A simple 600 kcal diet sample menu. A simple and effective 600 calorie per day diet

If your dinner does not exceed 600 kcal in calories and consists mainly of protein, you have practically no chance of gaining weight from eating at night. We'll tell you what to eat to lose weight!


Goes great with a good movie! Sprinkle 3 cups of popcorn with two teaspoons of grated Parmesan + a little sea salt - and all this fun will contain only 120 kcal!


It's time to change the belief that eggs should be eaten for breakfast - they are great for dinner too! Take 1 cup of Brussels sprouts, cut into halves, drizzle with two teaspoons of olive oil with a clove of garlic crushed in it and place in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, cook 3/4 cup of polenta. Place the baked cabbage on the polenta, crack two eggs there and add a slice of fried bacon. Salt, pepper, herbs - and the most delicious breakfast in the world is ready for dinner!


If you add green vegetables to the pasta, this dish becomes very healthy! Boil one and a half cups of penne pasta, place the pasta in the first layer. Top with 120 g of grilled chicken breast, one and a half cups of broccoli pre-fried in olive oil with red pepper and a little grated Parmesan!


Cook 3/4 cup brown rice. Prepare a mixture of chopped asparagus, mushrooms and snow peas, seasoning it with one clove of garlic, 1 teaspoon of grated ginger root, 1 teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of soy sauce. Grill 120 g of steak and cut it into strips, then simmer along with the vegetable mixture. Place the cooked mixture on rice and sprinkle chopped green onion rings and sesame seeds on top.


Quinoa is one of the most satisfying slow carbohydrates. Boil 3/4 cup quinoa. Then mix 2 cups of chopped vegetables (cauliflower, onions, carrots will do) with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and turmeric, cumin and coriander, salt and pepper. Mix the resulting mixture with quinoa and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 25 minutes. After removing, sprinkle with coconut or parsley - your choice. Yummy!

Today, methods based on calculating the calorie content of food are very popular. The 600 calorie diet allows you to effectively lose weight while still eating the foods you love. There is no need to limit yourself in consuming any food. The only condition is compliance with the recommended caloric intake.

What rules is the methodology based on?

If you decide to lose weight using this diet, then it is very important to create a menu in such a way that the energy value of the daily set of foods does not exceed the norm. Of course, it is very difficult to call such nutrition correct. But, in any case, you can include foods in your diet that will not only make your diet varied, but will also benefit the body. Therefore, it is important to regularly consume low-fat dairy and fermented milk products, lean meat, fruits and vegetables, lean fish, eggs, and greens.

Be sure to drink as much still water as possible. This technique allows coffee and tea, but it is better to drink them without sugar and various sweeteners. It is permissible to consume any products, but only in such a way that they fit into the recommended norm - 600 kcal per day.

As for undesirable foods, it is better not to include the following ingredients in your diet:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • store-bought juices;
  • fatty meats;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • flour products;
  • canned food;
  • fried foods;
  • marinades;
  • salty foods.

It is not necessary to completely give up salt, but you should significantly reduce its amount. It is advisable to salt the dish not during the cooking process, but only at the end.

What results can you get?

The diet has a rather strict diet, which is why a person may ultimately face constant psychological discomfort, since the method involves counting calories. It is very important to prepare yourself for the fact that hunger may appear very often. But the results are worth it, since in the first few days you can lose about 1 kilo per day. This happens because at the first stage of the technique, the intestines are cleansed and excess fluid is removed from the body. Further, the plumbs may be less noticeable, because fat and protein compounds will begin to be processed.

Many people who lose weight using this system confirm that in 1 week of such a diet you can lose from 7 to 12 kilograms of excess weight. This result is truly impressive, but to maintain it, it is very important to exit the diet correctly, gradually increasing your diet by 50-100 calories. You need to calculate your daily energy needs and consume as much food as your body needs.

It should be understood that this technique is designed not only for fat loss, but also for taking reserve energy reserves from the muscles, which can lead to their flabbiness. That is why it is not recommended to stay on such a diet for a very long time, since due to a lack of vitamins the condition of nails, hair and skin will begin to deteriorate. Therefore, you can repeat the diet no more often than once every two months.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

The technique does not have many advantages and disadvantages, but they should still be taken into account. Of course, you can get excellent results on such a diet; the technique is highly effective, therefore it is suitable for people who need to lose a lot of weight in a short time. After just 1 week, your figure will change significantly.

