Exercises for health and longevity using the Bubnosky method. Tibetan gymnastics for health and longevity Exercises for health and longevity

Exercise is as important for longevity as oxygen is for breathing. We all want to live as long as possible and at the same time be active and feel good, and not lie bedridden and take endless medications that delay the inevitable. We lay the foundations and time of our longevity in our youth, and then we suddenly begin to squander everything that is priceless and hard-earned. If you not you'll worry about yourself in your youth, then you will not last until old age. The basis of longevity is work and an active lifestyle, it is they that turn us into a centenarian and a citizen of the century. To delay your departure to another world and please your children and grandchildren longer, take note of special exercise for longevity that will help you feel in shape and enjoy every new day.
As you already guessed, the most productive workouts will be those that involve several body systems and load will spread evenly. This includes simple activities such as walking, running, and Nordic walking. For all these physical activities you will need a minimum of equipment and costs, and you can do them all right around your home, just start. These three methods listed above will help disperse blood through the vessels, dilate blood vessels, eliminate congestion in the body, improve the functioning of the heart muscle, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. If you cannot run, then just walk, this will be quite enough, the main thing is to do it systematically and purposefully (at least 5 times a week for 30-40 minutes). If you run, then start with small distances and intensity, gradually testing your strength and gradually increasing the time and intensity of the workout, but to reasonable limits. There is no reason to work hard, your task is to preserve what you have, and not to increase muscle mass.
Among the physical exercises for longevity, aerobics can be noted. Here you get a great workout for your entire body and are constantly on the move. There is no opportunity to visit the sports complex; do it at home yourself, it is no less interesting. We also include water aerobics here, the effect of it is several times greater, because you work in water, which means the whole body works, and this is extremely useful. Ordinary sports dancing can bring quite a lot of benefits if you practice them regularly. Such activities perfectly relieve psychological tension, stress and allow you to feel young again.
Remember the following two exercises and do them daily, they will definitely add a couple of years:

  • While you are lying in bed, bend your arm at the elbow, then begin to move the opposite shoulder back and forth. Thus, we stretch the chest and help relieve congestion after sleep and accelerate the blood. Do this physical exercise for longevity 7 times for one shoulder and the same for the opposite
  • Place something soft on the floor and kneel on it. Place your elbows shoulder-width apart and rest them on the floor, and place your head between your clasped palms. When you get stuck, start swinging your body forward and back without leaving the floor. When bending or tilting your body, hold it in this position for a few seconds. Do it 10-12 times daily, after a month try to double the number of times.
    Well , and finally, keep in mind that the benefits and results of physical exercise for longevity will begin to appear in six months and not earlier. To do this, you need to systematically practice and apply. The sooner you start training, the longer you will live, so you can start at 40 years old, and not wait until it’s time. Forget about excessive loads, they are of no use, the body is already struggling with aging, maintain what you have, records are all for you still don't deliver. Supplement any physical activity with proper nutrition or a balanced diet and a portion of restful sleep.

Squats are an absolutely safe way to pump blood from the bottom up.

The only contraindication is coxarthrosis of one or two joints. Coxarthrosis (arthrosis deformans) is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the hip joint, which is based on damage to the cartilage, as well as bone growths along the edge of the joint and cystic loss of joint tissue.

Where to begin? Measure your blood pressure, count your pulse, and wear comfortable clothes. Open the window. We don’t pay attention to the creaking in our knees.

Exercise 1

Starting position: feet slightly wider than shoulder width, toes facing out, back straight, arms in front of you. For those who are especially weak, we can recommend a gymnastic stick - the shaft of a shovel. Place one end near your socks and hold the other end with your hands. In extreme cases, you can hold on to a fixed support. Squat down to hip level no lower. And, making a strong sharp exhalation “HHA!”, straighten your legs. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Walk around the table to calm the pulse (less than 100 beats). The ultimate dream is to do 100 squats - 10 times 10. Anything more is a plus. But not right away. Keep a diary and write down notes day after day, but without reducing the number of squats. First you just need to get to 100. How many days it will take is not important, the main thing is don’t force it, everything will come. After classes there should be pleasure from what you have done and slight fatigue. And definitely sweat.

