Indicate the gender and case number of adjectives. Runetki swearing

Adjective- This independent part of speech, which indicates the attribute of an object and answers questions "Which?", "whose?" (green, bird, cold, kind).

Adjective indicates the following signs of an object:

  • item size: narrow, small, low, wide;
  • physical properties of an object: hard, cold, liquid, sour;
  • shape and position of the object: upper, round, curved;
  • abstract properties of an object: smart, funny, dreamy, angry;
  • spatial characteristics of an object: southern, Tibetan, Scandinavian;
  • temporary characteristics of an object: early, late, morning, afternoon, winter;
  • purpose of the item: weaving, military, sleeping;
  • item material: wooden, iron, gold, paper;
  • quantitative attribute of an object: double, triple, quadruple;
  • item affiliation: paternal, grandfather, wolf, fish and others characteristics of the item.

Classification of adjectives.

By value adjectives are divided into three categories:

- qualitative adjectives;

- relative adjectives;

- possessive adjectives.

Morphological features of adjectives.

Adjectives Declined by numbers, genders and cases. Initial form of an adjective is the nominative singular masculine case.

Adjective It has degrees of comparison, and also has full and short form.

Adjective always agrees in gender, number and case with the word being defined.

Classes of adjectives.

As mentioned above, adjectives are divided into three categories: qualitative, relative and possessive.

Qualitative adjective indicates a sign of an object that is accessible to human sensory organs (vision, touch, hearing, etc.).

There are a number parameters by which the adjective indicates a characteristic of an object:

  • Item size: big, small, huge, wide;
  • Item Shape: round, square, flat, straight;
  • Physical properties of an object: liquid, viscous, crumbly;
  • Item color: white, yellow, red;
  • Taste of the item: sour, sweet, bitter, salty;
  • Smell of the item: fragrant, odorous, stinking;
  • Item weight: heavy, light, weightless, weighty;
  • Item temperature: cold, hot, cool, warm;
  • Item sound: ringing, deafening, quiet, loud;
  • Overall Item Score: harmful, useful, important and etc.

Features of qualitative adjectives.

Qualitative adjectives have a whole list of features and symptoms, among which are the following:

  • Availability of degrees of comparison:

bright - brighter - brightest - brightest.

  • Availability of full and short form:

Cheerful is cheerful, kind is kind, fat is fat, single is single.

Note. Adjectives are not inflected by case in the short form.

  • Ability to form adverbs ending in -e, -o:

Cheerful is fun, good is good, bad is bad.

  • Ability to form abstract nouns:

Cheerful - fun, kind - good, evil - evil, young - youth.

  • Ability to form compound adjectives repeating:

Kind-kind, sleepy-sleepy, sad-sad.

Relative adjectives.

Relative adjective indicates a sign that indirectly expresses relation to other parameters:

  • Face: student life, children's nutrition.
  • Place: underground river, rural road.
  • Material: watermelon candy, wood chair, floral aroma.
  • Time: winter hike, evening jogging
  • Purpose, action, property: sliding sofa, self-propelled apparatus, ironing board.

There are also many other parameters by which relative adjectives indicate attitudes towards other objects.

Features of relative adjectives:

1. They do not form a degree of comparison: a chair cannot be more or less wooden or a spoon more or less tin.

2. Relative adjectives can be replaced by synonymous phrases: chicken soup - chicken soup, feather bed - feather bed made from down.

Possessive adjectives.

Possessive adjective indicates belonging to someone and answers the question "whose?"(whose? whose? whose?):

Wolf fur, dog tail, mother's skirt, girl's braid.

Declension of adjectives.

Declension of adjectives- this is a change in adjectives by cases, numbers and genders. As we have already said, the adjective is inextricably linked with the noun, the attribute of which is indicated, and accordingly, it is controlled by it. This means that the adjective agrees with the given noun in number, gender and case.

This rule does not apply to adjectives in short form - they are not declined by case, only by number and gender.

Masculine singular adjectives endings ending in -й are declined in the same way as adjectives ending in -й:

Good th, winding Ouch- kind Wow, winding Wow- kind wow, winding wow etc.

