Meaning of a snub nose in men. The shape of a man's nose will tell the whole truth about his nature

Based on numerous observations, scientists have developed funny ways by which, by the appearance of a representative of the stronger sex, one can determine what his personality is. male sexuality.

You can use these techniques anywhere: at a party, on the street, at a party. However, it is best to use them in restaurants and cafes, where usually the right men invite ladies on a first date. If you want to get a complete picture of his sexual abilities, then you need to arrive a little earlier than him, forgetting about the rule that it is proper for a woman to be late, and take a seat (preferably opposite the entrance).

External signs of male sexuality

Body type

A sexual giant, from an anatomical point of view, is considered plump, short man. It is overweight, not fat - overweight, as well as thinness, are signs of low libido. It is also of no small importance psychological factor. A tall and slender man does not need to impress his partner. If a woman is not satisfied with something, he will find another.


It is difficult to disagree with the fact that the older the partner, the more experience he has. He knows certain techniques and knows how to excite his partner. However, with experience, it's actually not that simple. For example, an older man has already had many partners, he knows well how to give pleasure to a woman. But his testosterone level is zero, since after 30-40 years it decreases by 1-2% per year. And if the man also smoked, drank alcohol, ate and slept little, then this figure increases at least twice. He knows what he needs to do, but he lacks youthful fervor. Therefore, scientists advise taking a closer look at younger men.


Mostly brunettes enjoy the fame of sexual craftsmen. The point is that dark color skin and hair are responsible for dominant genes and, therefore, a man with such characteristics is generally better adapted to life, and in particular to erotic games, leaving behind light-skinned redheads and blondes. Brown-haired people are on the golden mean. Very sexy men talking in a low voice those who have a beard, fluff on the body, and on whose head a bald spot begins to appear.

Size of limbs in relation to body

It is believed that the shorter the limbs are in relation to the body, the hotter a man is in sex. This indicator of the sexual constitution, depending on the length of the legs, is called the trochanteric index. You can determine it by eye, but those who prefer accuracy can take a centimeter and measure first the height, and then the leg (from the hip bone to the foot), then divide the results obtained by one another. If the indicator is from 1.85 to 1.91 or less, then the man has a low sexual temperament, 1.92-1.98 is average, 1.99-2 is strong.


Sensitive receptors are located on the nasal mucosa that register external signals about chemicals and transmitting information to the brain. The larger the nose, the longer the process will take. If a man has a long nose, then in sex, most likely, he himself will try to get pleasure and will not forget about his partner. An excited male is also known to have very flared nostrils. Therefore, if a man has a wide nose, then this also indicates his good sexual characteristics.


The human iris absorbs and transmits certain light fluxes, so people’s perception of the world, depending on the color of their eyes, varies. For example, men with brown eyes seen in yellow-red light. And according to psychological observations, warm shades excite. Therefore, a dark-eyed partner will be more passionate than a light-eyed one.


People with big ears have a well-developed brain, and it is easier for them to explain what you prefer. A man with such ears will try to guess his partner’s desires from the slightest hints and make her wildest fantasies come true. However big ears they talk about intellectual giftedness, which can interfere with quality sex. People with small ears are not the best conversationalists, but in bed they give in to their instincts.


Plump and slightly protruded lips indicate a person’s passion. Curved lips or lips like a bow indicate that their owner is slightly selfish, ready to experiment, but can be demanding and cruel in bed, calling for things that the partner is not ready for.


Usually, ring finger The macho is longer than the index finger, and the longer it is, the brighter the temperament, the better the potency and the stronger the desire for the fair sex. In men with weak sexual constitution, the longest is thumb legs, in partners with average abilities the big toe is approximately equal to the second, and in sexual giants it is 3-10 millimeters shorter.


If a man has tubercles in the area of ​​the back of his head between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, it means that he is a good sexual partner. Ideally, they will be a little larger than yours.

