Tatyana Arntgolts personal life and Ivan Zhidkov. Love stories of Tatyana Arntgolts

Already from childhood, it was clear that Tatyana Arntgolts and her twin sister were destined to become actresses. Their parents were closely connected with the acting environment. It is not surprising that the girls spent their entire childhood behind the scenes of the theater. Despite the fact that in primary school They both never dreamed of becoming actresses, but their genes took their toll.

She became a successful theater and film actress while still a student at a theater university. She mostly played positive roles, although she was close in spirit to the roles of bitchy women and scoundrels. Fans know her from many powerful roles in which she was able to deeply and truthfully reflect the complexity of life and relationships.

As for the relationships in Tatyana Arntgolts’ personal life, not everything was simple here either. Such beautiful girl could not remain unnoticed. But she preferred not to show off her relationship. Only a few of her novels are known.

Screen love

The press continually attributed it to Tatyana high-profile novels, then with colleagues in the shop, then with influential people. She tried not to pay any attention to all these rumors. There is information about Tatyana’s romance with actor Anatoly Rudenko. They met on the set. And on-screen love grew into real love. The couple were together for two years.

However, the busy filming schedule did not contribute to the development of the relationship. Gradually, the young people began to move away from each other. They later announced their separation. Another reason for the break in relations was that Anatoly was not ready to start a family.

It was also rumored that Arntgolts was dating his partner in the films “Madhouse” and “Under a Shower of Bullets.” Then the girl plunged headlong into a new relationship, trying to drown out the pain of breaking up with Rudenko. But, just like the first time, her beloved was not ready for serious relationship, and the couple broke up

Future husband

Soon luck smiled on the girl who dreamed of a family and children. She met a person close to her in spirit, and who shared her desire to start a family. He turned out to be actor Ivan Zhidkov.

When he met Tatyana, Ivan was an aspiring actor.

In addition, chance brought him to television. Even as a child, he did not plan to connect his life with cinema and theater. His parents were far from acting. After graduating from school, the guy planned to enter the Ural Polytechnic Institute.

But one incident changed everything. On the street, a guy with a good appearance was noticed by a director who was looking for people to star in a computer commercial. This is how Ivan’s first filming took place. Later, the father remembered this incident and invited his son to try himself on the theater stage.

After graduating from school, Ivan set off to conquer the capital of Russia. There he was able to become a student at the Moscow Art Theater School despite huge competition. During his studies, he showed great promise and was considered the most promising student.

The teachers were not mistaken. While still a student, Zhidkov began performing on the stage of the famous “Tabakerka”, where Tabakov himself invited him. Next came film roles, after which he became recognizable.

But he met Tatyana Arntgolts not in the theater or in the cinema. Their acquaintance happened completely by chance, in the company of mutual friends. They started talking and soon realized that they had a lot in common. They even lived practically next door. The dormitories of the universities in which they studied were located on the same street. So them friendly relations turned into romantic ones, and it was Zhidkov who the girl gave her heart to.

Family matters

The couple did not advertise their relationship. They decided to get married quietly and without pathos. Their wedding took place in 2008. Only the closest people were invited to the ceremony. A year later, their family was replenished with one more person. Tatyana and Ivan had a daughter, whom they named Mashenka.

It would seem that everything Tatyana dreamed of became a reality. She had a beloved husband and child. However, after five years life together, the couple announced their separation.

When journalists ask about the reasons for divorce, then ex-husband and the wife answer that the love just passed. Ivan considers them family relationships were originally programmed for a short period.

For the sake of their daughter’s happiness, Tatyana and Ivan maintain friendly relations. They try to devote as much time as possible to her. Recently, together they took the girl to first grade.

Life after divorce

Neither Ivan nor Tatyana made a tragedy out of the divorce. Each of them continued to live their own lives. Ivan was credited with a relationship with Ekaterina Semenova. But their romance was short-lived. Afterwards, he became interested in a young student, whom he first met virtually. Later, virtual communication grew into real communication.

Interesting notes:

“We are together again and expecting twins,” Zhidkov wrote ironically on Instagram. Fans reacted to the news with disbelief and began to sigh: “That would be nice,” “The most beautiful actor and the most beautiful actress". Others called on the stars to bring the joke to life: "Vanya, is it hard to make a joke come true?! Encore?!"

