Why do I want to become a test pilot? Noble profession - pilot

You can become one only after receiving an education at one of the aviation institutes and schools. They are civilian and military. The most famous aviation institute for civilians is MAI. To enter there, you must provide the following set of documents:

– a certificate of completion of eleven classes of secondary school or a diploma of completion of a flight school;
– certificate of passing the Unified State Exam;
– medical certificate (form N 086/у);
– identification of a citizen subject to conscription (registration certificate) or military ID (only for men 18-27 years old);
– general passport (copy and original);
– photographs – 3x4 or 4x6, black and white, 6 pcs.

It is also necessary to have good knowledge in the field of physics and mathematics, since additional exams are held in these subjects upon admission.

Military institutes and schools also train pilots. They are located in Irkutsk, Ulyanovsk, Yeysk, Krasnodar and other cities of Russia. To enroll in each of these educational institutions, you need your own set of documents, the list of which can be clarified by phone. Phone numbers of universities and colleges can be found on reference sites.

Having graduated from the desired university or aviation school, you need to become an active pilot and fly a certain number of hours in order to be able to obtain a second education as a test pilot.

Test pilots - where they are trained

Test pilots are required in both the military and civilian sectors. They are trained in test pilot schools. There are only two of them in Russia - in Zhukovsky near Moscow and the city of Akhtubinsk. To enter there, you must have an education in the specialty of pilot engineer, and preference is given to candidates who graduated from the educational institution with honors. Also, only pilots who have flown a certain number of hours are allowed to take the exams. In this case, the age of the applicant must be no older than thirty-one years. Each applicant to the school is interviewed. In addition, future test pilots undergo special psychological tests, the purpose of which is to identify readiness for this difficult and dangerous work.

Training at the test pilot school lasts for one and a half years. During this time, future specialists fly twelve types of aircraft and also study various simulators. By the end of the training, students are able to determine the flight performance characteristics of aircraft, and can also perform flights of any type.

In one of the Bashkir health resorts, I was lucky enough to talk with the honored test pilot, international master of sports in aerobatics, Hero of Russia, President of the Russian Aeromodelling Sports Federation, test pilot of Sukhoi Design Bureau JSC Yuri Mikhailovich Vashchuk.

During the parade, we all admire the pilots’ ability to pilot, perform various stunts, we look and see a car that soars up, goes through a loop, then a second, then spins in a “corkscrew” or changes direction in a “cobra.” But behind this comes hard work, a lot of training, monitoring and test flights. Test pilots are people who have learned to manage their fears, make decisions in a split second and go to the end in any situation.

Childhood dream

- Yuri Mikhailovich, tell us how you decided to choose the path of a test pilot?

It was love at first sight. I remember that I often visited my great-grandfather in the summer in the village of Meret, Novosibirsk region, and there every day planes flew overhead. Most of all I liked the AN-2, the “maize plant,” because it flew very slowly and you could run after it for a long time all the way to the taiga. This episode decided everything; I was only 3-4 years old when I realized that I had found my dream. My father, although he was a simple driver, instilled in me a love of aviation from childhood, took me to the airport, and we made model airplanes. Later, when in the 9th grade I asked him: “Dad, do you want me to become a pilot? He replied: “No. Better become an engineer."

- Have you still decided to make your dream come true?

Of course, this is the most important thing. True, there have always been difficulties, but this is even more interesting, it strengthens you. For example, in the summer of 1980 in Barnaul, I decided to enter a flight school. He did not pass the medical examination; his tonsils were enlarged. I was upset, of course, but didn’t give up. He immediately removed his tonsils and went to enroll in Omsk, where he passed the selection process and was enrolled in the DOSAAF aviation training center. Later I graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute. So I realized my dream.

- Tell me, how are things going with aviation in the country now?

Now we have a shortage of up to 1.5 thousand military pilots in the army. Many pilots leave due to age, and replacement rates are poor. We have one flight school in Krasnodar. Just ten years ago they recruited 10 people, then 20, 40, 150 people. And already, when my son entered, they recruited 660 people. So the situation is improving.

- Is your son also in love with the sky?

Of course, this is a love from childhood, I put him on a plane when he was a baby. And at the age of 14, he flew an airplane for the first time. There is a video about this on the Internet - type “14-year-old pilot” in a search engine.

- And it wasn’t scary?

