Drawing based on the work Golden Rooster Kuprin. Test work on the work of A.I.

Lesson topic: The story "The Golden Rooster".
Lesson type:
The purpose of the lesson:
Improving the analysis and interpretation of a literary work as an artistic whole.

Lesson Objectives


    Introduce students to the story of A.I. Kuprin "Golden Rooster".

    identify the artistic idea of ​​the story, the role of artistic and visual means in the story;

    develop skills in expressive reading, retelling, lexical work, and working with a textbook;


    To educate students’ moral and aesthetic ideas while analyzing the story

    Promote the development of respect for classmates through the organization of listening to the answers of comrades.


    Improve students' coherent oral and written speech (with the help of reasoned answers).

    To promote the development of different types of memory in students when organizing different perceptions of the source text (auditory and visual)


    Textbook G.S. Merkin;

    Printed workbook;

    technical teaching aids: multimedia projector, PC.

Methodological justification:

This lesson summary is intended for conducting literature lessons in the fifth grade based on the story of A.I. Kuprin "Golden Rooster". In the system of lessons on the writer’s work, this is the first lesson that briefly introduces students to the biography of A.I. Kuprina. Lexical work will help to implement interdisciplinary connections with history lessons. Through understanding the content of A.I.’s story. Kuprin “The Golden Rooster”, students must identify the artistic idea of ​​the story, the role of artistic and visual means in the story;

Method: teacher's word

Reception: teacher's welcoming speech, teacher's leading speech (requirements)

Hello guys, sit down.

The topic of our lesson today is Kuprin’s story “The Golden Rooster”.

Method: listening

2. Updating knowledge.

Method: conversation

Reception: reproductive conversation

Quite recently, you and I wrote a summary of Kuprin’s story “Yu-Yu” and we already talked a little about the author’s biography. Guys, what do you remember and can you tell me?

Method: speaking

Born on August 26, 1870 in the city of Narovchat, Penza province, in the family of a minor official who died a year after the birth of his son. After the death of her husband, his mother (from the ancient family of Tatar princes Kulanchakov) moved to Moscow, where the future writer spent his childhood and youth. At the age of six, the boy was sent to the Moscow Razumovsky boarding school (orphanage), from where he left in 1880. The same year he entered the Moscow Military Academy, which was transformed into the Cadet Corps.

Method: teacher's word
Technique: reporting word

At the end of 1919, Kuprin was forced to leave his homeland. In mid-1920, the writer settled in France. A long, eighteen-year period of his life in a foreign land began.

It is noteworthy that in works written abroad, the writer pays a lot of attention to nature. Admiring the French landscape, Kuprin, however, recalls the features of his native Russian nature.

All of Kuprin’s works of this period are characterized by one feature: the writer lovingly notes the features of the past, infinitely dear to his heart and clearly idealized by him.

In 1923, his new works “Fate” and “Golden Rooster” appeared.

The past of Russia, memories of Russian people, morals and customs, nature and legends telling about human beauty and nobility - this is what Kuprin gives the strength of his talent to.

The short story-poem “The Golden Rooster” is noteworthy. In it, the writer glorifies nature, the sun and the singing of sun-worshipping roosters with such joy that you are literally amazed at his inexhaustible love for life.

Method: listening

Technique: global, non-judgmental, non-reflective listening

Method: conversation

Reception: reproductive conversation

Guys, now let's turn directly to the text. Think about the mood of A.I. Kuprin’s story “The Golden Rooster”?

Which episodes of the story did you find most striking?

Where do the events described in the story take place?

Method: speaking

Reception: oral response on the subject

Descriptions of nature imbued with lyrical warmth mood.

Comparison of rooster crowing with the music heard during the meeting of the triumphant Caesar in Ancient Rome and mention of the legend of the phoenix.

In Ville d'Avray, 10 km from Paris.

Method: teacher's word
Technique: reporting word

As we have already said, Kuprin was forced to settle in France. His daughter later wrote a book of memoirs and the chapter “Suburb” talks about this period of his life. Kuprin rented a dacha just in Ville d'Avra. He wanted to work with flowers and just “dig in the ground.” But h The terrible situation, the foreign land and the strange plants on it began to cause Kuprin a bitter longing for distant Russia.

Nothing was nice to him. Even the smells of earth and flowers. He said that lilacs smell like kerosene. And very soon he stopped digging in the flower beds and beds.

Method: listening

Technique: global, non-judgmental, non-reflective listening

Method: teacher's word

Now, guys, let's turn directly to the text. Find lines in the story that express the feelings of a writer living far from his homeland. Read them expressively.

“I know the power and shrillness of a rooster’s crow. In former times, hunting on spring capercaillie currents in the huge Russian forests, ten or fifteen miles from any habitation, before sunrise I caught with my intense hearing only two sounds reminiscent of a person: the occasional distant locomotive whistle and the crowing of cocks in the nearby villages. The last earthly sounds that I heard, rising in a silent flight in a hot air balloon, were always the whistles of street boys, but even longer than that could be heard the victorious crow of a rooster.”