True, there were also those who took the message at face value: “Lord, I’m so happy for you! You are my favorite couple from our cinema! To be honest, I was upset when you broke up with Tanya. I love you and respect you very much, I bow to your talent!”, “If it’s true, then you’re great,” However, maybe it’s not in vain that the fans are happy for their favorites - as we know, there is no smoke without fire.

Zhidkov also took a photo with his daughter and her first teacher. "1st D!" – the actor said proudly. In the photo, the actor tightly hugs his grown-up daughter. In front of dad and daughter there are flowers and a stack of textbooks. Subscribers showered the star family with congratulations: “What a sweetheart! Congratulations! Masha is a beauty!”, “Congratulations to my daughter on the start of the school year, easy learning for my daughter and parents.”

Zhidkov and Arntgolts divorced more than two years ago. According to the actor, separation was inevitable. “It seems to me that when something goes wrong, neither the child nor the stamp in the passport can hold back. And better for the child to live in a family where they don’t quarrel, even if it is incomplete, than in one where mom and dad are formally together, but there is no mutual understanding,” in one interview.

The daughter of Tatiana and Ivan Maria will study at a school with in-depth study in English. "This is an ordinary Public School, – actress Dnyam.Ru. “I didn’t look for her for very long, but I had to go around six or seven establishments that are close to home. Of course, we are a little worried, although everything at school has been ready for a long time. I don’t remember my September 1st very well - I only remember the lush bouquet of gladioli, which I held tightly in my hands.”

It all started with the fact that less than a day ago on its official page in social network Instagram Ivan Zhidkov published a photo of himself with his ex-wife, actress Tatyana Arntgolts, and their daughter Maria. “Perhaps future neighbors😃,” the actor wrote briefly.


And in Stories, Zhidkov published a video showing him sitting at a table in a cafe with Arntgolts and the heiress. It is noteworthy that Tatyana clearly did not want to be filmed. "Tanyush, you are in my Story." - “Go away, I’m not filming!” - “Tan, Tan, say something. I’ll mark you.” - “Anything. Don’t,” - that’s how the short dialogue sounded ex-spouses.

Later, on her page on the same social network, Lilia Solovyova, the current lover of Ivan Zhidkov, who recently gave him a son, made a statement. “I didn’t want to announce this until recently, but yesterday’s Instagram of Vanya was the last straw for me! And I would have swallowed it and pretended that nothing had happened, but the chickens swooped in with their “Ivan and Tatyana are such a beautiful couple”! Well, rejoice chicken😘 (hereinafter, the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved. – Ed.),” Solovyova wrote.

She further noted that Zhidkov and Arntgolts “really were beautiful couple!" "Yes, and we were fine too, to be honest😅There are always reasons that something happens one way and not another! But as they say, everything passes, and this will pass!” – Lilia did not dwell on the reasons for the breakup.

Publication from Ivan Zhidkov (@ivancarevich1) Jun 19, 2018 at 6:30 PDT

She thanked Zhidkov for her son and dog. "I'm grateful for little man, who discovered true love in me and for the Labrador I always dreamed of ❤ I’m sure we’ll maintain an equally warm relationship for the sake of our son, but for now I’ll go read books about forgiveness, love, gratitude and other things that are not typical for a hormone-dependent woman😂👌🏽 Peace to everyone✌🏼,” Solovyova concluded her post.

While fans wrote sympathetically to Lilia, trying to console her, calm her down and find out what happened between her and Ivan, others went to the actor’s page. There, under the photo in which Zhidkov was captured with Arntgolts, they concluded that it was because of Solovyova’s ex-wife that she announced the breakup. Fans shamed the artist.

"Pleasant in appearance, I watched films with Ivan... but in life, apparently a man without brains!!! Sorry, but I don’t understand the last post!!! and I completely empathize with Lilia!", "The stupidest step is to become neighbors with your ex-wife ! You don't respect your current wife and child! I'm disappointed in you! Alas!", "Ivan, I looked at your post, read Lily's post. I'm disappointed in you as a person," "Vanya, Lilya is very offended by you for this post and story ", and she was right. Come on, apologize to her beautifully and publicly, use all your enormous talent to make her melt!" – upset subscribers called Zhidkov to account.

Talented , sought-after actors, young parents also turned out to be the most elusive! The interview took place at midnight in St. Petersburg, less than an hour before their train departed. And yet, the conversation turned out to be very sincere - Tatyana and Ivan are full of love, tenderness and plans for the future.

COSMO: How many trips have you had over the past year?

