Baysarov Ruslan Sulimovich: biography and personal life. Bloody showdown around Kristina Orbakaite

March 22, 2018, 10:52

In October 2014, it became known that the eldest daughter Chechen millionaire Ruslana Baysarova got married.

For Denis Baysarov’s sister, this marriage was the second.

Camilla hoped that he would be the last, but her dream did not come true.

Camilla's second wedding became known only thanks to Denis's Instagram

16-year-old Denis then wrote an incredibly touching congratulation for a relative.

"I love you more life, my most beloved sister. Today you are especially beautiful, happy and in general today you are a wife! I'm sure you will be the happiest. Now you will create your own family, and you will be the most best wife. I’m incredibly happy for you and I don’t even hope, but we will see each other very often, it’s not easy to get rid of me. We are alone big family and we are always together. CONGRATULATIONS and be happy,” Denis emphasized.

The young man did not say who his new relative was, but he shared a photo of his bride.

Camilla, as befits a Muslim woman, was dressed in a completely closed snow-white dress, which, however, did not hide her luxurious figure. The bride's head was also covered with thick white cloth. Denis himself looked quite informal in a shirt, jeans and sneakers.

The dress for the bride was then made by Igor Chapurin

Camilla’s first husband was a certain Chechen “entrepreneur” Islam Isaev, whose wedding took place when the girl was 17 years old.

According to Chechen customs, a girl can get married only after her father's blessing. It is clear that Baysarov did not give his daughter to an ordinary guy. The groom's family presented the bride with a diamond set from Cartier, complemented by wedding ring Chopard and Mikimoto pearl beads.

And a luxurious dress embroidered with pearls, which took more than six meters of lace self made, cost a fortune.

The newlyweds celebrated their wedding in one of the elite restaurants in Moscow, to which a luxurious Rolls-Royce whisked them away. Among the guests of the ceremony were the spouses Emin and Leila Agalarov, Minister of Communications Igor Shchegolev, businesswoman Alla Verber, businessman Umar Dzhabrailov, singer Katya Lel and others.

Camilla and first husband Islam Isaev

However, the first marriage of the heiress to a million-dollar fortune did not last long - only a year and a half.

The couple did not give official reasons for the separation, but numerous acquaintances of the young people unanimously said that the marriage was of convenience - Isaev, who was starting his career as a businessman, really needed an alliance with such a powerful person as Ruslan Baysarov.

Even before her first marriage, Camilla managed to meet the son of the Azerbaijani businessman and deputy Danil Adli, Ivan Yankovsky, Kirill Sheykhametov, who is currently raising two daughters from Miss Moscow'11 Daria Konovalova, as well as the son of Fyodor Bondarchuk Sergei, now father of two children from Tatyana Mamiashvilli.

On one of her pages on social networks (after the first divorce), Camilla claimed that they were not officially married to Islam Isaev - at the wedding there was only a mullah ceremony, traditional for Muslim weddings, and they did not go to the registry office.

24-year-old Kamilla Baysarova is one of the brightest representatives of the “golden youth”, but not much is known about her life. Eldest daughter businessman Ruslan Baysarov does not lead social networks(or registered there under a fictitious name) and is rarely published.

The last time we heard about her was three years ago, when it became known that the girl got married.

And yesterday information appeared in the media that Baysarova had again joined the ranks of enviable brides.

Camilla separated from her husband Rahman two years after the birth of the child. What caused the separation is unknown.

And a little about Camilla's dad.

One of the richest Chechens, Russian entrepreneur Ruslan Baysarov was married four times, and all his children from these marriages remained to live with him. First wife of Ruslan Baysarov successful fashion model Tatyana Kovtunova married him in the early nineties, and four years later gave birth to his daughter Camilla.

However, Ruslan's affair with Russian singer Kristina Orbakaite put an end to their family life.

In the photo - Baysarov with his first wife Tatyana Kovtun and daughter Camilla

After the divorce, the businessman’s first wife remarried and went into business - she became the owner of a company organizing festive events. She went missing and nothing is known to this day.

Ruslan Baysarov met his second wife in 1997, and a year later Kristina Orbakaite gave birth to his son Denis.

Three years later, at the presentation of Christina’s new album “May”, held in the capital’s club “Crystal”, in a fit of jealousy, Baysarov hit his common-law wife that broke her nose, but the final break between them occurred later - in 2003, the businessman began an affair with a young nineteen-year-old model from Modus Vivendis Alina Tsevina, and the result of this passion was the birth of another child, Ruslan, the son of Elman.

