Gel for depilation of intimate areas for women. What are the types of creams for depilation of intimate areas?

- a painful burning question for most representatives of the fairer sex.

The hair removal procedure consists precisely in the fact that during it, everything “extra” is pulled out from the roots, that is, from the bulb.

During depilation, the process occurs only superficially, that is, the hair follicle remains and continues its active life. At the same time, the upper part of the hair (on the skin) is removed using a razor, cream, or a special device. Both cosmetic services are used on any part of the body, including “problem areas”.

Epilation of intimate areas using cream

A distinctive feature and the main difference when choosing a method for hair removal is the pain of epilation. While during depilation there are no particularly unpleasant sensations, except, perhaps, allergic reactions and burns from low-quality hair removal creams. At the same time, the choice of zones, that is, parts of the body where hair needs to be removed, practically does not change the intensity of the pain. However, most girls, reading reviews, consider the most “hard labor” procedure to be the epilation of intimate areas, as the most sensitive place on a woman’s body.

Depilatory cream: composition features

What is good about any cream for removing “unnecessary vegetation” is that it helps to perform the action without any unpleasant sensations.

However, you should be aware that any cream, including those for depilation of intimate areas, contains substances that are not entirely “safe”. But it is these components that “do all the dirty work”:

Painless and quick way to depilate the bikini area
  • thioglycolate is the most common component that “corrodes” the hair itself. Thanks to it, the hair acquires a jelly-like state, and is easy to remove with a spatula. It smells very bad, but works well. If exposed to the skin, it can cause an allergic reaction and irritation. The most dangerous are barium/strontium sulfides (they are sometimes hidden under the mask of thioglycolates) - they can lead to severe burns, but they will remove everything completely;
  • sodium/calcium hydroxide – have an alkaline effect that destroys hair. Slower in action, it does not always destroy thick hair. More and more manufacturers are using this particular reagent - it is gentle on the skin. Redness and allergies practically do not occur when used correctly;
  • emollients are special substances that compensate for the aggressive effect of the main reagent on the skin. Sometimes the amount of “corrosive” ingredients is exceeded, so the cream has little effect. But no burns, etc. are definitely not scary. But you definitely won’t be able to remove hair from the desired area the first time;

Result after epilation in the bikini area
  • diluents and additional ingredients (flavors, natural oils, herbal and plant extracts) - by and large intended to create a homogeneous creamy mass. Essential oils from plants (if indeed they exist) have minimal value and produce only a cosmetic effect (for example, chamomile oil soothes the skin, relieving irritation). Although the combination of several components in a cream and long-term use of a line of all products (cream care) from one manufacturer can actually slow down hair growth. However, you shouldn't hope for a miracle.

Reviews about any cream can be different: some people like the effect, while others have severe allergies. Therefore, you must definitely read the composition and before experimenting in the area of ​​intimate areas, be sure to do a trial test.

Common creams for depilation of intimate areas

The market offers a very diverse range. The specific choice depends on several nuances:

  • brand (manufacturer);
  • cost;
  • efficiency (most often they will check online reviews);
  • personal taste (flavors, beautiful packaging, promotions in the supermarket).

Regarding the depilatories themselves for delicate areas, the following list can be presented:

  • Veet creams are well-known and quite effective, but have recently risen in price. There are both simple products and for depilation in the shower, various skin types, with natural oils and extracts;
  • Velvet depilatory cream - cheaper than the previous one. The assortment is also very diverse. For intimate and sensitive areas there are separate products (for example, with chamomile), flavors for every taste;
  • (“Red Line”) - a budget option for every taste and color. Bikini depilator is more gentle (cucumber and yoghurt) both in smell and in action;

Veet depilatory cream
  • – are quite good, but they are difficult to buy, except in large stores or order online;
  • products from Caramel are among the most popular, found everywhere, and affordable. Reviews about the action are mixed, although there are a lot of positive ones;
  • Eveline products are “big combinators”. The widest range of products for all-in-one lovers.

The action and composition (main reagent) in these products are approximately the same.

Whatever method of removing unnecessary hair you choose, depilation of intimate areas is a very sensitive process that requires special attention.

Very thin skin requires increased care and attention. Coping with a delicate problem is quite difficult: the razor often causes severe irritation, and waxing is accompanied by unbearable pain.

The only option that is less troublesome is a cream for depilation of intimate areas: it is both painless and does not threaten to irritate delicate areas of the skin.

The principle of action of depilatory creams

The effect is very soft and yet effective. The composition contains active chemicals that help weaken the hair structure.

The product acts directly on the hair shaft, softening it. Using a special spatula, it is removed from the surface of the treated area along with the hairs.

The action, as a rule, extends only to the visible part of the hair, without affecting the root part. Some types of creams can affect its structure even a millimeter deep into the skin. Thanks to this, the hairs that grow back are not so hard.

