Skorobogatko Alexander Ivanovich birthday. Persons on the “Belousov list” received dubious projects

Birthday September 25, 1967

politician, State Duma deputy, entrepreneur, co-owner of the Novorossiysk commercial sea port


Alexander Skorobogatko was born on September 25, 1967 in the city of Gorlovka, Donetsk region, into the family of a hereditary miner.

Graduated in 1984 high school № 23.

From 1985 to 1987 took place conscript service in the Armed Forces of the USSR.

From December 21, 1987 to March 12, 1992, he was engaged in private business in Ukraine, working as a commercial agent at the Kerch Research and Production Enterprise. Together with Alexander Ponomarenko, they earned their first capital in the production and sale of perfumery products in Crimea.

In 1992, together with his partner, Alexander Ponomarenko, he moved to Moscow.

From March 3, 1992 to June 16, 1992, he worked as president of the Small Scientific and Production Commercial Enterprise “Sandra” (Moscow).

From June 17, 1992 to February 1, 1993, he was president of LLP " Trade company“Century of Russia” (Moscow).

From February 1993 to January 1996, he headed the JSC Financial and Industrial Company DELPHI (president).

In 1994 he graduated from the Slavic State Pedagogical Institute[specify] with a degree in teaching physical culture" In the same year he became a co-owner of the Russian General Bank.

In 1996 he graduated from the Russian Economic Academy named after. G.V. Plekhanov, majoring in finance and taxation, receiving a Master of Science in Economics. At the same time he became an assistant to State Duma deputy of the second convocation Alexander Korovnikov.

In 1998, he was a member of the Board of Directors of AB IBG Nikoil.

In 1998, the dissertation council of the St. Petersburg Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia awarded Alexander Skorobogatko the academic degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences.

From August 1998 to October 2000, he served as Chairman of the Committee of Advisors of JSCB Russian General Bank.

In November 2000, he assumed the position of Vice President for Public Relations of the Autonomous non-profit organization « International Institute corporations."

In 2001, he became a member of the board of directors of the Novorossiysk commercial sea port.

Until September 2002, he worked as the head of the public relations department of the Delmi food products concern (Moscow).

On December 7, 2003, he became a deputy of the State Duma of the fourth convocation on the LDPR list, a member of the Committee on Industrial Policy. Was the Deputy Chairman of the Committee State Duma on civil, criminal, arbitration and procedural legislation.

In 2005, the partners needed to change power at NCSP. A delegation consisting of State Duma deputy Skorobogatko and a number of federal and regional officials arrived at the port. The director of NTMP, representing other shareholders, left his chair.

On December 2, 2007, he became a deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation from the United Russia party.


Married, three children - sons Alexander (born 1998), Ivan (born 1999) and Vladimir (born May 24, 2004).


He has been included in the Forbes magazine ranking since 2008, ranking from 44 (2009) to 73 (2008) with a fortune from 800 million US dollars (2009) to 1,500 million US dollars (2008). In 2010, he ranked 61st with a fortune of $1,100 million.

Interests and hobbies

  • Candidate Master of Sports in judo and sambo.
  • Loves hunting and fishing.
  • In the rating of information activity of State Duma deputies compiled by the Center for Research on Political Culture, in 2009 Alexander Skorobogatko took 385th out of 453 places.

Awards and prizes

  • Order of Friendship (August 5, 2011) - for active participation in legislative activities and many years of conscientious work
  • The activities of Alexander Skorobogatko in the Federation Council were awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Federation Council Federal Assembly Russian Federation"Behind huge contribution into state building and parliamentarism."
  • In April 2004 His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' awarded Alexander Skorobogatko with the Order St. Sergius Radonezhsky III degree.

The Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod high-speed railway can be included in the development plan for the main infrastructure in the Russian Federation for 706 billion rubles. and a bridge to Sakhalin along with a port on the island. In total, Russian Railways proposed projects worth 3.2 trillion rubles, but it is in these two that companies from the “Belousov list” should invest. Although officials promised them financially attractive projects, the high-speed railway and the bridge are definitely not one of them. According to experts, as a result, either it will be a matter of actual withdrawal of funds, or Russian Railways JSC will simply not receive them. However, investors managed to dodge one of the most dubious projects from an economic point of view: the high-speed railway to Makhachkala was not included in the list.

