Blue whiting: fish cakes, salad, blue whiting soup. fried, stewed, blue whiting in the oven

Blue whiting fish is nutritious and healthy, and its cost will not hurt your wallet. In today's article we will look at interesting recipes in which blue whiting is the main ingredient.

Blue whiting is not found fresh; it can only be purchased frozen. Be careful when choosing a product. The carcass should not emit an unpleasant, putrid odor. Pay special attention to the eyes - they should not be cloudy and slightly protruding.

Before frying whiting fish in a frying pan, prepare the following ingredients:

  • fresh frozen fish – 500 g;
  • sifted flour – 60 g;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • refined sunflower oil – 70 g.

Cooking time – 30 – 40 minutes.

The process includes the following steps:

  1. Thaw the fish, but not completely. In this case, it will be easier to gut it
  2. If you don't clean the blue whiting well enough from the insides, it will become very bitter. Therefore, be sure to remove the black film on the belly of the fish.
  3. Salt and pepper the preparation, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave to soak for 10 - 15 minutes.
  4. At this time, prepare the flour and add a little salt.
  5. Place a frying pan with vegetable or olive oil on the stove and start heating it over low heat.
  6. Dip each carcass into flour on both sides and place in a heated frying pan. Try to get the flour inside the whiting, then the fish will turn out juicy.

It is better to fry fish in a frying pan without a lid. In this case, you are guaranteed to get a delicious crispy crust on it.

Whole oven baking recipe

We will tell you how to cook blue whiting fish in the oven below. This dish is considered dietary, but at the same time very tasty and nutritious. The advantage of cooking is that the fish retains all its useful components, while undergoing full heat treatment.

For a delicious dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • whiting – 500 g;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • butter or spread – 40 g;
  • dry white wine – 200 ml;
  • lemon juice – 2 tablespoons.

Do not use a fortified drink, otherwise the dish will taste like alcohol.

The cooking process is quite simple:

  1. Clean the fish, sprinkle it with lemon, brush with spices.
  2. Evaporate the wine. Do this over low heat, adding butter at the end.
  3. Place the fish in a baking container, having previously covered its bottom with foil. Add heated wine and oil.
  4. Bake the fish at a temperature of 180 - 200 degrees for 30 - 35 minutes.

For variety, during baking, the fish can be placed on a bed of vegetables (onions, carrots, celery, spinach). In this case, the dish becomes dietary and acquires an unusual, fresh taste.

Steamed fish cutlets in a slow cooker

Dishes made from blue whiting fish always turn out tender, tasty and original. If you are on a diet or on a healthy diet, you will definitely love this steamed fish cakes recipe.


  • blue whiting – 1 kg;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • milk (fat content not less than 3%) – 100 ml;
  • loaf or white bread (not the first freshness possible) – 15 g;
  • flour or semolina – 30 g.

Be aware that blue whiting produces a lot of waste. Don’t rush to throw away the tails and heads; they can be used to make an excellent broth for soup.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Clean the fish from the insides, cut off the head, fins, and tails.
  2. Be sure to fillet the blue whiting. This is not difficult to do; there are no small bones in the fish. If you don’t have time, you can grind the blue whiting carcass through a meat grinder 2 – 3 times. But it’s better not to give such cutlets to children, as they may contain bones.
  3. Soak the bread in milk, put the resulting mixture in a blender, add onion, egg, beat well. For a dietary dish, it is better to use several quail eggs.
  4. Combine the resulting mass with the fish fillet, and to prevent your cutlets from falling apart, add a few tablespoons of flour or semolina.
  5. Form small balls from the resulting minced meat and place them in a multicooker sieve.
  6. Select steam cooking mode. Cooking time for cutlets is 30 minutes.

To many, this dish may seem bland. To add the desired taste, prepare a delicious sauce: sour cream or bechamel.

Blue whiting stewed with carrots and onions

Blue whiting is great for stewing with vegetables. Despite the fact that the fish is dry and not too fatty, in this dish it comes out very soft and juicy due to the juice of the vegetables.


