Notes on the development of speech profession. Speech development on the topic of "profession"


Prepared by: Simakina Olga Alekseevna

Teacher of the mini-center “Pchelka”

"Zhambyl Basic School"

Kostanay region; Karasu district; Zhambyl village.

Educational activities of the teacher

cchildren middle group

On speech development

“All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Bilikti Educational regionb: “Communication”.

Tarau Section: “Speech development”.

Takyryby Theme: “All professions are important.”

MaksatyTarget: Writing a creative story.


1.Understand the importance of professions in people’s lives.

2. Foster respect for the results of people’s work different professions.

3. Development of children's speech (speech-reasoning).

4.Development of elements of logical thinking.

5. Strengthen the ability to perform sound-letter analysis of words.

6.Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment and materials: paper flowers, pictures with professions, puzzles. Objects of labor: ladle, comb, scissors, steering wheel, bandage, pills.

Preliminary work:

1. Looking at illustrations about professions and talking about the work of people in different professions.

2.Learning poetry and reading fiction about professions.

3.Excursion to school library, in first aid station, to the school canteen.

Bilingual component:dariger - doctor; mugalim - teacher; shashtaraz - hairdresser; aspashy - cook.

Progress of the lesson:

Circle of Joy:

Goal: ability to communicate with each other and speak to each other good words.

Hello children. Today is an unusual day, guests came to our group. Let's say hello to the guests. And we will greet each other with kind words in a circle of joy like this.

"Bouquet of wishes." Children greet each other in a circle. Everyone has a flower in their hands. The teacher smiles and says kind words: “Today you are beautiful, attentive, kind and cheerful. He gives a flower with wishes to the child standing next to him, addressing him by name, the bouquet gradually increases and not only his flower, but also a whole bouquet of wishes is returned to the teacher. Then the bouquet is handed over to the guests.

The teacher must interest the children in their activities.

Today we have guests, and we must tell you what we know about the profession and what professions there are. Now I will read you a poem by S. Maulenov “Everyone is at work”

Sunny, where are you in a hurry?

Yes, into the lake, into the reeds.

There I will sleep in the pleasant darkness,

And then I'll come back.

Where are you going, Luna?

I'm drawn to the depths

And heavenly coolness

I don't need the heat of the day.

Wind, where are you in a hurry?

I'm used to always being in a hurry.

I’ll arrange the grass differently,

I’ll hide the cloud in the gorge,

I'll spin a storm into the sea,

I'll fly overseas myself.

Well, where are you in a hurry?

You can't sit still,

Round-eyed cuckoo?

I will lift the children from the pillow,

I’ll tell them my “peek-a-boo” story.

I will reward you with a long life.

They all do their work,

Everyone lives meaningfully -

An ant carries grain

And the bee sucks the flower.

So what is a profession? (children's answers)

What professions do you know?

And the profession of children is an occupation and work that adults do.

But also the world insects, nature also work, and each person does his job.

Guys, let's play together. I will show you pictures and ask riddles, and you try to guess and name what profession the person is depicted on, and say what actions he performs and what tools he uses.

Bilingual component: dariger-doctor; mugalim-teacher; shashtaraz-hairdresser; aspashy-cook.

Game "Blizzard"

Goal: development of breathing.

(the sound of a blizzard is heard)

Guys, what is this? Yes, this is the sound of a blizzard. What is a blizzard? It is a natural phenomenon. Let's create a blizzard in the cups. I show the mechanism of action: take a deep breath, without raising your shoulders, and blow into the straw.

For example: This is a hairdresser. He cuts hair and does various hairstyles.

Children are offered images of pictures: cook, salesman, driver, doctor, teacher, fireman, seamstress. We make up a story based on the pictures.

We must often address children kindly and thank them for their help.

Well done, you know a lot of professions. But your mothers and fathers also have professions. They not only do housework, but also work in various institutions. our guests really liked that you know so many professions. The board contains illustrations of people from different professions. Now let’s put together puzzles on our topic.

