Multi-colored animals summary for the reader's diary. Multi-colored animals - Plyatskovsky M.S.

Fairy tale Multi-colored animals Plyatskovsky read

At the edge of the forest, perched on a stump, the frog Jump-Jump sat and used a brush to paint on a canvas a butterfly that was swaying on a daisy. He drew and sang.
The little hare heard the frog's song, looked out from behind the birch tree and ran out to the edge of the forest. Little Bear stuck his muzzle out of the bushes and also hobbled towards the frog.
“How beautiful,” Little Bear sighed, looking at the picture. - I can not do that.
- And you, little frog, studied somewhere... to become an artist? - asked the Teddy Bear.
- No. “I was born this way,” answered the frog. - Do you like... the butterfly in my picture?
“She’s... so... pink... And that’s why she’s beautiful...” said the Little Bunny. - If I were so pink, then I would probably also be considered the most beautiful Bunny in the world!
“And I would like to be... half green and half blue,” said the Bear dreamily. - Then would I also become the most famous Little Bear in our forest?
- Here's a croak? - the little frog was surprised. - If this is all it is, then I agree to help you. I have brushes, I also have paints.
The little frog took two brushes in his paws and got to work.
- How pink are you? - Little Bear gasped and stroked Little Bunny on the head.
- And you too... how... green-blue... Well, just completely... blue-green! - the Little Hare praised and stroked the Little Bear on the back.
When Little Bear looked into his den, Mother Bear, who was cooking dinner, even dropped her cookware on the floor out of fright.
- What kind of animal is this? - she growled.
“I’m not an animal... I’m... a bear cub...” came the plaintive answer.
- My son... is brown, and not so... multi-colored! Get out while you're still alive! - the Bear threatened with a poker.
The Little Bear ran away and met a sad Little Hare in the forest.
- Mom didn’t recognize me! - the Little Bunny whined.
- And me... too... - Little Bear waved his paw. The sun rolled out over the forest, riding on a cloud. It yawned, fluffed up the cloud like a pillow, closed its eyes, and went to sleep. It immediately became dark and scary.
- What do we do? - asked the Little Bunny.
“Sleep…” the Little Bear yawned and lay down curled up under the birch tree. He lay down and immediately began snoring.
The little hare put an armful of red leaves at his head and began to look through the long branches as the cheerful yellow moon tugged at the silver threads hanging from the extinguished stars. If the month pulls the string, the star will ring and flash... The little hare looked and looked and fell asleep.
In the morning, Little Hare and Little Bear woke up and ran to the stream to wash themselves. They see: the bridge over the stream is broken.
“Let’s fix the bridge,” suggested the Bear.
- Did we break it? - asked the Little Bunny.
- It doesn't matter. We will fix it - and it will be useful to someone.
“I don’t mind... I’m like you...” agreed the Little Bunny.
While they were repairing the bridge, while they were busy in the stream, all the paint was washed off - and a multi-colored stream ran through the forest.
A little frog galloped across the bridge and praised:
- What a beautiful bridge!
Following him, the Bear stomped across the bridge and said in a deep voice:
- Excellent bridge!
- It’s me... It’s me... It’s us... we fixed it! - Little Bear shouted joyfully and rushed into the arms of Mother Bear.
Mama Bear caressed Little Bear:
- Good girl!
- And I? - asked the Little Bunny.
- And you... well done! - said the frog and shook the Bunny’s paw.
- Mom, how did you recognize me today? After all, I’m blue and ash... no, green and blue... - Little Bear was surprised.
“You’re ordinary... brown,” Mom smiled.
“Indeed,” the Little Bunny scratched the back of his head. - You are completely brown...
“And you... are not pink at all, but... gray...” noted the Little Bear, looking at the Little Hare.
- The stream washed you away! - explained the little frog Jump-Jump. And Mother Bear said:
- Now you have become famous throughout our forest... When someone walks across this bridge, they will definitely say thanks to the Little Hare and the Little Bear, who repaired it...
- You see, in order to become famous, you don’t have to be... colorful! - added the frog, - Come visit me, and I will certainly draw you!

Multi-colored animals - a fairy tale about how a little frog decorated a bunny and a bear with paints. The animals really wanted to become colorful and beautiful. However, their mothers did not recognize them and drove them out of the house. But everything ended well - while the animals were repairing the bridge, the paint washed off, they became the same again!

Read colorful animals

At the edge of the forest, perched on a stump, the frog Jump-Jump sat and used a brush to paint on a canvas a butterfly that was swaying on a daisy.

He drew and sang.

