Methods of energy extraction. Resonant method of extracting energy from a physical vacuum Methods of extracting energy

It may turn out that the electromagnetic mechanism for extracting energy from a physical vacuum was known to people from the earliest times, and installations for extracting vacuum energy using such a mechanism were built back in pre-antique times. I mean the well-known pyramids: Egyptian, Mexican, Mayan, pyramids in Bosnia-Herzegovina and possibly Crimean. To understand how the pyramid works, you need to remember the structure of the physical vacuum.

In previous articles, I already wrote that conventionally, a quantum of physical vacuum can be represented as a virtual pair of particle + antiparticle nested within each other, connected by a certain force. And if you apply an external force to the quantum that exceeds the adhesive force, then the connection breaks and the virtual particles fly apart, becoming ordinary real particles. This process occurs in the vicinity of small black holes, which, with their gigantic gravity, break the bonds in the particle + antiparticle pair, as a result of which one of the particles falls on the space object that generated it, and the other flies away and takes with it part of the energy of the gravitational field of the black hole. This process was described by the English physicist Stephen Hawking and is called “quantum evaporation of black holes.” Currently, almost no physicist doubts its reality.

In principle, the gravitational field can be replaced by an electromagnetic one and get exactly the same result. You just need to learn how to receive electromagnetic fields of very high intensity. What happens if the electromagnetic field strength turns out to be insufficient to break the connection between the components of the physical vacuum quantum? It should be expected that in this case the particle and antiparticle will diverge over a certain distance, remaining within the framework of the previous quantum, that is, the quantum will turn into a dipole. A dipole has an interesting property: in a uniform field it rests without moving, in a non-uniform field it moves towards maximum intensity. And this feature may underlie the functioning of the pyramids.

Any pyramid rests on a rocky base, which will certainly have layers of granite interlayers. Granite is a mixture of mica, quartz and feldspar. And quartz is known for generating so-called piezoelectricity: if you compress a thin quartz plate, opposite charges will appear on its opposite faces. And the stronger the compression, the more of these charges there will be. The quartz grains in the granite base under the pyramid are compressed by the gravity of the pyramidal blocks, and the closer to the axis of the pyramid, the stronger the compression. Therefore, an electric field with maximum intensity arises in rocks directly below the center of the pyramid. The physical vacuum that penetrates any substance in the Universe is polarized under the influence of an electric field, and its quanta are converted into dipoles. And under the influence of the unevenness of the field, they begin to be pulled together from all sides to the point of maximum tension. Here, individual vacuum flows collide with each other, turn around, and then move vertically upward in a common flow, flying out from the top of the pyramid. And how successfully this flow will interact with matter depends on the degree of its unevenness.

Such a mechanism also works in any mountain, but the effectiveness of its effect on matter will depend on how regular the mountain is in shape: any external irregularity leads to a strong distortion of the internal electromagnetic field and dissipation of the vacuum flow. Perhaps the pre-Egyptians noticed some interesting effects occurring in caves carved out on the slopes of mountains of regular pyramidal shape, and after moving to Egypt they decided to erect such mountains in their new homeland.

In principle, it makes no difference exactly how the electromagnetic field is created: due to the piezoelectric effect or the elementary charge of metal plates. Therefore, you can use a regular electric capacitor with plates of different shapes and areas and check the resulting effect. And such research was carried out by scientists from SNITSIAFOS (Siberian Scientific Research Center for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena in the Environment) at Tomsk Polytechnic University back in 1995. Their installation consisted of a truncated cone and a rod located in the center of the cone, which were charged in opposite signs to a voltage of 10-40 thousand volts. The entire installation was immersed in transformer oil, the speed of which served as an indicator of the effectiveness of the interaction. Since the field strength increased greatly as the gap between the central rod and the outer cone decreased, the polarized dipoles of the physical vacuum accelerated from the wide end of the installation to the narrow end and carried liquid molecules with them. It began to move and came out of the installation through a narrow neck. Based on the flow rate, one could judge the effectiveness of the interaction of the physical vacuum flow with the substance.

I don’t know how far Tomsk residents have progressed in researching this phenomenon. It is quite possible that after the creation of the Commission to Combat Pseudoscience and the escalation of the war with all alternative scientific directions, they have already been dispersed, since no new information about their research appears. But such a continuation of experiments naturally suggests itself. You can paint all the metal parts with oil-resistant paint (or cover it with some kind of dielectric), carefully disconnect the wires from the already charged electrodes and paint the connectors with the same paint, install a light hydraulic turbine driven by an electric motor inside the cone and leave it running. Since electrons and holes cannot escape from the electrodes (the paint gets in the way), the electrostatic field they create will exist for quite a long time and therefore the electric motor can generate much more energy than was spent on creating the field. In such a design, only the spatial unevenness of the field operates. If it is supplemented with temporal unevenness, an increase in energy production should be expected. And in order to understand what exactly the temporary unevenness of the field should be, one should turn to other studies that have nothing to do with Tomsk residents.

These studies are conducted by Philip Mikhailovich Kanarev, who heads the department of theoretical mechanics at the Kuban Agricultural University. He drew attention to the fact that when water or water vapor is decomposed by electric current, the transition from direct current to alternating current is accompanied by a significant reduction in energy consumption. And alternating current is impulses. But exactly what characteristic of the pulse contributes to the appearance of such an effect - no one still knows. No one was simply doing this. So Kanarev got busy. And I got these results. When water vapor was decomposed by electrical pulses with a frequency of 100 hertz and a voltage of 250 volts with a pulse duration/pause duration ratio of 1:26, it spent only 1500 joules for complete decomposition. But with further combustion of the resulting hydrogen and oxygen, 27,650 joules of heat were produced. That is, the excess of the received thermal energy over the expended electrical energy was 18.43 times.

Why Kanarev’s pause between adjacent pulses is much longer than the duration of the pulses themselves (26 times) is clear to me. The fact is that a sharp increase in voltage on the electrodes leads to excitation of the physical vacuum. And then, over a certain period of time, it moves from an excited state to a neutral state, releasing energy. Until it has completely transitioned to a neutral state, the next impulse is inappropriate. Because if we repeat a new impulse too early, we again transfer the vacuum into an excited state, preventing it from giving its maximum energy. In other words, by repeating impulses too early, we ourselves do work on the vacuum, and not on the working substance. And then we will give energy to the vacuum, and not it to us. The best result occurs if a new pulse begins at the moment when the vacuum has completely passed into the neutral state: in this case, maximum power and maximum output energy/input energy ratio are achieved simultaneously. In Kanarev, this moment is observed with a pause duration 26 times longer than the pulse duration.

One day, on the Internet, I found a site where these phenomena were discussed. And there I told you exactly what needs to be done to get a result like Kanarev’s. One guy became very interested in this and began experiments. And after numerous failures with the most primitive equipment, he finally managed to achieve success: he spent 98 joules of energy on the decomposition of water, and when burning the resulting gases he received 103-105 joules. But immediately after success, he suddenly declared that this was a mistake, that this could not happen, and disappeared from the forum. I think there was no mistake. The guy just became convinced of the reality of such technology and decided not to let anyone else know about his successes.

Kanarev's research does not attract the attention of Russian authorities. But they attract a lot of attention from foreigners. Kanarev constantly receives invitations to international conferences on alternative energy, and almost all of his expenses are paid by the organizing committee of the conferences. At one of these conferences, the president of the Swiss Institute of Global Energy, Dr. Nicholas Moller, heard his report and decided to repeat the experiment. But instead of decomposing water vapor into hydrogen and oxygen and then burning these gases, he decided to use the dissociation of molecular hydrogen into atomic hydrogen, followed by the recombination of atomic hydrogen into molecular hydrogen. The parameters of the pulses used by Moller were almost the same as those of Kanarev: frequency 50 hertz, voltage from 200 to 300 volts, pulse duration/pause duration ratio equal to 1:20. And the result obtained was also almost identical to Kanarev’s: the excess of the output thermal energy over the input electrical energy (the so-called excess coefficient) was 21.2 times.

