What foods should you avoid if you are allergic to milk? Treatment methods for allergies to dairy products using medications, folk remedies and a special diet

Due to the rapid development of modern technology and industry, the human immune system is significantly declining. Various fast foods are harmful. Due to disruption of the body's systems, all sorts of allergic reactions appear. The percentage of allergies among children is increasing exponentially. And by adhering to an antiallergic diet, they do not receive enough necessary vitamins and microelements for full development. Adults suffer from allergies due to their active activities and hectic lifestyle. How to choose hypoallergenic food for allergies?

Symptoms and types of allergies

The disease can appear due to any food, pollen, sun, animals, etc. The most common types are the following:

Hay fever
  • Nasal congestion;
  • lacrimation;
  • Itching and burning of the eyes;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Coughing attacks;
  • Rash on the body, peeling of the skin;
  • Quincke's edema.
Allergy to food
  • Hives;
  • Rash;
  • Coughing attacks;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Nausea, vomiting.
Allergy to medications
  • Stomach upsets;
  • Rash;
  • Hives;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Attacks of suffocation;
  • Conjunctivitis and rhinitis.
  • Burns of varying degrees;
  • Swelling of the skin;
  • Peeling and roughness;
  • Rash in the form of blisters;
  • Hives.
Allergy to mold
  • Rhinitis;
  • Labored breathing;
  • Dry cough;
  • Eczema, urticaria;
  • Allergic conjunctivitis.

The symptoms of food allergies are often perceived as banal poisoning and are not given any importance. And hay fever is a cold. As a result, getting rid of symptoms does not follow the correct pattern, and allergies progress to the stage of chronic diseases.

Causes of allergies

Hay fever is caused by pollen from the following plants:

It is important to know the flowering periods in order to protect yourself as much as possible from the manifestation of the disease. Cases of food allergies have become more frequent. It is quite difficult for an adult to give up his favorite chocolate or orange, but even more so for a child. Therefore, in order to avoid this type of disease, the consumption of foods with a high risk of allergenicity must be minimized:

Allergies to medications are caused by the following drugs:

  • Antibiotics;
  • Oral contraceptives;
  • Medicines for the cardiovascular system;
  • Medicinal preparations containing herbal extracts.

Few people know, but sunscreens can provoke allergies. The disease is caused by many creams, decorative cosmetics, antibacterial soap, cleaning and washing powders. Pets can cause severe itching and burning of the mucous membranes and skin. And all because of the protein produced by their body, which they distribute through the secretion of saliva and urine. It follows from this that the opinion that allergies occur specifically to wool is erroneous. Therefore, even purchasing hairless cat breeds will not protect you from health problems. Proper nutrition for allergies is very important.

Proper nutrition

With all kinds of symptoms, the main and very important thing is proper nutrition for allergies. You need to get rid of products that cross-react with many allergens. Then it is necessary to gradually include them in the diet again, thereby accustoming the body to a possible allergen.

Nutrition for hay fever

Unfortunately, if this disease is detected, you will have to protect yourself from many products. You should consume many vegetables with extreme caution. If you are allergic to birch, alder, or hazel pollen, you should avoid nuts, birch sap, apples, cherries, kiwis, and peaches. Potatoes, carrots and celery are allowed in very small quantities. It is not recommended to season dishes with dill, parsley and other herbs.

If hay fever is caused by grasses, avoid the following foods:

  • Hercules, wheat, rye;
  • Barley;
  • Corn, beans, soybeans;
  • Sorrel;
  • Beer, kvass.

Allergies to ragweed and quinoa cause cross-reactions with foods such as beets, spinach, banana, melon, sunflower seeds, cocoa and coffee. It is worth stopping treatment with herbal medicine and herbs. During periods of exacerbation of hay fever symptoms, it is especially dangerous to eat pasta, cereals and foods that contain even the smallest amount of flour. Fruits and citrus fruits also do not contribute to rapid recovery and improvement of the condition. The patient should carefully consider his diet for allergies.

Hay fever is seasonal. Therefore, outside the season of illness, all these products should be started to be consumed again. In this way, you will compensate for the loss of vitamins and minerals due to refusal of them, and provoke the body’s addiction so that the immune system no longer gives such a reaction. If the diet is not followed, hay fever will not only worsen, but gastrointestinal diseases may also occur due to irritation of the walls of the stomach and intestines.

