Autographs of famous people. Autographs of stars: photos

Each of us at least once tried to squeeze through a crowd of fans to some star. Whether it’s a pop star, a movie star or a famous politician, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to receive the coveted “squiggle” from the hand of your idol. How can you buy autographs of stars today? And are any of them the safest?

“Autograph mania 100%, or how to get an autograph for free?”

If you have never asked for an autograph, then you should read Sergei Lunenko’s educational book entitled “100% Autograph Mania, or how to get an autograph for free?” In this publication you can find a lot useful tips, many of which involve some risk. For example, in the first case, it is proposed to wait for the star near the “back door”, where most often the celebrity goes after a tiring concert, premiere or any other

However, this method, as the author of the original manual for fans warns, does not provide any guarantees at all. That is, you can stand in the area of ​​the “emergency exit” for a long time and not get the star's autograph. After all, people in creative professions are practically unpredictable. They can come out from a completely different direction or contact fans through the manager and announce their unwillingness to communicate, for example, due to fatigue.

In addition, besides you, there will also be many other “mural hunters” near the “back door”. And if your idol appears, the crowd may move sharply in his direction. Consequently, there is always a danger that you will simply be run over or injured.

Getting an autograph right on the street or at the airport

Autographs of stars (photos of some celebrities can be found in our article) can be obtained by literally “catching a star by surprise.” For example, you can meet her at the airport, cafe, store, and so on. However, for this it is necessary to know with accuracy at least the approximate route of the celebrity.

The method is, in principle, not bad. But it will not be effective if you do not have reliable acquaintances who could leak information about the star for a fee.

Autograph session as a way to obtain a star's signature

The second option is less dangerous and more legal. It provides for timely attendance at autograph sessions, where you can easily get autographs from stars. At such events, as a rule, journalists and fans who are most knowledgeable about the celebrity’s activities are present.

You can find out about such a session with a star from the following sources:

  • from the artist’s official fan forums;
  • from the press service or from the celebrity manager;
  • on the official resources of the star (this includes websites, fan pages on social networks, etc.);
  • from the press or advertisements.

The advantage of this option is minimal risks and the absence of traumatic factors. The downside is that your chances of getting there are low if you don’t know journalists or other people in contact with the stars.

Is it possible to get a star's autograph by mail?

If running, hustle and hassle is not for you, then there is an easier option for getting the squiggle you need. In particular, today it is possible to order autographs of stars by mail. This can also be done in two ways. The hardest part is finding addresses Email on one's own. To do this, you need to spend a lot of time scouring websites, forums and other sources. For example, Chuck Norris's email is in the public domain.

To find a postal address, you can look at, where there is not only information about celebrities, but also links to their official websites and pages on social networks.

For example, the actress lives at:

And the second option is to contact a specialized online autograph store and buy a ready-made one.

How to write a letter to a star asking for an autograph?

If you need, for example, autographs of rock stars, and you have chosen a more complex option for obtaining them, then you should follow certain rules when writing a letter. Firstly, if you are making a request to a Hollywood celebrity, then the text of the letter must be in English. If you do not speak this language, then it is enough to write a preliminary text of the letter and translate it using an online translator. This letter may not be entirely correct from a grammatical point of view, but the star will definitely grasp its meaning.

Secondly, write your name in Latin, this will make it much easier for the star to sign a photo or postcard for you. Thirdly, in order to get autographs from Hollywood stars, do not write anything unnecessary in the body of the letter. It’s enough to say hello, say a few words that you’ve been a fan of the celebrity’s work for quite some time, and ask to send you a photo and signature. And then - wait for an answer. Of course, nothing can be said for sure here. Getting an autograph at in this case depends directly on pure luck.

How to order an autograph online?

If you decide to order an autograph in the “Autographomania” online store, then you just need to enter the site and select the available autographs from the catalog. For convenience, all celebrities are divided into the following categories:

  • all Stars;
  • musicians;
  • TV presenters;
  • actors;
  • Star Factory.

For example, here you can find the intricate signatures of Anfisa Chekhova, Potap and Nastya, and even the KVN team “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”. The officially announced price of an autograph is from. However, the cost will vary depending on the size of the photo or poster on which the star once signed. Thus, a signed poster of the singer Chile in A3 format will cost her fans 800 rubles, and a postcard in A5 format will cost 500 rubles.