These sexual signs should be treated with caution, since male sexuality In addition to the above, it is determined by approximately 50 parameters. And if you use them all, then there will be no time left to impress your partner. It’s better to take note of them and, if anything happens, put them aside. sexual relations Until the next date, in the meantime, watch the man some more.

External signs of hypersexuality

And I will understand everything from the nostrils, and I will read everything from the eels...

As they say in China, your face- this is your destiny. Accordingly, the face of your beloved man is his destiny. Do you want to know what it will be like to live the same fate with him, learn to read by his eyes, ears, eyebrows and nostrils, well, at least by something, because somewhere out there, on the landscape of his face, the features of his character, his thoughts, moods are encrypted , financial prospects and mental pain points.

Let's say your man has a pleasant, proportional and harmonious face. Congratulations, he's normal! If there is some disproportion in the face, if there is something too big: too big (or small) nose, too full (or thin) lips, too narrow (or round) eyes - keep in mind that he has some kind of hypertrophied character traits that will largely determine his entire future life.

Moreover, no one says that these are necessarily bad traits. With the same probability, he may turn out to be smarter, luckier, more talented than an ordinary “normal” man. It depends on your luck. In any case, when reading men's faces Special attention You should pay attention to inharmonious, too prominent facial features.

1. Eyes

Physiologists call the eyes the part of the brain that is brought out. Eyes, color, size, as well as their reaction to what is happening, reflect everything that is happening in a man’s head, whether he likes it or not.


They change their size depending on the emotions a man experiences.

Large pupils and pupils that dilate instantly when a man experiences vivid emotions (joy, surprise, fear, after long torment decision etc.) - Soft and pliable character. Such a man would rather give in, even to the detriment of his interests, than get involved in an uncompromising argument, quarrel, or any kind of showdown in general.

Constricted pupils - High level of adrenaline, which means conflict, aggression, alpha selfishness. But if these generally are not the most pleasant qualities, try to implement them in horizontal position, you can have a lot of fun.


Blue eyes - He’s a calm, balanced guy; you have to try hard to get him mad, and he goes away quickly. Many claim that the owners blue eyes dreamers and romantics, but unfortunately this is not always confirmed...
Gray eyes - Smart, cunning, independent and determined. If you wanted an obedient henpecked man, look for someone with blue eyes, this doesn’t work with gray eyes.
Blue (cornflower blue) eyes - A narcissistic snob whose interests rarely extend beyond his physiological needs and an invincible desire to show off and prove his superiority.
Green eyes - A rare type, he not only likes to control everything, he, unlike others, also does it very well. It’s not that he’s a sadist and a dictator, but everything will be just the way he wants it.
Black eyes - Hot-tempered, persistent, stubborn, but you can really be behind him, like behind a stone wall, he does an excellent job of resolving the most difficult issues.
Light brown eyes - A suitcase with a double bottom, you will never know exactly what is inside, independent, does not tolerate pressure, does not initiate anyone into its secrets.
Yellow eyes - Rare color, a rare person. He may have rare talents or have paranormal abilities.

Eye color, by the way, is not a constant value; it can change during the course of the play. The eyes brighten when a man experiences joy or looks at someone who is especially dear to him. If your interlocutor’s eyes begin to darken, I do not advise continuing the discussion, just run. The eyes darken when a person experiences anger, rage, when he is irritated or simply infuriated by his interlocutor.

Eye shape

Small eyes - a corrosive analytical mind, a calm, non-conflict person.
Big eyes - open man, there is no need to try to get to the bottom of his secrets and the depths of the subconscious - there are none. He appears to you exactly as he is.
Narrow/wide eyes - Here you need to understand that the narrower the eyes, the smarter and more purposeful the person is, but no one promises that he will be kind, rather the opposite. The wider, rounder the eyes, the more harmless a person is, but there can be problems with strong-willed qualities, as well as with intelligence.
Round bulging eyes - comfort and satiety are the only and most important goal of this man. It’s good if his parents left him a fat inheritance, in which case he will simply eat it up. But if there is nothing to eat, he can become a freeloader, and if this does not work out, the most disappointed person in the world.
Almond shaped eyes - these are the eyes of a realist and pragmatist, quite intelligent and attentive, but at the same time not prone to dictatorship; by and large, this is the ideal eye shape.
Raised corners of the eyes - stubborn, independent, courageous and generous, ready to take on great responsibility, which is not bad for marriage.

