Interesting tasks with the number 5 for preschoolers. Didactic material on mathematics

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Teaching aids and simulators in the Integral online store for 1st grade
Simulator according to Peterson L.G., Manual according to Peterson L.G.

Number 5 and number 5, acquaintance

We are going again to the wonderful country of "Mathematics". And our friend little Fox is with us, he also wants to gain knowledge. Sit back and go. You remember that in the country of "Mathematics" in the "Forest School" the smart Gnome talks about mathematical wisdom.

But before “Mathematics” goes to the country, let’s remember what numbers we already know, and who we visited?

Well done, they remembered and gave Little Fox a hint. Now look at the following picture and try to guess: who are we going to visit today?

Find a pattern. Which row is missing cherries?

You already guessed that today we are going to visit the figure and number

Number 5 with a big belly,
The five have a cap with a visor.
At school this number is 5
Children love to receive.

We meet the number 5

I'm a naughty five!
Dear all excellent students!
So that I can be friends with you
You need to know a lot
Write, count and multiply.
And be sure to always read the encyclopedia!

Look at number 5.
How can we write it?..
Place a vertical stroke,
Below is a small circle
On top there is a small tail.
Number 5 is in front of you!

The ladle we use to scoop up water looks like the number five.

Seahorse that jumps in the ocean
like a brother to our five.

Look at your hand and you will see that there are five fingers on it.

Five lobes of maple leaves

The sea star has five rays.

Five lines in a musical line.
This will be the staff.
And all the notes on it are dots
We took our places.

As you can see, guys, the number 5 is important and is needed everywhere.

Any numbers indicate quantity, and numbers are used to record numbers. The number can consist of one digit or several.

All numbers that are in front of the number 5 are less than FIVE, and those that are behind the number 5 are greater than FIVE.

Let's think together: what does the number 5 consist of?

Look at the following picture and say: how many circles are there on it? How many squares? How many triangles? How many pentagons? Find a pattern.

See how this picture can be written in the form of examples:

The number FIVE is made up of these numbers.

The Smart Dwarf gave the Little Fox a task to solve the problems. Help him.

And now different problems for the number 5

The hen is counting the chickens
One two Three...
There aren't enough chickens.
The chicken began to look for
Call the kids soon.
One is walking by the threshing floor.
The second one hid in the grass,
The most glorious and largest.
Help her count the little chickens
One two Three, ...

Two little chicks were sitting in the nest
Yellow and fluffy twins.
Two more peeked out of the shell,
And another one doesn’t want to yet.
Quickly count how many chicks are in the nest?

Early in the morning the Hedgehog went mushroom hunting.
He found mushrooms in the grove under a birch tree.
A small honey mushroom, two saffron milk caps and a porcini mushroom.
A fox hid under a leaf under an aspen tree.
Sister to all mushrooms.
Help me count the mushrooms quickly.
How much will? Smooth...

Guys with a fishing rod are sitting on the shore,
They look carefully at the floats.
Fisherman Sasha caught two perches.
Fisherman Pasha caught two crucian carp.
And the fisherman Sonya caught a pike.
This one, huge, as big as your hand.
How many fish did the fishermen catch?
Help them count.
There will be fish exactly...

Well done guys, you solved all the problems.
They helped the little fox and didn’t forget about the gnome!

We have studied the number 5.
We haven't forgotten anything.
Let's learn more!
And study only for FIVE!

Today we will finish the lesson joyfully.
The bell rang for recess.
And tomorrow we will meet again,
To go back to the country again,
Where mathematics awaits us, with its smart inhabitants.

Summary of an open lesson in mathematics “Number and figure 5”


Give children an idea of ​​the number 5, its composition, the printed and written designation of the number 5;


Strengthen the relationship between part and whole, strengthen addition skills;

Promote the development of mental arithmetic skills;

Develop mental operations, attention, memory.


