Mysteries that no one knows. The most difficult riddles in the world

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Ciphers exist to hide valuable information and maintain a secret. And if you manage to unravel what is written, then you can find out the secret of a person, the coordinates of a treasure, or even the history of an entire civilization. But there are messages that remain unsolved for centuries.

website I have collected for you 9 of the most mysterious and unusual encrypted messages, behind which something great is probably hidden.

No. 1. Codex Serafini

A book written in the late 70s by the Italian architect Luigi Serafini. This is a 360-page atlas of a fictional world, painted down to the smallest detail (fauna, architecture, laws of nature, history, languages, entertainment).

But the main mystery is that the code is handwritten in cipher text, which no one has been able to solve. Although the author of the book is still alive, he flatly refuses to say whether it is even a real language. There is a version that the book conveys the child’s worldview. and try to understand it.

No. 2. Messages of the Zodiac

Zodiac is an elusive serial killer who terrorized all of San Francisco in 1968–1969.

He claimed that his real name could only be found out if all 4 parts of the code he sent to the police station were read. As a result, detectives were able to decipher only 3 parts. The last 18 characters remain a mystery. Perhaps that's where the killer's name is written.

No. 3. Bale cryptograms

In 1822, a certain Thomas Jefferson Bale gave a box and a key to the owner of a hotel and told him to keep it carefully. After which Bale disappeared without a trace. The box was opened only in 1843. Inside were three sheets of paper with encryption and content signatures. The first note contained the coordinates, the second - the contents of the cache, and the third - the names of the heirs.

It was possible to decipher only the second note. It spoke of "three wagons of gold" located in Virginia somewhere in Bedford County. In modern terms, the treasure is worth $30 million. The remaining two notes with exact coordinates have never been read by anyone.

No. 4. Dorabella cipher

English composer and cryptologist Edward Elgar sent a coded message (87 characters) to his friend Dorabella Penny in 1897. The note contains symbols that look like springs. However, the girl was never able to figure it out.

No. 5. Kryptos

Kryptos- a copper sculpture that stands near the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Artist James Sanborn in 1990 placed a message on the sculpture, which he encrypted on 4 plates. At the same time, Sanborn noted that the message can only be read when all 4 parts are solved.

Today the meaning of 3 out of 4 sections is known. The most experienced cryptographers have been struggling unsuccessfully over the meaning of the last 97 characters for 20 years.

No. 6. Encryption from Shaboro

In Staffordshire (Great Britain) there is an 18th-century monument that reflects the events of Nicolas Poussin’s painting “The Shepherds of Arcadia”. If you look closer, you can see on the monument a strange sequence of letters DOUOSVAVVM - a code that no one has been able to decipher for more than 250 years.

Many people tried to find out the answer to the riddle, including Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens, but without success. Some cryptographers believe that the code may be a clue left by the Templars about the location of the Holy Grail.

No. 7. General Wang's gold bars

In 1993, General Wang from Shanghai received an unusual parcel - 7 gold bars, each of which had encoded inscriptions. The cipher on the bullion consists of Chinese characters and cryptograms in Latin.

Until now, the sender, the reason for the “gift” and the content of the message remain unclear.

A riddle is a metaphorical expression in which one object is expressed through another that has some, even remote, similarity with it; based last man and must guess the intended object.

In ancient times, a riddle was a means of testing wisdom; now it is a folk pastime. Riddles are found among all peoples, no matter what stage of development they are at. A proverb and a riddle differ in that a riddle needs to be guessed, while a proverb is a teaching. Material from Wikipedia. We bring to your attention 15 of the most difficult riddles in the world. At the same time, we also give answers so that you can immediately determine whether you are able to solve them.

The answer is hidden and is located on a separate page of the site.

  • Two people approach the river. There is a boat at the shore that can only support one. Both people crossed to the opposite bank. How did they do it?

    They were on different banks.

  • Vasily, Peter, Semyon and their wives Natalya, Irina, Anna are 151 years old together. Each husband is 5 years older than his wife. Vasily is 1 year older than Irina. Natalya and Vasily are 48 years old together, Semyon and Natalya are 52 years old together. Who is married to whom, and how old is someone?

    Vasily (26) - Anna (21); Peter (27) - Natalya (22); Semyon (30) - Irina (25).

  • Do not write anything or use a calculator. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?

    5000? Wrong. The correct answer is 4100. Try using a calculator.

