All-Russian lesson on information security on the Internet. Conference Generation NEXT “School of New Technologies”

Thu, 10/26/2017

On October 26, a class hour “Children's Safety on the Internet” was held in 1st grade. The children watched the film “Internet Safety” and learned the basic rules for using the Internet. The children learned that they cannot communicate with strangers on the Internet or transmit information about their family and relatives. Always ask your parents about strange things you see on the Internet. And at the age of 7, you can spend time at the computer only under the supervision of your parents.

Class teacher: Kulikova T.V.

On October 27, in the 3rd grade, in order to increase security on the global network, a class hour “Internet Safety” was held. The class hour began with an introductory conversation from the class teacher about the rapid development of computer technology, which provides an opportunity for self-development, but at the same time, the Internet is a source of threats. Unfortunately, children make up a significant portion of the tens of millions of users. And of course, children know little about the dangers of the World Wide Web. Then she introduced them to the rules of behavior on the Internet and distributed reminders on safe behavior on the global network. The children listened with pleasure and came to the conclusion that they need to be careful when using the Internet.

Class teacher: Dyudyaeva N.M.

In the 4th grade we conducted a lesson on the topic “Safe Internet”. We discussed with the children what the word security means, threat and from whom it can come. During the lesson we talked about how to protect ourselves from INTERNET threats, about security, vigilance, and got acquainted with the rules of network communication. The students decided that they should not share their email address with anyone except people they trust. Carefully consider what information about yourself you upload to the Internet. Be sure to install an antivirus and update their databases. Be careful when communicating with strangers. During the lesson we discussed the rules of communication on the INTERNET.

Class teacher: Volodina O.N.

Class hour in 5th grade was interesting, students actively participated in the lesson. During the class hour, students became familiar with the rules of responsible and safe behavior in the modern information environment; studied the rules of network communication; found out addresses for help in case of an Internet threat; learned to inform about the need for a critical attitude to information obtained from Internet resources and mobile communications; repeated the meaning of the words “security”, “threat”.

Class teacher: Bober M.V.

The class hour in the 6th grade began with watching a presentation and video “Safe Internet”. After watching, the students discussed the issue of threats that come from the Internet, threatening a person and a personal computer. The class teacher discussed with the students issues of Internet user culture, copyright protection, and also talked about how to behave safely and competently on social networks, and how to make communication on social networks useful. We also watched a video about fraud and Internet safety. Upon completion, students were given instructions on how to use the Internet safely.

Class teacher of the 6th grade Grigorieva T.A.

During an Internet safety lesson, 7th grade students learned about:

With the rules of responsible and safe behavior in the modern information environment, methods of protection against illegal attacks on the Internet;

How to be critical of messages in the media (including electronic ones), how to distinguish reliable information from unreliable information, how to avoid information that is harmful and dangerous for them, how to recognize signs of abuse of their gullibility and make their communication on the Internet safer;

Class teacher of 7th grade: Pessyanikova S.Yu.

In the 8th grade there was a class hour “Safety on the Internet. The purpose of the class is to prevent crime on the Internet, increase safety and legal protection on the global network. At the very beginning, a test was conducted on knowledge of the rules on the Internet. Next, we discussed the threats that the Internet can pose. Schoolchildren learned how to protect their personal data, make safe purchases in online stores, and learned to analyze the truthfulness and reliability of information on the Internet.

All-Russian lesson on Internet safety for schoolchildren

Goals: expand students’ understanding of the Internet and introduce them to the basic rules for using it safely; to form the foundations of communicative literacy and a sense of responsibility for one’s behavior; cultivate a careful attitude to information resources; develop self-control, cognitive interest, activity and independence.

The date of the: 10/12/2017

Class: 5 B".

Classroom teacher: Vlasova Valentina Aleksandrovna.

Progress of the event:

People learned about the Internet

And they quickly fell into a strong net.

Trapped in the net - there is no way out,

The Internet is now our assistant and friend!

Everything you want to know today

Send letters to distant countries,

Connect with the world, leave the world -

Everything can be found on the Internet!