  • whiting – 500 g;
  • large carrots - 1 piece;
  • onions – 2 – 3 pieces;
  • olive or refined vegetable oil – 30 g;
  • filtered or boiled water – 250 ml;
  • bay leaf – 1 piece;
  • spices and spices to taste.


  1. Clean the fish and cut into pieces 7–10 cm thick.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into half rings;
  3. Place the fish in a hot frying pan, add oil and water. Add bay leaves and spices there too. Cover the food with a lid and let it simmer for 5 - 7 minutes.
  4. Add vegetables and mix well.
  5. Continue simmering for another 15 minutes.

Even children will like this dish. The plus is that in addition to fish and vegetables, you get an excellent gravy for the side dish.

Cooking in batter

Despite the fact that there are many different recipes for preparing blue whiting, the most popular and favorite is battered fish. The delicious crispy crust gives it an unusual, interesting taste.

The ingredients are simple:

  • fish – 500 g;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • milk – 40 g;
  • flour – 60 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Profile the fish.
  2. Heat the frying pan.
  3. Dip each individual piece of fish fillet into batter on both sides.
  4. Fry the pieces on each side for 5 minutes.

Instead of flour, you can add breadcrumbs. In this case, you will get an excellent beer snack that will replace any snack in taste.

In tomato sauce

The taste of fish in tomato has been known to many since childhood. Is blue whiting suitable for this dish? Famous chefs ideally prepare this type of fish in this way.

To prepare a delicious dish we will need:

  • fish – 500 g;
  • carrot – 1 piece;
  • onion – 2 heads;
  • tomato or fresh tomatoes.

Cooking process:

  1. Divide the fish into small pieces.
  2. Fry them until a small crust forms.
  3. Separately, fry the onions and carrots and add tomato paste or fresh tomatoes minced through a meat grinder.
  4. When the tomato is slightly fried, add the fish and simmer covered for 10 minutes.

It is very important that the tomato mass completely covers the fish, then it will turn out soft and juicy. This dish goes well with buckwheat porridge, rice, and mashed potatoes.

Canned blue whiting fish at home

Blue whiting makes a delicious canned food that is not at all inferior to sardines. The ingredients are simple and not expensive, but expect that the cooking process will take about 4 hours.


  • fish – 1 kg;
  • large carrots - 1 piece;
  • onions – 2 pieces;
  • tomato – 15 g;
  • sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  • water;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

It is better to cook canned food in a slow cooker:

  1. Fry onions and carrots with tomatoes, add sugar.
  2. Separately, fry the fish a little until a crust appears.
  3. Combine the ingredients in a slow cooker and simmer for 1.5 – 2 hours.

Cooking delicious blue whiting fish is quite simple. The article describes recipes that are especially popular. Believe me, even from such an inexpensive type of fish you can get original, appetizing and interesting dishes.

Blue whiting is a tasty and healthy fish, from which you can prepare many interesting and unusual dishes. Recipes for frying meals are what housewives need who want to surprise their household with a fragrant and satisfying meal. You can use a wide variety of ingredients that will make the fish meat more juicy.

How to prepare fish?

In order for the dish to turn out perfect and be liked by the hostess and guests, to have an incredible taste and amazing aroma, you should properly prepare the ingredients before preparing it. The blue whiting must be cut, removed from the head and fins, and the black film inside must be carefully removed. Then the carcasses are chopped (if the recipe requires it).

If the housewife wants to get a beautiful crispy crust when frying the product, she should carefully handle the blue whiting with a napkin. You should not salt it in advance, as this may cause it to lose its taste and juice. A great option for frying pan recipes is to marinate the fish in it for a while and then sprinkle it with lemon juice.

To make the meat less dry, it is best to cook it in tomato or cream sauce.

Cooking recipes

The variety of simple options for cooking fish in a frying pan allows housewives to surprise family members with interesting and nutritious dishes.


