Minecraft change skin text file. How to install Minecraft skin

Playing for a long time in Minecraft online, you've probably noticed that many of the characters of other players are strikingly different from your usual blue Steve. Would you also like to stand out from the crowd of the same blue mass? Therefore, it's time to talk about how to change the skin in Minecraft.


What is a player skin? This is a picture of his character. It is stored, as you might guess, in a graphic file in the Minecraft directory. How to change skin? In most cases, you just need to replace Steve's original picture with the one that suits you best. But where can I get a new image?

  1. Download. Many sites specializing in this game provide the opportunity to download the skin directly from their own server.
  2. Draw. The usual image resolution is 64x32. As you might have guessed, with these dimensions you can only draw an approximate image corresponding to the starting picture of the character. However, there is a slightly different option. You can create an HD skin in 1024x512 resolution. Such an image will be detailed and much more beautiful than the standard one.


How to change skin in Minecraft if you are using a licensed version? First, remember that in such a client any changes to files are prohibited. That is, if you try to change the character’s skin manually, the server will either not recognize your client, or will require you to update it (which will restore your previous skin), or will refuse to connect it altogether.

However, the developers are not so stupid as not to provide users with the opportunity to change the skin. To do this, you need to go to the official Minecraft website and change the image to the one you like in your profile settings.


If you are using a pirated version of the game, then the question of how to change the skin in Minecraft should not be a problem for you. There are several options for changing the picture in the game.

  1. For a single-player game, you can download the skin on any of the many sites dedicated to Minecraft. When you find the skins you need on the Internet, your task will be to download them to your computer. The main thing is to remember that the resolution should be 64x32. After this, you need to go to the /minecraft/bin folder. There you need to find the file minecraft.jar, we open it with any archiver. We are interested in the char.png file. It must be replaced with the downloaded image, but the name and format of the file must be preserved.
  2. If you are playing online on a pirate server, then the previous option is only suitable for you if you care about your appearance, not how others see you. If you change the skin in the previous way, then others will most likely see you as a starting person, because your new skin is not initially included in their clients. Therefore, to play on a pirated server, you need to do the same as with a licensed one. Just go to the website and change the skin in the settings.

New versions

There is one more question that beginners may ask: “How to change the skin in Minecraft in version 1.6.x?” The fact is that with new versions the file arrangement system changes. To replace the picture manually, you need to do the following:

  1. In the game folder, look for the Versions subfolder. In it, go to the following folder, which has the same name as your current version.
  2. There we already use the usual method, that is, using an archiver, open the file and look for the starting skin. It will be called steve.png.
  3. We replace it as before. Remember that you cannot install an HD skin using this method.


Another way to change a skin in Minecraft involves some nonsense, but on the Internet they often suggest using it. The fact is that there are services that collect information on different servers about the players on them - their nicknames and skins. Thus, if you manage to get to such a site, you can change the skin by simply changing your nickname to one of those presented there. Agree, it sounds strange. After all, the picture has nowhere to come from on your PC.

Hello everyone, another article, dear friends. In this and the next few articles, I would like to publish articles whose topics are related to games such as Minicraft, Tanki Online and many others. Because a lot of letters come to my “E-mail” from users asking for help, advice, on issues that arise with various games.

Today’s topic will discuss the question of how to install a skin on Minecraft. If you are a new Minecraft player, then you may not know the word “skin”. In our sandbox, as in other games, a skin is a shell, the appearance of your character.

How to install a skin on minecraft

The skin does not add any characteristics or special skills, but playing with a skin can be more interesting, because it changes the appearance of your character. There are also models with modified animation. Changing your skin in Minecraft is quite easy, especially with the licensed version of the game. By the way, do you have one? If not, then it’s okay - I will describe in detail the installation of images, both for licensed Minecraft and for its pirated version.

By the way, before I forget, I want to tell you that in my article I also considered the question:

1. Choose a skin

I won’t advise you on what skin to install. But I will show you an excellent archive of images where you can choose the right model. Download the skins from the following link and move on. http://modmine.net/skiny_dlja_minecraft/

How to install a skin on Minecraft in the pirated version?

The task will take you less than 5 minutes, since an account is available for owners of the licensed version on the official Minecraft website. The only requirement is an Internet connection. We proceed according to the following instructions:

After you have downloaded the skin, you need to go to the official Minecraft website - https://minecraft.net/ru/

On the page you can select the Russian language, but usually the site automatically opens in the desired language.