It is proposed to include the Moscow-Gorokhovets high-speed highway (Moscow-Kazan high-speed rail section) and a bridge to Sakhalin along with a port on the island into the draft comprehensive plan for the development of the main infrastructure in the Russian Federation until 2024; the list may expand, said Deputy Minister of Transport Alan Lushnikov: projects are proposed for co-financing companies from the Belousov list. Presidential aide Andrei Belousov in July announced the seizure of excess income of metallurgists, coal miners and chemists (see Kommersant on August 10), then the idea was transformed into a call to co-finance infrastructure and social projects(see “Kommersant” dated August 25). The possibility of including the high-speed railway and the bridge in the list was mentioned by the First Deputy General Director of Russian Railways, Alexander Misharin (see Kommersant on September 12).

The Ministry of Transport clarified that the high-speed railway to Gorokhovets will follow new tracks and then connect to the existing one railway before Nizhny Novgorod. At this stage, a capital grant of 200 billion rubles is provided. from the budget, 200 billion rubles. from the funds of JSC Russian Railways, the rest is private capital. The total cost of the project on the Zheleznodorozhny-Gorokhovets section is about 621.5 billion rubles, that is, the volume of extra-budgetary investments is 221.5 billion rubles. “There is another 148 billion rubles that need to be invested in the depot and on the way in Moscow and on the approaches to it,” the Ministry of Transport adds.

The Selikhin-Nysh crossing with a bridge to Sakhalin appears in the draft main plan along with the port on Sakhalin, notes Transport Minister Evgeniy Dietrich. “There is no state support in the plan for the bridge: initially 250 billion rubles were included in the Russian Railways model, but now they are not there,” Alan Lushnikov clarified. In the documents of JSC Russian Railways, the Sakhalin project appears in the category “requiring a separate decision”, the cost is 589.3 billion rubles. The monopoly planned to finance the construction of a bridge across the concession, including with the port (see Kommersant on August 21). One of Kommersant’s sources claims that there are no contenders yet.

Both Andrei Belousov and First Deputy Prime Minister Anton Siluanov have repeatedly emphasized that they will offer investment-attractive projects to companies on Belousov’s list. “There is no talk of any mandatory actions to “push” business,” Mr. Belousov assured. The head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Alexander Shokhin, said on September 21 that projects “will go through the road show procedure” and departments “must show which financial instruments, what financial model, payback period to interest the business.” But the Sakhalin project has an extremely shaky cargo base and the financial model is in question, and the high-speed railway, according to Russian Railways, is paid for only through a capital grant (see Kommersant on September 3). According to the head of the Infoline-Analytics agency, Mikhail Burmistrov, offering these projects to investors is a “monstrous mistake.” He explains that short, local projects aimed at increasing the efficiency of transport services for the cargo owners-investors themselves will not cause irritation and will give Russian Railways a chance to receive funds. The high-speed railway and the bridge, the expert emphasizes, are, in fact, simply a withdrawal of funds from business.

What else did JSC Russian Railways propose to the mainline plan?


Among other projects of JSC Russian Railways proposed for inclusion in the main plan (however, not separately designed for co-financing from companies on the “Belousov list”) are the Northern Latitudinal Railway (NSH), measures to increase transit container traffic, modernization of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian Railway, development of approaches to ports of the Azov-Black Sea and North-Western basins, construction of a bypass of Saratov, development of the Perm railway junction and the Perm-Solikamsk direction, separation of freight and passenger routes Center-South, deep bypass of the Moscow ring, development of the Moscow Transport Hub (MTU), etc. .

Natalia Skorlygina, Denis Skorobogatko

Skorobogatko Alexander Ivanovich(born September 25, 1967, Gorlovka, Donetsk region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Russian entrepreneur and deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the IV convocation (from the LDPR), V-VII convocations (from " United Russia") in 2003-2016. Co-founder of the company (construction and operation of shopping and entertainment centers in Moscow, Sochi, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Kyiv) and the company, which has owned almost 70% of the airport since 2016. In the Russian business media he is considered the businessman’s “wallet” (he is a co-owner of TPS Avia).