For beginners, the pulse after completing this series should not exceed 120, for advanced ones - 160, but provided that within 5 minutes after stopping classes it drops below 100 beats per minute. If it doesn’t go down, then the load you allowed yourself exceeds the capabilities of your body. Ideally, you should perform 3 series of squats 10 times in 1 minute.

This principle is also laid down in the daily, I emphasize, performance of other non-simulator exercises. Despite how I feel. In this case, tablets are not prohibited. It is better to do exercises while taking pills than to lie on the bed and not have the strength to get up with the same pill in your mouth.

What do we achieve with squats?

First, we restore a normal, clear rhythm (flexion-extension of the legs), during which the peripheral pumps - the leg muscles - are intensively activated. They help the venous valves contract and return blood to the right atrium. Therefore, by performing a load, we actually remove it from the myocardium. And the main hard work is done by the leg muscles. It's simple. Where is the pitfall in this place? Hypotrophy (weakening) of the leg muscles, mind you, not the heart! That is, you will not immediately be able to perform the required number of squats. The leg muscles will ache, tachycardia and even shortness of breath will appear.

There is no need to be afraid of this. The heart muscle will not work better while lying on the bed. Whether you lie down or stand, it’s all the same. Until the leg pumps are turned on, there will be no recovery. And exhalation, connecting the diaphragm, strengthens the pumping function of the periphery of the body. And this becomes possible only with squats. You often hear the following words: “Even though I’m a squirrel in a wheel, I’m on my feet all day, and you’re talking about exercise!” The fact is that most people confuse hustle and bustle with proper exercise.

The correct load is, first of all, a complete contraction and complete relaxation of the muscles working at this moment with indispensable control of breathing. Using the exercise equipment in the kinesitherapy room, this effect is achieved much faster, but not everyone can visit such medical and health complexes.

The most difficult thing is to choose exactly those exercises that are ideal for you. And take into account a lot of factors accompanying the same pressure. But the pill doesn’t take anything into account; swallow it and wait for the effect. One didn't help - take another. I would say a rather primitive path to “health”. You don't have to graduate from medical school to prescribe medication. I knew one “professional” patient who studied pharmacological reference books in the cardiology section in hospitals. Sometimes even department doctors came to him for advice. This knowledge did not help him; he died at 28 years old.

The second pitfall with squats is muscle pain in those same weakened legs. At the cellular level, pain is caused by blockages in the capillary system. But a cold bath, shower, rubbing with a cold wet towel removes these misunderstandings. After a few sessions, pain in the muscles of the lower extremities will disappear. It's not easy, of course. But there would be motivation, and the desire would come by itself.

Exercise 2

Another home exercise for the heart is to connect the 2nd floor, that is, the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. The simplest abdominal exercise looks like this:

starting position - lying on your back (on the floor), legs bent at the knees and shins lying on the sofa, buttocks touching the sofa. Hands behind your head (or cover your ears with your palms). Slowly, as you exhale, try to lift your upper back, trying to reach your knees with your elbows. In fact, it is enough to lift your shoulder blades off the floor and retract your abdominal muscles.

Perform this exercise for the same 10 repetitions (it may seem easy at first). Stand up (or lie down) to calm your heartbeat; you can walk around the table on all fours, stretching your step. And again: the same 10x10. Or better yet, 20x10. The fact is that the abdominal muscles recover faster than the muscles of the lower extremities.

Let me draw your attention to the execution error. Only the cervical region works, you kind of nod your head.” To avoid this, tuck your chin to your chest and don't let go throughout the exercise.

