How to cover sorrel for the winter with salt. Canned sorrel for the winter

Ingredients for a small jar:

  • fresh sorrel – 2 bunches;
  • cold boiled water - as much as will go in.

How to seal sorrel for the winter in jars without salt

Without untying the bunches, we cut off the stems; we only need the leaves. We sort it out and immerse it in cold water for a few minutes. Then we rinse, changing the water.

There is no need to dry the greens. We collect a handful of leaves and chop them in the same way as you are used to cutting sorrel for soup.

Pre-steam the jars over steam or scald with boiling water. Of course, we boil the lids. When everything is prepared, fill the jar with chopped herbs.

When laying the greens, compact them with a spoon and tamp them tightly, leaving no voids near the walls. So fill it to the top.

We boil and cool the water in advance, the amount depends on how much sorrel you are going to prepare. Usually it takes two to three tablespoons per container of 250-300 ml. Pour water under the neck into a tightly filled jar.

Seal the jars with boiled lids. That's all, we have prepared sorrel for the winter. You can take the jars to a permanent storage location. Good luck with your preparations!

Sometimes in winter you also really want to try green borscht. But how can you preserve sorrel until winter? I don’t like frozen, it loses all its juiciness and individuality. Canned sorrel for the winter without salt is the best recipe for preparing sorrel for the winter.


For a 0.5 liter jar:

  • A large bunch of sorrel;
  • cold water.

Step-by-step recipe forcanned sorrel for the winter without salt

  1. Rinse the sorrel and let the water drain. Sort it, removing thick stems. Cut the sorrel, place it tightly in a jar and fill with cold water. Roll up. And that's it.
  2. Sorrel stores well at room temperature.

Canned sorrel for the winter without salt, turns out like fresh, retains all its properties and acidity.

Have the most delicious preparations, and bon appetit!

I enjoy life with my son Nikitka, he is 5 years old. He is my inspiration, helper and friend. I cook every day (I started cooking and cooking for the whole family when I was 9 years old). More than anything else, I love family dinners at home. I always bake sweets on the weekends, I love it when the house smells of baking! It's so cozy! I love traveling and bringing recipes from all over the world! The culinary project “I Love to Cook” has long been a part of my family. This is not only my work, but the place where I share the most secret things, what my family adore - our family’s recipes.

A storehouse of vitamins – there’s no other way to describe sorrel, which occupies a very small corner of a summer cottage. Vitamins of group B, A, C, E; acids – oxalic and ascorbic; as well as calcium and magnesium, potassium and iron. Therefore, by preparing sorrel for the winter, the housewife provides her household with not only a tasty, but also a very healthy product. How to freeze sorrel, preserve it with or without salt, and how to prepare the filling for pies will be discussed in this article.

The best ways to prepare sorrel for the winter

Recipe 1

Carefully sort out the cut greens, remove yellowed, damaged leaves and weeds. Rinse very well, drain and place on a kitchen towel to dry excess water.

Then the sorrel should be coarsely chopped and blanched. To do this, pour water into a saucepan, put it on fire, and after boiling, put the sorrel in it. In just 30 seconds, the sorrel greens will turn olive green. Now you need to turn the flame to minimum and start filling the jars.

It is best to use containers with a volume of 0.5 liters or less, so that in winter an open jar can be used at a time.

Pour boiling water in which the sorrel was blanched into a container filled to the shoulders (so that it overflows) and immediately seal.

Lids also need to be sterilized. Closed jars are checked for leaks by turning them upside down and cooled in this form. The workpiece is stored well even at room temperature.

Another recipe for preparing natural sorrel. You don’t need salt, sugar, or even vinegar.

Recipe 2

The cooking method is very simple. Sorrel is not subjected to heat treatment and retains its taste.

To work you will need:

      • cutting board and sharp knife
      • jars with screw caps, volume 0.5 l or o.25 l
      • boiled water at room temperature
      • sorrel
    Only the leaves will be used for harvesting, so after carefully collecting the greens in a bunch, you need to cut off the petioles. The prepared leaves are filled with a large amount of water and changed several times. All dust and sand should be washed off the leaves. Then the sorrel is transferred to a colander or onto a kitchen towel to remove excess moisture.

Now the drained greens should be cut into pieces of arbitrary shape, as a housewife usually does to prepare green cabbage soup or salad.

The jars in which the greens will be placed must be sterilized. The same goes for lids.

The sorrel is poured into containers, compacting each portion tightly. You can use a wooden masher or a spoon (also wooden), or you can just crush it with your hand.

Now you should pour water into the filled jar. Gently, in a thin stream, while crushing the greens. This will allow the air remaining between the pieces of sorrel to be expelled. Very little water will go into the jar, but it should be flush with the top edge of the jar neck. In this form, it is immediately screwed on. Sorrel can be stored without salt for more than a year, while maintaining freshness.