Planting eyes

Eyes shifted towards the bridge of the nose - a born psychologist, analyst or simply a maniac who needs to get to the bottom of things. Good career prospects.
Deep-set eyes - very temperamental, but secretive and cautious, with powerful intuition and excellent memory. A real scout.
If the eyes are located one lower than the other, this is a sign of bad character.
Protruding eyes - a leader with excellent career prospects, the only thing that can ruin his magnificent rise is a biased, very emotional attitude towards people, well, he cannot cooperate with those he does not like.
Eyes located on at different levels - heavy, changeable and unpredictable character.
"Crow's Feet" - a network of wrinkles radiating from the corners of the eyes is a sign of insight and optimism. Such the man is walking life is easy.


Long - a sensitive, kind and charming man, basking in the sympathy of others. But don’t think that he is weak-willed or effeminate, no, he is quite a man and can stand up for himself very well. The best part is that no difficulties in life or competition will spoil his character, even in old age he will be just as gentle and sweet.
Short and thick eyelashes - a classic workaholic, he will achieve everything with his own work.
Rare whitish eyelashes - He’s not stupid at all, but, as a rule, he’s a hell of a miser.


Physiognomists believe that eyebrows reflect relationships with your immediate environment. Those with wide, long eyebrows develop excellent relationships with others. Such men have a calm, balanced character, they know how to control their emotions, and are comfortable with them.

Coarse, bristly eyebrows - the same bristly, obstinate character.
Thin eyebrows - intelligence, perhaps some Don Juanism.
Short eyebrows - a predictable specimen, it is unlikely that he will be able to surprise you, but you are not marrying these people.
Long eyebrows - You can expect anything you want from such a man.
Unibrow - an alpha male with an irresistible desire for dominance.
Low hanging eyebrows - a strong character, but also stubbornness, and sometimes stupidity.
High eyebrows - a purposeful and successful man. If you don’t want to marry him, just keep him somewhere within easy reach; he, like a charmed talisman, brings good luck to those around him.
Straight eyebrows - conservatism, constancy, reliability.
Eyebrows in houses or arches - not the most courageous option, they talk about impermanence.
Raised ends of eyebrows - courage and bravery, such a man could command an army, but even if he is given only a private bakery under his command, he will make it a market leader.
The ends of the eyebrows droop down - shyness.
Sloppy eyebrows - a sloppy, inept attitude towards money, sometimes squeezing, sometimes squandering, sometimes whining, sometimes forgetting where. Take control of your finances, otherwise financial storms and even wrecks await your family boat.
Moles on eyebrows (inside the eyebrows) - this is luck, wealth, but also a too easy attitude towards money (after all, it is so easy to get!).


Long (very long) direct gaze into the eyes - while he has no reason to trust you, he is on easy alert.
Squinted gaze, constricted pupils - go away into the gardens, this look is full readiness to aggression.
Looking sideways over your shoulder - pour hot tea over him (purely by accident!) to bring down his arrogance, no one gave him the right to show you contempt.
Looking down and head slightly tilted back - clinical arrogance, he is unlikely to be ready to reduce the distance between himself and you.
Averting glance - uncertainty, timidity or guilt.
Aimless look - hanging on meaningless objects, on passers-by, on anything, but not on you - he is not interested in you, you do not arouse his sympathy, desire, or even respect.
Look up - you really pissed him off, he can hardly restrain himself not to say rude or caustic things to you.
Appraising glance (from head to toe) - he is in absolute control of the situation and is sure that you are more interested in him than he is in you.
Restless live look - he is interested, ready to go to the end, but not sure end result communication.
Too shiny and shifty eyes - maybe he ate something? did you drink? sniffed it? if not, then he’s just crazy and you shouldn’t trust him.

