Vera Brezhneva: biography, personal life. Vera Brezhneva: Biography and personal life What is the maiden name of Vera Brezhneva

Popular singer, actress, TV presenter, loving mother, wife and simply beautiful, talented woman - Vera Brezhneva never ceases to amaze fans with his tireless desire for success, new creative projects and kindness of heart. The singer is a UN Goodwill Ambassador for women's rights. Vera defends the interests of those infected with AIDS, plays sports, leads an active creative life, while raising two daughters.

The blonde has several successful marriages with wealthy men, she is credited with affairs with popular businessmen, the media closely follows the career of the top performer and compares her acquaintances. What facts from the life of Vera Brezhneva remain behind the scenes? Any creative plans for the future?

Vera Brezhneva


Vera Kiperman(nee Galushko) born February 3, 1982 in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk in Ukraine. Brezhnev is the pseudonym under which the singer has been one of the most popular stars of the Russian stage for several years.
Vera's father - Victor Mikhailovich I worked at a chemical plant all my life. He passed away in 2015. Mother - Tamara Vitalievna She graduated from medical school and worked with her husband Victor at the same Pridneprovsk chemical plant. Previously, Brezhneva’s parents lived in an industrial town, but later moved to Boryspil, since their daughter was able to buy them an apartment.

Vera Brezhneva's parents

The star has three more sisters. One of them, Galina, moved abroad, two more are twins Nastya and Vika. Victoria is married to A. Tsekalo, a popular showman and TV presenter.


The girl was born into a family of simple parents. The first half of the popular pop diva’s life was spent on the verge of poverty. Vera is a middle-aged child. At the age of four, when the family was relaxing in a sanatorium, dad put the girl in front of the audience and said: “Dance!” Since then, the little girl has developed a persistent desire for fame and public speaking; she simply could not live without the stage.

Already in kindergarten, Galushko played leading roles at festive events. At that time, the girl did not have the opportunity to attend dance and theater clubs or study with a vocal teacher, but she was always the center of attention and never ceased to amaze with her natural abilities and effervescence from an early age.
During her school years, Verochka also actively participated in all events. Interestingly, the girl was best able to perform Baba Yaga. She did not consider herself a beauty; she was not popular among her classmates for her appearance.

Childhood photo of Vera Brezhneva

As a teenager, Vera did not have warm, friendly relationships with her peers. The girl’s family was not wealthy. In addition, feeding, clothing, putting on shoes and raising four children on the modest wages of factory workers is not an easy task. Verochka could not boast of chic dresses, fashionable foreign suits, jeans and other “curiosities” of the Soviet era.

Brezhneva did not have gorgeous hair like the star has now in her childhood and youth. She had short hair and wore glasses. In the Soviet years, “bespectacled people” were not treated with special love; this means of improving vision did not then have a beautiful frame or a fashionable shape. Nowadays, on the contrary, teenagers even wear simple fashion glasses, but previously glasses seriously spoiled the already inconspicuous appearance of the pop diva.

Vera Brezhneva with her sisters, mother and niece

Class teacher Galushko said that Verochka was constantly hungry, even asking the teacher for something to eat. The singer earned her first money at the age of 11, when she was cleaning a city park. The girl’s grandmother was constantly looking for part-time work for a large family, so Verochka was taught to work from a young age. When the grandmother read the advertisement that park cleaners were needed, she immediately took the girl to her first earnings.

The girl was always hard-working and did not pay attention to the ridicule of her classmates. Verochka's peers often walked in the park; of course, they could not resist paying attention to what she was doing. Galushko was teased, but she learned from an early age to focus on the main task and not accept insults, humiliating nicknames and similar negativity from her peers. For cleaning the park, Verochka received her first money, she is proud of this even now, when she is financially secure and enjoys enormous popularity on stage and television.

Vera Brezhneva in her youth

The low level of family income was once again sharply reminded when the girl’s family was unable to pay the fee for the prom and Verochka did not go to celebrate her graduation with her classmates. Vera recalls that she asked: “You don’t have to drink or eat anything, but go to the party just to be at the graduation.” But my classmates were not particularly compassionate and did not allow me to celebrate my graduation without paying a fee.

At secondary school No. 41 in Dneprodzerzhinsk, where Brezhneva studied, there were various sports sections. That's where the girl went. She attended basketball, rhythmic gymnastics, handball, studied foreign languages, and wanted to be a lawyer in adulthood. But the reality turned out to be somewhat different: she graduated from the correspondence department of the Railway Institute in Dnepropetrovsk with a degree in "Economist".

The girl completed computer science and driving courses and received a driver's license. For additional education, Vera had to earn money: weed flower beds and work as a nanny in the evenings.

Vera Brezhneva at 17 years old

Vera Brezhneva as part of Via Gra

When the group "Via Gra" Another concert took place - in 2002, Brezhnev was able to distinguish herself. During the performance, the audience was asked to sing along with the band members: Nadezhda Granovskaya And Alena Vinnitskaya hit - "Attempt No. 5". The girl’s beautiful figure, artistry, and good vocal abilities were noticed by the group’s producer. At that time, Alena Vinnitskaya was about to leave the group, so Vera, as one of the contenders for the place of the star of a popular group, was given a chance and a task - to improve choreography and vocals in a few months.

Vera, of course, had a lot of hard work. She fulfilled the producer’s requirements 100% and a few months later, when Alena left the team, Galushko joined the group. Via Gro also included Anna Sedokova. According to the majority of fans of Via Gra, that lineup was the most stellar, successful, and popular.

The golden cast of VIA Gra: Vera Brezhneva, Nadezhda Granovskaya and Anna Sedokova

Vera received her creative pseudonym because of her fraternity with the Soviet Secretary General -. The producer decided to give the singer a popular surname in order to immediately christen the girl for success. And so a new star was born in 2003 - Vera Brezhneva.

The singer used the first money she earned rationally: she spent part of the money on foreign language courses, 50% on renovating her parents’ apartment in Dneprodzerzhinsk, and the rest of the money went on laser vision correction. It was uncomfortable to perform in lenses, and the girl’s vision was not clear from a young age.

"VIA Gra"

The star's journey in Via Gra continued until 2007. Almost everyone knew about the blonde. Popularity literally “fell” on the girl. Of course, if she had not worked so hard on herself and had not developed the valuable qualities of a star, then she would only have been able to dream about the stage. Every step of the pop diva since then has been under the close supervision of paparazzi.

The Ukrainian billionaire couldn’t help but notice the girl Kiperman. It was not difficult for Brezhneva to marry a businessman, although at the time of their acquaintance he was already married, and the businessman had two children. The billionaire spared no expense to participate in the singer’s promotion. She bore him a daughter, Sarah. At that time, Vera already had a child - a girl from her first civil marriage. The star does not like to talk in detail about this period of her life. The real marriage was with Kiperman. He showed Verochka the world, the popularity of the talented girl simply went off scale, she shone on every cover of a fashion magazine.

