Solyanka meat soup. Solyanka soup meat team

Hello, friends and guests of my blog! Such an amazing Russian winter soup like solyanka is unknown in any other cuisine in the world. This is both the first and second course in one bowl. Solyanka mixed meat is prepared according to the classic recipe with two or three types of meat and several types of sausage. Real cold cuts.

The soup must contain pickled cucumbers or sauerkraut. Salted mushrooms are also used. Without some salty food, it won’t even be a “hodgepodge”. And yet, it should be without potatoes. However, as in all Russian soups, no one will forbid us to add potatoes and carrots.

Here in Siberia, real winter has already arrived and we want hearty, hot food. Today I am preparing the most stunning, rich solyanka soup. And I invite everyone to participate in this event. Then write in the comments whether it turned out delicious.

In this article:

Secrets of making the right solyanka

First, a few words about some of the main points that need to be taken into account when you start cooking hodgepodge.

1. As for meat, take whatever you have at the moment. Meat by-products, boiled pork or carbonate are also suitable. You can vary the selection of sausages and meat to suit your taste. Both the fillet and the sugar bones combine wonderfully in this unique soup.

Those who don’t like pork or are afraid of high calorie content can take lean veal, chicken, and turkey.

2. Smoked meats must be present. Smoked ribs or at least a piece of smoked sausage.

3. Dishes - a regular saucepan for cooking soups and a deep frying pan for frying vegetables. This dish also turns out very well in a slow cooker.

4. During fasting, prepare a Lenten mushroom hodgepodge. It tastes just like meat and can contain several types of mushrooms.

5. If you add potatoes, do not forget that solyanka is a sour soup. I wrote about this in the recipe and pickles. First, let the potatoes boil, and then add salted mushrooms, cucumbers, sauerkraut or other sour foods to the soup. It is advisable to take cucumbers not pickled, but rather salted, that is, sour salting.

Classic homemade meat solyanka recipe

Of all the soups, my men prefer solyanka, of course, because I put a lot of different meats in this soup. Today I took beef brisket and smoked pork ribs. And a brainy, beefy mole.

No matter how much meat you have, be sure to add a sugar bone to the pan for a rich broth.

All my meat is clean, from a private farm. Therefore, I will not cook and drain the broth. For sausages, I have ham, smoked prima sausage, and plain and hunting sausages.


1. Place the washed brisket and sugar bone in a saucepan and pour three liters of water. I also send smoked pork ribs there. I put it on the stove. When it boils, I throw in one whole, peeled onion and a couple of bay leaves. Cook until the meat becomes soft.

2. Cut the second onion in half, then into quarters and into thin strips. I grated the carrots. I put a frying pan on the fire and pour in a little oil. First I fry the onion until slightly translucent, then the carrots. When the carrots are fried, add tomato paste to the frying pan.

3. Mix everything well and add strips of chopped pickled cucumbers. And simmer for another seven minutes over low heat.

4. The meat is cooked. I take the meat and bones out of the pan. I throw away the bones, cut the meat into cubes and throw it back into the pan. I cook with potatoes, so at this stage I also put the potatoes cut into strips into the pan. Let it cook until the potatoes are ready. Meanwhile, I chopped all the sausages randomly.

5. The potatoes are already cooked, so I add fried vegetables. I add a glass of brine. And I pour out the sausage slices.

6. At this stage, add salt and pepper, throw in a couple more bay leaves and two tablespoons of capers. And I just pour the olives from the jar into a bowl and everyone can add them to their plate.

7. Close the lid and reduce the heat to very low. Let it simmer for another 5 minutes. Then I leave it to brew for another half hour. Our hodgepodge is ready.

I serve with sour cream or with my own. Everyone, according to their own taste, puts olives, chopped herbs and sliced ​​lemon on their plate.

Treat your friends and loved ones to a noble hodgepodge. It has long been transformed from Russian folk food into an exquisite restaurant dish.

Solyanka mixed meat in a slow cooker

This video from the channel “Food and recipes for a slow cooker from Marina Petrushenko” is for those who like to cook everything quickly and without any hassles.

With this, I will finish my article about solyanka soups and say goodbye to you until the next delicious recipes. Thank you to everyone who cooked with me today!