In general, in any conversation the one who is most looked at dominates. Therefore, all attempts to “catch” a man’s gaze, “look into his eyes” do not strengthen your position. Don't get too drunk on a man, give fewer glances than you receive, and you will automatically become the queen of the evening.

2. Nose

The nose is a generator of vital energy, which means it can be used to judge a man’s health, potency, and his ability to reproduce and make money. It is from this point of view that we must look at it.

Nose shape

A big nose - this is good, the man has a stable character and brilliant career prospects, especially if the nose is not deviated in any direction, is quite harmonious and looks strong and stable. Even with clinical sloppiness, the owner of such a nose will be rich, although only after 41 years.
Small nose - less luck, more hard work, meticulousness (sometimes pettiness) and attentiveness. Well, keep in mind that the size of the nose correlates with the size of the penis: 2 noses = 1 penis.
A long nose - a sign of talent, it will most likely manifest itself in art or science, but such a man is unlikely to succeed in business, he is not created for endless stress, a calm and measured lifestyle is more suitable for him. A nose that is too long means moodiness.
Short nose - an open, friendly and optimistic man, he approaches life lightly, even superficially, overloading himself with obligations and responsibilities, not inclined to the moral principles of society, indifferent, prefers to live only for himself. It may be pleasant and fun to spend time with him, but he is not the best candidate for the role of a husband.
Thin nose - a subtle, intelligent nature, but if the nose is also bony, this is worse; in front of you is an arrogant and stubborn person, prone to manipulating people and outright tyranny.
Fleshy nose - amazing resistance to stress and blows of fate; usually the owners of such noses achieve success in business.
Snub nose - this person lives one day at a time, prefers not to think about the future, but he, like no one else, knows how to enjoy life, and his optimism and mood do not depend in any way on his career successes and the availability of money. It cannot be re-educated, and why re-educate it, it’s a holiday that is always with you, and you can learn to earn money yourself.
Potato nose - loves to eat, drink, walk, often does not know the limits in all this.
Aquiline nose - ambition, determination, rational mind. Excellent prerequisites for brilliant career and for brilliant victories on the love front.
Nose-beak - hot temper and unfounded arrogance.
Straight nose - luck, prudence, composure.
Nose deviated to the right - This deep man, but what is there in these depths is not so easy to find out, and it is not a fact that when you find out, you will like it.
Nose deviated to the left - this man seems more interesting and deeper than he really is. Inside it is as simple and clear as 5 kopecks.
Broken nose - something has gone wrong in this man’s life and the career prospects that seemed so obvious and promising may turn out to be an unrealistic illusion.

tip of the nose

The tip of the nose is the attitude towards money, its role in a man’s life, his ability to save it, spend it, increase it.

Upturned nose tip - blatant frivolity, both in relationships with money and in relationships with the opposite sex. A spendthrift, a womanizer, an irresponsible but cheerful creature who enjoys universal love, which, of course, is terribly unfair, but what can you do.
Downturned nose tip (hook nose) - this is a man about money, perhaps he is a talented financier, or maybe just a miser, but in any case, money is the main joy in his life.
Convex nose tip - soft, kind and generous man.
Narrow or pointed tip of the nose - miser.
Forked nose tip - he is smart and not without abilities, but because of his insecurity he may never achieve anything in life.


Large and wide nostrils - ambition, determination, often obsession with one’s work. He goes straight to the goal, achieves success by storm and pressure.
Wide (but small) nostrils - there are many ambitions and desires, but there may not be enough opportunities to realize them. If he cannot realize himself in his career, he will become a domestic tyrant and brawler.
Flat thin nostrils - little vital energy, and this leads to career failures and total bad luck with money. This man is very dependent on other people’s opinions, anxious, and in everyday life he may turn out to be completely unbearable.
Curved nostrils - a spendthrift and spender, upon closer examination he may turn out to be a very kind, caring and sweet person, it’s a pity that no one pays for this.
Round nostrils closed by the wings of the nose - here he is, happy lottery ticket(especially if the tip of his nose is rounded), this man will always have money, in any country and under any external circumstances.

