Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, the meaning of words starting with the letter a. What types of dictionaries are there? What types of Russian language dictionaries are there?

A Russian language dictionary should be available in every home. This does not indicate high level illiteracy of our people, but is a unique way to honor the works of our great compatriots. The first message about Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary appeared after the October Revolution, which means that it will soon celebrate its centenary. A lot of time has passed since then, and over the years Ozhegov’s dictionary, in collaboration with Shvedova, has been republished several times. To date, the total circulation of all publications is about 3.5 million books. This speaks of his enormous popularity.

With development information technologies It has become much easier to introduce yourself or your children to learning the rules of your native language. Now the need to buy bulky and expensive books has disappeared on its own. Everything we need can be found on the Internet. For example, Ozhegov’s spelling dictionary of the Russian language online viewing which is available on our website. This is one of the most comprehensive books of its kind.

Dictionary Ozhegov's Russian language online contains information about 80,000 words and expressions, giving an explanation of each of them. In it you will find detailed description and interpretation of words, and you will understand when it is appropriate to use them, and when it is better to remain silent. After all, listening to others on the street, and sometimes from television screens, one gets the impression of incomplete education and verbal incompetence of the speaker.

The online explanatory dictionary by Ozhegov and Shvedova, available on our website, is popular. Every day hundreds, or even thousands of visitors resort to its help, finding answers to their questions. If common man Only curiosity can make you look into it, then journalistic practice requires correct Russian speech and understanding of what is being said. Also, Ozhegov’s online explanatory dictionary will undoubtedly be useful to those working in the field of copyright. This profession requires the speaker to be able to correctly formulate and present an idea, because the written texts undergo a strict test for uniqueness. In other words, lexicon The copywriter's work must constantly expand, which will undoubtedly contribute to competent storytelling.

We continue the great work that began almost a hundred years ago, and give everyone the opportunity to use this book absolutely free, because Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language not only does not lose popularity, but, on the contrary, is gaining it every day. Work on improving the creation of Ozhegov and Shvedova continues to this day, and who knows, perhaps our grandchildren will see new reissues, supplemented by hitherto unknown words and phrases.

You will rarely meet a person who has not looked into a dictionary at least once in his life. With their help, we not only learn the meaning of certain words, select synonyms or antonyms, but also learn a lot of new things.

Let's talk about what kinds of dictionaries there are, what their classification is and remember the main "linguistic reference books" of the Russian language.

The Science of Dictionaries

Lexicography is one of the branches of linguistics that deals with the problems of studying and compiling dictionaries. It is she who deals with classification and puts forward requirements for the design of articles and their content.

Scientists who compile dictionaries call themselves lexicographers. It is important to note that dictionaries do not have authors, only compilers. This is due to the fact that they are compiled using special cards, on which the meanings of words and their forms are recorded. In this case, the compiler can use both cards collected by him personally, and cards collected by an entire staff of linguists.

Classification of modern dictionaries

All dictionaries are divided into encyclopedic and philological, or linguistic.

Encyclopedic dictionaries provide information about various events. A striking example of such a dictionary is BES - Bolshoi encyclopedic Dictionary. Encyclopedic ones include

What types of linguistic dictionaries are there? This group of dictionaries deals directly with words and their interpretation. They are also divided into bilingual and monolingual.

Bilingual dictionaries contain languages ​​and their equivalent in a foreign language.

Monolingual dictionaries are divided into groups depending on their purpose.

The most used types of dictionaries

What types of dictionaries are there? Among the monolingual dictionaries, the following should be highlighted:

Famous dictionaries of the Russian language

Let's now discuss what kinds of Russian language dictionaries there are.

  • The most famous is the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,” compiled by the famous scientist V. I. Dahl. This reference book contains about 200 thousand words. Despite the fact that it is already more than a century old, it is one of the most complete and widely used in our time.
  • The second no less important “Explanatory Dictionary”, compiled by another famous linguist S.I. Ozhegov.
  • The “Spelling Dictionary” was published by two different linguists - R. I. Avanesov and I. L. Reznichenko. Both dictionaries are impressive and will be useful not only for schoolchildren and students.
  • We also note the “Dictionary of Synonyms” by Z. E. Aleksandrova and the “Dictionary of Antonyms” edited by L. A. Vvedenskaya.

What other dictionaries are there? You can find out the history of many familiar words by turning to N. M. Shansky’s work “A Brief Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language,” and A. I. Molotkov’s “Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language” will help you become familiar with phraseological units and their meaning.

It is also worth noting the “Dictionary of Difficulties of the Russian Language,” edited by the famous Russian philologist, author of many monographs and a collection of rules of the Russian language D. E. Rosenthal and M. A. Telenkova.

Structure of a dictionary entry

In conclusion, I would like to add a few words about the structure of the dictionary entry.

Any dictionary entry begins with a heading word, which is often written in capital letters and is highlighted in bold.

Let us note right away that the words used in dictionaries are always spelled correctly, so if you doubt the correct spelling of a particular word, it is not necessary to consult a spelling dictionary. It is enough to open any one you have at hand.

Most dictionaries also indicate the correct accent. This information will contain almost all Russian dictionaries. What other notes are there?

After the title word information is coming about what part of speech it belongs to. Then its meaning is described or there is a list of synonyms, antonyms - it all depends on the type of dictionary. The dictionary entry ends with examples of use - quotes from books and magazines. If a given word has peculiarities in its use, this information is also indicated at the end of the article.