Solyanka is considered to be a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. It has a very wide range of flavors, for which it is loved by many people. It very successfully combines sour, salty and spicy taste. It is assumed that its name is a modified form of the word “selyanka,” that is, a dish that was prepared and consumed by peasants in the countryside. The word “combined” means that the solyanka is prepared (assembled) from several types of meat. If you have a desire to diversify your usual table with this dish, but you do not know how to prepare a mixed meat hodgepodge, then we offer you the following recipe.

To prepare the hodgepodge you will need the following ingredients:
  • Pork on the bone – 700 gr.;
  • Chicken ¼ part;
  • Raw smoked sausage “Pepperoni” - 200 gr.;
  • Boiled-smoked beef balyk – 300 gr.;
  • Milk sausages – 3 pcs.;
  • Medium-sized pickled cucumbers – 3 pcs.;
  • Onion ray – 3 pcs.;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Tomato – 700 gr;
  • Butter – 50 gr.;
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Cucumber or olive brine – 0.5 cups;
  • Salt, olives, lemon and herbs.

Instead of tomato, you can use tomato paste, diluting it with water in a ratio of 2 tbsp. spoons of paste per 100 ml. water.

How to prepare mixed meat hodgepodge

  • Pour about five liters of water into a saucepan and put on fire.

  • When the water is almost boiling, add the chicken and pork.

  • After boiling, skim off the foam and throw in the onion. Cook until the meat is done.

  • Prepare the frying: finely chop the onion and carrots into strips.

    Place butter and vegetable oil in a frying pan and place on fire.

    When the oil starts to boil, add the onions and carrots to the pan and fry them, stirring constantly.

    When the beam becomes transparent and the carrots are soft, add the tomato or tomato paste diluted with water and simmer everything over low heat until the mass becomes thick and mushy.
  • The chicken will be ready first (about 40-50 minutes after boiling). Remove it from the pan so it can cool. The pork will cook for another 20-30 minutes, then remove it. The resulting broth can be strained if desired.

  • Cut the pickled cucumbers into strips or cubes and add to the boiling broth. Cook for about 20 minutes.

  • Chop balyk, sausages and pepperoni, as well as cooked chicken and pork.

  • Add all the chopped meat to the broth and cook for about 15 minutes. Salt the broth to taste.

  • Place the prepared roast into the broth. Let the broth with frying boil and cook for 3 minutes.

  • Add 0.5 cups of cucumber brine, or if you don’t have it, replace it with the same amount of olive brine. Add the brine in small portions, constantly testing the taste so that the soup does not turn out too sour. After this, let the broth simmer for about 2 minutes.
  • Add greens. Solyanka is ready.

  • You can serve it with chopped olives, a slice of lemon, sour cream, and finely chopped fresh herbs (if available).

    Some tips.

    • To prepare hodgepodge, you must use at least five types of meat or meat products (the more, the better). The taste will be even more interesting if you use something smoked in the cold cuts, as well as milk or cream sausages (they will add tenderness to the taste).
    • Instead of pickled cucumbers, you can use pickled ones. In this case, the brine will need to be taken exclusively from olives.
    • It is not advisable to put olives in a pan, as they quickly lose color. It is better to add them to bowls of soup immediately before serving.
    • If you wish, you can add potatoes before adding the frying, but the classic solyanka does not require its presence.
    • If the skin of cucumbers is rough, it is better to peel it a little.
    In addition to meat solyanka, there are also fish and mushroom versions, recipes for which we plan to provide in the following articles.

    It must be said that even a fairly experienced housewife sometimes does not know how to prepare hodgepodge correctly. Little of. This dish is not popular in every family. And, it’s worth noting, it’s completely in vain. If only because it is extremely tasty and satisfying. Moreover, solyanka makes it possible to get rid of the remnants of all kinds of smoked meats from the festive table, since they are one of the main components of this dish. And the more there are, the better the taste will be. The classic version naturally involves a certain set of products. While preparing a dish such as homemade solyanka gives you the opportunity to experiment and change depending on your own taste preferences and the availability of certain products in the refrigerator. Today we will not talk about improvisations. We would like to talk about how to prepare hodgepodge correctly. That is, in accordance with all the canons of the classic recipe for this dish. Which, by the way, is a decoration on the menu of more than one expensive restaurant.


    By the way, some are completely wrong to think that in order to prepare this dish, it is enough to mix all the scraps of sausages and frankfurters, season them with pickles, cook and serve. This is far from true. Classic solyanka requires strict adherence to the recipe requirements. Moreover. There are several types of it. For example, it is prepared on the basis of a broth from several types of meat and salted (required!) vegetables. Moreover, as for the first ingredient, it can be not only, say, lamb or beef, but also stew, boiled or smoked sausage, sausages.