In the photo - Alina Tsyvina

Alina became the third wife of Ruslan Baysarov and moved to his house near Moscow.

But their family life lasted only two years - the businessman had a new mistress - a model named Julia. Now Alina experienced the role of a deceived wife and moved out from Baysarov, and her place was taken by Yulia, who gave birth to the businessman’s daughter Dali.

By latest information, today the wife of Ruslan Baysarov is a Chechen girl from his family village, who is only a year older than his daughter Camilla.

On the picture - last wife Ruslana Baysarova (right) and his daughter Camilla

Despite the fact that Baysarov is an influential businessman, his name became known to many only after he became the husband of Kristina Orbakaite, as well as thanks to a high-profile process associated with a lengthy trial over the custody of their son Denis. Christina claimed that she ex-husband stole them common son and does not want to return it, and things got to the point where Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov intervened in this conflict. As a result, the former spouses decided to go to peace and let Denis decide for himself who he wants to stay with. After breaking up with Kristina, Baysarov gave his ex-mother-in-law, Alla Pugacheva, a luxurious apartment in an elite building in the center of Moscow overlooking the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Denis and Camille

Sources:, beremenyaska..,ru,,

Updated 22/03/18 12:39:

It became known who the second husband is

Updated 22/03/18 12:42:

Umar Dzhabrailov left the post of senator from Chechnya

Ivan Sukhov

Well-known Chechen businessman Umar Dzhabrailov yesterday announced his resignation as a member of the Federation Council. According to Mr. Dzhabrailov, he made this decision himself because he considered that he had completed “excellently” all the tasks facing him as a senator from Chechnya. Mr. Dzhabrailov’s colleague in the chamber, representative of the Chechen parliament in the Federation Council Ziyad Sabsabi also confirmed that the resignation was absolutely voluntary and is associated with Umar Dzhabrailov’s imminent transfer to another job.

Umar Dzhabrailov himself has not yet announced what exact post he is going to take, but he hinted that he is going to work “on the external front.” That is, apparently, he will continue to study international relations, as in the Federation Council, where he was deputy chairman of the committee on international affairs. Mr. Dzhabrailov also has the opportunity to return to business, which he formally left during his Senate career.

Umar Dzhabrailov, who turned 51 this summer, became widely known to the Russian public for the first time after the co-owner of the Radisson-Slavyanskaya Hotel, American Paul Tatum, publicly suspected this Chechen businessman of intending to kill him. In November 1996, Mr. Tatum was indeed killed, but the investigation did not affect Umar Dzhabrailov. Together with his brother Husain, he continued to be involved in the hotel business in Moscow, real estate and oil, while being an almost constant character in the capital's gossip column.

In Russia's 2000 presidential election, Umar Dzhabrailov was among the candidates who dared to challenge Vladimir Putin, with Mr. Putin's popularity fueled largely by the fledgling war in Chechnya. Chechen Dzhabrailov received 0.1% of the votes.

Umar Dzhabrailov came to the Federation Council at the beginning of 2004 due to the fact that the former representative of the Chechen executive branch in the Senate, Akhmar Zavgaev, as a result of the elections in December 2003, moved to the seat of a deputy State Duma. Umar Dzhabrailov represented the interests of Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov in the Senate - first just the head, and then the president of post-war Chechnya. Akhmat Kadyrov during construction new system The authorities in the republic tried to rely on the support of all social and political segments. Akhmar Zavgaev, for example, represented the old anti-Dudaev opposition, which tried to fight the separatists back in the early 1990s. And Umar Dzhabrailov was a representative of the Chechen business elite, possessing not only significant funds, but also weight among businessmen in the diaspora. Moreover, his brother, Khusain Dzhabrailov, was the chairman of the society of descendants of Chechen sheikhs.

After Akhmat Kadyrov’s son Ramzan came to power in Chechnya, there were prerequisites that his relationship with the Dzhabrailov brothers would be, if not better, then at least no worse than that of his father. With the support of Vladimir Putin, the young Chechen president was given carte blanche to demand financial support from businessmen of Chechen origin. In October 2006, Umar Dzhabrailov's brother Khusain received the post of Deputy Prime Minister in the government of Chechnya.

