Diversity in the world of GTA V after completing story missions.

At the very beginning, the player finds himself in a small snowy town. In the prologue you need to control Michael, who will go through the first task together with Trevor, Brad and the driver. To start playing GTA 5 on PC, you need to go into the room and aim at a group of hostages who will get scared and run away to another room. Then prepare explosives and place them anywhere in the room, take out your mobile phone and click on “Blow up”. Afterwards, you can quickly go for the money hidden in the vault.

The walkthrough of GTA 5 on PC continues, but you need to be extremely careful, because as soon as Michael runs out of the vault with the money, a guard will instantly grab him and put a gun to his head. At this moment, you should quickly switch to Trevor (if you don’t know how to do this, carefully look at the screen and use the prompts) and use a pistol to shoot the guard who grabbed Michael. Then you need to quickly run to the black exit. There will be an ambush from a squad of cops, so it is better to keep sniper rifles in hand. Having met the police, you will be able to choose the role of the characters: who goes on the attack and who covers. While firing back, run to the parked car, where the driver has been waiting for a long time.

Then a short cutscene will appear in which the driver is shot and Michael is forced to drive the car himself. Once control is switched back to Michael, you should carefully monitor the navigator to ensure you are driving along the right path (experienced players may not use GPS services). At the end of the path there will be a helicopter, but as soon as you get to it, a video will start, from which it will become known that the car with the heroes will not have time to jump through the railway tracks and a train will crash into its rear part. The heroes will crawl out of the car with great effort, but the driver will be removed by the Sniper. The second bullet will hit Michael, who will insist that Trevor run away, but he does not listen to his friend and shoots back.

In the further passage of GTA 5 on PC, control again passes to the player, who needs to destroy the cops who shot Brad. After several enemies are killed, you will again have to watch the video, which will show how Trevor will take a woman hostage and run away from the cops, thinking that only he managed to escape. Then another scene will play, showing how Michael's family considers him dead and mourns.

After this, the video will show Michael’s appointment with his personal psychoanalyst, in which he complains about life, talks about the past and many other painful things. After talking with a psychologist, Michael will go to the coast and meet with Franklin and Lamar, who will ask to see the hideout of a criminal.

Franklin and Lamar

  • the car must be delivered with minimal damage;
  • no aliens should be harmed in the film studio;
  • Franklin has special skill, which he must use in 7 seconds;
  • arrive at the final destination ahead of Lamar.

In the further passage of GTA 5 on PC you need to control Franklin. He and his friend Lamar find the mansion of the guy whose location was known to Michael. Then they are without special effort get into the yard. The main goal of the heroes is to steal two sports cars, red and white. The player can choose the car in which he wants to ride. It is worth noting that you need to decide as quickly as possible, otherwise Lamar will make a choice on his own.

Once behind the wheel, follow Lamar and try not to graze those behind, although tips will constantly pop up on the screen, which are a little distracting, but will help you get into the game faster. Once on the territory of the film studio, remember that you cannot shoot down actors dressed as aliens, so you should move very carefully until you leave the territory. Once in the parking lot, quickly step on the gas and pass Lamar to get GTA walkthrough 5 at 100%. Having overtaken a friend, you will have to evade the police, but they will not pursue you for long, so they will not cause many problems. Continuing the task, you need to come to the car dealership where Lamar and Franklin work, it’s called Premium Deluxe Motosport. Having entered it, you will see the boss of the heroes - Simon Yetaryan, who will be busy selling the car stolen from Jimmy de Santa.

Then the passage of GTA 5 on PC is to approach the white Buffalo and drive home in it (although the journey will not be long, but you can earn $250). After you receive the achievement for the mission, you will receive a message from Tanisha in your email ( ex-lover Franklin, for whom he still has feelings).


  • complete the task with shooting accuracy of more than 70%;
  • the task must be completed in 6 minutes 30 seconds;
  • destroy 6 opponents with headshots;
  • set a gasoline track on fire by shooting at it.

After leaving the house, you will receive a call from Simon (Franklin's boss), who will ask you to come to work because of urgent work. It turns out that there is an urgent need to steal a high-speed, expensive bike from one of the members criminal group. In order for the further passage of GTA 5 on PC to be effective, you need to choose the best fast car for the job. Go out into the street and look around, there is a car nearby, which, by the way, will be very easy to steal, because the doors will be open.

After stealing a car, head towards Vespucci Beach and, once there, place the car so that its hood is directed in the direction from which the hero came. Only after this can you quickly go to the garages and find the person standing on the right. He will take you to the garage, just be careful, because you won’t find a motorcycle in it, but other troubles will be added. Within a few seconds after you enter the garage, vagos will appear and begin dismantling. Lamar will not hesitate and will almost immediately take down one of the bandits, and throw the gun of the dead man to Franklin.

In the further passage of GTA 5 on PC, control will return to the player again and a shootout will begin. I advise you to constantly sit in cover and stick your head out only to take a shot. You can hide behind walls, containers and other objects, and when shooting, you need to try to aim at the head in order to receive gold for the task at the end. Sooner or later a car will appear that you need to shoot at in order to pierce the fuel tank. As soon as a trail of gasoline appears, aim and shoot at it to blow up everything and everyone. At the same time, quickly jump into cover, because the explosion will be powerful. Continuing the passage of GTA 5 on PC, after the explosion, quickly destroy all surviving enemies. Then run to the car left on the highway, and as soon as Lamar gets in, get out of here as quickly as possible. But suddenly the path will be blocked by one of the surviving Vagos, who needs to be shot down. When you see a bike, take it to the car wash. It is worth noting that the stolen motorcycle will be taken by Lamar, so you need to expect trouble from your superiors.


To complete GTA 5 100%, this mission must be completed under several conditions:

  • Franklin's special skill must be used within 7 seconds;
  • complete the mission without seriously damaging Lamar's van;
  • be in Chop's shoes and look at the world within 7 seconds.

The passage of GTA 5 on PC 4 mission will begin with Lamar approaching and making one interesting offer. He will want to steal one of the members of the Ballas criminal gang and make a little money from him. However, Franklin will have doubts for a long time, he really doesn’t like this plan. Lamar will come up not alone, but together with his dog Chop, whom the player can get to know. The Rottweiler will also take part in the task.

As soon as Frank agrees, control will switch to the player, so you need to move towards Lamar's car. Get behind the wheel and drive carefully to get gold at the end. Once there, you will find that the bandit is sitting on a bike and will immediately begin to run away. Don't get lost, quickly follow him, trying to keep up and not hit the car too much. Sooner or later, the ballas will be hit by one bus, but he will not be confused, he will have time to hit the road to the railway station and take cover. When chasing a bandit, you need to stay as close to the dog as possible.

Continuing the passage of GTA 5 on PC, go to the station and go out to the railway track, look around and find freight cars - the person being pursued is hiding behind one of them. Chop will help in the search, so you need to move into it and look for the trail of the ballos for 10 seconds. After passing a couple of carriages, the Rottweiler will spot another dog and run off to satisfy his lust. It is worth noting that you can not let him in until he finds the bandit, the choice is yours. After kidnapping a person, return to your native land and do not be surprised that the kidnapped person recognized Lamar, so he will definitely have to be released. Then the friend will ask you to look after the dog and, in addition, let you ride on the green bike that was stolen from the bandit.


To complete GTA 5 100%, this mission must be completed under several conditions:

  • complete the task in 5 minutes;
  • in stealth mode, knock out the gardener;
  • do not take damage in a fight with Simon.

