Saury is a sea or river fish. Saury fish: how to choose, calorie content, properties, benefits

Back in the distant 70s, canned saury became more popular than sprat, and at the same time was sold at a very affordable price. Decades later, natural Pacific saury also often ends up on the dinner table, and you can still buy it for a reasonable price.

Benefits for humans

The beneficial properties of this fish lie in its rich vitamin and mineral composition (contains Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, as well as iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine) and are confirmed by many studies in Russia and abroad. Canned Pacific natural saury is recommended by nutritionists to be consumed regularly for a balanced diet.

Description and Application

It is worth noting the “correct” calorie content of canned food, they perfectly saturate the body and satisfy the feeling of hunger, and do not contain carbohydrates, that is, they are safe for the figure. Canned saury is often added to homemade soups and salads, baked into aromatic pies, served as a snack, and also used to make fish cutlets. Thanks to proteins of natural origin, canned natural saury is perfectly digestible and does not cause excess weight.

We offer seafood

We produce canned fish on the high seas in order to preserve all the beneficial properties of Pacific fish, eliminating the need to freeze raw materials for subsequent transportation.
We supply canned Pacific natural saury wholesale and retail throughout the Russian Federation, where you can buy products under the Dobroflot brand at the price from the manufacturer.

Saury is a fish of the mackerel family that lives in the open ocean of the tropics and subtropics.

The saury has small scales, a large mouth and elongated jaws. These fish have a row of tiny fins between the anal, caudal and dorsal fins.

Representatives of the species reach a length of 40 centimeters, while the weight reaches 200 grams. The maximum lifespan of saury is about 7 years.

The catch, as a rule, mostly contains individuals of 3-4 years of age. Sexual maturity in these fish occurs at 3 years.

One female can lay a maximum of 22 thousand eggs. The eggs are oval-shaped and pelagic, that is, they develop in the water column and not on the bottom. The eggs have numerous thin threads with which they are attached to various objects.

The diet of saury consists of zooplankton. The catch is carried out using purse seines and fixed seines.


Saury is a marine fish that lives in temperate and subtropical zones of the Pacific Ocean. This fish is found on both the American and Asian coasts: saury is found from California to the Sea of ​​Japan. These fish lead a schooling lifestyle.

Saira is an inhabitant of temperate and subtropical waters.

The saury's body is elongated and noticeably flattened on the sides. The scales are small. The bones of saury have a greenish tint.

Research has shown that these fish are found everywhere in the Pacific Ocean. In summer, they prefer to stay at the northern borders of their range - near Kamchatka, the Gulf of Alaska and the Aleutian ridge. And in winter they move to the southern borders of their range - to the northern part of the Hawaiian Islands: from the Okinawa islands to the California coast.

In winter, saury lives off the Asian coast along the Okinawa islands, and in summer - along the entire Kuril ridge, as well as on the coast of Kamchatka to the Kronotsky and Avachinsky bays. In addition, in summer, saury lives in the south of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, gathering mainly in the northern part of the island of Hokkaido. She also swims into Aniva Bay, and from there goes north along Sakhalin to Terpeniya Bay. In summer, saury is often found near the Southern and Northern Kuril Islands. In the Sea of ​​Japan, this fish lives everywhere.

Saury is a valuable commercial fish.

Saury is a commercial fish. In the northern part of its range it lives together with Far Eastern salmon, and the southern part, located in subtropical waters, borders the habitat of tuna. Saira does not live in waters where the temperature drops below 7 degrees or rises above 25 degrees. The most suitable habitat for saury is water, with a temperature of 14-18 degrees. These fish stay near the surface without descending to the depths.

Due to its extensive habitat, saury can be divided into two groups: Asian and American, but representatives of these groups do not have serious differences among themselves. Most likely, these groups represent different geographical forms with distinct habitat areas. The life of the saury living in the northwest Pacific Ocean has been best studied.