In Russian, only full forms of adjectives can be declined by case. To determine the case of this part of speech, there are a number of rules that are described in detail in our article. In addition, it contains a table with examples, which indicates all the features of declension by case of full adjectives.

How to determine the case of an adjective?

In Russian, the full forms of adjectives change according to cases, gender and numbers and have a special system of case endings. Short adjectives are not declined by case.

To determine the case of an adjective, you must do a few simple steps:

  • Determine which noun the adjective agrees with and in which case the noun is used (the case of the adjective will be the same);
  • Select the case ending in the adjective and find it in the table of case endings of adjectives (having previously determined the gender and number of the adjective).
  • The endings in the nominative and accusative, as well as in the accusative and genitive cases, can coincide for masculine singular and plural adjectives. Therefore, when determining their case, it is worth taking into account the animate/inanimate character of the noun with which the adjective agrees (examples: read an interesting novel(inanimate, v. p.), meet an interesting person(soul., V. p.)).

How do adjectives change by case?

Features of declension by case of adjectives in the table with examples:

Case Singular Plural
Masculine Neuter gender Feminine
I. p. Gold Ouch,

Round th,

Hot th,

Morning th

Gold oh,

Round oh,

Hot her,

Morning her

Gold and I,

Round and I,

Hot and I,

Morning yaya

Gold s,

Round s,

Hot no,

Morning no

R. p. Gold Wow,

Round Wow,

Hot his,

Morning his

Gold Wow,

Round Wow,

Hot his,

Morning his

Gold Ouch,

Round Ouch,

Hot to her,

Morning to her

Gold s,

Round s,

Hot their,

Morning their

D. p. Gold wow,

Round wow,

Hot to him,

Morning to him

Gold wow,

Round wow,

Hot to him,

Morning to him

Gold Ouch,

Round Ouch,

Hot to her,

Morning to her

Gold th,

Round th,

Hot them,

Morning them

V. p. Gold Ouch/ gold Wow,

Round th/ round Wow,

Hot th/ hot his

Morning th/ morning his

Gold oh,

Round oh,

Hot her,

Morning her

Gold wow,

Round wow,

Hot wow,

Morning yuyu

Gold s/ gold s,

Round s/ round s,

Hot no/ hot their,

Morning no/ morning their

etc. Gold th,

Round th,

Hot them,

Morning them

Gold th,

Round th,

Hot them,

Morning them

Gold Ouch/ gold oh,

Round Ouch/ round oh,

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    The feminine gender answers the question Which?, the masculine gender - Which?, the neuter gender - Which?. For example, summer (what?) is hot - neuter; winter (what?) cold - feminine; snow (what?) white - masculine.

    For example: She wore a long dress for the holiday. Noun - dress (cf. gender). The adjective is long (also cf. gender).

    The gender of an adjective can be determined based on its ending:

    To correctly determine the gender of an adjective used in a sentence or phrase, you need to turn to the noun (pronoun) to which the adjective refers. Whatever gender it has, the adjective will have the same gender. For example, the forest (he is male) is winter (also male), mother (she is female) is kind (also female).

    Can be determined by the question and also by the ending:

    Which? will be at M.R., graduated. - -th (s), -s (s) - beige, linen, mighty.

    now Which? - this is a question of average, final. - oe (maybe -ee) - silk-oe, blue-ee.

    In plural It is impossible to determine the gender of adjectives in number.

    The gender of an adjective is easy to determine.

    Here is the algorithm for determining the gender of an adjective:

    So, here are the questions that are answered by an adjective of different genders.

    In men's - which one will it be?;

    In women's - which one will it be?;

    On average, what will it be?

    The gender of an adjective can be determined:

    • by the noun to which the adjective refers

    Soccer ball is masculine (the ball is masculine, and therefore the associated adjective football is also masculine); cold weather - feminine; summer sky - neuter.

    • also the gender of an adjective can be determined by the question to it

    Which? - masculine adjective

    Which? - female

    Which? - neuter

    • at the end of an adjective

    Masculine adjectives have the following endings: -i-, -i-, -oi-

    Feminine adjectives have the following endings: -aya-, -aya-

    Neuter adjectives have endings: -oe-, -ee-.