This preparation is universal. It can be used for soups and salads without the risk of oversalting the dish. For sweet baked goods you will need to add sugar.

By the way, the petioles that were trimmed at the beginning of preparing sorrel without salt can be crushed in a blender and frozen. A small portion of this puree will add sourness to borscht or sauce. It is added to the soup just before turning off.

SORREL for the winter: just add water

Preparing sorrel with salt is not much different from the previous recipe.

Washed sorrel leaves must be cut into strips or pieces - as you like - and placed in sterilized half-liter jars. The greens are compacted to avoid voids between the product. Sprinkle a teaspoon of salt on top. Salt should be ordinary, rock salt, without any additives. Now you need to pour boiled water at room temperature. You should pour carefully, lightly pressing the leaves with a wooden spoon so that they do not float up. Having filled the container with water flush with the edges, it is immediately sealed and sent for storage.

Sorrel with green onions

Sorrel can be prepared in a mixture with other herbs. This preparation is ideal for green borscht or salad.


  • fresh sorrel greens – 450 g
  • green onion – 450 g
  • young dill – 220 g
  • parsley leaves – 220 g
  • kitchen salt without additives – 80 g

A wonderful preparation that saves the housewife time on preparing lunch or dinner.

All greens must be carefully sorted, washed and allowed to dry, spread in a thin layer on a towel. Then all the components are crushed into small pieces and placed in a cup. Sprinkle salt on top and mix, lightly pressing down the mixture. Mechanical impact on the greens will speed up the release of juice.

Half-liter jars are kept in low-boiling water for 15 minutes, and liter jars for 25 minutes. After time, the jars are sealed, cooled, turned upside down, and sent to the cellar for storage.

To avoid the unpleasant consequences of storing sorrel for the winter, it must be thoroughly washed. This applies to all recipes, without exception. Damaged and yellowed leaves are removed. Workpiece containers and lids are properly washed and sterilized.

The housewife will need sorrel and sparkling water. Just sparkling water, no flavorings. It should be refrigerated before use. The sorrel is cut into pieces and placed in the prepared container as tightly as possible. Then fill it with sparkling water and immediately roll it up. The bottle of soda must always be kept closed so as not to lose the flavor of the product - the gas bubbles.

The sequence of actions is as follows.

  1. First, fill the jars with sorrel until all the cutting is finished.
  2. Then fill one of them with soda,
  3. screw on a bottle of water and roll up the jar.
  4. And so on. It is very convenient to work with four hands.

All the beneficial substances of sorrel are preserved when prepared in this way, and dishes prepared with it give the impression of using fresh herbs.

Harvesting sorrel for the winter: video

So that you can enjoy pies (or pies) with sorrel in winter, you should take care of this in summer. The preparation with added sugar will serve as an excellent filling for any baked goods.

  • Wash the jars thoroughly and sterilize.
  • Cut the washed and dried sorrel into small pieces.

For 1 kg of greens you will need 200 g of granulated sugar. The sorrel is packed tightly into jars, alternating it with layers of sugar. The top layer should be sugar. Store this preparation in the refrigerator. But it will justify its place when, on a winter evening, pies reminiscent of summer appear on the host’s table.

Drying sorrel

If there is a lot of sorrel, but there is no time for preparations, you can dry it. The main condition is the absence of direct sunlight.

Cut sorrel leaves are washed and yellowed and damaged parts of the plant are removed. Dry on a towel or sieve. Next, the greens are chopped and laid out in a thin layer on paper in a well-ventilated and warm room. The cuttings must be constantly stirred so that drying occurs evenly. But it is also important not to overdry the sorrel, otherwise it will crumble and turn into dust. Store dried sorrel in paper bags or glass jars.

A very simple option for preparing sorrel for the winter. You can freeze either chopped greens or the entire leaf.

Before placing sorrel in the freezer, it is washed and dried. Then they are cut and placed in containers. You can use plastic bags. After placing the sorrel in the bag, you need to roll it tightly, thus removing excess air. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in the volume of the convolution.

You can also freeze a mixture of greens by adding dill, parsley and green onions to the sorrel.

Containers should be small, for one preparation. The same principle applies to freezing in bags. Portions are made based on one pan of borscht. An important advantage of freezing is simplicity.

If the sorrel leaves are washed, then putting them in the freezer takes a few minutes. In addition, frozen greens retain the maximum amount of nutrients.

How to freeze sorrel: video

Yes, yes... You can make jam from sour sorrel, which is often removed from garden beds as weeds. Its taste is unusual and is somewhat reminiscent of the taste of apple jam. You have to be a real gourmet to appreciate this type of sorrel preparation.

Calculation of ingredients for preparing sweet delicacies

For every 500 g of greens, you need to take 400 g of granulated sugar and 30 ml of water.