TATIANA: And, oddly enough, we often manage to travel together. We are incredibly mobile people, we are always rushing somewhere. We don't suffer from trains and planes.

AND: Although we are afraid to fly, we try to travel more by train.

C: Tanya, do you have any special recipes to feel better on the road?

T: We don’t have any recipes for this. In any case, we don’t take a folding bed with us!

C: Besides constant travel and filming, what else does acting involve?

T: A lot of worries, crazy fatigue. It’s difficult to convey the full range of emotions you experience if something doesn’t work out for you. At such moments, you especially want your husband to be nearby, to advise you something, to help you in some way. I don’t know how Vanya survived the time when I participated in “ Ice Age" It was a flurry of my emotions and uncertainty. How much I cried...

C: During the show you became pregnant, and after giving birth you quickly returned to work. Who does Mashenka (one-year-old daughter - Cosmo's note) stay with during your trips and filming?

AND: We almost never leave her - we take her with us! We travel with a whole crew: nanny, Masha, Tanya, dad.

C: Is Vanya a strict dad?

AND:(Smiles.) Oh, no, I’m not a strict person at all...

T: It’s hard to imagine greater tenderness than a father feels for his daughter! He main man for Masha. And she him main woman. Mashenka will always be the smartest, the most beautiful, the best for Vanya.

C: What is your most vivid memory from childhood?

T: Summer holidays by Grandma. These were always the happiest three months. My grandmother lived in the city of Shakhty (Rostov region), and until I was 12 years old, I went to see her. The rest of the year was preparation for next summer.

AND: I only remember that at 12 I looked like 9. Everyone thought I was small, and the girls didn’t pay attention to me.

C: What films were you watching at that time?

AND: Woohoo! “Terminator 2”! (Intonates.)

T: I adored Soviet children's films and watched them thousands of times. Until now, if I come across them, I always stop at them. Very good associations with childhood.

C: Do you go to the cinema now?


C: What was the last thing you watched?

AND: I had a lot of fun and nostalgia for The Expendables. Tanya and I watch very different movies together. We also love films where you can just come and laugh and have a great time.

C: Vanya, you play a lot in the theater. Aren't you afraid that 3D will supplant this type of art?

AND: The theater is currently undergoing great changes. But I think that it will never go away, no matter what new technologies appear. Theater is something living, real.

C: Tanya is from Kaliningrad, Vanya is from Yekaterinburg. East and West...

AND: Surprisingly different! From 1991 to 1998 I lived in Kaliningrad. In the house next to Tanya's.

T: Moreover! We lived in neighboring dorms for three years - Vanya in the Moscow Art Theater, I in the Shchepkinsky - and never met. We didn’t even go to any auditions together!

AND: We met at a friends place and I immediately fell in love. Before Tanya, I didn’t even know what it was real love. This is true.

C: In many interviews they write that Ivan Zhidkov is a terrible egoist. This is true?

AND: In general, yes. But I am very interested in Masha and Tanya and in our warm relations, I understand that concessions must be made. And I'm getting better!

T: A family is impossible without compromise. No two people are the same. We are all unique. Apart from compromise, the ability to hear each other, I don’t see any other recipe for harmony in the family. Unfortunately, many couples break up precisely because they involve some kind of stupid stubbornness.

C: Can you somehow influence each other’s decisions? Let's say, if Tanya is offered an erotic photo shoot, how will her husband react to this?

AND: Maybe I'm too indifferent to all this. But he would have reacted calmly to this. I know that Tanya herself would not agree.

C: What if he agrees?!

AND: Then I would have thought: “Wow!”

T: I was offered. But I don’t feel any interest or courage in this yet.

T: Many things. Here are the hygiene products - no way! Anti-dandruff shampoo - God forbid. It's somehow unaesthetic. It’s easier to say that I would advertise with pleasure. Perfume, jewelry, baby stuff, even diapers!

AND: Why aren’t diapers hygiene products?!

C: Let's talk about serious cinema now. Do you consider the new film “The Dark World”, where Ivan starred, to be such?

AND: I did everything that depends on me as an actor. And I sincerely believe that the film will surprise and delight many, even skeptical viewers. During filming, I had a sense of the enormity of what was happening. This is a youth thriller - we haven’t filmed anything like it before. I already want to see him as soon as possible.

C: Aren’t you afraid of the current reaction of our viewers to domestic films?

