A fairy tale about a bunny who helps everyone. A good bedtime story about a bunny who learned to jump

> Tales about Hares and the Hare

This section presents a collection of fairy tales about Zaitsev in Russian. Enjoy reading!

    In one village there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. They lived poorly. The time had come for the old man to die, he divided all his goods between his sons: he gave the eldest son a hand mill, the middle one a shepherd's horn, and the youngest one a bast for bast shoes. When the father died, the eldest son took his mill and...

    One day a hare found a bear's den. He quietly crept up to her, stuck his head inside, looked around and saw: there was no mother bear, the cubs were sitting alone. Then the hare became bolder and began to scare the cubs. He makes scary faces and laughs: - Oh, you big heads! Finally I got you! Now I'll bite you! You have...

    Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. And the fox had an ice hut, and the hare had a bast hut. Spring came and the fox’s hut melted, but the hare’s hut remained as before. Then the fox came to the hare and asked him to spend the night, he let her in, and she took him and kicked him out of her own hut. A hare walks through the forest and sadly...

    Once upon a time there lived a hare in the forest: he was happy in the summer, but bad in the winter - he had to go to the peasants’ threshing floor and steal oats. He came to one peasant’s threshing floor, and there was a herd of hares. So he began to brag to them: - I have not a mustache, but a mustache, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth - I’m not afraid of anyone. That’s what the hares told...

  • The hare met a hedgehog and said: “You’d be nice to everyone, hedgehog, but your legs are crooked and braided.” The hedgehog got angry and said: - Why are you laughing? My crooked legs run faster than your straight ones. Just let me go home, and then let’s run a race! The hedgehog went home and said to his wife: “I argued with the hare: ...

  • Once upon a time there lived a Lion, and he had a vine entwined around a large tall tree. Only Leo himself and his family feasted on grapes from this grape tree. The time has come, the grapes are almost ripe, and Leo forbade not only the animals from the forest, but even his own, from even approaching his grape tree...

    One day, a partridge and a hare argued: which of them would hide better? The partridge dug a hole deeper among the stumps and climbed in all over - only its paws sticking out. The hare walked and walked, searched and searched, searched everything - no partridge! Finally both the partridge and the hare were tired. Then the partridge says: “Uncle hare, I’m tired...

    Once upon a time there lived in the same village an old peasant and his old woman. They lived together in labor and care, but they had no children. In the mountains, not far from their hut, there lived a hare. The old people loved him and treated him like their own son. An evil Raccoon settled not far from them and constantly trampled the field...

  • The beautiful Spring arrived on swan wings, and now the forest became noisy! The snow is crumbling, streams are running and babbling, ice floes are tinkling in them, the wind is whistling in the branches. And the birds, the birds chirp, sing and sing, they know no rest day or night! And Santa Claus is not far away - he hears everything. “Whatever,” he thinks...

  • In the angry naked autumn, life has become really bad for the forest animals! The Hare is crying in the bushes: - I’m cold, Little Bunny, I’m scared, little white one! All the bushes have fallen off, all the grass has died - there is nowhere for me to hide from the evil eyes. I put on a white fur coat, but the ground is black and black - everyone sees me from afar, everyone chases me and catches me. ...

  • Laughing at the unfortunate is not a good idea: None of us is protected from troubles. The sage Aesop gave two or three examples in fables on this topic. I wrote the poems that I offer to the world for the same purpose. In the field, the Hare and the Partridge lived next door. Quietly, smoothly, Their life flowed, when suddenly Trouble struck the Hare: the trail was discovered...

  • Once the Hare was thinking in a secluded corner (There is no better entertainment in secluded corners); Our Bunny languished in anguish - All hares are sad and timid from birth. “Ah,” he thought, “whoever is as timid as I am will not live in the world!” You can’t calmly swallow even a bite, Nothing makes you happy, you expect trouble from everywhere, You shake all day, ...

  • “Although you have unprecedented strength in your legs,” the Turtle said to the Hare, “I’ll bet you on any bet that I’ll reach my goal before you do.” "You! Before me?! Are you, godfather, in your right mind?!” - “In my mind or not, I bet with you!” - “Well, okay, look! Try to justify your words in action!” - “If you please! Here’s my pledge: two cabbage leaves.”