Find the Browse button in your profile. Click it and select the skin you downloaded.

Now click on the Upload button - after this your skin will begin loading.

Done, now you and other users will see your skin, provided that you log into the game under the same account. There are other installation methods, but for licensed Minecraft versions this method is the most convenient and fastest.

2. Install the skin on the pirated version of Minecraft

There are many ways for the pirated version of the game, and they work differently. For everything to go smoothly, I recommend that you update or download the client latest version. Download the skin you like and choose the method that suits you.

2.1 The first method - only we see the skin

This method involves changing the image in the game itself, and only you will see the new skin. For other players, you will remain standard Steve. You already know where to download skins from. Next we proceed according to the following scheme:

— Rename the downloaded image to steve.png and save it.

- Now go to the game folder and find a directory there called versions.

— We should make a copy of the version of Minecraft you are using. We call it by number and add the word skin to the end. For example, we have version 1.8.1, which means we need to create a folder named 1.8.1skin. There should be no spaces in the title. If you are not sure which version is on your computer, then go into the game and look at the bottom of the screen.

— The screenshot shows the field where the game version is indicated.

— Go to the created folder and change the name of the two files, adding “skin” at the end. Don't forget the quotation marks.

— Find the file with the .json extension and open it using a text editor (notepad). In the second line you need to enter “skin”, again with quotes.

- Go to the file with the extension .jar, and then delete the folder called “META-INF”.

— In the same directory, go to assets\minecraft\textures\entity and copy our prepared character image there.

— You may have an application installed for Minecraft called Forge. Then you can skip steps 4-7 - the program will do everything itself.

— How to install a skin on Minecraft as your own launcher.

2.2 The second method is to install your own launcher

If you downloaded a separate launcher, then there is initially a skins system there. It is worth saying that it is forbidden to make changes to such a client. But the skins will be visible not only to you, but also to other players. You can change skins in the same way as with the licensed version. The only difference is that you need to do this on the website of the server on which you are playing.

2.3 The third method - skins by nicknames

This is one of the most popular ways to install skins. The point is that there are skins associated with certain nicknames. As far as I know, such a bonus has existed since the first versions of the game, but it became widely known only after Minecraft 1.8.1. In addition, this method allows you to decorate your character even if you do not have a licensed version.

Changing the skin is quite simple. For example, we change our name to Notch (this is how the creator of Minecraft is signed), after which our image immediately changes. How it works? The nickname is registered, that is, it has a license, and as a result, the skin changes. All you have to do is find suitable skins and their nicknames. There are many videos and sites dedicated to nicknames. Try typing right now: Eagle, Red, TotempaaltJ. I suggest you also watch the video - how to install a skin on Minecraft?

Download Forge

If you want to install various add-ons, then in this case you cannot do without the Forge mod - this is the basis for other add-ons. You can also create and edit skins using this program. You can download the program from this link. http://10minecraft.ru/mody-minecraft/19/


It is important that Forge is the same version as your Minecraft. The installer describes each step in detail, you just need to confirm your actions.

So, to summarize today’s topic called how to install a skin on Minecraft, I would like to add as an addition that the process of installing skins is not that complicated, you just need to follow the rules and today’s instructions. I hope the article was instructive for you, and you were able to extract useful information from it.

How to change skin in Minecraft 1.5.2

First step. You will actually need the skin itself. You can choose it on the Internet, there are a great many of them, there are even special programs to create your own unique character skins. Don't forget, the selected skin must be in .png format!

Second step. You must rename the resulting image to Char.png, this is mandatory, otherwise the game simply will not understand what to do with the new file.

Third step. Need to go to Bin folder it is located in the game folder. You most likely don’t know where it is, that’s okay, most newbies have no idea either. The standard path is:

C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming - for Windows 7

C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Roaming – for Windows XP

Step four. The folder contains the minecraft.jar file, which is what we need. Open it with an archiver, for example WinRar, there is a Mob folder in which we move the skin with replacement.

Voila, now launch the game and enjoy your character’s new skin.