  • Jackdaws flew and sat on sticks. If they sit down one at a time, there’s an extra jackdaw; if they sit down in twos, there’s an extra stick. How many sticks were there and how many jackdaws were there?

    Three sticks and four jackdaws.

  • Mr. Mark was found murdered in his office. The cause turned out to be a bullet wound to the head. Detective Robin, examining the murder scene, found a cassette recorder on the table. And when he turned it on, he heard Mr. Mark's voice. He said: “This is Mark speaking. Jones just called me and said that in ten minutes he would be here to shoot me. There is no use in running. I know this footage will help the police arrest Jones. I hear his footsteps on the stairs. The door opens..." The assistant detective suggested that Jones be arrested on suspicion of murder. But the detective did not follow his assistant's advice. As it turns out, he was right. Jones was not the killer, as was stated on the tape. Question: why did the detective become suspicious?

    The tape in the recorder was reviewed at the beginning. Moreover, Jones would have taken the tape.

  • Third-graders Alyosha and Misha walk from school and talk:
    “When the day after tomorrow becomes yesterday,” said one of them, “then today will be as far from Sunday as the day that was today, when the day before yesterday was tomorrow.” What day of the week did they talk?

    On Sunday.

  • The hare and cat together weigh 10 kg. Dog with hare - 20 kg. Dog with cat - 24 kg. In this case, how much will all the animals weigh together: the hare, the cat and the dog?

    27 kg. (solution .)

  • There was a stone on the seashore. An 8 letter word was written on the stone. When the rich read this word, they cried, the poor rejoiced, and the lovers parted. What was that word?


  • There is a prison, next to a hospital. There are rails around them, and on the rails a train moves around at high speed. One boy needs to go to his grandfather in prison, and one girl needs to go to her grandmother in the hospital. How can they do this if the train doesn't stop?

    The boy needs to throw the girl under the train, then he will go to prison, and the girl to the hospital.

  • Which Russian word can you write it from right to left, turn it upside down, mirror it, and it will still remain unchanged and not lose its meaning?


  • Which bird do you need to pluck feathers from to get morning, afternoon, evening, night at once?


  • Teresa's daughter is my daughter's mother. Who am I to Teresa?

    1. Grandmother.
    2. Mother.
    3. Daughter.
    4. Granddaughter.
    5. I am Teresa.

    Write your option in the comments.

Incredible facts

Do you like mysteries and detective stories? Then these puzzles are for you.

You need to have good wits to solve these crime riddles.

Will you be able to find the killer or catch the criminal?

Test yourself how quickly you can solve these crimes.

You will find the answers at the very end of the article.

Murder mysteries

1. Iced tea

Two girls were having lunch. They both ordered iced tea.

One girl drank tea very quickly and was able to drink 5 cups in the time it took the other to drink only one cup.

The girl who drank one cup died, but the other survived. All drinks were poisoned.

How could the girl who drank the most tea survive?

2. Cassette

The man was found dead with a cassette recorder in one hand and a gun in the other. When the police arrived, they immediately pressed play on the tape.

On the recording they heard: “I have no reason to live anymore. I can’t do this anymore,” and then the sound of a gunshot.

After listening to the tape, the police knew what it was not suicide, but murder. How did they know?

Crime mysteries

5. Car, knife and wife

The man killed stabbed his wife in the car. No one was around to see it.

He threw her out of the car, making sure he didn't leave any fingerprints on her body. Then he threw the knife off the cliff into a ravine where no one would find it and went home.

An hour later the police called him and told him that his wife had been killed and he needed to come forward immediately. b to the crime scene.

As soon as he arrived, he was immediately arrested. How did they know what happened??

Read also:The most terrible serial killers of the 20th century

6. Coin

A dead body was found downstairs at multi-storey building. Seeing the position of the body, it became clear that the person jumped from one of the floors, committing suicide. A detective was called in to investigate the case.

He walked to the first floor and entered a room that was located in the direction where the body was found.

He opened the window and threw a coin down . Then he went to the second floor and repeated the same thing. He did this until he reached the last floor.

He then went downstairs and reported that it was a murder, not a suicide. How did he come to this conclusion?

9. Court

The man was accused of killing his wife, but her body was not found. In court, his lawyer states that she simply disappeared and will enter the courtroom in 30 seconds.

15 difficult riddles that will make your head work and take your mind off everyday thoughts...

1. This is given to a person three times: the first two times are free, but for the third you have to pay?

2. One of my friends can shave his beard clean ten times a day. And still he walks around with a beard. How is this possible?

