Young crown princes and princesses of European royal houses (28 photos).

Currently, there are about 30 monarchical states in the world, headed by real kings and queens. Many have children and grandchildren - princes and princesses. How do they live? Do they eat from silver platters and write with diamond slates on gold boards? Or is everything much simpler?

How do modern princes and princesses live? Are they bathed in luxury or brought up in excessive severity?

Prince George (4 years old) and Princess Charlotte (2 years old) - children of Prince William and Duchess Kate (UK)

Prince George and Princess Charlotte are perhaps the most famous children in the world. However, parents strive to provide their children with a “normal childhood” and try to raise them in the same way as millions of ordinary Britons do. George and Charlotte do not have expensive newfangled toys and an army of servants, but they spend a lot of time with their parents, who are known for their unconventional educational techniques. For example, during children's tantrums, Duchess Kate herself begins to roll on the floor and scream loudly. This method turned out to be effective: when they see their mother’s “hysteria,” children immediately calm down.

And in April 2018, George and Charlotte will have a brother or sister.

Leonor (12 years old) and Sofia (10 years old) - daughters of King Philip VI and Queen Letizia (Spain)

The heir to the Spanish crown, Leonor and her younger sister Sofia are the favorites of the common people. Toy manufacturers even produce dolls that look exactly like blonde princesses. Parents dote on their daughters and pay close attention to their education. Girls learn English and Chinese languages, as well as local dialects: Castilian, Catalan, Basque. In addition, they practice yachting, skiing and ballet.

Estelle (5 years old) and Oscar (1 year old) are the children of the Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and her husband Prince Daniel (Sweden)

Princess Estelle is the first girl in Swedish history to be born with the right of succession to the throne. According to the 1980 law, Estelle is second in line to the throne after her mother, ahead of her younger brother Oscar. But for now, Estelle doesn’t think at all about her brilliant future: she happily babysits her brother and leads the life of an ordinary girl. According to the children's mother:

“Estelle is very curious, sociable, brave, active and cheerful. Oscar is calmer, he respects and loves his sister very much."

Ingrid Alexandra (13 years old) and Sverre Magnus (11 years old) - children of Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit (Norway)

The children of Norwegian Prince Haakon are now entirely focused on their studies. At the same time, they, like millions of other teenagers, actively use social networks. Princess Ingrid Alexandra is second in line to the Norwegian throne after her father, so she is already taking part in various official events. The girl made her first public speech at the age of 6. Now the girl is studying at a private school, Oslo International School, where almost all training is conducted in English language.

As for Sverre Magnus, he is known as a real joker and amuses not only the royal family, but also the entire Norwegian people. Ingrid Alexandra and Sverre Magnus also have an older half-brother, Marius, who has no rights to the royal throne.

Christian (12 years old), Isabella (10 years old), twins Vincent and Josephine (6 years old) - children of Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary (Denmark)

The Danes adore Crown Prince Frederik, his wife, Crown Princess Mary, and their four children. The prince's eldest son, Christian, the future heir to the throne, attended the usual kindergarten and a municipal school and is no different from ordinary boys, however, like his younger sisters and brother. Children grow up very active and playful: they love bicycles, scooters and cars.

Prince Frederick's family is very friendly. The prince, his wife and children, love to travel on the family yacht and ski.

Jacques and Gabriela - children of Prince Albert and Princess Charlene (Monaco)

Twins Jacques and Gabriela were born on December 10, 2014 via Caesarean section. Their father, Prince Albert, was present at their birth and was very proud of it. Jacques has the primary right to the throne, although he is 2 minutes younger than his sister. Their mother, Princess Charlene, oversees the development and upbringing of the children. As a former swimming champion, she is already actively introducing kids to aquatic species sports

Elizabeth (16 years old), Gabriel (14 years old), Emmanuel (12 years old) and Eleanor (9 years old) - children of King Philip I and Queen Mathilde (Belgium)

All the children of the Belgian king attend a Catholic Jesuit college in Brussels, known for its strict rules. Heiress royal throne is Princess Elizabeth. Girl from the very early childhood distinguished by exemplary behavior and seriousness. She speaks excellent German, French and Dutch, and also dances beautifully.