Needless to say, a simple program consisting of two exercises. It’s clear that two exercises are, of course, not enough for a lifetime. But that's enough for a start. Compare: replace several heart pills that you take daily with two exercises and try to push them (pills!) out of your life.

Any tablet is a prosthesis for one or another body function. By regularly taking pills, you kill some function, which means your body... Unnoticeable even to yourself. If you reach 200-300 movements per session, you will have a desire to master more complex health restoration programs and, most importantly, self-confidence

The book “Improvement of the spine and joints: methods of S. M. Bubnovsky, the experience of readers of the “Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin”, author Sergey Bubnovsky

We began to study the influence of physical education on human health and life expectancy. And at the first stage we will review various gymnastics that are popular in different countries, without assessing their effectiveness.

Today, as part of this work, the first material is for you.

A person wants to live happily ever after. He wants to lead an active longevity, and be healthy and full of strength. And people are ready to make efforts to achieve this. And one of the generally accepted recipes for healthy, active longevity is gymnastics: sugar is burned, blood supply improves, ventilation of the lungs occurs, etc.

However, those who begin to exercise for health and longevity are usually far from sports, and are often no longer young, and they do not have enough free time. No sports skills. There is no desire to waste time and effort on mastering complex exercises and workouts.

People want something fast, simple and effective.
They want exercises to carry not just physical activity, but to improve the functioning of body systems and improve health.

This will help cure diseases and prevent new ones. And fewer diseases mean a greater chance of living longer and healthier.
So, you need simple gymnastics for recovery which will take no more than half an hour a day.
What options are available?

Qigong for longevity

The entire qigong training system is considered to be aimed at health and longevity. But there are special sets of exercises that best suit our goals, and most importantly, do not require preliminary long-term qigong practice.

According to Chinese philosophy, the world is filled with energy, which the Chinese call "qi". Qi is everywhere - in a person, in the grass, in the walls... Qi circulates inside the body and interacts with the surrounding Qi. In the human body, energy moves along lines - meridians, and accumulates in the energy centers of the body. This center in the abdominal cavity is responsible for the state of the physical body.

Qigong replenishes the lack of energy in the body, increases energy circulation and restores vitality.

Although all qigong is beneficial for health and longevity, there is a special set of selected exercises from qigong gymnastics - this "18 ways to train your body for perfect health and longevity" (original name "Liangong shi ba fa"). It is popular in China and neighboring countries due to its relative ease of learning; tested in the field - in hospitals in Shanghai, and sufficiently researched.

I will give an example of the first 4 exercises from this complex so that you can evaluate how easy or difficult their implementation seems to you:

Exercise 1
Starting position: legs apart 1.5 shoulder widths apart. Hands on the waist, thumbs back, other fingers forward. We stand straight, but relaxed. Look ahead.
1. Slowly the head moves to the left, gaze to the left. Initial position.
2. Now turn right. Let's go back.
3. Tilt your head back. Let's go back.
4. Head forward. Let's go back.
8 repetitions are recommended. Beneficial for the neck muscles and joints of the cervical spine.
Exercise 2
1. Bend your knees. Hands with the backs facing inwards. Pushing forward movement. Unclench your fists at the same time, point your palms forward, fingers down.
2. Bend your elbows.
3. Hands into fists. Return to starting position.
8 repetitions are recommended.
Useful for pain in the joints of the legs and arms, especially the knees.
Exercise 3
Starting position: legs apart, between the feet – 1.5 shoulder widths, fingers clenched into fists at the waist. We stand straight, but relaxed. Look ahead.
1. Turn your body back to the left, right foot inward by 45°, and left foot outward by 180°. Bend your knees. Make a pushing movement with your right hand to the left. At the same time, the fist of the right hand unclenches, at the end the palm of the right hand looks to the left.
2. Return to original.
3. Similarly in the other direction. Returning to the starting position
8 reps. Benefits for leg joints: hip, knee and ankle
Exercise 4
Starting position: legs apart, 1.5 shoulder widths between the feet, hands clenched into fists at the waist. We stand straight, but relaxed. Look ahead.
1. Left hand up, palm up. The gaze is obtained from the bottom up at the back of the left hand.
2. Body 90° to the right.
3. Lean forward and touch the outside of your right foot with the palm of your left hand.
4. Return to starting position.
5. Repeat the same with the right hand and turn to the left.
6. To the starting position.
8 reps. Good for pain in the shoulders, back, lower back and legs.