    An adjective always indicates a characteristic of the object being described. In whatever form the part of speech that is responsible for the subject is used (most often, of course, a noun), the adjective should also have the same form, i.e. gender and number must be identical.

    So, for example, take this example: Spring this year was cool. Spring (what?) is cool. The noun spring (she is mine) is feminine, which means that the adjective is also feminine and has the ending -aya (in the case of the feminine gender, the ending -aya can also occur).

    I suggest you navigate using the following sign. It indicates the endings of all three genders - masculine, feminine and neuter.

    The gender of an adjective is easy to determine by looking for it in a sentence. You can do this by analyzing other parts of speech.

    Here are detailed instructions on how to find out the gender, as well as the case and number of an adjective:

    The gender of an adjective can be determined by the question, namely: which one? Which? which?

    Also, the gender of an adjective can be determined by its ending, that is, by the following endings: aya, yaya, y, ii, oh, oe, her.

    The gender of an adjective is determined as follows:

    By gender of the noun;

    On the issue;

    At the end of an adjective.

    Since the adjective is used with nouns, it agrees with them, that is, it is placed in the same gender, number and case, which is the same as the defined noun.

    For example.

    And here it is September! Slowing down your rise, COLD LIGHT the sun is shining.

    And its beam in THE MIRROR SHAKES water WITH FALSE GOLD trembles.

    GRAY DARK winds around the hills; The plains are flooded with dew;

    Turns yellow SENJA CURLY oaks, I RED ROUND LEAF aspen;

    In this excerpt from a poem by E.A. Baratynsky Autumn there are all cases of agreement of adjectives with nouns:

    a) by numbers: singular (gray haze) and plural (living voices);

    b) by gender (only in the singular): the canopy is curly, the round leaf is red, the forest is silent;

    c) by cases (in both numbers): with a cold radiance, in the mirror unsteady, unfaithful gold, the heavens are soundless.

    The endings of adjectives indicate the connection between adjectives and nouns.

    Most often, adjectives in sentences are modifiers.

    Less often, it is the nominal part of a compound predicate, but even in this case, both the gender and number of the adjective (based on the noun) are easily determined.

    For example. Autumn was melting. Leaves become red and yellow. Day became short.

    To determine the gender of an adjective, you need to make sure that it is singular.

    For example, we will look for gender for the word native, but not for the word native.

    There is one more condition. There must be a noun or pronoun next to the adjective to determine gender, so phrases, or better yet whole sentences, are always used.

    Let's take the word pink. It doesn't even need a noun. The ending is -aya- and the question is what? give a 100 percent guarantee that the word is in the feminine gender. There is also -oh- and the question is what? pink for neuter and -y- and which? pink for masculine.

    But for example the phrase hot coffee. Here we can say that the gender is masculine or neuter.

    Hot chocolate. The gender is masculine.

    Strange but true: once upon a time there was no division into nouns and adjectives in the language. It was so long ago that it is impossible to name the date, but gradually our ancestors began to distinguish between an object and a sign that could belong to any object or sign. The new part of speech gradually developed its own characteristic features, a system of endings took shape, and consistency with nouns in the gender category was developed.

    The adjective itself has no gender, case or number - they all depend on the form of the noun with which they agree. Therefore, in a sentence and phrase, you must first of all find the noun. and consider its number, if it is plural, then determine gender and case.

    When we have a separate adjective in front of us, all that remains is to ask what question? which? which? which? in each case and see which of the endings match.