Vera Brezhneva and Mikhail Kiperman

Kiperman was jealous. And how can he resist when so many fans are flocking to his beloved wife? Brezhnev began acting in films, there were explicit scenes. The very name of the group, “Via Gra,” already spoke volumes. On shoots for magazines, Vera was also not modest. At the peak of his popularity, the star began an affair with Konstantin Meladze. Kiperman even organized surveillance of his wife. The fact of treason was established, the billionaire filed for divorce.

There are rumors that Brezhneva herself initiated the divorce due to her husband’s numerous official debts. By law, she also had to pay off her debts, and she already had something to lose. The star wants to provide financially not only for herself, her daughters, and her mother, but also to help with large gifts to relatives and acquaintances who approached her. Despite the grievances from her school years, Galushko was not distinguished by vindictiveness. She still enjoys communicating with former classmates who at one time rejected her because of the low social status of the family.

Group "VIA Gra"

Vera Brezhneva after Via Gra

Immediately after leaving the Via Gra group in 2008, Brezhneva-Kiperman was finally able to take a sabbatical, she decided on plans for the future. So, in 2008. she made her debut as a TV presenter. Viewers were able to see the vocalist in the show "The Magic of Ten", held on the first channel of Russian television.

Vera Brezhneva was the host of the show “Magic of Ten” on the First

A few years later, the singer released her solo video “I Don’t Play” and “Nirvana”. In parallel with her musical work, the singer starred in the talk show “Ice Age Two” with figure skater Vazgen Arzoyan.

In 2009 a new track was released - “Love in the Big City”, and in 2010 Vera presented fans with a new hit “Love will save the world”. Six months later, it was for “Love in...” that the singer received an award from the Golden Gramophone. Immediately after this, she was able to record a solo album of the same name. In the same year, two tracks were released where the beauty sang with other star performers: “Pronto” with Potatom and “Rose Petals” with Dan Balan. By the way, it was the video with Dan Balan that took all possible “TOPs”, the popularity of the track simply went off scale.

In 2011, the track “Real Life” was released, and the following year the singer recorded the song “Love at a Distance” with Smash.

In 2013 Vera’s new, no less popular composition, “Good Day,” was released. This track took TOP positions.

In 2014 the star recorded new tracks: “Good Morning”, “My Girl” and a joint song with (Pirozhkov)- “Luna.” Fresh hits hit the Ukrainian, Russian and other charts, with the track “Good Morning” reaching 7th place on Tophit in the CIS countries.

Vera Brezhneva and Dan Balan recorded the hit “Rose Petals” together

In 2015. Brezhneva’s new album entitled “Ververa” was released. In support of this album, the track “Mommy” was released, which was produced by Konstantin Meladze. In the same year, a new composition “Floors” was born together with T-killah, a video was shot for this track.

Vera Brezhneva in cinema

The star made her debut as an actress in 2005. She appeared on screen in the film “Sorochinskaya Fair” in the role of Motri. Along with Vera, Galtsev, Rotaru and Khvostikov played in this film.

“Sorochinskaya Fair”: Vera Brezhneva as Motri

In 2009 The pop diva played in her first full-length film - it was the role of Katya in the film “Love in the City” directed by Weisberg. A. Chadov became his partner in the film. Moreover, a video was shot based on the film and a song of the same name was released.

Still from the film “Love in the City”

In 2011 The comedy “Christmas Trees” was released, and in 2012 she played the main role in the film “Jungle”. Among Vera’s film works, it is worth noting her role in the film “Eight Best Dates” and in the TV series “Major Two.” It is worth noting that the appearance of the actress and singer in this serial film came as a complete surprise to the audience.

In the film "Christmas Trees" Vera Brezhneva played herself

Personal life

In Galushko’s personal life there were periods of “up”, but there were also “downs” and “bumps”. The first civil marriage ended in failure. The girl gave birth to a daughter from her first husband - Vitaly Voichenko at the age of eighteen. The couple's relationship did not work out from the very beginning of their life together, the couple broke up. Currently, Vitaly speaks well of his ex-wife. He protects her from the attacks of the paparazzi, says that there is not an ounce of self-interest in her.

Vitaly Voichenko, first husband of Vera Brezhneva

After her debut in the Via Gra group, Vera met her second husband. The couple experienced many happy moments together. The billionaire helped the singer hone her edges; she shone on stage like a gem. The marriage eventually broke up, the singer’s popularity went through the roof, she had a huge number of fans. It’s not for nothing that she has been credited with the title of “Sex Symbol” for more than 10 years.

Vera Brezhneva's eldest daughter - Sonya

Since 2014. the press again started talking about the star’s next romance. This time with the composer and producer of the Via Gra group - Konstantin Meladze. Journalists have long noticed the romantic component between the couple, so rumors about their romance have been circulating for a long time.

In 2015 the couple signed. The ceremony took place in Italy. According to Vera's songs, love is truly capable of much.

Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze

Vera Brezhneva then and now

Currently the star is mother of two daughters, actress, successful singer, wife, creative personality and beauty. The creative path of the star cannot be called simple. She had to work from an early age, not paying attention to the comments of her peers. Since childhood, Verochka has developed a relentless pursuit of goals and hard work. Life pushed the singer to constant improvement: she studied endlessly, earned money to take courses, never became discouraged and always tried to do everything possible to improve her situation.

Vera Brezhneva and Sarah Kiperman, the singer's youngest daughter

Playing sports during her school years helped the singer not to give up in the face of difficulties, and the lack of material wealth strengthened her character. So, starting in 2003, the singer literally “shine” for her fans; a bright, favorable creative period began in her life, which continues to this day. The star looks young, helps relatives, friends, colleagues, she is sociable and cheerful. However, only the girl herself knows what it took to strengthen her character.

Singer Vera Brezhneva

Vera attended courses for drivers and assistant secretaries, and studied English with a tutor. I dreamed of going to law school. But at the last moment I decided to enroll in the correspondence department of the Transport Institute.

Vera Viktorovna Brezhneva is a famous Ukrainian and Russian singer who became popular thanks to her participation in the vocal and instrumental ensemble “VIA Gra”. Although this musical group was not the first step in the life of the future star, she began performing on the big stage when she was barely three years old.

Vera is a vivid example of how a girl from a poor family, who did not shine with beauty and did not wear branded outfits, managed to achieve everything on her own. Many perceive Brezhneva as a kept woman of rich and famous men, but this is far from the case, since she received several educations and skillfully combined work and study in numerous courses.