Method: conversation

Reception: reproductive conversation

Guys, open the TPO on page 16 and find task 3. We will need to determine the meaning of these words. Now in history you are studying the ancient world, so I think that we should not have any special difficulties.
What do the first two words refer to, and what are they used in relation to?
So, the cohort is one of the main tactical units of the Roman army.

And one more word that is directly related to Ancient Rome - triumphant Caesar.

Triumphant - Caesar - p victorious warlordgreeted with triumph.

Write it down.

Method: speaking

Reception: oral response on the subject

Cohort and legion refer to the Roman army.


The cohort is one of the main tactical units of the Roman army.

The legion is the main unit in the army of ancient Rome.

A triumphant Caesar is a victorious commander greeted with triumph.

Method: teacher's word
Technique: reporting word

Triumphant Caesar. Triumph in Rome is the ceremonial entry into the capital of a victorious commander and his troops. Triumph was considered the highest award for a military leader, which could only be awarded to the commander-in-chief. The triumphant rode standing on a round gilded chariot drawn by four horses. The musicians walked behind. The triumphant man was surrounded by children and other relatives, behind them stood a slave holding a golden wreath above his head. His assistants moved next; soldiers in full attire, with all the awards they had. Triumphants had the right to wear triumphal attire on holidays.

Method: listening

Technique: global, non-judgmental, non-reflective listening

Method: conversation

Reception: reproductive conversation

Guys, think about what is the meaning of comparing the rooster with the Roman triumphant in the text?

Method: teacher's word
Admission: pedagogical requirement

Read expressively a fragment of the story that conveys the symbolic meaning of the image of the rooster, from the words “I heard this wonderful music with excitement ...” to the words “... in the sacred impatience of my fiery-faced god.”

Method: speaking

Reception: oral response on the subject

The Rooster is the bird of Glory, meaning superiority, courage, vigilance, dawn. Two fighting roosters mean the battle of life.

Reading: expressive, voiced

The next words we'll look at are pianissimo and fugue. Guys, perhaps there are those among you who go to music school, and will explain to us the meaning of these words?

The next words are selfless and ecstasy.

Who knows the meaning of these words?

And the word that we have left is phoenix.

Guys, do you know who the phoenix is?

Pianissimo - very quiet, quieter than a piano (piano - not loud, not at full strength).

Selfless - admiring.

Ecstasy - A frenziedly enthusiastic state, an extreme degree of inspiration, reaching the point of pain.

The Phoenix is ​​a mythological bird that has the ability to burn itself and then be reborn.

Method: teacher's word
Technique: reporting word

There are many legends associated with the phoenix, especially in the east. It is believed that, sensing the approach of death, the Phoenix built itself a nest on a tall palm tree from the branches of aromatic plants, put incense in the nest, lit it, and burned in the flames of this fire. And miraculously arose from the ashes - a new Phoenix, which laid the ashes of its “father” on the altar of the Sun.

Method: listening

Technique: global, non-judgmental, non-reflective listening

Method: teacher's word
Admission: pedagogical requirement

Read expressively the fragment of the story that mentions the phoenix.

Reading: expressive, voiced


Method: teacher's word

Technique: teacher's instructional word

Method: listening

Technique: global, non-judgmental, non-reflective listening

Method: teacher's word
Admission: pedagogical requirement

Now you will need to complete lesson 67 in TVET, and at the end of the lesson I will collect your notebooks and check this assignment.

Guys, who doesn’t understand what needs to be done? This is the task until the end of the lesson. Get started.

Method: letter.

Summary of a lesson in semantic reading on the topic “The story of A. I. Kuprin “The Golden Rooster.” Theme, features of creating an image.”

Subject: literature

Class: 5

Teacher: Udaltsova L.B.

UMK: Literature: textbook for 5th grade of general education institutions: in 2 hours / author's compilation. G.S.Merkin. – M.: LLC “Russian Word - Textbook”, 2012. (Federal State Educational Standard. Innovative school).

Lesson type: artistic perception of the work and in-depth work with the text.


Identification of the artistic idea of ​​the story, the role of artistic and visual means in the story;

Formation of skills of lexical work, work with a textbook;

Education of moral and aesthetic ideas of students during the analysis of the story.

- educational: ensure understanding of the content of educational material; expansion of the conceptual base by including new elements into it.
- developing: develop attention, logic of reasoning.
- educational: to instill interest in literature, to form moral qualities.

Planned results

Personal: the formation of ideas about creativity as an existential value of humanism; glorification of nature, inexhaustible love for life, a sense of celebration, the greatness of what is happening, awareness of the infinity of renewed life; : nurturing interest in the subject through a non-traditional lesson form and various types of work; orientation in the system of moral norms and values.


Meaningful reading; the ability to determine the goals of upcoming educational activities (individual and collective), the sequence of actions, evaluate the results achieved; the formation of the ability to perceive, analyze and critically evaluate what is read; the ability to understand the artistic picture of life reflected in a work


-skill answer questions based on what you listened to or read text; understand the compositional plan of a literary work, apply the skill of analyzing an epic work; expansion of theoretical and literary concepts (proficiency in literary terms "story") .

I. Org. moment. Hello guys. Glad to see you. I want to start our lesson with this photo. .(SLIDE 1)

II. Updating knowledge. Guidelines for anticipation.

Look at her. What association words arise when you look at her?