Moller then contacted his partner Alexander Frolov from the Laboratory. Faraday in St. Petersburg, handed over his installation to him and agreed to carry out independent measurements in St. Petersburg. And Frolov, using the same Moller installation, achieved an almost 80-fold excess coefficient. Unfortunately, according to Moller, Frolov subsequently made an attempt to appropriate the installation received from Switzerland and the cooperation fell apart. And Kanarev, continuing his experiments on the decomposition of water vapor by current pulses, has already achieved a 100-fold excess coefficient. Moreover, in the experiments of Kanarev, Moller, and Frolov, the duration of the ascending branch of the pulse is much less than the duration of the descending branch. But no one talks about the relationship between these durations. And it seems to me that the main success of the matter lies precisely in the fact that the current pulse has different durations of the ascending and descending halves.

Kanarev believes that in his installation the excess energy occurs due to the transition of orta-hydrogen to para-hydrogen (at least, that’s how I understood it from our telephone conversation). Moller does not offer anything on this matter, but obediently follows Kanarev. I believe that in the Kanarev and Moller installations, vacuum energy is released and converted into heat. To find out which of us is right, it is enough, instead of decomposing steam into hydrogen and oxygen, to switch to banal heating of water or even transformer oil. If when heating the oil with the same current pulses as Kanarev’s, much more heat will be produced compared to the consumption of electricity, then I’m right. Otherwise, Kanarev will be right.

If we now combine the research of the Tomsk residents with the Krasnodar resident, that is, if we use not a constant electrostatic field, but a pulsed one in the SNITSIAFOS conical installation, we should expect a sharp improvement in efficiency. And to understand why, we must again recall the phenomenon of inertia.

Let us have some sufficiently long and flat block and an object lying in the middle of its surface. We need to move this object to the very end of the block, but in such a way that we do not influence the object itself in any way: neither with our hands, nor with levers, nor with a field, nor in any other way. How can I do that? Through inertia. When we sharply push the block forward, the object lying on its surface, under the influence of inertial forces, moves slightly towards the end. But if we slow down the block as sharply as we accelerated it, then the object will move to its original place. Therefore, the block must be slowed down much more slowly so that the inertial force is less than the friction force. The second push of the bar moves the object further towards the end, the third even further, and so on.

If we now move from the reference frame of the laboratory to the reference frame of the object being moved, then we can discover the following. The acceleration of a block with an object in the CO of the laboratory is equivalent to the passage of an accelerating flow of physical vacuum through the object into the CO of the object itself. And the braking of a block in the CO of the laboratory is equivalent to the passage of a decelerated physical vacuum flow through the object into the CO of the object. Thus, we get that when a flow of physical vacuum passes through an object with acceleration, it pulls the object along with it, and when it passes with deceleration, it pulls it towards itself. Why this happens - I don't know. But this is a fact. And this is precisely the fact that Kanarev came across in his experiments. And we can use this fact to modernize the installation of Tomsk residents.

In this setup, the analogue of braking is the spatial unevenness of the electric field dE/dx, where E is the field strength, x is the longitudinal coordinate. Then the ascending half of the voltage pulse must last so long that the temporal unevenness dE/dt is much greater than the spatial unevenness, that is, so that the inequality dE/dt >> v dE/dx is satisfied (v is the vacuum flow velocity, must be found from experiments). And on the descending half of the pulse another condition must be met: dE/dt<< v dE/dx. Использование таких импульсов разной длительности восходящей и нисходящей ветвей аналогично использованию толчкового способа воздействия на вещество, а толчок всегда и намного эффективнее плавного воздействия (вспомните, как именно мы загоняем гвоздь в дерево - постоянным давлением на его шляпку или ударами?). Если же на нисходящей половине импульса временная неравномерность окажется больше пространственной, тогда тормозящийся вакуумный поток потянет жидкость навстречу себе и та в итоге будет просто колебаться туда-сюда, не воздействуя на турбину. Вот почему в экспериментах Канарева, Моллера и Фролова длительность восходящей половины импульса была намного меньше длительности нисходящей части.

The hydraulic turbine can be installed both inside the unit and outside it immediately in front of the neck. But the external installation of the turbine is characterized by two disadvantages. Firstly, the efficiency of the hydraulic turbine decreases. After leaving the neck, the liquid begins to spread to the sides, and installing a turbine in front of the neck only facilitates this process. Therefore, only part of the total volume passes through the turbine, and the operating efficiency is low. If the hydraulic turbine is installed inside the housing, the liquid cannot bypass it and passes through the turbine in full, which helps achieve maximum operating efficiency. Secondly, the external installation of the turbine does not in any way affect the process of deterioration in the functioning of the entire apparatus due to the presence of ions in the liquid. Any liquid can have positive and negative ions. Under the influence of the field, negative ions are collected at the positive electrode, and positive ions are collected at the negative electrode. An internal electric field of impurities arises, which partially screens the external field. And with long-term operation, such shielding can become 100%. External installation of a hydraulic turbine does not solve this problem. And the internal installation solves it very well. As the turbine blades rotate, they create pressure surges at their very ends, and these surges tear off any ions clinging to the surface.

Unfortunately, the Tomsk installation is characterized by one fundamental drawback that cannot be eliminated: the presence of liquid. The liquid is absolutely necessary as a transmitter of the effect of the vacuum flow on the hydraulic turbine. But it will also limit the speed of rotation of the turbine, because it is impossible to make the liquid move in a technical installation at speeds of hundreds of meters per second: friction against the walls of the housing will not allow it. And to rotate a hydraulic turbine at a speed of 50-60 rps, you may need exactly these fluid speeds. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon the liquid and come up with a configuration where the effect of the vacuum flow would be transmitted directly to the turbine rotor without any intermediate transmitter. Is it possible. And work in this area is underway.

I would like to say a few words about those installations that were created quite a long time ago and are operating successfully to this day. First of all, this is the electrophoric generator of Paul Baumann from a Christian commune near the town of Linden in Switzerland. Bauman received complete information about the design of his generator 20 years ago during meditation (although meditation and living in a Christian commune somehow do not fit together). The generator is an acrylic disk with a diameter of 2 meters with 36 thin sectors of aluminum foil glued on both sides, rotating between two induction coils. The disc is rotated by simply pressing your hand. After that, it independently accelerates to a certain speed, and electricity flows from the coils. Moreover, in such quantities that it is completely enough for the commune to provide itself with heat and energy. At the very least, journalists have not been able to track down a single payment from the community to the local electric company over the past 20 years.

No one knows exactly how the generator works, what processes take place in it. Many physicists tried to understand the mysteries of the generator, but were unsuccessful. The Communards themselves claim that they also do not understand the mechanism of the generator. At the same time, they do not give out the exact circuit diagram of the generator to anyone, because they believe that humanity is not yet mature enough to master vacuum energy in full (maybe they are right). Perhaps it is precisely because of their silence that they are still not touched. But one day the Swiss physicist Stefan Marinov visited the commune. He familiarized himself with the generator and seemed to understand the secrets of its operation. A year after visiting the commune, he published a book where he described the secret of the operation of this and other similar generators. A month later, he falls out of the window of the local library and falls to his death.