And now you and I will rest a little, warm up a little.

Physical exercise “Clock”

Tick-tock, tick-tock

All clocks go like this.

Left - once, right - once.

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

Feet together, hands like this

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

Well, try this again.

Now let's continue our lesson.

Didactic game"Look what's in the chest"

I will call you one by one. You must take one item from the chest, which contains a lot of interesting things. Name the item and say who uses it and why people need it.

For example: this is a syringe. The doctor needs him. The doctor gives people injections so they don't get sick. The rest of the items are played out in the same way: a ladle, a comb, scales, a steering wheel, a skein of thread.

Well done kids, you named everything correctly.

Finger gymnastics “My fingers...”

My fingers will tell

They can do everything, they will show you everything (turn the handles alternately with your palms up and down).

There are five of them on my hand (we clench and unclench our fists).

They can do everything

They will always help (we alternately hit fist against fist, and palm against palm).

They play the pipe

The ball is thrown

The laundry is washed

The floor is being swept

They think

They pinch and caress (we imitate the described movements)

They manage to do everything (open their hands with their palms up).

We talked about different professions, which profession did you like best and why? What would you like to become when you grow up? Take the emoticons that you like best. What we talked about in class. I’ll tell you riddles.

Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts and lunches? (cook)

Paint brushes and easel:

I'm painting a portrait of my mother

For an art gallery,

Guess me quickly! (Artist)

All roads are familiar to me

I feel like I'm at home in the cabin.

The traffic light is bothering me

He knows that I….. (driver)

Well done, you all completed the task.


Lesson notes in

Preparatory school

12th grade teacher group

Mikhailova E.V.

Goals and objectives.

Correctional educational goals. Consolidating ideas about the need and importance of adult labor. Expanding and clarifying ideas about people’s professions, the diversity of professions, and specific work actions. Expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Professions”.

Corrective and developmental goals. Development of coherent speech, speech hearing, visual perception and attention, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional and educational goals.Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, independence, initiative, responsibility. Develop attention, memory, thinking.

Equipment: Mayakovsky’s book “Who to Be”, cards, drawings.

Progress of the lesson

1. Creating motivation for the lesson.

Educator: Children, which of you would like to grow up quickly and become an adult?

What kind of job would you like to work in (Children's answers)

Tell me, where do your moms and dads and adults go every day (Adults, moms and dads go to work)

Why do people go to work (To earn money, build houses, drive cars, grow bread)

What do your parents do?

What benefits do they bring (They sew clothes, teach children, treat the sick, prepare food, transport goods)

Right. Now listen to Mayakovsky’s poem “Who to Be”

My years are getting older

It will be seventeen.

Where should I work then?

What to do

Required workers -

Joiners and carpenters!..


Good for the carpenter

And it’s better for an engineer...


Good for an engineer

And the doctor is better...

What does this poem talk about (The poem talks about professions)

What does the word “profession” mean?

Profession means business, work, occupation.

People work what they like to work with, do what they do best.

There are many professions in the world. Name the professions that you know. (Teacher, driver, worker, salesman, doctor, builder).

II. Statement of a problem situation.

Educator. Children, it’s hard to imagine what we will do without doctors when we get sick.

What would we wear if there were no tailors!

What would we eat if it weren’t for the work of people who grow bread, vegetables, and fruits!

How empty and uncomfortable our room would be if it weren’t for the joiners and carpenters!

III. Discovery of something new.

1. Game "What does it do."

I name a profession, and you answer what a person in this profession does.

Doctor - treats

Teacher - teaches

Doctor - treats

Seller - sells

Educator - educates

Hairdresser - cutting hair

Cook - cooks

Builder - builds

Artist - paints

Chauffeur - drives the car

All professions are needed, all professions are important. The main thing is that you need to do your favorite job well.

2. The game “Who needs what for work.”

People of different professions use different instruments for your work.

The teacher distributes visual material to the children depicting professions and tools.