We have discussed what lexicography is, what dictionaries are and their meaning, listed the main types, and also provided a list of the most useful for any educated person.

Remember, if you have difficulty writing or pronouncing a word, you can’t find the most suitable one, you just need to open one of the books we listed.

Dictionary of the Russian language is a dictionary that describes one or another aspect of the vocabulary of the Russian language. “Dictionary of the Russian Language” is the title of a number of dictionaries known under other names: Ozhegov’s Dictionary; Small academic dictionary. See also... ... Wikipedia

Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Russisches etymologisches Wörterbuch Genre: etymological dictionary

Grammar dictionary of the Russian language (Zaliznyak’s dictionary) compiled by A. A. Zaliznyak is a dictionary of approximately 100 thousand basic word forms of the Russian language with their full morphological description. Fundamental work on morphology, ... ... Wikipedia

Title page of the second edition of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language (original title: Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language ... Wikipedia

A four-volume explanatory dictionary containing interpretations of Russian and Church Slavonic words, compiled and published by the Second Branch of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in 1847. This was the second significant one after... Wikipedia

DICTIONARY- a dictionary containing words with an explanation of their meanings; may contain grammatical, etymological and stylistic characteristics of words, examples of use and other information. The four-volume four-volume book is widely known and has retained its significance to this day... Professional education. Dictionary

Explanatory dictionary is a dictionary containing words and concepts of a language with brief description what the words mean, often accompanied by examples of how the words are used. The explanatory dictionary explains lexical meaning this or that... ... Wikipedia

This list contains a variety of record words (mostly from the Russian language). These words are extreme in terms of various criteria associated with the letters and combinations of letters contained in the word (a large number of letters, a large number ... ... Wikipedia

Explanatory Dictionary of Modern English ... Wikipedia

Dialectological maps of the Russian language are maps compiled using the methods of linguistic geography, displaying dialect associations (adverbs, groups of dialects, dialect zones) in the territory of distribution of the Russian language.... ... Wikipedia


  • Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, Vladimir Dal. V. I. Dahl's dictionary is an inexhaustible treasury of the Russian language, presented in all its completeness, originality and splendor. `... Every line of his teaches and enlightens me, bringing me closer...
  • Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language contains about 4,500 words and includes applications: family ties according to V. Dahl's dictionary, dictionary Old Slavonic language, etymology of Russian surnames, toponymy...

I think every person has opened a dictionary at least once in their life. Let's find out what they are?

A dictionary is a collection of words with explanations and interpretations. The words that are given in the collection are located in alphabetical order , so it is much easier for those who know the alphabet to use the dictionary.

Many people know that there are many dictionaries. There are dictionaries for specialists, for a wide range of readers, and for schoolchildren. Depending on the tasks of the dictionary, the composition of words will be different, they will be arranged and explained differently.

  • If you are interested in what this or that word means and in what cases it is appropriate to use it, please contact explanatory dictionary. One can guess that since it is named TOTLOVYM, Means, will explain everything about the word you are interested in, including information about the stress in the word, its spelling, and the most typical phrases.

The most famous “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S. I. Ozhegov.

  • If you have difficulty with stress and pronunciation, please contact spelling dictionary.

The most famous spelling dictionary “Russian literary pronunciation and stress”, ed. R. I. Avanesova and S. I. Ozhegova.

  • It will help to understand the meaning of a particular phraseological expression phrasebook.

The most famous “School Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language” by V. P. Zhukov in collaboration with A. V. Zhukov (edited by G. V. Karpyuk).

  • An explanation of proverbs and sayings, popular words and figurative expressions will be given dictionaries of proverbs, sayings and popular words.

Famous dictionaries:

1)B. P. Zhukov. "Dictionary of Russian proverbs and sayings."

2)S. N. Zigunenko, A. F. Istomin. “A unique illustrated explanatory dictionary of aphorisms and catchwords for children.”

  • Choosing a suitable synonym from a synonymous series will prompt synonym dictionary.

The most famous “Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language” by Z. E. Alexandrova.

  • You can learn how to spell words correctly from spelling dictionary.

The most famous " orthographic dictionary Russian language" by D. N. Ushakova, S. E. Kryuchkova.

Welcome to the Russian-Russian dictionary. Please write the word or phrase you want to check in the text box on the left.

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Glosbe is home to thousands of dictionaries. We offer not only a Russian-Russian dictionary, but also dictionaries for all existing pairs of languages ​​- online and free. Visit home page our website to choose from the available languages.

Translation Memory

Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can see not only translations into Russian or Russian: we provide usage examples, showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrases. This is called "translation memory" and is very useful for translators. You can see not only the translation of a word, but also how it behaves in a sentence. Our memory of translations comes mainly from parallel corpora that were made by people. This kind of sentence translation is a very useful addition to dictionaries.


We currently have 938,002 translated phrases. We currently have 5,729,350 sentence translations


Help us in creating the largest Russian - Russian dictionary online. Just login and add new translation. Glosbe is a joint project and everyone can add (or delete) translations. This makes our Russian Russian dictionary real, since it is created by native speakers who use the language every day. You can also be sure that any dictionary error will be corrected quickly, so you can rely on our data. If you find a bug or you are able to add new data, please do so. Thousands of people will be grateful for this.

You should know that Glosbe is not filled with words, but with ideas about what those words mean. Thanks to this, by adding one new translation, dozens of new translations are created! Help us develop Glosbe dictionaries and you will see how your knowledge helps people around the world.