Princesses Katharina-Amalia (13 years old), Alexia (12 years old) and Ariana (10 years old) - daughters of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima (Netherlands)

Dutch princesses live rich life: They do ballet, enjoy swimming, horse riding and tennis. The girls speak English well and are also learning Spanish, which is the native language of their mother, Queen Maxima.

Prince Hisahito (10 years old) – son of Prince Fumihito and Princess Kiko (Japan)

Prince Hisahito is the main hope of the Japanese imperial house, because before his birth only girls were born in the family, and according to the law, only a man can take the Chrysanthemum Throne.

Although the emperor's family dotes on the little prince, they do not do him any favors: he goes to school, where his successes are assessed very strictly, and even participates in sports Olympiads along with other students. As for hobbies, the prince likes to ride a bicycle, play ball and is interested in the life of insects.

Royal families have many traditions, and one of them is related to the birth of heirs. Moreover, each dynasty has its own.

Traditions of the birth of a child in the royal family of England

Let's say right away that they have changed. When the current head of the British monarchy was born in 1926, women in labor royal family were at home at that moment. The doctor came with his medical retinue - he brought midwives.

It is known that the mother of the newborn, lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, gave birth at the residence of the Earl of Strathmore on Brewton Street. The process of bringing a girl into the world was painful. Natural childbirth doctors then preferred C-section. So the British then read in the newspapers: “The Duchess gave birth to her daughter after completing the necessary procedure”.

Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon and Princess Elizabeth, future Queen Elizabeth II / Instagram @britishmonarchy

Elizabeth II at the age of 14 months / Instagram @britishmonarchy

The queen's first son Elizabeth II gave birth at Buckingham Palace. She was 22 years old at the time. Let us note that the birth of her son was not very easy for the mother in labor - the birth lasted 30 hours. However surgical intervention managed to avoid.

Queen Elizabeth II became a revolutionary in the practice of home birth. She stated that the presence of one of the ministers was not required. In former times, an important official was always present at the birth. His mission was to make sure that the heir was actually born, to verify the gender of the baby and to confirm that the child would not be replaced.

Elizabeth II with Prince Charles / Instagram @britishmonarchy

During Queen Elizabeth II's first birth, her husband Prince Philip, as British funds claim mass media, played squash and swam in the pool - tried to distract myself. And when the first-born was born, he came to congratulate the young mother with a bouquet of red roses, carnations and a bottle of champagne.

All the queen's sons were born in the chambers Buckingham Palace, A Princess Anne born at Clarence House.

Elizabeth II with Princes Edward (left) and Andrew (left) / Instagram @britishmonarchy , @britishmonarchy

Prince Charles and Princess Anne / Instagram @britishmonarchy

First birth Princess Diana, spouses Prince Charles, also marked a revolution in the birth process of royal babies. Lady Di refused to give birth the old fashioned way in the palace, and went to St. Mary's Hospital, located in London. This is the solution to the British favorite people's princess opened a new tradition in the Windsor dynasty.

The birth of her eldest son is also known to another new tradition: Dad began to attend the birth.

“I am so grateful that I was next to Diana that day,” Prince Charles was then quoted as saying by the media. - By the end of the day, I felt as if I had completely shared the whole process with her and received this little creature as a reward.

Instagram @princess.diana.forever
Instagram @inspiringdiana

Instagram @britishmonarchy

Born at St. Mary's Hospital younger son couples - Prince Harry. Let us remind you that he will become a dad in the spring of 2019. I wonder where his wife will give birth Meghan Markle, which is already known for its rebellious nature and every now and then violates royal protocol?

Instagram @princess.diana.forever

Instagram @princess.diana.forever , @princess.diana.forever

Kate Middleton, one of England's most popular royals, also gave birth at St. Mary's Hospital. And all three times her husband was with her Prince William.

Let us note that the Duchess of Cambridge is the founder of a new and very sweet tradition. At the time of her discharge from the hospital, she twice wore images similar to those in which her famous mother-in-law came out with newborns in her arms.