Morning village dawn sun silence etc.(SLIDE 2)

What do you think the lesson will be about? Can you guess?

(Students' answers).

And if you add the words:

Singing choir note fugue pianissimo(SLIDE 3)

What will we talk about then?

Students' answers (about music). What kind of music will we talk about?

SLIDE 4 (audio recording - cock crow)

How to connect these two rows of words? (unusual combinations)

Now look at the title of A. Kuprin’s story “The Golden Rooster”. (SLIDE 5)

What will the story of A. Kuprin be about, whose life and work you met in the last lesson?

Children's guesses.

Then listen to the beginning of Kuprin's story.

“I can’t say exactly when this miracle happened...

I then woke up before it was light, I woke up somehow suddenly, without a dull transition from sleep to reality, with a feeling of light freshness and with a sweet confidence that there, outside the windows, in the open sky, in the gentle clarity of the dawning morning, some simple thing was happening. and a lovely miracle...”

Children's answers.

(Perhaps this is a story about how the writer saw the early morning and what is unusual about his perception of the morning picture of awakening nature).

To confirm your assumptions, let's get acquainted with A.I. Kuprin's story “The Golden Rooster”. So, the topic of our lesson


Determine the purpose of the lesson.

The purpose of the lesson : reading and analysis of A. Kuprin’s story “The Golden Rooster”. SLIDE 7

Tasks: SLIDE 8

Get to know the content of the story

Find out the meaning of unfamiliar words

Find out the theme and main idea of ​​the work

Identify what artistic and visual means are used in the story

Evaluate your work.

III. Teacher reading text

IV. Text analysis.

What impression did the story make? What kind of miracle is this? What is unusual about the narrator’s perception of what he saw?

The narrator’s perception of the rooster’s crow in the morning is unusual, the author’s feelings are unusual, and the images of the characters are unusual.

Guys, the goal of our lesson is to read and analyze the story. So let's divide into groups and each group gets a task.

V. Group work. Leaflets with texts are distributed (see Appendix 2)

Group instruction.

VI. Groups report

Teacher's word.

- Where does this perception come from? Just because Kuprin had a poetic nature? Where do the events take place?

- At the end of 1919, Kuprin was forced to leave his homeland. In mid-1920, the writer settled in France. A long, eighteen-year period of his life in a foreign land began. The alien situation, the alien land and the alien plants on it began to cause my father a bitter longing for distant Russia..

Admiring the French landscape, the writer recalls the features of his native Russian nature.

In 1923, the story “The Golden Rooster” appeared.

In it, the writer glorifies nature, the sun and the singing of sun-worshipping roosters with such joy that you are literally amazed at his inexhaustible love for life.

The nature around is wonderful and spiritual. Epithets, comparisons, personifications, metaphors create a picture filled with life. And life is sun, warmth, love for all living things. And this is the gift of love that A.I. Kuprin possessed - the gift of loving, admiring the beauty around him.

So, what is the story “The Golden Rooster” about? .Subject? Main thought?

Theme: beauty of the natural world

VII. Checking understanding of text content.

Its composition helps us understand the idea of ​​a work. Work in pairs. You need to restore the quotation plan in the correct sequence. Check (SLIDE 9)

Let's go back to the beginning of the lesson. Did your expectations meet before reading the text? The meaning of the title of the story: “The Golden Rooster” is the sun, without which life on earth is impossible. (SLIDE 10)

We are now structuring the content of the story in the form of the sun (on a magnetic board). The first circle is the composition (quotation plan.) The second semicircle is the theme of the work. The third semicircle is the main idea. And the artistic and expressive means and feelings of the author are rays of the sun (work of groups 1 and 2)

Creation of the sun.

VIII. Lesson summary.

Have we achieved the goal of the lesson?

Have you completed all the tasks?


Guys, did you like today's lesson? What mood will you leave the lesson in?

Raise your ray hands if you liked the lesson.

Everyone worked well. It was a pleasure to work with you. I especially want to mention the work...

Homework:Write a review - an impression of what you heard or saw in the amazing world of nature.

Annex 1

Mini-dictionary for the story by A.I. Kuprin “The Golden Rooster”

LegiO n

1. In Ancient Rome: a large military unit. The legion consisted of 5 thousand infantry and several hundred horsemen.

2. The name of special military units in some countries. Foreign l.

Cog O mouth

1. In Ancient Rome: a detachment of troops, a tenth of a legion. One of the units of the Roman legion from the time of Marius, who strengthened the legion to 6,000 people and divided it into 10 cohorts

PianAnd ssimo -adv.(specialist.).

Very quiet, quieter than a piano.

Pianissimo - h extremely quiet sound, one of the shades of dynamics in music.

Fugue - a musical form that is the highest achievement of polyphonic music. In a fugue there are several voices, each of which, in accordance with strict rules, repeats, in basic or modified form, a theme - a short melody that runs through the entire fugue.

Triumphant Caesar. Triumph in Rome is the ceremonial entry into the capital of a victorious commander and his troops. Triumph was considered the highest award for a military leader, which could only be awarded to the commander-in-chief. The triumphant rode standing on a round gilded chariot drawn by four horses.