Food allergy to milk

It is very difficult to maintain proper nutrition if you are allergic to dairy products. It is usually provoked by high consumption of protein foods. The culprits are often various chemical additives, low-quality products, pesticides, flavors and dyes. Food allergies in their pure form occur in children in the form of milk intolerance. In order to think through your diet, first of all, you need to know what foods you will have to give up. If you are allergic to dairy products, you should protect yourself from:

Milk is a powerful source of calcium, which is involved in the structure of our skeleton and is responsible for bone fragility. Therefore, the patient needs to look for additional sources of it. These include broccoli, rice, spinach, eggs, legumes, rye bread, almonds, shrimp, and whole grain cereals. These foods should definitely be included in your diet. It should be noted that the consumption of any meat except beef is also allowed. It would be a good idea to go to your doctor and have him recommend calcium supplements. A good substitute for cow's milk is goat's milk. It is in no way inferior, and even much more useful. Goat milk contains a huge amount of beneficial microelements. For babies, replace formula with soy milk. In cooking, there are many recipes for dishes using soy cheese. Here are some of them:

  • Chicken appetizer. Half a kilo of chicken fillet must be cut and cooked in a frying pan, adding olive oil. The following ingredients need to be boiled and chopped: 2 potatoes, 2 carrots, 2 eggs. 150 g of soy cheese is cut into slices. All these ingredients are mixed and seasoned with 1 tablespoon of green peas and 100 grams of soy mayonnaise. You can decorate this appetizer with herbs.
  • Carrot and cottage cheese salad. Take 200 g of bean curd and mix it with 150 g of soy yogurt. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar. Pre-grit 3 carrots and add to this mixture. As you have already noticed, everything turns out easy and tasty.

Allergy to grain products

In this case, proper nutrition for allergies consists of prohibiting dishes made from wheat, rye and barley. The following are strictly contraindicated:

  • Pasta and flour products, coffee substitutes;
  • Candies and chocolate;
  • Ice cream, beer, vodka;
  • bouillon cubes; dry soups;
  • Sausages, canned food, sausages.

To avoid carbohydrate deficiency in the body, you need to increase the consumption of bananas, potatoes, and legumes. It is better to make your own bread from soy, rice or corn flour. And so that the body does not feel a lack of vitamins B, A, E and iodine, eat more fish and other seafood. Leafy vegetables are rich in iron and copper, and milk is a source of zinc. With such an allergy, it will not be difficult to prepare a delicious puree soup. To do this you need: one liter of meat broth, 2 boiled egg yolks, 2 tablespoons of soy flour, 200 g of boiled minced chicken. Pour a glass of broth into a separate pan and add minced meat to it. Place all this on low heat, stirring constantly. Rub the yolks there and add soy flour. All this must be mixed until a porridge puree is formed. When you reach this consistency, add the rest of the broth and simply bring to a boil. Salt to taste.

Allergy to poultry and eggs

In this case, eggs and meat should be completely excluded. It won’t hurt to give up ice cream, mayonnaise, sauces and cakes. Meat is a source of protein and B vitamins. Therefore, it is necessary to find a replacement for it. The following products will help with this:

Chicken eggs are an excellent substitute for quail eggs. Okara contains a lot of fiber. It is not uncommon to find recipes using soy flour instead of eggs. It is rich in protein. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a couple of delicious, and most importantly healthy for allergy sufferers, recipes:

  • Fish soup with meatballs. You will need 100 g of fish fillet and 50 g of pork, mince or grind in a blender. Salt all this to taste and add two tablespoons of soy flour. Cut 50 g loin and 100 ham into small pieces. Mix ham and loin with 2 chopped onions. Meatballs are formed from this mass and coated in minced fish and pork. They are immersed in boiling salt water (1 liter) and 1 tablespoon of soybean oil is added. Boil for about 15-20 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add 100 g of chopped spinach.

Allergy to vegetables and fruits

As a rule, this is an allergy to citrus fruits, vegetables and fruits of red and orange color. In this case, the patient should completely exclude these products. It is not recommended to eat foods that contain allergens: processed foods, preservatives. If you have intolerance to citrus fruits, to replace vitamin C, it is recommended to consume:

  • Fresh or sauerkraut;
  • Rose hip;
  • Broccoli;
  • Currant;
  • Bell and salad peppers.