I'm really scared ( laughs). He later said that he was also worried. At fourteen, the feeling of fear is still small, this is only beneficial. In general, before the flight, he went through a serious training school, instructions, and knew how to behave in emergency situations. So inside I understood that the first flight would be great. And so it happened.

-Tell me, how did you decide to come to Bashkiria?

Now I came for health. In general, I fell in love with your region immediately. I remember the first time I was invited by Ural Nazibovich Sultanov, we have known each other for a long time, he was once my instructor. An aerospace school was opened in Ufa with the support of the Bashkir regional branch of the Russian Cosmonautics Federation. And Ural Nazibovich invited me to meet with children in the village of Kalinovka, we talked with the children, shared my experience. I was delighted, the children were all so smart, talented, capable, their eyes sparkled. I was very pleased. And according to the program, it was possible to go to one of the sanatoriums of the republic. This is how my family and I first found ourselves in the Yakty-Kul sanatorium. After eight days spent here with my family, having gained pleasant impressions, we returned back to Zhukovsky. And there, upon arrival, I noticed that I had lost ten to fifteen years. And I clearly remember this feeling.

Cool head, warm heart

- You are now in excellent physical shape, how do you manage this?

Just work on yourself, no secrets. I try to play a lot of sports, lead an active lifestyle, watch my diet, but without restrictions. Still, I try to eat healthy food. I believe that everything should be a joy; for me, sports and activity are part of life. I can't live without it. I am the oldest test pilot at Sukhoi, I have increased workloads, but I love my job, and it only benefits me, it gives me a charge of vigor and strength.

“And yet injuries are inevitable in such a dangerous profession.” You ejected twice, right?

Yes, I ejected a couple of times, both in 2002. But everything worked out and I wasn’t hurt. Pilots undergo a full check after ejection; the body is subjected to serious stress, the spine first of all. I remember once, even after the ejection, I was carrying a nurse on a stretcher; she came to check my health at the place where I was hanging on the parachute lines, between the trees. On the way back, she slipped and fell, broke her leg, and we carried her across the ice on a stretcher to the car.

- How to overcome the feeling of fear, learn to make decisions in a split second, calculate everything accurately?

Every person has a feeling of fear. This is absolutely normal. There are simply two types of people, some are plunged into a stupor by fear and cannot do anything, while others, on the contrary, it mobilizes and sharpens all their skills. It is important to know the maximum, love your job and be dedicated to the profession. Constantly improving, it just seems like a romantic profession. Being a pilot means, first of all, knowledge of all aircraft systems, not only flight skills, it is important to understand the structure of the aircraft in order to predict actions in various situations. A high degree of concentration, quick reaction, intuitive understanding, coupled with strict calculation - this is the pilot’s skill, ideology, his life...

- So, after all, the first thing is planes?

Well, the girls, of course, later (with Yes). This is what happened in my life. I got married late, but I am very happy and grateful to my wife for her understanding and support.

- Did you come with your wife?

Yes, this is the second time we have come to vacation in your stunning region. This feather grass, mountains, huge lake. I've never seen anything like this anywhere. My wife is also impressed.

- Have you tried kumiss?

Yes, my colleagues treated me once in Ufa. I also tried it at the sanatorium and liked it. I tasted your honey, chuck-chuck. So you can say almost Bashkirs .

– In the first hours after the Saratov Airlines An-148 crash, you said that before at least the first objective data are obtained, it is unprofessional and unethical to guess and build hypotheses. Now, after deciphering the data from the parametric and voice recorders, we know with high probability what became the trigger for the tragedy - the incorrect issuance of one of the flight parameters to the crew, in this case speed. The worst thing is that the first crash of an aircraft of the same type occurred in 2011 for approximately the same reason - the crew performed a number of incorrect actions, being confident that the instrument readings were correct. Even a terrible experience doesn’t teach you anything?