Brief explanations of terms:


  • Palm. Four fingers are pressed against each other and directed upward, the edge of the palm is forward, the thumb is bent and pressed to the edge of the palm.
  • Fist. The fingers are pressed tightly against each other and gathered inward. The thumb rests on top of the index and middle fingers.
  • "Empty" fist. Fingers pressed together. The first and second phalanges of the fingers are slightly bent, the fingers are tucked inward, forming a cylinder shape. The thumb covers the index and middle fingers in the nail area.

Yoga for longevity

Yoga teachings are aimed at health and longevity. Yoga is good in itself - it’s not something that can be learned from a book in 15 minutes and practiced on the run. This is a lifestyle, a philosophy. Therefore, yoga exercises for longevity cannot be classified as simple accessible gymnastics, and they will require you to spend time and effort to master.

Here is an example of the first two asanas from the complex for beginners:

TADASANA (Mountain Pose)
The basis for all standing poses.
1. From a standing position, with your feet parallel, extend your feet and press them firmly to the floor. As you inhale, you need to feel the connection with the earth.
2. Keeping your connection to the ground, tense your legs. Exhale and begin to stretch your entire body upward. With each exhalation, stretch each part of your spine upward, vertebra by vertebra. Holding a pose
* As you inhale, stretch your tailbone and sacrum down. Focus on your connection to the earth. As you exhale, stretch your spine upward (from your lower back). Relax your arms and hands, neck.
Completing the pose
Important to remember:
The muscles of the legs and buttocks are tense and pulled up
The spine is extended from the hips, the chest is open
Shoulders, arms and hands are relaxed
Neck stretched upward
The knees are pulled up by strong thigh muscles, but be careful not to pull them back.
If your knees protrude too far forward, bend your legs slightly.


Starting position - Tadasana pose.
Inhale. You feel connected to the earth. Exhalation.

Inhale and shift your weight to your right leg. Hips in line. As you exhale, lift your left leg up and place your foot on the inner thigh of your right leg. Keep your balance.
2. Keep your hips and lower back stretched as you move your left knee out to the side.
3. Palms facing out. Inhale and raise your arms straight out to your sides and above your head. Shoulders back and down; At the top point of lifting your arms, turn your palms with the insides facing each other.
In pose:
- As you inhale, concentrate on balance. As you exhale, pull your spine up.
- Palms either together or at a distance, arms straight, head slightly in front of the hands.
Completing the pose:
As you exhale, lower your left leg and arms down, moving into Tadasana.

Repeat the asana on the other leg. Possibly against the wall.

Tailbone down
The spine and rib cage rise up from the hips
The hip joints point forward as the knee opens to the side. Neck stretches upward

Do not move your supporting knee back.

In addition, yoga is a spiritual practice, and while honing asanas you will have to remember about meditation, cleansing procedures, etc. And if you are ready to invest your time and effort to master this system, if you like the leisurely nature of the poses, then try yoga exercises for health and longevity.

Chinese gymnastics for longevity

China takes the nation's health seriously. Several types of gymnastics are promoted: solin, tai chi, pati, meihua, etc. Looking into an ordinary city park or square, you would definitely see people carefully performing exercises. For the Chinese, this is normal and socially approved. In fact, for the Chinese, the main important idea is the simplicity and popularity of this complex.

