Victim of plastic surgery Igor Bogdanov shocked the Cannes Film Festival with his disfigured face (6 photos). Who are the Bogdanoff brothers: the story of strange and anecdotal pseudoscientists and showmen Brothers with plastic surgery

Twin brothers with a Russian surname and noble roots, Igor and Grishka Bogdanoff (or, as they are called in their homeland in France, Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff) are one of the most known victims plastics on the planet. French TV presenters, who gained incredible popularity in the 80s, performed more than a dozen operations in an attempt to preserve youth and beauty. It was not possible - either the surgeon they came across was cross-handed, or numerous interventions in nature did their job, but today the 67-year-old brothers look like two monsters from a horror film. One of them - Igor Bogdanov - came to the Cannes Film Festival and walked along the red carpet.

Behind last years the man’s face finally “floated” and turned into a frightening mask. It would seem that with such an appearance he has little chance of love. But, incredibly, Igor enjoys unprecedented popularity among the opposite sex. Bogdanov was officially married three times, last time he got married in 2009 to the French writer Amelie de Bourbon-Parme - heiress of the Bourbons and great-great-great-granddaughter of Louis VI. The couple had two children, which, however, did not save their marriage. At the Cannes Film Festival, Igor proudly led his next passion by the arm - 33-year-old model Julie Jardon. New common-law wife TV presenter is 34 years younger than him, but it seems that this blond fairy is not at all embarrassed by either age or appearance beloved.

Another brother, Grishka Bogdanov, was never married. So all the fame as a ladies' man went to Igor. In recent years, the brothers (for obvious reasons) no longer host television programs. But they write books and actively participate in social events and book fairs.

The Bogdanov brothers were born in France, their father, the artist Yuri Mikhailovich Ostasenko-Bogdanov, was from Leningrad. During the war, 12-year-old Yuri, who was evacuated to Slutsk, was captured by the Germans and taken to work in Germany. From there he managed to escape to Spain and then to France. After the war, Yuri married the Czech Countess Maria Dolores Kolowrat-Krakowska.

The brothers became famous thanks to physics - they started as scientists. In the 1980s, the cute twins made their way onto French television, where they had their own science fiction TV show. The brothers also wrote many scientific books, although they were criticized by other researchers - according to competent scientists, the brothers’ works have no scientific value.

In the 90s, due to failures in scientific activity TV presenters became depressed. In addition, they began to notice that time was not kind to their appearance, and in the early 90s the brothers had their first plastic surgery. And then they went under the surgeon’s knife again and again. Igor and Grigory no longer look younger, but now they look a lot like monsters from horror films. They not only did a lot of lifts, but also inserted implants into the cheeks and chins, and also pumped gel into the lips and injected Botox. But many people think that only women are obsessed with plastic surgery. The Bogdanov brothers are a living example that refutes this myth.

How often do we hear that people become victims of plastic surgery, and not only women, but also men can be hostages of unsuccessful interventions. They, like the weaker sex, dream of always being young and attractive.

The Bogdanov brothers, known to many, were once recognized as real sex symbols in France. The guys were fabulously good-looking, charming and talented. They broke the hearts of sophisticated French fans with their charm and beauty. It is worth noting that the brothers are also rich. This was a pleasant addition to the advantages already mentioned.

Igor Bogdanov before and after plastic surgery, he is the one we will talk about today, became a victim plastic surgery. Now, looking at the man, you can actually shudder. His appearance resembles a mask. The once gorgeous smart guy has turned into a freak.

Igor is an example of how the habit of constantly improving one’s appearance led to disastrous results. Where are the twin brothers now, what are they doing? We'll tell you everything now.

The first steps of the Bogdanovs

  1. Igor, like his twin Grisha, with the Russian surname Bogdanov, appeared in the family of the talented artist Yuri Ostanenko-Bogdanov 67 years ago in 1949. The boys' mother's name was very original and unusual.
  2. Her name is Maria Dolores Francisco Kolowrat-Krakowski. She, as it became known, was illegitimate daughter one Australian countess. The woman gave birth to Mary from a black singer.
  3. The father of the twins was able to prove the princely origin of his sons and the boys were recognized as princes.
  4. As children, the guys were fans of science fiction, and were also seriously interested in other sciences, among them:
  • Astronomy;
  • Physics;
  • Aviation;
  • Literature;

Smart guys were drawn to science.