“An incident like the An-148 may not happen, but the pilot must be ready to work competently in any situation”

– Flight instructions are written in blood, this is not a figure of speech, but a fact. And it is clear that every investigation of any flight accident should be based on accumulated experience in order to prevent the repetition of a dangerous situation in the future. There is no single cause for plane crashes, it is a chain of factors, a coincidence of circumstances. So far, only the starting point of the disaster has been identified - incorrect delivery of information about the speed of the car from air pressure sensors - air pressure sensors. And then the chain needs to be unwound. With a high degree of certainty, we can say that the crew was not prepared for the development of the situation, starting from incorrect and, apparently, hasty actions before takeoff, which led to the fact that the heating of the high-pressure jet was left off. Modern aircraft have a warning system to prevent such errors, but for some reason the pilots did not notice its signals. But the main events began from the moment the crew discovered problems. The situation in which the pilots found themselves is by no means catastrophic. It qualifies as a complication of flight conditions. It is not entirely clear to me how much they have changed on this type of aircraft, since the An-148 has an ESDU - an electronic remote control system. This system, having “lost” a reliable signal from the speed sensors, had to switch to a backup mode of operation. How this transition occurs, how the balancing and efforts on the controls change, I don’t know. In any case, this transition does not simplify the situation. If a balanced aircraft has an airspeed indicator failure while climbing, and the autopilot receives data from the same sensor, it must be turned off, saving the flight parameters, and continue climbing until the clouds are cleared. Naturally, report the problems to the dispatcher, especially if doubts arise. The controller can tell the crew the ground speed, which, even if it is not equal to the actual speed of the aircraft relative to the air flow, taking into account meteorological data allows it to be judged quite reliably. Then the work begins, which should be known to any pilot - maintain a given pitch angle, control the speed. If the aircraft has an angle of attack indicator, this will greatly facilitate the task and add confidence to the pilots that the aircraft is in a safe flight mode. The angle of attack is one of the key parameters on which a lot depends on flight safety.

– You consider the main angle of attack, and the crew, for unknown reasons, focused on speed, while receiving information that instrument readings may be unreliable. Why do you think?

– In principle, from the very first steps of training, it is drummed into pilots that flight is about speed. And having lost this parameter, the person was confused, not knowing what to do. Although his actions in each such situation should be described in detail in the Flight Manual - the flight manual for a specific type of aircraft. But this is not enough, they are all thoroughly worked out on the simulator.

– At one time you said that a pilot must feel his plane with his fifth point, understand it. Does this also apply to mainline airliners?

Photo: nabiraem.ru

– The pilot must feel that the speed is changing without even looking at the instruments. You should feel an approaching stall - the plane becomes “sluggish”, as a rule, shaking occurs in this situation. Moreover, modern machines have systems that indicate that the machine is close to critical flight conditions. Again, if the speed is high, the plane becomes like a taut string, it’s difficult to put into words, but it feels great. That is, the pilot can feel whether everything is normal without even looking at the instruments, although I will make a reservation: in order to feel this, you need to be in these modes more than once, which is not allowed in normal operation. But in the case we are discussing, the crew had all the necessary information to continue the flight using backup instruments on the panel: speed, temperature, pitch, roll, and other parameters. It was not difficult to make sure that the engines were working properly and that the attitude corresponded to the climb mode. Probably not understanding what was happening, the crew attempted to “restore” normal speed readings by accelerating the plane while descending, and this error became fatal. Apparently, they did not even realize that the speed indication for some reason could be displayed with an error. Surprisingly, this is the case when a person unconsciously believes the readings of one device, ignoring all other factors. By definition, an experienced pilot should not have this.

– So we can talk about the lack of proper experience among the crew?

– As they say, the commission will sort it out - a necessary element of any investigation is to check the competencies of the crew; for each pilot, his commissioning path is studied in detail. Although any person, even those who do not have a huge amount of flying time, can turn on the heating of the LDPE before the start. But it is much more difficult to determine that this particular sensor has failed without appropriate preparation. In the good old days, when leading a cadet to his first solo flight, the instruments on the training aircraft were simply sealed, essentially simulating their failures. And without a variometer, altimeter, or speed indicator in front of your eyes, you had to land and sit down. On more advanced aircraft, the instructor later had the opportunity to simulate failures of flight instruments in flight from a special console, unexpectedly for the cadet. I don’t know if newbies are taught this method now, but I’m sure that any crew simply has to go through similar situations with instrument failure on the simulator. And not just once or twice, but constantly. Each crew must have a training program on the simulator, and it must be carried out strictly.

– Aeroflot management reports that it intends to increase the salaries of commanders to 650 thousand rubles. There are probably reasons for this, but I would like to understand what unique work a pilot of a scheduled aircraft does, receiving the annual salary of a class engineer per month? Says: “Welcomes...” and the autopilot grazes for four hours? Or something else unknown to us?