In my previous article on energy paradoxes, I described the phenomena of the appearance of large amounts of energy when a ball collides with a plate. The electromagnetic method of extracting energy from a vacuum also works here. When the ball falls down under the influence of gravity, the gravitational field of the planet, through its accelerated movement, does work on the vacuum and gives part of its energy to the vacuum. And when the ball comes into contact with the plate, it sharply slows down and the vacuum does work on the crystal lattice of the ball and the plate, deforming the lattice and its electric field and giving more energy to the lattice than it received from the gravitational field a little earlier. Then the crystal lattice straightens and, like a spring, throws the ball upward to a greater height from which it began to fall. My calculations showed that if instead of a ball we use a cylinder with a diameter of 3 cm and a length of 0.7 meters (the weight of the cylinder will be 4 kg), and the height of the channel in which it will jump is 10 meters, then so many channels can be installed on an area of ​​100x100 meters that the total power of the station will be equal to 80-100 MW.

Another installation is associated with the name of the Austrian engineer Wilhelm Mohorn and his company Aquapol. Mohorn acted very smartly from the point of view of the commercial implementation of his invention: he found a niche in which no one’s interests were affected. That's why he is still alive, and his company is thriving and constantly expanding. Mohorn produces equipment for drying damp rooms (until now few people have worked in this area and there are no large companies here). Mohorn's installation consists of a frame of metal rods that vaguely resembles a pyramid. It does not consume a single gram of fuel or microjoule of electricity and has no moving parts. But when it is hung in a room that needs to be dried, all the moisture disappears within a few days and the room becomes completely dry. I listened to Mohorn’s report at a conference on alternative energy, but I could not understand what mechanism works in his installation (either I don’t know German well, or Mohorn specifically expressed himself in a confusing manner). I can only assume that Mohorn’s installation so deforms the Earth’s magnetic field that a vacuum flow arises through the room where it is installed, drawing all the moisture with it. Mohorn's installations have proven themselves so successful that one of them stands in the basement of the Hungarian Parliament in Budapest on the banks of the Danube, and untested and dubious devices are not used in such buildings.

And in conclusion of this article, I would like to retell a somewhat comical story associated with Mohorn’s attitudes and the nosyness of our would-be businessmen. One day, a certain inventor came to the Cherutino agricultural cooperative in the Vladimir region and offered the management of the cooperative to buy from him a torsion generator that would help pigs and cows gain weight. In the video dedicated to this story, I saw a real Mohorn installation, but in a greatly reduced version and with a ball of aluminum foil suspended in the center. The management believed the inventor (who is also a businessman) and bought the installation. It had to be charged weekly by irradiating the magic ball and the joints of the installation with a laser gun (the gun was included in the kit). All this pleasure cost 50 thousand rubles. After receiving the money, this inventor-businessman immediately disappeared, without even inquiring about the result. And the result was very good. The weight gain of local pigs and cows actually almost doubled with the same quantity and quality of feed. Moreover, all the cowgirls stopped getting sick, and before that they constantly suffered from colds due to eternal drafts.

I think that this inventor-businessman simply stole the idea of ​​installing it from Mohorn and presented it to the buyer as his own invention. But since it was useless to demand a high price for metal rods alone, I had to attach a magic ball there and use a laser pistol. And since it was impossible to judge the beneficial effect in advance (Mohorn limited himself to drying rooms and never studied the effect of his devices on people and animals), it was advisable to run away immediately after receiving the money. Because in case of a negative result, it was possible to lose not only the money already received, but also many teeth. I will explain why Mohorn installations have such an impact on pig weight gain and the health of cowgirls in a separate article on the effect of vacuum flows on living organisms.

Extracting Energy or Essence

The task of the healer himself is to lure the essence out. He understands that the alien entity is scared and confused. Personally, I usually talk to him - sometimes mentally, sometimes out loud. I explain that nothing will happen to him, that we will take care of him, his suffering will stop - in general, everything will be fine. I repeat that I want to heal him. At the same time, I often switch to the tone in which adults speak to children. I understand that the entity is suffering, and I want to relieve it of pain. As I draw it out, I feel this energy enter my arms, but do not allow it to move beyond my elbows (such energies can influence the Luminous Energy Field, even if they have no affinity with the healer). Soon I realize that the energy has completely left the patient, and then I transfer it into the crystal.

Sometimes the foreign energy or entity refuses to leave the patient's body. It also happens that the patient himself does not let her go. He subconsciously feels that this is a relative or his own personality from a past life, and therefore does not want to part with her. In such cases, I try to distract him: I suggest counting backwards from twenty to one, or repeating the letters of the alphabet - it doesn’t matter what exactly he does, the main thing is that it should distract his rational mind. Feeling the energy - or essence - penetrate into my hands, I shout out: “Ha!” and clench my palms tightly, driving it into the crystal.

After this, I immediately demand a report from the “hunter”: is the extraction completed, is a re-check necessary? Perhaps there are other alien entities in the body? To ensure successful retrieval, muscle testing can be performed again.

Claire is a nurse from Canada who attends our Luminous Body Healing school. One day she asked me to demonstrate the Extraction Process directly on her.

I didn't want to do this because I didn't notice any problems with her. Claire was a balanced person, she had a strong family and two children. Overall, she was happy with her life. I wanted to conduct such demonstrations on people who could really suffer from alien entities. But she insisted, and in the end I agreed. To our surprise, the test turned out to be positive. As I moved to extract, Claire began to shake and her knees buckled. The assistant pumping energy up her spine had to catch her to keep her from collapsing to the floor. Claire looked like a rag doll. As I was drawing out the alien energy, Claire straightened up and exclaimed: “No, I’m sure this is some kind of trick!” She bent over and began to sob. I felt a disgusting dark energy penetrate my palm, and with a triumphant cry I drove it into the crystal. Claire crumpled on the floor.

Claire said that four years earlier her father had died, and since then she had felt that he was somewhere nearby. After the extraction, she was so exhausted that she could not stand up. Meanwhile, we released the alien entity into the fire. I suggested that Claire say goodbye to her and tell her father everything she wanted to say.

I had no way of verifying that the extracted energy was indeed its father. I relied only on her own intuition. I understood that if she was right, it was absolutely necessary for her to say goodbye to her late father. Clutching the crystal in her hand, Claire spoke kindly to her father. She told him how much she missed him, regretted that she had never really known him, and thanked him for the wonderful childhood memories. When we released this essence outside, I noticed how the space around the flame flickered.

The coolness of the evening was momentarily replaced by a warm breeze. These signs told me that a gap had opened between the worlds. I felt the appearance of luminous beings from the world of Spirit who came to help the suffering soul. They received her with love and took her home.

Claire recovered from the incident only after a week. She later said that she felt the joy returning to her, which she had forgotten about since her father died.

If the healer conducts the Extraction Process without assistants, everything has to be done independently. As soon as the energy is released from the spinal column, the healer faces the patient and immediately proceeds to Extraction. He must be very careful, since he has to simultaneously track down the entity and lure it out. I trust my kinesthetic (tactile) sensitivity and therefore easily feel how the energy passes into my hands and then into the crystal. At the same time, I conduct a conversation with the patient and with the entity itself, and also monitor its movements throughout the patient’s body. The healer can do all this on his own, but it is very tiring and requires a lot of experience.

My students master each task one at a time, working in groups of three. Then, when they have to perform the Extraction Process alone, they can combine the three procedures. If I find that a foreign entity or energy is “sticky” and does not want to leave the body without a fight, I always call two more people for help, so that one pumps the energy, and the other monitors the position of the expelled entity.

