Yuzbashev Akop Borisovich what is he doing now? Godfather of the Kursk region

Especially dangerous criminals[Crimes that shocked the world] Globus Nina Vladimirovna



On March 19, 1994, on a highway near Pushkino near Moscow, machine guns riddled the Zhiguli of Alexander Malov, the bodyguard of the famous domestic mafioso Akop Yuzbashev (nicknamed Papa). On the way to the hospital, the bandit managed to say before his death: “This is for Dunno!” (a friend of Yuzbashev’s competitors - the Sokolov brothers, who was killed by Malov last spring).

And even before what happened to Malov, the head of the Ivanteevsk group Zhora Zhavoronkov, nicknamed Boot, in the company of his friends, declared: “Now there will be a sea of ​​blood...” - and left with his closest entourage somewhere to the south. It seems to be in Yalta.

The disappearance of Zhora, who ruled for almost a year in the zone of influence of Akop Yuzbashev, who went on the run in June last year in connection with a special forces visit to his villa, is widely associated with the actual legalization of Akop, the investigation of whose cases was skillfully torpedoed by the regional prosecutor's office. Dad has returned - and a deputy is no longer needed.

Immediately after Zhora left, shots began to be fired.

On March 21, Sultan, the head of one of the influential “Caucasian” groups, was killed in Balashikha. On the same day in Chertanovo, at the entrance of the house where he had moved just two weeks ago, eight bullets were pumped into Sergei Sokolov, Akop’s most bitter rival. The next day, in Podolsk, the leader of the local group received two bullets in the forehead. A day later, in the village of Pravda, Pushkinsky district, one of Sokolov’s closest friends had an entire machine gun horn driven into his back.

It is noteworthy that Yuzbashev's competitors are being removed. And Balashikha, and Pravda, and Podolsk are long-standing spheres of influence of the “nugget” from Ganja, who in less than a decade became the ruler of the Moscow region.

On June 17 last year, special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs thwarted Yuzbashev’s tempting operation. Hakob, who was already tired of Russia, wanted to change places and houses with David Shuster, a mafioso from New Jersey, whose access to the United States was cut off by the FBI. Dodik took over all the necessary connections from Akop, and the five-story palace in the village of Lesnoy was furnished for him according to the “American standard”... But then, very inopportunely, the FBI sent a request to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Dodik, who was making millions in an office on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, without any fear that that in the USA he faces 420 years in prison. And at the same time as the special forces knocked on the gates of the Hakob Palace, a brigade of operatives with a convoy of FBI special agents arrived at Kutuzovsky. The prosecutor's office grumbled that “the cops are trying to trick America,” but the deportation was successful.


Shuster's crimes committed against the United States are currently on trial in three states. But will it ever be the turn of Akop Yuzbashev’s “exploits”? There are too many intercessors at all levels of power.

In those very hours when excited Moscow lived mainly in fortune-telling - whether the “heroes of October” would be released from Lefortovo or not, an equally significant event, closely connected with them, took place without unnecessary fuss. The Yegoryevsky District Court of the Moscow Region released Alexander Malov, the security guard of Akop Yuzbashev, on his own recognizance. The same Yuzbashev, whom Rutskoy; in his legendary speech in parliament on April 25 last year, he called him “my best friend.” Malov, arrested on the day of the storming of the Akopov palace and accused of hooliganism, illegal possession firearms and murder, went to prison in Sergiev Posad.

The investigation has ended. And an employee of the Pushkin District Prosecutor's Office, Igor Chernyshev, went to prison to have a final conversation with his ward. But Malov was no longer there. It turns out that he was transferred to Yegoryevsk by order regional administration for the execution of sentences “in order to ensure the personal safety of the defendant.”

Cursing, the investigator rushed to the other end of the area. And he arrived just in time for the opening of the court doors, from which Malov came out, greeted by the beaming Genrikh Yuzbashev, Hakob’s brother.

Operation Liberation was carried out flawlessly, despite a continuous chain of lawlessness. The prison service, subordinate to the head of the regional police department, did not have the right to “take care” of Malov without the knowledge of the investigator. But the judge in Yegoryevsk turned out to be much more accommodating than his Sergiev Posad colleagues. But the fact that the transfer to Yegoryevsk prison and the court verdict were not made for “pretty eyes” still needs to be proven. Who will do this now?! Rutskoi is already free, which means his “ best friend“Yuzbashev is about to appear.

During the visit of the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to Yuzbashev’s dacha, the criminal case was brought to light only by his guards, who were suspected of extortion, murder, kidnapping, and illegal possession of firearms. But he nevertheless disappeared... His wife disappeared after him. On board the plane, which was heading for New York, the operatives were informed that, in addition to Madame Yuzbasheva, there were four more excess cargo on board - her luggage. It was not difficult to get through customs, which repeatedly let through everything and everyone Hakob needed. While they dealt with the two dozen detainees at the “dacha” and sent Dodik Shuster to New York in handcuffs, Akop’s wife calmed down. And, having visited Moscow, she took from the investigative committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs those things that she did not manage to take away at the time of her hasty flight.

In the regional law enforcement system, Yuzbashev had “everything seized.” But in order to collapse the criminal case with obvious facts of banditry, it took time.

Only four months later, the deputy head of the investigation department of the regional police department, Konstantin Kotov, decided to confront Genrikh Yuzbashev with the bartender Ustinov, from whom he extorted money. And the bartender’s soul sank from the mere sight of Gosha, beating and torturing with electric shocks even those who had long paid him compensation. So to speak, for prevention... Having come face to face with Gosha and realizing that the investigator could not find a defense, the bartender renounced all his testimony. And immediately after the interrogation he went on the run. Gosha was immediately released “cleanly,” and soon Ustinov’s bar, located on the first floor of the rest house near the Zelenogradskaya platform, burned down. Someone broke the window at night, poured out a can of gasoline and set it on fire. The arsonists, as usual, were “not found.”

And after a couple of months, Gosha was able to start rescuing the Malov brothers from prison. Everything went smoothly with Alexander. And Vladimir’s charges were reclassified to a more lenient charge. But when the courtyard of the district court on Butyrsky Val, where the issue of the release of Vladimir Malov from Butyrka was to be decided, was filled to capacity by “persons of Caucasian nationality,” the judge had to make a long excuse to Gosha. He would be happy to do everything, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs protested to the court, which tried to release on their own recognizance those suspected of murder and taken with weapons in their hands.

And even earlier, data on Akop Yuzbashev’s past convictions suddenly “disappeared” from the central file cabinet of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Although many remember that he came to commerce and the “corridors of power” from camp informers.