Instagram @britishmonarchy
Instagram @royal_katemiddleton

But the eldest granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II, Zara Philipps, chose to entrust the birth of her daughters to the doctors at the Stroud Maternity Unit in Stroud, Gloucestershire, England. Her husband was present at the birth.

Instagram @worldofroyals

Instagram @history_royals

Traditions of the birth of a child in the royal family of Monaco

Subjects of the small principality of Monaco for a long time waited until Prince Albert II And Princess Charlene They will announce that they are expecting a baby. The bonus of the long wait was the appearance of... twins.

Kids Gabriella Teresa Maria And Jacques Honore Rainier were born at the Princess Grace Hospital - the only public medical institution in the principality. Note that the girl was born two minutes earlier than her brother. But, according to the traditions of the principality, it is the son of Prince Albert II who will inherit the throne. And Princess Gabriella, the second child in the line of succession, received the title of Countess Carladez at birth.

Instagram @monacofamilypics

Instagram @monacofamilypics

Instagram @monacofamilypics

Another representative of the royal family of Monaco was recently born at the Princess Grace Hospital - she became a mother there for the second time Charlotte Casiraghi, niece of Prince Albert II of Monaco.

Instagram @charlotte.casiraghi

“The Princess of Hanover and Madame Carole Bouquet have the honor to inform you of the birth of a grandson. Mother and child are doing well” / Instagram @charlottecasiraghi

Traditions of the birth of a child in the royal family of Spain

The head of the Spanish monarchy is now Philip VI. With my wife Leticia he has two daughters - Leonor, Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofia. Both girls were born at the Ruber Clinic in Madrid.

Instagram @theborbonsisters

Instagram @theborbonsisters

Let us note that the girls’ eminent father was also born not in the palace chambers, but in the Nuestra Señora de Loreto clinic in Madrid.

The press service of the royal palace decided to announce the appearance of the heir to the throne by sending an SMS to the press. On that day, many national publications published photographs mobile phones, which displayed an important message.

Royal family of Sweden

In this royal family there are no requirements for where eminent babies should be born. For example, Her Royal Highness, Swedish Princess Madeleine gave birth to her daughter in Stockholm, although she lived with her family in London throughout her pregnancy. @jossehannaaroyal

Royal family of the Netherlands

In the small state of the Netherlands, the Queen Consort won the love of her subjects Maxima, the king's wife Willema-Alexandra. Let us note that she is mother of many children and has three daughters.

Children of this royal couple: eldest daughter- princess Katarina-Amalia Beatrix Carmen Victoria. Her official titles: Princess of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau. He ranks first in the line of succession to the throne. The second daughter of Willem-Alexander and Maxima is a princess Alexia Juliana Marcela Laurentin. The girl is second in line to the throne. Third in line to the throne is youngest daughter couples - princess Ariana Wilhemina Maxima Ines.

Instagram @worldofroyals

Instagram @royalchildren

Instagram @queenmaxima.same

All girls were born at Bronovo Hospital in The Hague. Interestingly, newborn daughters from medical institution Dad took them out and showed them to numerous admirers of the Dutch royal family.

There are only a few days left until we meet Prince William and hear about the birth of Kate Middleton's third child. The little prince or princess is due in April, so in anticipation of Kate giving birth, we're taking a look at some of the most amazing royal baby traditions you might not know about.

From day one the royal children were not on breastfeeding, they were usually born at home, and fathers were not allowed into the delivery room. Times have changed and some of these traditions have been revised, but others still remain.

Home birth

The Queen was born at her grandfather's London home in Bruton Street, Mayfair, in 1926. Royal children were usually born at home, and Her Majesty continued this tradition by choosing to give birth to Prince Charles, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward at Buckingham Palace. Princess Anne was born at Clarence House, which is now the home of Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall.

The Queen's sister Princess Margaret also gave birth to her daughter Lady Sarah Chatto in Kensington Palace, and his son David, 2nd Earl of Snowdon at Clarence House.