    But it is prepared on the basis of a broth from the same salted vegetables and several varieties of poultry, meat, fish and sausages, with the addition of mushrooms. A truly classic one generally requires the presence of up to fifteen ingredients of protein origin, but this, however, will turn out to be more of a restaurant dish than a homemade dish. So we will not focus your attention on this point.

    Salty ingredients

    It is wrong to think that only pickled cucumbers are used to prepare a dish like solyanka. As a rule, they come first in many recipes. But you can also take sauerkraut (albeit cabbage), and pickled tomatoes, and pickled peppers, and simply a homemade preparation that is loved by many - assorted pickled vegetables. In addition, any solyanka - homemade or classic, it doesn’t matter - will only benefit in taste if capers and olives are added to it.

    Cooking wisely

    So, how to prepare hodgepodge correctly? We have already talked about the main components. Now it is necessary to say a few words directly about the cooking process itself. Below we will present a step-by-step recipe for hodgepodge. We will talk about preparing a prefabricated version of it. For now, let's focus on the main basic postulates.


    The basic rule for preparing it is: the first water must be drained and all ingredients must be thoroughly rinsed. Next, it should be cooked in the same way as you always do, except for one thing - it is not recommended to salt it due to the fact that some of the components of the hodgepodge - say, cucumbers and sausage - are already salted. Among the seasonings, black peppercorns and bay leaves are usually added to the broth. The latter, by the way, is recommended to be removed after cooking.


    Carrots and onions are usually fried. However, the main thing is not to overdo it, especially with onions. It should be finely chopped and transparent, not brown. Tomato paste is added to the roast, which is already ready. Cucumbers, cut into small cubes, are stewed separately in broth. If you have solyanka with potatoes, then the latter is also chopped finely and simply sent into the broth, without any preparation.


    All these components (except for the meat on which the broth was cooked) need to be finely chopped and fried. Then they will also go into the broth, but they need to be cooked for no more than ten minutes.

    The finished meat needs to be removed from the broth, cooled and also cut.

    Let's move on to the practical part

    Next, we will tell you with an example how to prepare hodgepodge correctly. We will talk about its combined version. The step-by-step guide will help those who have never prepared this dish before. Or for those who didn’t do it well enough. So, the recipe for hodgepodge.


    Classic Solyanka is prepared using and requires the housewife to have the following ingredients:

    • One chicken breast.
    • Beef and pork (necessarily with a bone) - one kilogram.
    • Three hundred grams of kidneys (you can take both pork and beef).
    • Smoked meats (sausage, ham), sausages - 150 g each.
    • Fifty grams of mushrooms, preferably dried.
    • Four pickled (preferably in barrel) cucumbers.
    • One head of onion.
    • Two or three carrots.
    • Tomato.
    • Art. spoons of flour.

    You will also need spices: a dozen black peppercorns, salt, sugar (teaspoons), bay leaf, 50 grams of tomato paste, half a lemon.

    Cooking step by step
  • Cook the meat broth (as described above).
  • At the same time, add finely chopped kidneys into a separate pan and boil them several times, each time after boiling, replacing the water and rinsing the offal.
  • After twenty minutes, add mushrooms to the meat broth. And along with them - and pepper.
  • We cut the buds, removing the veins along the way, into thin slices.
  • Squeeze the juice of half a lemon onto an onion cut into half rings.
  • Cut the carrots into very thin strips.
  • Fry these two vegetables.
  • Cut the sausages into circles, sausage into strips.
  • Simmer diced cucumbers separately for about ten minutes in broth.
  • Prepare the cabbage and tomato. Cut the first into strips, the second into cubes.
  • While we were working, an hour passed. This means the broth is ready. We take out all the meat from it. Cool, remove bones, and then cut into cubes, and then send back to the broth.
  • We increase the fire.
  • As soon as it boils, immediately add cucumbers and cabbage (half of what is available).
  • Bring to a boil again.
  • Add the sausage to the broth.
  • Throw in the fried vegetables.
  • Add sugar and tomato paste. Salt.
  • Cover with a lid and leave on low heat.
  • Mix the kidneys with flour and throw them into our almost finished hodgepodge.
  • Then we send there the remaining cucumbers and cabbage, sausages, and bay leaves.
  • After fifteen minutes, throw in the chopped greens and immediately turn off.
  • That, perhaps, is all about how to prepare hodgepodge correctly. And finally - a few secrets.