From 1985 to 1987 he served in military service Armed Forces THE USSR. From 1987 to 1992 he worked as a commercial agent at the Kerch research and production enterprise. Together with a partner, he was engaged in the sale of perfumery products in Crimea and Ukraine. In 1992, the partners moved to Moscow. In 1992-1996, Skorobogatko headed a number of commercial structures in Moscow.

In 1994 he graduated from the Slavic State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in physical education teacher. In the same year he became a co-owner of the Russian General Bank. In 1996, he graduated from the Russian Academy of Economics named after G. V. Plekhanov with a degree in finance and taxation, receiving a Master of Science in Economics. In 1998, he became a member of the board of directors of AB IBG NikOil. In 1998, the dissertation council of the St. Petersburg Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia awarded Alexander Skorobogatko academic degree candidate of legal sciences.

From August 1998 to October 2000, he served as Chairman of the Committee of Advisors of OJSC JSCB Russian General Bank. In November 2000, he assumed the position of Vice President for Public Relations of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “International Institute of Corporations”. In 2001, he became a member of the board of directors of the Novorossiysk commercial sea port. On August 14, 2002, Alexander Skorobogatko was appointed a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the administration of the Kaliningrad region.

In December 2003, Skorobogatko was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the LDPR. At the same time, he resigned early as a member of the Federation Council. In September 2007, Skorobogatko was included in the list of candidates for deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the United Russia party. In September 2011, Skorobogatko was again included in the list of candidates for State Duma deputies from United Russia. On November 21, 2016, he wrote an application for early resignation from his parliamentary powers, which was granted on December 2, 2016.

Candidate Master of Sports in judo and sambo. He is fond of safari (together with Ponomarenko he exterminates animals in Africa).

Skorobogatko Alexander Ivanovich

Skorobogatko Alexander Ivanovich - State Duma deputy, co-owner.


The main assets of Alexander Skorobogatko are concentrated:

  • transport (Novorossiysk sea trade port).






1994 - graduated from the Slavic State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Physical Education Teacher.

1996 - graduated from the Russian Economic Academy named after. G. V. Plekhanov, majoring in Finance and Taxation.

Science degree

1998 - Candidate of Legal Sciences.


1987-1992 - worked as a commercial agent at the Kerch Research and Production Enterprise. Together with Alexander Ponomarenko, they earned their first capital in the production and sale of perfumery products in Crimea.

1992 - President of the Small Research and Production Commercial Enterprise "Sandra" (Moscow).

1992-1993 - President of LLP “Trading Company “Vek Rossii” (Moscow).

1993-1996 - President of JSC Financial and Industrial Company DELFI.

1998 - Member of the Board of Directors of AB IBG Nikoil.

1998-2000 - Chairman of the Committee of Advisors of JSCB Russian General Bank.

2000 - Vice President for Public Relations of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "International Institute of Corporations".

2001 - Member of the Board of Directors of the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port.

Until September 2002, he worked as the head of the public relations department of the Delmi food products concern.

Social and political activities

Member of the Board of Trustees of the Hockey Club of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

1996-1998 - Assistant to Deputy of the State Duma of Russia Alexander Korovnikov (Communist Party of the Russian Federation).

December 7, 2003 - deputy of the State Duma of the fourth convocation on the LDPR lists, member of the Industrial Policy Committee. He was Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation.


“Skorobogatko’s hobbies include hunting and sports. They say that while hunting in Tanzania, he immediately obtained three trophies from the “Big Five of Africa” - a leopard, a lion and a buffalo. Among other hunting places, Bulgaria, Romania, Ryazan and Yaroslavl region Russia, where bison, wild boar, deer, roars, bears, wolves became trophies...”

Awards and prizes

  • Order of Friendship - for active participation in legislative activities and many years of conscientious work;
  • Certificate of Honor of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation “For great contribution to state building and parliamentarism”;
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, III degree.

Much has been written about the fact that the Head of the Republic of Crimea, Sergei Aksenov, has a very dark past, but it turns out that it is directly connected with those who are now called by the capacious phrase “Putin’s friends.”