Now we will play the game and find out whether you have chosen the right card with the image of the instrument correctly. For example, an artist needs a brush; for the janitor - a watering can; librarian - books; for a musician - a violin; for the gardener - a watering can and scissors; for the cook - a ladle, a knife; the driver - a car; the doctor - a syringe.

3. Psycho-gymnastic exercise.

Each of you must choose any profession and portray it not only with action, but also with facial expressions. How do you show a driver, an artist, a musician, a hairdresser?

4. Game “Give me a word.”

Lumberjacks love pine forest - everyone has one... (axe)

A wooden... (hammer) helped dad hammer in a nail.

Dust is on the floor - give me... (broom)

5. Game “Correct the mistake”

Children are given cards with pictures that depict professions and tools that do not correspond to them.

Educator. You need to find the mistakes that Dunno made when drawing these pictures and correct them.

6. Proverbs about work.

Explain how you understand proverbs

1. You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without effort (You definitely have to work hard to get something)

2. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him. (If you don't work, you'll be lazy)

The most important thing in a person’s life is work.

Physical education minute. Complex exercise “Different professions are needed”

I'm a driver - I washed the car,

(Stomping step)

He sat behind the wheel and arched his back.

The engine hummed and the tires

They rustled around the car.

(Shi - shi - shi)

The janitor sweeps the yard,

The janitor removes the rubbish.

(Bend forward, simulating sweeping)

Our guard is on duty

Looks boldly into the darkness.

(Turn left and right, placing your palm to your eyes)

And a shoemaker will sew boots for anyone’s feet.

(“Vest” - sit down, stand up, placing your legs alternately on your heels)

He will nail horseshoes to his boots,

And dance without stopping.

Our pilots are pilots

Prepared for flight

(Tilting the body to the right and left while pronouncing sounds vzh-zh-zh, straight arms to the sides)

I'm a gymnast. My skill

(various jumps)

Delights everyone around.

Do you see how deftly he is on the uneven bars?

I'm performing a difficult trick.

Look around you more cheerfully

A pediatrician is a friend to the children.

(breathing exercises take a calm breath through your nose)

IV. Educational games and tasks.

1. Riddles to solve.

Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches. (Cook)

Love nature

Respect old people.


We get up very early

After all, our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning.


Who, tell me, is this

Protects our peace

He keeps order

It's not okay to misbehave


The squad is waiting for employees

Children in kindergarten.

Who replaces the mothers in it,

Which of you kids knows

(Educator, speech therapist, music director, nanny, doctor, physical education instructor)

2. Game “Identify professions”.

Determine people's professions by clothing. To perform professional activities, each person needs a special uniform to protect and protect him from dangers, to make it convenient and comfortable to work.

Name what type of clothing is required for a cook, a policeman, a sailor, an astronaut

The game is played with items of clothing (pictures or real things)

3. Didactic game with reference cards “Name women’s professions”

The teacher takes turns showing plot pictures that accurately indicate a person’s belonging to one or another profession, naming them in relation to men. Children must give the equivalent in the feminine gender.

Weaver - weaver

Cook - cook

Teacher - teacher

Teacher - teacher

Artist - artist

Seller - saleswoman

V. Reflection.

Children, there is no only male or only female profession.

Our different mothers are important

We need different mothers.

Dads are also masters of different professions,

And you will become them, the time will come.

What professions did you guys like?

Who would you like to work with?


The children answer.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group

"The world of professions".

Educator: Cherednichenko E.A.

Target: Reinforce with children the names of professions and their meaning for people.


Strengthen children's understanding of the variety of professions and specific work activities.

Form a generalized concept of “profession”, enrich the active vocabulary.

Develop attention, memory, thinking.

Foster positive motivation for learning and respect for the work of adults.

Equipment: cards depicting people of different professions, objects and tools of various professions.

Preliminary work. Conversation and reading fiction on the topic, looking at albums about professions, playing didactic games, telling parents about their profession.

The course of direct educational activities.

Educator: I have an unusual envelope, let's see what's in it? There are a lot of mysteries here. Shall we guess?