Processing sorrel and making jam:

  • Wash the sorrel thoroughly in several waters, remove yellowed leaves and petioles.
  • Shake off excess water and place on a towel to dry.
  • Then cut it into cubes or strips and put it in a pan. The bottom of the pan should be thick, this protects the jam from burning.
  • Water and sugar are also added here. When cooking, the product should be stirred frequently, and the cooking time depends on the desired thickness of the finished product.

If the housewife intends to roll up the jam, then it is laid out hot in clean and dry jars and sealed.

By adding a pinch of ground cinnamon you can change the taste of the finished product. This can be done at the very end of cooking. The cinnamon jam is left to simmer over low heat, covered, for a few more minutes.

Sorrel and orange jam


  • sorrel – 500 g
  • granulated sugar – 400 g
  • water – 30 ml
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife
  • orange – 1/2 part

Clean sorrel leaves are finely chopped with a knife. Half an orange is minced in a meat grinder. The ingredients are placed in a saucepan and mixed. Cover with sugar, add a tablespoon of water and citric acid. The mixture must be boiled for about 15 minutes. Place hot into clean, dry jars and roll up.

You will need 500 g of sorrel and 1 glass of honey.

The leaves are washed, allowed to dry, separated from the petioles and cut. The chopped sorrel is poured into a saucepan, poured with honey and stirred. Cook the jam over low heat until thickened. Pour into jars and put away in the cellar until winter.

When you decide to make sorrel jam, you should think about the container in which it will be cooked. Due to the large amount of acids in sorrel, preference should be given to an enamel basin or stainless steel pan.

All types of jam can be used as a filling for sweet pastries or for sandwiches and toast.

Be sure to prepare sorrel for the winter - vitamins will be at hand in winter!

The first May green soup with sorrel and herbs is a long-awaited spring dish. Do you want to cook green cabbage soup in winter rather than wait? It turns out that closing sorrel for the winter is quite simple. We have selected express recipes for preserving sorrel at home. You can provide your family with a dozen jars of green vitamins in just a couple of hours!

Sorrel - a storehouse of vitamins

Sorrel or the “spring king,” as it is also called, is one of the first to appear in the garden beds. And just in time, because in the spring we are in dire need of vitamins. The perennial herbaceous plant is used in different ways. Add to salads and filling for pies, cook the signature dish, green borscht. But there was a time when in our country they did not know what sorrel was and laughed at the Dutch, French, Greeks, and Germans who used this herb.

Western Europe is considered the birthplace of the “meadow apple,” although references to “wild beets” are also found in the literature of other countries. The French, for example, brought grass seeds to the New World in the 16th century. Our compatriots, having tried the brought sorrel, immediately recognized the spear (translation from Latin), and began to actively grow it and use it in their diet.

Sour grass is especially valued for its supply of vitamins and minerals. Sorrel is widely used in folk medicine and added to various medicines. The leaves, stems and roots of the herbaceous plant are believed to be beneficial. Typically, the leaves and the tender part of the young stem are eaten.

Recipe for preparing sorrel for the winter with salt and boiling water

Tender sorrel is usually not boiled before canning. It contains oxalic acid, which prevents the workpiece from going to waste. Therefore, no vinegar and a minimum of salt.

Advice. Experienced chefs advise stocking up on 0.5 liter jars before preserving sorrel. This is very convenient, because one jar is enough for a 3-liter pan of green borscht. Opened and cooked!

For pickling, sorrel is cut into strips 1 cm wide

For the preparation you will need:

  • 2 kg. sorrel;
  • ½ tsp. salt per half-liter jar.
  1. Fresh grass should be filled with water and left for 30 minutes. During this time, large dirt, blades of grass and insects will be washed off the sorrel.
  2. Rinse each leaf thoroughly under running water.
  3. Chop the “wild beets” into strips 1 cm wide. You can grab a third of the length of the stem.
  4. Place tightly in sterilized jars almost to the neck. You can compact the greens with a masher.
  5. Pour boiling water and add the specified amount of salt to each jar.
  6. Close the workpieces with metal lids. Sorrel is not at all capricious; it can be stored at room temperature.

Canned sorrel can be stored at room temperature

Preserving sorrel without salt in cold water

There are a huge number of recipes for preparing sorrel for the winter. Among them there is the simplest one. Many cooks use it, but they warn that greens preserved in this way are best stored in the refrigerator.

Sorrel without salt can be prepared whole in jars

For one jar 0.5 l. you need a large bunch of spring king and water.

Cooking method:

  1. Bring water to boil, then cool it.
  2. While the water boils and cools, wash the leaves thoroughly. Cut as you like. Some practitioners do not even cut, but cover the sorrel entirely.
  3. Sterilize the jar and metal lid.
  4. Place all the sorrel in a container, add water at room temperature and roll up. As they say, it couldn't be simpler.