  • Introductory conversation Dear readers, if you followed my literary and private life even just a little, it would free me from the need to report that from December 11, 1851 to January 1854, I lived in Brabant, or more precisely, in Brussels. Four volumes of "Consience of the Innocent", six volumes...

  • The old she-wolf had a house in the forest. She built a room in the hollow of a hundred-year-old oak tree, lining it with moss. Three fanged wolf cubs were basking on the moss. They fought, bit and from time to time looked out the window to see if their mother was coming. From morning to evening, the old she-wolf wandered through the forest or kept watch near the sheepfold, in...

  • On a winter night, an ermine went out hunting. He dove under the snow, emerged, stood on his hind legs, stretched out his neck, listened, turned his head, sniffed... And suddenly it was as if a mountain had fallen on his back. And the ermine, although small in stature, is brave - he turned around, grabbed it with his teeth - don’t interfere with the hunt! - Ah-ah-ah! - there was a cry...

    The hare broke various branches, dug up roots, and picked leaves. He sits and cooks food for himself. An arctic fox runs past. - Hello! - speaks. - Hello! - the hare answers. - What's new? - Nothing. What's new with you? “I caught a ram,” the hare joked. - I’m sitting here cooking. - Oh-oh-oh-oh! - the arctic fox was surprised. - Teach me how...

    In ancient times, the hare was afraid of everyone: birds flying in the sky, animals walking on the ground, he even trembled in fear of gray mice. The hare cried with grief. - There is no animal in the world more fearful than me. I’ll go drown myself in a fast river or burn in a fire... The hare ran to die. He jumped out of the bushes, heard someone got scared...

    Snow says to the hare: “Something doesn’t feel good.” “You’re probably melting, that’s why you feel bad,” answered the hare. He sat down on a tree stump and cried bitterly. - I feel sorry, I feel sorry for you, snow. I kept running in the snow, making round holes. From a fox, from a wolf, from a hunter, he buried himself in the snow and hid. How will I live without you? Any crow...

    Seven brothers had one and only sister. All brothers were married. Since they loved their sister very much, their wives began to envy her and once went to the orsary so that he could teach them how to make the brothers stop loving their sister. For this they promised him a lot of gold. Orsaryzh advised them to get some hare fat...

    The poor man was walking through an open field, saw a hare under a bush, was delighted and said: “When I start living in a house!” I’ll take this hare, kill it with a whip and sell it for four altyns. With that money I will buy a pig. She will bring me twelve little pigs. The piglets will grow up and produce twelve more. I'll pin everyone...

  • Once the Wolf was driving through the forest in his truck. As usual, he was very hungry and angry. For several days now he had not come across a single hare, or even a mouse of any kind. Suddenly he looks - a Bunny is walking along the forest road. The Wolf was happy. “Well, finally,” he thought, “now I’ll eat.” The wolf drove up...

  • Once upon a time there were two friends: the bunny Gray Tail and the fox Red Tail. They built houses for themselves and began to visit each other. As soon as the fox doesn’t go to the bunny, the bunny runs to the fox and shouts - Red Tail! What happened to you? And if the bunny doesn’t go to the fox, the fox runs to the bunny and shouts: - Gray Tail! ...

  • One day the Hare sat down under a bush to rest, when suddenly something rustled. The Hare perked up and looked, and it was the Magpie sitting on a bush. - Eh, you scared me. I was thinking Wolf. “There have been so many of these robbers lately, you should at least run away from the forest,” said the Hare.

  • Somehow a Hare hid under a bush, trembling like an aspen leaf. Suddenly he hears someone squeaking: “Don’t shake like that, or you’ll destroy my house before you know it.” Kosoy looked around, there was a web stretched between the branches, and on it, like in a hammock, a spider was sitting, swinging, drinking dew from a flower cup.

  • A rumor spread through the forest that the Owl could cast magic. Allegedly he performs such miracles that neither a fairy tale nor a pen can describe. He can help any trouble. The hare heard about this and decided to come to her with a request. He ran to the hollow where the Owl lives, he saw it sitting on a branch. The eyes are huge. There are tassels on the ears. Apparently, the bird is important. The Hare was afraid, and then he gathered his courage and said:

  • Once upon a time there was a Hare, such a bore - he was always dissatisfied with everything. He once met Beaver and began to complain to him about his life: - Eh, Beaver, what a boring life these days has become! - What are you talking about? How boring it is! There is so much to do, just have time to turn around! Now we are building a new dam, and as soon as it is ready, we will begin to equip the huts. The further, the more interesting,” said Beaver.

