And in Belyakov the Federation Council. About Me

Anton Vladimirovich Belyakov, (born October 18, 1972, Vladimir) - Russian state, political and public figure, member of the Federation Council Federal Assembly Russian Federation– representative from the executive body state power Vladimir region(since September 24, 2013).

Previously, he was a deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation and the State Duma of the sixth convocation.

Born in Vladimir in 1972.

In 1997 he graduated from the Russian State medical University. Worked at Moscow Clinical Hospital No. 52.

In 2003, he ran for the State Duma of the IV convocation in a single-mandate constituency of the Vladimir region, in 2005 - for the post of mayor of Vladimir.

In 2007, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation according to the list political party“A Just Russia: Motherland/Pensioners/Life” (regional group of the Vladimir region). Joined the Federation Affairs Committee and regional policy. In the same year, tennis player Maria Sharapova filed a lawsuit against Belyakov, who at that stage had the status of her “boyfriend”: the reason for the proceedings was “beatings and others, including those of a sexual nature” which Belyakov allegedly committed against the tennis player, “...being in a state of strong alcohol and drug intoxication”.

In 2010 " New Newspaper" And " TVNZ» published information according to which the deputy drove into oncoming traffic:

A shareholder of two limited liability companies (according to the information he submitted to the Central Election Commission before the elections), MP from the SR Anton Belyakov did not share the road with the column military equipment returning from the parade on Red Square

On January 15, 2011, Anton Belyakov asked Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika to check whether the activities of Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov were being financed from abroad.

In June 2011, at the civil forum “Antiseliger” discovered a police “jammer” car that suppressed mobile and radio communications signals, about which he sent a deputy request to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rashid Nurgaliev.

In August 2011, Anton Belyakov broke the rules in Murom traffic, driving to the area cordoned off by traffic police officers for City Day.

November 29, 2011 Anton Belyakov, together with Andrey Nazarov ( United Russia) and Maxim Rokhmistrov (LDPR) sent a request to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, demanding to check the activities non-governmental organization“Voice”, which monitors violations during elections and during the election campaign.

On December 4, 2011, he was elected to the State Duma of the VI convocation from A Just Russia.

On September 24, 2013, the Governor of the Vladimir Region, Svetlana Orlova, signed a Decree conferring powers on Anton Vladimirovich Belyakov, a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - a representative from the executive body of state power of the Vladimir Region.

He is the Chairman of the Association of Victim Investors, Chairman of the Interregional Public Organization "Public Anti-Corruption Committee", Deputy Chairman of the Russian Land Union.

He is passionate about drag racing and holds the post of chairman of the drag racing committee of the Russian Automobile Federation (RAF).

Property and income

According to official data, Belyakov’s income for 2011 amounted to 1.96 million rubles. The deputy owns 9 cars and one motorcycle.

Anton Vladimirovich Belyakov became a victim of sophisticated sex blackmail carried out by very experienced criminals. As soon as the bandits presented their demands, the 36-year-old deputy immediately wrote a statement addressed to the time. And. O. Head of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate.

The caller behaved obscenely, was rude, and used profanity,” said Anton Vladimirovich. - His voice seemed familiar to me.

The first call turned out to be a trap. The swindlers presented their demands on July 13. Yesterday, another person called Belyakov and said that he wanted to transfer material for him.

When I met with this young man near the State Duma, I was given a disk with a recording of the conversation,” the deputy explained in a statement addressed to the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. - At the same time, he threatened that the material would be transferred to the media if they refused to satisfy his demands.

The deputy asks to protect him from blackmailers

The disc contained two audio clips that could not be called anything other than pornography. In the first, famous journalist Sergei Dorenko and no less famous TV presenter Ksyusha Sobchak have a nice conversation on perverted topics. (on the picture). At the same time, the most innocent words in a conversation are “pussy”, “chick”, “hole”... The second video already records Dorenko’s conversation with Belyakov himself. The journalist’s speech is edited so that words that are offensive to a woman sound even more offensive to a man. “What kind of pussy do you have?” and “nice chick” are only the mildest expressions.

To prevent all this from appearing on the radio, the blackmailer suggested “agreeing.”

The blackmail scheme is actually not new. There is a whole group of people in Moscow who have already more than a year“spoils” domestic stars, extracting their words from speeches they once made. Naturally, neither Sobchak nor Dorenko said anything like that. The phrases were simply cut up from different recordings.


One of the unwitting participants in the scandal, 49-year-old radio bison Sergei Dorenko, is sure that all the recordings are fake.

We know Ksenia Sobchak well,” says Sergei. “It wouldn’t have occurred to her to call me from a hidden number.” I made inquiries; this is not the first time my voice has been used. This new trend of hooligan elements is called techno-prank. A person’s voice is obtained and edited; another method is voice modulators. That is, these immoral people can tailor any voice to the voice of Madame Sliska, for example... Their task is simple - to get a person so that he begins to answer them boldly. In a word, pranksters are hunters of human emotions.

Sergei believes that this time the hooligans took special revenge on him for the fact that he attacked them live.

To be honest, I think it would be good for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB to find them and give them a slap on the wrist. By the way, to Deputy Belyakov (on the picture) I advised you to contact law enforcement agencies. Now they are calling with my voice, and maybe they will go so far as to simulate the voice of the commander-in-chief and call the person with the red button...

If ordinary pranksters are just hooligans, then this time it smacks of criminality.

If the blackmailer is caught, law enforcement agencies commented to L!, he will face a real sentence.

Elena Mikhailova

I have devoted almost my entire life to social activities, and to this day it is my main occupation. However, my career began in a different field: I received higher education at the Russian State Medical University and worked for some time as a pediatrician at a Moscow clinical hospital. However, at some point I realized that by practicing medicine, I can only help individual people, while socio-political activities can improve the life of the entire society.