    The most delicious solyanka is yesterday's. So let it sit for a day. If it works out, of course.

    There are no olives in the classic recipe. This is, so to speak, a more modern ingredient. However, if you like it, you can safely add them, just like capers, just before serving. Cut them, throw them into the prepared hodgepodge and bring it to a boil. You cannot cook them, as overcooked olives lose their taste, and capers can even give off bitterness and spoil the entire impression of the dish.

    If you think that the dish is not salty enough, add brine from cucumbers and cabbage to it. The main thing is not to overdo it.

    When serving, do not forget to add sour cream to the plate and a slice of lemon. And solyanka is especially good in tandem with black bread croutons.

    There are no potatoes in the classic recipe. Nevertheless, many housewives add it to hodgepodge and assure that the taste of the dish does not suffer at all from this.

    The dish we described is universal. When preparing it, you can not restrain your imagination and diversify the ingredients as you want.

    Today we will prepare another famous soup - this is a meat hodgepodge. You could even say that this is a holiday soup. It depends on how you feel about it. There are two ways of preparing this soup and probably thousands of options. The first trend is that it should be prepared only from freshly purchased products, the second trend is that it can be prepared from everything that is in the refrigerator or left after the holiday. I think there is no need to divide this soup like that.

    Of course, what you put in the pan is what you get. But we don’t keep food in the refrigerator for months, and we certainly won’t put anything that has spoiled in the pan. Therefore, both options are acceptable. For holiday soup, it is better to use freshly purchased products.

    How to prepare mixed meat solyanka at home

    Solyanka, this dish is purely ours, Russian. Strange as it may seem, no one claims for this dish that they invented it. Any hodgepodge can be called classic, because there is no standard. Each housewife adds her own. So we will prepare some classic dishes for you.

  • Solyanka meat
  • Ingredients:

    For a 5 liter pan:

    • Pork 300 grams
    • Beef 300 grams
    • Hunting sausages 200 grams
    • Smoked meats to your taste 400 grams
    • Potatoes 250 grams
    • Carrots 100 grams
    • Onion 100 grams
    • Tomato paste 100 grams
    • Pickled cucumbers 300-400 grams
    • Vegetable oil 60 grams
    • Salt, spices, coriander, peppercorns
    • Olives, lemon, sour cream, herbs: for serving

    Solyanka is necessarily prepared from a very large amount of different meats. And smoked meats must be present. That’s why we took beef, pork, sausages, and smoked meats.

    1. Cut the pork and beef into small oblong pieces.

    2. Place the chopped meat in a deep pan to cook.

    3. Add bay leaf, coriander, allspice, multi-colored peppercorns to the meat. Add everything to your taste.

    4. Salt the meat, about a little more than half a tablespoon. I advise you to add less salt first, and then, if necessary, add more salt.

    5. We begin to cut the smoked meats. We cut them into the same long pieces.

    6. We also cut the sausages into strips. First, we cut the plates diagonally, and then we cut them into strips.

    7. Cut potatoes and carrots in the same way, first into circles, and from the circles into strips.

    8. Take the bow. Cut the onion into small cubes.

    9. Pour just a little vegetable oil into the frying pan, just so that the onions don’t burn, and add the onions. Place on the fire and fry until golden brown.

    10. The meat has already boiled, boiled for 2-3 minutes, now you need to drain all the water from the meat, wash the pan with hot water, also rinse the meat with hot water, put it back in the pan and pour boiling water over it. The fact is that the first broth is very fatty and all unnecessary substances go into the first broth, so we drain it. Now you need to add salt to the second broth. Since you poured boiling water, the broth will boil quickly.

    11, Our onions have turned golden, now you can add other vegetables to them.

    12. Grate the cucumber on a very coarse grater.

    13. Add the cucumbers to the onions, turn the heat above medium, sauté the onions and cucumbers a little.

    14. About 4 minutes after adding the cucumbers, add tomato paste. If you don’t have tomato paste, you can make it with ketchup or tomatoes.

    15. Mix everything, reduce the heat to very low, close the lid and leave to simmer for 5-6 minutes.

    16. Now let's get back to the meat. Make sure the meat is cooked and soft. Pork cooks faster than beef, you need to keep this in mind and try the beef. If the meat is ready, add chopped potatoes and carrots to it.