Dark night, clear day

He fights fire.

In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,

Hurries to the fire... (firefighter)

He puts the bricks in a row,

Builds a kindergarten for the children

Not a miner or a driver,

He will build us a house... (builder)

Who is sailing on the ship

To an uncharted land?

He is cheerful and kind.

What's his name? (Sailor)

Stands at his post

He keeps order.

Strict, brave officer.

Who is he? (Policeman)

He is on duty in the snow and heat,

Protects our peace.

A man who is faithful to his oath,

Called... (military)

Knock flies from under the wheels,

An electric locomotive rushes into the distance.

The train is not driven by a taxi driver,

Not a pilot, but... (driver)

He waves a thin stick -

The choir on stage will sing.

Not a wizard, not a juggler.

Who is this? (Conductor)

Educator: What are these riddles about? How can you call it in one word?

Children: about professions.

Well done, we will talk about professions today.

What is a profession?

(Children's answers)

A profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life, business, work, occupation. People work what they like to work with, do what they do best.

Every morning, the adult members of your family go to work.

Why do people need them?

(Children's answers)

Why do people go to work?

Children: to earn money, build houses, drive cars, grow bread.

What do your parents do? (ask each child)

What benefits do they bring?

Children: they sew clothes, teach children, treat the sick, prepare food, transport goods.

Game "Fold the picture"

To do this, in pairs you must collect cut pictures.

Game "What does it do?"

Goal: Continue to familiarize children with the actions of people in different professions.

I name a profession, and you answer what a person in this profession does.

Branch of the Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational

institution "Kindergarten No. 84"

Direct educational activities on the development of coherent speech “Compiling a descriptive story using a diagram”

(for children in the pre-school group)

Teacher first qualification category: Samkova T.V.

year 2013

Program content:

  • Teach children to write descriptive stories about people of different professions using a diagram.
  • Continue to teach the composition and use of complex sentences in speech.
  • Teach coherence, development, continuity of expression.
  • Practice using nouns in the dative case, future tense verbs in speech, and selecting action words.
  • Strengthen the skill of self-control of pronunciation in independent speech.
  • Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Equipment: demonstration pictures depicting people of different professions; a diagram for writing descriptive stories; ball.

Previous work:

  • Conversations “Professions of our mothers”, “Professions of our fathers”, “My dream”
  • Reading V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”
  • Game "Riddles about professions"
  • Game “How to Say Otherwise”
  • Game “Who, what, for whom?”
  • Game “Say the Word”

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time.

Educator: Today I invite you to play the game “Guess the riddles, name the professions,” do you agree?

As you guess, pictures depicting people of different professions are placed on the board.

  • Who can cure all diseases and knows what is more beneficial for whom? (Doctor)
  • Who goes to fires, puts out the fire, and saves people? (Firefighter)
  • Who drives the car and delivers the goods to the place? (Chauffeur)
  • Who prepares our lunches: soup, cutlets, vinaigrettes? (Cook)
  • Who will build us apartments, schools, kindergartens, shops? (Builder)
  • Who guards our peace and catches the violators? (Policeman)
  • Who meets you in kindergarten and reads good fairy tales? (Teacher)

Educator: Guys, let's play the next game.

1. Game “Correct the mistake.”

  • The cook heals, and the doctor cooks;
  • The painter draws, and the artist paints;
  • The astronaut drives, and the driver flies.

Educator: Well done!

Educator: Stand in a circle, I suggest you play another one interesting game

2. Ball game “Who works where?”

School teacher; cook - in the dining room; builder - at a construction site; doctor - in the hospital; tailor - in the studio; salesman in the store; hairdresser - in a hairdressing salon; fireman - in the fire brigade.

Educator: Guys, if you want to play some more, then let's play.

3. Game “Guess by the actions who it is and what he is doing?”

Children are in a circle, one driver is selected, who leaves the room, the rest agree on the actions of a person of one profession or another. The driver enters and guesses the person’s profession by the children’s movements.