And if carrots, tomatoes, pumpkins, strawberries are banned, the following will become a substitute for beta-carotene:

  • Green leafy vegetables;
  • Dairy products;
  • Beef liver;
  • Fish;
  • Vegetable oil.

To maintain proper nutrition if you are allergic to food, you should stop eating highly allergenic foods, which were presented above.

Allergy to fish and seafood

In this case, the main thing will be to exclude from the diet both these products and canned fish, crab sticks, cheese and butter, which contain fish. Any medical additives of marine origin can cause allergies. It is not recommended to consume spicy foods, marinades, spices and preservatives. Limit your consumption of coffee, alcoholic beverages, tea, and sparkling water.

As a result of such deprivation, the body needs to find vitamins and minerals, among other types of products, found in marine fish. This list includes rowan, meat, cauliflower. When cooking, use iodized salt rather than rock salt. The required polyunsaturated acids are found in nuts, vegetable oils, pumpkin seeds and soybeans.

Sample menu for proper nutrition for allergies

Strengthening the immune system is important for prevention purposes. If you follow all the advice, any allergy will bypass you.

For some of these diseases, food products will be the trigger. For others, plant pollen, animal hair, dust, etc. are more significant. It is clear that dietary recommendations for such different pathologies will differ significantly. However, there are a number of recommendations that will be useful to everyone.

  1. Agree with yours on the exact list of “allowed” and “prohibited” foods. To determine the presence of specific allergens, you may be prescribed skin prick tests or a test for specific IgE in the blood serum.
  2. Try new foods with great caution. It is better if you do this at home and under the supervision of relatives who can help if it occurs.
  3. Prepare your own meals from raw ingredients. Buy meat and fish only in pieces.
  4. Try not to use processed foods, canned foods, mayonnaise and other sauces. You can never be completely sure of the composition of the finished product you purchase.
  5. Carefully study the ingredients of any prepared food you plan to eat.

These recommendations apply to both children and adults. If your child suffers from allergies, you need to monitor his diet very carefully. Everything is relatively simple as long as the baby is small and does not attend school or kindergarten. As soon as a child grows up and gains independence, it becomes more difficult to control him. It is necessary to explain to the child which foods he can eat and which he cannot. At the same time, you should choose a form of dialogue so that the child understands that your instructions are not “mommy’s whim,” but a necessity. If there are a lot of “forbidden” products, it makes sense to write them down on a card and give them to the child with you. The barmaid and teachers at school should also be aware of your child's problem. If you are not sure about the quality of school breakfasts, you should prepare your child’s food at home and give it to him in a plastic container.

Nutrition during exacerbations of allergic diseases

As already mentioned, a physiological feature of people suffering from any allergic disease is their initial tendency to various manifestations of allergies. The situation becomes even more acute during the period of exacerbation of the underlying disease, when the body is in a state of hyperreactivity; at this time, even a minor irritant can intensify the manifestations of the underlying disease or manifest a new allergic reaction.

Here is an approximate list of “allowed” and “prohibited” products.


  • broths, spicy, salty, fried foods, smoked foods, spices, sausages and gastronomic products (boiled and smoked sausages, frankfurters, sausages, ham), liver;
  • fish, caviar, seafood;
  • eggs;
  • sharp and processed cheeses, ice cream, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • radish, radishes, sorrel, spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers, sauerkraut, pickles;
  • mushrooms, nuts;
  • citrus fruits, strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, apricots, peaches, pomegranates, grapes, sea buckthorn, kiwi, pineapple, melon, watermelon;
  • refractory fats and margarine;
  • carbonated fruit drinks, kvass;
  • coffee, cocoa, chocolate;
  • honey, caramel, marshmallows, marshmallows, cakes, muffins (with flavors, etc.);
  • chewing gum.

Limited to:

  • semolina, pasta, bread made from premium flour
  • whole milk and sour cream (given only in dishes), cottage cheese, yoghurts with fruit additives;
  • lamb, chicken;
  • carrots, turnips, beets, onions, garlic;
  • cherries, black currants, bananas, cranberries, blackberries, rosehip infusion;
  • butter.
  • cereals (except semolina);
  • fermented milk products (kefir, biokefir, yoghurts without fruit additives, etc.);
  • mild varieties of cheese;
  • lean meat (beef, pork, rabbit, turkey), specialized canned meat for baby food;
  • all types of cabbage, zucchini, squash, light pumpkin, parsley, dill, young green peas, green beans;
  • green and white apples, pears, light varieties of cherries and plums, white and red currants, gooseberries;
  • melted butter, refined deodorized vegetable oil (corn, sunflower, olive, etc.);
  • fructose;
  • second grade wheat bread, cereal crispbread, unsweetened corn toffee sticks and flakes.