Frying whiting is easy and simple. To do this you need to purchase a minimum number of products:

  • 500 grams of fish;
  • a few tablespoons of flour;
  • salt;
  • seasonings;
  • pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • lemon juice.

The whiting is processed, sprinkled with lemon juice, peppered, but not salted. You should leave the meat for a while to marinate. After 10 minutes you can start frying the product. A small amount of oil is poured into the frying pan, to which salt is added. This prevents the fish from sticking to the surface. The carcasses are breaded in flour and placed in a frying pan, both sides are fried. There is no need to cover the workpiece with a lid.

In sour cream

To cook delicious fish, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 600 grams of processed fish;
  • 300 milliliters of sour cream;
  • vegetable oil;
  • lemon juice;
  • pepper;
  • seasonings;
  • salt.

The fish is sprinkled with juice, rubbed with spices and placed in a hot frying pan (the oil should be boiling). Fry for 5 minutes. The onion is peeled and cut into rings and placed with the meat. The ingredients are poured with sour cream and simmered for half an hour.

In mayonnaise sauce

The dish turns out very tender and tasty. For preparation you need to use the following components:

  • 250 milliliters of mayonnaise sauce;
  • 500 grams of prepared fish;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 4 tablespoons flour;
  • vegetable oil;
  • bulb;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Break the eggs into a large container and beat thoroughly using a whisk or mixer. Add salt, pepper, mix. The flour is sent there, everything is kneaded well. You should get a homogeneous mass without any lumps. The onion is peeled and cut into several pieces, which are sent to a blender or grated. The onion mass must be squeezed out and added to the eggs and flour. A small amount of flour is poured onto a plate. The fish is cut into medium pieces and breaded, then placed in the egg mixture so that each piece of meat is evenly coated.

Oil is poured into the frying pan, it should heat up. After it boils, the fish is placed in it and fried for 8 minutes (both sides need to be fried). The blue whiting should turn golden. Before cooking, gently shake each piece of fish to remove excess batter.

The ideal side dish for this dish would be fresh vegetables or rice. The finished treat can be sprinkled with juice so that the meat acquires interesting flavor notes.

In milk

To stew delicious fish you need to take:

  • kilogram of processed fish;
  • 4 onions;
  • 450 milliliters of milk;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • vegetable oil (tasteless and odorless).

The fish is cut into several parts. The onions are peeled, washed and cut into half rings (larger ones can be used). Heat the frying pan and pour oil into it, then carefully add the prepared onion, which should be simmered until half cooked. Do not cover with a lid. The fish is placed on top, salted and peppered, seasoned with spices and thoroughly mixed with onions. The dish is stewed for 2-3 minutes, occasionally stirring gently so that the blue whiting does not fall apart. Milk is poured into the preparation. You need to wait until it boils and then reduce the heat. The frying pan is covered with a lid. The pieces are stewed for another 3–5 minutes.

With onions and carrots

Ingredients needed to prepare aromatic blue whiting:

  • 450 grams of fish;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 250 milliliters of water;
  • pepper;
  • greenery;
  • Bay leaf.

The fish is removed from the bones and cut into pieces. Vegetables are peeled, carrots and half an onion are chopped. The blue whiting is placed in a heated frying pan, filled with water, and a bay leaf and the second half of the onion are added. The ingredients are simmered for 10 minutes. The spices are removed, pepper, salt, and vegetables are added to the pan. The dish simmers on the fire for some time.

When the fish is cooked, you can garnish it with finely chopped herbs.

In tomato

To prepare fish stew in tomato, you will need the following products:

  • 500 grams of fish;
  • carrot;
  • 2 onions;
  • tomatoes or tomato paste;
  • vegetable oil.

The fish is cut into several pieces and fried until a golden crust appears. Onions and carrots are peeled and chopped, sautéed in a separate frying pan. Tomato paste or tomatoes, crushed using a meat grinder, are added to them. The sauce is fried for a few minutes and sent to the fish. The workpiece simmers for 10 minutes with the lid closed.