As soon as he left prison, Gosha Yuzbashev hired three guards at the police station in the village of Pravda. And together with them he began to consistently visit the hot spots and commercial stores that had previously brought him a hefty tribute. And for some reason none of the authorities were interested in that “trip to the places of military glory”... Gosha also paid a visit to the wife of one of his brother’s arrested bodyguards:

As you can see, I got cleaned up. And we'll get the rest out soon. And if yours doesn’t stop being frank with the cops, no matter what happens to him...

Not an empty warning. In the summer, a Yuzbashevsky guard was found hanged in a prison cell in Sergiev Posad, who gave an excessively frank confession. Another one, if released, will be disabled. Everyone else immediately fell silent.

Arrested along with Gosha, the Malovs and a dozen other thugs, Yuzbashev’s deputy for construction, Vladimirov, who kept the main arsenal of the gang, and sentenced by the humane Pushkin District Court to a year in prison, spends most of his time not in his cell, but in his villa, in Lesnoy - “ on holiday". At the Sergiev Posad pre-trial detention center, he organized a vibrant cooperative. And in response to all questions about the money of the UVID company that has sunk without a trace (Yuzbashev, Vladimirov and others), he claims that there were no thefts, they say, the vile bandits the Sokolov brothers have been extorting money from him since 1989.

Meanwhile, the deputy head of the investigative department of the regional GUVD, Konstantin Kotov, who, under more than strange circumstances, “outright” freed Gosha Yuzbashev, was introduced by his superiors to next rank. And Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Perkin, head of the Pushkinsky District Department of Internal Affairs, according to some information, is planned to be transferred to the post of deputy head of the Russian State Traffic Inspectorate. This move guarantees Perkin the rank of general. In the meantime, he complains to Shield and Sword reporters that his fight against crime is hampered by liberal judges who release bandits like the Sokolov brothers on bail.

His acquaintance with Yuzbashev began in 1977, when he created his own auto repair shop next door to the regional traffic police, headed by Perkin.

The inspection of this friendship carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs ended happily for Perkin. Regarding how the archives of the great mafia ended up with a photograph of him, chilling in the living room of the Yuzbashevsky palace behind a samovar, the chief of the police department wrote: “Photo montage”! Although it is impossible to edit a Polaroid photo.

The life of the lieutenant colonel would have been completely serene if his own nephew, a poor child, had not been accused under Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“extortion”), he had not been spared by the bad hobbies of young people.

Hakob’s constant presence among the “first persons of the capital”, who received a dress for his wife, a set of furniture, a dacha “at very ridiculous prices”, made it possible to “save in big and small.” Let's say a diplomatic passport cost him only a thousand bucks, while on the black market in Moscow it cost at least ten thousand. The figure who arranged this passport wrote this in his handwritten explanation to the operatives of the department for combating banditry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: “When the country is a mess and every foreign currency prostitute has a diplomatic passport, I believed that I would not bring much damage to the state if I provided a small service to a respected person, a friend of the country’s leaders, for whom it is painful to stand in line for customs inspection every time during private business trips abroad...”

Hakob’s purchase of 9-mm pistols from Germany was not considered a sin either. The whole “family” immediately found themselves “at guns.”

When the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with the help of the regional administration’s economics committee, once again stopped production at a vodka factory not far from Akop’s residence in Lesnoy, the regional authorities finally obtained permission from the regional authorities to continue bottling counterfeit vodka. Allegedly, “otherwise the district will experience an acute shortage of contributions for social needs.” Although in Lesnoy they sell vodka only for cash dollars. And in principle, nothing could get into the district budget.

But no one wants to delve into the affairs of the powerful head of the regional consumer union, Gennady Ashotovich Akopov, without whose restaurants, cafes and bars Yuzbashev’s large-scale vodka business would have been possible.

So, Hakob’s “best friend” had already left Lefortovo and first of all visited the Manhattan Club, where he played roulette with a “group of comrades”. In the coming days we can expect the legalization of Yuzbashev.

The vice-president of the Revival Foundation (the company Torola Production, which produces counterfeit vodka, is just one of his many creations) quite correctly judged that the regional link of power in this country, which right before our eyes is turning into the Union of Sovereign Regions, is the strongest. And it didn’t let him down.


Almost immediately after the shooting of Yuzbashev’s competitors, General Alexander Kartashov, the head of the regional department for combating organized crime at the regional State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, gave a very lengthy monologue on the “Itogi” television program. He spoke almost tenderly about how powerful a network of criminal gangs had developed in the metropolitan area. And almost not a word about how to destroy this network... An ordinary person not privy to the details could well assume that the general and his people were just another group, peacefully neighboring with the others.

The national fame that Yuzbashev gained after a visit to his dacha by the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs naturally raised the question of the nature of the relationship between Akop and Kartashov. Now, when all the previous foundations have collapsed, few people believe in the unspoken moral code that supposedly exists among police generals: “Don’t take from blacks!”

And the shadow of Yuzbashev’s popularity fell on Kartashov. Instead of suing the offenders, the general did not find anything smarter than to get involved in a protracted newspaper war, singing to gullible reporters all sorts of fables about “the persecutors of the outstanding businessman Yuzbashev.”

True, when a Russian radio reporter jumped up to him and asked him to develop this idea in more detail, Kartashov shuddered: “Akop is a criminal, and there is no point in linking me with him!..” These words were somehow very different from Komsomolskaya Pravda’s constant references to Kartashova, that “the investigation has no claims against Yuzbashev”!

Meanwhile, in the houses of Pushkin businessmen, who at various times lost a fair amount of money due to Yuzbashev, telephone calls from “well-wishers” are heard. Like, “Akop promised 200 thousand dollars for your head.” Almost immediately after the call, uninvited “friends” appear, offering, for a substantial fee in the hard currency, to indicate the safe apartment of the regional police department, where Yuzbashev is supposedly hiding.

Do you believe in the possibility of such a shelter for Yuzbashev? - I asked Anatoly Sokolov, who heads the transport department of the Mosaic cooperative, driving Ikarus with passengers on the Moscow-Tula route.

I believe!.. Moreover, I am convinced that finding this apartment is not too difficult, but I also understand quite well that the gentlemen officers really want the “beast” to be killed by one of those whom he mocked and imposed tribute on. Then there will be convincing motives for what happened and Hakob can be forgotten how horrible dream... And forget about the video library that recorded how officers of the regional special services in an apartment on Mira Avenue frolicked with chicks “filmed” for them in the restaurant of the House of Cinema. A cameraman commissioned by Hakob, day after day, through a hole in the wall, recorded how law enforcement officers who had lost self-control indulged in the joys of sex. And not always in the classical way!..