  • 5. Noun as a part of speech. Lexico-grammatical categories of nouns.
  • 6. Morphological category of gender of nouns. Common nouns.
  • 7. Morphological category of number of nouns. Meaning of singular and plural forms. Nouns that are not correlated by number.
  • 8. Nouns with an incomplete paradigm (pluralia & singularia tantum). Correlation of noun stems in number paradigms.
  • 9. Morphological category of noun case. Case meanings.
  • 10. Special case forms of nouns. Variable forms of cases.
  • 11. Declension of nouns. Unchangeable nouns.
  • 12. Formal classification of types of noun declension according to A.A. Zaliznyaku.
  • 13. Pronoun-noun as a part of speech. Features of pronominal words. Lexico-grammatical categories of pronouns.
  • 14. Morphological categories of pronouns-nouns. Features of the declension of pronouns-nouns.
  • 15. Adjective as a part of speech.
  • 16. Lexico-grammatical categories of adjectives.
  • 17. Morphological categories of adjectives (gender, number, case). Inflection of adjectives.
  • 18. Full and short forms of adjectives. Category of degree of comparison of adjectives. Substantivization of adjectives.
  • 19. Numeral as a part of speech. Lexico-grammatical categories of numerals. Expressing different numeric values.
  • 20. Morphological categories of numerals. Declension of numerals. Combination of numerals with categories of nouns.
  • 21. Verb as part of speech.
  • 22. Lexico-grammatical categories of verbs.
  • 23. Category of verb type. Marking of species values.
  • 24. Pure species pairs (methods of forming pure species pairs; ratio of meanings of verbs in pairs).
  • 25. Methods of verbal action. Verbs that are not related in appearance. Features of aspectual oppositions in verbs of motion.
  • 26. Collateral category. Markedness of collateral values. Interpretations of passive structures.
  • 27. Ways of expressing collateral oppositions. Interaction of voice with other verb categories.
  • 28. Verb mood category. Indicative. Subjunctive mood. Direct and figurative use of mood forms.
  • 29. Imperative mood. Direct and figurative use of mood forms. Interaction with other verb categories.
  • 30. Verb tense category. Absolute and relative time. System of meanings of the category of time in the Russian language.
  • 31. Direct and figurative use of tense forms.
  • 32. Person category of verbs. Forms of impersonality.
  • 33. Categories of number and gender of verbs.
  • 34. Verb inflection. Types of verb stems and their relationships. Inflectional classes of verbs.
  • 35. Infinitive as the initial form of the verb paradigm. The participle as a verb form. Formation of participles.
  • 36. Participle as a verb form. Adjectivation of participles. Formation of participles.
  • 37. Adverb as a part of speech. Adverb categories. Category of degree of comparison of adverbs
  • 38. Function words in the system of parts of speech. Distinction between adverbs and prepositional case forms of nouns with adverbial meaning.
  • 39. Prepositions as parts of speech. Meanings of prepositions. Syntactic constructions with stressed primitive prepositions.
  • 40. Classes of prepositions. Criteria for distinguishing between compound denominative prepositions and prepositional-case combinations of nouns.
  • 41. Conjunctions as parts of speech. Syntactic structure of allied compounds.
  • 42. Classes of unions. Criteria for distinguishing between coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.
  • 43. Conjunctive words
  • 44. Features of particles as parts of speech.
  • 45. Particle discharges
  • 46. ​​Interjections, their types
  • 47. Controversial issues in the classification of words by parts of speech.
  • 48. Transitions of words from one part of speech to another.
  • 17. Morphological categories of adjectives (gender, number, case). Inflection of adjectives.

    Adjective– the main part of speech that denotes non-procedural sign subject and expresses this meaning in syntagmatic inflectional categories case, numbers and gender short form And comparative degree(inconsistent).

      Full adjectives have a 4-member paradigm (m, f, sr, plural).

      Number and gender refer to the antecedent (i.e. the categories are anaphoric in nature).

      Animacy noun. reflected in adjectives: cf. I see a tall man vs. I see a big bag. Zaliznyak has no breath. included as a category.

      Some Adj do not have a particular number paradigm: “many” - the meaning of plurality contradicts the singular. (“much was said about him” - the singular is used only in this substantivized form). Same with "few". At the same time, at the places. one- complete number paradigm: “one trousers (pluralia tantum).”

      Brief adjectives also have an incomplete paradigm.


    There are 3 types of adjective declension.

      Adjective – the presence of full inflections in Imp. (oy, aya, oh, y and soft variants + oh – shock inflection in the m.r.).

      Pronominal/mixed – in all oblique cases there are full inflections, and in Im.p. – inflections noun/cr.adj (m #, w a/ya, s o/e, pl s/i).