With vegetables

If the housewife needs to make a more satisfying dish, she will need the following ingredients:

  • kilogram of fish;
  • 3 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • vegetable oil.

Onions and carrots are peeled and finely chopped. First, add the onion to a frying pan with hot oil and fry it until it turns golden. Then carrots are added to it, the food is covered with a lid and simmered for 10 minutes. The tomatoes are removed from the skin (it should be cut on top, and the vegetable itself should be placed for a few seconds) and finely chopped, placed in a frying pan.

The prepared fish is cut into small pieces and fried in a preheated frying pan. Fry both sides until the meat turns golden brown. The workpiece is sprinkled with juice, pepper and salt are added. When the blue whiting is fried, vegetables are placed on top. You need to pour in 2-3 tablespoons of water, add cloves and bay leaves. The dish is stewed for 30 minutes, the lid must be closed.

To learn how to fry blue whiting in mayonnaise, watch the video below.

Blue whiting, whose preparation recipes are simple and original, fully meets the wishes of consumers. It is healthy, rich in composition and will not hurt your wallet, like many marine inhabitants. Fish, undeservedly deprived of attention for a long time, is capable of recipe diversity, harmonious presentation and exquisite taste.

How to cook blue whiting?

With their variety, blue whiting dishes can satisfy even spoiled eaters. The fish is good both fried and stewed, and when boiled it has no more than one percent fat content, and is perfect when following a diet. Baked whole in the oven or grilled, it is easy to prepare and does not burden cooks with any complications.

  1. Every dish starts with well-prepared ingredients, so cut the fish, removing the fins, head and film inside, and cut, taking into account the cooking method.
  2. To obtain a crispy crust when frying, you need to wipe the fish with a napkin.
  3. You cannot salt the fish in advance - it will lose its juice and taste. It is better to keep it in the marinade and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  4. You can avoid dryness of fish by cooking it with tomato or cream sauces.

Blue whiting cutlets - recipe

Blue whiting cutlets are a traditional homemade dish, distinguished by their impeccable taste, juicy, tender texture and unsurpassed dietary properties. An excellent way to process bony fish with maximum preservation of its beneficial properties, which will be immediately appreciated by parents seeking to diversify their children's menu.

  • blue whiting - 900 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 80 ml;
  • slice of white bread - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 60 g;
  • vegetable oil - 35 ml.
  1. Fillet the fish.
  2. Soak slices of bread in milk.
  3. Grind the fillet, bread and onion in a blender, beat in the egg and knead the mixture.
  4. Form cutlets, roll them in flour and place them in a frying pan and fry.
  5. Blue whiting - recipes suitable for any side dish.

Blue whiting stewed with carrots and onions

One of the ways to preserve the juiciness and natural qualities of fish is stewing. A recipe that is especially common when preparing low-fat and rather dry fish is blue whiting. This technology preserves the dietary properties of fish and vegetables that add flavor, and avoids the addition of harmful high-calorie sauces.

  • blue whiting - 450 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • parsley - a handful;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  1. Before cooking blue whiting, remove the bones from the fish and cut into pieces.
  2. Chop the carrots and half the onion.
  3. Place the fish in a frying pan, add water, bay and half the onion, and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Take out the spices, season the fish, add vegetables and simmer.
  5. Decorate blue whiting, whose dietary recipes are popular, with herbs.

Blue whiting baked in the oven

Blue whiting in the oven continues the tradition of proper nutrition without adding fat. Heat treatment preserves the natural properties of the fish and is considered one of the correct ways to retain the flavor, and the classic addition of wine sauce and butter emphasizes it. A dish created in 40 minutes will decorate a home-cooked dinner.

  • blue whiting - 4 pcs.;
  • clove of garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • white wine - 200 ml;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml.
  1. Season the fish with garlic and pepper.
  2. Sprinkle with juice, place in pan, add wine and butter.
  3. Bake for 30 minutes at 180.
  4. Serve blue whiting, the healthy recipes for which require beautiful presentation, on a flat dish.