Currently, Vera is a happy mother, wife and beloved woman, and she has also managed to make a dizzying career and become an ambassador for the United Nations to help women diagnosed with HIV. She is used to sharing, so she helps children with cancer as part of her charitable foundation “Ray of Faith”.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vera Brezhneva

It is worth noting that the actress and famous singer Vera Brezhneva never hid her physical parameters, including height and age, from anyone. How old Vera Brezhneva is is quite easy to find out, since she does not make a secret of her date of birth.

Vera, who bore the true Ukrainian surname Galushka, was born in 1982, so she was already thirty-six years old. According to the zodiac circle, Vera received the sign of the dreamy, highly moral, resourceful, changeable, creative Aquarius.

The eastern horoscope endowed the woman with character traits characteristic of the Dog, including devotion, resourcefulness, courage, determination, loyalty, creativity, and friendliness.

Vera is one meter and seventy-one centimeters tall, and her weight is currently set at fifty-three kilograms.

Biography of Vera Brezhneva

The biography of Vera Brezhneva resembles the story of a modern Cinderella, who was able to reach creative Olympus with the help of her own talent and increased ability to work.

Little Verochka shone on stage from an early age with musical numbers and poetry; she was the star of kindergarten and school amateur performances. The talented girl did not have the financial means to study in a theater, vocal, or choreographic studio, but she was constantly in the spotlight.

From the age of eleven, the girl had to work part-time to help her parents. Vera washed dishes in a cafe, was a babysitter, and even traded at the market. Later, the persistent girl began to devote time not only to study and work, but also to self-development in free clubs.

Vera studied at a music school, as well as in rhythmic gymnastics, handball, karate and basketball sections. Later, Brezhneva decided that in order to make a career, she should enroll in computer literacy courses, learn foreign languages, and learn to drive a car masterfully.

She received the specialty of a secretary-assistant, and at the same time, in order to have additional pocket money, she weeded city flower beds and worked part-time as a babysitter, since she got along easily with children.

Vera intended to become a lawyer, but was unable to raise funds for her studies. At the same time, she nevertheless became a student at the Institute of Railway Transport Engineers in Dnepropetrovsk, so she received a higher education in economics.

In the summer of 2002, Vera decided to relax in a city park during the festivities in honor of Ivan Kupala, and the group “VIA Gra” performed there. The singers invited everyone to sing on stage with them, and a miracle happened, since the bright, rhythmic, flexible and musical Vera attracted the attention of the producer and was invited to join the group.

After music lessons, the girl was accepted into the group instead of Alena Vinnitskaya, but they decided that it would be funny to sing under the surname Galushka, so they chose a sonorous pseudonym in honor of General Secretary Brezhnev, who was the beauty’s compatriot.

The group, which included Sedokova, Brezhneva and Granovskaya, is still called the golden composition of “VIA Gra”, since many hits were written at that time and an album was recorded in English. In 2007, Vera was among the sexiest women in the Russian Federation according to the rating of the Maxim publication, and then she was included in this list four more times.

In 2006, Vera Brezhneva went into free swimming; she left the musical group because she was tired mentally and physically from constant tours and press conferences. The fact is that it became difficult for the girl to smile when she just wanted to cry from fatigue.

Since 2008, she has become a TV presenter of the programs “Magic of Ten”, “Southern Butovo”, “Ice Age”, “Demobilization Album”. In parallel with this activity, Vera constantly recorded new albums and individual singles, she starred in comedic films and New Year's musicals, videos for other performers and commercials.

In addition, Brezhnev hosts radio programs and also produces CDs with video tutorials on how to become successful and beautiful, self-confident and bright, in short, to turn from an ugly duckling into a morning star.

Personal life of Vera Brezhneva

The personal life of Vera Brezhneva is often shrouded in mystery, since the girl is not ready to open her soul wide open to her fans. The fact is that in childhood and adolescence Vera did not shine with beauty, she had her hair cut short, wore the same clothes, and also had poor eyesight, so she wore glasses in the cheapest frames.

Naturally, no one paid attention to such an ugly duckling, especially since Vera Galushka constantly worked to feed herself and her sisters, so she had no time for romance novels.

The girl’s first serious relationship began at the age of seventeen; this romance quickly turned into her first marriage with politician Vitaly Voichenko.

After Brezhneva became famous and self-sufficient, she decided to get rid of her husband as unnecessary ballast, replacing him with the more successful Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kiperman.

At the same time, in one famous photograph, the oligarch Kolomoisky made horns for Mikhail with his fingers, pointing a glass of champagne at his wife. This photo is considered iconic because it hinted that Vera had been cheating on her husband for many years.

The man ordered surveillance of Brezhneva, after which he received photos that proved that his beloved girl was having a whirlwind romance with her producer Konstantin Meladze. Kiperman could not stand this, he divorced his wife, but did not wash dirty linen in public so that his business reputation would not be tarnished.

Before Vera Brezhneva and Meladze got married, a photo of the wedding appeared on the Internet; it became known that in 2013 the woman had a whirlwind romance with world-famous director Marius Weisberg. However, this information was not confirmed or refuted, as were rumors about an affair with Alexei Chadov, Alan Badoev, oligarch Igor Kolomoisky and millionaire Sasha Onishchenko.

Vera Brezhneva's family

Vera Brezhneva's family had nothing to do with creativity, her parents were not rich or famous, so the girl from Ukraine was forced to achieve everything on her own. Their parents worked all their lives at the Dnieper chemical plant, which significantly undermined their health, but did not bring them wealth.

Mom and father were not even able to earn money for their own housing, which is why their famous daughter gave them their own housing in Kiev Borispol.

Father - Victor Galushka - worked at the plant as a chemical technologist; he was quite educated, since he had two higher educations. The girl often turned to her father to help solve a difficult mathematical problem; the man taught his daughter responsibility, hard work, logical thinking and responsiveness to the grief of others.

The father paid attention to his daughter; at the age of four, he first put her on the stage of a sanatorium, asking her to sing. Everyone liked the little girl’s singing so much that she heard the first applause. Until the age of eleven, the beauty studied in a dance club, and then Viktor Mikhailovich was hit by a car, and the family began to live in poverty.

The man died suddenly in 2015, the cause of death being cardiac arrest. Before this, the man had been ill for a whole year, they managed to restart his heart, but Viktor Mikhailovich was connected to a ventilator, although he fell into a comatose state. Then the man came out of the coma, began to distinguish his relatives and respond to voices, and died a couple of days later.

Vera had a hard time with the death of her beloved dad, she did not answer calls and was in severe depression, from which she was able to get out only thanks to her marriage to Konstantin Meladze.

Mother - Tamara Galushka - was two years older than her husband, and the woman worked at a chemical plant, although she received a medical education. Vera inherited her striking appearance from her mother, although the woman’s eyes are the same as her father’s.