Educator: Guys, you already know what you will be when you grow up. Let's sit down on the carpet and you tell me.

4. Game “Who will you be?”

Children answer with a sentence:

– I will be a builder, I will build houses and schools.

– I will drive a car, transport goods, etc.

5. Game “Who needs what for work?”

Educator: Now go to your tables where different items are waiting for you, select necessary tools for your future profession.

– the doctor needs a thermometer, paper, a pen for writing prescriptions, a phonendoscope;

– the teacher needs books, a pointer, a blackboard, chalk;

– a policeman needs a walkie-talkie, a weapon, a police car;

– the hairdresser needs scissors, a comb, a hairdryer, etc.

6. Compiling a descriptive story about people’s professions according to the diagram.

  • Name of profession.
  • Place of work.
  • What does a person in this profession do?
  • What does he need to work?

The teacher offers to look at the diagram and clarifies the sequence of storytelling with the children.

Sample story:This is the hairdresser. He works in a hair salon. A hairdresser cuts people's hair and gives them beautiful, fashionable hairstyles. For work he needs: scissors, combs, hair dryer, curlers, perfume.

7. Independent stories of children.

8. Children's analysis of the stories of their comrades.

Relaxation. “Lazy people.”

Educator: Today my children did a lot of activities, played and were probably tired. I suggest you be a little lazy. Imagine being lazy and lounging on a soft, soft carpet. Everything around is quiet and calm, you breathe easily and freely. A feeling of pleasant peace and relaxation covers your entire body. You rest quietly, you are lazy. Your hands are resting, your legs are resting... (pause - stroking the children). Your arms are resting..., your legs are resting... Pleasant warmth covers your whole body, you are too lazy to move, you feel good. Your breathing is completely calm. Your arms, legs, whole body are relaxed. A feeling of pleasant peace fills you from within. You rest, you are lazy. Pleasant laziness spreads throughout the body. You enjoy complete peace and relaxation, which brings you strength and good mood. Stretch, shake off your laziness and, on the count of three, open your eyes. You feel well rested and in a cheerful mood.

State budgetary educational institution

North-Western District Education Department

Department of Education of the City of Moscow

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group:

« Professions»


Teacher-speech therapist at the Ryabinushka school

Paletskaya A.N..

Moscow 2012

Subject : Professions

Lesson objectives:


Systematize and replenish lexicon according to this lexical topic, consolidate the ability to correctly use oral speech grammatical structures


Develop logical thinking, auditory attention, memory

Develop the ability to identify distorted logical and grammatical structures by ear

Develop the ability to form common sentences within one semantic group

Develop the ability to form two-syllable words

Develop the ability to respond to a teacher’s response during a dialogue with a common sentence

Develop the ability to compose descriptive story according to graphic scheme


To cultivate a sense of understanding of the importance of professions in people’s lives (reasoning about the consequences of cessation of activities of people of different professions)


Pictures depicting professions, a ball, a graphic diagram for the story

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time

Educator: Hello, guys! Today we will talk about professions.

In our country, all people do business and certainly receive money for it.

How to call in one word the type of activity people do for which they receive money? (profession).

There are many different professions.

Main part

Introduction to the topic of the lesson

Educator: Now I’ll tell you riddles, and you try to guess who these people work and name their professions:

A game " Whowhat it controls"

Educator: Let us find out who controls what? Will you help me?

The bus is driven by the driver

The train is controlled by the driver

The helicopter is controlled by a helicopter pilot

The pilot controls the plane

The ship is steered by a captain

A motorcycle is driven by a motorcyclist

A bicycle is controlled by a cyclist

An astronaut controls the rocket

Educator: Now let's change the game a little: you will name the profession, knowing what the person does.