This diet is prescribed for exacerbations of allergic diseases for 7-10 days, then, in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, you can slowly switch to an individual hypoallergenic diet (a diet that excludes specific foods that are allergens for a particular patient).

In conclusion, I would like to ask all allergy sufferers not to treat diet as torture.
Remember that by following dietary recommendations, you give yourself the opportunity to live a healthy and fulfilling life despite the presence of an allergic disease.

It is important to monitor your diet if you have allergies. Special nutrition helps the patient reduce the load on the body’s digestive system and improve health. Special diets also help to identify, and then completely eliminate, the causes of allergies.

What diet is best to follow for allergies - the difference between basic diets and elimination diets

Let's look at what basic diets are.

As a rule, the doctor prescribes them in two cases : with exacerbation of allergies and with low manifestation of allergic symptoms.

Such basic diets are, in fact, one thing - hypoallergenic. It reduces nutritional burden and supports the patient's overall health.

  • Basic diet: period of exacerbation

Before you go on such a diet, consult an allergist . First, he will conduct special medical tests that will identify allergens. Secondly, under his control you will be able to create your diet.

The basic diet during an exacerbation is carried out in several stages:

This is roughly the diet you should be on 5-7 days and eat small meals about 6 times a day.

  • Basic diet: period of reduction of allergy symptoms

By the way, this is the next stage of the hypoallergenic diet. As a rule, it continues within the first two weeks after the disappearance of allergic symptoms.

  1. These days you should stick to four meals a day.
  2. You can add meat dishes to your diet, chicken breast and veal are especially suitable.
  3. Also during this period you can eat pasta, eggs, milk, kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk.
  4. Some vegetables will also be used - cucumbers, zucchini, and herbs.
  5. It is better to avoid fruits, mushrooms and berries, as they can cause new signs of allergies.
  6. You should also not eat honey, sugar, or products based on these substances. For example, compotes, jam, juices, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows, cocoa, candies, chocolate.
  7. Also avoid alcohol, smoked, pickled foods, and dough products.

In general, all substances and dishes should be added to your diet under the supervision of a doctor so as not to cause new symptoms of the disease.

There is a second type of hypoallergenic diets - elimination diets.

They are prescribed by a doctor not for the purpose of treatment, but for the sake of prevention , as well as to eliminate the allergic “irritant”.

  • For rare allergies, doctors recommend dieting at the time of the most active manifestation of the allergen.
  • And with constant allergies should be done all the time.

Experts identify several elimination diets. They can be used for allergies caused by various substances:

  • Allergies caused by tree pollen

It can occur if the following trees grow near your house: oak, birch, maple, poplar, alder, elm, and hazel.

With this diet you are prohibited from eating: sweets, in particular honey and chocolate; red fruits, especially strawberries, cherries, apples and apricots; vegetables - carrots, tomatoes and new potatoes, as well as herbal medicines and alcohol.

Add to your diet: bread products, vegetable and meat broths, pasta and various cereals. Eggs and fermented milk products, such as low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, will also be useful. You can also safely prepare dishes from legumes - peas, lentils or beans. And among vegetables, eat only cucumbers.

  • Allergy due to cow's milk

Of course, following this diet, limit yourself to dairy products and even those that contain milk protein. For example, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir, whey, ice cream, cream, butter or margarine.

You can use any fruits and vegetables, pasta and bakery products, fish, meat, offal, cereals, nuts and berries.

  • Allergies can occur due to fish

Often, an allergy sufferer does not realize that fish can be a food irritant, that is, an allergen.

A diet for fish allergy may include foods high in protein: any meat, canned sausages. You can also safely consume all vegetables and fruits, sweets, cereals, dairy products, and bread products.

It is worth noting that exception for you Only any fish will become, as well as crab sticks, bone meal, fish oil or caviar.

  • Allergy caused by chicken eggs

With such a diet it is necessary to exclude from the diet not only the chicken eggs themselves, but also dishes and products made from them. For example, pastries, sweets, milkshakes, mayonnaise. By the way, you should not eat quail eggs, which have low allergenicity. It is worth preparing your own food, excluding instant or ready-made foods.