  • It was getting dark. Squirrel and Hare sat on a huge fallen tree and looked at the sky, darkening among the crowns of pine trees. - Look, Squirrel, how many stars... - Even the smallest ones glow, - Squirrel responded. - And my mother told me that if you see a shooting star and make a wish, it will definitely come true. - What would you like to wish for?

  • One day a bear was walking through the forest. Twigs crack underfoot, trees tremble, leaves fly off. I came across a raspberry patch, broke branches with ripe berries, sat and enjoyed raspberries. Suddenly he sees a Fox sitting in a clearing, shaking his head, sewing something with a needle and thread. He comes closer to her. - What are you doing here, redhead?

  • Animal friends Bunny, Hedgehog and Squirrel lived in the same forest. And they lived in the most beautiful clearing of this mixed forest. On two sides of this cheerful clearing, curly birch trees grew mixed with tender aspen trees. The grass was short and soft; in some places there were hummocks on which berries grew in scatterings. And all kinds of flowers grew on the grass - the formidable tartar, straight-trunked pink and white yarrows, clover stood out with its lush white head, some small white and yellow flowers pleased the eye, sometimes you could see delicate forget-me-nots.

  • One day the Hare found an apple tree strewn with red apples in the thicket of the forest. He picked up a basket of ripe, juicy apples and went home cheerfully. He walks along the path, and Belka meets him. - Hello, Hare! – she happily waved her tail. - Wow, what apples! Where does such an apple tree grow?

  • This year's winter was so snowy that Hedgehog almost never left his house. It was boring, of course, to sit alone at home like this and remember the fun summer days. It was sad not to see my friend, the Hare. But where will you go if the snow has covered not only the doors, but even the windows of the house? And to go out...

  • Frost and the hare once met in the forest. Frost boasted: “I am the strongest in the forest.” I will defeat anyone, freeze them, turn them into an icicle. -Don’t brag, Frost, you won’t win! - says the hare. -No, I will overcome! -No, you won’t win! - the hare stands his ground. They argued and argued, and Frost decided to freeze the hare. And he says:...

We love to read fairy tales before bed. But even more we love to compose fairy tales ourselves or find them from old magazines and books. For some reason, it seems to us that fairy tales used to be simpler and kinder (perhaps these are just impressions from childhood). I came across it the other day a fairy tale about a little Bunny how he looked for his tail. A very good fairy tale, instructive and comprehensible! We decided to post it on the blog so we could read it ourselves and show it to others. We supplemented the fairy tale with modern colorful pictures. It turned out well. Be sure to read this good fairy tale about the Bunny “Where to get a tail” for children 😉

A fairy tale about a little Bunny “Where can I get a tail?”

The bunny returned home very upset: he had lost his tail. True, the tail was small and inconspicuous, but the Bunny got used to it and didn’t want anything else. So what's now? It is both inconvenient and indecent for an animal to live without a tail. And you only get one ponytail for life; ponytails are not sold anywhere.

The Bunny lies under a bush and looks at who has which tails. And he envies everyone. Squirrel's tail is good!

Lisitsa's is even better!

Marten has a good tail.

Well, Mouse’s is completely uninteresting...

The Bunny looks and keeps thinking about how to get a tail.

And I came up with the idea: I have to steal it! But who should I steal from? The squirrel jumps high in the trees, the Bunny cannot reach her. It’s better not to come close to the Fox: if she catches you, you won’t get away from her alive. The marten could be waylaid on the ground. But the trouble is that during the day she sleeps somewhere in a secluded place, goes out hunting at night, and the Bunny’s eyes stick together at night - he just wants to sleep!

The bunny didn't think about the mouse's tail. If you get the tail, it’s more beautiful.

The Bunny sits under the bush one day, sits the next. He plucks some grass, chews some leaves, and seems to be full. But you can’t lie like this all your life! And it’s boring to be alone, and you want to run and jump.

In addition, winter is approaching. In winter, it is known that only the hare’s legs can save him. There are many hunters for his skin!

And suddenly I saw a Bunny: nearby a Fox Cub looked out of a hole, followed by another, a third... And they all had tails - just adorable!

The fox cubs look around, looking around, still unsteady on their legs. Probably, for the first time they came out of the hole - mother and father went hunting, and they are self-willed.