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Rule one: always set the use of free energy scattered in space as an additional source of power for the entity. You are already familiar with this rule, and now you understand its importance. Have you seen how diverse they can be?

In this chapter we will continue our discussion of the effects of the interaction of classical particles and fields with black holes. Let's start by considering the efficiency of the process of extracting energy from rotating black holes. Let us recall that although, by definition, a black hole is a region from which no bodies or light rays can escape, there are situations when, using certain physical processes, it is possible to extract energy from a black hole. As we will see later, this energy is drawn from the field associated with and surrounding the black hole. This is particularly possible when the black hole is spinning or charged. Examples of such processes are the Penrose process (see § 6.2) and the electrodynamic processes discussed in the previous chapter. In this section we will establish some general limitations on the possible effectiveness of this kind of process.

Let's consider the efficiency of the Penrose process (see Fig. 64). Let the energy and angular momentum of a particle correspond to the momentum of a Kerr black hole moving in the gravitational field of a falling particle decaying in the ergosphere; a particle flying out to infinity; particle absorbed by a black hole). Note now that on the event horizon the vector

where the angular velocity of the black hole is light and tangential to the horizon's generators. Since the timelike vector a is directed to the future, then

and, therefore, for a particle falling into a black hole,

In particular, if the emitted particle has more energy than the incident one, then a similar relationship holds for angular momentum:

When a particle is absorbed by a black hole, its parameters and 7 change:

and condition (8.1.3) means that

Physical processes leading to such a change in the parameters of a black hole, which are related by the relation

are called reversible. The differential equation (8.1.7), relating the change in parameters and 7 during a reversible process, can be integrated [Christodoulou (1970)]. To do this, note that the total differential of the function

written in the form

From relations (8.1.6) and (8.1.9) it is clear that for the processes considered above, associated with the fall of particles onto a black hole, the inequality holds

Moreover, equality is true if and only if the process is reversible. Magnitude

was called the irreducible mass of a black hole [Christodoulou (1970)]. From equations and (8.1.11) we obtain

From this relationship it follows that as a result of the Penrose process, the initial mass cannot be made smaller; therefore, the maximum possible energy gain in this process is equal to where

And - the initial mass and angular momentum of the black hole, the corresponding irreducible mass.

Simple reasoning shows that for a given initial mass the maximum value

is achieved for an extreme black hole with

It is easy to verify that the value of A differs only by a numerical coefficient from the expression for the area of ​​a Kerr black hole:

Therefore, condition (8.1.10), which means that the surface area of ​​a black hole does not decrease for the processes under consideration, is, in fact, a special case of the general Hawking theorem (§ 5.4).

Hawking's theorem allows us to draw a number of general conclusions regarding processes involving black holes. First of all, inequality (8.1.6) can easily be extended to the case of charged black holes and to processes in which charged particles are involved. To do this, it is enough to use expression (8.1.15), where in the case of a charged rotating hole

The condition in this case gives

where is the change in angular momentum and charge of the black hole, and

Its electrical potential.

If equality holds in relation (8.1.17), generalizing (8.1.6), then, as before, we will call such processes reversible. A common property of reversible processes is that the surface area of ​​black holes does not increase for them.

We emphasize that in expression (8.1.17) 57 is the total change in the angular momentum of the black hole. It does not matter whether this change is associated with the angular momentum of the falling particle, corresponding to its orbital motion, or with its internal angular momentum (spin). Application of the general inequality (8 1.17) in the latter case makes it possible, in particular, to show that an additional gravitational spin-spin interaction acts on the spin particle from the side of a rotating black hole [Hawking, (1972a), Wald (1972), Bekenstein (1973b)] .

As an illustration, let us consider the simplest case when a particle with spin and charge, possessing energy, falls onto a black hole, moving exactly along the axis of symmetry. If such a particle falls into a black hole, then, using conservation laws, we have

Here, if the spin is directed in the direction of rotation of the black hole, and in the opposite case. The possibility of inequality in the last of the relations (8.1.19) is due to the fact that part of the energy can be radiated. Relations (8.1.17) and (8.1.19) show that a particle with spin can fall into a black hole only if its energy exceeds the value The second term has the meaning of ordinary electrostatic repulsion energy. The first term at describes repulsion, and at attraction due to the spin-spin interaction [in the theory of gravitation, a similar interaction occurs for any two rotating bodies; a detailed derivation of the expression for this force and a description of the analogy between gravitational

spin-spin interaction and electromagnetic interaction of magnetic dipoles, see Wald (1972)].

Since the motion of particles in the geometric optics approximation is directly related to the propagation of wave packets, it is natural to expect that, under certain conditions, the incidence of a wave on a rotating black hole can also lead to an amplification of this wave. Let us verify (using Hawking's theorem) that this process is indeed possible and derive the conditions under which it occurs.

Since the Kerr-Newman metric, which describes the geometry of a charged black hole, is stationary and axially symmetric, when describing the propagation of a wave against its background it is convenient to use the expansion in terms of the eigenfunctions of the operators

Let us consider the behavior of a field mode with quantum numbers on, the time and angular dependence of which has the form

The field can describe scalar, electromagnetic, gravitational waves (or other bosonic fields, quanta of which, in particular, can have mass and charge. Far from a black hole, solution (8.1.20) describes a set of quanta, each of which has an energy component of angular momentum and also, possibly, by electric charge. Therefore, for such a wave, the ratios of the flux - components of angular momentum and electric charge through a sphere of large radius surrounding the black hole to the energy flux through this sphere are equal, respectively (This is not difficult to prove strictly using explicit expressions for the energy tensor - impulse and current corresponding to the field under consideration Using the laws of conservation of energy and angular momentum associated with the symmetry of the problem under consideration, and the law of conservation of electric charge, it can be shown that the interaction of a wave with a black hole leads to a change in the mass of angular momentum and charge of the latter, and from

Using inequality (8.1.17), which follows from Hawking’s theorem, we obtain

In particular, fashion days that satisfy the condition

the scattering process leads to a decrease in the mass of the black hole. When this condition is met, the scattered wave has an energy greater than

falling, i.e. the incident wave is amplified [Zeldovich (1971, 1972); Misner (1972); Starobinsky (1973); Starobinsky, Churilov (1973); Unruh (1974)]. This phenomenon is called superradiation.

The possibility of the effect of wave amplification by rotating black holes was first drawn attention to by Zeldovich (1971, 1972), who proceeded from the analogy of such black holes with rotating absorbing bodies. For the latter, the amplification effect described by Zeldovich is to a certain extent related in nature to the Vavilov-Cherenkov effect. To verify this, consider in ordinary flat space a cylindrical wave incident on a cylinder of radius rotating with an angular velocity of 12 relative to an axis coinciding with the axis. The corresponding solution has the form

On the surface of the cylinder, this field corresponds to a disturbance traveling with the phase velocity. If the speed of movement of the substance on the surface of a dielectric or conducting cylinder exceeds the linear speed with which the phase of the incident wave moves along the surface of the cylinder, instead of absorption, the wave is amplified. The corresponding condition has the form

A detailed discussion of issues related to this effect can be found in the work of Bolotovsky and Stolyarov (1980.

We emphasize that the amplification condition (8.1.23) is universal and does not depend on the spin of the field. For particles with spin, it corresponds to the quantum number of the total (orbital or spin) angular momentum. The wave amplification factor significantly depends on the field spin. If for an electromagnetic field the maximum increase in wave energy is 4.4%, then for a gravitational wave it is already 138% [Starobinsky, Churilov (1973)]. Under certain conditions, such an increase in gravitational radiation from a particle moving near a rotating black hole is possible. If in this case the particle is given the same energy that it radiates to infinity, then such a particle will circulate without falling into the black hole, and can serve as a kind of catalyst for extracting energy from the black hole. Such orbits are called “floating” [Mizner (1972), Press, Tyukolsky (1972)].