Textbooks, colored pencils, magnetic board, visual material, counting sticks, numbers, handouts.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Sit down more comfortably,

Don't make noise, don't move around.

Consider everything carefully

And if I ask you, answer.

Do you understand the condition?

I'm pleased to hear this.

Mathematics awaits us

Let's start counting verbally.

Verbal counting

Count to 10, count back.

Count from 3 to 9, from 5 to 10, from 6 to 1, from 10 to 5.

Name the neighbors of the numbers 2, 7, 4.

What number is between the numbers 3 and 5, 7 and 9, 1 and 3.

Well done, everyone completed the task.

Ordinal counting

Look at the blackboard. Who do you see in the clearing?

Count how many there are.

Where is Dunno?

Who stands between the lion cub and Carlson

Count in order from left to right.

What is the cat's value?

Now I will check your attention.

Game “day-night” (children close their eyes, it appears on the board where the pieces are in a different order)

What changed?

Well done!

Main part

Listen, the number of times I clap my hands, the number of sticks you will lay out. How many sticks did you put out?(4)

What needs to be done to get 5 sticks?(add another stick)

How did we get 5?(added 1 to 4, got 5)

That's right, today we will get acquainted with the number 5 - this is the topic of our lesson.

The number 5 is represented by the number 5.

Number five - with a big belly,
Wears a cap with a visor.
At school this number is five
Children love to receive.

Number row on a board of chips

What do you see on the board?(numbers are not in order)

Place them in order (the child goes out and moves them, it turns out one number is missing)

What number is missing?(5)

Where is the number 5 in the row?(after 4, before 6, between 4 and 6)

Let's make the number 5 from the sticks.

Guys, what is remarkable about this number? How is it different from others and where is it found?(best grade in school, five rays on a star, five fingers on a hand)

Count to 5 and back.

How many of you have seen the number 5 before? Where? (house number, coin, textbook page, on a ruler...)

Showing a sample of writing the number 5 on the board, accompanied by the following explanations:

Today we will learn how to write the number 5. This is what it looks like. (The teacher reads a poem and draws the number 5 on the board.

Write the number five

what hook to draw.

But at the number, at the hook,

The line is painfully short.

We start writing a little to the right of the middle of the upper side of the cell, move the stick obliquely just above the middle of the cell, then write a semi-oval to the right, touching the right side of the cell. From the top of the stick to the right we write a wavy line reaching the upper right corner of the cell.

Let's write the number 5 in the air with a magic pencil.

Write the number 5 in your notebook.


Now we will rest.

Let's have a physical minute.

1-rise, stretch

2-bend, straighten

3-claps three claps, three nods with the head

on 4 – arms wider and wave your arms

5. Sit quietly at your desk.

Completing tasks in a notebook (pages 75-76)

Physical exercise for fingers (in a notebook)

Fixing the composition of the number.

Now be careful and solve “Funny puzzles in verses”

Sasha has three apples

Seryozha has two pears.

How many fruits will we get?

What if we put it together? (5) 4+1=5

Sanya has four colors,

Little brother has one.

Count all the colors yourself,

Well, try your best, guys! (5) 4+1=5

There are two shovels near the bed.

There are three spatulas near the tub.

How much will? Exactly... (five) 2+3=5

11. Summing up.

Guys, what number did we meet today?(5)

Poems about the number 5

For me personally, an A,

This is solid excellent!

But it is possible that someone

Her beauty is overblown. (Sasha Gerasimova)

Five sister, dear two.

There are only A's in the diary.

To write a two -

Let's put it upside down and put it at five! (Diana)

Everyone should know about this

Man has five senses!

It's smell, taste and touch!

Don't forget the main two -

This is sight and hearing! (Oleg)

The palm has five children,

Five cheerful naughty girls.

They grab everything in a row

They only rest at night. (Egor Shikunov)

Guess what their names are?

Count the kids.

Fingers are easy to recognize -

There are exactly five of them on your hand! (Nastya Ivanova)

The star has five children

Five sparkling rays.

