Starry, starry night. "Starry, Starry Night" by Jimmy Liao

Author: Liao Jimmy
Translator: Bukhina Olga Borisovna, Gimon Galina
Editor: Druzhinets Anna
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2017

Synopsis for the book "Starry, Starry Night"

About the book
The girl who lived before with his grandparents in the mountains, moves to the city, to his parents’ apartment. The city seems to her a cold and soulless place, mom and dad constantly quarrel, and classmates don’t allow her to go to school. But everything changes when a new boy moves into the neighboring house... An inspiring and poignant story from Jimmy Liao will not leave anyone indifferent.
For average school age
Simple, but very layered, both children and adults will love it.
about the author
Jimmy Liao is one of the most popular Taiwanese artists today, the author and illustrator of more than 50 books for children and adults. They have been translated into many languages ​​and received prestigious awards. Based on the books, the films "Left, Right", "Starry, Starry Night" and the cartoon "Smiling Fish" were released.
For middle school age. Read the book Starry, Starry Night - Jimmy Liao.

Today I will be terse. And the theme is such, and the mood is special... Jimmy Liao’s book “Starry, Starry Night” appeared in our family library, and I don’t know how to talk about it without releasing a bunch of unnecessary words into the atmosphere, but conveying my thoughts. The book is written and dedicated to children who have difficulty communicating with the world. My eldest daughter is a girl with special needs, and the topic of communication with the world and other children is quite acute in my family.

The plot is simple and understandable to any child: a girl moves to new town, V new house, V new school. From the cozy cocoon in which she was raised by her loving grandparents, she finds herself in a cold, indifferent and often cruel world, which, like a cold shower, showers her with problems, rejection, and hostility. What does it feel like Small child, when mass hostility falls upon him? How can he help himself if no one else is helping?... How to figure out where snitching ends and asking for support begins?

Story main character The book "Starry, Starry Night" ends well - a boy moves into the house next door and becomes her best friend. Are all life stories resolved just as happily and simply?

Like all publications of MIF, this book is distinguished by excellent printing, high quality, excellent paper. It is pleasant to hold in your hands, interesting to read and can be discussed endlessly with loved ones. I would also like to say about the illustrations - they are amazing! Now we don’t even have to read the book itself - we remember the plot well, and often we just pick up “Starry, Starry Night” just to look at the pictures, immerse ourselves in the colorful world of images, fantasize and dream.

Author: Liao Jimmy
Translator: Bukhina Olga Borisovna, Gimon Galina
Editor: Druzhinets Anna
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2017

Synopsis for the book "Starry, Starry Night"

About the book
A girl who used to live with her grandparents in the mountains moves to the city, to her parents’ apartment. The city seems to her a cold and soulless place, mom and dad constantly quarrel, and classmates don’t allow her to go to school. But everything changes when a new boy moves into the neighboring house... An inspiring and poignant story from Jimmy Liao will not leave anyone indifferent.
For middle school age
Simple, but very layered, both children and adults will love it.
about the author
Jimmy Liao is one of the most popular Taiwanese artists today, the author and illustrator of more than 50 books for children and adults. They have been translated into many languages ​​and received prestigious awards. Based on the books, the films "Left, Right", "Starry, Starry Night" and the cartoon "Smiling Fish" were released.
For middle school age. Book Starry, Starry Night - Jimmy Liao.