Another advantage of the technique is that it allows the consumption of any food at any time period. An equally important advantage is saving money, since the diet does not require the purchase of expensive products.

The disadvantages of the technique include the fact that due to the fact that the diet is too limited, the possibility of metabolic failures cannot be ruled out, which can lead to hormonal imbalance. In addition, if you approach the preparation of the menu unreasonably, then the body will face a shortage of substances that it needs for normal functioning.

Another disadvantage of the method is that if you exit the diet incorrectly, the lost kilograms will not only return, but will also bring with them a couple more kilos of excess weight. The technique does not exclude digestive problems, increased nervousness, weakness and other unpleasant sensations. A poor diet can cause a person to be constantly haunted by a strong feeling of hunger.

Weight loss system: low-calorie nutrition

A 7-day meal plan is offered. You can create your own diet, or you can stick to the menu given below. This technique will allow you to more or less saturate the body and not experience stress.

Diet day

Breakfast Snack Dinner Afternoon snack



1 fresh tomato 1 hard-boiled egg 200 g vegetable salad of cabbage, pepper, celery, herbs. Season with 1 tsp. vegetable oil 1 grapefruit


1 boiled egg; 150 ml black coffee 1 small grapefruit 200 g boiled beef fillet; 200 ml tea 2 fresh cucumbers 200 g steamed cauliflower


1 boiled egg; 200 ml green tea with a slice of lemon 100 g tomato and herb salad, seasoned with lemon juice 200 g baked turkey fillet 1 cucumber; 200 ml tea 100 g grated raw carrots


250 g cabbage salad and grated carrots with lemon juice 1 grapefruit 80 g omelette with herbs 250 g low-fat cottage cheese 200 g stewed vegetables (carrots, zucchini, peppers, onions)


1 boiled egg; 150 ml black 200 g cauliflower, steamed 200 g boiled lean fish; 200 ml green tea 200 g cabbage, cucumber and herb salad with 1 tsp. olive oil 1 orange; 200 ml unsweetened green tea


1 grapefruit; 150 ml coffee 2 fresh cucumbers 200 g boiled chicken breast 1 orange 200 g of cucumber and herb salad; 200 ml green tea


1 orange; 200 ml black tea 100 g of boiled grated carrots with a couple of drops of vegetable oil. 150 g of soup with vegetables (except potatoes); 100 g baked turkey fillet 1 pear 150 g apple-pear salad; 200 ml green tea with a slice of lemon

Diet for 7 days: effective weight loss

Another version of the technique is proposed, designed for a week.

This diet consists more of fruits and vegetables, as well as lean meats and fish.

Diet day

Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack


The first day

50 g buckwheat porridge 50 g buckwheat porridge; 1 boiled egg 200 ml kefir 50 g buckwheat porridge; 200 ml rosehip decoction

Second day

100 g baked turkey fillet; 150 ml coffee 50 g baked chicken meat; 2 apples 2 kiwi 50 g baked fish fillet; 1 apple; 200 ml chamomile tea

Day three

100 g steamed lean fish; 200 ml tea 50 g baked fish; 3 kiwi 1 apple 100 g fish soup; 1 kiwi; 1 apple; 200 ml chamomile tea

Day four

70 g oatmeal; 200 ml low-fat milk 100 g low-fat cottage cheese; 1 rye bread; 100 g pepper, cucumber and celery salad 100 g grapefruit 120 g boiled fish fillet; 130 g steamed vegetables; 200 ml mint tea

Day five

2 rye bread; 20 g lean ham; 130 g cucumber, carrot and cabbage salad 200 g vegetable soup without frying; 150 g stewed cabbage; 100 g boiled fish fillet 200 ml low-fat kefir 20-30 g hard cheese; 100 g of raw grated carrots and beets salad; 200 ml low-fat kefir

Day six

100 g rice porridge; 1 pickled cucumber; 150 ml coffee 300 g stewed vegetables 1 protein; 1 red pepper 30 g hard cheese; 1 slice of rye bread; 200 ml low-fat kefir; 200 ml rosehip decoction