Blue whiting in batter

Fried blue whiting is a simple and quick dish that allows you to enjoy juicy fish in a quarter of an hour. The sea creature will acquire such characteristics with the help of batter, which will not only act as protection against drying out, but will also add a crispy crust to the product. Serving with sour cream sauce will add piquancy to the appetizer.

  • blue whiting - 1.2 kg;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • sour cream - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.
  1. Fillet the fish and cut into slices.
  2. Beat eggs with flour and milk.
  3. Dip the pieces into the batter and fry.
  4. Serve whiting, the recipes for which are original, with sour cream sauce.

Blue whiting in tomato

A classic of Soviet cooking, fish in tomato, is still relevant today. That's because this affordable homemade dish doesn't require many ingredients, is prepared in a hurry and goes well with the same traditional side dishes of the era - mashed potatoes or buckwheat porridge. A special delight is the thick tomato sauce.

  1. Before frying whiting, fillet it, slice it and roll it in flour.
  2. Fry the onion, combine with the fish, pour in the juice and simmer for 10 minutes.

Canned blue whiting at home

Canned whiting, made independently in the home kitchen, is a worthy replacement for store-bought preparations, which are often not suitable for consumption. Preparing a decent product is as easy as shelling pears - all the ingredients are available and inexpensive, and the four hours of time spent will quickly be forgotten once you open the aromatic canned fish.

  • blue whiting - 1.3 kg;
  • tomato paste - 70 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - a pinch;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  1. Cut the dressed fish.
  2. Chop the vegetables and fry, adding paste and sugar.
  3. Place the fish pieces in the vegetables, add water and simmer for 3 hours.
  4. Add vinegar 10 minutes before the end.
  5. Place the preparation in sterile jars and roll up.

Blue whiting in a slow cooker

Blue whiting stewed in its own juice without water or fat - this is only possible with the help of a gadget. Modern technology will not only save time, but also allow you to enjoy tasty, healthy fish and a hearty vegetable side dish. cooked at the same time. Fifteen minutes - and your home assistant will serve you a wonderful dinner for two.

  • blue whiting - 550 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh dill - a handful;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml.
  1. Separate the fish and cut into portions.
  2. Peel the potatoes and cut into pieces.
  3. Grease the bowl with oil and add the ingredients.
  4. Cook on Fish/Rice mode for 15 minutes.

Blue whiting soup

Blue whiting soup is hot, requiring compliance with proportions, step-by-step laying, precise timing and a set of aromatic spices, with the help of which everyone’s favorite, popular aroma is created. Ukha, a traditional brew over an open fire, can be prepared at home by first purchasing the necessary herbs and roots.

  • blue whiting - 650 g;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • celery root - 1/2 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 3 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  1. Cut the cleaned fish and cook, adding spices.
  2. Chop the vegetables and combine with the fish after boiling.
  3. Cook the dish for 15 minutes and leave it for the same amount of time.

Very often you want to cook a tasty and budget-friendly dish, and besides, you don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. In such a situation, the dish that I want to offer you today will be perfect

We will need the cheapest (currently) blue whiting fish. But I want to note that its price is not deservedly low. Blue whiting is a cod fish and is used in the production of semi-finished fish products such as fish snacks, cutlets, dumplings, etc.
So, having spent 30 rubles per kilogram of blue whiting in the store. we clean it of the entrails, head and skin.

My husband usually does this.
Now we take the dishes in which we will cook, I do this in a small saucepan with a thick bottom. Place half of the chopped onion on the bottom of the pan

Just three carrots on a medium grater

Mix the vegetables lightly with your hands.
We begin to place the fish. I cut it in half and set it upright

This is how we install all the fish.