So who is the game here in the end?

I think that the biggest game is General Kartashov. Since in Pushkino and the surrounding area, as if on cue, gossip about the general began, some kind of action is probably being prepared. And they say that Akop, in the presence of 35 bulls (20 - his own home army and 15 foreheads of the Ivanteev Boot), boasted: they say, the general “eats from his hand.” And I have serious reasons to think that Yuzbashev, who is mortally tired of hiding, is ready to testify against a person he never paid in exchange for legalization. Today we desperately need a specific culprit for Hakob’s too long stay at large. And the one whom they are looking for and supposedly “cannot find” understands perfectly well that, according to the long-standing tradition of our special services, he will be relieved of responsibility for his “exploits” in exchange for an “accomplice in uniform.”

However, until that April day when, at Hakob’s request, the regional police arrested my brother Sergei without any grounds, the general had never met Hakob. During a confrontation, he told one of the officers: “Call this beast!” And then he publicly showered Yuzbashev, who was timidly standing in the corner, with such choice obscenities that there was not the slightest doubt left either in his assessment of Yuzbashev’s personality, or in the absolute impossibility of any friendly relations between them. It’s one thing to turn a blind eye to the “pranks” of your subordinates in the apartments of Akopov’s “raspberry”, and quite another thing to sink to the same thing yourself... However, who has ever loved a boss who shuns “public” and “generally accepted” joys?! Many people dream of eliminating it!

What grounds do you have to say that the development of events will certainly go this way?

Yes, the same ones that are carefully making Akop into a small-time moonshiner, reducing all his illegal activities almost exclusively to the counterfeit vodka workshop, which is a stone’s throw from his five-story “imperial office” in Lesnoy. It’s interesting that this workshop continues to operate even after two visits by the Ministry of Internal Affairs special forces.

The smuggling of weapons, available only to NATO special forces, and large-scale operations with oil and “red mercury” remained “outside the scope” of the investigation. Completely forgotten are the severed head of the head of the criminal investigation department of his native Ganja, and the local policeman killed in Podolsk, where Akop began his “conquest of Russia.” By the way, the performer of “mokrukha” is depicted in the already classic film “Kalina Krasnaya”. Do you remember the footage of prisoners being released singing “Evening Bells”? There, in the crowd, carefully selected by the intelligence unit of the “elite” zone in Kryukovo, there is the only Caucasian with a characteristic appearance... Genrikh Yuzbashev, Akop’s brother.

Having been released and without a passport, he quickly acquired real estate in Moscow and the region. He became the owner of several companies. But next to his older brother, he is still a puppy!

And I don’t understand what it means that “it is impossible to prove Yuzbashev’s guilt” in the face of a sea of ​​material evidence - from documents and video recordings to a weapons depot and monumental mansions that grew up at the time when he was vice-president of the Revival Foundation. The routes alone along which the products of the unique furniture workshop on Korovinskoe Highway were transported could produce volumes of fascinating criminal cases involving bribes. But the police are afraid to touch the recipients of the headsets!..

Everything is mixed up in democratic Russia. If telephone interception allows us to assert that the Ivanteevsk criminal “authority” handed thirty thousand dollars to a certain police colonel, who is working for whom here: the “authority” for the colonel or the colonel for the “authority”?!

The boot from Ivanteevka is known for the fact that the “authorities” have not taken a ruble from him for the “common fund” for two years now. Constantly reminding him of the shoulder straps that he once wore, of the apartments of the hard workers who robbed with his gang, having received from the usually not so lenient justice for a hundred apartments only three years of “chemotherapy”. In addition, he has a former prison guard on his team - which makes all the people of the Boot outcasts among the thieves.

Recently in Ivanteevka they buried a certain Gena, a 24-year-old genius, with youth fed exclusively by racketeering. And overdosed on drugs!

Several “authorities” who were officially on the wanted list were quite openly present at the funeral (some claimed that they had seen Hakob there). But dozens of policemen, including from Kartashov’s department, watching the ritual, did not even think of laying a finger on anyone. Perhaps for the same reason that Boot, along with a group of touring performers from Kostroma, who was detained in Khimki by Kostroma operatives, was quickly released from arrest. The officer who detained him, having learned about this, angrily threw his service ID in the face of his superiors: “Why did I expose my forehead to a bullet?!”

But two days later, on the outskirts of Mytishchi, where six houses were being built for the owners, some of whom had already been killed, the “authorities” decided to demonstrate their activity.

But just to demonstrate! Otherwise, I would have to take the Boot.

While employees of the regional department, led by General Kartashov’s deputy, Mr. Bochin, were running a distance of five hundred meters, a group of “authorities” admired the police race. And then they slowly threw aside several pistols and a machine gun. And, of course, no fingerprints were found on the weapon.

They took only one, wanted for robbery. And they proudly left to tell Alexander Konstantinovich about their tremendous success in the fight against crime.

The story of Boot makes us think that the police have equally warm relations with Hakob, based on the free exchange of information for banknotes.

So far, no one has refuted these assumptions. The traditional formulation “the facts have not been confirmed” is even less convincing today than under the previous regime. If “not confirmed” - explain why exactly!

P.S. Before submitting this text to the editor, I found out that Akop called Litgazeta columnist Yuri Shchekochikhin from Israel, offering to pay for the flight to Mediterranean Sea and back and swimming in exchange for an essay about an honest businessman slandered by villains. It seems like the deal didn't go through!

(M. Kazakov. // Top Secret. - 1994, No. 6)

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On May 18 of this year, not far from the village of Lesnoy in the Pushkinsky district of the Moscow region, 47-year-old businessman Genrikh Yuzbashev, the brother of Akop Yuzbashev, well-known in criminal circles, who controlled the vodka business in the Moscow region, was shot at point-blank range. Only a few months later did it become possible to shed light on the mysterious murder.

Who got into the bottle?

STILL, even experienced intelligence officers with informants in the criminal world speak carefully about the motives of the crime, without naming specific names, so as not to cast a shadow on high officials with connections in the upper echelons of power. The arguments are mountains of incriminating video evidence, which Yuzbashev prudently filmed in saunas.

But these are flowers... Berries are a bloody redistribution of property in the Pushkinsky district. The European-scale liquor giant Topaz has been shaken by gangster wars for more than 10 years. There is a constant uncompromising struggle for the tasty morsel... Not for life, but for death. The Pushkinsky district has become a goose that lays golden eggs for organized crime groups.