You can eat: meat, fish, all vegetables, fruits, cereals, mushrooms, nuts, butter and sweets that do not contain egg whites.

  • Allergy to pollen of cereals/meadow grasses

Following a diet for such allergies, You should limit your diet in the following foods: wheat, flour, bread products, pasta, semolina, crackers, bran, canned meat, sausages and sausages. You should also avoid eating sweets and drinks based on wheat, as well as beer and whiskey.

What to eat: vegetable and meat dishes, eggs, dairy products.

  • The allergy appeared due to weed pollen

Such plants include quinoa, ragweed, and wormwood.

With such a diet you should limit yourself in salted, smoked, spicy, pickled foods, as well as in dough products, sunflower oil, seeds, halva and honey. You should exclude from the diet herbs and infusions, some fruits - watermelon, peach, melon. The use of alcohol and herbal medicines will also be inappropriate.

But you can eat any soups, meat, fish and egg dishes, dairy products, casseroles, cereals and vegetables - cucumbers, radishes, cabbage, beets and potatoes.

Allergy is a general name for a whole group of allergic diseases, such as bronchial asthma, anaphylactic shock, and less dangerous allergies. The cause of the disease can be many factors, known and unknown. Allergens include fragrances, helminthic infestations, medications and much more.

It is possible to significantly alleviate the course of the disease and minimize symptoms only if, along with complex treatment methods, nutrition during allergies is observed.

Naturally, it will be different for each allergic disease, but there are a number of rules that all allergy sufferers must adhere to.

Proper nutrition for allergies in adults

  1. To establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the level of immunoglobulin E, you should undergo a skin test or a blood test. Which test to choose for diagnosis is decided only by a medical specialist.
  2. Coordinate allergy treatment with an allergist who is familiar with your medical history. During a personal consultation, the doctor will draw up a list of products “allowed” and “prohibited” for consumption.
  3. If you decide to introduce a new food product into your diet, do not conduct such an experiment outside the home. It is better to do this in the presence of loved ones, who, in case of a negative reaction, will be able to help you and call an ambulance.
  4. Food should be prepared only from fresh, natural products.
  5. Buy fish and meat in one piece.
  6. Completely eliminate processed foods, store-bought ketchups, sauces, mayonnaise, and canned food from your diet.
  7. Before you start creating a menu, carefully study the ingredients of the products.

What is the essence of the diet?

Dietary nutrition for allergies is the key to successful treatment of the disease. One should also take into account the fact that when the process of exacerbation occurs, additional foreign substances may be added to the existing allergens. The fact is that during this period the immune system reacts sharply to a certain allergen, and when similar aggressive substances enter the food, the disease begins to progress even more.

However, following a strict diet for allergic diseases is also not recommended, since allergic reactions also occur against the background of gastrointestinal disorders.

Types of products for a therapeutic diet

The use of diet is acceptable for all types of allergic diseases, but it is more important for food allergies. With its help, you can perform diagnostic and therapeutic functions: by excluding a particular product, you can determine the allergen that causes the symptoms of allergic reactions.

For people suffering from allergic reactions, it is important to switch to a specific hypoallergenic diet, in which all products are divided into three classes: high-, medium- and low-allergenic.

Products containing high concentrations of allergens:

  • Sea, fish (black and red);
  • Milk from a cow;
  • birds, chicken;
  • Smoked and semi-smoked gastronomic products;
  • Marinades, preserves, stewed meats, canned food;
  • All types of hot and salty seasonings, including spices and sauces;
  • , and fruits of red-orange color, as well as pickled,
  • , and other citrus fruits;
  • Yogurts with dyes, sweet carbonated drinks, various kinds of chewing gum;
  • Dried fruits that were brought to us from Asian countries;
  • and products containing it;
  • All varieties of mushrooms;
  • Compotes and juices made from allergenic products;
  • Confectionery products with added cocoa;
  • Marmalade, caramel;
  • Exotic products.

Products containing moderate allergen activity:

  • All varieties, occasionally rye;
  • Buckwheat, ;
  • Peas, ;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Green pepper, potatoes;
  • Medicinal herbs that have not been subjected to thermal treatment.

