Russian celebrities who have adopted children. Did they cope with the role of parents? Celebrities and their adopted children (18 photos) Russian actress adopted

For some, adoption is the last chance to become a mom and dad, for others it is an act of goodwill. In any case, this is a benefit for the child. Today, throughout the world, the adoption of children left without parental care for one reason or another is becoming an increasingly common phenomenon. Well, public people are just in plain sight.

Tatyana Ovsienko and son Igor

The famous director Vladimir Naumov and his wife Natalya Belokhvostikova have an adult daughter, Natasha, and a little adopted son, Kirill.

Angelina Jolie
The most “promoted” mother of many children in Hollywood is Angelina Jolie: together with Brad Pitt they are raising six children - three boys and three girls.

Svetlana Sorokina and daughter Tonya

Actor Alexey Serebryakov is raising three children - stepdaughter Dasha and adopted sons Stepan and Danila

Ekaterina Georgievna Gradova with her daughter Masha, son Alexey and grandson Andrey (left)

Sharon Stone
After three unsuccessful attempts to have a child with her husband Phil Bronstein, the couple decided to adopt the baby. So, in 2000, Roan Joseph Bronstein appeared in the family. While divorced, Stone adopted two more boys, Laird Vaughn Stone and Quinn Kelly Stone.

Actress Irina Alferova, in addition to her daughter Ksenia, has an adopted son and two daughters whom she adopted after the death of her friend

Actor Viktor Rakov and son Daniil

Statesman Pavel Borodin, son Vanya and daughter Natasha.

The pop diva became a foster mother for two children from a poor African country - Malawi. David and Mercy are not orphans, but the families in which they grew up were so poor that they were forced to send them to an orphanage (children from the same orphanage).

Lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky, daughter Dasha and son Maxim

Spouses Nikolai Karachentsov and Lyudmila Porgina, in addition to their own son Andrei, also have an adopted son, Mikhail

Nicole Kidman
Married to her first husband Tom Cruise, the actress adopted two children - daughter Isabella Jane and son Connor Anthony. After the divorce, the children remained with Nicole. In his second marriage to Australian singer Keith Urban, a daughter, Faith Margaret, was born; she was carried by a surrogate mother.

Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock adopted a charming boy, Louis Bardot, whom she named after her favorite singer Louis Armstrong. Now the 49-year-old actress is planning to adopt a girl; Sandra does not want Louis Bardot to grow up alone.

Michelle Pfeiffer
In 1993, Michelle adopted a girl, named Claudia Rosa at baptism.

Meg Ryan
In 2006, Meg Ryan adopted a little girl, Daisy, who was born in China.

Charlize Theron
In mid-March 2012, it became known that Oscar-winning Hollywood actress Charlize Theron had adopted a child. Little Jackson was born in the USA, he is African American.

These stars raise adopted children, giving them their warmth and considering them family!

The topic of adoption is increasingly being raised in the world, and famous people are accepting children who have lost their parents into their families. Such actions are openly and long discussed, and people who become adoptive parents are admired. But the adoptive parents themselves do not consider this a feat and believe that they are lucky, because they have the most wonderful children.

1. Svetlana Sorokina.

The TV presenter accepted that she was not destined to have her own child and, after divorcing her second husband, decided to take the child from the orphanage. One day, while visiting one of the orphanages, a little girl, Tonechka, who was 11 months old at that time, ran up to her on a walker.
In 2003, Svetlana adopted Tonya, accepted her as her own and is incredibly happy.

2. Ksenia Strizh.

The actress and radio presenter had long wanted to adopt a child. She often visited orphanages and interacted with children. In 2018, Ksenia adopted a 15-year-old boy, Nikita, originally from Chelyabinsk. Nikita's biological parents are alive, but they have been deprived of parental rights.
Ksenia shared that it’s amazing when you can give a child the opportunity to have a rich and good life. She strongly supports Nikita in all his aspirations and endeavors.