My first project was the creation of an NGO in 2001 Charitable Foundation Museum of Children's Books. At the same time, my first success in this field came to me: as part of the Foundation’s activities, we held the First Charity Television Marathon “Share a Book!”, which allowed us to collect and donate more than 100 thousand children’s books to children’s institutions in Russia. I realized that it was possible to achieve my goals, and I plunged headlong into social and political work.

In 2003, I ran for the State Duma for the first time in the 68th single-mandate constituency of the city of Vladimir, but, unfortunately, I did not get enough votes to win. I knew that getting the post of deputy State Duma is not the only way to achieve real positive changes in the lives of Russians, and work in the structures civil society- just as much important element this process.

In 2004, with my participation, the Interregional public organization “Public Anti-Corruption Committee” was created. As part of the work of this organization, I co-authored the development of a number of bills, in particular: “On individual and collective appeals of citizens of the Russian Federation to government bodies”, “On public discussion and examination”, “On guarantees of the rights of citizens to receive information about activities and decisions bodies of state power in the Russian Federation" and "On parliamentary investigations". At the same time, I served as deputy director of the Institute of Federalism and Civil Society.

In 2005, the Association for Assistance to Victim Investors was created within the framework of the Public Anti-Corruption Committee. The goal of the Association was to solve the problem of affected investors in shared housing construction. Including through the entry of representatives of the Association into state commissions on investigation of facts of fraud and scams in the construction market, cooperation with law enforcement agencies to search for and return misappropriated funds, as well as through actively attracting the attention of the public and authorities to existing problem. The activities of the Association contributed to the establishment of constant contact between representatives of the affected co-investors in construction and federal power, development of interaction mechanisms. The association has formulated proposals and an action program to resolve the crisis in the shared-equity construction market, and prepared amendments to a number of legislative acts, in particular 214-FZ (“Federal Law on shared-equity construction”).

At the same time, I participated in the work of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for promoting the development of civil society institutions and human rights under the leadership of Ella Panfilova on draft legislative initiatives, in particular, amendments to the Federal Law on the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, and was a candidate member of the Public Chamber.

Since 2005, I have been a member of the Council on Agricultural-Industrial Complex issues under the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. I was working on a project federal law“On the fundamentals of state agrarian policy.” In April 2006, at the founding congress of the Russian Land Union, I was elected Deputy Chairman, Sergei Mikhailovich Mironov, for working with citizens’ appeals and urban land use problems.

On behalf of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation M.E. Fradkov, together with the Association for Assistance to Affected Investors, a working group on the problems of shared-equity construction was created under the Ministry of Regional Development, in whose work I took an active part. At the same time, the All-Russian social movement"Help Committee: ZhZL". On its basis, the first all-Russian conference of affected construction co-investors was held, in which representatives of initiative groups of citizens formed for each problematic construction project from various subjects of the federation, as well as employees of the administrations of problem regions, took part.

In 2006 I became a member working group under the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation V.A. Yakovlev, and was also a member of the expert group under the Governor of the Moscow Region B.V. Gromov. I had to repeatedly take part in the work of other expert groups under the State Duma and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

In December 2007, I was elected to the State Duma from the Vladimir region, on the A Just Russia party list. Currently, I work as part of the “A Just Russia” faction and am a member of the State Duma Committee on Federation Affairs and Regional Policy. It's nice to know that my social activity did not go unnoticed: in 2006 I became the laureate of the annual award of the Trud newspaper in the category “Politics”, and in 2007 - the laureate of the award in the category “Politics and popular interest", organized by the newspapers "Moskovsky Komsomolets" and "Trud" based on the results of 2006.

I always liked to spend my free time active recreation, play sports, but at the same time I wanted to find something of my own, something unusual. Finally, in 2000, I became acquainted with drag racing, then still a semi-underground phenomenon, and became seriously interested in it. In 2002, I headed the unofficial Russian Drag Racing Federation. Since 2002, I have held the post of Chairman of the Drag Racing Committee of the Russian Automobile Federation (RAF), am a member of the RAF Sports Council, and am Chairman of the Drag Racing Commission of the Motto Federation of Russia (MFR) and the Federation of Motor Sports and Tourism of Russia (FASTR).

Born in Vladimir in 1972.

In 1997 he graduated from the Russian State Medical University. Worked at Moscow Clinical Hospital No. 52.

In 2003 he ran for the State Duma in a single-mandate constituency of the Vladimir region, and in 2005 for the post of mayor of Vladimir.

He is the Chairman of the Association of Victim Investors, Chairman of the Interregional Public Organization "Public Anti-Corruption Committee", Deputy Chairman of the Russian Land Union.

In 2007, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation on the list of the political party “A Just Russia: Motherland/Pensioners/Life” (regional group of the Vladimir region). Joined the Committee on Federation Affairs and Regional Policy.

On January 15, 2011, Anton Belyakov asked Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika to check whether the activities of Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov were being financed from abroad.

In June 2011, at the civil forum “Antiseliger” discovered a police “jammer” car that suppressed mobile and radio communications signals, about which he sent a deputy request to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rashid Nurgaliev.

In August 2011, in Murom, Anton Belyakov violated traffic rules by driving into the area cordoned off by traffic police officers for City Day.

On November 29, 2011, Anton Belyakov, together with Andrei Nazarov (United Russia) and Maxim Rokhmistrov (LDPR), sent a request to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, demanding to check the activities of the non-governmental organization “Voice”, which monitors violations in elections and during the election campaign.

He is passionate about drag racing and holds the post of chairman of the drag racing committee of the Russian Automobile Federation (RAF).
