Quince jam proportions sand and fruit. Quick and tasty: recipe for making quince jam for the winter (with photo)

It should be noted that there are several ways to create it. We will present only the most accessible and simple ones.

General Product Information

Before I tell you how to make quince jam, we should tell you what this fruit is.

Quince is a false apple with 5 multi-seeded nests. The shape of this fruit can be spherical or pear-shaped (blunt-ribbed). As a rule, the quince peel is hairy, lemon or dark yellow in color (sometimes it has a reddish spot on one side).

The pulp of the fruit we are describing is very aromatic, but not very juicy and hard. The taste of quince is astringent, tart and sweet. In nature, quince grows in the Caucasus, Transcaucasia and Central Asia. It should also be noted that this fruit has spread widely and naturalized throughout the Mediterranean, central and southern regions of Europe, Africa, America and Australia. The fruits ripen in late September - early October.

for the winter

The jam made from this fruit is very tasty and aromatic. To stock up on them for the winter, we will need:

Fruit selection and processing

It is unknown what housewives like more in quince jam (you can see a photo of the delicacy in this article): its unique aroma, amazing taste, or amber-golden color. This dessert will look great on the table at any time and in any situation. But you will have to try hard to make it at home. After all, most housewives are accustomed to making jam from apples and other fruits growing in our latitudes. As for quince, it is an overseas product that is rarely present on the Russian table.

So how to make quince jam in slices? To do this, you should purchase the necessary fruits. Moreover, they should be as ripe as possible and without damage.

After buying a quince, you need to wash it well in hot water and dry it with paper towels. Next, the fruit should be cut into 4 parts and the seed box should be removed. The remaining pulp needs to be chopped into smaller slices and immediately sprinkled with fresh lemon juice.

Formation process

Before making quince jam in slices, the chopped fruit should be placed in a wide and deep enamel basin, and then covered with not very coarse granulated sugar. In this composition, the products must be covered with thick gauze and left in the room for exactly one day. This time is enough for the quince to give its juice and be completely immersed in sugar syrup.

Heat treatment

To make delicious quince jam in slices, place the bowl with fruit and sugar syrup on low heat and cook for 50 minutes. As a rule, during this time the delicacy thickens, becomes dark and very fragrant. It is recommended to stir the dessert regularly with a large spoon.

Seaming process

After the quince jam in slices is completely prepared, it must be poured into sterilized small jars and rolled up immediately. In this form, the homemade delicacy can be stored in the refrigerator, pantry or cellar. Believe me, there is nothing tastier than drinking a hot drink with toast and aromatic quince jam on long, cold winter evenings.

Making a delicious treat with the addition of nuts

We talked above about how to make simple quince jam. However, I would like to introduce you to other ways to prepare this delicacy. One of the most popular recipes is the one that involves the use of nuts. With this ingredient, homemade dessert turns out to be very satisfying, tasty and nutritious. To make sure of this, we suggest doing it yourself.

So, we need:

  • ripe quince - 2 kg;
  • medium-sized sand-sugar - 2 kg;
  • filtered drinking water - 1 l;
  • peeled walnuts - 2 cups.

Preparing Ingredients

Quince jam with nuts is prepared just as easily and quickly as the above dessert. To do this, yellow fruits should be thoroughly washed in hot water and then dried with waffle towels. Next, the products must be thinly peeled (you can leave them), cut into 4 parts and remove the seed box. After this, the remaining pulp needs to be chopped into slices.

As for shelled walnuts, they should be sorted, washed well, dried in a frying pan and crushed into coarse crumbs.

Cook on the stove

To cook this delicacy at home, place chopped quince in a deep saucepan and add 500 ml of drinking water. In this form, the fruit should be placed on the stove and cooked over low heat for about 10 minutes. After the main ingredient becomes slightly soft, all excess liquid can be drained.

Also, to make homemade quince jam, you need to make syrup in advance. To do this, you need to dissolve 1 kg of granulated sugar in 500 ml of hot drinking water. The resulting syrup should be poured over all the quince pieces and kept under thick gauze for 3 hours. During this time, the fruit should be completely saturated with sweetness, become soft and falling apart. Finally, add the rest of the sugar and mix well.