Products with low allergen content:

  • Yogurt without flavors and dyes, other homemade and factory-made fermented milk products;
  • Cod, perch;
  • Lean pork and beef;
  • By-products;
  • Cereal, corn and buckwheat bread;
  • Green vegetables and herbs;
  • Semolina, oatmeal, pearl barley;
  • green varieties, yellow cherries;
  • Dried fruits and decoctions of pears, apples, rose hips, prunes;

The diet will be effective only if the daily menu is completely free of foods with a high content of allergenic substances. You should also minimize the use of moderately active ones. A non-specific diet helps allergy sufferers who suffer from non-food allergic manifestations and is the first step for those people who have developed food allergies. In the second case, the therapeutic diet is selected individually.

Nutrition for acute allergies

As a rule, the exacerbation stage lasts 7-10 days. During this period, a gentle diet is prescribed, in which highly and moderately allergenic foods are completely excluded.

Depending on how the disease progresses, following the doctor’s instructions and advice, the patient can gradually begin to eat the diet that the doctor has prepared for him according to individual indications. It indicates specific foods that a person should ignore so as not to provoke a new cascade of allergic reactions.

When the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated, you can introduce foods with a low content of allergenic substances during the remission stage, only in small doses and by one name. If the body responds adequately to this diet, the dose is gradually increased.

The drinking regime cannot be reduced, with the exception of edema. Then, while reducing your drinking intake, you should also limit yourself in salt.

What should be the diet for food allergies?

If a person has a food allergy due to frequent exacerbations, it is necessary to add as many fruits and vegetables to the diet for food allergies, and cut protein foods in half.

Sources of carbohydrates are products of grain origin. The amount of simple sugars contained in confectionery and bread should be limited.

No therapeutic diet for allergic diseases is complete without unsaturated fats of plant origin. In the diet for food allergies, they are essential polyunsaturated acids.


Breakfast. Cottage cheese salad with the addition of herbs, cucumber and low-fat yogurt;
Dinner. Beef broth soup, potato pancakes, green tea or still water;
Dinner. Green apple casserole, dried fruit broth.


Breakfast. Oatmeal porridge with cherry or apple fruit, unsweetened tea;
Dinner. Pea soup, mashed potatoes with vegetable oil and herbs, still water;
Dinner. Pasta, Bolognese sauce, chicory drink.


Breakfast. White cabbage salad with herbs and olive oil, boiled hake;
Dinner. Cottage cheese casserole, dried fruit compote;
Dinner. Vegetables stuffed with rice, still water.


Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge, low-fat yogurt;
Dinner. Milk soup with pasta, rye flour flatbread, green tea;
Dinner. Cottage cheese casserole, raisin decoction.


Breakfast. Wheat porridge, low-fat kefir;
Dinner. Vegetable soup, stewed vegetables (zucchini, green pepper), green tea;
Dinner. Dumplings with fruits (white cherries, white currants), water without gas.


Breakfast. Curd noodle casserole, low-fat yogurt;
Dinner. Chicken broth soup, pumpkin pancakes, dried fruit broth;
Dinner. Stewed vegetables, purified water.


Breakfast. Baked apples, low-fat kefir;
Dinner. Beef broth soup, cabbage rhinestones, green tea;
Dinner. Pumpkin pancakes, still water.

Nutrition for allergies - recipes

Despite the limited amount of food in the diet, allergy sufferers should eat a varied and balanced diet. Recipes for dishes may be as follows.

The main indication for prescribing this diet is food allergies, since the main objectives of this diet are the direct elimination of factors, that is, the products themselves, that lead to an allergic reaction and reducing the allergenic load on the body.


The diet is physiologically complete and gentle, limiting the consumption of table salt to 7 g per day. All dishes are served only boiled; soups are cooked with three changes of broth, especially when cooking meat, fish, and chicken.

The approximate calorie content of this diet is 2800 kcal per day. You need to eat in small portions, at least 6 times a day.

What's not allowed?

A hypoallergenic diet completely excludes all food allergens, including:

  • meat and fish products (including caviar)
  • citrus
  • all types of nuts
  • red and orange fruits and berries
  • melon and pineapple
  • spicy vegetables (radish, horseradish, radish);
  • chocolate and coffee
  • honey, sugar, jam, baked goods and all types of confectionery products
  • salted and smoked products
  • mayonnaise and ketchup
  • mushrooms
  • poultry meat (except white meat chicken and turkey)
  • all industrial products (excluding baby food)
  • alcoholic drinks

It is also important to remove from the menu foods to which the patient has individual intolerance.