They were developed, smart and inquisitive. Igor and Grisha graduated from school, then university and started scientific work. They began to publish their works, books, and then decided to take part in one of the television shows.

The brothers liked to shine in public so much that they decided to become presenters. The Bogdanovs hosted a program called “Time X.” Here they told the audience in a fascinating way about how interesting space is, about black holes, as well as about quantum physics and fantastic flying objects, aliens.

Crazy popularity came to Igor Bogdanov and his brother. For many years they were at the zenith of fame on the starry Olympus, basking in the love of fans and admirers of their talent.


  • The passions around Igor Bogdanov and his brother were serious, when they calmed down a little, the twins decided to realize their most cherished dream, namely, to change appearance;
  • Since then, the public has ceased to be interested in the scientific achievements of the Bogdanovs; it is worth noting that they were very curious and still disturb the minds of scientists. Now everyone was worried about another question - the disgusting faces of the brothers. Igor and Grishka were once handsome men with real courageous faces, but now they are frightening and unpleasant;
  • They say that all scientists are a little crazy, cockroaches live in their heads, capable of making a real revolution there. Apparently, such bugs settled in the heads of Igor and his brother;
  • After the twins underwent a series of operations, their lives changed, the public's attention was riveted on them, not because of their intelligence and talent, but because everyone wanted to see the attraction of stupidity;

What plastic surgeries did Bogdanov perform?

We list only the main interventions of plastic surgeons in the appearance of Igor and Grigory:

Personal life

Surprisingly, Igor Bogdanov has a soulmate. The wife of one of the brothers was the royal lady Amelie de Bourbon-Parme. It is important that this is not the first marriage of a disfigured man.

Brother Grisha is a bachelor, he only watches Igor’s success with the fair sex with envy. As journalists say, the scientific brothers themselves are an excellent object for study. Their appearance is beyond fantasy and understanding.

What do you think about Igor Bogdanov? We are waiting for answers in the comments!

Igor Bogdanov is a popular French TV presenter who performs in tandem with his brother Grigory. They are known under the pseudonym Bogdanov brothers, or Bogdanoff brothers. Fame came to them back in the 70s, when they began to host popular science television programs on French television, dedicated, in particular, to cosmology. For this they have earned fame as popularizers of science. More than once we have found ourselves at the center of scandals. For example, due to original plastic surgeries or unscientific dissertations.

Origin of the brothers

Igor Bogdanov, like his brother Grigory, was born on August 29, 1949. They were born in the small French town of Saint-Lary, located in the department of Gers.

Their father was a Russian artist of Tatar origin. His name was Yuri Mikhailovich. At the same time, he bore the double surname Ostasenko-Bogdanov. He often called himself Prince Bogdanov, but whether he was truly of noble origin is unknown.

The twins' mother's name was Maria Dolores Franciszka Kolowrat-Krakowska. At that time she was 23 years old. Igor Bogdanov is the eldest of the brothers. He was born 45 minutes earlier than Gregory.

Parents of Igor and Gregory

And Igor Bogdanov - Yuri Mikhailovich - was a very young man at the time of the birth of his sons. In 1949 he was only 21 years old. He himself is from Leningrad.

During the beginning of the Great Patriotic War A 13-year-old boy, Yura, was evacuated from Leningrad to Slutsk. This was the only way he managed to avoid the blockade.

Soon Slutsk, located on the territory of Belarus, was occupied by the Germans. The father of the Bogdanov brothers, like many of his compatriots, was deported to work in Germany. On occasion, he managed to get to Spain, where Prince Bagration-Mukhransky provided assistance to the teenager. It was in this country that Yuri met his future wife.

Documentarily, he achieved the official right to call himself Prince Bogdanov. So this is true for his sons too.

The mother of the Bogdanov brothers was illegitimate daughter Austrian countess. There is a version that her biological father was Opera singer from the USA Roland Hayes. But he never officially recognized her. According to documents, her father is Count Hieronymus von Colloredo-Mansfeld.