Day seven

150 g peach and apple salad; 200 ml natural yogurt 200 g boiled beef fillet; 100 g grated beetroot and carrot salad 1 boiled egg; 20 g hard cheese 150 g low-fat cottage cheese with berries; 200 ml kefir

Side effects and contraindications

Due to the reduced calorie content, the technique may cause side effects. In some cases, this may be accompanied by the following reactions:

  • deterioration of memory and concentration;
  • digestive disorders;
  • sleep disorder;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • apathy, depression;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

The technique is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as people who have any chronic diseases, general weakness, or infectious infections. The diet is not suitable for children, adolescents and the elderly, as well as for those who actively work physically or play sports. The diet is designed to consume a minimum amount of calories, and therefore this may not be enough to feel complete comfort, so only people who are confident in their health can resort to this method of losing weight.

The “600 calorie” diet is a truly effective method that allows you to lose a large number of extra pounds in a short period of time. But, before you go on a diet, you need to understand that it not only has many disadvantages, but can also lead to some health problems.

The essence of the 600 calorie per day diet

A 600 calorie per day diet is an effective way to lose a few pounds quickly. Since this diet is low-calorie, it should be followed for several days by people with an active lifestyle or used as fasting days. But it will bring more effect to people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Today we will tell you about a 600 kcal per day diet and menu options.

General information about the 600 kcal per day diet

If you decide to go on a 600 calorie diet, then your goal is to reduce your calorie intake to 600 calories, not exceed a given level, and build your diet in accordance with a given calorie intake.

You can immediately note that it will be extremely difficult for the body, since it will not get the nutrients necessary to maintain all processes. Therefore, the body will take additional energy by using its own fat reserves.

You should exclude from your diet all sweet, starchy, fatty and salty foods, as well as cereals, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. However, in order to prevent the development of various chronic diseases, remember that following this diet should be short-term.

How the 600 calorie per day diet works

The 600 calorie per day diet is based on reducing your caloric intake to 600 calories. Since such calorie content will be extremely insufficient for the body to maintain the processes occurring in it, it will be forced to take additional energy, consuming its own fat reserves. It is worth considering that how strong and sharp a reduction in diet is extreme for health, therefore adherence to the diet should be short-term. The 600 calorie per day diet has some side effects, so before starting it, you should think carefully and become familiar with all its disadvantages.

Disadvantages of the 600 kcal per day diet

Metabolic failure, which may result in hormonal imbalance;
After completing the diet and returning to a normal diet, lost pounds may return;
Digestive problems may occur;
Dizziness, stress, and nervousness are possible.

Results of the 600 calorie per day diet

Note that it is much better to use this low-calorie diet for fasting days. Then the result will not come so quickly, but will remain with you for a long time. The body will also benefit from such a decision, as it will be cleansed of waste and toxins.

Reviews of the 600 calorie per day diet suggest that up to 1-2 kg of excess weight can be lost per day. It is also possible to maintain the result if, after completing the diet, you begin to gradually increase the calorie content of your diet and engage in light exercise.

Don't forget to include vegetables and fruits in your diet, as they will provide you with a lot of vitamins and minerals, but at the same time they have minimal calorie content. Also consume low-fat dairy products, for example, you can season vegetable or fruit salad with yogurt. To count calories daily, you can use a special calorie table.

How to properly build a menu for 600 calories a day

First, you need to understand that eating the equivalent of 600 calories a day cannot be considered correct. But if at the moment the end justifies the means, try to make your low-calorie diet as varied and healthy as possible.

For example, 100 calories are equivalent to both 2 pieces of McDonald's Chicken McNuggets and 1 plate of boiled broccoli baked with 1 tbsp. low-fat sour cream. If you want not only to lose weight, but also to maintain a healthy stomach and beautiful skin, you should give preference to the second option.

Also, do not forget to take a comprehensive multivitamin and be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of still water per day.

You will have to give up intense sports activity while losing weight. But no one prohibits walks in the park, morning exercises and yoga. All these exercises will not only help you get closer to your goal, but will also distract you from obsessive thoughts about junk food.