works on an excavator -

trains animals -

glass windows -

regulates street traffic -

repairs the watch -

welds metal structures -

covers the roof -

sawing wood -

concretes -

carries things at the station -

sharpens knives-

carries things-

plays the drum -

plays the accordion -

plays guitar -

plays the piano -

drives a taxi -

plays the accordion -

conducts tours in the museum -

grows vegetables -

raises livestock -

raises animals (on a fur farm) -

milks the cows

takes care of calves -

takes care of the bird -

turns parts on a machine -

works on a bulldozer -

weaves fabric -

plays the trumpet -

playing the violin -

treats patients -

drives a tram, trolleybus -

builds houses -

teaches children at school -

raises children in kindergarten -

tames animals in the circus -

keeps order in the museum -

works in the buffet -

controls a plane -

controls a helicopter -

laying parquet -

fixes the plumbing -

takes care of the forest -

takes care of the garden -

welds steel -

mines coal -

cleans yards, streets -

fishing -

lends books to the library -

delivers mail -

prepares food-

bakes pastries -

mending shoes -

- Working on a tap

3. Game “Correct the mistake”

Educator: Be careful and try to correct all my mistakes.

The builder controls the plane. - The builder is standing the house.

A fireman treats people. - A fireman puts out fires.

The seamstress is painting the house. — The seamstress sews clothes.

The hairdresser washes clothes. - The hairdresser cuts people's hair.

The postman delivers mail.

The janitor is cooking lunch. - The janitor is sweeping the yard.

The pilot controls the machine. - The pilot controls the plane.

4. Physical education minute “Roofer”(coordination of speech and movement, development of general motor skills)

It’s not hail, it’s not thunder - (Children stand in a circle, pretend to hit with a hammer, stretch on their toes, raising their hands up)

Roofer on the roof. He hits loudly with a hammer - (Imitate blows with a hammer) The whole neighborhood hears. (They cover their ears with their hands) He covers the house with iron , (Depict blows with a hammer) So that it is dry. (Bend over and take out socks with hands)

5. Ball game “What happens if...”


I will throw the ball to everyone and ask a question, and you must catch the ball and try to answer correctly. Ready?

What happens if:

Will chefs stop preparing food?

Will doctors stop treating people?

Will teachers stop teaching children?

Will builders stop building houses?

Will all drivers refuse to get behind the wheel?

Will the road service stop monitoring the condition of the roads?

The children answer.

And I know another interesting game.

6. Game "On the contrary"

Educator:What is the name of the profession? , if a man …

6. Did Activity game “Who can tell you better about their profession”


Guys, there is a diagram on the board. She will help us write a story about the profession. In their hands are pictures depicting people of different professions. The one who comes to the board draws out a picture. You need to talk about what a person in this profession does, explain what you need to know and be able to do to be a good professional.

This is the hairdresser. He works in a hair salon. A hairdresser cuts people's hair and gives them beautiful, fashionable hairstyles. For work he needs: scissors, combs, hair dryer, curlers, perfume.

This is a doctor. He works in a hospital. The doctor examines patients and treats them. To work, he needs a gown, a thermometer, and medications.

This is a teacher. He works at school. A teacher teaches children. To work, he needs a blackboard, chalk, textbooks, and workbooks.

This is a builder. He works at a construction site. A builder builds buildings. To work, he needs bricks, concrete, cement, shovels, paint.

(Children's stories)

You guys are great, you told everything correctly and interestingly.

3. Summary of the lesson.


Today we talked about many professions, you know what these people do. Now close your eyes and imagine what you would like to become, what profession do you like best? Introduced?

Name it in one word: COOK, DOCTOR, TEACHER, BUILDER, SALESMAN - this is………………. (professions of people)

Did you like our lesson?

List of used literatures:

Gomzyak O.S. We speak correctly at 6-7 years old (3rd period of training) -M. Ed. "Gnome and D" 2010

2. Scientific and methodological journal “Speech therapist” No. 4/2009

3. Smirnova L.N. Speech therapy in kindergarten 6-7 years old - M. Ed. "Mosaic-Synthesis" 2008

3. Shorygina T.A. Professions. What are they? A book for educators, tutors and parents./T.A. Shorygina. -M.: Publishing house GNOM and D. 2007. -96 p. (Acquaintance with the outside world and speech development).