Video on how to change skin in Minecraft 1.5.2:

How to change skin in Minecraft 1.6.2

Step three. We find the .minecraft folder and then follow the path Versions -> 1.6.2 -> 1.6.2.jar. We open it as before using WinRar. After opening the file, we continue the exciting surfing through the folders. Path assets -> minecraft -> textures ->

Video on how to change skin in Minecraft 1.6.2:

How to change skin in Minecraft 1.7.2

First step. We search and download the skin. Don't forget that the format should be .png .

Second step. If you have Windows 7, then open the start menu and type “run” in the search, in this window type %appdata% and press enter. If you have XP, then “run” will be in your start menu. Continue as described above.

Step three. We find the .minecraft folder and then follow the path Versions -> 1.7.2 -> 1.7.2.jar. We open it as before using WinRar. After opening the file, we continue the exciting surfing through the folders. Path assets -> minecraft -> textures -> entity. We throw the skin there, renamed Steve.png with a replacement.

Are you tired of the character's standard appearance? This guide will tell you and show you how to install the skin on Minecraft any versions, including the popular 1.7.10 and new 1.12.2/1.13. The guide is designed for pirates and licenses. Installation takes little time. Beginners and experienced players can handle it easily. The video at the end will show the entire algorithm of actions in action.

Install any skin in a few simple steps

  • First you need to get what you want to install. Beautiful skins can be downloaded from our website or made in the online editor.
  • The picture may be in the archive. It needs to be removed. We use WinRAR or a similar program.

Installation on pirated version 1.5.2 and below

  1. The image should be named “char.png”. Rename it if necessary.
  2. You need to open “%appdata%\.minecraft”. Click on Start or press the key combination WIN+R. Type or copy “%appdata%” and press Enter.
  3. Go to the directory with the game, then bin. Open minecraft.jar with WinRAR. In it we see a list of folders. Open mob.
  4. Replace the char.png file with your skin.

Installing a skin on a pirated Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2/1.9.4/1.8.9/1.7.10

  1. Rename the skin to Steve.png.
  2. Open the game folder: click Start on the panel or WIN+R, enter “%appdata%\.minecraft\versions\”.
  3. Open the folder with the version you are playing.
  4. Open the jar file in WinRAR and go to assets > minecraft > textures > entity.
  5. Drag here Steve.png with confirmation of replacement.

Instructions for license

Purchasing a licensed game gives you access to a profile on the website https://minecraft.net/ru-ru/profile/. Follow the link, log in and upload the file from your computer.

Surely every Minecrafter is tired of running around with the Steve skin and they would like to change their appearance to a more pleasant one. Our article on how to install a skin on Minecraft will help you with this. By the way, most often players ask the question of how to install a skin on a pirate minecraft, and it is based on this question that we will explain this simple process.
So, let me remind you that there are 3 options for installing a skin in Minecraft and 1 is a little similar to the installation, or you can say that it is a scam.

Method one

First way- replace the image of the standard skin directly in Minecraft itself. This option is suitable for those who want to see their skin, but not show it to others. Of course, it would be ideal if your appearance was visible to other players when using this method, but alas, each method has disadvantages.
1. Prepare a skin, it should be named “steve.png”
2. Let's go to the game folder (.minecraft);
3. Open the versions directory;
4. Create a copy of the version you are playing on and name it adding “skin” at the end (Example: 1.8.1skin);
5. Go to this folder and rename the 2 files located there, also adding “skin” at the end;
6. Using an editor, open a file with the extension .json and in the second line in quotes, also add “skin”;
7. Open the .jar file and delete the “META-INF” folder;
8. Open the folders assets\minecraft\textures\entity there and move the prepared skin.
*When installing or other mods that change minecraft, steps 4, 5, 6, 7 are skipped.

Method two

Second way- play on servers with your own launcher and, accordingly, with your own system of skins. This method has virtually no disadvantages, since your skin will be visible to all players on the server, and changing it will be convenient and easy. personal account on the project website.
For example, you can try this on our industrial server. A small disadvantage of this method is that you have to download a client in which you are prohibited from making any changes; everything is downloaded in a few clicks automatically.

Method three

Third way- buy licensed Minecraft. This option will allow you to play on both pirated and licensed servers, using a skin that everyone will see. Changing it is again very easy, in your personal account on the minecraft website. To implement this method, you will need money for a key or game account.

Method four

Another method can include skins by nicknames. This option will force you to select a nickname that has a skin that suits you. In order to install a skin by nickname, we look for the desired nickname with a suitable skin on the Internet or in our article skins by nicknames in minecraft.