Features of making quince jam

How to make quince jam correctly? It turns out tasty only if it is cooked for a long time. To do this, the prepared base with syrup must be placed on low heat and cooked for exactly 5 minutes (after boiling). Next, move the dish with the treat to the side and wait for it to cool completely. After 2-3 hours of aging, the dessert needs to be subjected to short heat treatment again. It is recommended to carry out similar actions approximately 5-6 times. The result should be a very dark and thick jam. At the very end, add chopped walnuts to the dessert and boil everything again.

Having received a delicious and aromatic homemade dessert, you need to pour it into sterilized jars and immediately roll it up. You can consume this delicacy immediately after preparation or wait until the long winter evenings.

Making quince and orange jam

As you can see, there are many ways to prepare such a delicacy. If you want to make more aromatic jam, we recommend adding not walnuts or lemon, but sweet and fresh orange.

So, we need:

  • ripe quince - 2 kg;
  • medium-sized granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • large sweet orange - 2 pcs.

Preparing the Components

To prepare this delicacy, wash all the fruits well, then cut them into 4 parts and remove the core. Next, the resulting pulp needs to be chopped into smaller pieces. After this, add fine sugar and pour in fresh orange juice. Moreover, it is not recommended to throw away the peel of the citrus fruit itself. It is better to chop it into small pieces.

Having carried out all the described steps, the quince with orange juice and sugar should be thoroughly mixed, and then covered with thick gauze and left warm for several hours. During this time, the sweetness will melt a little, forming a fragrant syrup.

Cooking on the stove

After the jam base is ready, it should be placed on very low heat. It is recommended to cook the ingredients for half an hour, stirring continuously. After the specified time has passed, add finely chopped orange peel (with pomace) to the almost finished jam. With this composition, the homemade delicacy should be heat treated for another 20-25 minutes. The result should be a very thick, dark and aromatic quince jam.

Let's roll up dessert

If you prepared such a delicacy not for immediate consumption, but for the winter, then it is recommended to put it in sterilized jars and immediately roll it up with boiled lids. In this form, hot jam should be left in the room until it cools completely. This may take you about a day. Next, the dessert needs to be placed in the refrigerator, cellar or underground. The quince and orange delicacy can be stored in this form for up to 5 months.

How and with what to use?

According to the recipes described above, it can be consumed immediately after heat treatment. However, most housewives prefer to stock up on them for the winter. To do this, they place the dessert in sterilized jars, seal them hermetically and store them in a cool place.

With the onset of winter cold, it is recommended to open a jar of jam and consume it regularly with toast and hot tea. Thanks to the presence of vitamins and minerals in it, you are able to maintain your health and the health of your children at the proper level, even despite inclement weather.

By the way, some housewives sometimes not only eat this delicacy with tea and toast, but use it as a filling for homemade pies. Believe me, no sweet tooth can refuse such baked goods.

It is a very healthy fruit.

Jam made from it contains vitamins and microelements, so cooking it would be a good habit for many.

In this article we will talk about how to make quince jam, consider a step-by-step recipe with pictures.

What's the benefit?

Fresh fruits of the fruit in question are rarely consumed, since not many people like the astringent taste. Therefore, people prefer to consume the fruit in other forms, for example, making delicious quince jam.

It retains all the beneficial properties that are necessary for people, such as peptide compounds, fructose, titanium, boron, essential oils, iron, selenium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, vitamins A, C, E, as well as group B.

Quince contains more iron than apples - 100 g contains 3000 mcg. The fruit contains 5 times more vitamin C than citrus fruits. Therefore, the fruit in question can replace several oranges at once, and jam is valuable to protect yourself and your family from colds in winter.

There are many recipes for preparing quince for the winter, for example, you can put it in the freezer, but the best option is considered. Due to its composition, this fruit and the sweet mass from it can help with:

  • anemia;
  • kidney diseases;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • ulcer;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • sore throat;
  • skin irritations and burns;
  • headaches;
  • poisoning

This product also improves appetite and helps eliminate bad breath. Next, consider the most delicious recipe for quince jam.

