house made of round logs) for a long time, and maybe our dream will come true someday.

However, for me the greatest wealth of the forest is its beauty. Every time I come to the forest, it pleases me with new stunning colors and landscapes.

How do I evaluate my work on a project?(whether the work was interesting, easy or difficult, whether it was completely independent or required the help of adults, how the cooperation with classmates developed, whether the work was successful).

The work was difficult, but we did it perfectly! I couldn’t have done it without help, but my mom and dad helped me. Our report was very interesting and exciting!

Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Thank you very much to my parent and friend for your help.