Mother made sure that Igor and Grishka Bogdanov studied and knew their ancestry from an early age. They were raised in a castle in Saint-Lary, where their grandmother lived. There was an extensive and rich library with big amount scientific works. She most likely played a role in their future.

Personal life of brothers

It is interesting that if Grigory Bogdanov was never married, then his brother, on the contrary, entered into marriages several times. His first chosen one was actress Genevieve Grad, who in 1976 gave birth to his son Dmitry.

More recently, in 2015, the hero of our article made a scandalous statement, announcing that he did not recognize Dmitry as his own son.

His second wife was Lyudmila d'Ultremont, who was 16 years younger than him. They had three children - Sasha-Maria, Anna-Claria and Wenceslas. The latter was born in 1994. The same year the couple divorced.

In 2009, he entered into an official marriage for the third time. This time with 32-year-old writer Amelie de Bourbon-Parme. She gave him two more children - Alexander and Konstantin.

It is noteworthy that both brothers speak excellent English, German and, of course, French languages. But at the same time they practically do not speak Russian.

At a plastic surgeon

The brothers are famous for their original appearance. The press is actively discussing at the level of rumors what they did at one time a large number of plastic surgery.

The Bogdanovs themselves denied this fact in every possible way, claiming that these were their real “alien faces.” However, today it has already been established that in pursuit of youth and beauty they have undergone more than a dozen plastic surgeries. Today, at 67 years old, they look like characters from a B-horror movie come to life. Igor Bogdanov is practically two different people.

Once again he shocked those around him with his appearance at the Cannes Film Festival, where he appeared on the red carpet among other celebrities. By the way, his third marriage also broke up. In Cannes he was with his common-law wife, model Julie Jardon.

Classical education

Brothers Igor and Grigory Bogdanov received their initial education at their grandmother's castle in Saint-Lary. Then studied at military school in Sorez. At the age of 14 they left for Paris.

Both had a passion for aviation. Igor even accumulated four thousand hours of flights. Higher education He received a specialty in semiotics. He defended his doctorate in theoretical physics. Gregory became a doctor of mathematics at the Paris Institute of Political Studies.

Television career

Their popularity began when they published the book Keys to Science Fiction in 1976. They continued to actively give out interviews on this topic. Soon they came to the TF1 channel, where they became the hosts of one of the sections in the “Bon Appetit” program. In it, the presenter Igor Bogdanov and his brother talked about all sorts of scientific phenomena and paid a lot of attention to robotics.

In 1979, their most popular show, called “Time X,” launched. In it they popularized science, in particular astronomy and quantum physics. Their distinctive feature and the secret of popularity was the manner of drawing parallels between real scientific facts and popular plots of science fiction films.

In 1982, they launched a new show called 2002: A Future Odyssey. And since 1989 they have been running the “Future” project, which is published once a week. They also implemented several more projects, but less successful, and many of them were criticized for being unscientific.

Since 2010, the brothers have run their own television magazine, which now airs on France 5, and also regularly teach at the cosmology department of a private university in Belgrade.

Also, since 2015, they have become one of the co-hosts of the Fort Boyard show, which is still popular in France, in which participants are asked tricky questions dedicated to scientific experiments. As a reward for correct answers, you are given hints to help you find the keyword.

And, imagine, this blond fairy next to him is his fourth wife, 34 years younger!

Twin brothers with a Russian surname and noble roots, Igor and Grishka Bogdanoff (or, as they are called in their homeland in France, Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff) are among the most famous victims of plastic surgery on the planet. French TV presenters, who gained incredible popularity in the 80s, performed more than a dozen operations in an attempt to preserve youth and beauty.

It was not possible - either the surgeon they came across was cross-handed, or numerous interventions in nature did their job, but today the 67-year-old brothers look like two monsters from a horror film. One of them - Igor Bogdanov - came to the Cannes Film Festival and walked along the red carpet.

In recent years, the man’s face has finally “swimmed” and turned into a frightening mask. It would seem that with such an appearance he has little chance of love. But, incredibly, Igor enjoys unprecedented popularity among the opposite sex. Bogdanov was officially married three times, the last time he got married in 2009 with the French writer Amelie de Bourbon-Parme, the heiress of the Bourbons and the great-great-great-granddaughter of Louis VI.