There are two populations: the Sea of ​​Japan and the Pacific. These populations are in close contact with each other. Larvae and juveniles are carried by the current, and adult saury can make long migrations.

In the Pacific Ocean, saury breeds throughout almost the entire year. Mass spawning occurs from October to June, and the peak breeding season occurs from December to May. The Sea of ​​Japan saury also breeds almost all year round. Spawning occurs in the East China and Japan seas. In the southern part of the Sea of ​​Japan, fish begin to spawn in April, then they gradually move north, where spawning continues from May to July. By November, shoals of saury return to the south again, enter the Tsushima Strait and end up in the north of the East China Sea. Here fish breed from October to May, with peak activity occurring in March.

Saury is a sea fish, dishes made from it are tasty and healthy.

In winter, in the southern part of its range, the breeding season of saury in the Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea coincides. The breeding areas are connected by a common stream with Kuroshio, due to which a huge number of saury fry from the sea are carried into the Pacific Ocean.

Saury belongs to the group of fish that is favored by canned food producers. It is valued for its good energy value, pleasant taste and the absence of many small bones that cannot be chewed properly.

Canned fish took root on the tables of people from the countries of the former USSR during the Soviet Union. The TOP favorites included not only the legendary sprat in tomato with sprats, but also saury. Tourists still love to take it on hikes, whipping up a hearty soup.

Surely there will be a couple of jars of such delicacy on the shelf of a seasoned bachelor who is used to serving himself on his own.

Young people like such canned goods, because it is unlikely that students will be able to get hold of good-quality meat raw materials for stews, but with the help of semi-finished products they will be able to organize a hearty and budget-friendly dinner.

What kind of animal?

Not even all time-tested fans of this oceanic inhabitant know that it belongs to the mackerel group. They collect in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. In total, this family includes two genera, which differ slightly in external characteristics.

The Atlantic counterpart received an elongated jaw, while the Pacific version cannot boast of such a shape. But in everything else, no significant differences were noticed among the inhabitants of the two oceans. Both representatives have a long body, which is covered with easily removable scales. The jaws are specially pointed to make it easier to capture prey.

Fish representatives have a silver belly, and on the sides their scales have a greenish tint. The back remains dark. The only sad thing for all gourmets is the fact that the average specimen cannot boast a length of more than 40 cm. This means that the weight of the average individual usually varies within 200 grams.

The fastidious favorite of busy housewives prefers to live in subtropical and temperate latitudes. This means that the saury does not like the cold and instead chooses open ocean space, living at relatively shallow depths.

The source of its diet is plankton of the crustacean type. To have offspring, individuals have to migrate far, covering considerable distances. The heat-loving fish prefers to sit out the winter period and at the same time the breeding season near the coast of the eastern or southern part of Japan.

As soon as the summer heat arrives, it moves closer to Sakhalin or Kamchatka, and then everything repeats in a circle.

Spawning occurs according to the usual pattern: eggs are laid in portions. Future babies are attached to any moving surface, apparently due to special adhesive fibers called threads. It is believed that only those individuals that have survived their third year of existence are suitable for fishing.

If the catch is carried out in the ocean, then specialists use the natural curiosity of such animals. The classic fishing method involves placing nets next to light traps. Being interested in the bright rays of light, whole schools of fish swim in the net.

Despite the fact that many people are accustomed to seeing saury mentioned exclusively in the context of canned products, in specialized stores you can find it in fresh-frozen form. This processing option is perfect if you want to prepare a hearty first course, because such fish soup will delight you with good taste and minimal time spent on preparation.

You can also find recipes with canned food that tell you how to prepare simple snacks or salads.

And the fresh-frozen analog works well with any type of heat treatment. Saira is even added to the pie along with vegetable filling to make it more piquant.

How to choose?

Some manufacturers often deceive their consumers by releasing less valuable fish under the guise of real saury. And although it may not pose a direct threat to the life and health of the eater, it will be a shame to overpay for a cheaper analogue, and unsweetened baked goods will not be as flavorful.