The trend towards hospital births began with Princess Anne, who chose to give birth to her children at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London. Private physician Lindo Wing at St Mary's Hospital has treated several royal children, including Prince William, Prince Harry, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

Presence of a witness

A household secretary was required to be present in the waiting room to witness and confirm the birth. The tradition dates back to end of XVII century when King James II and Queen Mary Beatrice's son James Stuart was rumored to be an "imposter". The Hanoverians claimed that real child died at birth and was replaced by a new one.

When the Queen was born in 1926, her birth was confirmed by the Home Secretary, although this tradition ended soon after, shortly before the birth of Prince Charles in 1948.

Fathers were not allowed in the delivery room

Traditionally, fathers remained outside the delivery room. When the Queen was pregnant with Prince Charles, she experienced a long and difficult labor. Her husband Prince Philip spent about 30 hours playing squash as he was not allowed inside. Times have changed, and Prince William was present at the birth of Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

Royal children were not breastfed

Queen Victoria hated being pregnant and refused to breastfeed her nine children, calling the action "the destruction of intelligent and refined young ladies." This is currently a personal preference for each royal.

The baby's gender is not revealed until birth

The palace will always announce the pregnancy of a couple and usually the month in which the child will be born, although specifics such as the gender of the child and exact date, remain a mystery.

The Queen is one of the first to know about the birth of a child

Her Majesty is one of the first to know that she has been born new member her family. When Prince George was born, William was required to call his grandmother on a special encrypted phone number to tell her happy news. He then called Kate's parents in Bucklebury, her sister Pippa and brother James, his to my own father Prince Charles and his brother Prince Harry.

The royal baby has three or four names

Royal children usually have three or four names, which are strong traditional names that have been used in the family for centuries, such as George and Charles.

Some names pay homage to members of the royal family, such as Princess Charlotte's middle name Elizabeth (after Queen Elizabeth II), as well as Diana (after Princess Diana). Prince George's middle names are Alexander and Louis, and Prince William's middle names are Arthur, Philip and Louis. The Queen usually approves the names of the royal babies who are closest to the throne.

The birth is announced in the city

One of the most traditional moments The birth of the royal child is announced by the town crier. Tony Appleton had the honor of announcing the birth of Prince George and Princess Charlotte on the steps of the Lindo Wing and is expected to do the same for the new baby. This role originated in medieval times, when most townspeople could not read or write.

An easel is being installed at Buckingham Palace

Prince William and Kate's team is currently announcing family news on Twitter and Instagram, as well as sending out press statements. But those who want to see the official announcement for themselves can visit Buckingham Palace, where a bulletin showing the baby's sex, weight and time of birth, signed by the medical team, hangs on an easel. The announcement used to be handwritten, signed at the hospital and delivered back to the palace by car.


As on other special occasions such as anniversaries and birthdays, a royal salute is fired to celebrate a new birth. The peak of the fireworks at the Tower of London lasts ten minutes.

Baptism of a child shortly after birth

Christenings usually take place two or three months after birth, and are the second time the newborn is officially shown. The Queen was just one month old when she was christened in the private chapel at Buckingham Palace, while Prince William was two months old and Prince Harry was three months old. Prince George's christening took place three months after his birth, and Princess Charlotte's christening two months later.

Crystal dress

Princess Charlotte was seventh royal child, on whom they put on a beautiful baptismal gown from Honaton. The dress is a replica of one made for Queen Victoria's eldest child, Victoria, in 1841. After several generations, this dress became too fragile, so a copy was made. Prince William and Prince Harry still wore the original dress.

Official christening photos

Formal photographs taken shortly after the christening and showing the newborn with his parents, godparents and members of the royal family are also traditional. Mario Testino had the honor of photographing Princess Charlotte at her christening, and Jason Bell took the official photographs of Prince George.

A child usually has six godparents

While most of us have three or four godchildren, royal babies are usually given at least five godparents. Prince George, third in line to the throne, has seven godparents: Oliver Baker, Emilia Hardine-Paterson, Earl Grosvenor, Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, Julia Samuel, William van Cutsem and Zara Tindall.

Zara - cousin Prince William, and Julia was a close friend of Princess Diana.

Princess Charlotte has five godparents: Thomas van Straubenzee, James Mead, Sophie Carter, Laura Fellowes and Adam Middleton. Laura is Prince William's cousin, and Adam is cousin Kate.