Wings of the nose

They can be used to judge the possibility of a stable income.

Straight wings of the nose (they do not stand out on the plane of the nose, the nostrils under them are not visible) - he skillfully knows how to handle money, knows how to earn it, and most importantly, spend it wisely.
Ability to flare the wings of the nose - ability to earn money, and how stronger man can flare his nostrils, the more he is able to earn.
Moles on the wings of the nose - a high probability of bankruptcy, ruin or simply poverty, especially between the ages of 41 and 50.
The groove between the nose and lips - this is the “center of life”.
deep hollow - there will be a lot of children.
If the groove widens downwards - there will be more boys, narrowing - girls.
Moles, birthmarks, scars and even acne on this philtrum - can talk about troubles with children.

We didn’t get to the eels this time, but don’t worry, there’s more to come!

I introduce my students in more detail to the physiognomy of male representatives at the “Reading Men” training. Sign up!

Looking at their reflection in the mirror, everyone probably wondered how facial features can tell about a person’s character and behavior. Psychologists have found that by looking at your gentleman's face, you can easily get to know him better, determine his temperament and predict his actions. You just need to look at his nose.

It turns out that there is some connection between the shape of the nose and the character of a man.

    Snub nose.

    A man with this nose shape has a gentle, kind character. You can get great pleasure when communicating with him, as he is easy-going and reliable in many matters. The only drawback is the rare manifestation of initiative. Therefore, the ladies of these men should often guide their chosen one in the right direction.

    Girls with an upturned nose are usually sympathetic and kind optimists who easily move from topic to topic in conversations and are not inclined to take responsibility for anything. Such women are energetic, carefree adventurers with a developed imagination and sparkling fun that attracts men. It is very important for them to feel the support of their family and loved ones.

    Potato nose.

    A man with this nose shape undoubtedly has golden hands; he can build a house and repair a faucet with great success. Imperfection is his carelessness in everyday life. Therefore, you should not be embarrassed to remind him once again so that he does not forget to help you around the house.

    Women with this nose shape are smart and have a good sense of humor. They go towards the goal by overstepping both their own and other people’s emotions.

    Roman nose.

    Owners of this nose shape are, as a rule, the most temperamental; they know how to look after beautifully, and without special labor can win a girl's heart. They can be prudent and stingy. However, if the girl shows a little cunning and affection, the man will undoubtedly shower her with gold.

    Girls with a hooked nose do not care about the opinions of others, they are self-sufficient and will never be bored in splendid isolation. They live and enjoy life.

    Pointed nose.

    A man with such a nose is a very vulnerable person and has difficulty withstanding criticism. A romantic, he knows how to court with refinement and knows exactly the actions that can surprise the lady of his heart.

    Roman nose.

    A person with this nose shape is talented in different areas. He can be both a lyricist and a mechanic at the same time. Good family man. He will willingly take care of his beloved and children. A character flaw is the presence of arrogance.

    Externally, the nose looks like an eagle's. The difference is that its tip is curved down. Men with such noses are sophisticated womanizers who can turn the head of any woman. They love themselves. They know how to increase the self-esteem of their chosen one with their compliments and courtship.

Human character is a great mystery. Some people are kind, others are vulnerable, others are gloomy. And, often, when communicating with a person, it is not immediately possible to understand what he is like, what his main features are. By studying the nose of your loved one, you can get one step closer to unraveling the character and temperament of your chosen one, as well as determine your behavior when communicating with him.

Find out what a person should be like and compare with yours, according to statistics, absolutely ideal forms can not be.