The first in a series of high-profile bloody showdowns became a murder general director"Topaz" by Alexander Saproshin. He was full of energy, a skilled leader, but intractable with criminals. After his death, the plant released branded vodka "Saproshin" in bullet-shaped bottles.

There was no shortage of theories about the motive for the murder. The Topaz empire developed thanks to the cooperation of the former general director and Akop Yuzbashev. There were plenty of opinions, including the following: the Pravdin brigade, led by Glushko and Nekhai, had enlisted the support of the special services in Moscow, and their task was to behead the leaders and take control of the plant.

Since 1993, more than 70 businessmen and representatives of the criminal world, directly or indirectly involved in the vodka business, have been killed in Pushkin. Is it a lot or a little? Judge for yourself.

What the dead man didn't say

AFTER the death of Saproshin in mid-1997, the 23-year-old son of the largest supplier of alcohol, Alexander Soroka, disappeared without a trace. Experience former employee The KGB suggested that when it comes to big money, then there is no need to rely on the help of local law enforcement agencies. He patiently waited for a call from the kidnappers. But no one demanded a ransom. Patience ran out and he began to act.

From the testimony of A. Soroka:“I realized that I don’t have to look far for the thieves. The local watchman told me that in one of the parking lots there is a “six”, where the numbers are often changed.”

Four security officers acted with Soroka and brother- Associate Professor at a technical university.

Suspicious subjects were forced into a car and demanded to tell about the abduction of their son. Under pressure, the guys revealed that Pravdinskaya was involved in this case. criminal group. The tape with their testimony was transferred to the RUOP.

Soroka’s initiative greatly upset law enforcement agencies. And things got completely confused. A box with the inscription “common fund”, three machine guns and three “TT” pistols were found in the businessman’s house. “I prepared this money to ransom my son,” Soroka explained, “and I prepared weapons in case of invasion.”

They didn't believe him. “We cannot be guided by emotions,” said the senior investigator of the Pushkin prosecutor’s office, “no one is allowed to act according to gangster laws.” While in Matrosskaya Tishina, Soroka learned about the death of his son. He was soon released from the pre-trial detention center, but the case brought against him was never closed.

Soroka demanded the return of the money seized from his apartment. The court found his claims valid.

On February 11, 1999, in Pushkin, near Moscow, Alexander Soroka’s jeep was shot on Akulovskoye Highway. The businessman died without regaining consciousness. The killers were not found. Subsequently, only their burned car was found. They say that after his death they found a note in which Soroka expressed fear not only for his life, but also for the life of Yuzbashev’s family. The content was approximately as follows: “Hakop, take care of yourself and your family. The lawless people will deal with me, then they will take care of you.” Who the note was intended for is a mystery shrouded in darkness. Yuzbashev Sr. was already on the federal wanted list.

Vodka with blood

AS for Akop Yuzbashev, the police consider him a symbolic figure in the vodka business. He is credited with producing the scorched Rasputin vodka, where he winked with a purple eye on the label. According to spiteful critics, his career associated with friendship with Alexander Rutsky, Joseph Kobzon and many high-flying politicians.

In June 1993, SOBR fighters staged a real assault at his residence on Dostoevsky Street. An entire arsenal of weapons was found in Yuzbashev’s house. Many competitors believed that Hakob would be put in prison for a long time, because he had a great many “deeds” to his name. No such luck! While being transported to prison, he managed to escape from custody. For a long time he was forced to live in Israel. Where is he now? It is unlikely that anyone will give a comprehensive answer. The collected intelligence materials indicate that Yuzbashev Sr. did not even think about retiring. Remaining in the shadows, he continues to wield enormous influence to this day. What share of his shares in the enterprises of the industry is known only to a narrow circle of trusted people who will not talk about it even under the threat of death.

Meanwhile, the assassination attempt on Yuzbashev Jr. did not come as a surprise to many. Law enforcement agencies believe that the death of a relative is a gauntlet thrown down to Hakob himself. The death of the brother of an authority of this rank, as a rule, provokes a wave of criminal events, showdowns, and contract killings. A surge in criminal activity is predicted for the end of this year. When huge shadow money is at stake, expect a lot of blood.

However, the situation in the manufacturing industry alcoholic products, by will evil rock became critical. Surprisingly, but true: today the Federal State Administration Rosspirtprom owes 1.5 billion rubles to the budget. Over the past year, more than 20 enterprises have fallen into bankruptcy. And then - almost a chess castling: bankruptcy - buying up on the cheap. The matter has already become painfully familiar. Why not a signal to action? But they are ready to fight for the vodka throne not only according to Russian laws, but also according to wolf laws. As you know, every wrestler has his own methods.

Dad returned from Israel
Residents of the town of Pushkino near Moscow, where Akop Yuzbashev’s authority was strengthened, greeted him with bread and salt, and the local police, according to rumors, even provided him with security. Akop Yuzbashev became popular in June 1993, after a detachment from the Main Directorate for Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs discovered an arsenal of weapons at his country villa in the village of Lesnoy and arrested nine of his guards. Yuzbashev himself could not be caught: he disappeared a few minutes before the start of the GUOP operation, and then left for Israel. The Ministry of Internal Affairs called Yuzbashev an “influential crime boss” and “the unofficial master of the Pushkin region,” and the Russian embassy in Tel Aviv called him a “respectable entrepreneur.” Yuzbashev’s supporters claim that he fell out of favor with the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the eve of the October events of 1993 only because he was closely acquainted with Alexander Rutsky. Equally contradictory versions are put forward by supporters and opponents of Yuzbashev regarding the reasons for his return. The first claim that he simply missed Russia. According to the second, Yuzbashev received security guarantees from law enforcement agencies in gratitude for telling them about his meetings in Israel with lawyer Dmitry Yakubovsky, who is currently under arrest.