The Bunny rubbed a fir cone with his paw - it sounded like a mouse scratching. One Little Fox heard it and began to carefully creep up to the bush: his mother was telling him how to catch mice.

Without wasting a moment, the Bunny bit off the Fox's tail. And, holding his tail tightly in his teeth, he ran as hard as he could.

Having settled down in a safe place and caught his breath, the Bunny began to adjust the fox's tail. Finally, he could appear in the forest without embarrassment. He really liked the new tail.

But whoever the Bunny met, everyone looked at him condemningly and said contemptuously:

It's immediately obvious - a thief! No other way than the Little Fox's tail was stolen.

The Bunny realized that he had fallen from the frying pan into the fire: without a tail it’s bad, but with a stolen tail there’s no shame.

He hid under a bush and lay there until dark. Came out of his hiding place when the moon rose. He sits sad, unhappy, again doesn’t know what to do.

Sovushka, a smart little head, saw him. She felt sorry for the stupid Bunny and gave advice:

Take the stolen tail back to where you got it. The little fox will find him and be happy. Without a tail, it’s probably not sweet for him either. His mother is clever and will sew the tail she finds tightly.
- How can I live without a tail? Where can I get a ponytail? - Bunny cried.
- And you work hard, collect some hairs. Now the animal is shedding, fur is lying everywhere. Making a tail from collected wool is a simple matter.

The Bunny listened to the owl's advice and did everything as she said.
Meanwhile, Sovushka, the clever little head, sent out a cry through the forest: they say, the Bunny needs to be helped.
And everyone responded to him: the Squirrel, the Marten, the Mouse, even the Fox - they all brought a piece of wool to the appointed place... And there was so much of it that it was enough for the Bunny to make three tails.

At the edge of the forest
In a thatched hut
Once upon a time there lived a cute gray bunny
The bunny is a hopper.

Ears on the top of the head
The tail is like a donut.
He was a great runner
And an excellent jumper.

He made friends with the horse.
The horse's mane is smooth,
The tail is enormously long,
The legs are fast and slender.

She was friends with the bunny,
I really loved running with him.
And that horse lived
From the edge of the forest near the village.

And one Sunday,
For the horse's birthday
The bunny was getting ready
The bunny is a hopper.

He took carrots with him,
He took new horseshoes,
I took the clover with me,
And of course, sugar.

On the road - he got ready for the road,
He ran through the forest,
To be on time for a birthday
And taste the treat.

The bunny is scared in the forest,
Suddenly he meets a fox there,
Or a wolf. Or with a gun
Someone hid behind a stump.

Suddenly to the bunny through the forest
The wolf runs across.
A toothy wolf, a terrible wolf,
Gray, scary and dangerous.

The bunny saw the wolf
He immediately sat up and trembled.
The wolf ran up to the bunny.
The gray bunny said:

I'm a hungry gray wolf
I could eat a bull right now.
Well, what are you talking about there?
Maybe you will calm my hunger?

I'm bringing it for your birthday
A treat for the horse.
The bunny said to the wolf,
He showed his bundle.

There are horseshoes in the bundle
For the horse and the carrot,
Fresh, tasty clover
And, of course, sugar.

The wolf exclaimed: What are you doing?
I don't eat anything here!
Wolves don't eat clover
And they eat bunnies!

The bunny threw the bundle
And he ran away.
He ran as fast as he could,
And behind him is a hungry wolf.

There's a swamp ahead
And the wolf is behind.
The bunny shouted: Nothing!
Let's see who wins now!

And he jumped over the bumps,
Along snags and stumps.
The gray wolf wanted him,
I just couldn’t jump.

The wolf fell into the swamp
And I found myself in a quagmire.
And in this quagmire he lived
Three-meter crocodile.

The crocodile is so huge!
Very angry and all green.
And of course the crocodile
He swallowed the wolf instantly.

Bunny on the edge of the swamp
He sat down, cried, someone heard
Quietly jumps towards him,
Quietly croaks to him:

Hello, little gray bunny.
I'm a green frog.
Why are you crying? Why are you crying?
The wolf is no more, you know.

I'm not crying for the wolf
Lost gifts for
Horses. How could I
Lose your bundle?

It's not a problem, brother!
Look here quickly!
Little frog said
And showed it to the bunny

To the swamp. There are flowers here
Unprecedented beauty.
I'll pick them for the horse
Everything will be fine then.