In addition, the creams contain softening and soothing components: vitamins, oils, cooling agents, and various extracts.
That is why the hair removal process itself does not cause pain or any unpleasant sensations. After the procedure, the skin becomes soft, smooth, without redness.

Benefits of depilatory cream

The cream has a number of advantages over both a razor and hot wax. If you list its advantages, you’ll get a pretty impressive list:

  • Gentle effect on the delicate skin of sensitive areas of our body;
  • The procedure is painless, unlike wax hair removal;
  • The components included in it not only remove hair, but also nourish the skin;
  • No unpleasant consequences: redness and itching;
  • The product can be pre-tested for the possibility of an allergic reaction;
  • The procedure does not take much time;
  • Easy to use: you can perform depilation yourself at home;
  • The purchase will not require large expenses.

How to choose an intimate depilation cream?

If this is your first time planning to depilate your bikini area using a cream, or you have already tried a similar method, but were dissatisfied with the product, then you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of such a purchase:

  • When choosing, be sure to pay attention to what area it is intended for depilation. Regular hair removal products can cause severe irritation to delicate areas of the body. The product should be suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Read information about expiration dates carefully. An expired product will only cause harm. The chemical composition aggressively affects not only the hairs, but also the skin itself. The consequences can be very different: from simple allergies to an inflammatory process.
  • Creams differ in price depending on the manufacturer, configuration and method of exposure. Cheap options often cope only with soft vellus hairs. A quality product should work on hair of any coarseness. The kit should include: a special spatula or sponge for removing the composition, lotion or oil for skin care after the procedure.
  • Do not buy products of questionable manufacture. By saving on the product, you can restore skin health for a long time. The packaging must provide complete information about the manufacturer, composition, method of use, configuration, expiration dates and precautions.

How to prepare for self-depilation

To have a hair removal procedure, you don’t have to run to the salon. A safe composition and special devices allow you to easily and quickly cope with the task yourself.

  • Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test. Apply the cream to a small area of ​​skin and wash off after a few minutes.
    If within one to two hours no manifestations occur in the treated area, you can safely proceed with the procedure.
  • Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly clean your body using detergents. The skin should be perfectly dry and clean.
  • Spread it evenly in a thin layer.
  • Wait a certain period of time. The instructions for use should indicate the number of minutes required to achieve the effect.
  • Using a special spatula, carefully remove the composition against the direction of hair growth.
  • After the procedure, take a shower to completely remove any residue from your body.
  • If the product is intended for depilation in the shower, spread it with a special sponge a few minutes before taking water procedures, then rinse thoroughly.
  • Apply nourishing oil or lotion to the treated areas.

Rules for using cream for depilation of intimate areas

In order for the procedure to be successful, you need to follow some rules:

  • Do not use cream for the “deep bikini” procedure. Its chemical composition can have a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane.
  • Be sure to do an allergy test before use!
  • To prevent individual hairs from growing into the skin, use a soft scrub before and a few days after depilation.
  • Make sure that there are no product residues left after the procedure.
  • Regularly lubricate sensitive skin in delicate areas with an emollient.

Caring for intimate areas after depilation

  • After the hair removal procedure, intimate areas will require special care. Be sure to treat sensitive skin with special products, which are usually included in the depilation kit.
  • The impact of the chemical composition has a negative effect on the skin, so in the next day it will need additional nutrition and hydration. Use oils and lotions for care.
  • To prevent the problem of ingrown hairs, before the procedure and on the third day after it, treat the bikini area with a soft scrub. With its help, thin hairs will be able to “get out” to the surface.
  • After using the scrub, be sure to lubricate the treated areas with plenty of emollient cream. This will help avoid dryness, irritation, redness and itching.

Depilatory cream is an excellent solution for hair removal in delicate areas. And yet, do not forget that it contains chemicals.
Therefore, please exercise caution and listen to our advice on the procedure and aftercare. Take care of your health!

Women have always strived, strive and will strive for excellence. And it’s not for nothing that people say that beauty requires sacrifice. As a rule, all these sacrifices are associated with attempts to resist human nature.

For example, if a girl decides to lose a couple of extra pounds, she goes on a diet. With the help of cosmetics, she tries to rejuvenate herself and make herself more attractive. Also, girls nowadays strive to get rid of hair all over the body or in a certain area. But, of course, the intimate area deserves special attention. Intimate depilation is a rather painstaking and thorough process, during which a woman must be very careful and attentive.

Veet depilatory cream

How do depilatory creams work?

Compared to other products used to get rid of “shaggy hair” in intimate places, it is the cream that is highly effective . And this happens due to the fact that one of the main components of such a product are active chemical components, the main purpose of which is to weaken the hair structure. Moreover, this product acts directly on the rod itself, softening and weakening it. After applying the product to the skin, it is recommended to leave it there for a certain time, and then remove it with a special spatula and rinse the treatment area with warm water.