Vera's family had many children, so her parents had to work a lot, but they could not provide for the family at the highest level. Little Verochka was poorly dressed and constantly wore the same clothes to school; she did not know how to take care of her appearance, so she paled in comparison with her wealthier peers.

Sister - Galina Galushka - is 5 years older than her famous sister, she studied well and soon moved to permanent residence in sunny Greece. She studied music, vocals, and also rhythmic gymnastics, receiving the title of master in this sport.

Galina is a quiet, modest and far from public person; she never appears at public events. At the same time, the girl is very friendly with her sisters, so she comes home for all family holidays.

The woman successfully married the Greek businessman Harris, she is a happy mother of two daughters.

Sister - Anastasia Galushka is one of the younger twin sisters, who are three years younger than the famous sister. She lives in the capital of Ukraine, because she married a famous businessman early and is raising her daughter Sofia.

She is not too similar to her sister in appearance, the girl does not like the public. The girl is a very family person, so it is not clear what education she received and what field she works in.

Sister - Victoria Galushka - the second sister of twins, who was born in 1984, in Dneprodzerzhinsk, she was strongly attached to her mother. Vika received a higher medical education, but never worked by profession. The fact is that the girl was able to leave for the capital of Ukraine, becoming the personal assistant of designer Olya Navrotskaya.

Only a few years passed, and the bright Victoria met showman and singer Alexander Tsekalo, who was a quarter of a century older than the girl. The family didn’t even suspect that the guys had begun a passionate romance, so they were shocked that Sasha and Vika got married in 2008. In the same year, the girl moved to Moscow, she opened an exclusive boutique, where it was possible to purchase things that had previously been worn by theater, film and show business stars from Ukraine.

At the same time, Vika Galushka is incredibly similar to her famous sister, but she does not like to be in public, like her husband Alexander Tsekalo. For a long time it was not known that the guys got married, and also that they had two children - Alexandra and Mikhail.

By the way, it became known from third parties that Victoria is most likely pregnant, so Tsekalo may soon become a happy father. However, neither Alexander nor his young wife refute this information, but they also do not confirm it.

Recently Tamara Vitalievna spoke about the fact that there are not four, but five girls in the family. The fact is that my father had a daughter, Olya, from his first marriage. For a long time the girl did not communicate with her father and stepsisters, so Vera was shocked that she had another sister. Olga Galushka lives in the Krasnodar region, where she was successfully married.

Children of Vera Brezhneva

The children of Vera Brezhneva were born from different men, and the difference between the girls was eight years. The girls are not only very close to each other, but also simply adore their own mother.

Vera claims that she considers the appearance of her children to be timely, and is also sincerely happy that they are in her life. Although, when the girl became pregnant for the first time, she wanted to terminate the pregnancy, since her common-law spouse was against the birth of a child. Now she greatly regrets this cowardice and is grateful to her mother, who begged her daughter on her knees to leave the baby.

Brezhneva never put career growth above the interests of her own daughters; she believes that it was her girls who helped her become happy and famous. The fact is that immediately after the birth of her first daughter, her first husband left Vera without a livelihood, so she did not become despondent, but began to pursue her dream.

Vera Brezhneva even left a successful career in the VIA Gra group due to the fact that she could not pay much attention to the children, especially since her eldest daughter became a first-grader. With the birth of her daughters, she discovered an interesting gift in herself, since she was always with the kids when they found themselves in a difficult situation or felt bad.

The woman managed to perform on stage and act in films, even while deeply pregnant, so her children never distracted her from her career. By the way, in order to protect the girls from envy and to protect them from the negative actions of fans, Brezhneva flatly refused to post their photos on the Internet or transfer them to the media.

By the way, when Sarah was born, Vera’s husband took his girls from a private maternity hospital under conditions of careful secrecy, so journalists were unable to break through the cordon. This is what caused controversy over the gender of the child; for a long time the media wrote that a boy was born.

Only girls saved her from depression during divorces and creative problems, so Vera called them her angels and closest people. When a woman gets tired of flights and concerts, she is always greeted with surprises at home: posters with good wishes, a cup of her favorite tea with cookies and just warm hugs.

The eldest daughter treats the youngest daughter tenderly, completely replacing her mother when she tours or acts in films. She knows what to feed and what to wear for the baby, and she also managed to organize a festive party for her in honor of her fourth birthday.

At the same time, Vera relaxes with her girls, whom she considers more girlfriends than daughters, so she often says that she would gladly give them a brother or sister from the person she loves.

Daughter of Vera Brezhneva - Sonya Kiperman

Vera Brezhneva's daughter, Sonya Kiperman, was born in 2001; her mother's common-law husband, Vitaly Voichenko, became his father. At the same time, it is not very clear in which city the beauty was born, since two cities were indicated at once: Dnepropetrovsk and Kyiv.

Sonya Voichenko was the baby’s name until she was five years old, because then her mother got married and changed the girl’s last name to Kiperman. At the same time, the biological father claims that he did not give any consent to this and believes that he has much more rights to his daughter. He says that as a child he himself went to the dairy kitchen, sang lullabies and washed diapers, so he will never give up the child.

Sonya has the character of her father, since the girl is distinguished by perseverance, responsiveness, devotion and business acumen. However, the girl does not seek to communicate with her father; she calls Mikhail Kiperman her father in all interviews.

The girl did not accept her new stepfather in the form of Konstantin Meladze, she does not communicate with him and is never photographed for interviews. Sonya graduated from primary school in a regular metropolitan school, and then became a student at the International British School because she had conflicts with her classmates.

Sonya Kiperman says that she is diligently studying English in order to move to the States and make a career as a model. From a young age, the girl has been parading on catwalks, attending a modeling school, and she often posts photos on social media pages that do not correspond to her age, for example, in swimsuits or open dresses.

In addition to the modeling studio, Sonya tries herself as a professional, she attended the famous acting children's camp in Los Angeles, and also made her debut in the film “Eight Best Dates”. She has been riding horses since childhood and also loves to travel.

Since the beginning of this year, the girl moved to California, where she not only studies, but also has fun in the company of her beloved man Hawk Krubert.

Daughter of Vera Brezhneva - Sarah Kiperman

Vera Brezhneva's daughter, Sarah Kiperman, was born in 2009; her father was businessman Mikhail Kiperman. The name for the long-awaited baby was invented jointly; it means “gift of the Lord.”

By the way, the baby was an illegitimate child, since her parents officially got married only a year after her birth. At the same time, her father simply adores Sarah; he spares no money and free time for his baby.

Sarah is growing up to be a real housewife; she can already set the table and make tea for her mother. At the same time, the girl is incredibly sensitive, caring and sympathetic; she resembles her beloved mother in appearance and character.