    17. Watch the frying. It has become a homogeneous mass for us. Everything was completely extinguished. Tomato paste does not separate. The roast is ready.

    18. When the potatoes in the soup are almost ready, they still have 1-2 minutes left until they are fully cooked, but they are already soft, add the frying to the soup with the meat, potatoes and carrots.

    19. Next we send the smoked meats. Mix everything well. The soup should come to a boil and simmer for another 5-7 minutes.

    20. After it boils, a greasy film forms on the surface of the soup. If you don't like fatty soup, remove it with a spoon. After the soup has stood, the same greasy film may form again; this can also be removed.

    21. Solyanka is ready. Turn off the stove. Stir and taste for acidity. If you like sour soup, pour a little cucumber pickle into it straight from the jar.

    Pour the hodgepodge into plates. Add a few olives, sour cream, lemon and serve.

    And the smell..! And the taste..!

    Bon appetit!

  • Solyanka recipe with sausage
  • Ingredients:
    • Beef brisket - 600 g.
    • Broth - 2.5 liters
    • Boiled sausage
    • Boiled smoked sausage
    • Sausages (you can add tongue, kidneys, etc.)
    • Ham (neck, carb, etc.)
    • Onion - 1 large head
    • Medium carrots - 2 pcs.
    • Tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.
    • Pickled (or pickled) cucumbers - 3-4 pcs.

    1. Place meat in a saucepan and pour 2.5 liters of water. Close the lid and cook for 1.5-2 hours. We do not add salt, since we will use sausage, and sausage, as you know, has a lot of salt.

    2. Cut the carrots into strips.

    3. We also cut the cucumbers into strips.

    4. Cut the onion into small cubes.

    This hodgepodge does not contain our usual potatoes, but you can add them if you wish.

    To prepare hodgepodge we will need various meat delicacies. Sometimes I like to do this with an assortment of different types of sausages. You can of course type whatever you like. In total, you will need about 800 g of meat delicacies. In the hodgepodge I always put boiled sausage, frankfurters, boiled-smoked sausages, neck or carbonate, in general, everything that I liked in the store.

    5. Start slicing. Cut the boiled sausage into strips.

    6. Cut the sausages. Usually we cut it into a semicircle. Cut the sausage in half and cut into half rings.

    7. Cut the carbonate. This one is already a straw.

    8. Cut the boiled smoked sausage and ham, all into strips. Thin round ham.

    Please always remember - the taste of solyanka directly depends on the meat set. Therefore, choose fresh, tasty and high-quality products.

    Do not use this dish as a way to dispose of food that has been left in the refrigerator. although some prefer to do the opposite, to cook hodgepodge precisely because of this.

    9. The cutting is ready. Separately add boiled sausage and sausages, separately sliced ​​boiled-smoked sausages and separately sliced ​​carbonate, neck, etc. We will fry them differently.

    Now you need to fry everything, vegetables and slices.

    10. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan. Place about 2/3 of the boiled sausage and frankfurters into the heated oil. We will add the rest to the hodgepodge without frying.

    11. When the sausage is browned, put about half of it in a cup with the unfried one, and leave the rest in the frying pan so that it becomes deeply fried. Not to the point of crunch, but strong. This will create an interesting flavor, with hints of raw, browned and deep-fried sausage. When the sausage is fried, set it aside for now.

    12. Place the smoked and boiled sausage into the frying pan. There is no need to pour oil here. Sausage has its own fat. But if your frying pan is old, the bottom does not have an anti-stick coating, then it may be worth adding a drop of oil. We will not fry this sausage too much. Fry it for 2-3 minutes and set aside.

    13. We add such delicacies as carbonate, neck and the like unfried.

    14. We put chopped onions in a frying pan, as a rule, after frying smoked-boiled sausages, there is enough fat left in the frying pan, we put the onions there and fry them for 2-3 minutes, until transparent.

    15. Add carrots to the fried onions and fry everything together for another 3-4 minutes. The carrots should be lightly fried.

    16. To make it roast better, add 1/2 -1 teaspoon of sugar to the pan.

    17. Add tomatoes to the fried onions and carrots. You can mince the tomatoes or chop them finely. Fry everything together for another 3-5 minutes.

    18. Lastly, add salted, well, as a last resort, if there are no salted ones, pickled cucumbers. Fry for another 1-2 minutes.