Nutritionists recommend building a menu according to the principles of fractional meals. Ideally, you should eat a hearty breakfast, lunch, a small snack and a token dinner. In order not to suffer from hunger and to eat as balanced as possible, each meal should consist of complex carbohydrates and proteins.

600 calorie menu examples

We present to your attention several menu options for 600 calories per day:

Breakfast: fruit salad dressed with low-fat yogurt; 2 egg white omelet with canned beans; low-fat cottage cheese with herbs.

Dinner: boiled beef or chicken fillet; vegetable salad with cheese or eggs; brown rice with boiled lean fish.

Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese with berries; low-fat kefir; 2 boiled beets; canned tuna in its own juice.

Snack: a handful of nuts; 1 medium sized green apple; 2 kiwis.

Menu for 600 kcal

During the period dedicated to limiting the diet to 600 kcal, throughout the day you can consume (optional):
- milk 1.5% fat – 1.4 l;
- boiled lean meat – 240 g;
- cottage cheese 2% fat – 600 g.

It is not forbidden to combine the above products, calculating the serving size of each of them (the total calorie content should not exceed 600 kcal). It is recommended to drink still water or unsweetened green tea.

600 calorie menu for a sedentary lifestyle

Option 1: 200 grams of chicken fillet or lean fish, bake in the oven (or boil), your choice of either 3-4 fruits (not bananas) or half a chocolate bar

Option 2: boil 100 grams of any cereal (meaning dry product) and eat throughout the day (you get quite a lot of finished product), one boiled egg and a glass of kefir

Option 3

Breakfast: Half a banana, 28 grams of fiber-rich cereal, 225 ml skim milk.
Lunch: 110 g low-fat cottage cheese, celery, cucumber, salad, slice of bran bread.
Dinner: boiled fish 150g, broccoli, carrots, half a grapefruit.
Drink: 8 glasses of water, 2 cups of coffee or tea, herbal tea.

Option 4

Breakfast - dried apricots (60 kcal), a slice of ham (20 kcal), green leaf salad (10 kcal), 2 cucumbers (30 kcal), water with lemon juice, salad of 1 cucumber and 1 tomato (34 kcal), green tea (10 kcal)
Lunch – vegetable soup of zucchini, celery, turnips, onions, frozen green peas, parsley (35 kcal), boiled cod with stewed carrots (78 kcal), cauliflower (30 kcal), store-bought soft-boiled egg (50 kcal), water (you can add a little juice lemon)
Afternoon snack - grapefruit (35kcal), green tea (10kcal) 100g kefir 1% (30kcal)
Dinner - arugula salad with beets (36 kcal), a slice of cheese (25 kcal), 200 g of kefir 1% (60 kcal), a slice of cheese (20 kcal) and green leaf salad (10 kcal), green tea (10 kcal)

Option 5

Breakfast: 100 g of oatmeal, boiled in water, a cup of weak black tea.
Second breakfast: 100 g baked potatoes, pickled cucumber.
Lunch: 300 g of stewed vegetables (eggplant, cauliflower, tomatoes, garlic).
Afternoon snack: 100 g of sweet red pepper, half a chicken egg, a cup of green tea.
Dinner: A glass of low-fat kefir.

Important! If you play sports and lead an active lifestyle (health problems, pregnancy, adolescence), it is DANGEROUS to include this menu in your daily routine!

In order for you to understand how I eat and how lucky I am with my wife, I will give you an example of my daily diet. Both training days and rest days are at your service. All the dishes below are prepared exclusively by my wife, for which many thanks to her. Thanks to Irina Turchinskaya, the recipes for all my favorite dishes will be deciphered in detail especially for you, dear culinary lovers. You can try to cook them yourself if you wish. Also, at the end, you will be provided with a table of calorie content of various products, so that you can develop a nutrition program for yourself, based not on the taste of the product, but on its beneficial properties.


Rest day (daily calorie content is approximately 2500 calories):

On a rest day, I have four formal meals - breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.

Breakfast (approximately 650 calories):

For breakfast I eat a three-egg omelet with bell peppers, mushrooms and a piece of bran bread. I can wash everything down with a cup of coffee - it improves bowel function!

Omelette "Rest from my hard labors."