What will you need?

Kitchen appliances and utensils

You need to take:

  • clean sponge;
  • cooking pan;
  • ladle;
  • Bowl;
  • spoon (you can use a wooden one);
  • banks;
  • covers.


To make the most delicious quince jam you will need:

  • peeled and chopped quince - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 400 ml.

Features of product selection

Fruits for jam should be ripe, but not overripe. Fruits should have a rich yellow color and a pleasant aroma. If they are a little green, you can put them on the windowsill for a few days, and then they will ripen. Let's look at what you should pay attention to when choosing:

  • the color of the fruit should be uniform;
  • There should be no damage or signs of damage on the fruits;
  • symptoms of poor transportation, there should be no dents;
  • quince should be hard, but not “stone”;
  • ripe fruit has a pleasant characteristic aroma;
  • there should be a small coating of fluff on the fruits;

Important! The peel should not have a sticky coating or unnatural shine that resembles a paraffin layer.

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Quince preparation

The fruit is covered with a “fur coat”, so it needs to be peeled. To do this, you need to fill the fruits with water and use a small clean sponge to remove the fluff from them.


The fruits in question are very hard and difficult to cut with a knife. To make it easier to cut the quince, it is recommended to pour boiling water over it and let it stand for 10-15 minutes. It, of course, will not become completely soft, but it will be easier to cut, like an apple.

The peel does not need to be removed from the fruit, as it is very thin. The main thing is to remove the seeds from the middle and all the hard part. If there are damage or spots on the skin, it is also recommended to cut them off.

Quince for jam should be cut into small slices.

Stirring and cooking

Pour sugar into a saucepan and fill it with water, place it on the stove. When the sugar and water boil, it is necessary to reduce the oven temperature to a minimum and cook the syrup, stirring it occasionally.
Next, pour the chopped fruit into syrup, mix and cook at minimum temperature until the fruit is ready. This takes approximately 20 minutes.

Important!You may have to cook the quince longer - it depends on its variety.

The jam must be stirred periodically so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan or burn. If it boils strongly, then foam may appear - it must be removed. When cooking in one go, the slices will not be whole, they will be boiled, but the jam will be very tasty and have a beautiful amber color.

If you want the quince slices to remain intact, you need to cook them in several batches. The first time the jam is cooked for 5 minutes, then you need to wait until it cools completely - about 6 hours. Then it needs to be boiled again for 5 minutes, then cooled. And this should be done 3-4 times.

If the fruit variety is sour, then you don’t need to add anything to the jam. If the quince is sweet, you can add lemon juice to taste.

Transferring into jars

Jars must be clean and sterilized. The lids should be washed, filled with boiling water, and then wiped dry. When pouring into jars, do not turn off the stove completely, but leave the jam at the minimum temperature so that it simmers slightly.

Using a ladle, pour the sweet mixture into the jars to the top and screw the lids on tightly. To prevent it from spilling past, it is recommended to use a watering can with a large neck. Place the jars with the lids down to allow excess air to escape.

Quince jam will preserve the taste of this fruit throughout the winter. Many housewives do not engage in home canning because they unfairly consider this process long and tedious. In fact, to make delicious jam you need only the simplest ingredients, the main one of which will be quince. You should choose it depending on how it will be prepared. If it should remain in pieces in the jam, hard varieties are suitable. From soft fruits you can make jam with the addition of various ingredients.

Quince jam has an unusual taste with a slight sourness, and when fresh the fruit may seem too tart.

The simplest quince jam recipe

One of the most delicious recipes for quince jam is to cook it in slices in sugar syrup. It will require quince and sugar in a 1:1 ratio. You can add more or less sugar - as its concentration increases, the jam will not only be sweeter, but also thicker:

This recipe will preserve the taste and texture of quince slices during the winter. Jam should be rolled into pre-prepared sterile jars. They can be stored at room temperature, in a place out of direct sunlight. Opened jars are covered with plastic lids and placed in the refrigerator.