The heir to the British throne with his family

IN different countries ah of Europe, young heirs are growing up in the royal families, who will in the future take on the royal regalia. Who are these famous children, and how are they raised in royal families? About the young heirs to the royal thrones European countries and will be discussed in this review.

Great Britain

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and his wife Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, their son Prince George of Cambridge and Princess Charlotte

The royal family of Elizabeth II, on the throne since 1952, is undoubtedly the most famous in Europe. That is why the first-born George, born to Prince William and his wife Catherine, became so famous from the moment of his birth. In the future, it is he who, after his grandfather and father, will inherit the British throne.
Prince George (22 July 2013)

Prince George of Cambridge

Little George's parents do not particularly spoil him with luxury, trying to provide him with an ordinary happy childhood.

Prince George

Now Katt and William live away from London, in Anmer Hall, on their country estate, which Elizabeth II gave them as a wedding gift, where they mainly raise their children.

Prince George

But this September, George, who will be 4 years old this summer, will have to go to school, and by this time the whole family is planning to move to permanent place residence in London, to his new residence.


Princess of Sweden, Duchess of Östergötland - daughter of the heir to the Swedish throne, Crown Princess Victoria and her husband, Duke of Västergötland Daniel Westling and his brother

Princess Estelle (23 February 2012)

Her Royal Highness Estelle Silvia Eva Mary, Princess of Sweden, Duchess of Östergötland

Estelle is the daughter of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel Westling, who was previously Victoria's personal fitness instructor, and is second in line to her mother to the Swedish crown.

Princess Estelle

Now this charming princess is 5 years old, she is a very spontaneous, active and cheerful girl. Estelle loves to dance and often does it during official receptions. At the age of 4 she began studying at a ballet school in Stockholm.

Princess Estelle

Her parents constantly take her and her brother to various cultural and sporting events. And she already has a lot of fans.


King Philip VI of Spain and Queen Letizia with their daughters Leonor and Sofia

Princess Leonor (31 October 2005)

Infanta Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Princess Leonor, the eldest daughter of King Philip VI and his wife Letizia, has a good chance of becoming head of state (unless her parents have a boy by then). Parents pay a lot of attention to the education of their daughters, Princess Leonor studies several foreign languages, studies music and ballet, learns etiquette, and also loves skiing. It is also planned in the future that Leonor will study economics and diplomacy, which are difficult for the head of state to do without. And since the King of Spain is also the Supreme Commander, Leonor will also have to serve in the army.

Princess Leonor

Sisters Eleanor and Sofia are very stylish and beautiful girls, who behave impeccably in society, it is impossible not to admire them. Nevertheless, parents try to protect their daughters from excessive paparazzi attention; they rarely go out into the world.


Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary Elizabeth Donaldson with their children - Prince Christian (2005), Princess Isabella (2007), twins Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine

Prince Christian (15 October 2005)

Prince of Denmark Christian Waldemar Henri John

The birth of the first son Christian to Crown Prince Frederik and his wife Mary Donaldson, now large family, who has four children, was celebrated on a grand scale throughout the country. The parents themselves, Frederick and Mary, are very active life, both sports and cultural, they teach their children to do the same, often taking them with them.

Prince Christian

Little bully Christian.

Christian grows up as a cheerful child who loves to misbehave, like all boys, and communicates with children from the most ordinary families. Together with them I went first to kindergarten, and then to municipal school.


Crown Prince Haakon of Norway with his wife Mette-Marit and two children - Princess Ingrid Alexandra and Prince Sverre Magnus

Princess Ingrid (21 January 2004)

HRH Ingrid Alexandra, Princess of Norway

Ingrid, the main heir to the throne, is the eldest daughter in the family of Prince Haakon and his wife Mette-Marit. The northern princess lives a very ordinary life, her parents adhere to fairly strict methods of raising children.

Princess Ingrid

Princess Ingrid

Ingrid started studying at a very ordinary school, located next to her house, and now, together with her brother, she studies at an elite private school where all subjects are taught in English.