The following rather interesting effect is associated with the phenomenon of superradiation [Damour et al. (1976), Zouros and Eardley (1979), Detwiler (1980)]. Let a wave packet of a massive scalar field rotate outside a rotating black hole in a circular orbit, and let the binding energy in this orbit be such that the massive particles that make up this packet cannot be emitted to infinity. However, a flow of these particles through the event horizon is possible. If the frequency of quanta falling inside a black hole satisfies the superradiation condition, then their fall is accompanied by more intense radiation outward. Particles of this radiation, having the same quantum numbers as the particles of the packet, cannot fly out to infinity, which leads to their accumulation near the orbit of the packet and, ultimately, to the development of instability. Detwiler (1980) showed

that this instability occurs for a scalar field with a mass such that the characteristic time for the development of instability is

Planck mass and Planck time, respectively. For massless fields this instability is absent [Detwiler, Ipser (1973), Press, Tyukolsky (1973), Tyukolsky, Press (1974)].

It should be noted that although the processes described above in this section (the Penrose process and superradiation), leading to the loss of energy by a black hole, are of extremely important fundamental importance for the physics of black holes, under real astrophysical conditions it is difficult to expect that they could lead to significant observable phenomena [Mashkhun (1973), Wald (1974c), Kovets, Piran (1975a, b)]. More interesting in terms of their possible consequences may be analogues of the Penrose process, in which, instead of the collapse of a particle, a collision of two particles occurs in the ergosphere, leading to the formation of two new particles, one of which flies out to infinity [Piran et al. (1975)]. A variation of the described effect is Compton scattering of a freely falling photon by an electron with large angular momentum and moving in the ergosphere [Piran, Shaham (1977)].

Many people are trying to implement the idea contained in the device described below. Its essence is this: there is a permanent magnet (PM) - a hypothetical source of energy, an output coil (collector) and a certain modulator that changes the distribution of the magnetic field of the PM, thereby creating an alternating magnetic flux in the coil.
Implementation (18.08.2004)
To implement this project (let's call it TEG, as a derivative of two designs: Floyd Sweet's VTA and Tom Bearden's MEG :) I took two ferrite ring cores of the M2000NM brand with dimensions O40xO25x11 mm, put them together, secured with electrical tape, and wound the collector (output) winding along the perimeter of the core - 105 turns of PEV-1 wire in 6 layers, also securing each layer with electrical tape.

Next, we wrap it again with electrical tape and wind the modulator coil (input) on top. We wind it as usual - toroidal. I wound 400 turns into two PEV-0.3 wires, i.e. It turned out two windings of 400 turns. This was done in order to expand the experimental options.

Now we place this entire system between two magnets. In my case, these were barium oxide magnets, material grade M22RA220-1, magnetized in a magnetic field of at least 640,000 A/m,
dimensions 80x60x16 mm. The magnets are taken from a magnetic-discharge diode pump NMD 0.16-1 or similar. The magnets are oriented “to attraction” and their magnetic lines penetrate the ferrite rings along the axis.

TEG assembly (diagram).

The work of the TEG is as follows. Initially, the magnetic field strength inside the collector coil is higher than outside due to the presence of ferrite inside. If the core is saturated, then it
the magnetic permeability will sharply decrease, which will lead to a decrease in the tension inside the collector coil. Those. we need to create such a current in the modulating coil to saturate the core. By the time the core is saturated, the voltage on the collector coil will increase. When the voltage is removed from the control coil, the field strength will increase again, which will lead to a surge of reverse polarity at the output. The idea as presented was born somewhere in mid-February 2004.

In principle, one modulation coil is sufficient. Control block
assembled according to the classical scheme on TL494. The top one according to the scheme is variable
the resistor changes the duty cycle of the pulses from 0 to approximately 45% at each
channel, lower - sets the frequency in the range from approximately 150 Hz to 20
kHz. When using one channel, the frequency, respectively,
is reduced by half. The circuit also provides current protection through
the modulator is approximately 5A.

TEG assembly (appearance).

TEG parameters (measured with a MY-81 multimeter):
winding resistance:
collector - 0.5 Ohm
modulators - 11.3 Ohm and 11.4 Ohm

collector - 1.16 mH
modulators - 628 mH and 627 mH

collector - 1.15 mH
modulators - 375 mH and 374 mH
Experiment No. 1 (08/19/2004)
The modulator coils are connected in series, so it looks like a bifilar. One generator channel was used. The modulator inductance is 1.52 H, resistance is 22.7 Ohm. Control unit power supply
hereinafter 15 V, oscillograms were recorded with a two-beam oscilloscope S1-55. The first channel (lower beam) is connected through a 1:20 divider (Cin 17 pF, Rin 1 Mohm), the second channel (upper beam) is connected directly (Cin 40 pF, Rin 1 Mohm). There is no load in the collector circuit.
The first thing that was noticed was: after removing the pulse from the control coil, resonant oscillations arise in it, and if the next pulse is applied at the moment of antiphase to the resonant burst,
then at this moment a pulse appears at the collector output. This phenomenon was also noticed without magnets, but to a much lesser extent. That is, let’s say, in this case the steepness of the potential change on the winding is important. The amplitude of the output pulses could reach 20 V. However, the current of such surges is very small, and it is difficult to charge a 100 µF capacitor connected to the output through a rectifier bridge. The output does not carry any other load. At a high frequency of the generator, when the modulator current is extremely small and the shape of the voltage pulses on it remains rectangular, surges at the output are also present, although the magnetic circuit is still very far from saturation.

So far nothing significant has happened. Let's just note some effects. 🙂
Here, I think it would be fair to note that there is at least one more person - a certain Sergei A, experimenting with the same system. I swear, we came to this idea completely independently :). I don’t know how far his research went; I haven’t contacted him. But he also noted similar effects.
Experiment No. 2 (08/19/2004)
The modulation coils are disconnected and connected to two channels of the generator, and connected in opposite directions, i.e. a magnetic flux is alternately created in the ring in different directions. The inductances of the coils are given above in the TEG parameters. The measurements were carried out as in the previous experiment. There is no load on the collector.
The oscillograms below show the voltage on one of the modulator windings and the current through the modulator (left) and also the voltage on the modulator winding and the voltage at the collector output (right) at
different pulse durations. I won’t indicate the amplitudes and time characteristics for now, firstly, I haven’t saved all of them, and secondly, this is not important for now, as long as we try to qualitatively track the behavior of the system.

The duty cycle of pulses on the channel is about 11%, i.e. overall - 22%.

The duty cycle of pulses on the channel is 17.5%, the total is 35%.

One magnet removed.

Both magnets have been removed.

When one magnet was removed, the output amplitude decreased by almost 2 times. We also note that the oscillation frequency has decreased since the inductance of the modulators has increased. When removing the second magnet,
there is no output signal.
It seems that the idea, as it was conceived, is working.
Experiment No. 3 (08/19/2004)
The modulator coils are again connected in series, as in the 1st experiment. A back-to-back serial connection has absolutely no effect. I didn't expect anything else :). Connected as expected. Operation is checked both in idle mode and with load. The oscillograms below show the modulator current (upper beam) and output voltage (lower beam) at different pulse durations on the modulator. Here and further I decided to stick to the current of the modulators,
as the most suitable as a reference signal. The oscillograms were taken relative to the common wire. The first 3 pictures are in idle mode, the last one is with load.