The girl studies at a school with in-depth study of English, she speaks excellent Italian. Sarah attends an art school and a dance studio, and is also growing into an incredible fashionista. The baby's wardrobe has the same outfits as her mother; she loves the color pink and all its shades, as well as high heels.

Sarah is an artistic and creative girl, but she doesn’t want to follow in her mother’s footsteps just yet.

Former husband of Vera Brezhneva - Vitaly Voichenko

Vera Brezhneva's ex-husband, Vitaly Voichenko, is the girl's first love, who flared up unexpectedly and was slightly immature. The athlete and Ukrainian politician saw Vera in Energodar when she was barely seventeen. The beauty was simply relaxing in a cafe when a young civil servant saw her.

The man was so impressed by Vera’s natural charm that he didn’t even think that he needed to get to know her. Vitaly searched for the lovely stranger for three months, and then took her with him to Energodar for three days with his mother’s permission.

Three days developed into a civil marriage, which resulted in the birth of a daughter. At the same time, Vera’s mother asked Vitaly to legalize their relationship, but the guy did not find the money or time for this.

The politician's career took off, he became deputy head of the Yalta administration, and Vera was cast in the VIA Gra group. After this, the young people began to see each other less often, and the girl, tired of waiting for a marriage proposal from her chosen one, simply left him with little Sonechka.

Vitaly commented on the divorce simply: his wife found a more worthy match, and that man immediately called Galushka down the aisle.

Vera Brezhneva's ex-husband - Mikhail Kiperman

Vera Brezhneva's ex-husband, Mikhail Kiperman, appeared in her life in 2006. Vera married a prominent Ukrainian businessman and hastened to change her last name to Kiperman.

By the way, before getting together with Vera, Mikhail was married for many years, but he abandoned his housewife wife Yana and two children for the sake of a new passion. At the same time, Kiperman is a representative of a fairly well-known dynasty, he is the son of businessman Yuri Kiperman, heads Ukrnaft OJSC and is close to the Privat group.

The man is a private person, he never attends social events, and also does not comment on his personal life. The only thing that is known is that Kiperman dated Vera long before he divorced his first wife.

All the male relatives were categorically against this marriage, since they are Orthodox Jews. It is not yet clear when the wedding took place, since they say that Mikhail and Vera got married secretly in 2006, but officially this ceremony took place in 2010 after the birth of their youngest daughter Sarah.

One way or another, the marriage broke up in 2012; Kiperman’s pathological jealousy is said to be the reason for this. He carefully checked the wife’s contracts and demanded that those clauses that provided for complete or partial nudity be changed.

At the same time, Vera herself left her husband after she learned that her husband hired private detectives to spy on her.

Vera Brezhneva's husband - Konstantin Meladze

Vera Brezhneva's husband, Konstantin Meladze, is the singer's secret passion, and also her only love. At the same time, Vera and Kostya constantly denied publications about their romance, calling them clowning and unverified rumors.

Vera struck Konstantin at the casting for the VIA Gra group; she reminded him of the young Brigitte Bardot, but the guy never admitted to himself that he also liked the beauty as a woman. The girl did not know how to move, sing or dance correctly, but she was so persistent that after a month she successfully competed with more experienced colleagues.

He had a hard time with Vera’s marriage to Mikhail Kiperman, realizing that the girl would most likely leave the group. Konstantin said that he did not allow himself to be jealous because he was married and raised three children.

After Vera and Konstantin began dating secretly, the composer realized that there was a lot of interesting things around him, besides work, he began to take care of his appearance. In 2015, a secret wedding took place in Italy, organized by Brezhnev herself.

It turned out to be quite difficult to establish relationships with children, since Yana Meladze turned her daughters and son against Vera. However, now Alisa, Leah, Kostya and Sara are friends and often travel together, but Sonya has not yet recognized her stepfather and is trying to communicate with him less.

By the way, Konstantin says that he still cannot confess his love for Vera in public places. He wrote the song “Salute, Vera!” for her, where he clearly described their relationship: “You don’t come true, even if you dream on Friday night,
You don’t respond to a single password.” The fact is that the guys have passwords and code words that they use to communicate through the TV screen.

Over ten years of secret relationships, Konstantin dedicated songs to Vera that became real hits and anthems of true love: “In spite of”, “Message”, “Parallel”, “Free Flight”.

By the way, Meladze’s ex-wife accepted the separation and got married again.

Photo of Vera Brezhneva before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Vera Brezhneva before and after plastic surgery often attract the attention of fans, since the girl has not changed over the years. The fact is that various articles or social networks say more and more often that the famous singer has changed everything possible about herself.

Brezhnev, according to her fans and enemies, had rhinoplasty and pumped up her breasts and lips with silicone. However, the woman claims that she never resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon, she simply met people who taught her how to properly take care of herself.

It was high-quality makeup, the services of a cosmetologist, diet and regular exercise that allowed her to turn from an ugly teenager into a fatal beauty. She says that you can get chiseled cheekbones by losing weight, and a beautiful complexion will appear after using masks, peeling or a vitamin complex.

Brezhneva claims that Botox before the age of thirty is a crime; she is proud of her fine wrinkles, believing that they confirm her excellent sense of humor and the fact that she is incredibly loved and happy.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vera Brezhneva

The famous singer has had Vera Brezhneva’s Instagram and Wikipedia for a long time, so all the information posted on them is not only relevant, but also reliable. The fact is that from the Wikipedia article you can clarify information about Vera’s childhood, education, parents, family, personal life, spouses, children and work. At the same time, a large amount of information in the article is devoted to the singer’s solo career, her social activities and awards.

At the same time, more than 9,400,000 people have subscribed to Brezhneva’s Instagram profile, who can admire high-quality photos and videos from personal or creative archives. By the way, each of them can not only be evaluated, but also commented on.

Former member of the well-known musical group “VIA Gra” Vera Brezhneva dazzles with her beauty. It seems that time has no power over her, because over the years she becomes more and more attractive. This is noticed not only by the singer’s numerous fans, but also by haters. Brezhneva was recognized as the sexiest girl in Russia according to Maxim magazine. Today her life resembles a fairy tale, but she had to work hard to achieve this.


The star was born in 1982 on February 3 in the large family of Viktor Mikhailovich Galushka and his wife Tamara, who lived in the Ukrainian city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. Parents worked all their lives at the Dnepropetrovsk chemical plant, but hard work did not bring them wealth.

The girl constantly wore shabby clothes, which is why her peers often mocked her.

Brezhneva began to show her creative nature in kindergarten and school, performing brilliant musical and poetic numbers.

However, the family did not have money to participate in theater, choreographic or vocal studios. The girl developed independently, which she did well.

In childhood and youth, Vera worked constantly. From the age of eleven she had to start working part-time in order to provide at least some financial assistance to her parents. She was a dishwasher in a cafe, a nanny, and even a seller at the market.