The couple had two children, which, however, did not save their marriage. At the Cannes Film Festival, Igor proudly led his next passion, 33-year-old model Julie Jardon, by the arm. The TV presenter’s new common-law wife is 34 years younger than him, but it seems that this blond fairy is not at all embarrassed by her lover’s age or appearance.

Another brother, Grishka Bogdanov, was never married. So all the fame as a ladies' man went to Igor. In recent years, the brothers (for obvious reasons) no longer host television programs. But they write books and actively participate in social events and book fairs.

The Bogdanov brothers were born in France, their father, the artist Yuri Mikhailovich Ostasenko-Bogdanov, is from Leningrad. During the war, 12-year-old Yuri, who was evacuated to Slutsk, was captured by the Germans and taken to work in Germany. From there he managed to escape to Spain and then to France. After the war, Yuri married the Czech Countess Maria Dolores Kolowrat-Krakowska.

The brothers became famous thanks to physics - they started as scientists. In the 1980s, the cute twins made their way onto French television, where they had their own science fiction TV show. The brothers also wrote many scientific books, although they were criticized by other researchers - according to competent scientists, the brothers’ works have no scientific value.

In the 90s, due to failures in scientific activities, TV presenters fell into depression. In addition, they began to notice that time was not kind to their appearance, and in the early 90s the brothers had their first plastic surgery. And then they went under the surgeon’s knife again and again. Igor and Grigory no longer look younger, but now they look a lot like monsters from horror films.

They not only did a lot of lifts, but also inserted implants into the cheeks and chins, and also pumped gel into the lips and injected Botox. But many people think that only women are obsessed with plastic surgery. The Bogdanov brothers are a living example that refutes this myth.

The other day, French TV presenter Igor Bogdanov reminded of himself with his sudden appearance on the Cannes red carpet. It was difficult not to notice Igor - he is very different from how other people look, and especially in contrast to his charming companion. It is Igor (and his twin brother Grishka) who usually end up on the list of men who failed to stop with plastic surgery in time and brought their appearance to caricatured results.

Igor and Grishka Bogdanov(Igor and Grichka Yourievitch Osten-Sacken-Bogdanoff) are famous personalities within France. Once upon a time, when they were still young and looked quite attractive without any intervention of surgery, they ran their own program about science and wrote various science fiction works related to cosmology and fantasy. Once they even managed to publish their “physics research” in a fairly reputable scientific publication, which in fact was almost completely fictional.

Fame is not eternal, and even scandals cannot support it, and the years gradually began to take away the former attractiveness of the brothers. At some point they both became depressed and it was around this time that they decided that in the best possible way Plastic surgery will keep you young and popular.

Needless to say, the brothers regained their glory, but not at all what they could boast of in their youth. Now Igor and Grishka are regularly included in lists of victims of plastic surgery - they both have had so many injections and operations that their faces look like failed masks. Of course, their monstrous chins are especially striking. It's hard to believe that they themselves find it attractive, but what's even more incredible is that they seem beautiful to other people. Igor, for example, only had three official marriages (as a result of which he had six children), and it’s impossible to count how many fleeting affairs.

Igor Bogdanov appeared on the Cannes red carpet with his companion, Julie Jardon, French model. She is 33, he is 67, but the girl seems not at all embarrassed by the age difference or Igor’s peculiar appearance.

Interestingly, both brothers speak not only French, but also German, English and even a little Russian. As the twins admit, this is thanks to their parents, who kept an extensive library at home. different languages and strongly encouraged their children to learn new things. Igor and Grishka’s father, artist Yuri Mikhailovich Ostasenko-Bogdanov, was from Russia, from Leningrad. During the war, Yuri was captured by the Germans, and then fled to France, where he later married the Czech countess Maria Dolores Kolowrat-Krakowska.

Now both brothers write almost nothing and rarely appear in public, which is why Igor’s presence in Cannes was received with enthusiasm by journalists. Although, in fairness, it must be admitted that last year the brothers managed to attract attention again thanks to a silly video for the pop song "Bogdanoff".

Along with the Bogdanov brothers, another victim of plastic surgery was, who spent more than $157,000 on operations to become like his idol, but the result, alas, still remains far from ideal.