The Little Hare heard the frog's song, looked out from behind the birch tree and ran out to the edge of the forest. Little Bear stuck his muzzle out of the bushes and also hobbled towards the frog.

How beautiful! - the Little Bunny praised, looking at the picture. - I can not do that.
- And you, little frog, studied somewhere... to become an artist? - asked the Teddy Bear.

- No. “I was born this way,” answered the frog. - Do you like... the butterfly in my picture?
“She’s... so... pink... And that’s why she’s beautiful...” said the Little Bunny. - If I were so pink, then I would probably also be considered the most beautiful Bunny in the world!
“And I would like to be... half green and half blue,” said the Bear dreamily. - Then I, too, would become the most famous Little Bear in our forest!
- Here's a croak! - the little frog was surprised. - If this is all it is, then I agree to help you. I have brushes, I also have paints.
The little frog took two brushes in his paws and got to work.

How pink are you! - Little Bear gasped and stroked Little Bunny on the head.
- And you too... how... green-blue... Well, just completely... blue-green! - the Little Hare praised and stroked the Little Bear on the back.

When Little Bear looked into his den, Mother Bear, who was cooking dinner, even dropped her cookware on the floor out of fright.
- What kind of animal is this? - she growled.
“I’m not an animal... I’m... a bear cub...” came the plaintive answer.

My son... is brown, and not so... multi-colored! Get out while you're still alive! - the Bear threatened with a poker.
The Little Bear ran away and met a sad Little Hare in the forest.
- Mom didn’t recognize me! - the Little Bunny whined.
- And me... too... - Little Bear waved his paw.

The sun rolled out over the forest, riding on a cloud. It yawned, fluffed up the cloud like a pillow, closed its eyes, and went to sleep. It immediately became dark and scary.
- What do we do? - asked the Little Bunny.
“Sleep…” the Little Bear yawned and lay down curled up under the birch tree. He lay down and started snoring immediately.

The little hare put an armful of red leaves at his head and began to look through the long branches as the cheerful yellow moon tugged at the silver threads hanging from the extinguished stars. If the month pulls the string, the star will ring and flash... The Little Hare looked and looked and fell asleep.
In the morning, Little Hare and Little Bear woke up and ran to the stream to wash themselves. They see: the bridge over the stream is broken.
“Let’s fix the bridge,” suggested the Bear.
- Did we break it? - asked the Little Bunny.
- It doesn't matter. We will fix it - and it will be useful to someone.
“I don’t mind... I’m like you...” agreed the Little Bunny.

While they were repairing the bridge, while they were busy in the stream, all the paint was washed off - and a multi-colored stream ran through the forest.

A little frog galloped across the bridge and praised:
- What a beautiful bridge!
Following him, the Bear stomped across the bridge and said in a deep voice:
- Excellent bridge!
- It’s me... It’s me... It’s us... we fixed it! - Little Bear shouted joyfully and rushed into the arms of Mother Bear.

Mama Bear caressed Little Bear:
- Good girl!
- And I? - asked the Little Bunny.
- And you... well done! - said the frog and shook the Bunny’s paw.
- Mom, how did you recognize me today? After all, I’m blue-green... no, green-blue... - Little Bear was surprised.
“You’re ordinary... brown,” Mom smiled.
“Indeed,” the Little Bunny scratched the back of his head. - You are completely brown...
“And you... are not pink at all, but... gray...” noted the Little Bear, looking at the Little Hare.
- The stream washed you away! - explained the little frog Jump-Jump.
And Mother Bear said:
- Now you have become famous throughout our forest... When someone walks across this bridge, they will definitely say thanks to the Little Hare and the Little Bear, who repaired it...

You see, in order to become famous, you don’t have to be... colorful! - added the frog. - Come visit me, and I will certainly draw you!

Published by: Mishka 28.06.2018 10:14 24.05.2019

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At the edge of the forest, perched on a stump, the frog Jump-Jump sat and used a brush to paint on a canvas a butterfly that was swaying on a daisy. He drew and sang.

The little hare heard the frog's song, looked out from behind the birch tree and ran out to the edge of the forest. Little Bear stuck his muzzle out of the bushes and also hobbled towards the frog.

“How beautiful,” Little Bear sighed, looking at the picture. - I can not do that.

- And you, little frog, studied somewhere... to become an artist? – asked the Bear.

- No. “I was born this way,” answered the frog. – Do you like... the butterfly in my picture?

“She’s... so... pink... And that’s why she’s beautiful...” said the Little Bunny. - If I were so pink, then I would probably also be considered the most beautiful Bunny in the world!