Over time, the girl began to pay more attention to her creative and physical development, so she attended free clubs and sections. She did:

  • music;
  • rhythmic gymnastics;
  • handball;
  • basketball;
  • karate

In addition, the girl studied English and computer literacy, learned to drive a car, and received the specialty of secretary-assistant. In the future, she wanted to become a lawyer, but due to a lack of funds, she had to enter the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Engineers to major in economics.

The beginning of a creative career

Big changes in the girl’s life began in 2002, when the group “VIA Gra” came to Dnepropetrovsk on tour. In honor of the celebration of Ivan Kupala, a concert was held in the city park, at which Nadezhda Granovskaya, Anna Sedokova and Alena Vinnitskaya performed. When everyone was invited to the stage to sing with the girls their hit “Attempt No. 5,” Vera did not stand aside. Her good hearing, ability to move and beautiful figure were noticed by Dmitry Kostyuk, who was a co-producer of the group.

A few months later, a casting was held for a place in the group, which was vacated due to Vinnitskaya’s departure, and the sexy Vera was invited to it. The girl passed the audition with dignity and was included in the trio. At that time, the beauty bore her maiden name - Galushka, which the producers did not like.

They suggested replacing her with Brezhnev’s pseudonym, since the girl was a native of the Secretary General’s hometown.

The first concert of the renewed group was a success. After this, constant tours began, accompanied by exhausting rehearsals, caustic gossip and a long separation from their daughter Sonya, who was born in 2001. But nothing could break the celebrity’s persistent character, so she continued to move in the chosen direction.

Brezhneva's popularity was constantly growing. The composition of the group with her participation is considered golden. For four years, while Vera sang in VIA Gre, there were Several albums have been released and many hits have been written:

  • “Don’t leave me, my love”;
  • "Kill my friend";
  • "Ocean and Three Rivers";
  • "Biology", etc.

The group went on tours all over the world: to Russia (Moscow, Tver), Japan (Tokyo), Belarus, Ukraine (Kiev, Dnepr, Odessa), Kazakhstan, Latvia, Israel, Germany, Lithuania, Armenia, etc. The girls received wide popularity among numerous fans.

In 2007, Vera Brezhneva decided to build a solo career and left the team. After this, the singer took a sabbatical to reflect on the future and her own prospects in it. Thanks to the newfound popularity and accumulated savings, leaving VIA Gra turned out to be almost painless. The girl gained independence from strict producers, but did not lose contact with the Meladze brothers.

Solo activities

The year 2008 was marked for the artist by her return to TV as the TV presenter of the program “Magic of Ten”. A few months later, Vera Brezhneva’s songs “Nirvana” and “I Don’t Play” were released, for which videos were shot at the same time. In addition, the star took part in the show “Ice Age”, where she was paired with figure skater Vazgen Azroyan.

In 2009, the singer released a track for the film “Love in the Big City,” and in 2010 she presented the hit song “Love Will Save the World,” which allowed the star to receive the prestigious Russian Golden Gramophone award and became the basis for her first solo album of the same name. In the same year, two tracks were recorded in a duet with other performers:

  1. "Pronto" with Potap.
  2. “Petals of Tears” with Dan Balan, which took first place in the world charts.

From 2011 to 2014, the girl released the compositions “Real Life”, “Love at a Distance” (with DJ Smash), “Good Day”, “Say” (with the group “Druha Rika”), “Good Morning”, “My Girl” , Luna (with Artur Pirozhkov). The songs turned out to be very successful and won the love of the public.

In 2015, Brezhneva's second album, Ververa, was released. In support of it, they recorded the popular single “Mom”, which was produced by. At the same time, the song “Floors” was released, performed with rapper T-killah.

While developing as a singer, Brezhneva managed to establish herself well as an actress, having started acting in Russian films and musicals in 2005. The first role was associated with the activities of VIA Gra: Vera played Motrya, one of the three daughters of millet merchant Solopy Cherevik, in the musical “Sorochinskaya Fair”. As part of Brezhnev’s group, she also took part in the musical films “Night in Disco Style” and “First at Home.”

In 2009, the star already starred in the feature film “Love in the City”, where she performed in the role of Katya. The girl’s partner was Alexey Chadov. She later participated in the following parts of this film, released in 2010 and 2013.

Then Brezhnev was invited to play herself in the comedies “Yolki” and “Yolki 2”. In 2012, the celebrity played the main role in “The Jungle.” In addition, she starred in “Rockland,” the TV series “Major 2” and the film “8 Best Dates.” Although the celebrity’s filmography is not very large, Vera managed to fall in love with many viewers as an actress.

Personal life

The first man of the then ordinary girl turned out to be politician Vitaly Voichenko. She did not formalize her relationship with him. In a civil marriage, the daughter of Vera Brezhneva and Vitaly, Sonya, was born. After the birth of the baby, there was a sharp rise in the politician’s career, and Vera joined a popular group. In this regard, the relationship between the young people began to cool. Tired of waiting for Vitaly to ask her to marry, the singer left him.

The second and already legal husband of Vera Brezhneva was Mikhail Kiperman. The husband was one of the richest people in Dnepropetrovsk; he was repeatedly seen in the company of the oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. The young people's relationship began at a time when the millionaire was not yet free. He beautifully courted the star, gave him expensive gifts, and after his wife and his divorce in 2006, he proposed to marry him.

Soon their child together was born - daughter Sarah(by the way, both girls of the singer bear the surname of their second husband). Brezhneva then refused to go on maternity leave, because she was at the peak of her popularity and did not want to become a housewife.

The beauty’s life seemed like a real fairy tale, but in 2012, after being married for several years, she told fans the news of her divorce from Kiperman. The separation is associated with the millionaire's excessive jealousy. They say that Mikhail strictly controlled her life: he checked all contracts and demanded that clauses providing for even partial nudity of the star be removed from them, and also hired detectives to keep an eye on the singer.

Vera Brezhneva’s third husband was Konstantin Meladze, whose wedding took place in 2015. They began to talk about their marriage long before the official date of the wedding ceremony, which took place in Italy. The couple tries not to let the public know the details of their relationship, but it is clear that the successful singer and talented composer are happy with each other.

Konstantin has three children from a previous marriage - two daughters and a son. At first they did not recognize Vera, because their mother turned them against the girl, but then they managed to improve their relationship.

Now the composer’s children are friends with Brezhneva’s youngest daughter and often go on trips together. Konstantin’s eldest daughter does not yet recognize Vera, so she tries not to communicate with her.

Sonya leads an active life and strives to live up to her star mother. Her persona has already appeared in fashion shows, she starred in “The Vampire Diaries” in a cameo role, participates in photo shoots, and leads an active life on the social networks VKontakte and Instagram.