Sorrel can be sealed in the same jar with dill

One option for this recipe is to pour 2 tsp of the “spring king” into a jar. salt. Another way is cold canning with dill. To do this, ¼ chopped dill is tamped into a jar together with sorrel and also filled with cold water.

Preparing sorrel puree for winter pies

Some children are capricious when they are offered green cabbage soup. They don't like the grass on the spoon. And if you puree sorrel and cook cabbage soup from it, then the kids will happily gobble up the dish. In addition, the sour mixture is an excellent addition to any filling for pies and pies. The recipe for preparing sorrel for the winter involves a short heat treatment.

  1. Sort and wash the leaves. Cutting is not necessary, but it is better to cut off the stems.
  2. Blanch the prepared greens in boiling water for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Grind the leaves in a blender until smooth.
  4. Preserve in sterilized jars.

Country-style sorrel in modern conditions

Previously, the first spring sour grass was simply washed and stored in wooden barrels. There are no barrels in city apartments, so you can use regular cans instead.

Step by step guide:

  1. Prepare the “spring king”.
  2. Chop and press firmly into the jar, adding new portions of sorrel. The leaves should give juice.
  3. Cover a layer of sorrel with a cabbage leaf and sprinkle a handful of salt on top.

This method is different in that it does not require water; the grass is stored in its own juice. The only condition is a cool place to store the workpieces.

Sorrel can be frozen, but as practice shows, it loses its acid. And these preservation methods allow you to preserve both taste and vitamins. Preparing “meadow apple” for future use is a chance to treat your family to spring dishes even in the most severe frosts.

Harvesting sorrel for the winter - video

Sorrel for the winter - photo

How to prepare sorrel in jars for the winter is a question that worries all housewives at the beginning of summer. By preparing it in this way, you will preserve the sorrel with minimal loss of vitamins and in winter you can add it to soup, cabbage soup, or any other food.

Sorrel for the winter in jars without salt


  • fresh sorrel leaves – 455 g;
  • water.


Place sorrel leaves tightly into a prepared sterilized jar, having previously washed and sorted them. We compact it tightly and fill it to the top with boiled cold water. We close it with a nylon lid and put the sorrel without sterilization in a jar for winter storage in a cool place.

Sorrel for the winter in jars with salt


  • fresh sorrel – 675 g;
  • filtered water;
  • iodized salt - to taste.


So, we wash the leaves well to remove any dirt and soak them in plenty of water for about 1 hour. Then rinse again, place on a kitchen towel and dry. Now cut them with a knife and put them in a deep bowl. We sterilize the jars and scald the metal lids with boiling water. Now put some greens in the prepared container, sprinkle lightly with salt, fill with boiled cold water and tamp with a masher. Next, add the herbs, salt and water again. When all the jars are tightly filled, roll up their lids and store them in the basement. We use this preparation in winter to prepare delicious ones.

Recipe for winter sorrel in jars with herbs


  • fresh sorrel – 355 g;
  • green onions – 145 g;
  • parsley and dill - 130 g each;
  • water;
  • salt - to taste.


Wash the greens, dry them, chop them finely with a knife and place them in a wide bowl. Now sprinkle it with salt, knead it slightly and leave to release the juice.

In the meantime, sterilize the jars and simply scald the lids with boiling water. Pour filtered water into a large saucepan, bring to a boil, carefully add all the greens and simmer for several minutes. Then put it tightly in jars and roll up the lids.

Recipe for sorrel puree in jars for the winter


  • sorrel leaves – 965 g;
  • fat or vegetable oil;
  • fine salt – 30 g.


We wash the sorrel leaves, dry them and grind them through a meat grinder. Then add the required amount of salt, mix and place the resulting mass into clean glass jars. Pour melted fat on top and close with lids.

Recipe for winter sorrel in jars with spinach


  • fresh spinach – 485 g;
  • sorrel – 245 g;
  • water – 255 ml.


We sort out the sorrel and spinach, rinse well and place in a colander. Next, transfer the raw materials into a deep saucepan, fill with water and place the dishes on the fire. Blanch for about 3 minutes, and in the meantime heat clean jars in a water bath. Place the greens in hot jars, cover with lids and place in a saucepan with a wooden grate at the bottom. Fill it with hot water and sterilize the workpiece for half an hour, and then roll it up.

How to hot roll sorrel into jars for the winter?


  • sorrel – 555 g;
  • fresh dill – 145 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • soda.


Wash the sorrel leaves, dry them and cut them into pieces. Rinse the dill, shake and finely chop with a knife. Mix the greens in a wide bowl and pour boiling water over them. We wait 5 minutes, and then we compact the greens into clean glass jars and add hot water to the very top. Roll up the lids and after cooling, store the preserves in the refrigerator.

How to seal sorrel in jars for the winter with sugar?