3. Alexey Serebryakov.

The artist is not one of those people who happily share details of his personal life, but the adoption of two boys became known. Alexey and his wife took in a boy, Daniil, from an orphanage, but found out that their adopted son still had a younger brother, Stepan, at the orphanage. The Serebryakovs also adopted Stepan, despite their not very good financial situation at that time.
Now the family lives in Canada, all money problems are behind them, and the boys and their adoptive parents are happy with each other.

4. Margarita Sukhankina.

The former lead singer of the Mirage group adopted two children at once - Seryozha and Lera, becoming a mother only at the age of 47.
In the distant past, Margarita decided to have an abortion at a long term - her husband insisted on this. After this, the singer became pregnant again, but the baby died at 8 months of pregnancy. Margarita managed to get pregnant in the future, but she was unable to carry a child to term.
When it became clear that Margarita would never be able to have her own children, the woman decided to take in adopted children. She flew to another city for Seryozha and Leroy, but when she returned to Moscow with the children, she became truly happy.

5. Natalya Belokhvostikova.

When the actress was 65 years old, she performed at a creative evening in one of the orphanages. After the performance, a quiet, modest boy approached her and asked her to give him a cross. Natalya remembered the boy and, returning home, talked with her husband, director Vladimir Naumov. The second time they arrived together and took the boy with them.
Their adopted son Kiryusha was very shy. Now he has grown up and become more sociable.
The daughter of Natalya and Vladimir is already an adult, and Kiryusha, according to Natalya, filled their lives with new meaning.

6. Victor Rakov.

When the daughter of Victor and his wife Lyudmila grew up, the couple decided that they wanted to give a family to their adopted child. On New Year's Eve 2009, they went to meet a child selected from online questionnaires in one of the orphanages. But the manager invited them to meet the boy Danila. When the acquaintance took place, Victor and Lyudmila realized that this was their future son.

7. Andrey Kirilenko.

The famous basketball player and his wife Maria decided to add an adopted child to their family when their two sons were already growing up. Maria couldn’t get pregnant for a long time, but she really wanted a big family. The couple had already chosen a brother and sister, but the girl unexpectedly ended up in the hospital for a long time. And immediately after that, Maria received a call and was invited to look at the newborn girl.
Masha liked the girl so much that she almost went out with her, forgetting to sign the documents. The next day, Andrey and Maria officially took little Sasha. And five years later, the couple had another son.

8. Mikhail Barshchevsky.

A well-known lawyer and expert at the “What? Where? When?" and his wife Olga had already become grandparents twice when they decided that they could still raise children. Mikhail offered to take the children from the orphanage, but his wife agreed with one condition - there should be two children. This resolved the issue.
They began visiting orphanages to look for “their” children. And finally it happened, and twins Misha and Dasha are now growing up in the Barshchevsky family.

All adoptive parents, famous or not, say that if you have the opportunity to adopt a child, do it!

For some, adoption is the last chance to become a mom and dad, for others it is an act of goodwill. In any case, this is a benefit for the child. Today, throughout the world, the adoption of children left without parental care for one reason or another is becoming an increasingly common phenomenon. Well, public people are just in plain sight.

Tatyana Ovsienko and son Igor

The famous director Vladimir Naumov and his wife Natalya Belokhvostikova have an adult daughter, Natasha, and a little adopted son, Kirill.

Angelina Jolie

The most “promoted” mother of many children in Hollywood is Angelina Jolie: together with Brad Pitt they are raising six children - three boys and three girls.

Svetlana Sorokina and daughter Tonya

Actor Alexey Serebryakov is raising three children - stepdaughter Dasha and adopted sons Stepan and Danila

Ekaterina Georgievna Gradova with her daughter Masha, son Alexey and grandson Andrey (left)

Sharon Stone

After three unsuccessful attempts to have a child with her husband Phil Bronstein, the couple decided to adopt the baby. So, in 2000, Roan Joseph Bronstein appeared in the family. While divorced, Stone adopted two more boys, Laird Vaughn Stone and Quinn Kelly Stone.

Actress Irina Alferova, in addition to her daughter Ksenia, has an adopted son and two daughters whom she adopted after the death of her friend

Actor Viktor Rakov and son Daniil

Statesman Pavel Borodin, son Vanya and daughter Natasha.