Features of Chinese gymnastics for longevity tai chi:

  • mandatory mental and emotional relaxation before training
  • "primitive" simple exercises
  • combination of gymnastic movements and self-massage
  • deep rhythmic breathing

Here are the first few exercises of this complex, with which you can evaluate how easy or difficult it is for you:

Chinese gymnastics for longevity tai chi:

Starting position (ip): we sit on the mat, legs crossed in an oriental manner.

1. (I.p.): additionally, hands on your knees. Breathe: 15-20 deep breaths and slow exhalations. Exhale - pull your stomach in, inhale - push it out.
2. Three 20 movements of the auricles with the thumb and forefinger (one finger on top of the auricle, the other under it). Then rub your ears with your palms 20 times.
3. Clench your teeth 20-30 times, then knock your teeth 30-40 times.
4. Circle the tongue along the front surface of the teeth 20 times in one direction and 20 times in the other direction.
5. Puff out your cheeks 30-40 times.
6. Starting from the bridge of the nose, move two fingers first to the corners of the mouth, and then in the opposite direction, applying light pressure. 15-20 times.
7. Stroke your head with your palm from the forehead to the back of the head and back 10-15 times. Then press the point of connection between the back of the head and the cervical vertebrae 10-15 times with vibrating movements.
8. I.p.: eyes closed. The bones of the thumbs massage the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples and back. Do 20-30 times.
9. With eyes closed, make slow circular movements 10 times in one direction, 10 times in the other direction. Then massage your eyes with the bones of your thumbs. Open your eyes, blink, releasing tension.
10. Movement with open eyes horizontally in one direction and the other. Look straight ahead. With your fingers apart, extend your right arm to the side. Without moving your head, look at your fingertips. Then slowly move your hand from right to left, without taking your eyes off it. The same thing happens when moving your hand back, in the opposite direction. Repeat 5 times in each direction. Change hand. Keep her head straight.
11. Keep your gaze. The hand goes forward, fingers spread. Slowly move the brush towards the nose and just as slowly back. We keep our gaze on the nail of the middle finger of the moving hand. Change hands. 10-15 repetitions.

12. ....etc.

Tibetan gymnastics for longevity

Gymnastics, which is promoted by the healer Olga Lvovna Orlova (Kalpashvini), deserves special attention. According to her, it allows you to normalize all the internal glands of the body. And it’s even suitable for slightly lazy and unsportsmanlike people, since it only takes 5 minutes every day.

So that the article is not too cumbersome and long, I have included a detailed description of this gymnastics in a separate material.

As you can see, there are many options. Look for exercises that are close to you, try them, and you will find suitable options just for you. Carefully observe your sensations and reactions from the exercises. And be healthy!

Tibetan gymnastics appeared in our country 30 years ago, back during the Soviet Union. Then the course was published in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. The classes are quick, requiring only 15 minutes for health and longevity every day. Gymnastics normalizes hormonal levels. And now people pay increased attention to their... They want not only to preserve beauty and youth, but also to extend their lifespan. Tibetan gymnastics for health and longevity is an affordable way to maintain good health and slow down the aging process. Exercises are suitable for anyone who wants to have good health.

Why is Tibetan gymnastics popular?

The monks kept the complex secret for a long time. Only a select few could put it into practice. This gymnastics is a healing practice that restores the balance of vital energy, opening the chakras.

People did not hear about it, since the monks lived separately from everyone else. But one day, engineers from the USSR were building a power plant in the mountains and discovered a small monastery. They decided to provide electricity to the monks, for which they shared their secret of long life.

Previously, the secret of longevity was known only in the temple

Gymnastics lifts your spirits and energizes you. With constant training, breathing and digestion return to normal. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and eliminates tension. The mood improves and the person relaxes. Exercise not only restores energy, but also stimulates the senses.

The effect will be noticeable after the first lesson. The feeling of discomfort will disappear due to the restoration of the proper functioning of the endocrine glands and the stabilization of the energy balance. You will immediately notice a surge of energy. Usually, if one gland does not work correctly, the others stop interacting normally.