All products in this category, as a rule, contain sedative and emollient substances, as well as some vitamins and extracts. It is because of these components that after completion of the procedure there will be no burns or redness left on the skin, and the skin will be soft and smooth.

The process of hair dying and growing

Key Benefits of Hair Removal Cosmetic Products

Speaking about the benefits of cosmetic products used to combat excess vegetation, we can highlight the following positive qualities:

  • gentle effect on sensitive areas of the human body;
  • absence of pain during all manipulations;
  • presence of nutrients;
  • relative speed of the process;
  • ease of use;
  • low cost.

Depilatory cream has a gentle effect on sensitive areas of the human body

What should you pay attention to when buying a bikini area hair removal cream?

Before making a purchase, it would not hurt for every girl to familiarize herself with all the intricacies of choosing such an acquisition, namely:

  • first of all, you need to carefully study what is written in the fine print in order to know for which area of ​​the human body it is recommended to use such a remedy;
  • It also doesn’t hurt to pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date. Otherwise, if it turns out that the cream is expired, unwanted reactions may occur;
  • if quality is important to you, you will have to pay more. But in the kit you will receive not only a high-quality product, but also a spatula with a sponge for cleaning the skin;
  • It is also important that the packaging displays all information about the manufacturer, composition, expiration date and recommendations for use. All this is necessary in order not to make a mistake in your choice.

How to prepare for hair removal at home

If this is your first time purchasing a hair removal product, we strongly recommend that you perform a special test to identify an allergic reaction. . If everything went well, then you can begin the procedure of getting rid of unwanted hair, but before that you should perform the following steps:

  • take a bath and dry your entire body. It is especially important to ensure that the intimate area of ​​your body that will be exposed to the cream is dry;
  • Apply the product evenly in a thin layer to the skin;
  • do not wash it off for the time indicated on the package;
  • after completing the procedure, remove the cream with a special spatula in the direction against hair growth;
  • Take a shower or bath to cleanse your body of any remaining chemicals;
  • use nourishing oil or moisturizer after finishing the water treatments.

Use a nourishing oil or moisturizer after finishing your water treatments.

Like any product with a chemical base, it should be used only by adhering to certain rules:

  • never use a hair remover in the deep bikini area, as there is a risk of damaging the mucous membrane;
  • to eliminate the undesirable consequences of using the cream in intimate places, you need to conduct a special test that will help determine the likelihood of allergic reactions;
  • always wash off the chemical composition to the last drop, since if at least some of it remains on the body, chemical burns may form;
  • Always use moisturizing and nourishing products after completing the depilation procedure.

Depilatory cream for intimate areas with chamomile

Skin care after hair removal in intimate areas

Although depilation is not shaving with a machine, which causes microtrauma to the skin, during such a procedure the skin in intimate areas also experiences some stress. Therefore, to speed up the regeneration process, it is recommended to perform certain actions:

  • Firstly, the skin should be treated with special products. Often they come in one set with a depilator.
  • Secondly, on the first day after the procedure, you need to constantly apply oils or moisturizers to the skin.
  • Third To avoid ingrown hairs, after a couple of days you can clean the bikini area using a special scrub.

Skin care products after depilation

As you can see for yourself,

Since time immemorial, women have tried to get rid of body hair. Greek women lost unwanted hair by burning them with lamps or manually plucking out each hair. Ancient Egyptians used clever methods - they removed hair in intimate places using a sharpened stone, the juice of poisonous plants, and a wax-honey mixture. Modern women have avoided the fate of their ancestors, because professional means for depilation of intimate areas have appeared in their arsenal. What is the effect of depilatory creams, which of them work flawlessly, and which are not able to cope with the task, and what do women themselves think about this?

Depilation is a simple and painless way to remove body hair. At home, depilation is carried out using a shaving machine or a special cream. The first method is primitive and well-known; no one has any difficulties with it. But with the use of depilatory cream, not everything is so simple.

The mechanism of action of the cream for removing hair in intimate places is as follows: the active ingredients react with the protein compounds of the hair shaft (keratins), which ends in the complete destruction of the latter. Simply put, the cream destroys the hair structure, and they are easily removed using the special spatula included. The process takes 10–15 minutes, the skin becomes smooth.

Unlike hair removal, depilation does not destroy the hair follicle, so the hair grows back quickly, but it appears soft and light.

To make the depilation process quick and painless, chemicals are added to the cream. They often cause allergies, burns and discomfort in the bikini area.