      Possessive - suffixes in#, ov#, j (but the latter in pronominal type, for example, fox|ij|# - fox|j|a (fox)). This#, that#, this|ogo, t|ogo – alternation this//this, that//t


      Should we consider the short adj. along with the full one? If the cr. adj. there is no full form (“glad”), then everything is bad.

      Should an unchangeable adjective be classified as an adjective (“zero” declension, they are in postposition, sometimes considered adverbs):

        pronouns his, her, their;

        color designation: beige, khaki;

        mini, maxi, midi, flared.

    Almost all relative adj. belong to the adjectival type of declension, but some ordinal ones do not (“third” is a mixed declension). My#, your# are not adjectives, because moj|a, yourj|a. Our, yours – pronominal. Which, which is adjectival.

    18. Full and short forms of adjectives. Category of degree of comparison of adjectives. Substantivization of adjectives.

    Adjective is the main part of speech that denotes non-procedural sign the subject expresses this meaning in syntagmatic inflectional categories case, numbers and gender(sequentially) and categories short form And comparative degree(inconsistent).

    In syntactic terms, it attributively and/or predicatively defines a noun, in combination with which it can occasionally replace.

    Full and short forms of adjectives.

    Some argue that, in a narrow sense, Adj are just full Adj.

    They have a truncated paradigm (draw a picture of m, f, sr, plural).

    - [Vostokov] wanted to classify them as verbs (predicate function), especially since short f. are formed inconsistently ( competent essay- ?) and sometimes have a ban on declination by gender ( braid, obliquely, But *braid; single, But *single)

    In general, between full and short adj. there is a semantic difference: connection with permanent quality vs temporal quality (predicative): the child is obedient/obedient.

    There are cr. adjs that do not have a full form, such as "rad". Moreover, some have adj. the values ​​of cr differ. and full forms: due(in constructions) vs must(modality), capable/capable.

    Restrictions on the formation of a short form.

      Names of horse colors.

      Color through relationship with the subject (pink).

      High degree of quality: smartest, feistiest.

      Subjective assessment: unkind, kind.

    Some suffixes: sk (comic), ov (business, BUT cheap, harsh - here it is included in the root).

    Under Art. Wed. the synthetic form is understood: the suffixes -ee, -ey (contraction).

    Accent types of adjectives: a (on the base: beautiful, beautiful, more beautiful), b (on inflection, in the st.m. also on inflection), c (transfer from the base to inflection, in the st.m. the emphasis falls on the suffix: smart , smart, smarter).

    “More”, “less” do not have an allomorph -to her, therefore they are counted not as v.s.r., but as adverbs.

    Less common is the suffix e, which is attached to certain stems (ending in back-lingual stems and, less commonly, in “t”, “d”) and causes them to change: dry dryer, narrow narrower, cheap cheaper.

    The suffix appears even more irregularly -sh: thinner, sweeter, later.

    Supplemental forms: small - small - but there is still small, big - great - but there is still great, good - better, bad - worse - but there is still thin. It can be seen that the second options are less frequent.

    Changes in adjective stems.

      If they end in a contraction of consonants, then the fluent vowel becomes clear: light, full, BUT brave.

      If the final is “nn”, then the fluent vowel becomes clear: strange, BUT connected. There are adjectives that have 2 forms: natural - natural and natural; characteristic, essential.

    The superlative degree of an adjective in AG is considered as a word-forming element, because In addition to the suffix eish/aysh, there is also ush, enn, and the prefix nai. In other words, this is not morphology, because meaning is expressed in several ways. Syntactic means (more, more, most, ... all, most) also do not relate to morphology.

    Restrictions on comparative degree education.

      Horse colors.

      Color designation (*blue).

      A quality that cannot be graded (barefoot, deaf, bald, dumb).

      Difficult to form from adj. with stylistic coloring: greasy, scanty, kind, brave.

      Some suffixes: sk, ov, l (sunken, experienced).

    Substantivization of adjectives.

    Occasionally, an adjective can replace the construction Adj + N (Bronnaya instead of Bronnaya Street).