To prepare an omelet you need:

10 grams pumpkin seed oil

5–6 champignons

1/2 bell pepper

1 tomato

1/2 cup low-fat milk and some greens

Gently fry 5-6 champignons in 10 grams of pumpkin seed oil. 1/2 bell pepper and 1 tomato. Pre-cut the vegetables into beautiful and equal slices. It is merciless to throw away non-format - food should not only be tasty and healthy, but also give aesthetic pleasure to the eater while it sits on the plate for a couple of seconds!

Using a fork, beat 3 eggs and 1/2 cup milk.

Pour the resulting “beaten” mixture over the prepared vegetables. Cook in a non-stick frying pan for 5-7 minutes. After the specified period, sprinkle the finished omelette with herbs, kiss your wife and serve the dish. Bon appetit!

Lunch (approximately 800 calories):

After waiting for my daily lunch, I enjoy chicken breast stewed with onions and carrots, as well as a portion of a fragrant green salad. I wash everything down with clean water from a mountain spring, which is delivered to me daily at the nearest supermarket.

Chicken fillet with rice "Bird flu"

Why bird flu? Because eating chicken with rice has become for me not so much a habit as a disease. I've been eating this for as long as I can remember. So, to prepare chicken fillet you need:

300 grams of chicken fillet

1 medium onion

1 same carrot

150 grams of rice, a couple of olives and greens

Carefully cut 300 grams of chicken fillet into pieces with a sharp knife and fry in a frying pan with a minimum amount of oil. Separately from the chicken, fry one chopped onion and one carrot. Mix chicken with vegetables, add a couple of tart olives and some herbs. At the same time, boil 150 grams of rice and, when ready, mix it all beautifully on one plate.

Salad "Green Peace":

1 tomato

1 cucumber

1/2 avocado

A little leek

1 teaspoon olive oil or light mayonnaise.

Chop and mix everything. Serve at the same time as or before the chicken fillet.

So to speak, for starters!

Afternoon snack (approximately 450 calories):

The afternoon snack is ordinary, but very tasty - I eat one piece of cottage cheese casserole and a fruit cocktail. The recipe for cottage cheese casserole is in the training day diet, so I won’t repeat it.

Fruit cocktail "Boltanka":

Blend 1 banana, 2 kiwis, 1 canned peach and 100 grams of any juice in a blender, first cutting everything into pieces to make the blender easier to operate.

Drink to the bottom!

Dinner (last 600 calories):

I have dinner, like everyone else, at night. This is the last meal of the day of rest, and therefore consists exclusively of proteins and vegetables. For dinner on such days, I usually have cod fish cutlets and vegetable salad.

Fish cutlets "Memory of the Sea":

These cutlets owe their name to the fact that they are prepared from river fish, and therefore I really want to go to the sea. To prepare them you will need:

700–800 grams of any lean fish

1 large onion

1 piece of white bread

1 carrot

1 egg, a little flour and grape seed oil

Grind 700-800 grams of the fish of your choice in a meat grinder, after performing a surgical operation to remove the bones. In the same meat grinder, grind the onion and a piece of white bread dipped in milk.

Add one finely grated carrot and one raw egg. Then add salt and pepper to this entire mixture to taste. From the resulting protein and vegetable mass, make cutlets of any shape, generously roll them in flour and fry in grape seed oil.

A little secret - grape seed oil has a neutral odor and does not change the taste of the prepared products. In addition, it is ideal for frying, since even in a small amount of oil the food does not burn. Buy grape oil!

Training day (daily caloric intake is approximately 2500 calories):

On days when I pump iron, I eat the same often, but a little differently. Since I train in the morning, my breakfast changes significantly, becoming more carbohydrate-rich.

Breakfast (approximately 700 calories):

The pre-workout meal should include slow-release carbohydrates, so I ask my wife to make spaghetti with shrimp.

Spaghetti "Clockwork"

In order to create this culinary masterpiece, you will have to stock up on the following set of products:

100 grams of durum wheat pasta


2 tomatoes

300 grams peeled shrimp

100 grams of ten percent basil cream

Olive oil

Boil the pasta until cooked, drain the water and throw it somewhere. At the same time, fry the chopped leeks and tomatoes in a little olive oil. In a third saucepan, boil all available peeled shrimp.