Quince jam

There are several ways to make quince jam. The recipe in slices retains all the taste and texture of the fruit, but there is also an option to make jam. In this case, the quince is pureed, and the finished dessert can be conveniently added to winter baking as a filling. For 1 kg of quince you usually take 1 kg of sugar and a couple of glasses of water:

There is another option for making quince jam, which some housewives consider simpler. At the first stage, the quince pulp is not cut into slices, but grated. This puree just needs to be poured with water and simmered over low heat. About 10 minutes after the start of boiling, add sugar to the pan and continue preparing the jam. This method will be convenient if you cook a small amount of jam. Grating several kilograms of quince can take a whole day.

When preparing quince jam, you can adjust its color. If you use only the main ingredients, it will turn out to be a rich red hue, but if you add citric acid, the fruit pulp will remain yellow.

Quince-lemon jam with nuts

Traditional recipes can be supplemented with unusual ingredients. Quince jam with lemon is an original combination of flavors that complement each other. For 3 kg of quince you need to take the same amount of sugar, as well as 1 lemon, a glass of chopped walnuts and 7 glasses of water:

Many housewives add the seeds of this fruit to quince jam. When peeling fruits, they are saved and then added to the boiling mass at the last stages of cooking.

Video recipe for making quince marmalade

Step-by-step recipes for quince jam with pictures can be found in large quantities. This fruit itself has a tart taste, so it is not eaten fresh. It makes delicious preserves: preserves, jam, marmalade. It is also baked in the oven with honey and cinnamon and even added to meat dishes. Quince jam has a rich taste and aroma. It is not cloyingly sweet, with a slight sourness. You can serve it with toast or pancakes, and also add it to winter pies and cakes.

In any jam recipe, quince transforms from a tart, hard fruit into a delicate amber delicacy with a divine aroma!

Wild quince is widespread in Asia, the Caucasus, and many southern regions of Europe. This amazing fruit is cultivated in most countries of the world. Experts say that the taste of quince after heat treatment becomes much brighter and more pleasant than that of a fresh fruit, so even residents of those regions where this fruit is less common should try to make amazing quince jam. Indeed, it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from a dessert with a beautiful amber color and unusual, incomparable taste characteristics.

Quince jam is considered the most aromatic preparation for the winter. Such a luxurious aroma of this delicacy is provided by quince peels, from which it is recommended to cook syrup. They say about this jam that it is as tasty as it is healthy. Fruit dessert is consumed:

  • with vitamin deficiency;
  • to get rid of depression;
  • as a folk remedy for stress, overexertion;
  • to improve digestion;
  • to get rid of liver and stomach ailments;
  • for colds;
  • if necessary, reduce cholesterol;
  • for the treatment of stomach ulcers.

7 recipes for making quince jam

Recipe 1. Quince jam in slices

Ingredients: 1060 g quince, 1060 g sugar, 520 ml water, 11 g citric acid.

We wash the quince well, removing fluff from the skin in the process. We chop it in portions: first, cut two or three fruits in half, take out the seeds. Cut each half into 3-4 slices. Heat the water, add half the amount of citric acid specified in the recipe. Immerse quince slices in boiling water. After a minute, without boiling the fruit, take them out. Transfer to a bowl for making jam, add about 150 g of sugar and 2 g of citric acid. Similarly, we chop and blanch the rest of the quinces one by one. Place each portion in a bowl with already candied slices and add the same amount of sugar and acid. Cover the top with a towel and leave for 11 hours. Place the remaining water from blanching in the refrigerator. Warm up the quince with the released juice. If the fruits are dry and no juice has formed, prepare a syrup: add 120 g of sugar to 120 ml of the decoction where the quince was blanched. Boil until it dissolves, pour in the fruit. Slowly heat the fruit in the juice or syrup, stirring gently. After boiling, sprinkle the rest of the sugar. Boil for 10 minutes. Cool, covering the container with a towel, for a couple of hours. The second, third and fourth stages of cooking are also carried out for 10 minutes with similar periods for cooling. After the last approach, immediately pour the thickened jam into the prepared, dried container. Let's roll up.

Recipe 2. Japanese quince honey jam with cinnamon

Ingredients: 960 g peeled Japanese quince, 1450 g honey, 390 ml water, 2 g cinnamon.