Since Ramzan Kadyrov himself was still prime minister at that time, some experts suggested that one of the brothers could head the government of the republic after Mr. Kadyrov became president. However, Kadyrov Jr. did not strive to create a broad compromise within the Chechen elite, but formed a team mainly on the basis of personal loyalty. Representatives of Eastern Chechnya began to dominate it, professing, like the Kadyrovs themselves, the Qadirite tariqa of Sufism, often former separatists. Khusain Dzhabrailov remained in the government for only a few months, and then for some time represented the republic in Moscow - in the presence of a permanent representation of Chechnya under the president, which was then headed by Ziyad Sabsabi, it was obvious that the appointment was completely symbolic. It seems that the short period of apparent mutual goodwill between the brothers and the young Chechen president ended with the entry of Khusain Dzhabrailov into the Chechen government.

In November 2008, Ramzan Kadyrov replaced another of his father's appointees in the Federation Council - Musa Umarov, who had worked in the chamber since the end of 2003. Musa Umarov, a former police officer, in the early 1990s and in the first Chechen war was on the side of the anti-Dudaev opposition, and in short period presidency in Chechnya, Alu Alkhanov turned out to be his active supporter. Mr. Umarov was replaced by Ziyad Sabsabi, a Syrian of Chechen origin who had lived in Russia since the early 1990s and provided Chechnya with food for many years. international connections, mainly with Islamic countries. Mr. Sabsabi solved these problems, including during the presidency of Aslan Maskhadov. He worked closely with both Akhmat Kadyrov and his son, who apparently considered him a more reliable representative in the Federation Council than the “class alien” Mr. Umarov. According to some information from the Moscow Chechen community, Musa Umarov was forced to leave his position, because in Grozny they clearly demanded money from him to continue work to restore the city.

Interlocutors of Vremya Novostey do not rule out that at least one of Umar Dzhabrailov’s motives could have been approximately the same when he decided to leave his post, although the senator himself says that he made the decision absolutely independently. The real reason the early replacement of the senator will perhaps become clearer when Ramzan Kadyrov decides on the candidacy of a new delegate from the Chechen executive branch.

Well-known Chechen businessman Malik Saidullaev suggested yesterday, for example, that the place had been vacated for another businessman and socialite - Ruslan Baysarov, known for his family scandal with a star Russian stage Kristina Orbakaite. Such a replacement would at least preserve the functional significance of one of the two Chechen seats on Bolshaya Dmitrovka, leaving it for Chechen business. “Flagships” of Chechen entrepreneurship, due to the scale of their activities, having contacts on the very top floors federal authorities, have not been delighted with the current republican leadership for a long time, although almost each of them a year or two ago defiantly hugged Ramzan Kadyrov as a sign of their readiness to be friends and help with money.

According to another version, the vacancy was vacated for someone who urgently felt the need for Senate immunity - perhaps in connection with the investigation of several high-profile crimes recent years associated with Chechnya and Chechens.

The Federation Council prematurely terminated the powers of Senator Umar Dzhabrailov, who represented the interests of the President of Chechnya. Those around Kadyrov believe that the vacant seat will be filled by Ruslan Baysarov, a former common law husband Kristina Orbakaite.

Umar Dzhabrailov represented in the Federation Council executive branch Chechnya since 2004. In 2007, senatorial powers were extended and were supposed to end only in 2011. On Wednesday, October 7, the Federation Council stopped them on the basis of a statement from a senator received in the upper house of parliament on July 27.

Reason for leaving Federal Assembly Dzhabrailov called the desire to represent the interests of the country in the external arena. He was deputy chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Federation Council, as well as a member of the Russian delegation to PACE.

“I have exhausted myself in this position. I did everything that I could and depended on me for the good of my homeland. During the six years of work as a senator, I think he performed his duties perfectly. I am for personnel rotation,” he told GZT.RU.

“I hope to continue to be useful to the fatherland on external borders,” added former senator. “Of course, there were offers, but if there had not been an offer that interested me, I would not have submitted an application.”

Dzhabrailov noted that his plans now include defending his doctoral dissertation and writing a book.

Ex-senator Umar Dzhabrailov is known for his entrepreneurial activity. Business partner Paul Tatum accused Dzhabrailov of intending to kill him, and in November 1996 he was actually killed. Dzhabrailov's guilt was not proven, and he denied all charges.

Most likely, Dzhabrailov’s chair will be taken by Moscow entrepreneur, former common-law husband of singer Kristina Orbakaite, Ruslan Baysarov. The businessman is known as a close friend of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov.