He's a barber.

3. One day at breakfast, a girl dropped her ring into a cup full of coffee. Why did the ring remain dry?

Coffee beans, ground or instant.

4. In what case, looking at the number 2, do we say “ten”?

When we look at a clock that shows ten minutes of an hour.

5. A man bought apples for 5 rubles apiece, and then sold them for 3 rubles apiece. After some time, he became a millionaire. How did he do it?

He was a billionaire.

6. You are standing in front of two identical doors, one of which leads to death, the other to happiness. The doors are guarded by two identical guards, one of whom tells the truth all the time, and the other lies all the time. But you don't know who is who. You can only ask one question to any of the guards.
What question should you ask to avoid making a mistake when choosing a door?

One solution: “If I ask you to show me the door to happiness, which door will the other guard point to?” And after that you need to choose another door.

7. You are invited to work as a financial analyst at Gazprom. They promise a starting salary of $100,000 per year and two options for increasing it:
1. Once a year your salary is increased by $15,000
2. Once every six months - for $5,000
Which option do you think is more profitable?

Layout according to the first option: 1 year - $100,000, 2 year - $115,000, 3 year - $130,000, 4 year - $145,000 and so on. Layout according to the second option: 1 year - $50,000 + $55,000 = $105,000, 2 year - $60,000 + $65,000 = $125,000, year 3 - $70,000 + $75,000 = $145,000, year 4 - $80,000 + $85,000 = $165,000 and so on.

8. There are three light bulbs in one room. The other has three switches. You need to determine which switch goes to which light bulb. You can only enter a room with light bulbs once.

You need to first turn on one light bulb and wait, then turn on the second light bulb for a very short time, and then turn both off. The first will be the hottest, the second will be warm, and the third will be cold.

9. You have five and three liter bottles and lots and lots of water. How to fill a five-liter bottle with exactly 4 liters of water?

Take a five-liter bottle and pour 3 liters from it into a three-liter bottle. Pour out the three-liter container and pour the remaining two liters into it. Take the five-liter bottle again and pour the extra liter from it into a three-liter bottle, where there is just that much space left.

10. You are sitting in a boat that floats in a pool. There is a heavy cast iron anchor in the boat, not tied to the boat. What happens to the water level in the pool if you drop an anchor into the water?

The water level will drop. While the anchor is in the boat, it displaces a volume of water weighing the same as the anchor, its own weight and the weight of the cargo. If an anchor is thrown overboard, it will only displace a volume of water equal to the volume of the anchor, and not its weight, i.e. less, since the density of the anchor is greater than that of water.

11. A father and two sons went on a hike. On their way they met a river, near the bank of which there was a raft. It can support either a father or two sons on the water. How can father and sons cross to the other side?

First, both sons cross. One of the sons returns back to his father. The father moves to the opposite bank to join his son. The father remains on the shore, and the son is transported to the original shore after his brother, after which they both are transported to their father.

12. A steel ladder was lowered from the side of the ship. The bottom 4 steps of the ladder are submerged in water. Each step is 5 cm thick; the distance between two adjacent steps is 30 cm. The tide began, at which the water level began to rise at a speed of 40 cm per hour. How many steps do you think will be under water after 2 hours?

In the USSR, every pioneer (and not only) would be surprised at the ease of questions. In addition to studying at school, we ourselves tried to learn new things. I don't remember anyone who didn't love newsreel "I want to know everything". This is a mystery for a fifth-grader of those times. The student received all the answers at school. They taught things differently then than they do now. This is what they do in schools now, not potential ones. scientists, A "professional consumers", as our “minorbrazin” said. So, Soviet riddles forced THINK. Today's excellent students at that time would have beenDOORS ! As a last resort - C students.

I became fundamentally interested in solving it. Let's think together about the solution to this riddle. You can play my discussion by clicking on the player.

You can first try to answer all the questions yourself, and check their correctness later by turning on the recording.
1. How long have the guys been involved in tourism?
2. Are they familiar with home economics?
3. Is the river navigable?
4. In what direction does the river flow?
5. What is the depth of the river at the nearest riffle?

6. How long will it take for the laundry to dry?

7. How much will a sunflower grow?
8. Is the tourist camp located far from the city?
9. What kind of transport did the tourists use?
10. Do people like dumplings in these places?
11. Is the newspaper fresh?
12. What city is the plane flying to?