– People receive a good salary for safely delivering passengers from point A to point B. This implies not only a certain amount of knowledge and skills, but also significant physical and moral costs. Believe me, flying 90 hours a month is a lot of work. Let’s not forget that the work of a pilot also implies immediate responsibility for one’s decisions and actions. They can pay for their mistakes with their lives.

“But those who gave them, those who made mistakes and died, clearances and permits, do not pay for their responsibility with their lives; passengers who trusted the qualifications of the pilots pay for them with their lives...

– Probably, if there is a high salary for flying work, there will be those who, without the necessary data and talent for flying, for purely mercantile reasons, will want to get a job. But to prevent this from happening, there must be a system of strict control over the selection, training and admission of pilots. And the question arises: does it exist in the required form, is it effective? You need to earn a salary, and in our case this means that you are at least ready for any situation prescribed in the RLE, and most importantly, you can come out of it as a winner. For this, people need to be trained and selected, and along the entire chain, starting from the flight school and further along all stages of professional growth. This is a very large amount of work, and intense work at that. And at every stage there are instructors who look at you and evaluate your skills and knowledge. In theory, there should be personal responsibility for everyone to whom you have certified your qualifications - we have the corresponding laws. Another thing is how they work. The certificate is issued not by some sharashka, but by the Federal Air Transport Agency. And you just need to figure out on what basis it was issued. Yes, both education and training to maintain qualifications must first of all be honest. An incident like the An-148 may not happen, but the pilot must be ready to work competently in any situation. Moreover, if you are prepared, the likelihood that it will happen greatly decreases - this principle works not only in aviation.

– But we can make the selection sieve and the requirements for pilots more stringent in order to completely eliminate the concept of “pilot error”... If you don’t pass the simulator, your career will end.

– The pilot himself must strive to understand more, to master it better. Must continually grow. And if this desire is not there, that’s why the bosses and instructors exist. They see whether a person is dedicated to his work or just serving his number. In flying, professional suitability is a very broad concept; it is determined not only by skills, but also by attitude to work. For me, the worst thing that could happen was always not to live up to trust. And when you get hundreds of people on board who trust you?

– So, maybe it’s just that the current organization of pilot training should somehow change? Let's say, return the Ministry of Civil Aviation...

– It doesn’t matter what the department is called, what matters is the people who run it. It is impossible to imagine a non-pilot commanding an air division. But in civil aviation, the manager may well be a “successful manager” and not understand anything about the specifics of flight.

There are many different professions in the world, but I like the profession of a pilot the most.

A pilot is a person who knows how to fly an airplane, helicopter or other aircraft. Many had to control a virtual plane and attack the enemy while sitting in front of a computer. But this is a game, and in reality the profession of a pilot is one of the most technically complex.

The pilot, naturally, should not be afraid of heights and be able to take responsibility in a critical situation and make the right decision; therefore, he must be highly qualified

A specialist and have excellent professional training.

It is especially important to be proactive and remember that those who lack self-confidence have nothing to do in the sky. You also need great willpower, endurance, good health, not only physical, but also moral. This is especially important for test pilots, since a normal everyday workday consists of stressful emergency situations.

Three axes of rotation of the aircraft have already been invented. The pilot can only take this method as a basis and learn to fly the aircraft. A pilot needs to soar like a bird, maintain balance, and make turns not only

For your own satisfaction. The importance of the profession lies in the fact that every time the pilot takes the helm, he must be responsible for the lives of passengers and crew members.

The professionalism of a pilot is also important when piloting an aircraft in aerial combat, where the skill of flight control determines how many enemy aircraft will be destroyed.

The difficulty of this profession also lies in the fact that, for example, the test pilot must be the first to check the serviceability and reliability of the aircraft during the flight, because the lives of passengers and crew members also depend on this.

Everyone whose profession is connected with heaven must remember that heaven does not forgive mistakes.

(6 ratings, average: 3.67 out of 5)

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Test pilots are people whose fearlessness can be envied. They deserve to be called heroes for the work they do. Read about the most famous test pilots who lived in different countries in the article.

What do aircraft testers do?

To get this profession, you need to balance your capabilities and desires. A test pilot must have good health and character traits such as composure, courage, responsibility, and courage. The intelligence of people in this profession must be high. In addition, without a love for technology, there is nothing to do in the place of a person who has chosen this path.

Test pilots test the latest aircraft such as helicopters and airplanes. These people evaluate the quality of aircraft, and if something is designed incorrectly, they return the iron birds for modification. However, this profession can be dangerous: possible mistakes by designers can lead to tragedy, including the death of the tester.