The pop diva became a foster mother for two children from a poor African country - Malawi. David and Mercy are not orphans, but the families in which they grew up were so poor that they were forced to send them to an orphanage (children from the same orphanage).

Lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky, daughter Dasha and son Maxim

Spouses Nikolai Karachentsov and Lyudmila Porgina, in addition to their own son Andrei, also have an adopted son, Mikhail

Nicole Kidman

Married to her first husband Tom Cruise, the actress adopted two children - daughter Isabella Jane and son Connor Anthony. After the divorce, the children remained with Nicole. In his second marriage to Australian singer Keith Urban, a daughter, Faith Margaret, was born; she was carried by a surrogate mother.

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock adopted a charming boy, Louis Bardot, whom she named after her favorite singer Louis Armstrong. Now the 49-year-old actress is planning to adopt a girl; Sandra does not want Louis Bardot to grow up alone.

Michelle Pfeiffer

In 1993, Michelle adopted a girl, named Claudia Rosa at baptism.

Meg Ryan

In 2006, Meg Ryan adopted a little girl, Daisy, who was born in China.

Charlize Theron

In mid-March 2012, it became known that Oscar-winning Hollywood actress Charlize Theron had adopted a child. Little Jackson was born in the USA, he is African American.

For some, adoption is the last chance to become a mom and dad, for others it is an act of goodwill. In any case, this is a benefit for the child. Today, throughout the world, the adoption of children left without parental care for one reason or another is becoming an increasingly common phenomenon. Well, public people are just in plain sight.

Alexey Serebryakov does not like to talk about his personal life, much less share the details of his good deeds. The fact that Alexei has adopted children became known thanks to journalists who, without the actor’s consent, published this information in one publication. The case even went to court.

Alexey and his wife, a former choreographer at the Vakhtangov Theater, Maria, first took one boy, Daniil, from the orphanage. Then the couple found out that Dani had a younger brother, Stepan, left in the orphanage. Without hesitation, Alexey and Maria adopted a second boy, despite the cramped life circumstances at that time. Alexey also could not remain indifferent to the rest of the children deprived of parental love: together with Irina Apeksimova and Andrei Smolyakov, he founded the “Time to Live” foundation, whose work is focused on helping orphans.

Now Alexey and his family live in Toronto, Canada, but the actor continues to build his career in Russia. Recently, two popular series with his participation have been released - “Farza” and “Method”. Two more will be released soon - "Doctor Richter" and "Quartet", as well as the film "Our Happy Tomorrow".

Plenipotentiary representative of the government of the Russian Federation, a famous lawyer and an expert in the club "What? Where? When?" Mikhail Barshchevsky and his wife Olga Barkalova adopted two children, already being mature people and having grandchildren. Mikhail was the first to voice the idea of ​​adoption, but Olga did not take it seriously. Two years later, Mikhail, already as a joke, raised this topic again - to his great surprise, his wife agreed, but only for two kids at once.

Olga and I have a biological daughter, at that time we already had two grandchildren who spent a lot of time at our dacha. One day the grandchildren didn’t come, and I told my wife: let’s adopt a child, we’re still young! But Olga said: “What are you talking about, we have grandchildren!” Two years have passed. We are driving in the car, we are in a bad mood - the grandchildren haven’t come for a long time, they live in Moscow, we are outside the city, lonely... And I, in order to get my wife off this topic, say casually: “Well, let’s adopt a child,” just to switch her from worries and such a mood. But Olga suddenly replied: “Then two at once.” I almost drove into a pole. Slowed down. He looked at her and asked: “Are you serious?” And she said: “Yes, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. A boy and a girl,” the portal “” quotes Mikhail.
Olga and Mikhail visited several orphanages, interacted with different children; for them, like many parents who decided to adopt, the first contact was important. And it happened to little Maxim.

Maxim immediately chose Misha. He walked up to him, happily hit him on the hand with all his might and laughed. Misha said: “This is mine!” Dasha was more careful. But she still smiled at me and went into my arms,” Olga said.

The Barshchevskys helped twins Maxim and Daria find loving parents and a home, and they, in turn, gave Mikhail and Olga a second youth.