Phoenix- a mythological bird with the ability to burn itself and then be reborn. Known in the mythologies of different cultures, it is often associated with the solar cult. The phoenix was believed to have an eagle-like appearance with bright red or golden-red plumage. Anticipating death, he burns himself in his own nest, and a chick emerges from the ashes. According to other versions of the myth, the Phoenix itself is reborn from the ashes. It was generally believed that the Phoenix was the only, unique individual of its species. Phoenix is ​​a symbol of eternal renewal.

In the Christian world, the Phoenix means the triumph of eternal life, resurrection, faith, constancy; it is a symbol of Christ. In early Christianity, the Phoenix is ​​constantly found on funeral slabs: here its meaning is victory over death, resurrection from the dead. In Rus', the Phoenix had analogues: the Firebird and the Finist.

Appendix 2

Task 1 group: The crowing of roosters is music for the narrator. How is the special sound of a rooster's crow conveyed in the story? What expressive means of language does the author use to describe rooster crowing? Write them down on leaflets.

    “I didn’t suddenly realize that it was the roosters crowing. Many seconds passed before I realized this. It seemed to me that all over the earth trumpets gold and silver pipes, sending up sounds of amazing purity, beauty and sonority..."

    “What human orchestra would not seem pathetic in comparison with this a magical and powerful choir, where the individual crows of a cock could no longer be heard, but it flowed loudly major chord against a background of purple and gold do!”

    At times the nearby roosters fell silent for a few moments, as if maintaining a strict, precise pause, and then I heard how wave of sounds rolled further and further to the most remote places and, as if reflected there, returned back, increasing, growing, soaring with a sonorous wave to my window, to the roofs, to the treetops. These wide sound shafts rolled from north to south, from west to east in some wonderful, incomprehensible fugue...

    I listened to this wonderful music with excitement, almost with delight. It did not deafen the ear, but sweetly filled and saturated the ear. What a strange, what an extraordinary morning! What happened today to the roosters of the entire neighborhood, perhaps the entire country, perhaps the entire globe? Are they not celebrating the longest sunny day and joyfully singing all the delights of summer: the warmth of the sun's rays, hot sand, fragrant delicious herbs, the endless joys of love and the stormy joy of battle... Or maybe today is the day of the three hundredth millennium of the memory of the Ancient Rooster - the forefather of all roosters in the world, the one who, as a warrior and a king, who knew no one’s power above himself, completely ruled over vast forests, fields and rivers?

    Here comes the sun. Never before has anyone - neither man, nor animal, nor bird - been able to catch the moment when it appears, and notice the seconds when everything in the world turns from pale, pink - pink-gold, gold. Now the golden fire has permeated everything: the sky, the air, and the earth. Straining his last strength, in selfless ecstasy, trembling with bliss, closing his eyes in ecstasy, he sings magnificent doxology countless cock choir! And now I no longer understand - are the sun’s rays ringing like golden trumpets, or is the rooster’s hymn shining like the sun’s rays?

    The Great Golden Rooster floats into the sky in its fiery solitude. Here it is, the old beautiful myth about the Phoenix - a mysterious bird that burned itself last night on the magnificent bonfire of the evening dawn, and today rose again in the East from ashes, smoke and hot coals! The earthly roosters gradually fall silent. First near, then distant, even more distant, and finally, somewhere completely at the edge of the world, almost beyond the limits of hearing, I catch the most tender pianissimo. So it melted.

Task 2 group. Read the text . What feelings does the narrator experience while listening to the music of a sunny morning? Write them down on leaflets.

    “But the cheerful chattering starling and the carefree whistling thrush were silent that morning. Maybe they are just like me, attentive, with surprise, listened to those strange, incomprehensible, never before heard sounds - powerful and sonorous - from which every particle of the air seemed to tremble.”

    “And now, at this bashful hour, when the earth, trees and sky, which had just bathed in the cool of the night, were silently putting on their morning clothes, I thought with excitement: after all, all the roosters are crowing now, every single one of them, old, elderly , young and one-year-old boys - all of them living in a huge area already illuminated by the sun, and in one that in a few moments will shine in the sun’s rays.”

    “I listened to this wonderful music with excitement, almost with delight. It did not deafen the ear, but sweetly filled and saturated the ear. What a strange, what an extraordinary morning! What happened today to the roosters of the whole neighborhood, maybe the whole country, maybe the whole globe?”

    “The whole day I was under the influence of this enchanting and powerful music.”

Task for group 3. Read the text. Who or what does the narrator compare the image of the rooster to? What is the meaning of comparing the rooster to the Roman triumphant?

“I listened to this wonderful music with excitement, almost with delight. It did not deafen the ear, but sweetly filled and saturated the ear. What a strange, what an extraordinary morning! What happened today to the roosters of the entire neighborhood, perhaps the entire country, perhaps the entire globe? Are they not celebrating the longest sunny day and joyfully singing all the delights of summer: the warmth of the sun's rays, hot sand, fragrant delicious herbs, the endless joys of love and the stormy joy of battle... Or maybe today is the day of the three hundredth millennium of the memory of the Ancient Rooster - the forefather of all roosters in the world, the one who, as a warrior and a king, who knew no one’s power above himself, completely ruled over vast forests, fields and rivers?”