The walkthrough of GTA 5 on PC 5 mission will begin with Simon sending Franklin to get the car that was sold to Jimmy de Santa a few days ago. The boss himself will be busy with a car sale deal, so you won’t be able to ask any unnecessary questions; you need to go to Jimmy’s house. On the way, the mobile phone will start ringing; when he picks up the receiver, it turns out that Simon has already sorted out his affairs and suddenly remembered that his subordinates did not deliver him the bike that he ordered to steal earlier. He will threaten, but promises to soften the punishment after completing this order.

When you are near de Santa's house, be careful because there are a lot of people there. I advise you to make every effort to remain unnoticed. It is best to go through the main entrance and carefully approach the gardener, and then stun him to get gold at the end. Continuing the passage of GTA 5 on PC, you need to go around the house and get out in a car in order to jump from it onto the roof. There will be an open window there, through which you need to climb and not move, because Tracy will leave the room and go downstairs. As soon as she disappears, run down the stairs too and make a half turn to find the door leading to the garage.

Moving towards her, do not be afraid of Tracy and the tennis coach, they will be busy with their own affairs. But it’s still better to move very carefully, without making unnecessary sounds. Having made your way into the garage, you need to quickly get into the car and leave the territory, heading for the car wash. Then you need to call your boss and report that the car has been stolen. As soon as he says this, a cannon will suddenly appear near his head. He will have to say that he is just a performer.

The further passage of GTA 5 on PC is to get to the salon at gunpoint, accelerate and break the window. Afterwards, you will have to manage Michael, who will immediately get involved in a fight with Simon. I advise you to use Michael’s special skill in battle, to slow down time so as not to get damaged. Having punished Simon properly, you can breathe out calmly, the task ends with this episode.

Father and son

To complete GTA 5 100%, this mission must be completed under several conditions:

  • you need to spend no more than 10 seconds to save Jimmy;
  • Amanda's car must be delivered without damage.

The passage of GTA 5 on PC 6 mission will begin with the fact that upon returning to Franklin, it becomes known that he and his friend Lamar have been fired. Also, their boss will threaten with violence, so they will have to be on alert. You need to control Michael in the task, so open the map as soon as possible and move towards his house. On the way, a call will ring, it turns out that Jimmy (Michael's son) wanted to sell his yacht, but it was stolen, so he is forced to sit in one of the cabins, hiding from criminals.

Quickly get behind the wheel of Michael's wife's car and catch up with the van carrying the yacht. Having gotten close, you need to give Frank a little time so that he can climb onto the van. Then load the cannon and shoot at one of the bandits that appears. Then, in the walkthrough of GTA 5 on PC, you need to get to the left side of the submarine, because that’s where the mast to which Jimmy is tied will tilt. The car needs to be adjusted so that the boy gets into the back seat, he is given 10 seconds to do this. As soon as your son is in the car, press close to the van so that Franklin also returns to the car. After your friend lands on the seat, get ready for the car to start stalling, so the truck with the stolen yacht will soon simply disappear into the horizon. Michael will then ask his friend to call a taxi service and arrange for a ride for him. And Frank and Jimmy will receive an assignment - to go to the service station and repair the car. There shouldn't be any problems with this, because Frank's good friend Hao works in his workshop. After repairing the car, head to Michael’s mansion to leave not only the car there, but also his son, who strives to become his best friend.

Stretch on the loose

To complete GTA 5 100%, this mission must be completed under several conditions:

  • finish the quest with a shooting accuracy of at least 60%;
  • complete the task within 10 minutes 30 seconds;
  • destroy 10 enemies with headshots;
  • complete the task with minimal damage to your armor and health level.

The passage of GTA 5 on PC 7 mission will begin with the release of one bandit Stretch, who is well acquainted with Lamar, from prison. They will head to Franklin, but he will not be happy with their visit and will be surprised how quickly they managed to get into trouble. Once in the equipment store, you need to leave it with a flashlight, armor and a shotgun - they will come in handy later.

Be careful, because meeting your acquaintances is just a ploy to drag Franklin into a trap prepared by members of the Ballas group. They have a grudge against the hero because of the recent kidnapping of their member in the Chop mission. As soon as the brawl starts, you need to quickly run for cover and shoot back from there with a shotgun. You should not try to fight back the ballas in an open area, because Frank has no special combat skills.

Continuing the passage of GTA 5 on PC, you need to get out into the street and immediately aim at the police helicopter that managed to land on the scene. It will be best if you remove the pilot of the turntable with the first shot. After knocking him out, follow Lamar and get into the car. Afterwards you need to quickly step on the gas and drive towards tunnels or off-road. But you shouldn't try to escape through ordinary highways, because they are simply littered with cops.

Family consultation

To complete GTA 5 100%, this mission must be completed under several conditions:

  • complete the mission in no more than 5 minutes 30 seconds;
  • destroy 3 bandits while in the car;
  • complete the task so that the truck receives minimal damage.

The passage of GTA 5 on PC 8 missions can be started as either Frank or Michael. After choosing Franklin, watch as Michael returns home without reacting to what is happening around him. Near the threshold he will see 2 tennis rackets. Move to the second floor and watch Michael catch his wife in a towel and their tennis coach in the bedroom underwear. The friend will immediately attack the athlete, who will instantly jump out the window.

Then switch to Michael and quickly run downstairs, pick up Franklin and get behind the wheel of the tennis player's pickup truck. Try to keep up with the trainer until he disappears into one of the huge mansions standing on the hill. Frank will quickly take the winch and tie it to the support of the house, press on the gas to demolish the building.

Afterwards, in the passage of GTA 5 on PC, a video will start in which it will be said that the destroyed mansion belongs not to the tennis player, but to the mistress of one of the mafiosi - Martin Madrazo, who immediately arrives to visit Michael to sort things out. He will not be alone, he will beat Michael and hang a debt of 2.5 million bucks on him. When leaving, the mafioso will also punish Frank by taking away his driver's license.

We present to your attention detailed description completing all missions in Grand Theft Auto 5. This guide will be a useful attribute for anyone who does not know how to optimally complete one or another mission in the game.

Walkthrough Grand Theft Auto 5. Part 1()


Ludendorff, North Yankton, 9 years ago

Michael, Brad and Trevor break into the bank and carry out a hostage situation. Let's go to Staff only and we aim at every member of staff. Trevor will place explosives on the vault door. When he returns, we take out the phone, open the contact list and call the only available number. The radar in the lower left corner will help you navigate. We get to the storage room and fill the bag with money. On the way out the guard will grab us. We switch to Trevor and neutralize him with a well-aimed shot to the head. We run to the emergency passage, take cover behind a box and run out after the door is blown up. The police will try to take us lukewarm. Taking cover behind the columns, we move forward. We monitor the radar for timely detection of enemies. We get to the car and drive to the indicated point.

The feds were already waiting for us. Michael is wounded, so we play as Trevor and shoot back at the cops until they finally pin us down. Then we have no choice but to run away.

Franklin and Lamar

Franklin and Lamar make a living by taking cars away from people who can't pay for them. We get into one of the cars and follow our partner. The yellow scale under the radar is a special ability. Franklin can only use it when riding in any vehicle. Time slows down, making it easy to maneuver in traffic at high speed. Soon the cops will notice us. With such and such a car it will not be difficult to break away from them. Then you just need to stay out of their sight and the wanted level will exhaust itself. We return to Simon Yetaryan’s car showroom. He is our employer. We get into our own car and drive home. We go into the garage to store the car and then it will always be near the house. In your home you can save your game progress (bed), change clothes (wardrobe) and restore health (first aid kits, food in the kitchen).