What is possible?

Most often, the following products are allowed to be included in the hypoallergenic diet menu:

  • Meat: boiled beef, white meat chicken and turkey;
  • Vegetarian soups made from approved products;
  • Vegetable oil: olive, sunflower;
  • Porridge: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • Lactic acid products: you can have cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir and yogurt without additives;
  • Brine cheese (brynza);
  • Vegetables: cucumbers, cabbage, leafy greens, potatoes, green peas;
  • Fruits: green apples, preferably baked, pears;
  • Tea and dried fruit compote;
  • Dried white bread, unleavened flatbread, unleavened (yeast-free) lavash.

Please note that the list of permitted foods, as well as the list of prohibited foods, may vary depending on individual indications, and the final version of the diet should be drawn up by the attending physician.

Quitting the diet

The duration of the diet can be from two to three weeks for adults and up to 10 days for children. When allergy symptoms cease to appear, that is, after 2-3 weeks from the moment of improvement, you can gradually return food products to the diet, but strictly one at a time and in the reverse order - from low-allergenic to highly allergenic. A new product is introduced once every three days. If deterioration occurs, it means that the last product is an allergen and should not be eaten.

Menu options for the day

Breakfast: wheat porridge, tea, green apple

Snack: cottage cheese

Lunch: vegetable soup, meatballs, pasta and dried apple compote

Dinner: vinaigrette, tea with a bun

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, tea, apple

Snack: coffee with milk, cookies

Lunch: Minced chicken soup, boiled beef stroganoff and mashed potatoes, compote

Dinner: curd pudding, jelly

Breakfast: semolina porridge, tea, apple

Snack: Cabbage and carrot salad

Lunch: vegetarian cabbage soup, baked rabbit leg, stewed carrots, compote

Dinner: milk noodles

Recipes for a hypoallergenic diet

Soy milk soup with potatoes

200 g soy milk

3 potato tubers

1 onion


Step 1. Peel the potatoes and onions, finely chop them into cubes, add water and cook for 15 minutes.

Step 2. Add milk, salt and cook for another 10 minutes.

Step 3. Pour into plates, sprinkle with parsley and serve

Creamy chicken soup

Photo: Shutterstock.com

1 liter of meat broth

200 g minced boiled white meat chicken

2 tbsp. l. soy flour

Step 1. Mix a glass of broth and minced meat, add soy flour.

Step 2. Pour in the remaining broth, add salt, and bring to a boil.

Stuffed apples

Photo: Shutterstock.com

250 g boiled lean beef

3 tbsp. butter

2 onions

½ cup breadcrumbs

Meat broth

1 tbsp. starch

Salt, pepper, nutmeg

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Cut the apples into halves and remove the core.

Step 2: Melt the butter in a saucepan. Sauté the onion for 5 minutes until soft. Transfer to another bowl.

Step 3. Pass the beef through a meat grinder and combine it with onions.

Step 4. Add breadcrumbs, basil, nutmeg, salt, pepper, mix.

Step 5. Stuff the apples with this mixture, then place them in a baking dish and pour in 1 cup of broth. Cover with a lid and place in the oven for 35-40 minutes.

Step 6. Transfer the apples to another bowl. They shouldn't get cold. Pour the liquid the apples were cooked in into a saucepan. Keep on medium heat for about 3 minutes.

Step 7. Dissolve starch in cold water. Pour it into a saucepan. Cook until thickened. Serve the stuffed apples with this meat sauce.

Turkey meatballs with zucchini

Photo: Shutterstock.com

½ zucchini

1 turkey breast

3 tbsp. rice

Step 1. Grind the zucchini in a blender

Step 2. Grind the turkey meat and punch it together with the zucchini.

Step 3. Boil the rice until half cooked, add to the minced meat, add salt, and add finely chopped herbs.

Step 4. Make small meatball balls. Place them in a baking dish.

Step 5. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Cottage cheese casserole

Photo: Shutterstock.com

400 g cottage cheese

2 tbsp. semolina

2 tbsp. butter

Step 1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add a little stevia extract or sugar. Add semolina.

Step 2. Beat the whites and add them to the cottage cheese.

Step 3. Wash the raisins and put them in the cottage cheese.

Step 4. Grease the pan with oil, add to the curd mass, sprinkle the casserole with semolina.

Step 5. Bake for 35-45 minutes at 180°C.