To avoid the risk of running into a fake or completely low-quality product, it is important to adhere to just a few simple points of instructions:

  • carefully check the condition of the can, leaving aside any swollen or damaged containers;
  • study the date of manufacture, postponing the option with a “just about” suitable expiration date;
  • read the numbers on the tin lid.

But if people usually do not lose their vigilance with the first two points, then problems often arise with the last one. Even long-time fans of this canned food do not always know what the stamped numbers on the top of the package indicate.

There are two main markings that require mention:

  • 186 – oil-based blanching;
  • 308 is a natural product.

If the consumer trusted the designation on the can, but upon opening it turned out that the installed code did not correspond to the contents, then this indicates a fake. Moreover, today craftsmen have become adept at counterfeiting even the products of well-known brands, producing counterfeit goods under a world-famous label.

After the jar is opened, you should visually assess its level of fullness. If there are golden light pieces neatly placed inside that have not fallen apart or peeled off, then this is a good sign. Usually, honest manufacturers do not skimp on providing at least 70% capacity.

If there was an incomprehensible mess inside, more like minced fish for cutlets, then this indicates either a fake or that the product has already deteriorated.

Energy value

One hundred grams of cleaned fillet contains 14 grams and 19 grams. A distinctive feature of saury is its absence, which makes the fish a favorite among those who are accustomed to adhering to dietary rules.

If you cook such a cleaned carcass in the oven as a side dish, you will get a tasty and healthy meal.

Also, for the benefits confirmed during numerous scientific studies, we should thank the rich composition with components of natural origin. Recorded here are , and . The deliciousness will also delight you with the presence of minerals, among which the most are:,.

The last point implies the content of and, which are difficult to find in other food products in sufficient quantities. Such elements have a beneficial effect on the functioning of brain activity and the condition of human blood vessels.

If you know how to prepare almost a delicacy correctly while preserving most of the nutritional value, you can easily replenish the body with missing fatty acids. Since the body is not able to independently generate these components, they have to be obtained from incoming food.

Another interesting fact about Omega-6 Omega-9 fish is that their melting point is only 30 degrees.

This means that when they enter the bloodstream, they turn into naturally occurring brushes. By clearing cholesterol plaques from the walls of blood vessels, they act as an excellent natural preventative for combating diseases of the cardiovascular system.

First, the main ingredients are sent to a meat grinder. And only then they add garlic, which has previously gone through the press. After this, the mass is mixed.

To make spreading easier, add canned liquid to the mixture. But here it is important not to overdo it, since due to the dryness of the cottage cheese there is no exact norm. The consistency is adjusted at your own discretion.

If you don’t want to add garlic, you can replace it with other spices at your personal discretion, choosing the optimal proportions yourself.

Back in the distant 70s, canned saury became more popular than sprat, and at the same time was sold at a very affordable price. Decades later, natural Pacific saury also often ends up on the dinner table, and you can still buy it for a reasonable price.

Benefits for humans

The beneficial properties of this fish lie in its rich vitamin and mineral composition (contains Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, as well as iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine) and are confirmed by many studies in Russia and abroad. Canned Pacific natural saury is recommended by nutritionists to be consumed regularly for a balanced diet.

Description and Application

It is worth noting the “correct” calorie content of canned food, they perfectly saturate the body and satisfy the feeling of hunger, and do not contain carbohydrates, that is, they are safe for the figure. Canned saury is often added to homemade soups and salads, baked into aromatic pies, served as a snack, and also used to make fish cutlets. Thanks to proteins of natural origin, canned natural saury is perfectly digestible and does not cause excess weight.

We offer seafood

We produce canned fish in the open sea to preserve all the beneficial properties of Pacific fish, eliminating the need to freeze raw materials for subsequent transportation.
We supply canned Pacific natural saury wholesale and retail throughout the Russian Federation, where you can buy products under the Dobroflot brand at the price from the manufacturer.