Thanks to Tibetan gymnastics, premenstrual syndrome and menopause are easier. Improving hormonal levels has a positive effect on sexual energy, providing it with a surge. Exercise acts as a preventive measure against many diseases and rapid mood changes.

Tibetan gymnastics: who is prescribed, who is contraindicated

Charging is suitable for all people who care. But there are a number of contraindications:

  • The rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Hypertensive crisis;
  • Pathologies of the joints and spine during exacerbation;
  • Ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.

The listed contraindications are not considered a strict prohibition, but are necessary.

Rejuvenating effect of Tibetan gymnastics

Gymnastics removes double chin and tones muscles. The skin is smoothed and tightened, making it look younger. Exercises help to achieve a slender figure, the waist becomes thinner, the stomach decreases, and folds disappear. To increase muscle tone, they will not be enough, but you can start intense training with them.

Posture improves easily and quickly. If you do exercises regularly, your flexibility increases. A person will learn to feel his own body, muscles and joints. Exercise benefits your back and preserves bone mass. The load goes on every bone.

The lymphatic system removes toxins, but it cannot completely get rid of them. Therefore constant loads are required. Exercise stretches and contracts muscles, clearing the lymphatic system. This promotes faster elimination of toxins.

If a person only, he may feel dizzy and feel nauseated. This is normal and there is no need to worry. You should slow down a little and move more slowly. Symptoms indicate the beginning of detoxification of the body, its cleansing of toxins.

Fundamentals of the teaching – “vortexes” and “chakras”

There are seven energy centers in a person (“chakras”, “vortexes”). These are strong energy fields that a person cannot see. Each chakra is located on a specific endocrine gland and affects the production of hormones that regulate the functioning of the body and aging. There are seven in total:

  1. The lower one provides control of the reproductive glands;
  2. Responsible for the abdominal cavity and pancreas;
  3. Concentrated on the adrenal gland in the solar plexus;
  4. Creates continuous functioning of the thymus gland in the chest, in the area of ​​the heart;
  5. Controls the thyroid gland in the cervical region;
  6. Concentrated on the pineal gland in the back of the brain;
  7. Controls the pituitary gland at the front of the brain.

In a normal state, all chakras will rotate rapidly, causing energy to flow upward through the endocrine system. When any chakra fades and speed decreases, the flow becomes weaker. This negatively affects health and accelerates aging. To improve the condition, you need to return the previous speed of rotation of the vortices.

Exercise sets

Even one exercise will be very useful. As with any exercise, the system is important. With constant implementation of the complex, the result will increase many times.

Chinese medicine

Chinese medicine for health and longevity is an affordable way to prevent the aging process and maintain good health. One of the secrets of the Chinese people is breathing exercises (qigong). Proper breathing is the basis of life, health and well-being.

lotus pose in Tibetan gymnastics

Let's consider one of the complexes of Chinese medicine for health and longevity:

  1. Wave. Eliminates appetite, performed in a sitting or lying position. As you inhale, draw in your stomach and lift your chest. Hold your breath a little. As you exhale, stick your stomach out and lower your chest. You can inhale and exhale 50 times;
  2. Lotus. Charges with energy, normalizes metabolism. Sit on a chair without a back or in the lotus position. At first, breathing is slow for five minutes, and then normal for the next five minutes. Then for ten minutes it is normal, but with thought control. It is important to remove negativity. It is carried out three times a day;
  3. Frog. Sit on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart, elbows should be on your knees. Make a fist with one hand and clasp it with the other. Place your head on your fist. Relax, close your eyes, try to clear your thoughts. When inhaling, you should tense your stomach, and when exhaling, relax it. Spend 15 minutes three times a day.

Exercises from Chinese medicine for health and longevity cannot be performed during internal bleeding, menstruation, or the postoperative period.

Complex "Five Pearls"

It will take approximately 20 minutes. The Tibetan recipe for longevity will restore lightness and help you stay in shape. Exercises must be done immediately and step by step.