We wash the quince, remove the skin and seeds. We cut into equal slices with a maximum thickness of approximately 15 mm. Immerse the chopped quince in boiling water. Cook for 10 minutes. We strain the broth into a wide container in which we will cook the jam. Sprinkle cinnamon into it and add honey. With constant heating and stirring, dissolve the honey. Transfer the quince slices to the syrup. Boil until thickened. Place in a sterile glass container. Store in the cold.

Recipe 3. Quince jam in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 1100 g quince, 880 g sugar.

We wash the quince under running water, thoroughly wiping off all the fluff. Cut into thin slices, with a thickness of approximately 10 mm at the widest part. In the process we remove the seeds. Place crushed quince in layers in a non-metallic container, sprinkling each with an equal amount of sugar so that there is enough for the entire fruit mass. Cover and leave to steep for 48 hours. Shake the container with the candied quince several times. Transfer the contents to the multicooker bowl. The released juice should cover the fruit slices. If little is released, add a little water. Select the “Extinguishing” mode, time – half an hour. We do not cover with a lid. At the end of the mode, remove the bowl and let it cool completely. Then cook in the “Stew” mode for 15 minutes. Cool again. We repeat the same cooking procedure with cooling intervals 2-3 more times. When the dessert thickens, place it in a pre-prepared container.

Recipe 4. Quince jam with nuts

Ingredients: 1550 g quince, 1280 g sugar, 700 ml water, 60 g shelled walnuts.

My quince. Peel off the skin and remove the core and seeds. We cut the fruit pulp into small pieces of arbitrary shape, which we place in a thick-bottomed pan used for making jam. Place the peelings in another pan and add water. Heat and boil for about 20 minutes. Decant the resulting broth into a container with quince. Boil the fruit for 9 minutes. Drain the liquid into a clean saucepan. Sprinkle sugar on it and dissolve it when heated. Pour the boiling syrup into the quince. Let it sit, covered with a towel, for 12 hours. Cut the previously shelled nuts into small pieces. Warm up the fruit mass. Add nuts. Cook, stirring occasionally, for about 45 minutes until a dark honey color appears. We pack in jars, which, after sealing them tightly, are turned over until completely cooled with the neck down.

Recipe 5. Quince jam with ginger

Ingredients: 685 g peeled quince, 210 ml water, 510 g sugar, 8 g ginger root, 1 lemon for zest.

We wash the quince and remove the skin and core. Finely chop. Place in a saucepan, add water. Boil, covered, for about 20 minutes. Wash the lemon thoroughly, remove the zest, trying to take only the yellow part. Peel the ginger and finely grate it. We turn the softened quince into puree using a blender or using a fine sieve. Sprinkle with all the other ingredients - sugar, zest, ginger. Stir the mixture while heating. Simmer slowly for about an hour, stirring occasionally. Place in prepared clean and dry jars.

Recipe 6. Quince jam with raisins and apples

Ingredients: 680 g quince, 680 g apples (preferably sweet variety), 115 g white sugar, 115 g brown sugar, 120 ml water, 120 g raisins, 2 g cinnamon.

We wash the fruit, removing fluff from the surface of the quince. Peel the apples. Cut the quinces and apples, removing the core. We cut it so that the apple pieces are twice as large as the quince pieces. Wash the raisins thoroughly. Place quince in a thick-bottomed vessel and add water. Boil for 7 minutes. Add white granulated sugar, apples, raisins, and cinnamon. Simmer slowly for about 45 minutes until thickened. Stir during the process. Sprinkle with brown sugar and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour the jam into sterile jars. Cover them and place them in the oven for 12 minutes at 120 degrees. Seal and turn upside down. Cool slowly, covered with a blanket.

Recipe 7. Quince jam with citruses

Ingredients: 970 g quince, 130 g lemon, 970 g sugar, 190 g orange for zest, 190 ml water.

We wash the fruits. Remove the fluff from the quince. Cut the yellow zest from citrus fruits in the form of thin strips. We peel the quince from the core and cut it into cubes. Pour into boiling water. Boil for about 20 minutes until softened. Sprinkle zest and sugar. Heat until the latter dissolves while stirring. Squeeze lemon juice into the fruit mixture. Boil, stirring regularly, until thick. Transfer the thickened quince jam into pre-sterilized glass jars. Let's roll up.