The composition of depilatory cream differs from one manufacturer to another, but the following substances are found among the active ingredients:

  • thioglycolate - destroys the structure of the hair shaft. After contact with this substance, the hair becomes jelly-like and can be easily removed with a spatula. In contact with skin, thioglycolate provokes irritation and an allergic reaction, burns are possible. It has an unpleasant odor, but quickly and effectively removes hair;
  • calcium/sodium hydroxide - “corrodes” hair due to its alkaline effect. The substance acts slowly and does not always completely remove hair. The woman’s skin is not damaged, allergies and burns never occur;
  • emollients are substances that compensate for the aggressive effect of the active component - calcium hydroxide or thioglycolate. Their presence in the cream significantly reduces its effectiveness, but burns and redness are not terrible. True, it is not possible to completely remove hair in the bikini area in one go;
  • diluents - designed to give the cream a cream-like consistency (mass) and do not affect its effectiveness;
  • excipients (herbal extracts, natural plant esters, flavors) - essential oils and plant extracts soothe, disinfect the skin, slow down hair growth, and flavors “mask” the unpleasant odor of the active ingredients.

Video: features of using depilatory cream

From personal experience, I will add that the presence of chamomile extract, shea butter, green tea and other additives is simply a marketing ploy to inflate the cost of the product. Their concentration in the cream is negligible, so it is impossible to obtain the promised effect. It is much more useful to treat the skin with a liquid tocopherol solution from a pharmacy or Bepanten baby cream after depilation.

Table: pros and cons of depilatory cream for the bikini area

Benefits of bikini area depilation using creamDisadvantages of bikini area depilatory cream
Painless. If a woman does not have individual intolerance to the cream or skin sensitivity, the hair removal procedure takes place without pain.Short-term effect. Although manufacturers claim that after depilation with cream, the smoothness of the skin remains for about 10 days, but in fact, the stumps grow back on the third day.
Fast and efficient. The cream is applied for 5–20 minutes, then easily removed with a spatula or bath sponge. Hair is completely removed without damaging the hair follicles.Difficulty in removing dark and coarse hair. If the hair is very hard, the cream does not work on it, so you have to repeat the procedure several times. Another disadvantage is that after hair removal, distinct black dots (hair roots) remain in their places.
Availability. Depilatory cream can be purchased at a supermarket, cosmetic store, or pharmacy. The price varies between 150 and 800 rubles. The cream is easy to use on its own.Strong smell. Adding fragrances and essential oils does not eliminate the unpleasant odor of the chemical reagent.

Deep bikini depilatory cream

Special attention should be paid to deep bikini depilation - complete removal of hair on the external genitalia. For these purposes, experts advise using either waxing or sugaring (sugar is used instead of wax). The cream is not suitable for deep bikini depilation, because upon contact with the mucous membrane it causes burns, pain, disrupts the vaginal microflora, and hair grows into delicate areas of the skin.

If you are not allergic to the composition of the cream, you can safely perform deep bikini depilation using the cream. The main thing is to avoid contact of the cream with the mucous membrane. This is easy to do: apply a pea of ​​baby cream or sea buckthorn oil to the mucous membrane, and then cover it with cotton pads. After this, you can safely apply the cream. This method has never let me down.

Rules for using cream for depilation of intimate areas

The modern choice of depilatory cream allows each of us to choose the most suitable option. It’s easy to use, you just need to follow the rules given by the manufacturer. Only in this case will depilation be successful and without consequences.

The first stage of depilation in the bikini area is eliminating allergies and preparing the skin:

  1. We perform an allergy test. Apply a pea of ​​cream to the bend of the elbow for 15 minutes. If there is no skin irritation, the cream can be used.
  2. Degrease the skin in the bikini area. Using soap or a special intimate hygiene product, we carry out hygiene procedures, then wipe the skin and hair dry.
  3. We cut our hair. If the hair in the bikini area exceeds more than 1 cm in length, it is advisable to trim the hair. This will increase the effectiveness of the cream and save your money.

Advice! If you have very sensitive skin, it is better to skip the bikini area degreasing procedure. This will reduce the aggressive effect of the cream on the skin. Also, do not use soap to wash off the depilator, but simply rinse your skin with cool water.

The second stage of depilation of the bikini area is the application of depilatory cream:

  1. Squeeze the cream onto your palm or spatula and apply it to the bikini area.
  2. The recommended layer thickness is 2–5 mm depending on the length of the hair - it should be completely covered with cream. It is important not to apply the cream to the mucous membrane to prevent burns.
  3. Let the cream sit for 5 to 15 minutes. The expiration date is always indicated on the packaging and may differ from one manufacturer to another, so be sure to read the instructions before using the cream.

Important! Under no circumstances exceed the recommended time of use of the cream, otherwise you will get a chemical burn. If you experience a burning sensation before the required expiration date, the cream should be washed off immediately and not used again - this is a symptom of hypersensitivity and this remedy is not suitable for you.

The final stage is removing the depilator:

  1. If the time is up, remove the depilator with the spatula that comes with the cream. Often this plastic tool causes discomfort and leaves scratches on the skin, so it can be replaced with a sponge.
  2. Movements should be directed against hair growth. The hair will be better removed together with the cream and will not grow into the epidermis.
  3. Then rinse off the remaining cream with warm water, dry the skin with a towel and apply anti-inflammatory lotion or milk.