“And finally, perhaps,” I thought, “today, before the longest working day of summer, the clouds in the east delayed the sun for a few moments, and the sun-worshipping roosters, who deified light and warmth, called out in sacred impatience to their fiery god.”

Task 4 group. Read the text. Who or what is the narrator comparing the sun to?

“The Great Golden Rooster floats into the sky in his fiery solitude. Here it is, the old beautiful myth about the Phoenix - a mysterious bird that burned itself last night on the magnificent bonfire of the evening dawn, and today rose again in the East from ashes, smoke and hot coals! The earthly roosters gradually fall silent. First close ones, then distant ones, even more distant ones, and finally, somewhere completely at the edge of the world, almost beyond the limits of hearing, I catch the most tender pianissimo. So it melted.”

“I'm not offended. I was just embarrassed. I know myself that I am just a weak, pathetic person, nothing more. My dry heart cannot contain the frantic sacred delights of a rooster chanting to its golden god. But isn’t it also possible for me, modestly, in my own way, to be in love with the eternal, beautiful, life-giving, kind sun?”

“Here comes the sun. Never before has anyone - neither man, nor animal, nor bird - been able to catch the moment when it appears, and notice the seconds when everything in the world turns from pale pink - pink-gold, gold. Now the golden fire has permeated everything: the sky, the air, and the earth. Straining their last strength, in selfless ecstasy, trembling with bliss, closing their eyes in ecstasy, a countless rooster choir sings a magnificent doxology! And now I no longer understand - are the sun’s rays ringing like golden trumpets, or is the rooster’s hymn shining like the sun’s rays? The Great Golden Rooster floats into the sky in his fiery solitude. Here it is, the old beautiful myth about the Phoenix - a mysterious bird that burned itself last night on the magnificent bonfire of the evening dawn, and today rose again in the East from ashes, smoke and hot coals! The earthly roosters gradually fall silent. First close ones, then distant ones, even more distant ones, and finally, somewhere completely at the edge of the world, almost beyond the limits of hearing, I catch the most tender pianissimo. So it melted.

Appendix 3

Quotation plan.

1. “This miracle happened.”

Quotation plan.

(Restore the sequence of plan points)

1. “This miracle happened.”

2. “The whole day I was under the impression of this charming and powerful music.”

3. “I know the power and shrillness of a cock’s crow.”

4. “What a strange, what an extraordinary morning!”

5. But isn’t it also possible for me, modestly, in my own way, to be in love with the eternal, beautiful, life-giving, kind sun?”

6. “I didn’t suddenly realize that it was the roosters crowing.”

7. “The great golden rooster floats into the sky in his fiery solitude.”

Quotation plan.

(Restore the sequence of plan points)

1. “This miracle happened.”

2. “The whole day I was under the impression of this charming and powerful music.”

3. “I know the power and shrillness of a cock’s crow.”

4. “What a strange, what an extraordinary morning!”

5. But isn’t it also possible for me, modestly, in my own way, to be in love with the eternal, beautiful, life-giving, kind sun?”

6. “I didn’t suddenly realize that it was the roosters crowing.”

7. “The great golden rooster floats into the sky in his fiery solitude.”

Large circle: 1 semicircle is the theme of the work, 2 is the main idea

Small circle (superimposed on the large one) with a quotation outline.












5th grade

Subject. The story of A.I. Kuprin “The Golden Rooster”. Theme, features of creating an image.


    identify the artistic idea of ​​the story, the role of artistic and visual means in the story;

    develop skills in expressive reading, retelling, lexical work, and working with a textbook;

    to educate students’ moral and aesthetic ideas during the analysis of the story.

Equipment: story texts.


I. Organizing time.

II. Analysis of the content of A.I. Kuprin’s story “The Golden Rooster”.

1. Report the topic of the lesson, setting goals and objectives.

2. The teacher's word.

At the end of 1919, Kuprin was forced to leave his homeland. In mid-1920, the writer settled in France. A long, eighteen-year period of his life in a foreign land began.

It is noteworthy that in works written abroad, the writer pays a lot of attention to nature. Admiring the French landscape, Kuprin, however, recalls the features of his native Russian nature.

All of Kuprin’s works of this period are characterized by one feature: the writer lovingly notes the features of the past, infinitely dear to his heart and clearly idealized by him.

In 1923, his new works “Fate” and “Golden Rooster” appeared.

The past of Russia, memories of Russian people, morals and customs, nature and legends telling about human beauty and nobility - this is what Kuprin gives the strength of his talent to.

The short story-poem “The Golden Rooster” is noteworthy. In it, the writer glorifies nature, the sun and the singing of sun-worshipping roosters with such joy that you are literally amazed at his inexhaustible love for life.

3. Referring to the textbook. Reading the history of the creation of the story “The Golden Rooster”.

What mood is imbued with A.I. Kuprin’s story “The Golden Rooster”?

Which episodes of the story did you find most striking?

Where do the events described in the story take place?