Olga has definitely lost 20 years. For example, she was always athletic, but she never roller skated. And when the children grew up, they were about 6 years old and they wanted to roller skate, she got on the roller skates and went with them. Now the children have gone to school, and I am learning what an interesting science arithmetic turns out to be. And so on. I now say to my peers - do you want a second youth? Have children, take a child from an orphanage.

The famous TV presenter and journalist Svetlana Sorokina became a mother for the first time at the age of 46, having adopted a three-year-old girl. Svetlana had plans for a child for a long time before she decided to take a responsible step, and at first she wanted a boy. But in the end everything turned out a little differently.

“The last straw was my program “Basic Instinct,” in which we made the main topic of the problem of adopted children. At the end of this program, making a final speech, I told the audience that I also want to foster a child. And, as you can see, I kept my promise. By the way, among my friends and relatives there were those who dissuaded me, saying that in Russia there are many other options. But I immediately rejected the test tube option. There are many abandoned children in Russia who need parents. Frankly, at first I wanted a boy of three years old -four. I was looking in Moscow, looking in the provinces. I filled out “parental” documents in advance. And for a long time I didn’t know that Tonka was waiting for me. Brown-eyed. Smiling. Abandoned,” Svetlana said in an interview with Pavel Lobkov.
And again, as in most such stories, everything was decided by a personal meeting with the child. As soon as Svetlana saw 11-month-old Tonya in the crowd of children, she realized who she had been looking for for so long. The girl also instantly reciprocated her feelings.

“In general, I’m a tough, unsentimental person. But when I saw her in one of the groups, something clicked: my girl. By the way, not long before, Tonya rejected several potential parents, she simply did not communicate with them. And she extended her arms to me , met halfway. So it’s unclear who chose whom.”

By the way, the name Antonina was not chosen by chance by Svetlana. She decided to name her daughter after her grandmother.

“I’ll tell you straight: my life began anew, with the letter A - the initial letter of the name Antonin.”

Tatyana Ovsienko's life was divided into before and after in 1999, when, while on tour in Penza, she took part in a charity event at a local orphanage. That evening, among the cheerful and noisy crowd of children, Tatyana noticed a quiet, sad 2.5-year-old boy on the side. To the singer’s question “What’s wrong with him?” The orphanage worker replied that the baby had a severe heart pathology. His mother abandoned him at birth, the case is already advanced and complex, and there is very little time left, a few weeks.

“And from that very moment I had no peace... Upon returning home, I flew like a bullet to Bakulevka. But even there, no one wanted to take on such a neglected case. And only Professor Mikhail Anatolyevich Zelenikin, my and Igor’s guardian angel, said the cherished "yes". 15 days after the operation, they told me that Igor could be taken home. I fell into a panic. Firstly, I thought that after a complex operation the child would have to stay in the hospital for quite a long time, he needed constant medical supervision. Secondly , take where? By that time, I had already firmly decided that Igorek would not return to any Penza, but in order to do this in two weeks, the main decision had to be made..." - Tatyana said in an interview with the magazine "Caravan of Stories".
Tatyana confronted her husband, producer Vladimir Dubovitsky with a fait accompli - she simply called from the tour and said, “We have a son.”

“I became the happiest woman in the world, a mother, and I was not going to part with this fantastic joy! I fell headlong into my motherhood. And there was no greater pleasure than preparing lunches for the baby - all my unspent love splashed out like a sea into children’s plates! And when Igorek called me mom, I flew: “This is the real thing! Finally I live!"
It became more difficult when Igor began adolescence. Then Tatyana called Vladimir, with whom she had been divorced for a long time and who lived in the USA, and asked for a little help - to send her son to a language camp. Since then, Igor has lived in America, but tries to regularly visit his mother in Russia. He is 20 years old and recently married a Brazilian. The couple had a son, Alexander.

By the time the famous basketball player Andrei Kirilenko and his wife Maria Lopatova decided to take a child from an orphanage, they had two children. The couple wanted to expand their family, but Maria was unable to get pregnant for a long time. However, Lopatova herself admits that she always wanted to adopt a child, and Andrei supported her.