Figures from left to right and top to bottom: 1) short pulse duration, 2) increasing duration as it approaches the saturation region, 3) optimal duration, full saturation and maximum output
voltage (at idle), 4) last operating mode, but with a connected load.
The load was an incandescent lamp 6.3 V, 0.22 A. Of course, this cannot be called a glow... :)

Load power measurements were not carried out, but something else is interesting:

I don’t know what to think... Consumption decreased by 0.3%. The generator itself without TEG consumes 18.5 mA. Perhaps the load indirectly affected the inductance through a change in the magnetic field distribution
modulators. Although, if you compare the oscillograms of the current through the modulator in idle mode and with a load (for example, when scrolling back and forth in ACDSee), you can notice a slight collapse of the top of the peak when working with
load. An increase in inductance would lead to a decrease in the peak width. Although all this is very illusory...
Experiment No. 4 (08/20/2004)
The goal is set: to get the maximum output from what we have. In the previous experiment, I came up against the frequency limit at which the optimal pulse duration was ensured at the maximum possible pulse fill level of ~45% (the duty cycle is minimal). So it was necessary to reduce the inductance of the modulator winding (previously two were connected in series), however in this case
you will have to increase the current. So now the modulator coils are connected separately to both outputs of the generator, as in the 2nd experiment, but this time they are turned on in the same direction (as indicated in
generator circuit diagram). At the same time, the oscillograms changed (they were taken relative to the common wire). They look much nicer :). In addition, we now have two windings that operate alternately. This means that with the same maximum pulse duration we can double the frequency (for this circuit).
A certain operating mode of the generator is selected based on the maximum brightness of the lamp at the output. So, as usual, let's get straight to the drawings...

The upper beam is the modulator current. Bottom left is the voltage on one of the modulators, on the right is the control pulse of the same channel from the output of TL494.

Here on the left we clearly see an increase in the voltage on the modulator winding during the operation of the second one (second half-cycle, logical “0” on the right oscillogram). Emissions when the 60 volt modulator is turned off are limited by the diodes included in the field switches.

The upper beam is the modulator current. Bottom left is the output voltage with load, right is the output voltage at idle.

The load is the same lamp 6.3 V, 0.22 A. And again the picture with consumption repeats...

Again we have a decrease in consumption when a load is connected to the collector. The measurements are of course at the threshold of the instrument’s accuracy, but, nevertheless, the repeatability is 100%. Load power was about 156
mW At the input - 9.15 W. And no one has talked about “perpetual motion” yet :)
Here you can admire the burning light bulb:

The effect is obvious. Time will tell what we can get from this. What should you pay attention to? First, increase the number of turns of the collector, perhaps by adding a couple more rings, but it would be better to choose
optimal dimensions of the magnetic circuit. Who would do the calculations? 😉 Perhaps it makes sense to increase the magnetic permeability of the magnetic circuit. This should increase the difference in magnetic field strengths inside and outside the coil. At the same time, the inductance of the modulator would be reduced. It was also thought that gaps were needed between the ring and the magnet so that, let’s say, there was room for the magnetic lines to bend when the properties of the medium—magnetic permeability—changed. However, in practice this only leads to a drop in the output voltage. At the moment, the gaps are determined by 3 layers of electrical tape and the thickness of the modulator winding, by eye this is a maximum of 1.5 mm on each side.
Experiment No. 4.1 (08/21/2004)
Previous experiments were carried out at work. I brought the control unit and the “transformer” home. I had the same set of magnets lying around at home for a long time. Collected. I was surprised to find that I could raise the frequency even more. Apparently my “home” magnets were a little stronger, as a result of which the inductance of the modulators decreased. The radiators were already heating up more, but the current consumption of the circuit was 0.56 A and 0.55 A without load and with load, respectively, with the same power supply of 15 V. It is possible that there was a through current through the switches. In this circuit at high frequencies this is not excluded. I connected a 2.5 V, 0.3 A halogen light bulb to the output. The load received 1.3 V, 200 mA. Total input 8.25 W, output 0.26 W - efficiency 3.15%. But note, again without the expected traditional influence on the source!
Experiment No. 5 (08/26/2004)
A new converter (version 1.2) was assembled on a ring with greater permeability - M10000NM, the dimensions are the same: O40xO25x11 mm. Unfortunately, there was only one ring. To fit more turns on the collector winding, the wire is thinner. Total: a collector of 160 turns with O 0.3 wire and also two modulators of 235 turns, also with O 0.3 wire. A new power supply has also been found up to 100 V and a current of up to 1.2 A. The supply voltage can also play a role, since it provides the rate of increase of the current through the modulator, and that, in turn, the rate of change of the magnetic flux, which is directly related with the amplitude of the output voltage.
There is currently nothing to measure inductance and capture pictures with. Therefore, without further ado, I will present the bare numbers. Several measurements were carried out at different supply voltages and operating modes of the generator. Below are some of them.
without reaching full saturation\

Input: 20V x 0.3A = 6W
Efficiency: 3.6%

Input: 10V x 0.6A = 6W
Output: 9V x 24mA = 0.216W
Efficiency: 3.6% Input: 15 V x 0.5 A = 7.5 W
Output: 11V x 29mA = 0.32W
Efficiency: 4.2%
with full saturation

Input: 15V x 1.2A = 18W
Output: 16V x 35mA = 0.56W
Efficiency: 3.1%
It turned out that in the full saturation mode, the efficiency decreases, since the modulator current sharply increases. The optimal operating mode (in terms of efficiency) was achieved with a supply voltage of 15 V. No influence of the load on the power source was detected. For the given 3rd example with an efficiency of 4.2, the current of the circuit connected to the load should increase by about 20 mA, but no increase was recorded either.
Experiment No. 6 (2.09.2004)
Some of the modulator turns have been removed in order to increase the frequency and reduce the gaps between the ring and the magnet. Now we have two modulator windings of 118 turns, wound in one layer. The collector is left unchanged - 160 turns. In addition, the electrical characteristics of the new converter were measured.

TEG parameters (version 1.21), measured with a MY-81 multimeter:
winding resistance:
collector - 8.9 Ohm
modulators - 1.5 Ohm each
inductance of windings without magnets:
collector - 3.37 mH
modulators - 133.4 mH each
series-connected modulators - 514 mH
inductance of windings with installed magnets:
collector - 3.36 mH
modulators - 89.3 mH each
series-connected modulators - 357 mH
Below I present the results of two measurements of TEG operation in different modes. At higher supply voltages, the modulation frequency is higher. In both cases, the modulators are connected in series.