AND: As a patriot and a big fan of Russian cinema, I am outraged by the attitude of our viewers. If it’s Russian, that’s it, we won’t go. Russian blockbusters are some kind of anti-brand. Yes, our film industry is in transition. But this is precisely why you need to believe in success, and not bury yourself! There were a lot of different reviews after Black Lightning, but I still think it was a big breakthrough. I support our films. And I’m sure that “The Dark World” will pleasantly surprise everyone. In any case, the team that made the film and the efforts put into it allow us to hope for the best. This will be a step forward.

C: How big is the relationship between the project budget and the result?

AND: Budget is an opportunity to do final product better in many ways. But the most important thing is the talent and dedication of the team that makes the film.

C: What inspires dedication?

AND: I am very inspired by the belief that audiences will enjoy our work.

C: In the film, good triumphs over evil. What do you personally do every day to make the world a little kinder?

AND: I try not to do evil. I can help a person on the street. But only if I see that he really needs my help, and does not make money from it.

C: In the film, a woman saves the world...

AND: And I never said that this is not a woman’s business! It depends on how to save. Of course, Tanya is not Bruce Willis, she won’t chase villains. Raising good and happy children, growing flowers is also probably the salvation of the world...

T: We must help the weak. Do charity work. It doesn't matter who does it or how old he is.

AND: And women also help us men a lot. My hero Kostya is a modest student, a nerd (that’s what everyone calls him for half the film). Then he meets Marina and falls in love. And that’s when he shows himself as a real Hero.

C: Your beloved was played by Svetlana Ivanova. But what if Tanya played this role?

T: The heroine was played by Sveta Ivanova. And she coped with the role perfectly! This is already a fact.

AND: Sveta Ivanova is my only female friend. She is a wonderful person and a great actress.

C: Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman?

AND: Oh, this is a vast topic, I think it’s enough for another full interview. I’ll say this: Sveta and I are friends. I find it interesting to be with her, and we understand each other quite well.

C: When Ivan Zhidkov becomes a director, will he direct his wife in films?

T: Interest Ask!

AND: I think this fate will pass me by. I don't see myself as a director. But if I can ever choose actors... Well, of course, Tanya will get some roles - depending on her behavior. (Smiles.)

C: If you look at your career as moving forward. Where are you both at right now?

AND: Tanya is already on Olympus, she is a star. And I’m one of those artists who act a lot, but they still have something to strive for. I haven't had a significant role yet. For me, you know, everything is developing quite progressively. It's hard to plan anything. As soon as you start doing this, everything changes immediately.

T: You can never stop. I believe that I can still achieve a lot in my profession. And as long as I'm interested, I'll move. And now I’m incredibly interested!

C: Would you like to work together?

AND: We are just now filming together (in the multi-part film “Pure Sample.” - Approx. Cosmo).

T: Today we had our first experience of filming together. I felt very comfortable! And also interesting and funny. We are together on the set, in one frame. They say it can be difficult, but I had a lot of fun and would love to work with Vanya again! It doesn’t matter whether it’s a tandem according to the script or not.

C: By the way, do you know the ideal tandem in life?

AND: My parents.

T: Grandparents and parents too.

C: What film couples are you friends with?

T: We are close friends with Olya (Olga Arntgolts, Tatyana’s sister - Cosmo note) and her chosen one Vakhtang Beridze.

C: Do you chat with friends online? Or maybe with fans?

AND: I regularly visit Odnoklassniki. But not for the purpose of making new acquaintances, of course, but to maintain old ones. We do not experience any changes in life or everyday life because we have fans. We are very pleased, we are very grateful to them. But nothing more.

T: I go online exclusively for work—checking my email.

C: Do you celebrate traditional holidays?

T: We are not those people who take Valentine's Day, March 8th, February 23rd, wedding anniversary and other dates seriously. We never even celebrated Vanya’s birthday! For us, those holidays that happen spontaneously are more fun and enjoyable. Although last March 8th I really wanted Vanya to give me flowers. And he brought 111 tulips! I hugged this armful - I was moved to tears! Vanya even gave Mashenka a small basket of tulips.

AND: Masha didn’t quite appreciate my gift... But we captured the moment in a photo.

C: If you have a completely free evening together, how do you spend it?

AND: We really love going to restaurants. Eat delicious food, drink a bottle of good wine.

T: Chat, hug.

AND: Kiss!

C: Does it happen that you don’t have enough time for yourself personally and you want to isolate yourself?

AND: I have no. I can be with Tanya around the clock. I don't get tired of her. (Smiles.)