  1. Stand up and rotate clockwise. The exercise is carried out before the onset of dizziness. For beginners, three to five rotations are enough. Then the load gradually increases. If your health worsens significantly, you need to stop. After 10 days, the vestibular apparatus will improve. The best result is 21 rotations;
  2. Lie down on the floor with your back. Stretch your arms along your body, place your palms on the floor. Raise your head, reaching your chin to your chest. The legs must be raised up without removing the buttocks from the surface. With a good stretch, the legs are pulled towards the head. The exercise is carried out until the knees begin to bend. Then you need to smoothly return your legs to their previous position. Afterwards you should relax and do three to five approaches. With regular exercise, you will be able to perform 21 lifts;
  3. Sit on your knees with your feet hip-width apart. Hands are under the buttocks. Move your head back, spine forward, straightening your chest. Keep your hands firmly on your hips. Accept your previous position. Place your chin on your chest. For beginners, three to five times is enough, after 2 weeks you will be able to do 21 approaches;
  4. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs. Feet are shoulder-width apart, back is straight. Place your palms at your sides. Lower your head down, touching your chin to your chest. Raise your body up and forward so that the pose is horizontal. Stand like this for several minutes, gradually return to your previous position, with your chin leaning against your chest. The result will be 21 approaches;
  5. Take a lying position, arch your back. Fingers pressed to the floor. Palms are on the floor facing forward. Limbs - shoulder width apart. Pull your head back, your body takes an angular position and points upward. Straighten your legs. In 14 days you will be able to complete 21 approaches.

Complex "Fountain of Life"

If the implementation of the previous complex has become perfect, it is time to proceed to the sixth ritual. This Tibetan recipe for longevity is not very common, because not every person will be able to follow all the rules important for mastering it.

The main requirement is refusal or significant limitation of sexual activity. This is important, since sexual energy will be transformed into vital energy.

Exercise for health and longevity is indicated when there is an excessive amount of sexual energy and the desire to release it. Algorithm:

  1. Stand up straight, release the air from your chest;
  2. Hold your breath, lean forward, rest your hands firmly on your knees;
  3. Exhale without inhaling and straighten up;
  4. Raise your shoulders, rest your hands on your hips;
  5. Pull in your stomach;
  6. Stay in position longer. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Place your arms along your body. Inhale and exhale again;
  7. To release energy you need to do three or four approaches.

Video instructions for performing the exercise correctly

Simple habits for a long life

Tibetan monks follow such rules to preserve youth as:

  • Walk with a straight back. It is important to ensure that nothing interferes with the movement of the chest;
  • Get rid of excess weight. This will allow you to feel incredible lightness;
  • Drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily;
  • Do not add pork to your diet;
  • fructose, honey;
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages.

To maintain youth, it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle and work on your body. Regular exercise will lead to good results.

According to the philosophy of Tibetan lamas, a person’s physical health directly depends on his spiritual state and the health of his energy component. Lamas teach that the human body consists of energy centers, which they call vortices. In total, 19 vortices work harmoniously in the body of a healthy person, 7 of which are of primary importance, and the other 12 are auxiliary and are located on the joints of the limbs. The physical and spiritual state of a person depends on the strength and speed of rotation of the vortexes; the higher it is, the more capable a person is of receiving the energy of prana and light.

In 1938, Tibetan lamas revealed to Peter Calder the secret practices of Tibetan gymnastics, which can reverse the flow of internal time, rejuvenating and healing the human body, filling it with vitality. In the popular book “The Eye of Renaissance,” Peter Kalder described a method of 5 ritual exercises, also called Tibetan pearls, each of which is aimed at restoring the strength and speed of rotation of a certain group of vortices, while toning the muscles, helping to transform the shape of the body.