“And I would like to be... half green and half blue,” said the Bear dreamily. “Then I would also become the most famous Little Bear in our forest?”

- Here's a croak? – the little frog was surprised. - If this is all it is, then I agree to help you. I have brushes, I also have paints.

The little frog took two brushes in his paws and got to work.

- How pink are you? - Little Bear gasped and stroked Little Bunny on the head.

- And you too... how... green-blue... Well, just completely... blue-green! – the Little Hare praised and stroked the Little Bear on the back.

When Little Bear looked into his den, Mother Bear, who was cooking dinner, even dropped her cookware on the floor out of fright.

- What kind of animal is this? – she growled.

“I’m not an animal... I’m... a bear cub...” came the plaintive answer.

- My son... is brown, and not so... multi-colored! Get out while you're still alive! – the Bear threatened with a poker.

The Little Bear ran away and met a sad Little Hare in the forest.

- Mom didn’t recognize me! - the Little Bunny whined.

“And me... too...” the Bear cub waved his paw. The sun rolled out over the forest, riding on a cloud. It yawned, fluffed up the cloud like a pillow, closed its eyes, and went to sleep. It immediately became dark and scary.

- What do we do? – asked the Little Bunny.

“Sleep...” yawned the Little Bear and lay down curled up under the birch tree. He lay down and immediately began snoring.

The little hare put an armful of red leaves at his head and began to look through the long branches as the cheerful yellow moon tugged at the silver threads hanging from the extinguished stars. If the month pulls the thread, the star will ring and flash... The little hare looked and looked and fell asleep.

In the morning, Little Hare and Little Bear woke up and ran to the stream to wash themselves. They see: the bridge over the stream is broken.

“Let’s fix the bridge,” suggested the Bear.

- Did we break it? – asked the Little Bunny.

- It doesn't matter. We will fix it - and it will be useful to someone.

“I don’t mind... I’m like you...” agreed the Little Bunny.

While they were repairing the bridge, while they were busy in the stream, all the paint was washed off - and a multi-colored stream ran through the forest.

A little frog galloped across the bridge and praised:

-What a beautiful bridge!

Following him, the Bear stomped across the bridge and said in a deep voice:

- Excellent bridge!

- It’s me... It’s me... It’s us... we fixed it! – Little Bear shouted joyfully and rushed into the arms of Mother Bear.

Mama Bear caressed Little Bear:

- Good girl!

- And I? – asked the Little Bunny.

– And you... well done! - said the frog and shook the Bunny’s paw.

- Mom, how did you recognize me today? After all, I’m blue and ash... no, green and blue... - Little Bear was surprised.

“You’re ordinary... brown,” Mom smiled.

“Indeed,” the Little Bunny scratched the back of his head. -You're completely brown...

“And you... are not pink at all, but... gray...” noted the Little Bear, looking at the Little Hare.

- The stream washed you away! - explained the little frog Jump-Jump. And Mother Bear said:

- Now you have become famous throughout our forest... When someone walks across this bridge, they will definitely say thanks to the Little Hare and the Little Bear, who repaired it...

– You see, in order to become famous, you don’t have to be... colorful! - added the frog, - Come visit me, and I will certainly draw you!


At the edge of the forest, perched on a stump, the frog Jump-Jump sat and used a brush to paint on a canvas a butterfly that was swaying on a daisy. He drew and sang.

The little hare heard the frog's song, looked out from behind the birch tree and ran out to the edge of the forest. Little Bear stuck his muzzle out of the bushes and also hobbled towards the frog.

“How beautiful,” Little Bear sighed, looking at the picture. - I can not do that.

- And you, little frog, studied somewhere... to become an artist? – asked the Bear.

- No. “I was born this way,” answered the frog. – Do you like... the butterfly in my picture?

“She’s... so... pink... And that’s why she’s beautiful...” said the Little Bunny. - If I were so pink, then I would probably also be considered the most beautiful Bunny in the world!

“And I would like to be... half green and half blue,” said the Bear dreamily. “Then I would also become the most famous Little Bear in our forest?”

- Here's a croak? – the little frog was surprised. - If this is all it is, then I agree to help you. I have brushes, I also have paints.

The little frog took two brushes in his paws and got to work.

- How pink are you? - Little Bear gasped and stroked Little Bunny on the head.

- And you too... how... green-blue... Well, just completely... blue-green! – the Little Hare praised and stroked the Little Bear on the back.

When Little Bear looked into his den, Mother Bear, who was cooking dinner, even dropped her cookware on the floor out of fright.

- What kind of animal is this? – she growled.

“I’m not an animal... I’m... a bear cub...” came the plaintive answer.