    19. Our frying is ready. We remove it from the fire.

    20. While you and I were cutting and frying everything, we made some broth. Let me remind you that we did not add salt to the broth; before boiling, we skimmed off the foam and added a few peas of allspice and black pepper into the broth.

    21. Remove the meat from the broth and set aside. Strain the broth. Wash the pan and pour the broth into a clean pan.

    22. Let the meat cool slightly and cut into small pieces. We will add meat to the hodgepodge unfried, but if you want, you can fry it a little.

    23. Let the broth boil and put our roast into it. Close the lid and wait for the broth to boil again.

    24. Add sliced ​​smoked sausage.

    25. We also put chopped boiled meat there.

    26. Add sliced ​​boiled sausage and add all the other cuts we have.

    27. Let the hodgepodge boil again and cook for another 5-10 minutes. Add half a glass of green olive marinade to the hodgepodge (taste to taste).

    28. Be sure to taste and, if necessary, add salt, sugar and lemon juice. The taste of solyanka should be sweet, sour and salty.

    29. At the very end, add a couple of bay leaves. Let the hodgepodge cook for another 3-4 minutes, turn off the heat. Close the lid. Let the hodgepodge brew for 20-25 minutes.

    Solyanka is completely ready.

    Solyanka is usually served with olives, capers and lemon. If there are no capers, take pickled cucumber. Cut the lemon into slices, the cucumber into cubes, and the olives into slices. Sometimes sour cream is served, but this is not for everyone.

    Pour the hodgepodge into plates. If desired, add a little greenery, and of course olives and lemon.

    This is the dish we got..! Beauty! Yummy!

    Bon appetit!

  • Solyanka recipe
  • Ingredients:

    For a 5 liter pan:

    • Pork meat - 0.5 kg
    • Smoked sausage - 400 g.
    • Boiled pork - 500 g.
    • Pickled cucumbers - 200 g.
    • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Tomato sauce (paste) - 200 g.
    • Olives - 150 g.
    • Pepper
    • Bay leaf
    • Lemon
    • Sour cream

    1. Place water in a saucepan on the fire and bring it to a boil. Cut the meat into small pieces

    and put it in the pan for 30-40 minutes.

    2. Cut the boiled pork into small pieces.

    3. We also cut the smoked sausage into small pieces.

    4. The meat has already boiled, you need to remove the foam and leave to cook.

    5. Finely chop the onion.

    6. Pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan, heat it and put the onions in it. Fry it until golden brown.

    7. Cut the cucumbers in half, cut the other half in half and cut into small cubes.

    8. The onion has turned golden, add cucumbers to it. Fry for 10 minutes. When you fry onions with cucumber, the solyanka turns out very tasty.

    9. Cut the potatoes in half, then cut into strips and cut into small cubes.

    10. Stew the onions and cucumbers, add tomato sauce to them, mix everything and let simmer for another 10 minutes.

    11. The onions and cucumbers are already ready, the meat has already been boiled for 40 minutes, add chopped sausage and boiled pork.

    12. Immediately add chopped potatoes to the broth. You need to add salt, add about a tablespoon of salt.

    13. The potatoes are almost cooked, add our fried onions and cucumbers to the broth. Let it boil and cook for about 10 minutes.

    14. Everything is boiling, all the ingredients are included. Pepper our hodgepodge and add bay leaves to taste, 1-3 leaves.

    Our solyanka is ready, we need to let it brew for 15-20 minutes.

    Pour into plates and add a lot of herbs, olives, sour cream and a slice of lemon to each.


    Bon appetit!

  • Classic solyanka recipe
  • Each housewife has her own meat hodgepodge, of course, everyone supports the main direction - you can put a little of everything in the refrigerator into the hodgepodge, experiment. Grab your favorite meats, pickles, olives, capers, etc. and prepare hodgepodge according to your recipe.

    If you want to know anything additional about hodgepodge, if you have questions, if you have suggestions or advice, write in the comments
  • Video - mixed meat solyanka

  • Bon appetit!

    Solyanka is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, the first mention of which appeared in the 16th century. True, in those distant times it was hardly possible to find the now familiar sausages, olives and tomatoes in this soup, simply because such products were unheard of in Rus' for the time being. Most likely, everything that was left in the house from previous meals was thrown into the hodgepodge, and it was customary to cook this dish in a strong meat, fish or mushroom broth. Very often, pickles, mushrooms or fish were added to the solyanka, which is why the soup got its name. Since there was and still is no classical list of required ingredients for this soup and you can put whatever your heart desires into it, the hodgepodge is called the team.