The Tinsmith's Path to the Vice President of Russia
Akop Yuzbashev began his path to big business as a 14-year-old teenager in an auto repair shop. Experienced mentors said: “Hakop has golden hands.” Apparently, this quality helped Yuzbashev open his tinsmith workshop in Pushkino, near Moscow, in the 80s. In the late 80s, owners of the first foreign cars in the region flocked to the workshop. At the same time, the necessary connections were established, which later helped Yuzbashev open a small construction company, a wood processing factory, a Russian-Israeli joint venture for the production of soft drinks and a vodka workshop.
Soon Yuzbashev began financing the enterprise of Moscow fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin. This was, perhaps, the most successful investment at that time: the wife of the Vice President of Russia, Alexander Rutsky, worked as the president of Yudashkin’s company.
After the August putsch, Yuzbashev met Rutsky himself. As Yuzbashev himself told reporters, in August 1991, he and his comrades were the first to overturn a trolleybus, blocking the way for GKChP tanks to White House. Rutskoi appreciated this act and accepted Yuzbashev into his circle. During the meetings, the entrepreneur told the vice president about his plans, which were understood by the vice president. Rutsky was especially impressed by the fact that Yuzbashev never asked him for money.
Then the acquaintance grew into cooperation: Rutskoi invited Yuzbashev to become vice-president of the Revival Foundation. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Yuzbashev agreed. Yuzbashev himself denies this: he was not a member of the fund and did not sign a single business paper with Rutsky. Meanwhile, the office of one of Yuzbashev’s companies, Torolla Production, was located in the same building as the foundation on the street. Myasnitskaya.
To Yuzbashev’s credit, he did not betray Rutskoi when the vice president fell out of favor with Yeltsin. In June 1993, Yuzbashev was summoned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was met by a man who introduced himself as a general, but pronounced his last name so vaguely that Yuzbashev could not make it out. The general was interested in Rutskoi’s connections, and then stated that Rutskoi was “ political corpse", and offered to provide the special services with some serious incriminating evidence on the Vice-President of Russia. Yuzbashev refused.
Yuzbashev’s acquaintances associate this with the raid on his villa by a detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Without waiting for help from Yuzbashev, law enforcement agencies planted weapons in the businessman’s house and thus demonstrated Rutskoi’s connection with the criminal world. However, retired Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Medvedev, who was closely involved in the Yuzbashev case for two years, claims that the GUOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had claims against Yuzbashev for a completely different reason.

Of all the arts, cinema is becoming the most important
In the spring of 1993, two corpses of local residents were caught in a swamp near Pushkino. It turned out that Yuzbashev’s bodyguards met the victims at a disco, took them out of town, beat them and abandoned them; The involvement of Yuzbashev’s employees in the murder could not be proven. Then Dmitry Boldin, a friend of Akop Yuzbashev’s daughter Karina, disappeared in Pushkino (by the way, he has still not been found). According to Medvedev, Yuzbashev did not like his daughter’s friend, and on the eve of his disappearance, the people of the Pushkin businessman were passionately asking Boldin’s acquaintances about his whereabouts.
After this, the GUOP Ministry of Internal Affairs started talking about the fact that heavily armed people had appeared in Pushkino near Moscow, guarding businessman Akop Yuzbashev and calling him Pope. The interest of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Pushkino was fueled by reports of numerous extortions in the city and its environs.
GUOP employees found out that in the winter of 1993, a confrontation between two business groups began in the Pushkinsky district: Akop Yuzbashev and the brothers Anatoly and Sergei Sokolov (“Sokolyata”). In the late 80s, Yuzbashev got “Sokolyat” to work in his company “Construction Yard”, but at the end of 1992 the brothers left Yuzbashev’s yard and opened their own business. Cooperation between former colleagues did not work out. Commercial structures led by Yuzbashev and Sokolyaty began to actively fight for the market in the Moscow region.
The competitive struggle intensified at the beginning of 1993. The regional RUOP received a statement from Yuzbashev that the Sokolovs had kidnapped his daughter Karina and were demanding a ransom of $300 thousand, as well as the constituent documents of the Stroitelny Dvor company. Soon the Sokolovs were arrested and placed in custody in Matrosskaya Tishina. According to Medvedev, the kidnapping was staged, but the GUOP took advantage of the conflict between Yuzbashev and the Sokolovs. The prisoners, offended by Yuzbashev, shared with Medvedev some information about the nature of the business of the Pushkin entrepreneur.
According to Anatoly Sokolov, Yuzbashev gave police officials “remunerations in money and cars,” and also created a collection of videos compromising some police officers. For example, after a feast at the House of Cinema restaurant, law enforcement officers and the girls went to an apartment on Prospekt Mira. There, through a special hole in the wall, Yuzbashev’s cameraman recorded what was happening in the room. The collected incriminating evidence allowed Yuzbashev to speak on an equal footing with high police officials. That is why, Medvedev believes, Yuzbashev’s case flourished in the Pushkinsky district.
Yuzbashev's house was under surveillance. According to Medvedev, his subordinates were convinced with their own eyes that people with weapons were roaming around Yuzbashev’s villa in the village of Lesnoy. An assault on the mansion was scheduled for June 18, 1993.

A search means shooting plus electrification of all fittings
The narratives of Medvedev and people around Yuzbashev about this operation are directly opposite. According to the entrepreneur’s acquaintances, on the night of June 18, more than 30 armed officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrived at Yuzbashev’s villa. Having burst into the territory of the dacha, the police first shot the dog, which was in a cage. Hearing a noise near the house, Yuzbashev’s guards reported to him: “These are riot police. They are about to burst in here, so you better run.” Yuzbashev jumped out the window and hid near Pushkino with friends.
According to eyewitnesses from Yuzbashev’s circle, the police were aggressive. Bursting into the apartment, they fired machine-gun bursts at the level of a human being: after the operation, holes were left in the furniture. Having seized the house, all those present (more than 30 people) were put on the floor, searched, and then put in a pool and, placing fittings over their heads, they turned on an electric current so that they could not stick out.
The police brought weapons with them, and invited two soldiers, who were sitting in the kitchen during the search, as witnesses. The soldier-witnesses signed the protocol that was presented to them by the GUOP employees. After the search, the police removed all the valuables from the dacha, and Medvedev left Pushkino in Yuzbashev’s Mercedes.
According to Medvedev, Yuzbashev did not turn up at the dacha by chance. A few minutes before the operation began, he went to a familiar hairdresser to get his hair cut.
Once at the dacha, GUOP employees set off a fireworks display using explosive packages: fearing armed resistance, they decided to scare the guards. Medvedev’s subordinates behaved decently in the house. True, when they burst into one of the rooms, they fired an accidental shot. Medvedev believes that Yuzbashev knew about the impending operation. Therefore, his guards stored weapons in the house of the director of the Stroitelny Dvor company, Vladimirov, from whom 18 guns were confiscated. The soldiers were invited as witnesses because local residents were afraid to help the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Meanwhile, all the weapons were confiscated in the presence of witnesses.
In Yuzbashev’s own house they found a revolver wrapped in a plastic bag without fingerprints, 5 fake international passports issued in Yuzbashev’s name and one diplomatic passport, as well as 300 barrels of fictitious vodka.