Quince jam, when prepared correctly, will delight you in cold weather with its bright taste and aroma. There are many recipe options that will help you prepare this culinary masterpiece for the winter. The basic rules for cooking this dessert are as follows:

  1. Almost any quince is suitable for jam - juicy and not very juicy, large and small, hard, tart or sweet. However, if using drier fruits, you will need to add a little water or syrup when cooking. Juicy quince will give enough juice when infused with sugar.
  2. Quinces for jam can be peeled or the fruit can be left unpeeled. In the latter case, you need to thoroughly rinse off all the fluff from its surface.
  3. If the skin is removed from the quince, it is used to prepare syrup: it is boiled in water, then the broth is filtered and sprinkled with sugar. Quince peels contain many essential oils, which makes the jam unusually aromatic.
  4. Sometimes seeds, peeled from seed pods, are added to the dish at the end of cooking. They add interesting flavor notes, but this type of preparation for the winter should not be stored for a long time.
  5. Before the main cooking, chopped quinces are blanched to soften. In mono recipes, where the main component is one quince, this process can be skipped. When combining quince with more delicate fruits - apples, pears, it is boiled before adding other ingredients.

It will give tasters a lot of pleasant moments, becoming an unusual, amazingly tasty addition to tea or a filling for homemade baked goods. To make the already unsurpassed dessert sparkle in a new way, it can be prepared with the addition of fruits, spices, dried fruits, and citrus zest. One of the amazing features of quince jam is that this product, which is not particularly remarkable in appearance, gives an appetizing, rich honey color when cooked. This delicacy will not go unnoticed at any feast; it will amaze with its taste and pronounced quince aroma.

Quince jam is considered one of the best. Properly prepared quince jam in slices will retain its taste throughout the winter months. It is necessary to choose firm fruits so that their slices do not become soft during the cooking process. Additional ingredients in the form of nuts, other fruits and spices will make the treat especially tasty and aromatic.

Ingredients: 1 kg each of quince and granulated sugar.

  1. Fruits are washed well under running water. The core is cut out of them, the skin is left. The quince is cut into small slices.
  2. The prepared fruit slices are poured into a large bowl. Half of the stated amount of sand is distributed on top.
  3. The container is left alone for a day. During this time, the fruits will begin to release juice.
  4. Next, you can pour the remaining sugar into a bowl and leave its contents for another day. There is no need to put the mixture in the refrigerator.
  5. On the third day you can start cooking. First, the contents of the container are brought to a boil, and then the heating under the mixture is reduced to a minimum. Only small bubbles should remain on the surface.
  6. After about 40-45 minutes of cooking without stirring, the delicacy is almost ready. At the same time, its drop should not spread or lose its shape when it hits a flat surface.
  7. If you need to thicken the mixture, leave it on the stove for about 12 more minutes.

You can pour the treat into prepared jars.

Amber delicacy with lemon

Ingredients: a little less than a kilogram of fruit, the same amount of granulated sugar, a large ripe lemon.

  1. Fruits of both types are washed very thoroughly in cool water. You can use a stiff brush.
  2. The quince is cut into quarters and the core is carefully removed. The pulp together with the skin is cut into not too thin slices. Otherwise, they will soften during the cooking process and will not be felt in the finished delicacy.
  3. In a saucepan, the chopped pulp is generously sprinkled with freshly squeezed citrus juice.
  4. Clean gauze is stretched over the dishes in 1-2 layers. The structure is left in this form for 24 hours.
  5. Next, the container is moved to medium heat, and its contents are cooked for 50-55 minutes.

As soon as the syrup begins to thicken, the mass is immediately poured into prepared glass containers and closed with lids.

In a slow cooker

Ingredients: a kilogram of dense fruits, ½ kg of granulated sugar, 170 ml of hot water. How to cook jam in slices in a “smart pan” is described below.