You won't grieve
You will jump and jump.
The bunny says in response:
Thanks for the bouquet!

Maybe we can be friends
Jump and walk together
I'll be visiting you
Well, you come to me.

Give me your paw quickly
And they jumped faster
For the horse's birthday,
To be in time for the treat.

Finally they came
And they brought it to the horse
Congratulations and flowers
Unprecedented beauty.

And the horse answered them:
This miracle is not a bouquet.
Thank you, bunny
The bunny is a hopper.

The bunny says: no, no!
Little frog that bouquet
Collected in the swamp
As I sat there, I cried!

And now we are friends.
I'm a gift for you
Lost it, didn’t save it.
The gray wolf is to blame.

But now he's gone.
Crocodile for lunch
He got it in the swamp.
That's my whole story, sort of.

And the horse said to them:
Well, let's go quickly, guys.
Let's eat a treat
There are oatmeal cookies.

We'll walk together
We will jump and dance.
And then in the evening I
I'll give you a ride with the breeze.

I'll take you home,
For more of you in the forest
No passions met
Passion and horror.

What a birthday it was
At the horse's on Sunday.
This is where the fairy tale ends,
And whoever listened - well done!


Excellent poem! My son, who is 2 years 8 months old, learned it by heart, he really likes this fairy tale. Thank you for your talent!

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A bedtime story for a child is an effective way to put your baby to sleep. At the age of 3-4 years, children like to listen to fairy tales about animals, about their adventures, and most importantly about courage and bravery. They just don’t like braggarts. The first fairy tale about a proud braggart bunny will teach the little one that it is not good to brag, especially if the merits have not yet been justified. And fear is a completely natural feeling, but anyone can become brave. The main thing is to believe in it.

Read a bedtime story to your baby, remembering the intonation, but do not tell it too loudly. Stories like these require a quiet voice. Place emotional emphasis on poetry.

Everyone knows what kind of cowards rabbits are. This bedtime story is for young children. A tale of a braggart who was actually very afraid.

The Tale of the Braggart Bunny

Once upon a time there lived a family of rabbits in the forest. And their son, a bunny, was born. He was still a coward. His fear was so strong that even the rustle of a branch could scare away the gray one, the crunch of snow or the howl of the wind. The baby’s heart immediately sank, his fur stood on end and his eyes became big, big. The hare was so afraid, not for a day or two, but for a long time, until one day he became an adult.

The bunny became so scared,

It seemed that in the shadows -

Someone is there, and there are lights.

The lights came on in the house

It's scary for a hare alone!

He was sitting on a stump one day and thought: “Well, how much can you be afraid of everything that the world has seen and not seen?” And how he decided to immediately declare to the whole forest that he was no longer afraid of a dry twig, a snowstorm, a flock of winged birds or strong winds. “I’m not afraid of anyone anymore, I’m brave and courageous now,” he convinced everyone around. Yes, so loudly that the whole flock of hare came running to his statement.

I am the bravest, I am the most skillful!

Little bunny I'm in my prime...

And I’m not afraid of blizzards, blizzards,

I would protect the whole flock!

And grown-up old wise hares and families with daughters and sons came out to listen to the words of the oblique one. And he continued to sing of his courage and bravery. Everyone listened to the braggart and thought: He looks like a coward, but he says that he is not afraid. And no one believed the little bunny, because where has it been seen that hares, in whom fear is inherent in nature, are not afraid of anything!

Then the wisest hare of the pack came out from behind a large old oak tree: “I suppose you’re not afraid of the formidable wolf?” - he asked. “Not a bit, I’m not afraid of anyone, not a sly fox, not a big bear, I’m fearless now!” - he assured everyone around. So much so that with his speech he made the hare people laugh.

And I'm not even afraid of the wolf,

And if suddenly I get angry,

It will be scary for everyone around!

Myth - this rabbit scare!

Children and old people, and even those who are considered heroes in the pack, laughed for a long time at the boastful little hare, because they were able to escape from the clutches of the fox and the wolf. And they are afraid, but this one is not... It was very funny for the forest people. The bunny's performance amused them. How everyone began to laugh, somersaulting with laughter, jumping and testing their strength. And our hero acquired pride, and became more courageous, so that he began to shout even louder: “YES I, YES, IF I CAUGHT A WOLF, I WILL SHOW HIM WHO IS THE BOSS HERE!”