Singer today

In 2016, the celebrity presented a new song called “Number 1,” which entered the top 100 of Ukrainian and Russian charts, as well as music ratings of the CIS countries. At the same time, the song Feel was released and videos for both songs were recorded. In 2017, a new music video for the song “Close People” was released, directed by the famous Ukrainian video director Alan Badoev.

In addition, the actress starred in the last part of “Yolok”, which was released in theaters at the end of 2018.

Today she is a successful, self-confident and enjoying life young woman who is not shy about talking about her measurements or age. But many people care about how old Vera Brezhneva is. At thirty-seven, she boasts a slender figure and 53 kilograms of weight with a height of 172 centimeters. In addition, the singer is a happy mother of two beautiful daughters.

Regular exercise and following a healthy lifestyle allowed her to achieve such results. Even with the most difficult filming and performance schedule, the singer must drink a glass of clean water in the morning, which allows her body to start working. The girl also made it a rule to do daily physical exercise. She strictly monitors her menu, excluding any harmful foods, including sugar, which has a very adverse effect on her appearance.

The singer is often accused of undergoing plastic surgery and using Botox to improve the shape of the lips. However, the star herself claims that she has never used such services, but simply found people who taught her how to properly take care of her figure and appearance. She is sure that you can turn into a fatal beauty through regular exercise, dieting and high-quality makeup.

Having studied the girl’s biography, we can conclude that Vera is a strong and hardworking person. She is a shining example of the fact that even people from poor provincial families can achieve great heights. To do this, you just need to set a vital goal and work hard to achieve it.

Name: Vera Brezhneva

Date of Birth: 03.02.1982

Age: 37 years

Place of Birth: Dneprodzerzhinsk, Ukraine

Weight: 53 kg

Height: 1.71 m

Activity: singer, actress, TV presenter

Family status: Married

Vera Brezhneva is recognized as one of the most beautiful and successful women in Russia. She has come a long and difficult way both in her creative career and in her personal life. The singer's biography includes several unsuccessful marriages, which gave the blond beauty two wonderful children. Over the years, the singer’s popularity has not faded, and the tabloids are full of bright photos with the charming ex-soloist of the VIA Gra ensemble.

The large family

Vera Brezhneva, or rather, Vera Galushka - this is exactly what the singer’s real name sounds like, was born in Ukraine in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. The family of two ordinary workers raised four children. Like many in those difficult times, the Galushka family lived modestly, but still the parents tried not to deny their children anything.

Vera's love for music and dancing arose in preschool age. And having entered first grade, the girl began an active creative life: she took part in all concerts and competitions. Classmates were surprised by the fervor of her peer; among them she was a real “star”, the leader of the class.

In her youth, Vera Brezhneva looked completely different

After school, the future singer entered college to major in economics. The parents had other plans for the girl: the father dreamed that their Vera would become a good lawyer. But the family did not have enough money for education, so I had to go to study wherever my wallet allowed.

Cinderella story

Everyone knows the story of Cinderella from the fairy tale of the same name. A similar life situation happened with Vera Galushka. One day, the group “VIA Gra” came to a concert in quiet and small Dnepropetrovsk. Vera manages to get to the girls' performance. From this day on, the life of the provincial blonde will completely change. Vera, along with several of her friends, are invited on stage to sing with the group.

Vera passed the casting and the producer liked her almost the first time. This becomes clear when, a few years later, Vera marries Konstantin Miladze, who conducted this casting. The producer soon called Vera back and invited the girl to Kyiv.

The future singer studied dancing and singing

The happiness of the young beauty cannot be described in words: in Kyiv, Vera was advised to take vocal and dance courses. Every day the girl turned into a future star, about whom the entire male half of humanity was delighted.

Producer Dmitry Kostyuk advised the girl to change her last name. In his opinion, Brezhnev sounds more harmonious, while Galushka spoils the impression of the group as a whole.

First steps and leaving the group

Brezhnev first appeared on stage in 2003. Vera’s partners were the incomparable Nadezhda Granovskaya and Anna Sedakova. Vera took the place of Alena Vinnitskaya, who left the VIA Gra group. The group performed the song “My Attempt Number Five” with a new lineup, which the public really liked.

Constant tours, filming, fame - all this was to Brezhneva’s liking. But four years later, Vera left the group. As the singer herself said, she began to get sick often. It happened that VIA Gra went on tour as a duet, without Brezhneva. The girl was moping a lot, her schedule was throwing her off her feet. Moreover, there was another reason for leaving.

Vera Brezhneva as part of the VIA-Gra group

According to the blonde, her daughter was going to first grade at that time, and Vera just wanted to be a normal mother for her child. But he left the team. Vera always spoke well of her partners, and now she’s doing great solo. Perhaps, by taking a step back, the singer discovered the road to a new life filled with solo projects.

Brezhneva's personal life

Today, the beautiful Vera Brezhneva has two unsuccessful marriages behind her. They left their mark on the singer’s biography: the girl had children (see photo below).

While still a student, Vera met Vitaly Voichenko. The man saw a blond young lady in a cafe. Enchanted Vitaly did not dare to approach the 17-year-old girl, and a few days later, realizing that the lady had fallen into his soul, he sought her out.

Voichenko was a successful businessman, he lived in Energodar, where he took Vera. At that time, the future star wore a short haircut. Long hair is Voichenko’s idea. She owes Brezhnev’s successful image change to her first husband.

After leaving the group, Vera built her solo career

Vera left her husband along with their daughter Sonya. She just left a note and ran away. According to Voichenko, he couldn’t find a place for himself - he was worried. That she won't see her daughter again. Fortunately, everything worked out fine. Now Vitaly communicates with his daughter and speaks well of his ex-wife.

Voichenko only hints at the reason for the breakup. He admits that he has always had many women. Even at the moment when Brezhnev appeared - “the bespectacled man”, Voichenko so affectionately called his chosen one. Yes, the blue-eyed blonde used to wear glasses.

Millionaire - second husband

She met Mikhail Kiperman, Brezhnev’s second husband, after she left the VIA Gra ensemble. This period was not easy in the biography of Vera Brezhneva, things were not going well in her personal life, there was a pause in her career, and children needed to be raised and fed. Therefore, a strong man's shoulder was necessary for a fragile girl. In addition, someone had to pay for the star’s solo projects. In the photo below, the once happy Kiperman and Brezhnev.

The singer with her second husband, a businessman

The relationship turned quickly. Vera was not embarrassed by the fact that Mikhail already had a family. Destroying the marriage union for Brezhneva turned out to be an easy task. Kiperman divorced his first wife, with whom he has two children, and registered a relationship with a lead singer from a famous ensemble.