Once all this is ready, add shrimp and pasta to the pan with vegetables.

Then pour cream into the pan and sprinkle with basil. Happy to eat and go to the gym to work out. The perfect breakfast before strength training!

Lunch (approximately 700 calories):

For lunch I indulge again in Memories of the Sea. Only I no longer eat cod, but pike perch, and season the fish with one hundred grams of buckwheat and one tomato. The recipe is the same.

Afternoon snack (about 500 calories):

An afternoon snack on the day of training is an extra reason for joy, because I get my favorite dish - cheesecakes. A source of complex carbohydrates and good mood!

Cheesecakes "Favorites"

Required list of products:

2 packs of cottage cheese 5% fat

1 heaped tablespoon of sugar

1 tablespoon flour

1 handful of raisins, a little vanilla

Mix the egg with sugar, add cottage cheese, raisins and flour. Mix everything well.

Make cheesecakes, roll them in flour and fry in a small amount of butter. Eat this deliciousness with a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice. I crush the apples by hand - it improves my grip strength well!

Dinner (approximately 700 calories):

For dinner on a training day, I eat a salad that is prepared for two. According to Ira, the main thing is to have time to take her portion from me. I can’t help it, her salad will turn out to be very tasty!

Salad "Doubles"

You will need:

3 hard-boiled eggs

250 grams of crab sticks

2 pickled cucumbers

125 grams canned corn

3 tablespoons cooked round rice

Cut crab sticks, pickled cucumbers and eggs into elegant cubes. Add cooked rice and canned corn to this mixture. Season everything with a tablespoon of mayonnaise and mix. Dump everything into one plate and start a duel with your wife for calories. Bon appetit and good night!

The number of calories, as well as the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are given per 100 grams of product. Keep in mind that I am giving you a description of only healthy products - don’t even look for sausages, cervelat and boiled sausage!