The investigator went against his conscience
Medvedev hoped that Yuzbashev’s guards would be prosecuted for banditry. However, the large operational case crumbled into many small ones. The case of illegal possession of weapons was taken over by the Moscow Regional Prosecutor's Office, the Moscow Prosecutor's Office took over the fake passports, and no one bothered with the fictitious vodka at all.
Of the 30 people detained in Yuzbashev’s house, only nine people remained under arrest, and only six reached trial. They received minor sentences for illegal possession weapons and malicious hooliganism. Medvedev explains this by the fact that pressure was put on witnesses, and the regional police were not particularly zealous in investigating cases. Regional investigators, in turn, blame everything on the GUOP Ministry of Internal Affairs: the region did not have evidence of the involvement of Yuzbashev’s employees in extortion, murder and other serious crimes. And Yuzbashev’s guards failed to “bind” most of the weapons found in Lesnoy. One Pushkin investigator admitted to a Kommersant correspondent: “By transferring the cases of Yuzbashev’s people to court, I went against my conscience.”
Meanwhile, Yuzbashev, having spent time in the Moscow region, moved to Georgia. From there, according to rumors, he continued to coordinate the work of his commercial structures, which continued to conflict with the Sokolov firms. In the absence of Yuzbashev, a number of contract killings again occurred in the Pushkinsky district. In the winter of 1994, Sokolyat friend Pavel Rodnov was shot and killed. Soon, Yuzbashev’s employee Alexander Malov was killed in Pushkino. And in March at the entrance own home two unknown persons shot and killed Sergei Sokolov. However, law enforcement agencies no longer connected these murders with the name of Yuzbashev.
The noise around the “Yuzbashev case” gradually died down. Perhaps the only person who remained partial to Yuzbashev was Dmitry Medvedev. At the end of last year, he finally obtained a sanction for the arrest of Yuzbashev for forging documents and giving a bribe to a Foreign Ministry employee who helped the Pushkin businessman obtain a foreign passport for $1,000. However, by that time Yuzbashev had moved to Israel, and the Israeli authorities, according to Medvedev, did not extradite the entrepreneur to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
According to Yuzbashev’s acquaintances, he first moved from Georgia to Turkey by taxi, and then went to the Promised Land. According to the Russian embassy in Tel Aviv, he became a thriving entrepreneur in Israel. In an interview with the Israeli newspaper Vesti, Yuzbashev said that he feels safe in Israel and is in no hurry to return to Russia. According to him, he is not afraid of arrest (no charges have been brought against him), but he is afraid that people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will kill him.
Nevertheless, after two years, Yuzbashev missed Russia and decided to return. To his delight, Dmitry Medvedev retired earlier this year. The survivor, Anatoly Sokolov, was addicted to drugs and did not pose a real danger to Yuzbashev.
However, on August 3, in the Pushkinsky district, unknown persons shot and killed Yuzbashev’s bodyguard Vladimir Malov (brother of Alexander Malov, killed in March last year). Apparently, during Yuzbashev’s absence, he had new competitors. Fearing a confrontation in the Pushkinsky district, the local prosecutor's office demanded that the prosecutor's office of the Moscow region resuscitate criminal cases involving Akop Yuzbashev and his entourage: cases of fake passports and illegal possession of weapons. The GUOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the RUOP of the Moscow Region and the regional prosecutor's office, without hiding their surprise at the return of Yuzbashev, have not yet made any sudden movements.
Obviously, Yuzbashev still feels uncomfortable in Russia. He refused to meet with a Kommersant correspondent, fearing possible provocations from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and special services.


1. The operational situation in the Pushkinsky district is characterized by a further deterioration of the socio-economic situation, which is due to a constant decrease in production volumes at the leading enterprises of the region, mutual non-payments, delays in the payment of wages and pensions, and the lack of public and private investment. At the same time, no evidence of social tension caused by the state’s tax policy was noted. Moreover, there is a growing understanding among entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens of the need for unconditional payment of taxes. There is an increase in the authority of the tax police among the population.
Currently, about 3.5 thousand are registered in the region. legal entities from the specified number in fact, no more than 80% of enterprises operate and regularly report to the State Tax Inspectorate. Scheduled inspections of the financial and economic activities of organizations and enterprises are carried out by tax inspectors on average once every 2-3 years. Since the beginning of 1997, the Pushkin regional tax police department has carried out 15 random documentary checks, as a result of which more than 3 billion rubles were transferred to the budget. Based on the facts of non-payment of taxes, 2 criminal cases have been initiated and are being processed.
As a result of information interaction with the RUOP department of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region, 31 commercial structures controlled by criminal groups were identified and registered.

2. According to available operational information, 5 organized crime groups are actively operating on the territory of the Pushkinsky district: Pravdinskaya, Ivanteevskaya, Pushkinskaya, the Mordva ethnic group, the village organized crime group. Forest. The estimated total number of these groups is 150-250 people. Areas of criminal activity: contract killings, extortion, legalization of capital obtained criminally.
Each of these groups has close ties with organized crime groups in other regions of the Russian Federation, CIS countries, and abroad. Contact data available leaders of organized crime groups with officials in government agencies, the prosecutor's office, law enforcement and judicial authorities.
There is a struggle between organized crime groups in the region for the division of spheres of influence, which led to a series of contract killings of the leaders of these groups. In October 1996, the leader of the Pravdinskaya organized crime group Vagin V.A. was killed, in December 1996 the leader of the Pushkinskaya 0PG Khyatrusov A.V., and his brother .
In December 1996, together with the RUOP department, an inspection of one of the enterprises controlled by the Mordva organized crime group was carried out, as a result of which a number of violations of tax legislation were identified, and drug trafficking was carried out through the RUOP.
The Pushkin organized crime group (OCG) is one of the largest and most “tough” in the Moscow region.
Has more than 250 active members. It is distinguished by its mobility; almost all members of the organized crime group have cars and can use motorcycles.
There are automatic weapons in service, and modern ones are widely used. technical means, radio communication.
The group, which began its activities in the late 80s, currently does not exist as a single whole. Today it can be called rather “Pushkin-Ivanteevskaya”. Within its structure there is a so-called “Pravdinsky” division.