Children play toys online

Adults read rare books

You can get your diploma here,

Watch the film, and sell, and buy...

Everything on the Internet is possible today

Everything that was once complex has become simpler.

And there are no boundaries, and there seem to be no spaces.

The Internet has solved these problems!

Hello guys! Today we are holding a class hour about safe Internet. Nowadays, we use television, telephones, computers, and the Internet - after all, modern technologies are developing at tremendous speed. The Internet is an excellent source of new knowledge for us, helps us in our studies, and occupies our leisure time. But at the same time, it is fraught with many dangers. It is very important for us to understand what the essence of this is. So, we begin our lesson.

When communicating on the Internet, we very often add strangers to our social networks and communicate with them. We don't know anything about them, only their nicknames. How much information about a person can we learn from a handshake or nickname?

The children answer.

Always know that there are people nearby who you can trust, who love you, who are always nearby - these are family, friends, classmates.
The Internet, like everything in life, has two sides - black and white. Today we will try to better understand what is happening on the Internet, find out what is interesting and useful, as well as dangerous and unpleasant, in it.
What does “safe internet” mean?

The children answer.

This is the Internet without a threat to a person, his relatives, the secrecy of personal information. The Internet is a sea of ​​information - and it is not always a safe Internet. Is communication on the Internet good or bad, why?

The children answer.

This is good in moderation, but you should not replace live communication with virtual communication.
Is online shopping good or bad, why?

The children answer.

Most often, this is bad because it is the most popular type of scam on the Internet. But in addition to the necessary information on the Internet, there are also various dangers. What dangerous things can you find on the Internet?

The children answer.

Sometimes our indiscriminate communication, games, and our irresponsibility on the Internet makes not only your life dangerous, but also the life of your relatives.
In order to protect yourself, your family, your parents from Internet threats and possible harm, we will develop precautions when working on the Internet. Continue the sentence...

    never tell your...;

    if something scares you about how your computer works, immediately...;

    Always report to an adult any incidents on the Internet that...;

    never agree to a personal meeting with people with whom...;

    met online and want to meet -...;

    remember that virtual acquaintances may not be the same...;

    it's never too late to tell adults if you...;

    do not trust people you meet on a social network, because they may be...;

The children answer.

Today, among teenagers, the problem of gambling addiction is becoming the most pressing, as some people have become so addicted to the virtual space that they have begun to prefer the Internet to reality, spending up to 18 hours a day at the computer. Abrupt refusal of the Internet causes anxiety and emotional agitation in such people. What ways out of gambling addiction can you suggest?

The children answer.

The simplest and most accessible way to solve addiction is to acquire other interests. Love for a healthy lifestyle, communication with living nature, creative applied hobbies, such as drawing, as a rule, lead a person out of addiction. Please tell me, what is the attitude towards the computer and the Internet in your family?

The children answer.

Give examples of using the Internet to help a person (Internet - library, online museums, online stores, payment for services, communication).

The children answer.

Put yourself in your parents' shoes. What dangers of the Internet would you like to warn your child about? (online criminals, internet fraud, gambling, false information, objectionable content)

The children answer.

Imagine yourself as an adult with a family. Develop rules on how to protect your child from the negative effects of the Internet. (Never give out your name, phone number, address, Always tell an adult about any online incidents that have caused you embarrassment, Never trust or agree to meet in person with people you meet online. It's never too late to tell adults if someone has offended you.)

The children answer.

Remember! The Internet can be a wonderful and useful tool for learning, relaxation, or dangerous for you and your loved ones. It all depends on how you use it! Our lesson has come to an end. See you again!

As part of the all-Russian lesson on Internet safety for schoolchildren, held on October 23-31, 2015, events were held at our school, the purpose of which was to familiarize students with:

    with the rules of responsible and safe behavior in the modern information environment, methods of protection against illegal attacks on the Internet and mobile (cellular) communications;

    how to be critical of messages in the media (including electronic), mobile (cellular) communications, how to distinguish reliable information from unreliable information, how to avoid information that is harmful and dangerous to them, how to recognize signs of abuse of their trust and make your communication safer on the Internet;

    with addresses for help in case of Internet threats and Internet violence, and the number of the All-Russian children's helpline

The form of conducting a lesson on the topic “Safe and Useful Internet” in primary school is a combined lesson, including a travel lesson, a game lesson, and a conversation lesson. In the middle level there is a press conference lesson.