Simon appointed us employee of the month. Lamar appeared and threw a tantrum about this, because he wants to be the best of the best. We're heading to Vespucci Beach to get a brand new bike. The owner did not make a single payment for it. Having reached the place, we climb over the fence and head to the garages. We search the right one, but find nothing. We select a pistol and shoot the “vagos”. We actively use cover and do not disdain shooting blindly. When the car appears, we shoot at the gasoline “track” to set it on fire. We hastily return to the vehicle and begin to pursue the bike. Approaching him, we kill the enemy with well-aimed shots. We get on the bike and go to the car wash. Lamar decides to keep the bike.


Simon sends us to another client who is behind on payment. James de Silva is Michael's son. He practically never leaves the house and sits on his parents' necks. Having reached the mansion, we enter the territory by jumping over the door. We enter stealth mode, sneak up on the gardener and stun him. We go around the house, climb onto the car, and from it we pull ourselves up to the roof. We'll get inside through the window. Continuing to move secretly, we go down to the first floor and go into the garage. We get into the SUV and return to the car dealership. As it turned out, Michael was in the back seat all this time. He takes us at gunpoint and asks us to ram the window of a car dealership. Having done this, we receive a reward and switch to Michael. We strike with our hands and feet. After successfully dodging, we can make a counterattack.

Father and son

Switch to Franklin. The selection menu indicates the number of available tasks for the character. We go to Michael's house and go to the pool. We share our problems with him, and he agrees to help us. Playing as Michael, we receive a call from Jimmy. He tried to sell the yacht, but the buyers turned out to be dishonest and took it away just like that. We get into Amanda's car and go to the rescue of our son. We catch up with the truck and carefully drive up close so that Franklin can jump on it. Then we can switch to the cinematic camera and watch what is happening from a bird's eye view. In this case, the character will independently drive the car. When the thief grabs Franklin, we again try to get closer to increase the chances of hitting him. We overtake the truck and place the car under Jimmy, who is caught on the mast. We’ll also pick up Franklin by driving up to the back of the truck.

The car broke down at the most inopportune moment. We turn around and go to the Los Santos Customs auto repair shop. The money that Michael gave us is enough for repairs and light modernization.

Family consultation

Michael found Amanda and the tennis coach in his bed. We get into a pickup truck and rush in pursuit of my wife's lover. He will lead us to a luxurious mansion. Being in a state of passion, we tie a rope to a pole, get into the car and press the gas pedal. Having destroyed the house, we return to the mansion. On the way, we receive a call from Natalie, who promises to cause serious problems for us. We switch to Franklin and shoot the pursuers. We aim at the wheels or the driver.
The house we destroyed belonged to Martin Madrazo, the head of the Mexican mafia. It will not be possible to get rid of an influential businessman, but a debt of two and a half million will have to be paid. It’s impossible to get that kind of money by lying by the pool, so Michael decides to do what he does best.

Lamar planned to kidnap a member of the Ballas gang. We get to the van and use it to go to Vinewood Boulevard. When the target runs away, we return to the van and pursue the fugitive until he is hit by a bus. We release Chop and continue the pursuit on foot. We climb over various obstacles and try to keep up with Dee. Having chosen the paths, we lose sight of the goal. The dog has become available in the selection menu - switch to it and watch what is happening. Switch back to Franklin and search the freight cars indicated on the radar. The dog will run towards the female. We come closer and pull it away by pressing the corresponding button. We examine three more cars, in one of which we find Dee. Chop will easily catch up with him. We climb into the van and go to Lamar's house. By mistake, he calls the Ballas and demands a ransom from them. Now it won’t be difficult for them to track us, so we release Dee and leave Lamar at the entertainment center.

Daddy's daughter

Unable to restrain himself, Michael breaks his beloved son's TV after he freely spends time playing a video game. To calm down and get our nerves in order, we go to the beach together. We rent any bike we like and rush to the other end of the pier. Quickly and often press the run button to go even faster. We monitor the health scale. Excessive stress leads not only to a loss of strength, but also to a gradual decrease in health.

Looks like Jimmy brought us here for a reason. In a verbal altercation, he tells Michael that his daughter Tracy is on an expensive yacht nearby. We jump into the water and swim to it. Having spared Tracy from the company of eccentrics from show business, we board a jet ski and sail through the canal. We use sharp turns by holding down the corresponding button and the button to move to the side. Also, don't forget to shoot back. Having broken away from our pursuers, we get to the beach.

Add as Friend

Lester is an old friend of Michael's who planned all of the gang's robberies. We agree to help him with a couple of matters. One of the assignments is to annoy Jay Norris, the creator of the global social network"Lifeinvader". We grab our backpack and head to the Suburban store. We choose any vest you like and get to the Lifeinvader offices. At the entrance we communicate with a programmer who works in this company. We follow him to his workplace. The entire screen area is filled with pages of erotic content. Quickly click on the crosses and clear the screen. If you hesitate, windows will appear again and again. As a result, we will detect an antivirus on the desktop and launch it.
We go into the office on the left side and connect the microchip to the prototype. After leaving the building, we go home. We sit on the sofa in front of the TV in the living room, change the channel by pressing the right movement button, and watch the presentation. When Jay Norris takes out the phone, turn on the phone, open the contact list and call him.

Jewelry exploration

Before starting the task, we'll stop by the Ponsonbys store and buy a suit. After consulting with Lester, we decide that we will rob a jewelry store. Together we go to the specified point. We get glasses and go into the alley where the store is located. Once inside, we turn on the hidden camera. We photograph the camera (in the corner), the alarm system (next to the door on the left) and the ventilation (on the ceiling between the cameras). We approach the saleswoman and ask her to pick something for us. We leave, promising to return.

Let's ride around the building and find the construction site. We reach the point, go inside and go up to the second floor. We continue to climb up the stairs in the room on the right side. Having got out onto the roof, we turn left and climb higher. We stand on the glass roof so that Lester can assess the situation. We go further, climb the stairs and go around the fenced area. We climb to the highest point, turn on the hidden camera and photograph the ventilation system inside the fenced area. We return to Lester and go to the garment factory.

Having studied the action plan in detail, we choose one of two options - “Loud” or “Smart”. Next, we select candidates for the role of accomplices.

Driver- is responsible for the transport in which we will have to escape from the angry cops. An experienced driver will not hesitate and will guide us along the ideal route.

Shooter- monitors the hostages and promptly responds to their actions (“Loud”). He will also help us with short term break windows in a jewelry store.

Hacker- there's an alarm behind it. The more experienced the hacker, the more time we will have to collect jewelry.

Inexperienced candidates may die on a mission, and then we will have to compensate their loved ones for moral damages. The share in this case may be even greater than the percentage that the mercenary asked for. If you don’t have time to pick up the dead man’s money, the final amount will become even less.

Bugstar Equipment (Smart Plan)

Preparation for the main task also depends on the chosen action plan. We are waiting for a text message from Lester and heading to the port. We enter the warehouse through the gate from the ocean side. We enter stealth mode, sneak up on the enemy and stun him. We get into the pest control van and drive it to the specified point.

BZ Gas Grenades (Smart Plan)

An armored Humane van is driving around the city. Having overtaken him, we shoot the doors until the van stops. We kill the driver and drive the van to the specified point, having previously hidden from the police.

Jewelry robbery

After discussing the action plan with the team, we get into the car and drive to the construction site. We go up to the roof and get to high point and throw a gas grenade into the ventilation system. We aim the sight directly at the bottom of the yellow mark.