Everyone became even funnier. Stupid, stupid bunny. And it was pride that led to trouble in the little houses. The wolf was nearby, and hungry at that. He walked and wandered and he wanted to have a bite to eat, but something more substantial! And suddenly I heard a hare noise:

What do I hear, are these hares?

Are they having fun without me?

I hear laughter and fun,

This is a bunny run!

So my tummy growled

He's tired of being hungry.

I'll go and refresh myself,

And I'll share the fun!

The top came close, so close that he heard them laughing menacingly at him. This angered the wolf, especially this scythe, who boasted that he would defeat him.

But the wolf himself is proud and will not allow the pack to be humiliated.

He chose for dinner the one who exalted himself!

It was the braggart that the wolf chose for dinner. Meanwhile, the bunnies don’t even realize that they are about to have a snack. Have fun and be happy.

And now the fairy tale about the proud, boastful hare comes to an end.

And it all ended with

That having climbed higher on a tree stump,

Kosoy wanted to climb higher,

And prove to everyone from the pack,

How brave he is, let me say again.

And then he noticed a wolf,

Yes, I suddenly froze in fear

No one saw the formidable wolf, only our braggart. And how out of fear he jumped, and plopped down on the wolf’s nose, and rolled like a bullet, and ran without feeling his legs. It seems the bunny ran to the other end of the forest. Without looking back until all his strength was gone, he was sure that the wolf was hot on his heels and would overtake the scythe. The little one was completely exhausted, curled up into a ball under the largest bush and trembled with fear and cold.

And the wolf actually ran away from that edge. The hare's jump was so sharp that a branch above it crunched and the sound was similar to a hunter's shot. And he gave in. I decided to eat a hare somewhere else, but here they are strange, rabid.

And the rest of the bunnies hid in all directions. And after a while they just began to emerge from their holes.

There was surprise on their faces.

Surely the hare didn’t lie to them!

He cleverly scared the wolf,

But where did he run off to?

They all decided that the braggart was their savior and began to look for their hero. It took a long time to find it, but it worked out. And here the hare lies in front of them, trembling with fear. The flock encouraged him: “Good girl, you are our hero!” Ay, oblique, how fearless, ah, what a fine fellow you are! We thought you were bragging, but you drove him away!

The bunny immediately cheered up.

He stood up and immediately became charged.

Well, what did I say!

He became brave and did not play around!

And the bunny himself believed

It’s a miracle that he became brave!

That he is not afraid of anyone,

And he shared his courage!

Cartoon about a hare and a hedgehog

Watch with your little one a cartoon about a hare and a hedgehog, which was created based on Ivan Franko. The story is about how, having returned to his native forest after many years, the bunny began to boast that he had become a champion. Yes, I didn’t notice my friend and classmate the hedgehog. With such behavior, the hedgehog decided to teach the oblique one a lesson. And challenged him to compete in a running competition. History teaches that showing off and being proud is not the best way to make friends. And only ingenuity will help you become stronger!

Watching time: 10:07

This kind and touching fairy tale about a bunny will appeal to your child and will make him go through all the adventures with the cute heroes who save the forest from disaster.

Trouble in the forest

This is a good bedtime story about the bunny Styopa. Once upon a time there lived a little bunny named Styopa. He lived in a beautiful and green forest. Spring has come. Birds sang around and flowers bloomed. It was a wonderful time for a walk. Styopa the bunny was walking through the clearing on this quiet day. Suddenly his hedgehog Borya ran out of the bushes towards him.

Styopa! Styopa! Let's run quickly! There's trouble there! - the hedgehog shouted.

The hedgehog and the bunny ran together to other animals who had crowded around a hole. This hole used to be a deep, clear and sky-blue lake.

How so? How could it dry out? - the squirrel was indignant.

Where will we drink from now? - picked up the fawn.

Will we all be thirsty? - the wolf was horrified.

Styopa the bunny stood and couldn’t believe his eyes. Vova the bear approached the bunny.

Don't be afraid, Styopa! There will be water in this lake again! I'm sure! - the bear said decisively.

The bear and the bunny looked at each other, and they and the hedgehog walked along the path. They walked in silence, when suddenly Styopa the bunny said:

We need to find out why the lake is empty.

I will go with you! - said the hedgehog Borya.

And I,” said the bear Vova.