“We were ready to have an adopted child and we wanted a girl. This decision was completely ordinary for us. It was clear that sooner or later we would come to it.”

Preparing the documents took 9 months - exactly as long as it takes to bear a child. Initially, Andrei and Maria wanted to adopt two - a brother and sister aged two to five. Such people were found, but unexpectedly the girl ended up in the hospital for a long time. Maria "realized that it was not fate." But the fateful call happened almost immediately: Maria was invited to see the newborn girl, she agreed and... realized that she had found her child.

“I took her in my arms and thought: “How pretty she is!” And we cooed so much with her, I forgot about everything in the world and even walked with her to the exit, and the chief doctor followed me: “Stop! Where are you going?!" I say: "What do I need to do, what do I need to sign so that I can take her?" She says: "Wait, you don’t know anything about her, I have to tell you her medical history, you need to think ". In the end, we agreed that I’m listening to her now, but tomorrow I’m coming to pick up my daughter. I say: “I’m only interested in whether she has AIDS or cancer.” She says: “No!” I say: “That’s it.” , the issue is resolved." Difficult labor, hypoxia, otitis media of the second degree - all this does not matter," said Maria.
The day after the first meeting, Maria took Sasha home. The feeling of understanding what had happened came only at home.

“When I brought her, I laid her on the big bed, looked at her and sobbed. I was calm like a boa constrictor when my children were born. There was joy, but it was kind of internal, quiet. And here there were such emotions, everything was mixed up. I thought: can I love her? This is not my own child? What should I do now?"

Sasha quickly became a member of the family; the brothers, according to Maria, love her even more than each other. Five years later, in 2014, Andrei and Maria found out that they were expecting another child. In February 2015, their third boy was born.

Although the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, Leyla Aliyeva, cannot be called a Russian celebrity in full, we still decided to include her in our selection: Leyla was married to the popular singer Emin Agalarov, she is known and loved in Russia.

In her country, Leyla is known for her caring nature: she is the vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, often holds charity events, is involved in youth programs and contributes to environmental protection. Visiting orphanages and boarding schools is also on her list of obligatory activities, and one day such a trip became fateful for Leila herself.
According to the executive director of the Foundation, Anar Alekperov, thanks to frequent visits to such institutions and communication, Leila developed good relationships with many children, but she became especially attached to one girl - little Amina - and adopted her in July last year.
Emin Agalarov, to whom Leila gave birth to two sons, also adopted the girl:

“Not long ago, another child appeared in my family. Perhaps I was not ready for this, but my life has changed a lot, and I am very happy that this happened,” he wrote.

The ex-soloist of the Mirage group Margarita Sukhankina became a mother for the first time, with two children at once, at the age of 48. But this important event was preceded by a difficult personal history. For the first time, Margarita managed to get pregnant many years ago, but then, at the insistence of her husband, she had an abortion at an already impressive period. Repentance and awareness of the horror of what happened came immediately, so when Margarita became pregnant again, the question of whether to give birth or not was not in principle. Unfortunately, in the eighth month, the baby died in the womb due to medical error. In subsequent years, Margarita managed to get pregnant, but did not carry the baby. Miscarriages followed one after another.

“The only thing that was clear was the consequences of that terrible abortion, my endless stupidity. Therefore, now I tell everyone: if you got pregnant when you were young and there is no husband, no money, no housing, no profession - still give birth. Abortion is the worst thing. ", what could happen. And with the child, God will help, people will help," Margarita shared in an interview.

For the first time, the idea of ​​adoption was expressed by Sukhankina’s mother, but the singer herself believed in her own strength and refused to give up so easily. Seven years passed, and due to health problems, doctors forbade Margarita to even think about having her own children. Then she remembered her mother’s words.

Margarita wanted to adopt a girl, but in one of the programs “While Everyone is Home,” she saw 4-year-old Seryozha and 3-year-old Lera and realized that she would only take them. The children lived in another distant city, but this did not stop Margarita - she flew after them, once again made sure that her first impression had not deceived her, and took the children to Moscow. Since then, according to Margarita, she has found fullness of life and true happiness.