We get into the store, break the windows indicated on the radar and collect jewelry. Time is limited, we do not hesitate under any circumstances. After leaving the store, we get on the bike and go after our comrades. We jump onto the highway and immediately turn into the tunnel on the right. If necessary, we use special abilities. Having gone outside, we switch to Michael and ram the police cars. We destroy them before we get to the meeting point.

Plan "A" is practically no different from plan "B". We skip the point with sleeping gas and storm the store by intimidating visitors and staff.

Stretch on the loose

The recently retired Stretch tries to mend fences with rival gangs. Franklin and Stretch have a rather tense relationship. We get into the car and go to Ammu-Nation. We buy a shotgun and a flashlight for it. We get to the processing plant, where we meet with Dee. After unsuccessful attempt his abduction, he decided not to remain in debt and brought the “Ballas” with him. We break through, shooting enemies along the way. We move slowly, as they may suddenly appear around the corner. We use shelters and look at the radar more often. Having gone down to the warehouse, we stay away from flammable cargo. We get out, go down the stairs and, hiding behind the boxes, kill the shooters in the helicopter. We follow our comrades, confiscate the first car we come across and hide from the cops, using a special ability. We are returning home.

Mr Phillips

Dave is the fed who worked our case in North Yankton. It was not difficult to guess that we were involved in the recent robbery. This news also reached Trevor. Enraged, he runs out into the street and smashes the brains of Johnny, the leader of the Lost gang. We get into a pickup truck and, together with our assistants, go to the gang’s habitat. After telling them what we did to their friend, they immediately take off. We follow the van, which will lead us to the Lost base. Bikers on motorcycles can be shot.

Trevor's special ability is to go ahead and kill, while remaining practically invulnerable - we deal double damage and receive half damage. The opponents will try to surround us, so we monitor the radar. Having cleared the territory, we get to the trailer by the river. Trevor sends Wade into town to find Michael.

The Aztecs are our direct competitors. They deal with weapons. To expand the business itself, you will have to eliminate them. We press on the gas pedal and push the trailer into the water. We kill Ortego when he comes out of the water. If we wish, we can leave him alive. In the next mission he will appear again, and even then he will not be able to survive. We drop Ron off at his house and return to the house ourselves.

Trevor Phillips Industries

We are going to a meeting with the Chinese who are interested in our business. Let's take Mr. Chen on a tour of the ice production laboratory. We receive a call from the Chief. He reports a planned Aztec attack. We shelter the guests in a safe place, stock up on weapons and begin clearing the area. We constantly change position for better review. Do not forget to use special abilities and all the weapons that we have. Having finished with the enemies, we release the Chinese from the box.
Nervous Ron

Bikers vandalized our house. Wade didn't come with much either. good news- He has not yet been able to find Michael. We get on the ATV and go to Ammu-Nation. We purchase a sniper rifle and a silencer with an improved sight for it. We get to a convenient position from where we can safely fire. We climb onto the water tower.

We focus the sight on Ron. We follow him until he gets close to the building. Then we aim at the enemy near the control tower on the right. We also shoot through two spotlights illuminating the stairs. We follow the arriving van. When the driver comes out, we kill him. We move the sight to the top of the control room. Having shot the enemy, we move the sight down again and neutralize the enemy approaching the stairs. Another one appeared at the top. After killing him, we continue to follow Ron. We deal with two opponents next to the tanks on the right side. Another one will appear a little to the right. We aim at the helicopter and, when it hovers in one place, we shoot at the pilot.

We get to the hangar and clear the area. We go inside, lie down on the wing of the plane and continue to shoot everyone who is trying to get close to us. Be sure to undermine the charges set by Ron. We move to another plane, accelerate and take off, holding the “back” movement button. We're flying to the ocean. We drop the load near the shore where the signal smoke is. We begin to descend smoothly, not yet reaching the runway. You also need to start slowing down early. While on the ground, we turn the plane using the appropriate buttons and drive into the hangar.

Ice labyrinth

The Chinese decided to cooperate with the O'Neill brothers. This situation does not suit us, so we go to the farm of these same brothers. Having reached the place, we take a position on the hill. Some of the O'Neil brothers will go to meet the Chinese, leaving the thugs to defend the laboratory. We take out a sniper and kill the enemies in the house on the first and second floors. We move the sight to the hangar. We shoot two more one by one. We wait for the three people in the van to leave. One of them will remain next to the building - we will neutralize it.

We go down the hill and enter the house from behind. We make our way through the rooms in stealth mode. We try not to show ourselves to the enemies for as long as possible in order to take them by surprise. We go to the basement, grab the canister and, holding down the shot button, pour the gasoline in a “path” all the way to the street. We shoot at the “path” and watch the destruction of the mansion.

Friends reunion

Finally, Wade managed to find Michael. Before heading to the city, we'll stop at a trailer park and cause mayhem there. Let's walk along the perimeter and scatter sticky bombs on the marked trailers. We blow them up, return to Wade and move to Los Santos.

Let's stay at Cousin Wade's house. Floyd lives with his girlfriend Debra, who given time is at a business conference.

Shame or glory

We switch to Michael. Almost the whole family is here. The incessant swearing could only be interrupted by the sudden appearance of Trevor. So it happened long-awaited meeting old friends. Jimmy informs us in time that Tracy is at the casting of the show “Shame and Glory” - a place where talents are liberated beautiful girls. Together with Trevor we go to the Maze Bank arena. Having parked, we get to the studio and for the second time rescue our daughter from the tenacious clutches of showbiz. We rush in pursuit of Lazlo.

Having got out, we steal a truck. We unhook the platform and overtake the fugitive by the river. We have an instructive conversation with Lazlo.

Suicide bomber

We meet with Dave and inform him that Trevor has appeared in the city. Our noble savior also found out that we took part in the robbery of a jewelry store. It's in our best interest to help Dave. Ferdinand Kerimov is a carrier of valuable information. The FIB must get her and Ferdinand himself before he spills incriminating information about the Bureau. The Department says that he is dead, so we have to go to the morgue and independently identify the corpse.

Having woken up, we grab the coroner and hide behind the bed. In stealth mode, we go into the corridor and stun the enemy. We examine the bodies - Ferdinand is not here. We move along the corridors and deal with the enemies. We look at the radar more often and use a special ability that allows us to slow down time. We go up the stairs and take the equipment from the box marked with a green dot on the radar. We get out through the window, steal a car and hide from the police. We get to the oil rigs, where we meet with Franklin. From that moment on, we became involved in the competition between the Federal Reserve Bank and the Office.

Murder - Hotel

Lester prepared several tasks for Franklin. There are two pharmaceutical companies in the market. And if we eliminate one of our competitors, then the other’s shares will jump up sharply. We get to the gun store, buy a sniper rifle and go to the multi-level parking lot in front of the hotel. We go up two floors and take a comfortable position. When the time is up, the target will leave the hotel and get into the car. We aim and fire. We quickly leave the area. Behind Good work we receive the appropriate reward. Now available to us new house in Vinewood Hills.

Kill - 4 targets

The Redwood company bribed four jurors, which will allow it to acquit itself in court. Lester doesn't care much about lawsuits from people with the disease, the main thing is that after this Debonaire Cigarettes shares will be sold at a much higher price. Time is limited, so we act quickly, trying to remain unnoticed. A sniper rifle and transport - a motorcycle - are ideal for this task. Having killed the bodybuilder, we go to the shore, take aim and neutralize the juror. Let's get to medical center. We move away from the building and aim at the window cleaning platform on the top floor. The last juror is a biker. You can shoot him right on the move.