Zones and spheres of influence

Pushkino, Ivanteevka, Pravda village, Sergiev Posad. The organized crime group controls the production of counterfeit alcoholic beverages, in particular, Rasputin vodka (Khotkovo), gambling houses, casinos, the supply of consumer goods from abroad (refrigerators, bicycles), car dealerships where stolen foreign cars are supplied, woodworking and dacha construction, together with Solntsevo organized crime group Sheremetyevo airport, production and sale of handicrafts.
An unconventional “trade” for one of the groups put together by the Pushkin-Ivanteevites was robbery (since November 93) of truck drivers on Yaroslavka - immediately after the roundabout and the roundabout itself on both sides of the highway. According to available information, specific individuals took such an unusual step for an organized crime group to quickly obtain money to pay a “fine” imposed by one of the leaders of the organized crime group (several people from the group were arrested in January of this year at the scene of the crime).
The Pushkin organized crime group has developed foreign connections - in the USA, Germany, Thailand. In particular, P. Rodnov “oversaw” the delivery of heroin from Thailand. Traveled to countries East Asia and the holder of the “Pushkin” thieves’ common fund “Zeka” who recently died (from illness).


The “godfather” of the group is Akop Yuzbashev (“Papa”), also known as a major businessman (officially the president of the company Torolla Production), who has connections at the very “top” of power (according to sources from the circle, “Papa” pays fees “to the top”) “in money and cars”, and also collects videos of “entertainment” of “police chiefs”).
Now Yuzbashev is on the run, in a “secret position”: he has been charged with illegal possession of firearms (in June 1993, during a search at his villa, a cache of foreign-made weapons was discovered) and production of counterfeit alcoholic beverages. Since 1992, in the Noginsk distillery (the plant was generally controlled by Frol), Yuzbashev owns one of the technological lines), in the village of Lesnoy, on the territory of the Promradiosvyaz plant, there is a workshop for the production of Stolichnaya (by the way, the director of the plant, previously who repeatedly complained that the workers of the vodka shop did not pay for electricity, heating and water, in the first half of January this year he suddenly “left for vacation in the USA”.
“Papa” also owns a “unique furniture” workshop on Korovinskoye Highway, the products of which are supplied to the apartments of “big bosses”.
Currently, there is information that Yuzbashev is in Moscow.
The Sokolov twin brothers (“Sokolyata”) are one of the organizers and leaders of the Pushkin organized crime group from the very beginning. Previously convicted. Now they are charged with illegal possession of firearms and organizing the kidnapping of Yuzbashev’s daughter.
They also lead the so-called “Pravdinsky” unit.
"Specialization of falconers" is hostage-taking, armed robbery, contract killings, resale of stolen cars, purchase of land.
They “keep under them” a parking lot and a restaurant on Dmitrievskoye Highway.
A special feature of the “falcons” is their active participation in acquiring “their people” in economic structures and local government bodies.
All “dirty” deeds are done by the wrong hands; They behave “quietly”, live in Moscow, rarely appear in the region (restaurant “Skazka”). In many ways, this behavior is due to the fact that the case brought against them (under Articles 218, 148, 224 of the Criminal Code) today not terminated.
Georgy Zhavoronkov (“Zhora”). Former athlete and former officer, graduated from the Leningrad Military Institute of Physical Culture. We were previously convicted (during Bakatin’s time) for racketeering. He was part of an organized crime group consisting of residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as Leningrad.
He has stable connections with criminal groups in Kaliningrad near Moscow (leaders Alexander Govorsky and Viktor Vinogradov), maintains “business” contacts with the Solntsevo (Sergei Mikhailov - “Mikhas”) and Lyubertsy (Sergei Makhmudov - “Makhmud”) organized crime groups.
IN good relations with “thieves in law” - Sergei Filippov-Stepunin (“Humpbacked”), “Rostik”, “Jew”, “Savoskaya”, “Zakhar”, “Tsirul Pasha”.
Has contacts in law enforcement agencies. In particular, in February 1992, he recruited a major from one of the operational units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The leadership of the Ivanteevskaya group is carried out through Igor Zubovsky (“Zubarik”), who started with a primitive racket (like all the leaders of the Pushkin organized crime group, except Yuzbashev), and was an “ordinary” fighter of the group. Recently traveled to the United States to “strengthen business contacts and exchange best practices” with the local mafia.
It is typical for the Pushkin organized crime group that most of the competitors who have become objectionable are “removed” in the “Italian” way. For example, on May 11, 1993, they were shot from automatic weapons active participants in the organized crime group Dmitry Ryabchuk (“Dunno”), Dmitry Glumov, A. Semenov was wounded. Earlier, during the struggle for the redistribution of spheres of influence, the following “authorities” were shot: V. Vasilyev, A. Savelichev, O. Voronoskov, A. Nedovoy.
In the summer of 1993, after the city court of Ivanteevka was released on bail (500 thousand rubles) by the city court of Ivanteevka on bail (500 thousand rubles), together with his accomplice, one of the authorities of Ivanteevka, repeatedly convicted (murder, hostages), Yuzbashev’s “connection” is Pavel Rodnov (the performers were not found).

"The Frol Case"