    It is especially convenient to prepare a meat hodgepodge after large feasts, when the refrigerator contains leftover sausages and meat delicacies from the festive table that are about to spoil, as well as open jars of olives, olives and cucumbers. It is customary to put at least four different types of meat in this soup, and it can be anything you like - boiled pork, beef or chicken, sausages, smoked ribs, boiled, boiled-smoked and raw-smoked sausage, ham, carbonated meat, ham and others deli meats. It is highly desirable that the solyanka contains smoked meat products, as they impart their unique and very appetizing aroma to the soup. To give the soup a piquant, salty taste, it is customary to add pickles, olives, black olives and even capers. However, to prepare a delicious, proper hodgepodge, native Russian pickled cucumbers will be enough, and overseas ingredients can be added to suit your individual taste.

    I present here a recipe for a classic meat solyanka, which can be enjoyed in many canteens, cafes and restaurants. Despite the fact that this is a rather labor-intensive dish, mainly due to the need for a long time to chop numerous ingredients, nevertheless, there is nothing technically difficult in its preparation, so even a novice cook can handle it quite well. But the result will certainly please your entire family, especially the male part of it, since a soup with so much variety of meat, a spicy-spicy rich taste of the broth and a crazy aroma of smoked meats will certainly receive a well-deserved response in every male soul. They say that it is customary to serve a glass of cold vodka with Solyanka. I haven’t tried it personally, but I think that this combination will pave the right path to even the harshest male heart :)

    Useful information How to prepare mixed meat solyanka - a recipe for meat solyanka with smoked meats and pickles with step-by-step photos


    • 4 liters of water
    • 500 g beef brisket on the bone
    • 350 g smoked pork ribs
    • 2 large onions
    • 2 large potatoes
    • 3 medium pickles
    • 150 g sausages (boiled sausage, ham)
    • 150 g boiled smoked sausage (salami)
    • 50 g pitted olives
    • 50 g pitted olives
    • 150 g tomato paste
    • 10 g butter
    • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
    • 1 tsp. salt, ground black pepper
    • 5 – 6 black peppercorns
    • 2 bay leaves

    To submit:

    • lemon
    • parsley
    • sour cream


    1. In order to prepare a meat hodgepodge, you first need to cook the broth. To do this, rinse the beef brisket and smoked pork ribs under running water, place in a large saucepan, cover with cold water and place over high heat.

    2. Bring the broth to a boil, skim off the foam, add one whole peeled onion and cook at low boil for 2 hours. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf and black peppercorns.

    3. While the broth is cooking, peel the remaining onion and cut into thin half rings.

    4. Heat a tablespoon of vegetable oil and butter in a frying pan, add the onion and fry it over medium heat until golden brown for 8 - 10 minutes.

    5. Add tomato paste, stir and cook for another 5 minutes over low heat.

    6. Cut the pickled cucumbers into thin strips. If their peel is thick and rough, it is better to cut it off.

    Important! To prepare meat solyanka, you should use salted, not pickled, cucumbers.

    7. Place the cucumbers in a frying pan, add a few tablespoons of broth and simmer over low heat for 10 - 15 minutes.

    8. Peel the potatoes and cut into small slices.

    10. Cut the boiled smoked sausage into strips. Peel the sausages from the casing and cut into rings or half rings.

    11. Remove meat from the finished broth. Cut the beef into small cubes, remove pieces of meat from the smoked ribs.

    12. Strain the broth through a fine sieve, bring to a boil and add potatoes to it. Cook at low boil for 20 minutes.

    Potatoes are an optional ingredient for solyanka. It gives the soup extra richness, but at the same time increases its cooking time.

    13. Put pickled cucumbers, onions with tomato paste, olives, olives and all meat products into the soup, cook for another 15 minutes. At the end of cooking, be sure to taste the salt, as there are a lot of salty ingredients in the soup; add salt and pepper to taste. I needed to add 1 more tsp. salt. Let the soup simmer, covered, for at least 30 minutes, although ideally it is better to eat hodgepodge only on the second day after preparing it.

    When serving, add a slice of lemon and chopped herbs to each plate and do not forget to flavor the soup to taste with fresh sour cream. The aromatic hearty meat soup is ready!