Reconnaissance in the port

Floyd works at the port. We change clothes and go to explore. We learn about a certain cargo ship, carefully guarded by mercenaries of a private army. Having parked, Floyd will take us to look at the cargo. You will also have to work. We get into the forklift and go to station B. We are here on a bird's license, so we do everything carefully, otherwise we will be exposed. We place the grip over the container, hook it, lift it higher and take it to area F. Smoothly lower it down and place it so that there is room for the second container.

We climb onto the crane and go into the cabin. We do everything according to the instructions in the upper left corner. Be sure to change the angle to place the traverse exactly above one of the containers on the left side, which we transfer to the truck on the right. We carry out a similar action with the second container. We go up the stairs, turn right and go to the observation point at the end of the walkway. We take out the phone and turn on the camera. We take photos of the front and back of the ship and the guard. We send photos to Ron.

We go downstairs, get into the truck and head to the docks. We move on the right side, since the gate on the left opens only when entering the territory. Of course, we can’t go into the restricted area. Floyd will become bait and divert all the mercenaries' attention to himself. We take our suitcase and head home. Ron found out a little about the ship. Underneath there is a container with military equipment. We draw up an action plan. We choose one option - “ Cargo Ship"or "Sea adventure". If you choose an adventure, then we train Michael in a flight school, and Franklin in the “Ammu-Nation” with a shooting range.

Mini submarine

We get to the ship, step on board and lower the submarine. We act secretly, or immediately neutralize the guard. We jump into the water, board the submarine and deliver it to Pier 400. Floyd has already prepared a truck onto which we will load the submarine and deliver it to the warehouse.

Cargobob (Sea Adventure Plan)

The helicopter is located at a military base, upon entering which we will immediately receive four wanted stars. We drive by car right up to the helicopter. We use the special ability and shoot the enemies nearby. Then we quickly get into the transport, take off and fly away from here as quickly as possible. Hold down the shoot and forward buttons. We will be chased by a combat helicopter, which is inferior to ours in speed, but can fire missiles. If necessary, we dodge to the side, but do not slow down. We deliver the helicopter to the specified point.

Merryweather Robbery

Plan A: We take Franklin to the bridge, then switch to him and take a sniper position. We eliminate two mercenaries. Freely switch between Michael and Franklin. If we play as Michael, then we move slowly, since Franklin may not have time to kill enemies and then we will be discovered. We install the bombs carefully, coming close to the object. When Michael runs inside, we have to fight off the arriving reinforcements. Having cleared the territory, we deal with the helicopter pilot. We reduce the scope of the sight so as not to lose sight of the transport. We cover Michael until he leaves the ship. Open the list of contacts and select “Blow up”.

Playing as Michael, we sail, guided by the sonar on the radar. The device lies on the bottom. Having found it, we switch to Trevor, swim to the device and, hooking it, deliver it to pier 400. All the work is down the drain. Lester tells us that the device found is a superweapon. And if we don’t return it, the government will cause serious trouble for us.

Plan B. Having collected all three characters, we go to the airfield. Having reached the runway, we transfer to the helicopter, take off, release the hook and hook the submarine. We deliver it to the testing site and dump it into the water. Switching to Trevor, we activate the Trackify application, which will allow us to detect military equipment. Using the radar, we sail towards the red dot. When it is in the center of the radar, i.e. below us, we dive on maximum depth 175 meters. We surface and, switching to Michael, grab the submarine. We return to the airfield, destroying the mercenaries along the way. Franklin can move from one side to another and shoot his pursuers on boats and helicopters. We drop the submarine and land. All the work is down the drain. Lester tells us that the device found is a superweapon. And if we don’t return it, the government will cause serious trouble for us.

Three is company

Let's go meet Dave. Let's meet his boss Steve Heinsohn. Ferdinand Kerimov is being interrogated at the local department of the Department. We urgently need to get him out of there. Trevor and Franklin will help us in this matter. We get to the meeting place and go to the headquarters of the Directorate. We fly up to the roof of the building on the western side to drop Michael off. We switch to it and go down the cable. Hold down the fast run button for more powerful jumps. We break the window, rush inside and switch to Franklin. We shoot the enemies until Michael and Kerimov get out of the building. We switch to Michael again and kill the remaining Department employees.

Playing as Michael, we shoot through the cockpit of the approaching helicopter and kill the pilot. We switch to Michael or Franklin, depending on what we want to do - shoot or control the helicopter, respectively. If we play as Michael, we use a special ability.
Everything according to the instructions

Playing as Michael, we receive a call from Steve. We move towards the warehouse and switch to Trevor along the way. We have to get Ferdinand to talk. He has already reported where the target is. We get home, but it turns out that this is not the person we need. We switch to Trevor and begin the torture. We take any instrument. For example, pliers. Grab the tooth while holding down the shoot button and rotate the stick clockwise. We receive information, switch to Michael and go to the Chumash. On the way, it turns out that Brad is not in prison, but in the grave instead of Michael.

We take a comfortable position and wait new information. We switch to Trevor and continue the torture. Thus, we find out more and more small details. The desired target will be a smoking man with a beard. He is standing on the balcony. Pointing his sight at him, Michael will comment on this. After the shot, we switch to Trevor and take Kerimov to the airport so that he leaves the country as soon as possible and informs the whole world about the torture.

Did someone say yoga?

Amanda, as usual, is unhappy that Michael is leading the wrong lifestyle. Fabien suggests that everyone do yoga together. We go out to the pool and do exercises. We take a pose, keeping the sticks tilted in the indicated direction. After each movement, simultaneously hold the triggers pressed and release them after filling the circles. Michael's patience ends when Fabien begins to indulge in excess. He brazenly paws Amanda, and she apparently likes it. Therefore, by attacking Fabien, she promises to leave forever.

We go up to Jimmy's room. We take him to a friend’s Burger Shot. On the way back, the son decides to give us an intoxicating cocktail. Unable to control the car, Jimmy throws us out. The hallucinations intensified. We fly down and collide with the ground to wake up. We get to the house and read the note from Amanda. She moved out with her children and, apparently, has no intention of returning.

Blitz game (part 1)

We meet Steve and Dave. We will have to help them again, despite the agreement to no longer involve us in their affairs. The department obtained money from drug sales. Our task is to intercept an armored van and seize the “dirty” money. Any of the characters can prepare the operation.

Safari in the area

Stretch and Lamar want to start selling drugs. To do this, they decided to buy a small batch from Ballas. We get into the van and get to Grove Street. During the transaction, Trevor immediately sensed something was wrong: they were trying to slip us a dummy instead of a real product. The whole street turned against us. While behind cover, we shoot the enemies. Freely switch between characters. Trevor's special ability will help you defeat a large number of opponents. We get to the second intersection and turn left. We go down to the river, take control of the jetski and follow our friends. Having split up, we break away from the police.

Transport for departure

We get into a suitable car (a notification will appear), leave it in some place (alley, parking lot, etc.), open the phone book, call one of the characters (Michael, Trevor, Franklin) and select “Mark transport coordinates”.


We get to the indicated “Ammu-Nation” and buy three overalls, going to the hangers on the right wall.

Garbage truck

We catch up with a garbage truck moving around the city. We block the road, get in it and drive it to the Federal Reserve Bank site.

Tow truck

We steal a tow truck, having previously stunned the mechanic, and deliver it to the Federal Reserve Station.