4. The teacher's word.

The chapter “Suburb” in the book of memoirs by the daughter of the writer K.A. Kuprin “Kuprin is my father” tells about this period of his life.

“Since his arrival in Paris, my father dreamed of buying a house away from the noisy city. He needs silence and nature. My father really wanted to restore the Gatchina way of life - to dig into the soil.

The dacha was rented in Sèvres-Ville, Avre. Like Gatchina, it was close to the railway and half an hour’s drive from the city. But that’s where the similarities with Gatchina ended.

A stone two-story house with a narrow sloping garden. In the spring it looked attractive: lilacs and lush rhododendrons were blooming, and the south side of the house was entwined with creeping tea roses. Inside, the dacha was furnished in bourgeois French taste, with many figurines, gilded cupids and glass covers, under which the wedding crown of the owners of the house and wax bouquets were kept.

The alien situation, the alien land and the alien plants on it began to cause my father a bitter longing for distant Russia.

Nothing was nice to him. Even the smells of earth and flowers. He said that lilacs smell like kerosene. Very soon he stopped digging in the flower beds and beds.”

5. Working with text.

Find lines in the story that express the feelings of a writer living far from his homeland.

Expressive reading of a fragment of the story from the words “I know the power and shrillness of the rooster’s cry...” to the words “... the victorious cry of the rooster.”

6. The teacher's word.

This episode reflected A.I. Kuprin’s memories of flying in a hot air balloon with S.I. Utochkin, an athlete and one of the first aeronauts and pilots, editor of Odessa News I.M. Heifetz and correspondent of the newspaper Russkoe Slovo I.A.Gorelik. In an hour and a half flight over Odessa, they reached an altitude of 1250 meters and landed outside the city. The writer described his impressions of the flight in the essay “Above the Ground.”

7. Working with the textbook.

7.1. An expressive reading of a fragment of the story from the words “I then woke up before dawn ...” to the words “... from which every particle of air seemed to tremble.”

What word, heard in this episode, conveys the impression experienced by the narrator when he saw the picture of awakening nature?

How is the sense of miracle conveyed in the passage? (The nature around is wonderful and spiritual. Epithets, comparisons, personifications, metaphors create a picture filled with life).

7.2. Research work with text.

Write down epithets, personifications and metaphors from this passage.

What does the narrator compare the crowing of roosters to?

7.3. Expressive reading from the words “And now, in this shameful hour...” to the words “... with the shining gaze of his radiant eyes.”

How is the sound of a rooster crowing conveyed in the story? What musical terms are heard in the text?

7.4. Lexical work.

Determine the meaning of the words “pianissimo”, “fugue”, cohort”, “legion”.

Pianissimo - h extremely quiet sound, one of the shades of dynamics in music.

Fugue - a musical form that is the highest achievement of polyphonic music. In a fugue there are several voices, each of which, in accordance with strict rules, repeats, in basic or modified form, a theme - a short melody that runs through the entire fugue.

Cohort - one of the units of the Roman legion from the time of Marius, who strengthened the legion to 6,000 people and divided it into 10 cohorts.

Legion - the main organizational unit in the army of Ancient Rome. The legion consisted of 5 thousand infantry and several hundred horsemen.

7.5. Teacher's word.

Triumphant Caesar. Triumph in Rome is the ceremonial entry into the capital of a victorious commander and his troops. Triumph was considered the highest award for a military leader, which could only be awarded to the commander-in-chief. The triumphant rode standing on a round gilded chariot drawn by four horses. The musicians walked behind. The triumphant man was surrounded by children and other relatives, behind them stood a slave holding a golden wreath above his head. His assistants moved next; soldiers in full attire, with all the awards they had. Triumphants had the right to wear triumphal attire on holidays.

What is the meaning of comparing the rooster to the Roman triumphant?

The Rooster is the bird of Glory, meaning superiority, courage, vigilance, dawn. Two fighting roosters mean the battle of life. Read expressively a fragment of the story that conveys the symbolic meaning of the image of the rooster, from the words “I heard this wonderful music with excitement ...” to the words “... in the sacred impatience of my fiery-faced god.”

What colors is the sunrise in the story?

7.6. Expressive reading of the fragment from the words “Now there is a golden fire ...” to the words “... from ashes, smoke and hot coals.”

8. Message from a prepared student about the Phoenix bird.

The Phoenix is ​​a mythological bird that has the ability to burn itself and then be reborn. Known in the mythologies of different cultures, it is often associated with the solar cult. The phoenix was believed to have an eagle-like appearance with bright red or golden-red plumage. Anticipating death, he burns himself in his own nest, and a chick emerges from the ashes. According to other versions of the myth, the Phoenix itself is reborn from the ashes. It was generally believed that the Phoenix was the only, unique individual of its species. Phoenix is ​​a symbol of eternal renewal.

In the Christian world, the Phoenix means the triumph of eternal life, resurrection, faith, constancy; it is a symbol of Christ. In early Christianity, the Phoenix is ​​constantly found on funeral slabs: here its meaning is victory over death, resurrection from the dead. In Rus', the Phoenix had analogues: the Firebird and the Finist.

9.Working with text.

9.1. Lexical work.

Explain the meaning of the word “selfless.”