Advice! Before applying depilatory cream, make sure that you have no contraindications to the procedure. There should be no skin damage, pimples, moles, signs of skin inflammation, or papillomas in the bikini area.

The skin after depilation needs careful care. Moisturizing and disinfecting the skin is ensured by the use of a special cream after depilation. If you don’t have such a tool, you can replace it:

  • Penthenol ointment;
  • a solution of Chlorgeskidine and Miramistin (antiseptics sold in pharmacies);
  • a mixture of vegetable oils, for example, olive oil (1 tbsp.), eucalyptus ether (5 drops) and tea tree ether (7 drops);
  • Rescuer ointment;
  • chamomile decoction.

Use of the product during pregnancy

Women always try to keep their bodies looking beautiful. The pregnancy period cannot become an obstacle to this. But using depilatory cream during pregnancy seems unacceptable, because it contains many chemical components. But using a razor or applying wax in a special position is also not always appropriate.

The answer to the question of whether it is safe to use depilatory cream for the bikini area during pregnancy is ambiguous. Some doctors categorically prohibit resorting to depilation with cream, while others, on the contrary, consider it a useful and necessary hygienic procedure.

Most gynecologists and obstetricians note that depilation of the bikini area with cream is possible for women who have no problems with skin sensitivity and are completely allergic to the cream. In addition, depilation may be simply necessary if a pregnant woman experiences increased hair growth and sweating.

The use of bikini area depilation cream during pregnancy has its own characteristics:

  • Considering the unpleasant smell of the product, it is advisable to carry out the procedure in a well-ventilated area so that the woman does not become ill.
  • Hormonal fluctuations accelerate hair growth, so you will have to wax more often.
  • During pregnancy, it is better to use depilatory creams that are designed for sensitive skin. and on the packaging there is the inscription “hypoallergenic”.
  • It is important to give preference to those depilatory creams that contain a minimum of additional chemicals.

Rating of creams for depilation of the bikini area

No. 1: Veet depilatory cream

One of the first to appear on the market. The cream is intended for depilation of sensitive skin and the bikini area, therefore it is suitable for comprehensive hair removal in intimate places, including the anus, as well as for the armpits, upper lip, and legs.

The product has a pleasant smell and delicate texture. The cream easily copes with even the coarsest hair and rarely causes allergies or burns. After depilation, the skin becomes soft, perfectly smooth, and smells pleasant.

Veet cream is distinguished by its affordable price and product line. The cream is equipped with a multifunctional spatula, which can be used to remove hair from hard-to-reach places.

Apply the cream with your hands or a spatula for 10 minutes. It is not allowed to be applied to the mucous membrane. You can wash off the product with a shower, a washcloth and the same spatula.

The average cost of Veet cream is 400 rubles.

No. 2: Velvet Intim depilatory cream

Domestic depilatory cream. It is distinguished by excellent quality and low cost. The cream has a safe composition without aggressive ingredients; it additionally contains chamomile and verbena extract.

Velvet cream also comes with a spatula, but many women note that it is uncomfortable and leaves scratches on the skin. There are also difficulties with the time of its action: instead of 10 minutes, the cream has to be left on for 15–20 minutes.

In general, Velvet does an excellent job with hair in the intimate area, and even slows down its growth a little. The price of the product is also pleasing - 125 rubles.

No. 3: AVON depilatory cream

AVON depilatory cream is ideal for sensitive skin in the intimate area. Thanks to meadowfoam oil extract, the cream prevents skin irritation.

The set includes a functional curved spatula. The cream acts for 10–12 minutes, then it can be washed off - the hair is destroyed during this time.

You can buy it on the official AVON website. Cost - 560 rub.

No. 4: Eveline depilatory cream

Eveline depilatory cream is available in two types - Argan Oil and Eveline 3 in 1. The first version of the cream is enriched with argan oil, which allows you to moisturize the skin and prevent inflammation after depilation. The second cream is suitable for ultra-delicate skin. It contains silk and aloe extract.

The effect of the cream lasts about 5 minutes. The manufacturer indicates that the cream slows down hair growth and copes with the rigid structure of the hair.

The average cost of a tube is 200 rubles.

No. 5: Tanita depilatory cream

A popular product for depilation of intimate areas and the body in general. The manufacturer offers a choice of a whole series of depilatory creams - for sensitive skin, hard and soft hair, women prone to allergies, with or without essential oils and fruit juices. In general, for every taste.

Different types of cream smell differently: chamomile, citrus, mint. Another advantage of Tanita cream is the ability to perform deep bikini depilation. In addition, depilation will require 3-4 minutes of your time.

The cost of the cream is 175 rubles.