They don't sleep at night

They want to shine for everyone! (Danil Doronkin)

I'll get it at school

I am an A in all subjects.

I'm always with a five

I won’t spill water! (Sasha Tyukhtin)

This is the best grade in school and I wish you to receive only A's. (presentation of A's)

Lesson type: lesson on learning new material

Lesson duration: 35 minutes

Pedagogical technologies used:

  • traditional pedagogical technology;
  • information and communication technology;
  • elements of technology for organizing students' research activities and elements of a differentiated approach to learning.

Lesson objectives:

  • introduce the concept of the number 5.
  • teach how to write the number 5.
  • Study the number five, its composition, writing the number five.
  • Practice counting objects.
  • Develop mental operations, mathematical abilities, attention, memory, speech;

Requirements for the level of training of students:

At the end of the lesson, students should:

  • Understand the quantitative and ordinal meaning of the integer 5.
  • Know the number and number 5, its composition.
  • Read and write the number 5.
  • Give answers in the form of detailed sentences to questions from a teacher or a fairy-tale character.
  • Be able to follow the teacher's instructions.
  • Be able to communicate with friends and conduct dialogues during educational activities.
  • Understand and comply with learning requirements from the teacher and multimedia characters.

Equipment: Textbook by A.L. Chekin Mathematics, 1st grade, part 1; notebook for independent work No. 1 by O.A. Zakharova; counting sticks for each child; fans with numbers; chips; typesetting cloth with numbers from 0 to 9; presentation for the lesson.

Encouragement: The teacher encourages students verbally during the lesson, and at the end of the lesson the children evaluate themselves for their work in their weekly diaries.

During the classes

The bell is ringing

I. Organizational part: the psychological mood of students.

Check it out, buddy.
Are you ready to start the lesson? SLIDE 3
Is everything in place, is everything okay?
A book, pen and notebook?
Have you checked? Sit down!
Work hard!
I wish you success!
So as not to pound water in a mortar
The soul must work day and night
Both day and night.

II. Verbal counting.

Teacher: (First we will work with you orally, prepare your counting sticks).

Four ripe pears
It was swinging on a branch.
Pavlusha picked two pears,
How many pears are left? (2) SLIDE 4

A rooster flew onto the fence
Met two more there.
How many roosters are there? SLIDE 5
Who has the answer?

Arranged by Andryushka
Two rows of toys.
Next to the monkey-
Teddy bear.
Together with the fox
Bunny oblique.
Following them -
Hedgehog and frog.
How many toys
Did Andryushka arrange it? SLIDE 6

Misha picked 3 berries, and then 1 more.
How many berries did Misha pick? SLIDE 7

(now let's work with fans)

Show the number following the number 1(2).

Behind the number 8 (9).

Behind the number 5 (6).

Show what number comes before the number 4 when counting (3)

Before the number 10 (9)

Before the number 7 (6)

Name the neighbors of number 2 (1,3)

Neighbors of number 6 (5,7) Well done!

Physical education break.

The wind blows in our faces
The tree swayed.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter,
The tree is getting higher, higher, higher.

III. Updating basic knowledge. Formulation of the problem.

Teacher: -Now guess who the guest is in our lesson:

The muzzle is mustachioed,
Striped fur coat,
Washing frequently
But I don’t know about water.
Crying at the threshold
Hides his claws.
He will quietly enter the room,
He will purr and sing.

Children: Cat SLIDE 8

Teacher: I’m drawing the Cat’s house:
Three windows, a door with a porch,
There is also a window at the top so that it is not dark.
Count the windows in the cat's house. SLIDE 9

Children: Four

Teacher: Tell the guest how to get the number 4.

Children: Tell the composition of the number four. (1 and 3), (2 and 2), (3 and 1), (1, 1, 1, 1), (0 and 4).