What is the mood in the passage? What meaning does the phrase take on: “And now I don’t understand - are the sun’s rays ringing with golden trumpets, or is the cock’s anthem shining like the sun’s rays?”?

9.2. Expressive reading of the passage from the words “All day long I was under the impression of this charming and powerful music ...” to the end of the story.

Why does the narrator call the Longchamp rooster “you” and himself “a weak, pitiful person, nothing more”? (It is human nature to feel one’s imperfection in the face of an ideally beautiful nature, full of grandeur and harmony).

10.Referring to the textbook. Reading the article “In the world of artistic expression by A.I. Kuprin.”

III. Summing up the lesson.

What is the author's position in the story? In which episodes does it sound most clearly? (In the narrator’s memories of the distant past, the voice of the author is heard, mourning the separation from his homeland; in the enthusiastic description of the beauty of nature and the welcoming song of the roosters, the author’s admiration for the greatness and harmony of the world is felt).

IV. Checking homework.

Quotation plans.

    “This miracle happened.”

    “I didn’t suddenly realize that it was the roosters crowing.”

    “I know the power and shrillness of a cock’s crow.”

    “What a strange, what an extraordinary morning!”

    “The great golden rooster floats into the sky in his fiery solitude.”

    “The whole day I was under the influence of this enchanting and powerful music.”

Retelling the work from a third person.

V. Homework.

Ind. tasks:

Prepare a report on some facts about the pedigree of the Beketov and Blok families;

Prepare an exhibition of photographs of A.A. Blok’s family members.

Korshakova A.G.,

teacher of Russian language

and literature

MBOU "Mezenskaya Secondary School"

Lesson-workshop based on the story of A.I. Kuprin "Rooster"

Identification of the artistic idea of ​​the story, the role of artistic and visual means in the story using the workshop.

Formation of skills of expressive reading, retelling, lexical work, work in groups;

Education of moral and aesthetic ideas of students during the analysis of the story.

During the classes.

1.Introduction .

A) We enter the world as if through the doors of a workshop. We can make it better, more beautiful, because every person has the ability to be creative. Creative inspiration to all of us!

B) Organizational moment (repetition of rules, definition of roles)

2. Inductor

Morning... What words does this word attract? Morning words! Catch it!

3.Reading the beginning of the text (student)

What questions do you think need thinking?

(answers to questions on the first part of the text, compiled by students at home)

How do you think this text should end?

4. Break

...I didn’t suddenly realize that they were singing... (tape recording of “The Cry of the Rooster”)

Choose associations.

Self-construction, socio-construction.

5. Reading of the rest of the text by the teacher. (The name of the story is not told to students)

Express your impressions in one word. (Chain work)

Presentation: 1-7 slides

7. Restore the sequence of micro-topics of the text (work in groups). Joint verification using a presentation and discussion of the results of the work.

Slide 8 - Plan

    Awakening of man and nature.

    (Incomprehensible sounds).

    Amazing discovery

a) the magical choir of the rooster tribe

b) (wonderful fugue)

4. What happened to the roosters today?

5. (Great Golden Rooster).

6. Meeting with the Loshan rooster

7. (But isn’t it also allowed for me?)

Self-construction, socio-construction

8. Work in groups.

Let's outline a route for further work. Which words are most often repeated in this text and are key?

(rooster, music, color, miracle, sun)

Slide 9 – commandments 6, 1

Assignment to a group of musicians:

    Write out from the text the words included in the thematic group “Music”

    Explain the interpretation of unfamiliar words (slide 9 - see hyperlink - presentation “Musical Dictionary” prepared by students at home)

    Indicate the location of these terms in the text. For what purpose does the author use them?

    What visual and expressive means does the author use to characterize the sound spectrum of dawn? What do they help you understand in the text?

Assignment to a group of artists:

    Write out the words from the text that are included in the thematic group “Color”, making a color palette of the text on the board.

Indicate their location in the text. For what purpose does the author use them in each case?

    What figurative and expressive means does the author use to characterize the color palette of the text?

Group assignment

    Write out from the text the words included in the thematic group “Miracle”.

    Find out the origin of this word in the etymological dictionary. What miracle is Kuprin talking about?

    What emotions do you associate with the word “miracle”? What emotions does the hero of the text experience? Write an emotional series of text on the board. How is it related to the content of the text?

    Explain the meaning of the word "ecstasy"

9. Group performance. (Thematic groups of words are written by students on the board)

Mark with a “+” sign the sentences containing information already known to you from A.I. Kuprin’s story.

- What did you find interesting in the article that helped you understand A.I. Kuprin’s story?

What words, phrases, phrases in the text of the story convey the fusion of music and color?

10 slide – organ

11. Inductor .

Gold, purple, pink, major, wonderful, hymn, choir, delight, joy, old, elderly, young...

What word are the associations selected for? (holiday)

12.Work with the “Dictionary of Poetic Images” N. Pavlovich

Who creates a miracle, turning an ordinary dawn into a holiday? Who does Kuprin call a miracle worker?

(man, tribe of roosters, Loshansky rooster, Sun-Rooster)

Introduction to the dictionary (teacher's story showing some pages of the electronic version of the dictionary).