No. 6: Lowa-Lowa depilatory cream

A whole Lowa-Lowa care complex has been created for women for depilation of the bikini area. It consists of a cream for and after depilation. The peculiarity of the product is the rapid destruction of hair, softening of the skin and the gradual cessation of new hair growth.

The manufacturer assures that the product contains only natural ingredients. If you follow the instructions on the package, your hair will disappear forever after 16 days.

The cost of the depilation complex is 990 rubles.

Beautiful Lowa-Lowa slogan “Get rid of hair in 16 days!” captivating and encouraging. I believed it too, but the effect was disappointing: the hair remained, and in addition, skin irritation appeared. Conclusion: advertising and high cost do not guarantee 100% quality of the product.

Depilation is the removal of hair from the surface of the skin, and its most well-known methods are shaving and the use of a special cream that softens and removes hairs. Depilation does not affect the hair follicle and does not destroy it, unlike epilation - removing hair along with the follicle. Depilation of the intimate area is simple, painless and quick - the procedure usually does not take more than 5 minutes.


Depilation of the intimate area is not to the liking of every girl or woman - some are afraid of pain and irritation, others are quite satisfied with their hair. Like any procedure, depilation has positive and not so positive features:

  • Allows you to get rid of hair quickly and painlessly;
  • Eliminates unpleasant odor. Regrown hair (no matter in what place) is capable of retaining droplets of sweat and sebum - sebum - on its “body”, and the latter tend to smell unpleasant, plus bacteria spread in the hairs. This problem especially affects pregnant women and those whose hormonal levels change; excessive sweating occurs;
  • Smooth skin in the intimate area gives you more confidence than expensive lingerie, experts say;
  • Women's depilation allows you not to completely remove hair, but to remove the length or get rid of only protruding hairs from under your panties;
  • Deep bikini depilation involves complete hair removal and is especially common among young girls.

Speaking about the positive aspects of depilation, one cannot fail to note its negative ones:

  • May cause skin irritation;
  • May lead to ingrown hairs;
  • Requires constant costs - the purchase of a razor, cassettes or blades for it, cream and other accessories, including skin care products;
  • Does not have a long lasting effect.

What is the name of?

The groin area in women is called the “bikini”, and speaking about this intimate area, one cannot help but say that bikini depilation can be deep and classic. “Classic” bikini depilation involves removing only those hairs that extend beyond the panties, that is, all the excess hair, which usually looks untidy and can be disgusting. “Deep” bikini - hair removal from the entire surface of the groin, including the labia and intergluteal area, but as an exception, you can leave a small strip of short pubic hair.

Types and methods

There are two ways of depilation, that is, removing hair from the surface of the skin - using a razor or cream.


The simplest and most painless way to get rid of hair in the intimate area, but not the most modern and long-lasting - hair begins to grow back within a day, and the intimate area resembles a hedgehog.

Now there are dozens and even hundreds of models of razors, from simple disposable ones to modern ones with a floating head and the additional property of soothing the skin (due to the release of gel from the machine).

The razor copes well with full depilation, that is, “deep bikini” thanks to the thin blades and small razor head, but there is a possibility of cutting the skin.


Depilatory cream literally “dissolves” hair on the surface, but it is undesirable to get it on the mucous membrane of the skin (which is present in the intimate area). This method is also painless, but not all creams cope with coarse and long hairs on the body; to achieve the ideal effect, you often have to additionally use a razor.

Depilatory cream Velvet effectively removes hair and slows down its further growth; the brand’s line includes products for various areas of the body, including the intimate area and sensitive skin in general. Depilation with the “mini-bikini” complex allows you to get rid of hair for a period of 3 to 6 months and even at home. The manufacturer says that its product does not remove hair and only stops its growth, so the cream and oil should be used in combination only after any hair removal procedure - using a home epilator or going to sugaring or waxing procedures. Consumers have divided opinions about this product - some praise it for its “smooth” result, others do not see anything special in the composition of the product and its work.

By the way, about the composition of the “mini-bikini”: a complex of saturated fats, organic acids, high concentrations of iodine and rambutan seed oil.


Depilation is the simplest and most inexpensive way to remove hair from the bikini area, and there are not many products available to do it.


It is practically painless and does not affect the deep processes in the skin (unlike hair removal, when the hairs are removed along with the bulb). It is advisable to shave with a special gel, cream or foam so that the razor blade glides better over the surface of the skin, catches even small hairs, and the additional product will protect against cuts and dry skin.

Shaving disrupts the structure of the hair, as does removing it with an epilator, sugar or wax. It can change the direction of hair growth, lead to irritation and other consequences from depilation or hair removal, and to avoid unpleasant moments, It is necessary to carry out the procedure according to simple recommendations:

  • Use a razor in the shower or after taking a bath on a damp, slightly steamed body - this will make the hairs easier to grab and remove;
  • Use a special cream, not soap (the latter dries the skin very much and does not provide a sliding surface for the razor blades);
  • Remove hair according to hair growth, if the skin is sensitive or thin or against it, this is more effective;
  • Additionally, pluck hairs with tweezers, if they are rare in a certain area, frequent shaving can cause the growth of new thick and dark hair.