We buy any three masks we like from a shop near the beach for ourselves and our friends.

Read the second part. Let us remind you that on our website you can find for GTA 5 on PC with all missions.

Welcome to our extensive free guide and walkthrough for Grand Theft Auto 5 for PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. In this publication you will find general tips and useful tips on how to play GTA 5, a guide and walkthrough of missions in GTA 5. A description of the main mission of the story, as well as side quests. There are also cards with all the activities in the game.

(Stay tuned)

GTA 5 - latest version popular studio Rockstar. You play three characters - Michael, Franklin and Trevor - and the story focuses on several seemingly unrelated attacks. Of course we are also free to explore beautiful city and island, perform hundreds of activities, ride cars, bikes and even planes.

Let's start with some basic information that will be useful in the beginning. Using the map, choosing weapons and their modifications, everything about vehicles— you must learn the most important tip.

IN next list presents various problems associated with installing and running the game in the PC version, as well as other oddities (for example, launching your own radio station):

  • GTA 5 on PC -

Passage of missions in gta 5: description of the transition, main thread

The main story missions are an amazing tangle of events and flows. With our guide, you will quickly find the right path and solve problems in individual tasks.

  • GTA 5 - Mission 14 and 15: Insect measure, BZ gas grenades
  • GTA 5- Mission 16 and 17: Jeweler's Handicraft (wise version), Jeweler's Handicraft (loud version)
  • GTA 5 - Mission 18 and 19: Mr. Philips, Trevor Philips Industries
  • GTA 5 - Mission 20 and 21: Nervous Ron, Crystal Maze
  • GTA 5 - Mission 22 and 23: Friendship is magic, Glory or challah
  • GTA 5 - Mission 24 and 25: Long Term Transfer, Hotel Murder
  • GTA 5 - Mission 26 and 27: Multi-Business, Day of the Living Dead
  • GTA 5 - Mission 28 and 29: Did someone mention yoga? Three wonderful
  • GTA 5 - Mission 30 and 31: As in the tutorial, Safari on the brave
  • GTA 5 - Mission 32 and 33: Scout in the port, Small submarine
  • GTA 5 - Mission 34 and 35: Cargobob, Jump on Merryweather (Freighter)
  • GTA 5 - Mission 36 and 37: Go to Merryweather (over the sea), Overalls
  • GTA 5 - Mission 38 and 39: Masks, Tug
  • GTA 5 - Mission 40 and 41: Garbage Trucks, Quick Work
  • GTA 5 - Mission 42 and 43: Mr. Richards, I am against the law...
  • GTA 5 - Mission 44 and 45: Ascension, Strong Love
  • GTA 5 - Mission 46 and 47: Death of a Bus, Caida Libre
  • GTA 5 - Mission 48 and 49: Role of Life, slight turbulence
  • GTA 5 - Mission 50 + 51: Introduction to Paleto Jump, Predator
  • GTA 5 - Mission 52 + 53: Blood on the spot, Military equipment
  • GTA 5 - Mission 54 + 55: Paleto Jump Derailed
  • GTA 5 - Mission 56 + 57: Monkey Pranks, Hang Ten
  • GTA 5 - Mission 58 + 59: Phage Assessment, End of War
  • GTA 5 – Mission 60 + 61: Wholesalers, Fresh Meat
  • GTA 5 - Mission 62 + 63: The Ballad of Rocco, Sweeping Control
  • GTA 5 - Mission 64 + 65: Family reconciliation, architect's plans
  • GTA 5 - Mission 66 + 67: Loving dad, Fire truck
  • GTA 5 - Mission 68 + 69: Office attack (fire brigade), Office attack (through the roof)
  • GTA 5 - Mission 70 + 71: Legal issues, summary
  • GTA 5 - Mission 72 + 73: Lamar is in trouble, Krach
  • GTA 5 - Mission 74 + 75: Middle name ABC, Kolkchatki
  • GTA 5 - Mission 76 + 77: Gauntlet (Pillbox Hill, Rockford Hills, Mission), Drill
  • GTA 5 – Mission 78 + 79: side track, Great fucha (thin)
  • GTA 5 - Mission 80: Big Fucha (obviously)
  • GTA 5 - Completion

Walkthrough of missions in gta 5: Strangers and strange missions

Each of the characters - after switching - can perform their own tasks and tasks, as well as actions. Below is a description of the strangers and freaks for each character.


  • , Paparazzo - sextika, Paparazzo - cooperation, Paparazzo - Her Majesty, Paparazzo - too much, Paparazzo - sobering
  • GTA 5 - Alien and Strange - Risk Assessment, Liquidity Risk, Target Risk
  • GTA 5 - Alien and Strange - Job Shift, Satanic Impression - Franklin, Omega (spaceship part)


  • GTA 5 - Strangers and Strangers - Border Guard, Welcome to America, Blitz
  • GTA 5 — Aliens and strange people — Shooting, hunting practice
  • GTA 5 - Aliens and Strange Creatures - Mod - Ralph Ostrowski, Mod - Larry Tapper, Mod - Glenn Scoville, Mod - Curtis Weaver
  • GTA 5 - Strangers and Wanderers - Grape Souvenirs - Willie, Tyler, Kerry, Mark, Al Di Napoli, Last Shot
  • GTA 5 — Strangers and Strangers — Bonus, Signing a contract, Liquidation of property, Breach of contract


How to play GTA 5: Maps - secrets, actions and finds

The world of GTA 5 is full of various secrets and activities. Use our guide to find them.

  • GTA 5 - Appearance: Clothing stores, Hairdressers, Tattoos
  • GTA 5 — Sports: Tennis, Darts, Golf
  • GTA 5 - Free time: Cinema, Striptease
  • GTA 5 - Buying real estate
  • GTA 5 - Other activities: Flying under the bridge, Flying on the razor's edge
  • GTA 5 - Other activities: Parachuting, Flying School
  • GTA 5 - Other activities: racing, triathlon, yoga
  • GTA 5 - Other activities: guns, ammunition and shooting magazines, Los Santos Customs workshops, Assaults

If you haven't found the answer to your problem, use the Questions and Answers section. You can also go to the code page to quickly summon a plane or become immortal.

  • GTA 5 - Questions and Answers
  • GTA 5 - Achievements / Trophies

GTA 5 offers a separate multiplayer mode - find out more about this in our separate guide.

Franklin and his skills

He is a black boy from the poor part of Los Santos. His dream is to be a professional gangster. He doesn't shy away from hard work, but is often disturbed in his plans by his neighborhood buddies who approach the bandits in a slightly looser and less organized manner.

Over time, Franklin will also receive a dog named Chop. The Rottweiler will be able to accompany him in some tasks, and you can also spend time with him and teach him various tricks. All this using a special phone application.

Franklin's most important skill is excellent driving. It's good to trust him with the wheel when you're running away from the police. His special ability is to slow down time while driving (accessible by pressing two analogue controls), allowing you to easily overcome the most difficult parts of the chase. This is useful when you are driving through narrow streets, driving in traffic or confusing the police following you at the last moment (for example, at intersections).

Michael and his skills

He is a retired robber who specializes in organizing and executing big jumps. After a failed action, which is presented in the game's prologue, it spreads to the witness protection program. He acquires a new name in this way, as well as a luxurious villa in Vinowood, the richest area of ​​Los Santos.

He lives with his frivolous wife and his daughter and son. He doesn't live with them better relations. After being accepted into the witness protection program, he retired, but he missed out on his old habits as he met Franklin rather randomly.