When starting to practice the “5 Tibetans” exercises, it is important to know:

  • Regularity is the main rule of the technique; only daily exercises can restore the dwindling flow of vortex energy;
  • one of the main rules is to start exercising on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning, but the time of day does not really matter;
  • To practice the exercises, start with 3 repetitions of each movement once a day, with each subsequent week adding 2 repetitions, so that after 9 weeks you reach 21 repetitions of each exercise. According to Tibetan monks, this number of repetitions maximizes the improvement of a person’s energetic health;
  • The pearls of Tibetan exercises involve both physical activity and breathing. Proper breathing helps saturate the body and prevents rapid overload of the body;
  • to begin with, do not try to perform exercises by force, going beyond your personal physical capabilities, do the exercises close to the original, and gradually, thanks to patience and regularity, you will achieve mastery;
  • Beginners are advised to take a rest after every two exercises, performing 3-4 full inhalations and exhalations in a standing position, hands on the waist.

So, here are 5 Tibetan exercises that restore youth, health and vitality of the body:

1. First exercise

The first pearl is aimed at activating the body and helping to awaken energy channels. Performed in a standing position. Place your arms out to the sides parallel to your shoulder line. Having taken the starting position, you begin to rotate clockwise. Initially, the movement should be performed at a slow pace, gradually increasing the pace. As already mentioned, you should start practicing according to the Tibetan method with three repetitions. If, after doing 3 rotations, you feel slightly dizzy, you can sit down for a few minutes. After just a few regular classes, you will train, among other things, the vestibular apparatus.

2. Second exercise

The second exercise may seem difficult for a physically unprepared person, but here the main principle is patience and regularity of exercise. The exercise is aimed at accelerating the rotation of energy in the chakras of the throat, abdomen and lower spine. It activates the digestive and genitourinary systems, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. Be sure to pay attention to the synchronization of movements with breathing. The exercise begins with a deep exhalation, then take a lying position, face up. Slowly, simultaneously raise your head and lower limbs towards each other, while inhaling deeply, fix the position, and when lowering, exhale slowly. Arms parallel to the body, firmly pressed to the floor. Try to keep your legs straight, but don't force your body. When tired, pause and continue deep breathing at the same pace. It is the depth of breathing that improves the effectiveness of the ritual.

3. Third exercise

Starting the third exercise, we enhance the impact of the second, positively affecting the joints, toning the neck and back muscles, helping with sinusitis, sinusitis, and irregular monthly cycles. Exhale completely again before taking the starting position. Then lower yourself to your knees, slightly apart. Place your palms facing the muscles of the thighs, under the buttocks, press your chin to your chest, exhale again. The exercise begins with slowly bending your back and head back with maximum amplitude, helping yourself by resting your palms on your hips. During the deflection, take a deep breath, taking the initial position - exhale;

4. Fourth exercise

It is a rather labor-intensive exercise, but even elderly people and people with illnesses have mastered it. And in this ritual, do not forget about coordinating breathing with the exercise. Starting position: sitting on the floor, keep your back straight, legs shoulder-width apart, feet raised, toes pointing forward, arms apart, fingers pointing forward, chin pressed tightly to the chest, then exhale completely. The movement begins with throwing the head back, lifting the entire torso off the floor so that the body becomes parallel to the floor, resting on the arms and shins - the “table on legs” position. While performing the movements, take a deep breath, tense your muscles in the achieved position for a few seconds, then reverse the movements and exhale completely.

5. Fifth exercise

Starting position - bending over in the sternum, throwing your head back as much as possible, you rest on your palms and feet (toes). The fingers look forward and are tightly closed with each other. Starting to inhale, begin the movement by folding your torso in half to form a triangle, with the apex facing up. Tuck your chin towards your chest. The upper and lower limbs are straight, stay in this position for a couple of seconds, tensing the muscles as much as possible. Then take the starting position, try to arch your back, using the thoracic region, not the lumbar region.

By practicing the “Eye of Revival” technique, you will improve your physical and energetic body and become stronger.