Teacher: There are kittens living in the cat’s house. They love to play. Look carefully and tell me, what do the kittens play? How can I say in one word what it is? (geometric figures) Name them.

Children: (Rectangle, circle, square, triangle).

Teacher: Which figure is the largest? (rectangle)

Take the counting sticks and make your own quadrilateral using the counting sticks.

(Children make a quadrilateral).

IV. Working on new material. Introducing the number and number 5.

1. Formation of the number 5.

Teacher: How to get a pentagon from a quadrilateral? (need to add one more stick) (make up)

Teacher: How many sides does this figure have? (5) How many angles? (5) SLIDE 11

What number denotes the number of sides and angles of a pentagon? (number 5)

Physical education break. SLIDE 12

One day the mice came out
See what time it is.
One two three four
The mice pulled the weights.
Suddenly there was a loud ringing sound
The mice ran out.

2. Introducing the number 5.

Teacher (shows a card with the number 5). Guys, whose portrait is this? What kind of stranger is depicted here?

Teacher This is the number 5. This is how the number 5 is written. How many of you have seen the number 5 before? Where?

Students We saw the number 5 on the pages of a textbook, on a ruler, on coins, on houses.

3. Working with the textbook.

Let's open the textbooks and find a page on which we have not yet worked. What do we see at the top? (number 5)

How many points do you get on the dice? (5)

No. 5. Look at the drawing and tell me who was the FIFTH one who approached the kid? How many animals are there in the picture? Let's count everything together.

No. 6. Guys, we have a fence drawn below. Let's look at the symbols. What do we need to do? (take chips) Let's complete the task.

Consider how the number 5 is written and learn how to write it correctly.

4. Work in a notebook.

Physical education break for the eyes. SLIDE 14

Let's open the notebooks on page 5 4. In the notebook, find the work line where you will write the number 5: we start writing the stick a little to the right of the middle of the upper side of the cell, move it obliquely down almost to the center of the cell, write a semi-oval, touching the right side of the cell. From the top of the stick we write a wavy line to the right, reaching the upper right corner of the cell.

SLIDE 15 See how to write it correctly.

Students The number 5 is written in the notebooks.

Teacher Oh, how beautifully you do it! And if it didn’t turn out exactly the way he wanted, it doesn’t matter! At home in the draft, and then be sure to practice in the copybooks and you will definitely succeed!


V. Summing up. Reflection.

Teacher: What new knowledge did you gain in the lesson?

What did you like to do during the lesson?

SLIDE 16 (Well done, guys. You were very active in the lesson! Thank you for your good work.)

Math lesson 1st grade. Subject. Number 5. Number 5

Author: Starchikova Inna Vladimirovna, primary school teacher.
Place of work: Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. 7 named after Hero of Russia I.V. Tkachenko”

Lesson objectives:
1. Help children learn:
- obtaining the number 5 by adding 1 to the number 4 and designating it as 5;
- construction of a natural series of numbers;
- writing the number 5;
- the composition of the number 5, all cases of addition and corresponding cases of subtraction associated with the composition of the number 5.
2. To develop in children speech, memory, attention, the correct attitude towards the living things that are next to them and, on this basis, to develop the correct forms of interaction with them.
3. Foster love for animals, kindness, and mutual assistance.

During the classes:

1.Org. moment.
2. Introductory conversation: slide 1
-Our lesson is not an ordinary one, but “Koshkin”. And today’s class is not a class, but “Cat’s living room”,
-Many of us have cats and kittens living at home. Raise your hands who has a cat? And we call them “our little brothers.” We look after them, feed them, wash them and play - i.e. we are responsible for these living creatures that we have domesticated. And if we love and protect all living things around us, then we will save this living thing for the future of planet Earth.
-What fairy tales with heroes cats or cats do you remember? (Cat Matroskin, cat Leopold). slide 2
-So the most famous cat, Leopold the cat, came to our lesson.
-What was he like in the fairy tale? (Kind, affectionate, benevolent).
-I want you to be kind and friendly at work. In the fairy tale, Leopold the cat was very fond of repeating one phrase. But something happened to him, and he forgot her. Today we will remember these words if we complete the tasks. We will move towards our goal step by step.