The lesson methodology was developed in such a way as to give schoolchildren the most complete understanding of the different aspects of using the Internet - both positive and negative. The cartoon and video “Safe Internet” were used as the video screensaver. The capabilities of children's search engines are demonstrated Quintura, Agakids and children's browser Google. The following issues were considered:

    What is the Internet for?

    What are the risks when using the Internet, and how can they be reduced?

    What types of fraud exist on the Internet?

    How to protect yourself from fraud on the Internet?

    What is secure chat?

    A virtual interlocutor offers to meet, what should I do?

    How can you protect yourself when using instant messaging services?

The list of questions for discussion was identified during the preliminary preparation of students on the proposed topic as a result of a survey. The survey was conducted in the form of an anonymous survey on paper.

To select the lesson content, methodological materials posted on on the “Setevichok” website (www.setevichok.rf) in the “Unified cybersecurity lesson” section. Carrying out The all-Russian lesson on Internet safety for schoolchildren was covered on the school website.

All-Russian lesson on Schoolchildren's Internet Safety for 10th grade students

The date of the:_____________

The purpose and objectives of the lesson: to get acquainted with:
1. with the rules of responsible and safe behavior in the modern information environment, methods of protection against illegal attacks on the Internet and mobile (cellular) communications;
2. how to be critical of messages in the media (including electronic), mobile (cellular) communications, how to distinguish reliable information from unreliable information, how to avoid harmful and dangerous information, how to recognize signs of abuse of trust and make your communication safer Internet networks;
3. how to communicate on social networks (netiquette) without offending your virtual friends, and avoid posting compromising information or offensive comments, etc. on the network.
Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation, brochures on the safety of using Internet resources
Lesson Plan

1. Opening remarks

2. The Tale of the Golden Rules of Internet Safety

3. Statistics on the use of Internet resources and online security.

4. Testing students

5. Introduction to the Media Safety Guidelines

6. Summing up

During the classes

Teacher: The Internet is gradually penetrating into every organization, public institution, educational institution, and into our homes. The number of Internet users in Russia is growing rapidly, and the share of young people and very young audiences among World Wide Web users is very large. For many, especially young people, it becomes an information environment without which they cannot imagine life. And this is not surprising: after all, on the Internet you can find information for an essay or coursework, listen to your favorite tune, buy your favorite book, or discuss a hot topic on numerous forums. The Internet can be a wonderful and useful tool for studying, relaxing, or communicating with friends. But - like the real world - the Network can also be dangerous: it has its own crime, hooliganism, sabotage and other unpleasant phenomena. Virtual communication provides people with bad intentions with additional opportunities to harm children. Recently, a lot of aggressive and socially dangerous content has appeared on the Internet.