Using the cream

A well-known method of removing hair from the intimate area. This product is easy to use: just apply it to the skin along the hair growth using a spatula and leave for a certain time, then remove it with the same spatula against the hair growth. Modern manufacturers of depilatory cosmetics offer creams “for all occasions” - for sensitive skin, for the bikini area, legs and armpits, for normal dermis and others.

Which one to choose - pay attention to creams for the intimate area or sensitive areas of the body, since their composition is usually simplified and “at the benefit” of the consumer.

Cream Velvet- one of the most famous and affordable hair removal products, including from the intimate area. A cream is suitable for removing hair from the bikini area. Velvet for sensitive skin with olive oil and chamomile, special " Velvet Intim» for working with the intimate area with chamomile in the composition. It is inferior to hot wax in a cartridge in terms of the duration of the effect, but is superior to the notorious razor - the hairs grow thinner.

Ingrown hairs can appear from any type of depilation, and a special cream or lotion will help prevent their appearance, for example, “ Depileve Folisan" The liquid form of the product is convenient for use on the bikini area. Contains lotion against ingrown hairs " Depileve Folisan» contains acetylsalicylic acid (dries the skin, relieves inflammation, redness), glycerin (excellently moisturizes, nourishes the epidermis, soothes and stimulates cellular renewal, effectively heals damaged or dry skin).

Folk recipes

Even our great-grandmothers thought about getting rid of hair, from whom simple methods or recipes have come down to us.

Hydrogen peroxide or peroxide

« Old timers“They recommend wiping your hair 2-3 times a day and say that the hair will soon acquire a lighter, unnoticeable shade. This recipe cannot be called a 100% way to get rid of body hair, but it is often used to bleach hair and especially often on the face.

Potassium permangantsovka

Or potassium permanganate. Excellently fights unwanted vegetation - that’s what the “experienced” say. The essence of its use is to dilute a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate and daily wipe it on areas of the body with vegetation, in our case in the intimate area. The highly concentrated composition of potassium permanganate is dangerous - it is easy for them to get burns, especially when in contact with the mucous membrane (it is also present in the intimate area).

In addition, the manganese solution gives a noticeable coloring effect on the skin from light yellow to brown.


A mixture of ammonia, classic alcohol and iodine effectively fights hair. The recipe is quite simple: you need to mix 70 g. alcohol, 10 gr. "ammonia", 10 gr. castor oil and 3 gr. Yoda. The resulting solution should be wiped over the skin twice a day.


The abrasive surface of pumice can get rid of hairs - daily use of a foot grater literally removes hair from the surface of the body, they say on the forums. It is worth noting that this method is traumatic, especially for the intimate area - the skin there is delicate. The essence of the method is to rub the skin 1-2 times a day until it becomes slightly red and wait for natural hair loss.

Folk methods of dealing with unwanted hair in the bikini area are quite questionable: it is unknown how long it will take for hair to start falling out from daily friction with a pumice stone or compresses of iodine and alcohol. It is likely that getting a burn or severe irritation will be faster than getting rid of hairs.

What is the best thing to do in the bikini area?

With a razor or cream - depending on how you are used to doing it. Daily shaving with a razor is not very good for our skin - it becomes irritated, dried out and simply injured from frequent contact with the blade, the same can be said about depilatory cream - you simply cannot use it every day. Irritation is the most common consequence of daily hair removal procedures and especially in the bikini area; it can be expressed by mild redness, rashes, itching and even painful sensations on the skin.

If we talk about sensitive skin, it is necessary to test both shaving and several depilatory creams in order to determine “yours.” With the growth of coarse, coarse and dark hair, you can try several brands of depilatory creams, suddenly among them there will be a product with maximum impact - it will effectively remove hairs in the bikini area, will not cause irritation on the skin and with it they will not grow “by leaps and bounds” . Those with fine blonde hair can also try to find their ideal cream or continue to use a razor, especially if new hairs grow slowly.

How to do it at home?

Proper preparation. The optimal time for the procedure is 15-16 hours - experts define this time as the period of least susceptibility to unpleasant sensations. In general, depilation is known for its painlessness, which means that it can be done at home “on demand” if no pain or discomfort has been observed before.

Exfoliate before hair removal procedure– in the shower or after taking a bath. The abrasive particles will remove the keratinized “dead” layer of cells, lift the hairs at the roots and provide the razor blade with high-quality glide, and the cream – better absorption on the skin and destruction of the “body” of the hair.