And so the three of them went down the stream. Now it was just a path. The bunny, bear and hedgehog were about to go behind a large stone, behind which the mine was hidden, but a large wooden wall stood in their way.

The cause of all troubles

What is this? - asked the bunny.

It seems that because of this we have no water,” the hedgehog expressed his thought.

The bunny came closer to the dam and tapped on it. She turned out to be very strong.

I wonder who could build such a wall? - Styopa asked.

Suddenly a beaver came out from around the corner. He looked at the strangers for a long time. Finally he said:

Who are you and why did you come to our house?

We came to you from the southern side of the forest. We don't have water. Your wall does not allow a stream to flow.

But if our dam doesn’t exist, then we won’t have a home,” the beaver was sad.

If I help you find a new home, will you remove your wall?

I don't know. I'm not in charge here. “You need to talk to our leader,” said the new acquaintance and dived into the water on the other side of the dam.

Unexpected neighbors

The animals looked at each other and followed the beaver. They walked around the large wall and saw the whole city. Each resident was minding his own business: some were gnawing branches, others were completing the construction of the dam. Some beavers were simply lying in the sun, enjoying the sun's rays. No one paid attention to the guests, and everyone continued to go about their business. As soon as the bear took the first step towards them, all the beavers turned their faces towards them. A branch crunched treacherously under the clubfoot's paw.

Hi all! - Styopa the bunny greeted warmly.

But before he could continue his speech, all the beavers seemed to evaporate.

Well, where are you going?! - Borya the hedgehog shouted in vain.

Nobody responded.

Please talk to us! “We won’t harm you,” the bunny tried to stop them again.

Although you caused us a lot of problems by building this dam on the stream,” the bear muttered.

The heads of beavers appeared from behind the trees. They looked at their friends in surprise.

Yes! Because of your wall, all our residents have no water, and we will all die if you don’t remove it,” Vova the bear added louder.

But if we remove our dam, then we will die. We will lose our home,” the leader entered into the conversation.

We will help you find a new home! - Styopa exclaimed.

Can you swear that you will do this? - the beaver leader asked, squinting his already narrow eyes.

Yes,” they answered in unison.


And then they all got to work together. Slowly, both the beavers and our friends began to dismantle the dam. It was already the third hour of work, and the wall didn’t seem to get any smaller.

There’s a lot of work here,” the hedgehog said tiredly.

The lives of our families, neighbors and friends depend on us, so we must finish the job! - Styopa the bunny said confidently.

It was already five o'clock, and the wall was barely getting smaller.

Maybe we can give up this idea? - the hedgehog asked hopefully. - We can move in with the beavers, and we will have water.

“I will not abandon my family and my friends,” Styopa stood his ground.

Help from friends

Suddenly there was a noise behind the dam. The next moment, a crowd of animals came out from around the corner. The bunny recognized them as his mother, father and little brother. The hedgehog saw his grandmother. And the bear became sad: he had no family, and his only friends were Styopa and Borya. Remembering how lonely he really was, the bear lowered his head and a tear rolled down his furry cheeks. The bunny turned to him and said:

Hey, what are you doing?

You all have a family. And I'm lonely. You are my only friends.

The whole forest is your friends. You've done so much for them! - the bunny exclaimed hotly.

OK. “We’re kind of unstuck here,” the bear tried to cheer up. Apparently he succeeded. Within a few minutes, all the people of the southern forest, together with the beavers, were dismantling the huge wall. An hour later, the stream again ran along the stones down the slope, filling the lake with cool and clean water.

Hooray!!! - all the animals shouted.

Beaver house

The Beaver Leader approached Styopa and said:

You promised us a new home. Have you found it?

“I know one place,” the bunny smiled.

The bunny led all the beaver people to the lake. It was located separately from the stream, which had recently stood dry.

This is a wonderful place! - the beaver exclaimed with admiration and, together with the rest of the beavers, began building a new house.

The bunny returned home. His family and friends were waiting for him there. This is how the fairy tale about the bunny ended. Everyone was happy and remembered for a long time the heroic campaign of the animals.


We hope that this fairy tale about a bunny taught you and your child to value family and friends and help them when they need help. Listening to the fairy tale, the child experienced all the interesting adventures that the heroes experienced. Like any fairy tale about a bunny, this one also ended well, and all the animals remained safe and sound. This is very important, since children are always very worried about each hero. And now good night. We hope you enjoyed this wonderful good bedtime story.