Who was the first test pilot?

You always have to start somewhere. When the profession described was not yet as widespread as it is in our time, people still carried out experimental flights on the first airplanes and helicopters created.

The Wright brothers were engineers and test pilots of their own aircraft, making their first flight in the early twentieth century, just before Christmas 1903. This test was captured in photographs, and the airplane itself can be seen as an exhibit at the National Air and Space Museum of the United States of America.

Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky became famous for the fact that back in 1882 he tested an aircraft that he designed independently, inspired by the works of French pilots. However, one of the notes compiled within the walls of the War Ministry in 1884 indicates that this device never took off. At present, there is no other evidence that could help us answer the question of whether the tests of Mozhaisky's aircraft were truly unsuccessful.

It is believed that the first test pilots of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov and Andrei Borisovich Yumashev, who became famous in the thirties of the last century - assembled the “Gromovsky” set of military pilots before the start of the Great Patriotic War. Those who were among them tested a huge number of attack aircraft, bombers and fighters.

The first French aircraft testers

French test pilots are rightfully considered aviation pioneers. Since the late nineteenth century, many engineers have not only designed their own aircraft, but also tested them. The most famous Frenchmen who contributed to the development of aviation technology were:

  • Clément Ader. This test engineer's first flight took place on October 9, 1890, and was documented. Despite the fact that the design created by Ader obviously did not have sufficient potential for development, the name of this man is known all over the world, because it was he who first outlined the ideas of how aviation technology could be used for combat purposes.
  • Louis Blériot became the first Frenchman to fly across the English Channel in a self-designed aircraft without the use of catapults or rails. He did this in July 1909. The aircraft design he proposed more than a hundred years ago is still in use today. Only the capabilities of the aircraft components are improved, but the iron birds still correspond to Louis Bleriot’s scheme.

USSR test pilots

When listing outstanding test pilots from different countries, one cannot fail to mention people of this profession who lived in the USSR. Our country can boast of having raised such outstanding aviators as Valery Chkalov, Mikhail Gromov, Vladimir Averyanov (photo shown just above), Ivan Dzyuba and others.

  • Valery Chkalov has a dizzying career as an aviator. He tested many airplanes, helicopters, fighters and bombers. In addition, he became the creator of several figures that were called aerobatics. These include “ascending corkscrew” and “slow roll”. He took part in the creation of the latest aircraft and set several records for flight duration.
  • Mikhail Gromov was a versatile person. He showed outstanding abilities in music, drawing, and medicine. He served not only as a test pilot, but also as a military doctor. Gromov set two international records in the field of aviation, and more than once flew across Europe, China and Japan. For setting several records and courageously fulfilling his duty to the Fatherland, he was awarded the Order of Lenin.
  • Many test pilots of the Soviet Union held high positions in military service. Among them is Vladimir Averyanov, a colonel who tested both jet bombers and passenger aircraft. He has a huge number of awards.
  • Ivan Dzyuba became a participant in the Great Patriotic War. During these terrible times, he proved himself to be an outstanding test pilot. He has more than two hundred thirty-eight combat missions and twenty-five air battles to his credit. He shot down six enemy aircraft personally, as well as two in a group. For services to the Fatherland, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and awarded the Order of Lenin, as well as the Gold Star medal.

Honored Testers of Aviation Equipment

Of course, the fearlessness of the test pilots should be rewarded. In order to express gratitude and gratitude to these people, they are not only awarded various medals and orders, but also given a high rank. These are “Honored Test Pilots”.

In the USSR and Russia it is worn by such aviators as Vladimir Averyanov, Sergei Anokhin, Alexander Fedotov and others. Today there are 419 of them.


One of the most famous pilots who had a talent for writing is the American Jimmy Collins. From his pen came a collection of short stories called “Test Pilot”. In this book, the author wrote short stories about what could happen to a person of his profession. Everything would be fine, but shortly before his death he wrote the short story “I’m Dead” with the comment that it was prepared “in case he crashes.” Unfortunately, it was published by his friend, journalist Winsten Archer.

Russian test pilots also had a talent for writing. Among them are Nikolai Zamyatin, who participated in the Great Patriotic War, and Vasily Ershov, whose works are textbooks for current cadets.

Books written by test pilots do not lie, just as their authors do not lie, who put into their works everything that they have to experience.