3. Updating knowledge.
The first step is counting along a segment of a natural number series.

1) Counting on a number line up to 10 and back.
-Count from 7 to 10, from 10 to 5.
-Name the previous number 9, 6. How much is the previous number less than the next one?
- Name the next number for the number 4, the number 8. How much greater is the next number than the previous one?
-What number is between the numbers 7 and 9, the numbers 3 and 5?
-Name the neighbors of the number 9.
-Tell me everything about the number 4.
We have made a little progress towards our goal - to guess the first word
Let's go out onto the street where Leopold the cat lives. Look at the houses, what task “Cat's Living Room” offered us

2) Game “Silent” “Popling the Houses”. slide 3
-Show me with a math fan
-Well done! We have repeated the composition of the numbers...
-Guys, you did a good job, get 1 word that Leopold forgot. This word- Guys

Physical exercise. slide 4
-Leopold is not just a cat,
He's got a lot of trouble
He went fishing -
There was an excellent, strong bite,
Immediately hooked
Pike, ruff and bream,
Crucian carp and perch.
How many fish did our cat catch? (5)
-Write down the numerical expression (1+1+1+1+1) - write in your notebook
-Use the number line to find out the result.

4. “Discovery” of new knowledge and formulation of the lesson topic.
- Which number do you think wants to get to know us better? (Number 5)
It really wants to be able to be written down with a sign - a number.
- Guys, here is the number 5 itself. Look how beautiful it is! (Introduction to digital) slide 5
-Which of you has seen the number 5 before? Where? (We saw the number 5 on the pages of a textbook, on a ruler, on coins, on houses.)

Work in notebook No. 2 p.28
-In your notebook, find the work line where you will write the number 5: We begin to write the stick a little to the right of the middle of the upper side of the cell, move it obliquely down almost to the center of the cell, write a semi-oval, touching the right side of the cell. From the top of the stick we write a wavy line to the right, reaching the upper right corner of the cell.
Select the cells where the number five is spelled incorrectly! (Display on the interactive whiteboard) slide 6
STUDENTS. The number 5 is written in the notebooks.

Work in the textbook from 59 No. 5
-For this difficult work, you are entitled to one more word. This word - Let's

5. Primary consolidation
Task No. 5 in the notebook
(The composition of the number 5 is considered. Recording in the notebook p. 26 No. 4)
-Let's repeat the composition of the number slide 7
You deserve the next word. This word - live

6. Lesson summary.
1) Name our cat’s relatives. (Lynx, puma, leopard, tiger, panther). Cards with expressions are hung around the classroom. On the back of the cards there are images of animals.
1+3= ..... 2+1= ..... 1+2= ..... 1+3= ..... 1+1= ..... 2+2= ..... 4+1=
1+4= ..... 2+3= ..... 3+2= .....
-Find an expression that equals 5. If you find the correct expression, we will find out the name of the cat’s relatives.
Leopards- good steeplejacks. They hide their prey high in the trees so that other predators cannot reach it.
Tiger– the animal is very cautious and leads a nocturnal lifestyle.
Lynx– prefers to hunt quietly, so that the victims do not suspect anything.
a lion– The lion has a powerful body, a long tail and a beautiful lush mane. Lionesses do not have manes; only lions wear this type of decoration. No wonder he was nicknamed the king of beasts. slide 8
-And the next word- together
- Guys, let's read the phrase that Leopold the cat loved to repeat. "Guys let's be friends!" slide 9
- We worked very well today, we were friendly and attentive, we completed all the tasks.
- In parting, we will sing the song of Leopold the cat “We will survive this trouble”

Presentation on the topic: Number 5. Number 5