Input: 15V x 0.55A = 8.25W
Output: 1.88V x 123mA = 0.231W
Efficiency: 2.8%

Input: 19.4V x 0.81A = 15.714W
Output: 3.35V x 176mA = 0.59W
Efficiency: 3.75%
The first and saddest thing. After making changes to the modulator, an increase in consumption was recorded when working with the new converter. In the second case, the consumption increased by about 30 mA. Those. without load the consumption was 0.78 A, with load - 0.81 A. Multiply by the supply 19.4 V and we get 0.582 W - the same power that was removed from the output. However, I will repeat with all responsibility that this has not been observed before. When a load is connected in this case, a steeper increase in current through the modulator is clearly visible, which is a consequence of a decrease in the inductance of the modulator. What this is connected with is not yet known.
And another fly in the ointment. I'm afraid that in this configuration it will not be possible to obtain an efficiency of more than 5% due to the weak overlap of the magnetic field. In other words, by saturating the core, we weaken the field inside the collector coil only in the area of ​​passage of this very core. But the magnetic lines coming from the center of the magnet through the center of the coil are not blocked by anything. Moreover, part of the magnetic lines “displaced” from the core when it is saturated also bypasses the latter from the inside of the ring. Those. In this way, only a small part of the magnetic flux of the PM is modulated. It is necessary to change the geometry of the entire system. Perhaps we should expect some efficiency gains by using ring magnets from speakers. The thought of operating modulators in resonance mode also haunts me. However, under conditions of core saturation and, accordingly, the constantly changing inductance of the modulators, this is not easy to do.
Research continues...
If you want to discuss, go to the “passionate forum” - my nickname Armer.
Or write to [email protected], but I think it’s better to go to the forum.

x x x
Dragons' Lord: First of all, many thanks to Armer for providing a report on the experiments carried out with excellent illustrations. I think new works by Vladislav will soon await us. In the meantime, I will express my thoughts on this project and its possible ways of improvement. I propose to change the generator circuit as follows:

Instead of flat external magnets (plates), it is proposed to use ring magnets. Moreover, the internal diameter of the magnet should be approximately equal to the similar diameter of the magnetic core ring, and the outer diameter of the magnet should be larger than the outer diameter of the magnetic core ring.
What is the problem with low efficiency? The problem is that the magnetic lines displaced from the magnetic circuit still cross the area of ​​the turns of the secondary winding (they are pressed out and concentrated in the central area). The indicated ratio of the rings creates an asymmetry and forces most of the magnetic lines, with the central magnetic circuit saturated to the limit, to bend around it in the EXTERNAL space. In the inner region there will be fewer magnetic lines than in the basic version. In fact, this “disease” cannot be completely cured by continuing to use rings. How to increase the overall efficiency is described below.
It is also proposed to use an additional external magnetic circuit, which concentrates the power
lines in the working area of ​​the device, making it more powerful (it is important not to overdo it here, since we are using the idea of ​​fully saturating the central core). Structurally, the external magnetic circuit consists of turned ferromagnetic parts of axisymmetric geometry (something like a pipe with flanges). You can see the horizontal parting line of the upper and lower “cups” in the picture. Or, it can be discrete independent magnetic circuits (brackets).
Next, it is worth thinking about improving the process from an “electrical” point of view. It’s clear - the first thing to do is to swing the primary circuit into resonance. After all, we have no harmful feedback from the secondary circuit. It is proposed to use CURRENT resonance for obvious reasons (after all, the goal is to saturate the core). The second remark is perhaps not so obvious at first glance. It is proposed to use not a standard solenoid coil winding as a secondary winding, but to make several flat bifilar Tesla coils and place them on the outer diameter of the magnetic circuit in a “puff pie”, connecting them in series. In order to generally remove the existing minimal interaction with each other in the axial direction of neighboring bifilar coils, you need to connect them ACROSS ONE, returning from the last to the second (reusing the meaning of bifilar).
Thus, due to the maximum potential difference in two adjacent turns, the stored energy of the secondary circuit will be the maximum possible, which is an order of magnitude greater than the option with a conventional solenoid.
As can be seen from the diagram, due to the fact that the “pie” of bifilar fibers has a fairly decent length of
horizontal direction, it is proposed to wind the primary not on top of the secondary, but under it. Directly to the magnetic circuit.
As I said, using rings, it is impossible to exceed a certain efficiency limit. And I assure you that there is no smell of over-singularity there. The magnetic lines displaced from the central magnetic circuit will be
go around it along the surface itself (along the shortest path), thereby still crossing the area,
limited by the turns of the secondary. Analysis of the design forces one to abandon the current circuit design. You need a central magnetic core WITHOUT a hole. Let's look at the following diagram:

The main magnetic circuit is assembled from individual plates or rods of rectangular cross-section, and
is a parallelepiped. The primary is placed directly on it. Its axis is horizontal
and looks at us according to the pattern. The secondary is still a “puff pastry” made from Tesla bifilar cells. Now
note that we have introduced an additional (secondary) magnetic circuit, which is “cups” with
holes in their bottoms. The gap between the edge of the hole and the main central magnetic circuit (primary coil) must be minimal in order to effectively intercept the displaced magnetic lines and pull them towards themselves, preventing them from passing through the bifilars. Of course, it should be noted that the magnetic permeability of the central magnetic core should be an order of magnitude higher than
auxiliary For example: central parallelepiped - 10,000, “cups” - 1000. In a normal (not saturated) state, the central core, due to its greater magnetic permeability, will draw magnetic lines into itself.
And now the most interesting part 😉. Let's take a closer look - what did we get?... And we got the most ordinary MEG, only in an “unfinished” version. In other words, I want to say that the classic
The design of the MEG v.4.0 generator is a couple of times faster than our best design, due to its ability to redistribute magnetic lines (by swinging the “swing”) to remove useful energy throughout the entire cycle of its operation.
Moreover, from both arms of the magnetic circuit. In our case, we have a one-arm design. We simply do not use half of the possible efficiency.
I express the hope that Vladislav will conduct experiments on MEG v.4.0 in the very near future, so
Moreover, he already has such a machine (version v.3.0);). And of course, it is necessary
use current resonance on primary control coils installed not directly on the arms of the magnetic circuit, but on ferrite inserts-plates, perpendicular to it (into the magnetic circuit break). Upon receipt of the report, I will immediately compile it and provide it to our readers.

"Novosibirsk TEG Generator"

To solve the problem of limited fossil fuels, researchers around the world are working to create and commercialize alternative energy sources. And we’re not just talking about well-known wind turbines and solar panels. Gas and oil may be replaced by energy from algae, volcanoes and human steps. Recycle has selected ten of the most interesting and environmentally friendly energy sources of the future.

Joules from turnstiles

Thousands of people pass through the turnstiles at the entrance to railway stations every day. At once, several research centers around the world came up with the idea of ​​using the flow of people as an innovative energy generator. The Japanese company East Japan Railway Company decided to equip every turnstile at railway stations with generators. The installation works at a train station in Tokyo's Shibuya district: piezoelectric elements are built into the floor under the turnstiles, which generate electricity from the pressure and vibration they receive when people step on them.

Another “energy turnstile” technology is already in use in China and the Netherlands. In these countries, engineers decided to use not the effect of pressing piezoelectric elements, but the effect of pushing turnstile handles or turnstile doors. The concept of the Dutch company Boon Edam involves replacing standard doors at the entrance to shopping centers (which usually operate using a photocell system and begin to rotate themselves) with doors that the visitor must push and thus generate electricity.

Such generator doors have already appeared in the Dutch center Natuurcafe La Port. Each of them produces about 4,600 kilowatt-hours of energy per year, which at first glance may seem insignificant, but serves as a good example of an alternative technology for generating electricity.

Algae heats houses

Algae began to be considered as an alternative energy source relatively recently, but the technology, according to experts, is very promising. Suffice it to say that from 1 hectare of water surface area occupied by algae, 150 thousand cubic meters of biogas can be obtained per year. This is approximately equal to the volume of gas produced by a small well, and is sufficient for the life of a small village.

Green algae are easy to maintain, grow quickly and come in many species that use the energy of sunlight to carry out photosynthesis. All biomass, whether sugars or fats, can be converted into biofuels, most commonly bioethanol and biodiesel. Algae is an ideal eco-fuel because it grows in an aquatic environment and does not require land resources, is highly productive and does not cause damage to the environment.

Economists estimate that by 2018, the global turnover from the processing of marine microalgae biomass could reach about $100 billion. There are already completed projects using “algae” fuel - for example, a 15-apartment building in Hamburg, Germany. The house's facades are covered with 129 algae aquariums, which serve as the sole source of energy for heating and air conditioning in the building, dubbed the Bio Intelligent Quotient (BIQ) House.