His special ability is to slow down time during combat (press the two analog sticks to activate). This comes in handy when you're in the middle of a big shooting spree or if you decide to attack with the na pała method.

Trevor and his skills

He is a retired military pilot. He is mentally unstable, not caring for himself, an aging and aggressive visitor who was once best partner Michael. However, their contact ceased for almost ten years when Michael decided to enter the witness protection program. At some point, their paths will cross again.

Trevor mainly specializes in piloting aircraft, which you will often need when you need to evacuate an attack site by plane or helicopter.

His special ability is Insanity Mode, activated by pressing two analogue controls at the same time. Trevor then deals more damage and is less susceptible to attacks from others.

In general about special skills

Special skills cannot be activated without restrictions. To use them, you must first charge the yellow bar visible in the lower left corner, below the card. You can do this by skillful driving, effective fight and the exchange of fire. This reel falls quickly and if you have a special skill, you can only use it for a few seconds.

How to switch between characters?

From fairly early on in the game, you will have the ability to switch between Franklin and Michael. Trevor will only become available after completing several main story missions with the two aforementioned heroes.

Switching between all characters is unlimited in most cases, exceptions occur during or after some missions. This is because certain tasks are only unlocked with specific character progress. In this situation, for example, when playing Trevor, you may receive a message when you try to switch characters, telling you to rest Michael and Franklin.

To change the active symbol, hold the D-pad ↓ (PC: L.Alt) - a circle with images of symbols will appear in the lower right corner of the screen, moving the right analog (PC: mouse) to select a different symbol. After this treatment, the camera will go away and look at the area from above, and then move closer to the selected character. Don't be surprised if he performs a more or less normal act - inactive heroes move on with their lives.

How to play gta 5: Hero development

Each of the three heroes is described by eight different functions:

Special Ability
- State
— Shooting
- Force
— Sneaking
— Aerobatics
— Driving
— Lung capacity

You develop them by driving, playing sports, going to the range and just doing what they touch. For example, the more you ride, especially on the edge of breaks, against the current and very risky, you will develop the ability to go faster. This will not have a direct effect on driving, but if you trust the escape vehicle, such as the Franklin, which works best with the wheel, you will have a better chance of success.

How can I check what mission I'm doing?

To check what mission you are currently on, press the Start button on the pad and then select the Log option. There you will find information about the current task, the latest dialogues with characters, recommendations and brief tips on the game.

You can do this from your phone too. Pull it out using the D-pad (PC: up arrow) and then select the Quick Write option.

To load a saved game status, enter the menu by clicking "Start" and then selecting "Game and Load Game." Select the item described in the last completed mission from the list and confirm.

Changing clothes and hairstyles in GTA 5

One of the most interesting, although mostly not affecting the game, is the ability to change clothes and comb the heroes. To buy new clothes, go to one of the stores marked with a T-shirt icon on the map and go to the selected hanger or shelf, then hold D-pad → (PC: E). The character preview will begin and you can select new outfits from the scrolling list on the left side of the screen. Next to each of them there is a price for clothes. Similarly, you use hairdressing services (changing hairstyles and facial hair), but the corresponding salons are marked with a scissors icon.

You can change purchased clothes in your hideouts. All you have to do is go to the closet and swipe D-pad → (PC: E) again and then select the appropriate clothes. Sometimes in some missions you will have to wear certain clothes, such as a suit or other. However, someone associated with this mission will inform you of this need.

Now there are three main characters in the game. Each of them has its own history, its own survival characteristics and preferences.

The main theme of the game is robbery. The developers were still able to meet the gamers halfway and focus on this type of crime. After all, in previous games The theme of the robbery was little disclosed. Instead there were many murders.

Now, in order to complete various missions, you will have to have a certain amount of money. Concerning complete passage plot, it will take 25 hours (if the missions are successfully completed).

The gamer will switch to another character automatically or at will. It is important to note that the passage of the mission is equipped with musical accompaniment. This makes the game more enjoyable.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the game focuses on the economic side. Players must now take earning and spending more seriously. When completing GTA 5 (Grand Theft Auto 5), the player will be able to buy a lot of funny and interesting trinkets. Game missions are very diverse - simple raids are combined with robberies with hostages.

The developers tried to increase the technical capabilities of the machine. Now during the chase you can get into real races. Characters can both kill and speak rudely to others.


Michael de Santa is a former burglar. He tried to start living normally and made a deal with an FBI agent. However, he is forced to return to the old ways again thanks to his wife. It was she who got Michael into big trouble.

Trevor Phillips is also a former burglar. Collectively, Michael's accomplice. He organized his own business - arms and drug trafficking.

Franklin Clinton is a young black guy who left his job. By the way, he worked in a prestigious car dealership. Succumbing to ambition, Franklin teamed up with his comrades to get rich.

Walkthrough of GTA 5 - Beginning

The beginning of the game looks very unexpected - a robbery. You manage the Michaels. He's holding a weapon. There are several hostages in the room. We need to aim at them. Then they will go to another room. Then select the word “Blow up” from your phone’s contact list. After the explosion, take the money.

When leaving the vault, Michael will be caught by a guard. Switch to Trevor and shoot him in the head of the unfortunate man. Move towards the back door.

Armed cops will meet you on the street. Shoot back and run to your personal car. The personal driver will be killed in a shootout. Mikey will be driving. Follow the navigator to the helicopter landing site.

You won't have time to miss the railway crossing. The car will be damaged and you will have to continue walking.

Suddenly a sniper shoots at Brad. Then to Michael. Trevor needs to run. Watch the splash screen. Michael is there at his own funeral. Then he sits in the psychologist’s office and complains about life.

Walkthrough of GTA 5 (Grand Theft Auto 5) - on this moment he is a completely viral person who is under the witness protection program. But Mikey isn't particularly happy about it. Lost in thought, he goes to the coast and sits down on a bench.

This is where the second character, Franklin Clinton, will appear for the first time. He will ask Mikey.

Attention! In the game you can score 100% for a completed mission. Therefore, there are three types of medals: gold, silver, bronze.

Mission: Franklin and Lamar

The friends reached the bungalow and took two sports cars.

Follow your friend. Drive carefully past the film studio to avoid hitting the actors. After parking, you need to overtake Lamar for the “gold”. There will be cops who are easy to get away from. When this is successful, wanted stars will flash on the screen. Then go to the car dealership where Franklin works.

When you arrive at the salon during the passage of GTA 5, you will meet Simon Yetaryan. You will receive the "Welcome to Los Santos" achievement. Take a white car, go home.

Mission: Seizure

When you leave the house, your boss will call you - you need to go to the car dealership. There will be a verbal altercation. Then Simon will tell you to seize the motorcycle from the client. Go by car. Park so that the car is facing back from where you came. Go and check the garages.

In one of them, the guys from the Vagos gang will run into you. We must take up arms and fight back. Don't get too close, hide from the bullets. Aim for the head. When the car crashes into the garage and gasoline starts flowing, shoot there. Then finish off the rest.

The guy on the moto will run away. Get in the car and chase him. When you catch up, you can be hit by a car or shot. Take a bike and go to the car wash. The passage of GTA 5 continues.

Mission: Complications

Simon instructs him to pick up a car from one buyer. Drive to the place, climb over the gate, go into the yard. Move unnoticed and approach the gardener and stun him. Go around the house, climb through the vineyard into the 2nd floor window. Drive carefully.

Go down the stairs and turn left. Garage. Get in the car, go to the car dealership. After the call ends, Simon will notice that a stranger is sitting behind him. He points the gun at Franklin.