The news that the only son of Sergei Zverev is not his own became a kind of sensation, because the stylist himself always told only one version in interviews. His wife died tragically, and he was left with a small child in his arms. They began to doubt the veracity of these words after Stanislav Sadalsky published a post on his LiveJournal in 2009, where he said that Sergei took a 3-year-old boy from an Irkutsk orphanage. In his blog, Stanislav also cited the words of Sergei himself:

“When I entered the room of children who could not walk at all, I almost died of fear. The wooden cribs were chewed up! I thought: “Rats!” And these are children... I was shocked! They were hardly fed there. They stole food and took it to their home. I grabbed this boy and ran out!"

When a three-year-old boy, Seryozha, appeared in the family of director Vladimir Naumov and actress Natalya Belokhvostikova, they were 80 and 65 years old, respectively. They didn’t think about adoption, didn’t plan anything like that, everything was decided by chance. In 2007, Natalya performed at a creative evening in an orphanage. Many different kids reached out to her, treated themselves to candy, and told her something, but a quiet, modest boy attracted her attention. He approached her and said: “Auntie, everyone has crosses, but I don’t. Give me, please...”

Natalya told Vladimir about him, and the next time they came together. And they also left together, only not just the two of them, but the three of them.

Kiryusha used to be reserved and shy. He only communicated with us. Now he has grown up and become more sociable. Our daughter Natasha is already an adult, she has long been happy without us, and Kiryusha has filled our lives with new meaning. “He saved Vladimir Naumovich and me from loneliness,” Natalya said in an interview with Sobesednik.

“I would give all children a mother and father, because I am sure: the worst thing in life is loneliness. Therefore, if you have the desire and opportunity to adopt a child, do not hesitate - hurry to do good,” says Natalya.

Everyone comes to the decision to adopt an adopted child in their own unique way. Some, for one reason or another, despaired of giving birth, some were tired of waiting for the very person from whom they wanted children, some simply wanted to give at least one child a happy childhood, and some saw a baby in an orphanage and understood that this is his baby! “Letidor” talks about the most caring stars who gave their tenderness and love to those who needed them so much.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Despite the mysterious divorce, covered by "irreconcilable differences", 41-year-old Angelina Jolie and 53-year-old Brad Pitt remain the most exemplary adoptive parents in the world. Perfect on the screen, they even dragged their children into an unconscious game called perfectionism in everything.

Three relatives - three adopted, three boys - three girls. Angelina adopted her first child, Maddox from Cambodia, back in March 2012, being the wife of “bad Santa” Billy Bob Thornton. After her divorce from the actor, Jolie received sole custody of her son. Apparently, she likes this format of upbringing, because even after her third divorce (from Brad Pitt), “Mrs. Smith” asked the court to shoulder custody of six children on her fragile shoulders.

To give Angelina credit, she never looked for the easy way out. For example, in 2005 I adopted Zahara, who was in very serious condition. The child suffered from malnutrition, dehydration and salmonella poisoning, and the actress spent a long time working on her treatment and rehabilitation.

Married to Brad, Angie gave birth to three children: daughter Shiloh in 2006, and two years later - twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline.

Well, since Brad was very sensitive to his wife’s “hobby” - adoption, in 2007 the couple “polished” the family idyll with the adopted boy Pax from Vietnam.

By the way, Angelina has a tattoo on her shoulder with the geographical coordinates of the places where each of her 6 children was born. So as not to forget, probably.

Margarita Sukhankina

[email protected]

In 2013, the life of singer Margarita Sukhankina changed beyond recognition - the artist adopted two kids from an orphanage. The singer saw Lera and Seryozha for the first time in the program “While Everyone is Home.” Then she realized that it was no longer possible to postpone this important decision. The ex-soloist of the Mirage group does not make adoption a secret and does not put a taboo on talking about her adopted children. Moreover, on “Letidora” Margarita Sukhankina constantly maintains her own blog, in which she openly tells readers about everything related to the adoption of children.