“He’s on the president’s team, their relationship is friendly,” Chechen parliament member Magomed Khanbiev told GZT.RU. - I think Baysarov is a very likely candidate for the post of senator. Umar is a rather unpredictable person, it’s hard to say what motivated him when he decided to leave.”

Observers have noticed a cooling in relations between Dzhabrailov and the Chechen president. It is worth noting that several years ago, as prime minister of the republic, Kadyrov maintained close friendships with the businessman brothers Dzhabrailov, especially with Umar. However, some time ago, the pious president dismissed a senator who was better known in secular circles. His place was taken by the more reserved Baysarov.

In 2007, Baysarov and Kadyrov even performed the Hajj to Mecca together. The businessman began to pay more attention to charity to religious institutions, which earned him the favor of the president. It was at Kadyrov’s insistence that Baysarov married a Chechen woman.

Ruslan Sulimovich Baysarov is a Russian entrepreneur of Chechen origin, a former common-law husband. Born on August 9, 1968 in the large Chechen family of Sulima and Kasirat Baysarov in the Grozny district of the Chechen Republic, in the village of Prigorodnoye. Ruslan is a born representative of the Chechen teip Khacharoy.


Baysarov moved to Moscow immediately after school. He entered the Moscow Construction and Engineering Institute. In 1986, Ruslan was drafted into the army, after demobilization he was transferred to Grozny oil institute them. Academician M.D. Millionshchikov to the Faculty of Engineering and Economics, from which he graduated in 1996.

Ruslan Baysarov, photo - Alexey Vitvitsky

Five years later, Ruslan Baysarov received a master's degree in sociology at Moscow State University. State University named after, and in 2018 defended his PhD in technical sciences at the National Research technological university"MISiS".


Ruslan Baysarov's first business project is the creation of a beauty studio. The salon was located in the Center International trade, where the young businessman subsequently met. In the mid-90s, together with an aspiring director and actor, Baysarov created the closed gaming club “Infant Silver”.

Businessman Ruslan Baysarov (photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Baysarov)

In those years, Ruslan rented several facilities at WTC for a sports complex, a nightclub and a casino. There, Baysarov will organize the first Japanese restaurant in Russia.

In the late 1990s, Ruslan Baysarov went into the oil business, began working with the Moscow Oil Refinery, and soon became vice-president of the Moscow Fuel Association, which included more than 50 organizations selling 75 percent of sales on the Moscow fuel market.

In the 2000s, Ruslan first became vice president and then first vice president of the Moscow Oil and Gas Company. In 2008, he acquired the rights to part of the assets of the Sibir Energу company, which was subsequently purchased by Gazprom Neft.

Ruslan Baysarov and Crown Prince Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan (photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Baysarov)

In the 2010s, Ruslan Baysarov drew attention to the Republic of Tyva, rich in mineral deposits. In April 2013, the Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation (TEC), which belongs to him, acquired a license to develop the largest Elegest coal deposit in Russia, the comprehensive development project for which was approved at the end of 2017 and included construction railway Elegest-Kyzyl-Kuragino.

In 2019, the General Director of TEPK Kyzyl - Kuragino JSC Ruslan Baysarov signed a contract agreement with Russian Railways JSC for the construction of a railway line. As noted by the minister present at the signing economic development- “this is the largest investment project, which can seriously improve the condition of the East Siberian region and create a large number of new jobs."

Ruslan Baysarov in 2019 at the signing of an agreement with JSC Russian Railways (photo - Russian Railways press service)

At the same time, in 2015, Ruslan Baysarov became a shareholder, and in 2016, a controlling shareholder and chairman of the board of directors. construction company(SK) “Bridge” – Russian enterprise in the field of construction industry, which unites 12 bridge-building enterprises and 3 tunneling divisions.

IC "Most" is implementing a lot of significant infrastructure projects throughout Russia, including two bridges over the Amur River connecting Russia and China in the areas of Blagoveshchensk and Nizhneleninsky, the second Baikal tunnel, transport tunnels on the Kozhukhovskaya line of the Moscow metro, the construction of Arctic sea port facilities " Sabetta" and others.

Personal life

For the first time, Ruslan Baysarov married fashion model Tatyana Kovtunova in the early 90s. In 1993, a daughter, Camilla, appeared in the family. But the marriage did not last long.