- My son... is brown, and not so... multi-colored! Get out while you're still alive! – the Bear threatened with a poker.

The Little Bear ran away and met a sad Little Hare in the forest.

- Mom didn’t recognize me! - the Little Bunny whined.

“And me... too...” the Bear cub waved his paw. The sun rolled out over the forest, riding on a cloud. It yawned, fluffed up the cloud like a pillow, closed its eyes, and went to sleep. It immediately became dark and scary.

- What do we do? – asked the Little Bunny.

“Sleep...” yawned the Little Bear and lay down curled up under the birch tree. He lay down and immediately began snoring.

The little hare put an armful of red leaves at his head and began to look through the long branches as the cheerful yellow moon tugged at the silver threads hanging from the extinguished stars. If the month pulls the thread, the star will ring and flash... The little hare looked and looked and fell asleep.

In the morning, Little Hare and Little Bear woke up and ran to the stream to wash themselves. They see: the bridge over the stream is broken.

“Let’s fix the bridge,” suggested the Bear.

- Did we break it? – asked the Little Bunny.

- It doesn't matter. We will fix it - and it will be useful to someone.

“I don’t mind... I’m like you...” agreed the Little Bunny.

While they were repairing the bridge, while they were busy in the stream, all the paint was washed off - and a multi-colored stream ran through the forest.

A little frog galloped across the bridge and praised:

-What a beautiful bridge!

Following him, the Bear stomped across the bridge and said in a deep voice:

- Excellent bridge!

- It’s me... It’s me... It’s us... we fixed it! – Little Bear shouted joyfully and rushed into the arms of Mother Bear.

Mama Bear caressed Little Bear:

- Good girl!

- And I? – asked the Little Bunny.

– And you... well done! - said the frog and shook the Bunny’s paw.

- Mom, how did you recognize me today? After all, I’m blue and ash... no, green and blue... - Little Bear was surprised.

“You’re ordinary... brown,” Mom smiled.

“Indeed,” the Little Bunny scratched the back of his head. -You're completely brown...

“And you... are not pink at all, but... gray...” noted the Little Bear, looking at the Little Hare.

- The stream washed you away! - explained the little frog Jump-Jump. And Mother Bear said:

- Now you have become famous throughout our forest... When someone walks across this bridge, they will definitely say thanks to the Little Hare and the Little Bear, who repaired it...

– You see, in order to become famous, you don’t have to be... colorful! - added the frog, - Come visit me, and I will certainly draw you!

The director of the department store, the giraffe Dolgovyazik, was most dissatisfied with this teasing, because customers almost stopped visiting him. Nobody wanted to be teased in front of everyone.

And then the giraffe Dolgovyazik came up with a cunning move.

He presented Eita's parrot with a huge new mirror for his birthday.

Eity saw his image in the mirror and decided that it was a completely different parrot looking at him.

Since that day, he hangs out near the mirror all the time and teases himself:

Hey, you! Parrot! Stay at home, don't go out!

Multi-colored animals

At the edge of the forest, perched on a stump, the frog Jump-Jump sat and used a brush to paint on a canvas a butterfly that was swaying on a daisy. He drew and sang.

The Little Hare heard the frog's song, looked out from behind the birch tree and ran out to the edge of the forest. Little Bear stuck his muzzle out of the bushes and also hobbled towards the frog.

How beautiful! - Little Bear sighed, looking at the picture. - I can not do that.

And you, little frog, studied somewhere... to become an artist? - asked the Teddy Bear.

No. “I was born this way,” answered the frog. - Do you like... the butterfly in my picture?

She’s... so... pink... And that’s why she’s beautiful... - said the Little Bunny. - If I were so pink, then I would probably also be considered the most beautiful Bunny in the world!

“And I would like to be... half green and half blue,” said the Bear dreamily. - Then I, too, would become the most famous Little Bear in our forest!

Here's a croak! - the little frog was surprised. - If this is all it is, then I agree to help you. I have brushes, I also have paints.

The little frog took two brushes in his paws and got to work.

How pink are you! - Little Bear gasped and stroked Little Bunny on the head.

And you too... how... green-blue... Well, just completely... blue-green! - the Little Hare praised and stroked the Little Bear on the back.

When Little Bear looked into his den, Mother Bear, who was cooking dinner, even dropped her cookware on the floor in fright.

What kind of animal is this? - she growled.

I’m not an animal... I’m... A bear cub... - a plaintive answer was heard.

My son... is brown, and not so... multi-colored! Get out while you're still alive! - the Bear threatened with a poker.

The Little Bear ran away and met a sad Little Hare in the forest.