Food calorie table

Food - Calories - Protein - Carbohydrates

Govodina - 197.40 - 14.59 - 0.00

Veal - 57.50 - 13.30 - 0.00

Lamb - 225.00 - 12.98 - 0.00

Pork - 329.60 - 12.40 - 0.00

Geese - 307.00 - 15.68 - 0.00

Ducks - 231.00 - 17.58 - 0.00

Chickens - 119.80 - 19.00 - 0.00

Turkey - 166.60 - 23.28 -0.00

Beef tongue - 208.60 - 15.20 -0.00

Sunflower oil - 882.60 - 0.00 -0.00

Margarine - 736.90 - 0.48 - 0.39

Flounder - 46.70 - 3.46 - 0.00

Carp - 01.60 - 6.84 -0.00

Pike -36.40 - 8.22 - 0.00

Cod - 40.20 - 9.36 -0.00

Sturgeon - 146.60 - 11.65 - 0.00

Pike perch - 40.30 - 9.02 - 0.00

Whole egg (50 g) - 183.30 - 10.56 - 0.43

Cow's milk - 61.50 - 3.55 - 4.12

Goat milk - 67.20 - 3.36 - 4.41

Curdled milk - 62.00 - 3.36 - 4.21

Kefir 3.3% - 64.40 - 3.36 - 4.80

Sour cream 20% - 202.60 - 2.88 - 3.43

Fat cottage cheese - 222.10 - 14.40 - 0.98

Cheese 30% - 233.20 - 24.00 - 3.40

Butter - 741.70 - 0.48 - 0.49

Bread made from 1st grade flour - 229.90 - 6.89 - 47.71

Oatmeal - 336.20 - 8.92 - 59.79

Buckwheat - 312.30 - 8.62 - 62.41

Rice - 330.20 - 6.40 - 72.04

Pasta - 338.20 - 9.35 - 71.23

Beans - 286.00 - 15.92 - 49.56

Peas - 284.50 - 15.21 - 49.32

Carrots - 29.40 - 0.88 - 6.29

Beet - 32.90 - 0.96 - 7.07

Potatoes - 62.70 - 1.05 - 14.25

White cabbage - 19.50 - 1.15 - 3.61

Cauliflower - 15.20 - 1.06 - 2.65

Green onion - 16.70 - 0.83 - 2.99

Salad - 0.96 - 0.00 - 2.30

Onions - 1.80 - 0.00 - 8.04

Spinach - 2.22 - 0.00 - 2.17

Fresh cucumbers - 0.72 - 0.00 - 1.84

Pumpkin - 0.56 - 0.00 - 4.59

Beans - 2.16 - 0.00 - 5-44

Doesn’t it sound tempting to not create a special menu for every day and eat as usual most of the time? This is exactly how the 5:2 Fast Diet works - only two days a week need to be fasting days. What can you eat for 500 or 600 calories? What will your day look like on a diet? Should the menu include proteins or carbohydrates on fasting days? And why is it important to consider the glycemic index of foods?

How much is it - 500/600 kcal?

Reducing your calorie intake to a quarter of your normal amount is quite significant, so don't be surprised if your first fasting day hits you hard. If you limit yourself to 500 (for women) or 600 (for men) kcal, it's not like a picnic. It's not even half a picnic. A large latte at a café can be up to 300 calories, and even more if you add cream, while your regular lunch sandwich will more than cover the allowed amount in one large bite. So be smart—spend your calories wisely.

When to eat on a fasting day?

Is there an optimal plan? Michael, one of the authors of this book, tried several. The most acceptable option for him turned out to be to arrange two non-consecutive fasting days a week, allowing himself 600 kcal, divided into two meals - breakfast and dinner. On a fasting day, he would usually have breakfast with his family around 7:30 a.m. and then try to have dinner with them at 7:30 p.m., without snacking in between. Thus, in one day he had two twelve-hour periods without food, and the family was happy.

Mimi, Michael's co-author, found that a slightly different schedule suited her better. Following the basic idea of ​​the Fast Diet, she ate 500 kcal, divided into two main meals and several small snacks (apple, carrot sticks) in between, because such a long break between breakfast and dinner was too uncomfortable for her.

Which method is better? Purely theoretically, a longer break between meals (Michael's option) should give better results than one in which you eat a little, but often. However, there has not yet been a study comparing which option is healthier.

Dr. Mark Mattson of the National Institute on Aging agrees that consuming 500 or 600 calories per meal is likely better than consuming several small meals throughout the day. He believes that the longer the period without food, the stronger the adaptive cellular response to stress, which is beneficial for the brain.

Some people don't feel hungry in the morning, so they would prefer to eat later in the day. This is fine. One of the leading researchers in the field starts her day with brunch at 11 a.m. and ends with dinner at 7 p.m. Thus, she limits herself to food for sixteen hours a day, twice a week.

Some people, on the other hand, prefer the simple option of eating only one meal, because in this case they can ignore food for almost the entire day.

How about protein?

We, of course, do not recommend eating only protein foods on a fasting day, replacing everything else with it, but you still need a certain amount of proteins to maintain muscle and cell health, endocrine regulation, immunity and energy. The best advice we can give is to stick to the recommended intake of 50 grams of protein per day.

When creating a menu for fasting days, look for “good protein.” Steamed white fish, for example, is rich in minerals and low in saturated fat. Instead of red meat, choose skinless chicken breast; try low-fat dairy products instead of endless lattes; Include shrimp, tuna, tofu and other protein-rich plant foods in your diet.

Nuts, seeds and legumes (peas, beans and lentils) contain a lot of fiber, so they can satisfy your hunger on a fasting day. True, although nuts are very high in calories (depending, of course, on the serving size), they have a low GI and are perfectly filling.

They're also high in fat, so you might think nuts are "bad for you," but there's actually evidence that people who eat nuts are less likely to suffer from heart disease and diabetes than those who avoid them entirely.

Eggs, meanwhile, are low in saturated fat and have high nutritional value. They will not negatively affect your cholesterol levels, and contain no more than 90 calories each, so on a fasting day it makes sense to have eggs for breakfast. Two eggs and a fifty-gram portion of smoked salmon provide just the right 250 kcal.

Scientists recently found that people who start the day with eggs feel fuller longer than those who eat plant-based protein for breakfast. Boiled or poached eggs will prevent you from sneaking in extra calories. So skip the toast and swap it for steamed asparagus and egg.