Man lives in two linguistic worlds. The first is a world in which accuracy and unambiguity of statements are valued. A deputy in the Duma, a buyer in a store - they all must make sure that their statements are understood unambiguously. The second language world is a world of unusual meanings - poetic images, jokes, hints, making up words, children's words. This is a poetic world. In it, the dissimilar often becomes similar. None of us belongs to just one of these worlds. Both of them are equally important to us. The dictionary of images facilitates the reader’s path to the second world – the poetic one. Why do this? It is known that some people love poetry, others are indifferent to it. But you can only love what is understandable. To receive joy from poetry, to enjoy its wonders, it is necessary to understand poetic language.

Familiarize yourself with a few pages of the dictionary. What poetic images or lines that you found resonate with Kuprin’s story? Find their matches in the story. (The groups are given photocopied pages of the dictionary)

Make a group of poetic images

(Self-construction. Socio-construction)

1) Rooster - ... warrior, knight, knight, hero, sentry

Pevun, singer


God, god

Trumpet of Jericho, fanfare

Herald of new life

2) Rooster crow - anthem

Divine service, gospel

Fire, bonfire

(Rooster is a trumpeter

sun worshiper

Roosters crowing - fugue


And if you had to compose a series of poetic images for the word “sun” based on the text, what would the dictionary entry look like?

(The sun is a rooster

musician, organist,

What poetic images are repeated in the resulting groups? (groups should be written on the board)

For what purpose does Kuprin introduce the image of the Phoenix bird into the story?

Slide 11 – mythological background, meaning of the image

What images from Slavic myths and folk tales could be included in a dictionary entry? Explain your choice.

Slide 12 – Yarila, Godspeed, Firebird

Why and to whom do the earthly roosters and the Sun-Rooster sing a hymn?

Slide 13 - commandments 2, 9

In what parts of the text did you feel the presence of the author?

How does the story end? How did you see the author here?

Slide 14 – “A.I. Kuprin is an artist whose soul is close to the joyful slogan: “Long live...!” (V. Lvov-Rogachevsky)

What title would you choose for the story? (answers in a chain)

14. Musical illustration

Many composers in their work also sang a hymn to the sun. In Russian operas “The Snow Maiden” by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, “Ivan Susanin” by M.I. Glinka, “Prince Igor”, A.P. Borodin and others, the choirs “Glory” are heard, in which the image of the sun is central. There is also instrumental music that depicts the dawn...

Listen to 3 music excerpts. Which of the passages you listened to could, in your opinion, become a musical illustration for Kuprin’s story? Give reasons for your answer. Write a miniature essay.

(S.S. Prokofiev Piano Concerto No. 1; A.N. Scriabin “Divine Poem”, “Poem of Ecstasy”; E. Grieg “Morning”; M.P. Mussorgsky “Dawn on the Moscow River” from the opera “Khovanshchina”, etc.)

(performance optional)

15. Reflection

The rooster crows (see slide 15)

1. Today I realized...

2. I felt...,

3. Today I was surprised...

4. Today it was (interesting, uninteresting)…, because…

5. Today it was...(difficult, easy, etc.) for me to work in a group because...

6. I realized the most important thing for myself when... (listened, read, watched, compared, selected, etc.)...

“The Golden Rooster” is a story by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, where a characteristic example of this writer’s lyrical sketches is clearly expressed. “The Golden Rooster” is part of a series of pictorial miniatures, the main theme of which is the poetic, harmonious and beautiful world of nature.

The plot of this story is closely connected with the personality of the author himself. Why? Yes, everything is very simple, because the story talks about an incident that happened to him early in the summer morning at a dacha near Paris. The hero, opening the window, sits on the windowsill and enjoys the bright light and morning freshness. He enjoys inhaling the aromas of plants and earth, carefully and sensitively observing the awakening of the entire living world. A special thrill in the hero’s heart, he calls a miracle, is the ringing and piercing crow of a rooster, which echoes throughout the area. This sound, amazing in its purity and power, evokes a whole chain of memories in the hero’s soul. More than once he heard roosters crowing in his homeland, and now, in France, he again felt the charm of this wonderful music.

The description of cockcrow reveals Kuprin’s concept of nature, which he had previously touched upon in many of his other works. The collision with everything living becomes for the hero, and the author himself, an attempt to get closer to the mystery of the world, to at least briefly escape from business and everyday worries and feel a completely different sense of time. The simple crowing of roosters, a seemingly completely ordinary sound that would not evoke any emotion in an ordinary person, is perceived by the hero as magical music. And the roosters themselves seem to him to be special royal creatures, bringing light to the Earth and worshiping their golden god.

Every detail, every moment of the life of nature, according to Kuprin, is a great sacrament. All artistic means and techniques used in the story are designed to emphasize this idea. A simple composition, practically devoid of any plot twists, shows that only those feelings and sensations that are born in the soul of the hero are important in this case.

Thus, I can say that the story “The Golden Rooster” is one of Kuprin’s best lyrical miniatures, an excellent example of impressionism in literature. In this work, the author expressed the full depth of experiences that occur in the heart of a sensitive, sensitive person, and those special, incomparable impressions that the natural world gives him.

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