Place the remaining half of the onion on top

And carrots

Add some salt again. Add bay leaf. And mayonnaise

Add sunflower oil. And spread the mayonnaise

Since everyone in my family loves gravy, I add about half a cup of water.
Well, that’s it, close the lid and put it on fire. First, turn it to strong, then turn it down.
The fish will cook for 20-30 minutes.
You can serve this fish with pasta, potatoes, and rice. I love it simply without a side dish.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 8 rub.

Good day, dear readers. Now we come to the most delicious topic: how to cook blue whiting. The fish is small, but very nutritious. Affordable in price and useful in properties. Used for preparing first courses, tasty in cutlets, confident in salads. Goes great with vegetables. It's time to take a closer look at what can be prepared from blue whiting.

Despite such excellent characteristics, which were described in , Our beauty of the seas is not without its unpleasant secrets. The fish has a large head; when cut, it makes up one fourth of the head. Unfortunately, the whiting head has no nutritional value. I don't recommend adding it to your ear.

The meat is very tender and tasty. When cutting, carefully remove the black film from the belly of the fish; if you leave a little, you will ruin the dish, it will taste bitter.

The bones are not a big problem. The chef has special secrets that help overcome bonyness. Let's start with the simplest and most delicious recipe: fish in the oven.

How to cook in the oven

A complete tasty dish immediately with a side dish will be obtained after baking fish fillets with vegetables in the oven. Looks great, tasty and nutritious, you can welcome guests with this dish.

Blue whiting baked with vegetables

First, a few secrets for preparing fillets. They prepare dishes from fresh frozen blue whiting; the initial defrosting of the product in the refrigerator will help make it juicy; it is enough to leave it for 10 hours.

In the morning, remove the fish and continue the process outside the refrigerator. Cut off the head with a knife, the tail and fins with scissors. Clean the carcass from giblets, carefully remove the black inner film.

You will need the following set of products:

  • 1.5 kg blue whiting,
  • a little more than 120 grams of hard cheese,
  • select the amount of onions, sweet peppers and tomatoes based on their size,
  • for seasoning, take parsley, basil and ground pepper,
  • for the sauce you need a tablespoon of mayonnaise and a third of a glass of sour cream,
  • a few cloves of garlic.

Products are on the table, start cooking:

  1. Wash the vegetables. Remove the core from the pepper and cut into strips. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Divide the tomatoes into cubes. Peel the garlic.
  2. Fry the garlic in a frying pan for flavor and remove, add the onion. Fry until golden brown. Set aside half. Add all the vegetables to the rest in the pan and cook for 10 minutes. Add salt and spices. Keep on fire for several minutes.
  3. Place the vegetables in the pan first, the next layer is the salted and peppered fillet.
  4. Combine the remaining onion, mayonnaise and sour cream, add salt, add spices, mix, and pour the sauce over the fillet. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  5. Place the pan in the preheated oven. Cook for 25 minutes.

Video - blue whiting with vegetables and sour cream

Blue whiting fish in foil

The second recipe for making blue whiting has its own characteristics: the products are cooked in foil. This cooking method has undeniable advantages. The products are more juicy. The oven will not require much cleaning, which is very important for the modern housewife. In order to get the most delicate fish dish you will need:

  • half a kilogram of fish,
  • 3 medium sized tomatoes
  • 100 grams of hard cheese,
  • one onion and one sweet pepper,
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 spoons of mayonnaise,
  • vegetable oil,
  • salt and seasonings.

Prepare in the following order:

  1. Prepare fish fillet. Wash it. Dry with a paper towel. While the vegetables are preparing, let the fillet sit in the refrigerator.
  2. Peel the pepper and onion. Cut into pieces of a convenient size for you.
  3. Wash the tomatoes and cut into thin slices.
  4. Grate the cheese. Add mayonnaise and eggs, salt and seasonings. Whisk the cheese sauce.
  5. Apply a little vegetable oil to a baking sheet. Distribute over the entire surface and side walls. Place the fillets in an even layer.
  6. Cover with a layer of tomatoes. Place all the vegetables on top. Pour over cheese sauce.
  7. Cover the top of the dish with foil. Press the edges. Bake in a well-heated oven for half an hour. Serve alongside vegetables.