This, by the way, is Mikey - the second character. This is Michael's son's car. Do what he says. Stop the car in front of the salon and drive into the window.

You are for Michael. We must defeat Simon in hand-to-hand combat. It's easy. You can slow down time.

Upon completion of the mission, you will be able to switch between 2 characters. We continue the passage of GTA 5.

Mission: Father and son

Playing for Franklin. Go to Michael. He's on a lounge chair by the pool. Then the guys will go have a beer at the bar.

Then Michael's son will call and ask for help. We need to quickly get into the car and go to our son. Once there, the truck with the yacht will try to escape. The truck is easy to reach. Then Franklin will move into the back to find Jimmy. You drive Mikey - keep up with the car. Help your partner deal with the bandits by shooting from a pistol.

The next task is to catch Michael's son while driving the car. It dangles from a mast above the roadway. We need to drive to the back of the truck, Franklin will return to the car.

After this, Mikey decides to take a taxi and go home. Franklin will look after the boy.

Mission: Family consultation

Mikey will find his wife in bed with the tennis instructor. He will have time to duck out the window. During the pursuit, Michael will collide with his partner at the door. He came to visit. Jump into the car and follow the tennis player's car. He will hide in a beautiful house and be rude from the balcony. The bastard needs to be punished.

Tie the winch to the support of the house, climb into the car, press the gas. The bastard won't like this. Then there will be shooting from behind. You are being pursued by bandits. Mike is driving the car, switch to your partner and shoot with the pistol.

At Mike's house, aggressive guys will move into the yard. It turns out that you destroyed the dominatrix of Madrazo - the authority.

Mission: Friendly Request

So, when completing GTA 5 (Grand Theft Auto 5), you will find out that Mikey now owes 2.5 lemon bucks. He goes to Lester to start his criminal activities again.

He offers the unexpected - he gives me a backpack and tells me to buy some clothes. Then contact him and get other instructions.

You are at the doors of the Life Invader company, go to the back entrance. There you will talk to the programmer, then go inside. Follow him, play the role of an IT specialist. Close all windows on the screen, quickly click on the antivirus icon, then click on scan. Remove this junk.

Then go to another room, connect the device to the prototype. Then leave the building.

You are at home. Sit in front of the TV. When Jay Norris demonstrates his invention, take out your cell phone and select Jay. Dial the number. Lester's retribution will be carried out. The task is completed.

After some time there will be a call from a guy from the Life Invaders company. He will say that your trick cost him his job. Promise to talk to him if necessary. So you have a potential heist team member. Continue through GTA 5 (Grand Theft Auto 5).

Mission: Good Husband

Amanda, Mikey's wife will ask for help. She was arrested. A certain time is allotted to complete the mission.

Follow to your destination, steal the cops' car. Drive fast. Do not crush civilians and do not shoot. When the level of interest in your person drops, you can go home with your wife.

After you meet a random character, he will begin to appear on your map with an icon in the form of a capital letter of his name. Usually, only specific main characters can interact with specific eccentrics. For example, Abigail only speaks to Michael.

Having completed the first task of a stranger in , in most cases you will receive the next one in the form of a letter, phone call or SMS. At some points, you again need to find it on the map and come to a personal meeting. For navigation, it is best to use the map on the official Social Club website. All strangers are marked there, including those you found and visited.

As a reward for completing missions for eccentrics and other strangers, you receive money, new types of work, real estate, and other benefits. Each random character has their own reward, but some don't have one at all.

CharacterNumber of missionsRewardAvailable
2 10$ Michael
6 NoEveryone
6 + 20 no / submarineFranklin
2 pieceworkTrevor
4 NoFranklin
1 NoFranklin
8 2 100 000$ Michael
5 pieceworkFranklin
4 NoTrevor
3 NoEveryone
4 40000$ Trevor
3 1000$ Trevor
7 NoTrevor
2 Franklin
5 500$ Franklin
5 NoTrevor
3 There isEveryone

List of all the weirdos and strangers

1. Abigail

Available: Michael
Number of missions: 2
Reward: 10$

Frank's widow asks you to find .

2. Barry

Available: everyone
Number of missions: 6
Reward: no

A revolutionary and rebel who collects signatures for the legalization of narcotic grass. He gives you.

3. Beverly

Available: Franklin
Number of missions: 6
Reward: no

4. Cletus

Available: Trevor
Number of missions: 2
Reward: piecework

Cletus is a professional hunter and he teaches you how to hunt in the forests of the state of San Andreas. After this, you will learn all the basics.

5. Dominic

Available: Franklin
Number of missions: 4
Reward: no

Lover of adrenaline and thrills. Having met him and completed the first mission, you open a series of tasks for.

6. Dreyfus

Available: Franklin
Number of missions: 1
Reward: no

Will appear only after you have collected everything. He is the killer of Leonora Johnson and you will also have to kill him in the mission “Starlet in Vinewood”.

7. Marnie (Epsilon Program)

Available: Michael
Number of missions: 8
Reward: $2,100,000 or tractor

8. Hao

Available: Franklin
Number of missions: 5
Reward: from $450 to $6750 per race

Asian Hao is a racer and organizer. You can go through them countless times.

9. Josh

Available: Trevor
Number of missions: 4
Reward: no

He's a real estate agent who lives in Rockford Hills. His business is going badly, so he asks Trevor to help him.

10. Mary Ann

Available: everyone
Number of missions: 3
Reward: no

She loves sports, exercise, and all that. She also likes to compete. So she gives each of the three characters one Running Away mission.

11. Mod

Available: Trevor
Number of missions: 4
Reward: $5,000 (dead), $10,000 (alive)

One of Trevor's old friends. She is a “headhunter” who organizes. For money, of course.

After completing the first task from Mod, when delivering the target alive, you will unlock.

12. Joe and Joseph

Available: Trevor
Number of missions: 3
Reward: $1000

These two respectable men patrol the border and they have several tasks for Trevor to capture illegal immigrants.

13. Nigel and Mrs Thornhill

Available: Trevor
Number of missions: 7
Reward: no

This odd couple collects things from celebrities living in Los Santos. And they give Trevor six missions "" in which he needs to hunt for stars.

14. Omega

Available: Franklin
Number of missions: 2
Reward: Space Docker space car

An eccentric guy who believes in . After completing the first task for Omega, you can start collecting.

15. Tonya

Available: Franklin
Number of missions: 5
Reward: $500 for delivery of one vehicle

Tonya is Franklin's longtime neighbor and friend and needs help towing cars. She gives you a row.

16. Slaughterhouses

Available: Trevor
Number of missions: 5
Reward: no

This is the only time in Oddballs and Other Strangers that you don't interact with one specific character. Each time you just need to come to the place marked on the map, enter into conflict and start.

Bonus and secret random characters

17. Mrs. Phillips

Available: Trevor
Number of missions: 1
Reward: no

After completing the main storyline game (if you, of course, chose the “ ”) option, Trevor’s mother appears in Trevor’s trailer and gives him a task. Unfortunately, this is just a hallucination...

18. Hunter Bigfoot

Available: Franklin
Number of missions: 1
Reward: no

Available only after . You meet this one strange man and he asks you to help him hunt for. Unfortunately, unlike UFOs, everything here turns out to be much more prosaic.

19. Artist
Available: Everyone
Number of missions: 1
Reward: Dinka Go Go Monkey Blista

Only available to players returning to new versions of GTA 5 from Xbox 360 or PS3. Appears after collecting everyone as a random character who needs to be photographed.

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