Sergey Aksenov (" Goblin")

From the very beginning, Moscow’s “Crimean campaign” was tied to local crime bosses and their underground business. Even before the collapse Soviet Union At the end of 1991, Crimea in general, and especially Simferopol, became a haven for smuggling, black markets and embezzlement schemes that revolved around regional resorts, sanatoriums and holiday homes. Two criminal groups competed for shadow power in Simferopol - “Bashmaki” and “Salem”. The latter was named after the cafe of the same name, where the gang had its lair. IN better times the number of militants in it fluctuated around 1000 people, this organized crime group was charged with about 50 high-profile murders.

The Salem organized crime group is one of the most famous criminal groups in Crimea. It was formed in 1988 in Simferopol from the Ai-Petri cooperative with the assistance of the KGB for the secret struggle against the Crimean Tatar movement that began to unfold on the peninsula.

The Salem organized crime group is considered the richest organized crime group in Crimea; it had the most extensive connections in the authorities state power and local governments. These guys were both entrepreneurs and bandits, forcing local businessmen to pay tribute under pain of arson, beatings, or worse.

The conflict between the Bashmaki and Salem gangster groups has reached highest point in 1996, as a result of which they virtually destroyed each other.

According to the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andrey Vilenovich Senchenko, Sergey Aksenov has been an active member of the organized criminal group Salem and responded to the nickname "Goblin".

This is not the only Crimean politician associated with the Salem organized crime group. Thus, deputies of the Supreme Council of Crimea Igor Lukashev and Alexander Melnik from the Party of Regions are also well known to the police and are considered to have inherited control over most of Salem’s assets.

Igor Mikhailovich Lukashev (Igor “Karate Kid” or “Lukash”) is considered a partner of the Russian organized crime group Solntsevskie in Crimea. At one time he held the common fund of the Salem organized crime group, now he heads budget commission Crimean parliament.

They also began their careers in the Salem organized crime group Russian entrepreneurs Alexander Ivanovich Skorobogatko and Alexander Anatolyevich Ponomarenko. Alexander Ivanovich Skorobogatko is an exceptional person. In his youth, sitting with friends over a glass of vodka and a piece of lard in the Simferopol restaurant “Salem”, he responded to the nickname “Gorlovsky” and “Donetsk”, for he was born in the village of Gorlovka, Donetsk region of Ukraine. Aleksandr Ivanovich’s close friends were Gritsko Kovalenko (Gundos) and Shurko Ponomarenko (Sonomar).

Alexander Skorobogatko ("Gorlovsky")

Three true friend- Skorobogatko, Ponomarenko and Kovalenko appeared in Moscow in the mid-90s in the leadership of the notorious Yalosbank, which stole more than 2 trillion non-denominated rubles from depositors. The mayor of the capital, Luzhkov, then demanded that a criminal case be opened into this fraud on an astronomical scale. However, the three friends again escaped from the Indian fate, “slipping out” from the tenacious and obviously short hands of Justice. The same cannot be said about the three founding fathers of Yalosbank who were framed by them. Babek Seruf was poisoned, Alexander Goltsov was shot dead in Moscow, and Roman Frumson was found dead in a villa in Spain. The investigation into these murders (and some of the MVD operatives suspected the Crimean triad of involvement in them) quickly reached... a dead end. To no, as they say, there is no trial.

But three comrades from Simferopol remained alive, healthy and with a lot of money (but the money of Yalosbank depositors disappeared to no one knows where).

Skorobogatko, Kovalenko and Ponomarenko founded a bank with a three-letter name - RSL. Skorobogatko was delegated to politics, and the next project of the trio was the purchase (“traditional methods”) of shares in the Novorossiysk port.

Correspondent of the crime department of the Crimean Pravda newspaper in 1985-2000, Kuzma Serafimov (creative pseudonym) provided a number of media outlets in Kyiv and Moscow with the results of his investigation dedicated to exposing representatives underworld peninsula, who made their way into power. It refers to both government and government bodies of Ukraine and Russia.

Perhaps the most shocking in terms of Russia were the facts exposing the current State Duma deputy from the LDPR, Alexander Skorobogatko, as a well-known “authority” in Crimea. (See also Konstantin Chernetsov’s book “Gangster Crimea”, published by Tsentrpoligraf, Moscow, 1998)

Since December 2003, Skorobogatko became a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation on the LDPR list. He was Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation - not bad for a member of an organized crime group. Since December 2007, he became a deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation from the United Russia party.