How to cook blue whiting in a frying pan

Fried fish in a frying pan is the fastest cooking recipe, the dish cooks quickly. You will need a traditional set:

  • frying oil,
  • flour for coating products,
  • a little salt and pepper,
  • a little lemon.

Salt and pepper the prepared and washed blue whiting. Cut the lemon and marinate the fish for 20 minutes. Dip each carcass in flour. Fry in a frying pan, which is well preheated, for approximately 7 minutes on each side.

To remove excess fat, place the fish on a paper towel. Fried blue whiting can be served with raw or cooked vegetables. Pairs well with vegetable stew. An excellent decoration for the dish is onion fried in half rings until golden brown.

If you want to cook whiting in a tomato, now is the time to prepare a gravy of chopped onions, carrots and tomatoes. Tomatoes can be replaced with appropriate juice or a spoonful of tomato paste. Pour the resulting gravy over the fish in the frying pan and bring to a boil.

Blue whiting cutlets, recipe

Fish cutlets are a universal dish, served with a side dish, and are very loved by children. The cutlets are prepared according to the traditional recipe. For 1 kg of blue whiting fillet you will need the following products:

  • 1 large onion, a few cloves of garlic,
  • vegetable oil for cooking,
  • 2 eggs,
  • about 100 grams of white loaf,
  • half a glass of milk to soak the loaf,
  • A little lard will add juiciness to the cutlets.

Prepare in the following order:

  1. Peel the loaf from the crust and soak it in milk and lightly squeeze out the pulp. Peel the onion and divide into large pieces. Remove the skin from the lard. Grind the products in a blender or meat grinder. The second method is preferable; all moisture will remain in the products.
  2. Salt and pepper the minced meat, add the egg yolks. You can add the whole egg, but the yolks will make the cutlets softer. Stir well, preferably by hand. Cover with film and place in the refrigerator for approximately 20 minutes. In this case, the cutlets will not crumble when frying.
  3. Heat the pan well. Pour in vegetable oil. Wait until it warms up.
  4. Roll the minced meat into balls. Make round cutlets. Dip in flour. Fry for 7 minutes on each side.
  5. Place on a paper towel for a few minutes to remove excess oil.

Blue whiting cutlets with bones

Don't worry that the whiting carcass is difficult to completely separate from the bones.

You need the same products as in the previous recipe. Remove the fish's head, tail, and fins. Rinse thoroughly and grind twice in a meat grinder.

Additionally, prepare 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise. Do not defrost the fish completely; cutlets prepared from frozen blue whiting will be more juicy.

We will cook the cutlets in the oven. Cooking time up to 40 minutes. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Form round cutlets, dip each one in flour and cover with mayonnaise, arrange. Bake in a preheated oven.

You can get the main dish and side dish at once by baking blue whiting with potatoes. Prepare the following foods:

  • Peel 3 onions and cut into rings
  • Peel 6 potatoes and cut into large pieces
  • prepare fillet from 1 kg of fish,
  • half a glass of mayonnaise,
  • 50 grams of hard grated cheese.

Cover a baking sheet with foil and grease with vegetable oil. Layer onions, potatoes, fish. Salt and pepper. Apply a layer of mayonnaise and add grated cheese. Cover the baking sheet with foil and seal the edges. Make several holes in the top layer. Cooking time in a well-heated oven is a quarter of an hour.

In a slow cooker

A multicooker makes it possible to simplify the cooking process as much as possible. The advantage of this technique is that the fish will perfectly retain its shape. Thaw half a kilogram of fish, clean it, divide it into pieces and start preparing the following products:

  • Peel, wash and divide several potatoes into small pieces,
  • peel one carrot, rinse and grate on a coarse grater,
  • Peel one onion and chop with a knife.

Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the bottom of the multicooker and place the fillets. Combine all the vegetables, salt and pepper, add spices. Stir. Place on top of the fish. Cook on fish mode, which corresponds to ¾ hours.