Later, the young man met his daughter Kristina Orbakaite. Ruslan and Christina did not register their relationship in the registry office, however wedding ceremony was registered according to Muslim laws in a mosque in Moscow. In 1998, the young couple had a son, who received citizenship of Lithuania and Russia. In the early 2000s, the relationship between Christina and Ruslan went wrong.

Ruslan Baysarov and his son Denis (photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Baysarov)

In 2003, Ruslan had a second son, Ilman, from a young fashion model of the Modus Vivendis agency, Alina Tsevina, who became the businessman’s third wife. The girl did not live in her lover’s house for long, since six months after the birth of the child she moved to a private apartment in the center of Moscow. Alina received a luxurious gift as a token of gratitude for her son from Ruslan. The child, like the first daughter, remained in Baysarov’s house.

In 2005, Ruslan had a second daughter, Dali, from a girl named Yulia.

In 2009, the story received wide public attention after Denis Baysarov did not return to Kristina Orbakaite after the holidays. In the press, the singer accused ex-spouse in the kidnapping of his son. But, as Ruslan himself claimed, the boy stayed with his father voluntarily. Denis was supposed to fly to the USA to continue his studies, but, according to Ruslan, the boy wanted to stay in his homeland, where he has relatives and friends.

Fyodor Bondarchuk and Ruslan Baysarov on vacation (photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Baysarov)

In October 2009, a settlement agreement was concluded under which the boy would live with his father during Orbakaite’s absence, and with his mother during Baysarov’s absence. According to the document, Denis can make the decision about who exactly he will stay with at the moment independently.

In 2009, Ruslan married a Chechen girl, Madina Gaytaeva, from his ancestral village of Prigorodnoye, who bore him two sons, Amir and Amin.

Ruslan Baysarov has six children. The father takes care of the education of his own sons and daughters. Ruslan pays great attention to the cultural education of children in the national spirit. The businessman often spends time with them.


Businessmen Jack Ma and Ruslan Baysarov (photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Baysarov)

Ruslan Baysarov is recognized as the wealthiest representative of the Chechen diaspora in Russia. Currently, according to Forbes magazine, Ruslan Baysarov is included in the list of the two hundred richest businessmen in Russia. In 2018, his fortune was estimated at $900 million (118th place).

The Federation Council on Wednesday prematurely terminated the powers of Umar, a senator from Chechnya. As the senator himself told Gazeta.Ru, “he made this decision personally.”

“I have exhausted myself in this post, all the tasks that were set for me by my big and small homeland were completed by me with an “excellent” mark,” Dzhabrailov explained the reasons for his resignation.

“I’m sure it will be Baysarov. Delimkhanov (deputy, Kadyrov’s closest associate - Gazeta.Ru) will not be able to, since he works in the State Duma, which means Baisarov,” Saidullaev told Gazeta.Ru.

Most Russians learned about Baysarov because of his legal proceedings with singer Kristina Orbakaite about who their son Denis should live with. According to media reports, in 2006, Baysarov and Dzhabrailov gave Kadyrov a gift for his thirtieth birthday for 450 thousand euros.

Kadyrov’s press secretary told Gazeta.Ru that “several candidates were considered to replace Dzhabrailov, and who exactly will be included in the Federation Council will become known in the very near future.” He refused to comment on the assumption about Baysarov. The speaker of the parliament of the republic, Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov, did not mention the name of the future senator from Chechnya.

Ex-senator Dzhabrailov was mainly involved in relations with the outside world in the upper house of parliament; he was deputy chairman and member of the Russian delegation in Parliamentary Assembly. Dzhabrailov plans to continue studying international activities, although he does not specify in what position.

“I will work on the external front for the benefit of our state. You don’t have to be an ambassador or an employee to strengthen and even expand Russia’s borders,” he spoke vaguely about his future work ex-senator.

Sabsabi believes that Dzhabrailov “decided to go into business, and to do it simultaneously with government post forbidden". So, while Dzhabrailov was a senator, he founded in 1992 oil company Danako was led by his brother Husain.

The ex-senator is indeed known mainly for his activities in business. Thus, from July 1994 to 1997, he was the first deputy general director of the joint venture Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and Business Center. In 1996, the founder of the joint venture and co-owner of the Radisson-Slavyanskaya Hotel, Paul Tatum, accused Dzhabrailov of intending to kill him, and in November 1996 he was actually killed. Since October 1997, Dzhabrailov has been an advisor and... O. general director complex "Radisson-Slavyanskaya", and then became president of the company "Plaza Group".