T: Recently Vanya took his daughter to her grandparents, and I was left alone for the first time in for a long time. I cried terribly! Mom then told me: “Tanya, why are you so worried! Finally you have a chance to rest." I pulled myself together and really rested the first day. And then I realized that I had lost interest in what was happening, I didn’t want to meet anyone or have fun. The only thing I wanted then and what I want now is for my whole family to be at home - my daughter and husband. Then I will be in a great mood, plans and countless desires will appear.

How many times do you call each other during the day?
AND: Ten times, no less! I call constantly, without any “why”.

The most absurd stereotype about your hometown.
T: Many people think that Kaliningrad is Germany!
AND: Yeah! And Yekaterinburg is the Czech Republic!

What are you singing in your heart?
TOGETHER: We can do anything! Any repertoire of your choice!

What topics should you not joke about with each other?
T: We joke about any topic! Vanya and I are very good friends.

What quality do you consider most important in each other?
AND: Tanya's most important quality is that she is a woman.
T: Reliability!

Advice for those who are currently searching?
AND: Everyone has their own bike. The main thing is the ability to remain yourself in different situations and with different people.

What about those who are already couples?
AND: Take care of each other.
T: Listen to each other and try to hear!

Interviewed by Ekaterina Volgina
We thank the Scandinavia country club for their assistance in conducting the shooting.


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Actor Ivan Zhidkov decided to try again to start a family. Reportedly, the artist’s girlfriend Liliya Solovyova will give him a baby in the fall. The couple have been together for almost two years and the young people have a very serious relationship.

Previously, Zhidkov was married to actress Tatyana Arntgolts; the former spouses have a seven-year-old daughter.

Last year, the artist spoke about his relationship with Lilia, emphasizing that after the divorce he seriously revised his views on family and love. “Love is something temporary. With the advent of social networks and smartphones, a real revolution took place in the field of communications,” the artist reasoned.

And he assured that Lily was ready for the fact that he would not rush with the proposal to go to the registry office. “We have an honest relationship: Lilya knows that I don’t see myself in the registry office, with diapers and so on. I see myself as a self-sufficient, free person who can be in a relationship with a woman and bear responsibility for them - this is a different format. Marriage is a stamp, and a stamp is a rigid formality that, apart from a headache, gives nothing to anyone.”

But now Ivan can change his views again. Lilia is now in her second trimester of pregnancy. Moreover, Zhidkov decided to report the news about the interesting situation of his friend personally, publishing a photo of his beloved on social networks. Now fans are wondering what the couple will name the baby?

And on September 1, 2016, actor Ivan Zhidkov, together with ex-wife Tatyana Arntgolts went to their daughter Maria’s school day. The stars took a selfie together and even joked that they were dating again and preparing to become parents.

“We are together again and expecting twins,” Zhidkov wrote ironically on Instagram. Fans reacted to the news with disbelief and began to sigh: “That would be nice,” “The most beautiful actor and the most beautiful actress.” Others called on the stars to bring the joke to life: “Vanya, is it hard to make a joke come true?! Encore?!"

True, there were also those who took the message at face value: “Lord, how happy I am for you! You are my favorite couple from our cinema! To be honest, I was upset when you broke up with Tanya. I love you and respect you very much, I bow to your talent!

Zhidkov also took a photo with his daughter and her first teacher. "1st D!" – the actor said proudly. In the photo, the actor tightly hugs his grown-up daughter. In front of dad and daughter there are flowers and a stack of textbooks. Subscribers bombarded the star family with congratulations: “What a sweetheart! Congratulations! Masha is a beauty!”, “Congratulations to my daughter on the start of the school year, easy learning for my daughter and parents.”

Zhidkov and Arntgolts divorced more than two years ago. According to the actor, separation was inevitable. “It seems to me that when something goes wrong, neither the child nor the stamp in the passport can handle it. And it’s better for a child to live in a family where they don’t quarrel, even if it’s incomplete, than in one where mom and dad are formally together, but there is no mutual understanding,” Ivan admitted in an interview.

The daughter of Tatiana and Ivan Maria will study at a school with in-depth study of the English language. “This is an ordinary public school,” said the actress. “I didn’t look for it for very long, but I had to look around six or seven institutions that are close to home. Of course, we are a little worried, although everything at school has been ready for a long time. I don’t remember my September 1st very well - I only remember the lush bouquet of gladioli, which I held tightly in my hands.”