Money flowed like a river from Kiperman’s wallet: he embodied all of Brezhneva’s ideas, as long as she would shine. But she only shone for him. The Ukrainian oligarch was very jealous. And being jealous of the lead singer of VIA Gra, even though she was a former one, was a justified action. After all, the fans were circling around the blonde.

In addition, Vera began filming films, where she was seen more than once in explicit scenes. What can we say about photo shoots in magazines, where the star posed almost naked. All this happened regularly, and Kiperman’s hot blood boiled with jealousy.

Who knows how it would have ended if Konstantin Meladze, Brezhneva’s secret love, had not appeared again in Vera’s life. Suspecting something was wrong, Mikhail organized surveillance of his wife. When the fact of the betrayal was documented, the deceived Kiperman filed for divorce. Even the birth of their daughter Sarah did not save the family.

The artist with her daughter Sarah

Rumor has it that Brezhnev herself abandoned Kiperman for his multimillion-dollar debts to creditors. After all, according to the law of Ukraine, a legal wife had to pay for her husband’s debts as if she were her own. And Vera then had something to give. The star owned a Hummer car and an apartment.

Vitaly Voichenko defends his ex-wife in front of journalists and asks not to slander an honest woman. He claims that there is not a drop of commercialism in Vera, and she left Kiperman because she did not love him.

Another marriage

Brezhneva's third husband was Konstantin Meladze. In Vera’s biography, he plays an important role; previously this concerned only his career - after all, he is the producer of the VIA Gra ensemble. Now the soloist’s personal life is connected with Meladze, he is raising her children. The photo below shows the happy couple.

The young people had their wedding in Italy. The long-term romance has finally come to an end in the form of marriage. Meladze worked on Vera for many years as a soloist in his ensemble. We can say that he himself created what he has now. Konstantin made a real star out of a provincial child, a standard of female beauty, and then took her as his wife.

Romantic relationship with producer Konstantin Meladze ended in marriage

Daughters of Vera Brezhneva

The stormy personal life of singer Vera Brezhneva gave her two daughters. There is practically no place for a family in the star’s biography, but the girl still manages to spend at least a little time with her children. (see photo)

The first daughter Sophia was born from Vitaly Voichenko in 2001. At this time, Vera still bore her real name, and did not even imagine the dizzying career that lay ahead of her. Rumor has it that when Vitaly found out about the pregnancy of his common-law wife, he was not particularly happy. But Vera’s mother was against abortion and supported her daughter during a difficult period of her life.

Sonya bears the surname of Brezhneva’s second husband, Kiperman. But the girl doesn’t advertise it either. She came up with a sonorous pseudonym for herself - Sonya Kiper. The girl dreams of becoming a successful model and has already achieved a lot in her young years. She attended modeling school, performed at New York fashion shows, and even became the face of one of the famous Russian brands. Brezhneva's child's achievements include filming a youth series and enrolling in a prestigious British school.

Singer with her children

Sarah is the second daughter of Vera, whose father is oligarch Mikhail Kiperman. Brezhneva does not like to expose the details of her biography to the public; her personal life is partially closed to journalists, so for a long time no one could find out the name of the star’s second child. But it is still impossible to hide any information to a public person for a long time. Pictured below is Sarah Kiperman.

Vera Brezhneva was born into a poor family. They didn’t like her at school because she began to mature very quickly, she was tall, with a strange hairstyle, almost always wearing the same skirt - there was simply no other one. The only joy for Vera was the pioneer camp, because no one there knew that Vera Brezhneva was the tallest and ugliest girl in the class. In the camp, Vera Brezhneva could be herself.

At graduation, she did not feel any emotional shock, worry, or sadness. She came to the presentation of certificates and went home, since her parents did not have money to pay for the “sweet table”.

After graduating from school, Vera Brezhneva understood that no prospects awaited her in her hometown, so she went to Dnepropetrovsk to go to university. Since there was no money for living in this big city, and traveling home every day also required considerable expenses, Vera Brezhneva entered the correspondence department of the Faculty of Economics of the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Engineers.

Having started studying at the university, she gave birth to a daughter, Sonya. The child's father selflessly shared the responsibilities of motherhood, allowed the mother to get enough sleep at night, and fed the child. We can say that there were no problems with Sonechka, so Vera Brezhneva remembers the first year of the child’s life with nostalgia. But when my daughter was one and a half years old, her mother went to Kyiv for a casting for the VIA Gra group.

Having successfully passed the casting, the producer of the VIA Gra group, having learned that Vera was a fellow countrywoman of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, immediately changed her real name Galushka to a pseudonym, since then everyone knows her as Vera Brezhnev.

Star Trek singer

When Alena Vinnitskaya left the VIA Gra group, Vera Brezhneva was invited to the casting, which she successfully completed. And since 2003, Vera Brezhneva has performed as part of the group. It was this composition (Nadezhda, Anna and Vera) that was called the “golden” composition, since it turned out to be the most successful in the entire existence of the VIA Gra group.

During the four years that Vera remained a constant member, the group went through a lot: the love of the audience, hit songs, numerous awards and the same lineup changes. But in December 2007, Vera quietly left the group to begin to realize herself as a separate unit.

Already in 2007, Vera Brezhneva was recognized by Maxim magazine as the sexiest woman in Russia, according to the results of reader voting.

In 2008, she tried herself as a TV presenter in the program “Magic of Ten” on Channel One. In the same year, a video was released for the song “I Don’t Play”, performed solo by Brezhneva, and the 2nd single “Nirvana”.

On September 14, the show “Yuzhnoe Butovo” started, in which Vera was a constant participant. After 4 episodes of the program, Vera went on maternity leave, and filming of the program stopped for a while. Then Vera Brezhneva took part in the Ukrainian show “Superzirka” as a judge.

While participating in television projects, Vera does not forget about music. In 2010, her first solo album, entitled “Love Will Save the World,” was released. It was well received by both critics and fans - this is proven by the Golden Gramophone award received in the same year.

Personal life of Vera Brejneva

Vera has an eldest daughter, Sonya, whom she gave birth to at the age of 18, while still studying at the Dnepropetrovsk Institute. She lived in a civil marriage with her father, Vitaly Voichenko, for several years.

In November 2006, she married Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kiperman. And in 2007, she decided to go on vacation for an indefinite period of time in order to devote herself to her family. However, sometimes she still appears on television. In December 2009, she gave birth to a daughter, Sarah. But their common child did not help them keep the couple together in the future. In July 2012, Vera filed for divorce. Neither the star nor her husband commented on the separation, but among the reasons they name the unfavorable financial situation in the family.

In October 2015, Vera Brezhneva married for the second time. Her chosen one was Konstantin Meladze. A secret wedding, to which only the closest were invited, took place in Italy.

Photo by Vera Brejneva: artist’s PR service