“Classical” in style and specific texture of life and activity can be considered the “case of Frol” - Sergei Frolov, shot from machine guns along with his “assistant” Dmitry Vasilkov on the eve of the New Year (near the furniture workshop of the Skoropuskovsky microdistrict - data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs; near the casino "U Alexander" in the city of Zheleznodorozhny - according to media reports. More than three thousand people attended the funeral, including most of the "thieves in law" located in Moscow and the Moscow region, and other "authorities" underworld, as well as representatives of administrative structures of the Moscow region).
Frol was one of the top ten - “godfathers” not only of the local, but also of the “modern” Russian mafia. He defended the interests of the “Slavs”, organized showdowns with Caucasian organized crime groups, was one of the first to put forward the idea of ​​eviction of the “Chechen community” from Moscow and the Moscow region, respected the traditions of the “family” (at the same time he is known for his close ties with Yuzbashev).
Frol considered the Mytishchi thief in law nicknamed Rostik to be his “godfather”, but he refused purely “thieves’” traditions, although he began as a bouncer for the “thieves”.
“Break” at “Berezka” on Sirenevy Boulevard, engaged in racketeering.
After laundering the money, he went into business.
In addition to the Moscow region, he supervised a number of “points” in Crimea, in the regions of the North Caucasus and the Baltic states. He owned gas stations, controlled a number of parking lots, bars, casinos, etc. He could assemble a large “team” to carry out any “operation.” For example, at one of the showdowns with the “Chechens”, about 300 militants arrived at Frol’s command.
Twice he was detained “with a gun”, each time criminal cases were initiated, which ended “in nothing”. It is characteristic that during the first arrest (released by order of the judge of the Kuibyshevsky RNS of Moscow), Frol’s carbine was listed as “voluntarily surrendered” to the 58th police department of Moscow, during the second arrest (a Tauras Brazil revolver and 15 cartridges for it) after the initiation of a criminal case In the case of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were unable to obtain a sanction for Frol’s arrest from the regional prosecutor’s office (he was released on bail of 2 million rubles).
They “worked” for Frol, in particular: a former policeman who was twice “jailed”, including in a KGB pre-trial detention center, the owner of a private law firm Anatoly Lobanov and a “free” journalist, a former “secret employee” of the KGB (his confessions were published in the press ), previously convicted of racketeering, Mikhail Kazakov.
A. Lobanov ran for the State Duma (did not get 300 votes). His sponsors were officially Ellipse JSC and the Vympel cooperative, in which Frol “served as a worker,” i.e. was the owner.
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Frol’s killer is Grigory Solomatin, who sought to live according to the “thieves’” laws and shared the same territory with Frol.
The chain of events leading to Frol's "elimination" can be summarized as follows:
- in April 1989, in Balashikha, the “coronation” of one of the local “authorities” Nikolai Manokhin (“Manokha”) was planned for the “thief”. Among those who arrived at the “event” was the Kutaisi “thief” Teimuraz Pkhakadze (“Timur”), who allegedly came to Balashikha to visit a relative;
- during a quarrel, “Timur” was kicked and the corpse was hidden in the trunk of a car. Among the killers was “Manoha”;
- at the funeral of “Timur” in Kutaisi, “Manokha” was sentenced to death by the authorities. Grigory Solomatin volunteered to perform it, who came with his brother to see “Timur” off to last way;
- Soon Solomatin attempted to kill “Manokhi” by pumping four bullets from a Nagan into him. However, “Manokha” survived; upon leaving the hospital, he was soon arrested again (for hooliganism) and killed in the Serpukhov detention center (the killers were not found);
Solomatin was arrested for attempted murder in May 1990 (in Alushta).
While the investigation was ongoing (the Balashikha City Court twice returned his criminal case for further investigation), while in custody Solomatin became close to the famous thieves in law - “Sultan”, “Ruslan”, “Zakhar”;
- in April 1992, Solomatin was released from custody. Meeting with the “thieves”, he discusses the issue of his possible coronation. Together with "Sultan", the only "thief in law" - a Chechen, they solve Frol's problem, because have claims against him regarding “Caucasian affairs”, and regarding joint control over territories, and regarding the latter’s “cop” connections (Lobanov, Kazakov);
- after the murder of Frol, Solomatin disappears. According to investigators, it was also “removed”; most likely - their own.

Remember about the notorious Pushkin organized crime group, which was responsible for more than 30 murders, racketeering, and kidnappings in the 90s? It turns out that its leader Akop Yuzbashev (nickname - Papa) was not only friends with our former governor - Alexander Rutsky, but also worked closely with him in the Kursk region.

From “boys” to business partners of the second person in the state

As Kommersant wrote, which makes no sense not to trust, Rutskoy met Yuzbashev after the August putsch. According to Yuzbashev himself, in August 1991, he and his comrades were the first to overturn a trolleybus, blocking the way for the State Emergency Committee tanks to the White House. Rutskoi appreciated this “boyish” act and accepted Yuzbashev into his circle. During the meetings, the gang leader told the vice president about his plans, which the vice president fully understood.

One can only guess what exactly interested the future Kursk governor, but this acquaintance grew into cooperation - Rutskoi invited Yuzbashev to become vice-president of his Renaissance foundation.

Best friend of "Patriot of Russia"

For the first time, Alexander Rutskoi called Akop Yuzbashev his “best friend” in his legendary speech in parliament on April 25, 1993. And already on June 17, in a picturesque corner of the Moscow region - the village of Lesnoy (in the Pushkinsky district), operatives of the Main Directorate for Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation conducted a search at Yuzbashev’s villa. A semi-clandestine workshop for the production of Rasputin vodka was discovered. 35 people were detained. During the investigation, the Deputy Prosecutor of the Moscow Region announced the need to reclassify this case under Article 77 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (banditry). Yuzbashev himself disappeared from the investigation.
In 1994, Rutskoi’s “best friend” returned to his homeland from Israel without much trouble. You understand what time it was. He gave a bribe - and there was no case. The leader of the organized crime group took up land issues, and Rutskoi again helped him in this, who signed petitions for the allocation of land for Yuzbashev’s projects in the Pushkinsky district.

Governor's Representative for Business Affairs

Yuzbashev appeared in Kursk almost immediately after Rutsky’s “coronation”. And he was immediately appointed to the official position of “adviser- authorized representative Governor for Commercial Issues" (Rutsky’s order No. 625 of November 22, 1996).

Rutsky himself, of course, was not at all embarrassed by all the accusations against Yuzbashev, nor was he at all embarrassed by the fact that he is the de facto leader of an organized crime group responsible for many deaths.

In 1996, in an interview with Alexander Minkin, Alexander Rutskoy again stated: “As for Yuzbashev, I have already spoken on this topic more than once... You will see, the time will come, and he will prove that he is a decent person. I have no doubt about his integrity."

"Godfather" of the Kursk region

During Yuzbashev’s tenure as Rutskoi’s plenipotentiary representative in the region, the redistribution of property began.
Under the former governor Shuteev, more than 90 percent of the property in the region was corporatized. Rutskoy voiced the thesis: the administration will take control of unprofitable enterprises. And the first state-owned joint-stock companies began to be created.

But, contrary to the words of the governor, not from unprofitable ones, but on the contrary – from the few profitable enterprises. Thus, over a hundred state-owned joint-stock corporations were created, which included privatized enterprises. Among them are the corporations: “Kursk Sugar”, “Kurskmoloko”, “Kurskkhleb”, “Kurskrybprom”, “Kurskservprom”. The structural restructuring of enterprises was carried out using “forceful” methods. By the way, one of the most delicious pieces - “Kurskpharmacy” - was presented to Rutskoi’s son Dmitry.

Later, the position of commercial advisor was abolished - and in such a way that Yuzbashev himself was no longer in this document. And the local “Ministry of Truth” - Rutsky’s office - deleted any mention of the leader of the Pushkin organized crime group from official documents in general. After his “dismissal”, Akop Yuzbashev did not disappear anywhere, but simply went into the shadows and continued to control the Kursk corporation “Russian Vodka”.

To be continued…

Original taken from