The topic of our lesson today is “Safety for schoolchildren on the Internet”
What is “Security”?
Security is a state of security. Protection from the consequences of exposure to your body, psyche, your loved ones, your property, your relationships.
SAFETY is a state in which there is no threat of danger, there is protection from danger.
These days, many people are seriously interested in the Internet. Some people need it for work, others for communication, others find in the virtual something more than just an addition to real life. Blogs, forums, chats, social networks, dating... for especially impressionable people, all these things become as important as real friends, parents, work. Troubles on the Internet are experienced just as acutely as failures in real life. A ridiculous comment from an online boor can upset you to tears, and an angry message from a virtual friend can make you depressed. Sometimes such stories end quite tragically. Unfortunately, suicides are no longer uncommon due to the Internet.
This problem did not bypass Russia either. Every year, the lives of 55 thousand people are voluntarily interrupted. Most of them are young men under 30 years old. In 2005, two young girls who met through the Internet committed suicide in Orel. Nothing connected them except the Internet, and they lived in different cities. Perhaps it was the Internet that caused the suicide of a schoolgirl from Kultuk. This year, tenth-grader Elena Nelipa committed suicide on railroad tracks. The mother of the deceased believes that someone drove her to such and such a desperate act. The girl often communicated on her mobile phone and spent a lot of time on the Internet. At school she did not communicate with anyone, preferring the virtual world. A few hours before her death, Lena received a message from a person with whom the girl had been communicating for a long time on the Internet. This message upset her to tears. It was not possible to find out exactly what caused the schoolgirl’s suicide, but the Internet remained one of the most plausible versions.
Many psychologists claim that the Internet is one of the reasons for the popularity of mass suicide. Often, forums and chats of psychological support sites are used to find like-minded suicidal people. This is usually done simply because a person is afraid to die alone and is looking for company.
Now in RuNet you can find many sites dedicated to suicide. Typically these are psychological support sites, personal sites of people, and forum sites for potential suicides. Despite the fact that such resources are constantly closed by law enforcement agencies, new ones soon appear in their place. Even useful community sites that help depressed youth unwittingly give them useful advice on how to easily and painlessly die.
A desperate person can find real support from family and friends, and not on the Internet. In extreme cases, personal websites of people who share their experiences of overcoming suicidal tendencies can be useful.
2. The Tale of the Golden Rules of the Internet (Annex 1 )
3. Research "My Safe Network: The Internet through the eyes of children and adolescents in Russia"
(Annex 1 )
4. Testing students

1. Do you have a computer?
A) yes
B) no
2. Do you have access to the Internet? (Mobile phone, computer)
A) yes
B) no
3. How much time do you spend on the Internet?
A) I’m not online;
B) less than 1 hour;
B) 1-2 hours;
D) More than 2 hours;
4. Do you think the Internet is dangerous or not?
A) yes;
B) no;
5. What do you do on the Internet?
A) studying;
B) I communicate on social networks;
B) downloading programs;
D) I use e-mail;
D) I play games on-line;
E) I watch Internet TV, films;
G) I maintain a blog, website;
H) I watch what is prohibited by my parents;
And other (…………………………………………………………………………………….);
6 Do you enjoy working on the Internet?
A) yes;
B) no;
7. Have you ever encountered threats or illegal calls on the Internet?
A) yes;
B) no;
8. How do your parents feel about your work on the Internet?
A) are allowed freely;
B) establish a time regime;
C) are allowed to enter in their presence;
D) prohibited from using;
D) do not know that I go online.
After testing, familiarize students with safety reminders
5. Safety precautions on a social network
Life on a social network, like our real life, requires compliance with certain safety rules:

Do not share information with people you do not know personally. Don't trust people you meet on a social network, because they could be anyone! Publish only information about yourself that does not contain your addresses, phone numbers, or weekend plans. As little real information about yourself as possible! Remember, what has once been published cannot be “erased.” By leaving comments, messages, or publishing a photo, you put it online forever. Therefore, when performing any action on a social network, you need to think about the consequences! Appreciate and respect each other on social media. Even if you insult someone you don’t know, remember that you did this in real life too! Be careful when expressing your opinion on a social network, it may offend other people in the real world. Social media helps improve our society by allowing people to come together to fight various problems and to carry out projects to turn their ideas into reality. Therefore, if every person thinks about the seriousness of their actions on a social network, it will make our lives safer and more comfortable.

Basic rules for high school students

You should know this:

1. It is not advisable to post personal information on the Internet.
2. Personal information is your mobile phone number, email address, home address and photographs of you, your family or friends.

3. If you publish photos or videos on the Internet, everyone can see them.

4. Do not respond to Spam (unsolicited email).

5. Do not open files sent by people you do not know. You cannot know what these files actually contain - they may contain viruses or photos/videos with “aggressive” content.

6. Do not add strangers to your contact list in IM (ICQ, MSN messenger, etc.)

7. Remember that virtual acquaintances may not be who they say they are.