Speed ​​bumps light up the streets

The concept of generating electricity using so-called “speed bumps” began to be implemented first in the UK, then in Bahrain, and soon the technology will reach Russia.It all started when British inventor Peter Hughes created the Electro-Kinetic Road Ramp for highways. The ramp consists of two metal plates that rise slightly above the road. Underneath the plates is an electric generator that generates current whenever the car passes the ramp.

Depending on the weight of the car, the ramp can generate between 5 and 50 kilowatts during the time the car passes the ramp. Such ramps act as batteries and can supply electricity to traffic lights and illuminated road signs. In the UK, the technology is already working in several cities. The method began to spread to other countries - for example, to small Bahrain.

The most amazing thing is that something similar can be seen in Russia. A student from Tyumen, Albert Brand, proposed the same solution for street lighting at the VUZPromExpo forum. According to the developer’s calculations, between 1,000 and 1,500 cars drive over speed bumps in his city every day. For one “collision” of a car over a “speed bump” equipped with an electric generator, about 20 watts of electricity will be generated, which will not harm the environment.

More than just football

Developed by a group of Harvard graduates who founded the company Uncharted Play, the Soccket ball can generate enough electricity to power an LED lamp for several hours in half an hour of playing football. Soccket is called an environmentally friendly alternative to unsafe energy sources, which are often used by residents of underdeveloped countries.

The principle behind the Soccket ball's energy storage is quite simple: the kinetic energy generated by hitting the ball is transferred to a tiny pendulum-like mechanism that drives a generator. The generator produces electricity, which is stored in the battery. The stored energy can be used to power any small electrical appliance - for example, a table lamp with an LED.

The Soccket has a power output of six watts. The energy-generating ball has already won recognition from the world community: it has received numerous awards, was highly praised by the Clinton Global Initiative, and also received accolades at the famous TED conference.

The hidden energy of volcanoes

One of the main developments in the development of volcanic energy belongs to American researchers from the initiating companies AltaRock Energy and Davenport Newberry Holdings. The “test subject” was a dormant volcano in Oregon. Salt water is pumped deep into rocks, the temperature of which is very high due to the decay of radioactive elements present in the planet's crust and the hottest mantle of the Earth. When heated, the water turns into steam, which is fed into a turbine that produces electricity.

At the moment, there are only two small operating power plants of this type - in France and Germany. If the American technology works, then, according to the US Geological Survey, geothermal energy has the potential to provide 50% of the electricity the country needs (today its contribution is only 0.3%).

Another way to use volcanoes for energy was proposed in 2009 by Icelandic researchers. Near the volcanic depths, they discovered an underground reservoir of water with an abnormally high temperature. Super-hot water lies somewhere on the border between liquid and gas and exists only at certain temperatures and pressures.

Scientists could generate something similar in the laboratory, but it turned out that such water is also found in nature - in the bowels of the earth. It is believed that ten times more energy can be extracted from water at a “critical temperature” than from water brought to a boil in the classical way.

Energy from human heat

The principle of thermoelectric generators operating on temperature differences has been known for a long time. But only a few years ago technology began to make it possible to use human body heat as an energy source. A team of researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) has developed a generator built into a flexible glass plate.

T This gadget will allow fitness bracelets to be recharged from the warmth of a human hand - for example, during running, when the body becomes very hot and contrasts with the ambient temperature. The Korean generator, measuring 10 by 10 centimeters, can produce about 40 milliwatts of energy at a skin temperature of 31 degrees Celsius.

A similar technology was taken as a basis by young Ann Makosinski, who invented a flashlight that charges from the difference in temperature between the air and the human body. The effect is explained by the use of four Peltier elements: their feature is the ability to generate electricity when heated on one side and cooled on the other.

As a result, Ann's flashlight produces quite bright light, but does not require rechargeable batteries. For it to work, only a temperature difference of just five degrees is required between the degree of heating of a person’s palm and the temperature in the room.

Steps to smart paving slabs

Any point on one of the busy streets accounts for up to 50,000 steps per day. The idea of ​​using foot traffic to usefully convert steps into energy was implemented in a product developed by Lawrence Kemball-Cook, director of the UK's Pavegen Systems Ltd. An engineer has created paving slabs that generate electricity from the kinetic energy of walking pedestrians.

The device in the innovative tile is made of a flexible, waterproof material that bends by about five millimeters when pressed. This in turn creates energy, which the mechanism converts into electricity. The accumulated watts are either stored in a lithium polymer battery or directly used to illuminate bus stops, storefronts and signs.

The Pavegen tile itself is considered completely environmentally friendly: its body is made of a special grade of stainless steel and a recycled polymer with a low carbon content. The top surface is made from used tires, making the tiles durable and highly resistant to abrasion.

During the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, tiles were installed on many tourist streets. In two weeks, they managed to obtain 20 million joules of energy. This was more than enough to operate street lighting in the British capital.

Bicycle charging smartphones

To recharge your player, phone or tablet, you don’t need to have a power outlet at hand. Sometimes all you need to do is spin the pedals. Thus, the American company Cycle Atom has released a device that allows you to charge an external battery while cycling and subsequently recharge mobile devices.

The product, called the Siva Cycle Atom, is a lightweight bicycle generator with a lithium battery designed to power almost any mobile device that has a USB port. This mini generator can be installed on most regular bicycle frames in a matter of minutes. The battery itself can be easily removed for subsequent charging of gadgets. The user goes in for sports and pedals - and after a couple of hours his smartphone is already charged to 100 cents.

Nokia, in turn, also presented to the general public a gadget that attaches to a bicycle and allows you to convert pedaling into a way to generate environmentally friendly energy. The Nokia Bicycle Charger Kit features a dynamo, a small electrical generator that uses energy from the rotation of the bike's wheels to charge the phone through the standard 2mm jack found on most Nokia phones.

Benefits from wastewater

Any large city daily discharges gigantic amounts of wastewater into open water bodies, polluting the ecosystem. It would seem that water poisoned by sewage can no longer be useful to anyone, but this is not so - scientists have discovered a way to create fuel cells based on it.

One of the pioneers of the idea was Pennsylvania State University professor Bruce Logan. The general concept is very difficult for a non-specialist to understand and is built on two pillars - the use of bacterial fuel cells and the installation of so-called reverse electrodialysis. Bacteria oxidize organic matter in wastewater and produce electrons in the process, creating an electrical current.

Almost any type of organic waste material can be used to generate electricity - not just wastewater, but also animal waste, as well as by-products from wine, brewing and dairy industries. As for reverse electrodialysis, electric generators operate here, divided into cells by membranes and extracting energy from the difference in salinity of two mixing liquid streams.

"Paper" energy

Japanese electronics manufacturer Sony has developed and presented at the Tokyo Green Products Exhibition a bio-generator capable of generating electricity from finely chopped paper. The essence of the process is as follows: to isolate cellulose (this is a long chain of glucose sugar that is found in green plants), corrugated cardboard is needed.

The chain is broken with the help of enzymes, and the resulting glucose is processed by another group of enzymes, with the help of which hydrogen ions and free electrons are released. The electrons are sent through an external circuit to generate electricity. It is assumed that such an installation, when processing one sheet of paper measuring 210 by 297 mm, can generate about 18 W per hour (about the same amount of energy produced by 6 AA batteries).

The method is environmentally friendly: an important advantage of such a “battery” is the absence of metals and harmful chemical compounds. Although at the moment the technology is still far from commercialization: the electricity generated is quite small - it is only enough to power small portable gadgets.