“It so happened that there were a number of tragic circumstances in my life, because of which I had to forget about childbearing. The idea of ​​taking in a child who needs help and support matured gradually. There was no such thing that I woke up early in the morning and realized: I want everything! This early morning came after a certain amount of time, when I weighed all the pros and cons, consulted with my parents, because their help and support in raising children is incredible, I could not do without it. If they had said “no,” then nothing would have happened,” says the artist in her blog on Letidora.

Now the singer’s children - 8-year-old Seryozha and 7-year-old Lera - are studying at school and studying music. They are loved and cared for. And Margarita herself is beaming with happiness.

“I don’t know who was luckier - me and the children or the children with me. There was an incredible incentive to do something, to live, to create, because there was someone for the sake of it. In general, this is an incredible event; there should be children in the family!”

52-year-old Sukhankina is sure.

Sharon Stone

Today's birthday girl Sharon Stone is a truly unique woman. She coped with a difficult task: she combined wild sexuality and the highest intelligence. Sharon is officially one of the smartest actresses in Hollywood: her IQ is no less than 154 points! However, despite all the titles and statuses, the star of “Basic Instinct” did not feel harmony, rushed from one man to another and felt lonely. Woe from mind? Or from an unfulfilled desire to become a mother? More likely, the second one.

After three miscarriages, the actress was on the verge of despair. But still, it’s not for nothing that she is considered the most savvy - a solution was found quickly. She and her husband, Phil Bronshain, vice president and editor of the San Francisco Chronicle, adopted a newborn boy, Rohan, in 2000. However, after 4 years the couple divorced.

By the way, Bronshane has admitted more than once that Sharon is not the most ideal and understanding wife in the world. In addition, the ex-husband called the actress a great lover of intellectual debate (of course) with very developed leadership qualities. In intellectual disputes, Phil may have lost, but in a more important one - the court case for the custody of his son - he won.

Sharon took this incident hard, but not for long. Quickly getting her bearings, she adopted two more boys - Laird (who will turn 12 in May) and Quinn (who will turn 11 in June). Now Sharon is absolutely happy! She sees her eldest son often and spends a lot of time with Laird and Quinn. “Children fill life with deep meaning and give such a feeling of closeness and understanding of life, now it’s even strange for me to communicate with people who don’t have children,” the actress admitted in an interview with Closer Weekly magazine.

Charlize Theron

Maybe adopting black children is the new Hollywood trend? If so, then 41-year-old Charlize Theron is one of the most fashionable moms in the dream factory. The actress has two black children: in 2012, the Oscar-winning actress adopted a boy from South Africa, and 3 years later, a girl from the USA.

As a teenager, I was given an assignment at school to write a letter about the future. I wrote: “I would like to go to the orphanage and take the child.” I always knew that I would adopt someone.

In general, Charlize had a good prospect of creating a full international family with Sean Penn himself at the head. Alas, in 2015 the couple broke off their engagement, and Charlize joined the unspoken society of celebrity single mothers. But she has neither the time nor the desire to worry about this.

The actress spends a lot of time with 5-year-old Jackson and 3-year-old Augusta and, moreover, adheres to very liberal parenting methods. Just look at Jackson's outfit for children's Halloween in 2016... The guy was wearing a bright tutu with sparkles, a pink T-shirt and leggings with a floral print.

Sharon, wake up, you have a son! But, apparently, freedom of children's self-expression is another trend among Hollywood mothers. And clear proof of this is the sons of Adele, Gwen Stefani, Will Smith and Megan Fox. Their sons can be seen walking around in dresses and skirts. A very strange and controversial turn in Hollywood children's fashion, but the stars have their own quirks!

MIA "Russia Today"

A favorite of arthouse directors, 52-year-old Alexey Serebryakov is known mainly for his roles as hooligans and alcoholics. However, in real life he has long had one (main) role - an ideal father and a decent family man.

Alexey has been married to his wife Maria for more than 17 years, and all this time the couple did not waste time - they grew and grew stronger. Alexey immediately adopted Maria’s daughter from her first marriage and, deciding not to stop there, accepted two brothers from an orphanage into the family - Danila and Stepan.