Video - how to cook blue whiting in a slow cooker

Steamed blue whiting

This dish is incredibly easy to prepare. Clean the fish and get fillet. Pepper each piece, add salt and sprinkle with lemon juice. Set aside for 20 minutes. Cook in a steamer for 30 minutes.

A kilogram of product is enough for 5 large full servings. The dish is perfect for dietary nutrition.

Blue whiting in batter

In order to prepare whiting in batter you need:

  • 1 kg of prepared fillet, pitted as best as possible,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 100 grams of milk,
  • spices, flour, vegetable fat.

Salt and pepper the fish cut into small pieces. To obtain the batter, mix milk, eggs and flour. Its thickness should resemble pancake batter. Soak each piece of product in batter and fry on both sides in a well-heated frying pan or other vessel. If you don't like excess oil, blot it off with a paper towel.

How to cook blue whiting in sour cream

In order to get a fragrant and excellent tasting dish, the following products are required:

  • half a kilo of fish,
  • egg,
  • a little less than a glass of sour cream,
  • vegetable oil, breadcrumbs, salt and spices.

Prepare the fillet, divide into pieces, add salt and pepper. Set aside for 30 minutes.

Beat the egg. Dip each piece of fillet in egg and breadcrumbs.

Fry on both sides in a hot frying pan. Add sour cream, boil for a few seconds and remove from heat.

How to make taranka from fresh blue whiting fish

At home, you can make an excellent snack for beer from blue whiting. Rinse the product and dry it a little.

Place a layer of salt on the bottom of the container and the fish on top. Pre-pour salt into the gills. You can remove the heads. Try not to let the carcasses touch each other.

If necessary, add another layer of fish. Cover the container, put it under pressure and send it to a cold place. A refrigerator and a basement will do.

After three days, rinse the fish and leave to soak for 12 hours. If the blue whiting has spent more time in salt than the time specified in the recipe, prolong the soaking proportionately.

You need to dry the fish to the degree of drying you require, in a well-ventilated place. Avoid contact of carcasses.

The easiest way to dry fish is to string it on a metal wire through the eyes. Take precautions against flies. Cover the food with a gauze cloth previously soaked in vinegar.

Blue whiting salad

An excellent modern salad will be made from the following ingredients:

  • half a kilogram of boiled blue whiting fillet,
  • 3 boiled and peeled potatoes,
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 4 boiled and peeled eggs,
  • fresh herbs, salt, lemon and mayonnaise.

Cut fish fillets, potatoes, eggs, tomatoes. Large pieces of food look beautiful in a salad. Combine the products, add salt, a little lemon juice and a few tablespoons of mayonnaise. Set aside a few tomato slices and eggs for decoration.

Place in a heap on a plate. Color the top with mayonnaise lines. Sprinkle with herbs. Arrange the egg and tomato pieces. Refrigerate for 15 minutes. Salad ready.

Blue whiting soup - ukha

The soup and fish soup according to the given recipe will be tasty and incredibly easy to prepare.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • a few potatoes
  • 400 grams of defrosted fish,
  • 30 g butter,
  • spices.
  1. Fill a saucepan with some water, put it on the fire and wait until the liquid boils.
  2. Remove the skins from the potatoes and cut into small pieces. It would be nice if the pieces were the same size. Add salt and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. While the potatoes are cooking, peel the onion and chop finely. Add to potatoes.
  4. Cut the fish into medium-sized pieces. Place in soup. Cook until the potatoes are done.
  5. At the very end of cooking, add spices to taste.

Serve the soup sprinkled with herbs with a small piece of butter.

Video - whiting baked in the oven with cheese

That's all the recipes for today, you already know how to cook blue whiting. All dishes are very tasty, but simple and do not require special ingredients. Even a novice housewife can cope with the preparation. Be sure to bookmark this article; the recipes will come in handy when you decide to cook a delicious blue whiting dinner.