  1. The quince is washed in cold water, after which it is cut into quarters along with the peel. It is most convenient to use a wide knife or a miniature hatchet for this, because the fruit is dense and hard.
  2. Each quarter gets rid of the seed pod and washed in water. All actions must be performed very quickly until the fruit pulp darkens.
  3. The quarters are cut into medium-sized cubes and immediately placed into the bowl of the device. Sand is distributed on top. If desired, you can add a little cinnamon to the slow cooker at this stage.
  4. Hot water is poured onto the food.
  5. The “Extinguishing” program is activated for 25 minutes.
  6. The jam is left to cool right in the bowl overnight.
  7. In the morning it is stewed for another 13 minutes. After the next cooling, the procedure is repeated again.

With the addition of apples

Ingredients: a cut glass of filtered water, half a kilogram of granulated sugar and sour apples, a medium lemon, a kilo of quince.

  1. The apples are washed, cored and cut into miniature cubes.
  2. You need to process the quince in the same way. It is cut into medium slices.
  3. The prepared fruits are mixed in one bowl and filled with the entire volume of sugar at once.
  4. After about 40 minutes, the container with the ingredients is sent to the fire. This is where the water pours out.
  5. After 5-6 minutes, citrus juice is squeezed onto the fruit. The mass is brought to a boil. With frequent stirring, it cooks for 90 minutes. The finished syrup should not spread over the plate.

The resulting sweetness is rolled into jars.

Citrus flavor with oranges

Ingredients: large orange, 2 kilos of quince, 1.5 kilos of granulated sugar, a large spoon of ground cinnamon.

  1. Dense, ripe quince fruits without rotting or cracks are selected. They are washed, wiped dry, removed the core and cut into medium slices.
  2. The orange is crushed directly with the zest using a special blender attachment or passed through a meat grinder.
  3. The prepared fruits are mixed and filled with the entire amount of sand at once. The mixture is left for a couple of hours so that the fruits have time to release their juice.
  4. Cook the mixture over low heat until thickened. You can add ground cinnamon to it for about 7-8 minutes until fully cooked.

All that remains is to roll the delicious quince and orange jam into sterilized jars.

With walnuts

Ingredients: 320 ml of filtered water, a kilogram of quince, 2 large spoons of lemon juice, 17-18 walnuts, 370-390 g of granulated sugar.

  1. You need to use ripe, strong fruits. They are thoroughly washed and, together with the peel (but without the core), cut into large slices.
  2. The kernels are extracted from the nuts and divided into 2 halves.
  3. The crushed fruits are sprinkled with sand. Nuts are also poured here.
  4. The ingredients are poured with water and lemon juice, after which they are sent to cook for 20 minutes after boiling. The delicacy is prepared with low bubbling. Periodically, the contents of the container must be carefully mixed.

The finished sweet is rolled into sterilized jars.

Cooking with quince and pumpkin

Ingredients: half a kilogram of fresh pumpkin pulp, 270 g of quince, 270 g of sugar (sand).

  1. The vegetable gets rid of hard peel and seeds. The pumpkin is cut into thin slices.
  2. The quince is crushed larger. You need to cut it into transverse slices along with the skin.
  3. The crushed ingredients are combined in a saucepan and sprinkled with sand. The container is covered with a towel and left for 3-4 hours. During this time, juice from the fruit will begin to actively release.
  4. When the stove is heated strongly, the mass is brought to a boil. The fire decreases and the mixture simmers in this mode for about half an hour.

The jam is placed in sterilized containers and rolled up hot. After cooling, it is sent to storage and a cool place.

Features of the technological process

  1. To make the jam tasty with clearly visible slices, you need to choose the right fruits for it. Only strong, dense fruits of bright yellow color are taken. Green and overripe quince are not suitable for such jam.
  2. The fruit in question burns very quickly. Therefore, for cooking it, choose dishes with a thick bottom and walls.
  3. Periodically, you need to carefully mix the contents of the jam.
  4. If you plan to store the finished delicacy for a long time, then it is better to choose a recipe that alternates boiling and cooling. However, in this case, the preparation process can last for a day.
  5. An enamel basin or the same pan is great for making quince jam.
  6. You can only roll the finished treat into pre-sterilized jars.