Mom didn't recognize me! - the Little Bunny whined.

And me... too... - Little Bear waved his paw.

The sun rolled out over the forest, riding on a cloud. It yawned, fluffed up the cloud like a pillow, closed its eyes, and went to sleep. It immediately became dark and scary.

What do we do? - asked the Little Bunny.

Sleep... - Little Bear yawned and lay down curled up under the birch tree. He lay down and immediately began snoring.

The little hare put an armful of red leaves at his head and began to look through the long branches as the cheerful yellow moon tugged at the silver threads hanging from the extinguished stars. If the month pulls the string, the star will ring and flash... The little hare looked and looked and fell asleep.

In the morning, Little Hare and Little Bear woke up and ran to the stream to wash themselves. They see: the bridge over the stream is broken.

“Let’s fix the bridge,” suggested the Bear.

Did we break it? - asked the Little Bunny.

It doesn't matter. We will fix it - and it will be useful to someone.

I don’t mind... I’m like you... - the Little Bunny agreed.

While they were repairing the bridge, while they were busy in the stream, all the paint was washed off - and a multi-colored stream ran through the forest.

A little frog galloped across the bridge and praised:

What a beautiful bridge!

Following him, the Bear stomped across the bridge and said in a deep voice:

Excellent bridge!

It's me... It's me... It's us... we fixed it! - Little Bear shouted joyfully and rushed into the arms of Mother Bear.

Mama Bear caressed Little Bear:

And I? - asked the Little Bunny.

And you're great! - said the frog and shook the Bunny’s paw.

Mom, how did you recognize me today? After all, I’m blue-green... no, green-green... - Little Bear was surprised.

“You’re ordinary—brown,” my mother smiled.

Indeed,” the Little Bunny scratched the back of his head. - You are completely brown...

And you... are not pink at all, but... gray... - noted the Little Bear, looking at the Little Hare.

The stream has washed you away! - explained the little frog Jump-Jump.

And Mother Bear said:

Now you have become famous throughout our forest... When someone walks across this bridge, they will definitely say thanks to the Little Hare and Little Bear, who repaired it...

You see, in order to become famous, you don’t have to be... colorful! - added the frog. - Come visit me, and I will certainly draw you!

Medical camera

There lived a zebra nicknamed Vest. Zebra is like a zebra. Only she cried all the time.

And in the morning, and in the afternoon, and in the evening.

And even in my sleep I cried.

Before eating, she whined.

After eating, she roared.

I read books and cried.

I brushed my teeth and burst into tears.

She sang whiny songs too.

In vain, under her windows, the little animals shouted:

If you want to be healthy, you don’t need to imitate roars! It was in vain that the doctors prescribed all sorts of medications: neither Shutkodrol nor Smekhorin had any effect on her.

Nothing helped her. Even the injections are fun.

The zebra was asked, persuaded, begged, begged:

Calm down! Dry your tears!

And she cried even more.

No wonder there were ten lines hanging in the yard for drying handkerchiefs!

One day, the baby elephant Jlyc came to visit the zebra Telnyashka with a camera on his neck. The zebra was very surprised. And even for a minute she stopped shedding tears. And baby elephant Luz says:

What happened to you? Please keep crying! Or are you tired?

I never get tired of crying. Why did you come?

I came to take your photo. Well, cry! Well what is it worth to you! Otherwise I won’t be able to take a picture...

I don't need any photo.

You may not need it, but for the World Records magazine it is simply necessary.

What other records are there?

Ordinary. Worldwide. You are our champion now.

Say it too!

It’s true, there are champions among us in running, jumping, and swimming. And you, Telnyashka, are the world champion among welterweight welterweights!

I don't want to be a champion! I do not like it!

And you cry, if you don’t like it, cry!

And Luz the elephant got ready to press the camera button.

You're trying in vain! Nothing will work out for you! - the zebra became stubborn.

The photographer stood and stood and left with nothing.

And from that time on, Telnyashka never shed a single tear.

She really doesn't want to be the welterweight world champion.

All the animals found out about this and decided this: “Probably the little elephant Lus has not a simple camera, but a healing one, because he managed to cure the zebra Vest better than any doctors!”

What's the best?

A pig, a puppy and a duckling gathered near the barn and began to find out: “What is best?”

Best of all... Woof... Gavstronom! - said the puppy Yelp. - There are so many delicious things there!

No, the best thing is the quack-quack dance! - objected the duckling Kryachik. - I like dancing.

Dancing is nonsense! - protested the pig Button. - The most beautiful thing in the world is... crystal! If you touch it with a hoof, it rings!