Alexander Ponomarenko and Alexander Skorobogatko started not even in the dashing 1990s, but in the gangster 1980s. Then they were bankers, owners of the largest Russian port. But Ponomarenko’s most mysterious investment is “Putin’s palace” on the Black Sea.

Alexander Ponomarenko (“Sexton”)

From 2004 to 2010, Alexander Anatolyevich Ponomarenko served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port OJSC. In the spring of 2008, the co-owners of the Novorossiysk commercial sea port carried out a strategic deal - they sold 10% of the company's shares to the structures of Arkady Rotenberg, sparring with judo partner Vladimir Putin. In 2013, the partners jointly bought a cargo terminal at Sheremetyevo Airport and the Ocean Plaza shopping center in Kyiv.

Alexander Ponomarenko, who together with his partners, including Arkady Rotenberg, received over $2 billion for the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP), acquired a hotel complex near Gelendzhik, known as “Putin’s palace.” Businessman Sergei Kolesnikov, who claimed that the luxury construction is being carried out for Putin, insists that the resale of the property will not change its intended purpose.

Thus, a direct connection is visible: Sergei Aksenov was an active member of the Salem organized crime group, created under the direct leadership of the KGB. At the same time, in approximately the same positions, this group included Alexander Ponomarenko and Alexander Skorobogatko, business partners of Arkady Rotenberg, a close friend of Russian President V. Putin, a former KGB lieutenant colonel.

Arkady Rotenberg

One of the underappreciated aspects of the creeping criminalization of Crimea was its Russian trace. Despite the fact that Crimea was part of Ukraine, the main profitable criminal businesses, such as drug trafficking, cigarette counterfeiting and duty-free import, depended on relations with Russian criminal structures. The peninsula's dirty money was usually laundered through Russian banks. This meant that when in Kyiv Yanukovych’s power was shaken under the onslaught of protesters on the Maidan, in Moscow things could already begin with potential clients in Crimea, using connections in the local criminal world.

Representatives of the “Solntsevskys” went to negotiations in Crimea with local “comrades” even before February 4, when the Crimean authorities decided to hold a referendum on the status of Crimea and turned to Moscow for guarantees. The Muscovites then arrived not only to test the ground for the further development of criminal business in the region, but also to assess the mood in the local criminal community.

Aksenov, who headed the Russian Unity party, seemed perfect choice for the role of a Kremlin puppet. Even despite the fact that in the 2010 elections he entered the local parliament, receiving 4 percent of the vote. He was distinguished by his ambition, toughness and friendship with the Speaker of the Crimean Parliament Vladimir Konstantinov, perhaps the key " eminence grise" in power then and now. Konstantinov is constantly mentioned in connection with his criminal contacts and alleged real estate fraud, but these charges have never reached court. Sergei Mokrushin, an investigative journalist for the independent local television company Chernomorskaya, calls him "untouchable ".

Having begun the seizure of Crimea, Moscow relied on three forces: the “little green men” - Russian special forces; at marines without insignia and at local police, especially Berkut soldiers who supported the Crimean separatists. Unidentified thugs wearing red bands also took part in the takeover. These "self-defense forces" mostly spent their time attacking businesses, including seizing a car dealership owned by Petro Poroshenko.
According to an official from the local prosecutor's office, who asked not to be named, some of the "self-defense" were veterans of various wars, and many were "infantry" of gangsters from the same "Bashmaki" and "Salem".

Crimean sources claim that part of the FSB’s agreement with the local bureaucratic and criminal elites was a promise not only to preserve their existing opportunities for enrichment, but also to support them in their fight against non-Slavic organized crime groups, primarily Crimean Tatar and North Caucasian, who began to encroach on their “plots” .

The common denominator in all of these situations is that gangs with political connections receive protection and privileged access to the "upworld" while retaining all the resources of the "downworld." In return, they not only pay their patrons, but also provide political support to their allies, forming a closed, self-sustaining structure.
This is a miniature model of the entire Russian political system. The Kremlin rewards those who demonstrate usefulness and loyalty, while at the same time expecting and requiring them to constantly reaffirm their loyalty. In the short term this is tough and effective remedy, which lays the foundation for the elite to maintain control over it: everyone is compromised, everyone is vulnerable, everyone needs to regularly demonstrate loyalty to the boss.