King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands with his wife Queen Maxima and daughters Princesses Catharina-Amalia, Alexia and Ariana

Princess Katharina-Amalia (31 October 2003)

Princess Catharina-Amalia Beatrix Carmen Victoria

Katharina Amalia, being the eldest of the three daughters of King Willem Alexander and his wife Maxima, is the first-line heir to the throne.

Princess Katharina-Amalia

Princess Katharina-Amalia

Willem-Alexander is the first king in 130 years - before that, the kingdom was ruled only by women. But he has three daughters, so governing the kingdom of the Netherlands will soon again become the lot of women.

King Philippe of Belgium, Queen Mathilde with children - Princess Elisabeth (2001), Prince Gabriel (2003), Prince Emmanuel (2005) and Princess Eleanor (2008)

Princess Elizabeth (25 October 2001)

Elisabeth Theresa Maria Helena of Belgium, Duchess of Brabant

Elizabeth is the eldest of four children of King Philip and his wife Matilda. From childhood, Elizabeth was raised as future queen, she is trained in etiquette and is fluent in three European languages ​​- Dutch, German and French.

Princess Elizabeth

Princess Elizabeth

And although the royal family does not appear very often in in public places, Elizabeth is already actively participating in various official events and behaves with great dignity.

When you hear the term “royal children,” Prince George and Prince George immediately come to mind. And in others royal families After all, children are being raised in the world too! the site offers to learn about them in more detail and see what the heirs to thrones from different countries of the world look like!

Princesses Leonor and Sofia, Spain

The eldest daughter of King Philip VI and his wife Letizia is now 12 years old. Sooner or later this girl will become queen of Spain.

Sofia is 10 years old. She follows immediately behind her older sister in line to the throne.

Prince Henrik, Denmark

Prince Joachim and Marie Cavalier's fourth child is 8 years old. He is ninth in the list of heirs to the Danish throne.

Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques, Monaco

Three-year-old niece Grace Kelly was born 2 minutes before her brother Jacques. However, according to the rules of the royal family of Monaco, a boy is still considered the heir to the throne.

Princesses Ariana, Amalia and Alexia, Netherlands

The youngest daughter of King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands and Queen Maxima was born in 2007. Ariana is third in the line of succession to the throne of the Netherlands after her older sisters.

14-year-old Amalia is the eldest daughter and heir to the royal throne of the Netherlands.

Alexia is the second daughter of the King of the Netherlands. Now the second in line for the royal presto is a 12-year-old girl.

Princess Elisabeth, Belgium

The 16-year-old eldest daughter of King Philippe of Belgium and his wife Queen Mathilde is first in line to inherit the throne of Belgium.

Prince Christian, Denmark

The 12-year-old son of Prince Frederik and his wife Mary Donaldson will take the throne after his eminent father, being the oldest child in the Danish royal family.

Princess Estelle, Sweden

Estelle is the first child of the heir to the Swedish throne, Crown Princess Victoria, and her husband. The 6-year-old girl is also included in the line of succession to the British throne, occupying a place in the third hundred.

Princess Ingrid Alexandra, Norway

She is the eldest daughter of Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and his wife Mette-Marit. The girl is 14 years old and will become Crown Princess of Norway only after her father inherits the throne.

Prince Nicholas, Denmark

Son of Prince Joachim, Count of Monpeza and Alexandra, Countess of Fredensborg. The 18-year-old boy occupies seventh position in the list of heirs to the Danish throne.

Princess Aiko, Japan

Daughter of Crown Prince Naruhito and his wife, Crown Princess Masako. 16-year-old Aiko bears the imperial title of Princess Toshi. In case she wants to marry a commoner, she will lose all her privileges.

Princes Gabriel and Noah, Luxembourg

Sons of Prince Louis and Tessie Anthony. Gabriel is 11 years old, Noah is 10.

Princes George and Louis, Princess Charlotte, UK

You can talk a lot about the great-grandchildren of the British Queen Elizabeth II. The eldest son of Prince William and Kate Middleton is now 4 years old, Princess Charlotte is 3 years old, and baby Louis is not even a month old.

We previously reported that the elders took direct part in wedding celebration his uncle Prince Harry. The kids amazed all the guests with their touchingness and sincerity.