Perform hair removal in the shower(if it's a razor) or after, if you use cream. Warm water will slightly steam the skin and provide better glide for the shaving cartridge. By the way, it is also worth doing hair removal after a shower in order to cleanse the skin and prevent particles of sebum, sweat and bacteria from penetrating into open pores, and it is not recommended to wet the skin after the procedure for another 2-3 hours (ideally up to 12 hours).

Speaking of razors, prepare a fresh, sharp blade or evaluate the condition of the previous one - how clean it is, whether it glides well over the skin and whether it cuts hairs rather than tearing them.

Depilation with cream requires no less preparation:

  • Take a shower - the area to be depilated should be clean. A scrub won't hurt either;
  • Dry your skin and hair completely with a towel and natural air - the cream will not spread evenly on wet skin;
  • Prepare a tube of cream, a spatula for applying and removing hair, a towel or thick napkin;
  • Additionally, you can wipe the skin with an antiseptic - lotion, tonic, if the manufacturer's recommendations do not contain any contraindications for this.

How does the process work?

It is better to depilate with a razor in the shower - warm water will soften the skin a little and open the pores. First, apply a little shaving cream or foam to clean, damp skin and spread it thoroughly over the intimate area; the composition will allow the razor blades to glide over the surface easily and catch all the hairs, even the shortest ones.

The hair removal process begins from the pubis - run the razor along the hair growth, from top to bottom. Next, switch to the labia and intergluteal area - you need to shave in these places in different directions to remove hair effectively. Return to your pubic area and evaluate its smoothness - if it is not sufficient, you can run a razor over it against the direction of hair growth and secure the result.

Hair depilation with cream is a little different:

  • Apply a little depilatory cream to dry skin using a spatula - do not spread it with your hands;
  • Start distributing the product from the pubis and move down to the labia;
  • It is important to distribute the cream evenly - there should be no gaps, otherwise the hairs will remain in place;
  • To effectively apply “deep bikini” depilatory cream, take a sitting position, bend your knees and spread them as far apart as possible - it will become easier to reach hard-to-reach areas;

  • After the cream is applied to the entire “deep” bikini area and distributed evenly over it, you need to wait a certain amount of time (usually from 10 to 30 minutes);
  • It is necessary to remove the cream with the same spatula against hair growth, that is, from bottom to top;
  • It is advisable to start removing hairs from the intergluteal area and move upward - to the pubis;
  • You can go over the same area two or three times to effectively remove hairs.

Skin care after

Proper care after hair removal is no less important than preparation. Let's talk about its stages for any type of depilation - with a razor or cream:

  • Rinse hairs and any remaining product (shaving cream or gel) from the surface of the skin and pat dry with a towel. Do not rub the skin - this may cause irritation;
  • Wipe the skin with an antibacterial solution - tonic or facial lotion with aloe vera, chamomile, thermal water or any other alcohol-free composition (you can use a herbal decoction);
  • Dry the epidermis and apply a little moisturizing body cream or use regular baby cream or oil.
  • After depilation, it is especially important to use a scrub 2-3 times a week, this will prevent ingrown hairs;
  • High-quality care may include the use of special creams or gels that prevent new hair growth.

Timely moisturizing of the skin in the bikini area is very important: it will make the skin healthy, smooth, and reduce the risk of irritation and skin injuries (razor cuts).

To summarize: before depilating with cream, clean the surface with a disinfectant solution: it will remove bacteria from the epidermis and prevent irritation. Immediately after the procedure, walk with a cotton pad soaked in a peroxide solution, for example, on irritated skin, do not forget to apply a moisturizer or oil every time after the procedure - this will soothe the skin and additionally relieve dryness.


Irritation is a normal skin reaction, but it varies and sometimes causes a number of inconveniences and consequences. The most unpleasant thing is the itching that accompanies the girl throughout the rest of the day and even at night. If the skin itches, you need to treat it with lotion with aloe vera or tea tree extract, a decoction of medicinal herbs or an alcohol tincture (no more than 70% alcohol in the composition).

Severe irritation after depilation is expressed by redness and the formation of a network of pimples and simultaneous itching, which literally interfere with the flow of normal life. It is necessary to treat the “wound” no more than once every half hour with light blotting movements; rubbing the irritated area is not recommended. Baby powder will relieve severe and prolonged irritation - sprinkle a little powder on the surface of the skin and leave.

If irritation appears from using the cream, then you definitely shouldn’t use it next time.

Inflamed acne as an unpleasant consequence of depilation will have to be treated. They appear due to ingrown hairs under the skin, and they must be removed correctly: treat the pimple with an antiseptic and keep the cotton wool and solution with you, try to press on the “ripe” lesion, the pimple should burst and the hair should come to the surface.

Does it hurt?

The question is purely individual. Depilation with a razor and cream are the most painless methods of combating unwanted hair; “hot” methods, including an epilator, will definitely add to the discomfort.