The main advantage is that the autographs here are truly authentic. On the site you can see video confirmation with the star himself.

One of the disadvantages is that the signature will not be personalized, that is, the celebrity does not address it specifically to you, but simply puts his standard autograph. Also, in addition to the price, the star's signature includes payment for shipping your order. Its cost in Moscow, for example, will cost 350 rubles. And, of course, you won’t find Hollywood stars here - only celebrities from domestic show business.

Where else can you buy a star's autograph?

In addition to the above options, you can purchase an autograph of a celebrity on fan forums, social networks, private message boards, and Internet auctions. For example, the most famous auction is “”. Here you can find not only autographs of football stars, but even astronauts. For example, the starting price of a photograph signed by Marilyn Monroe is 390 thousand rubles.

In a word, if you have already decided to purchase an autograph of your favorite star, do not stop and do everything possible to realize your plans!

Each person's signature is unique in its own way. She not only identifies him in documents, but can also tell a lot about his character. The editors have compiled a selection of celebrities with the most interesting autographs.

John Lennon

The famous British musician chose an unusual autograph. Under his signature there is a schematic drawing in which it is easy to recognize the self-portrait of the founder.

Tom Hanks

The Hollywood star's signature is very unusual, but difficult to read. However, she looks intricate, which adds another “zest” to the actor.

Michael Jackson

The creativity is very bright and unusual, as is his autograph. The King of Pop's signature is neat, done in a calligraphic style and ends with some semblance of a sparkle.

Diego Maradona

The owner of the unusual autograph is a world football star. Under his signature, he usually puts the number “10” - the number under which the football player played almost his entire sports career.

Kanye West

The famous American rapper also provided his autograph with a schematic drawing. The musician drew an unusual animal under the signature. By the way, the performer even gave sneakers with his autograph to the President of Uganda.

Donald Trump

By virtue of his position, the President of the United States “signs autographs” literally every day. His signature has sharp contours and neat features. With all this, she looks quite massive and impressive.

Vladimir Putin

The autograph of the Russian president is not far behind in originality. His signature is characterized by numerous curls, although its features are softer and more rounded.

Yury Nikulin

Photos of the autograph of the Soviet artist have been preserved on the Internet. The film actor did not skimp and often added a schematic drawing of a man in a hat to his signature. Presumably this is a self-portrait.

Konstantin Kinchev

The signature of the group leader “ ” echoes the group logo and consists of two five-pointed stars, under which the minimalist signature of the musician flaunts.

Alla Pugacheva

The owner of a beautiful signature. Her autograph is in capital letters, with neat round contours and always ends with a heart-shaped design. Sometimes the Prima Donna accompanies him with her portrait.

A signature is not only a personal autograph of each person, but also an expression of his personality and character. Particularly interesting are the signatures of celebrities, both modern and long gone.

Some reveal a person’s profession, some impress with their beauty, others delight with their neatness. There are even some that confuse and bewilder.

We have compiled for you a list of 25 autographs that you cannot miss. Don't believe me? See for yourself!

1. Vincent Price

2. John Hancock

The very first person to serve as governor of Massachusetts. A very interesting approach to self-expression through an autograph!

3. Walt Disney

Walt Disney needs no introduction. Even an autograph says a lot about this outstanding person.

4. Elizabeth I

Elizabeth ruled Britain and Ireland from 1558 to 1603. This is exactly the signature she put under each of her decree. And there is definitely something in this!

5. Pablo Picasso

The paintings of the artist and sculptor Picasso are impressive. However, the autograph of the great abstractionist looks like a laconic masterpiece.

6. Kurt Vonnegut

The American short story writer and satirist treated himself with humor. This is clearly visible in his signature.

7. Mahatma Gandhi

Political and community leader India loved philosophy in everything. Look closely at the autograph - do you feel the depth?

8. Martin Luther King

Founder of Baptists public figure and a fighter for civil rights. A strong character noticeable even on paper.

9. Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn's autograph, like herself, is graceful and elegant.

10. Keiji Inafune

Keiji Inafune is a famous Japanese video game manufacturer and author, illustrator, and businessman. He chose an intriguing autograph, don’t you agree?

11. Albrecht Durer

The painter and engraver, the first theorist of the German Renaissance and master of woodcuts, has always been distinguished by unconventional thinking.

12. John Lennon

“A talented person is talented in everything.” And write poems, and sing songs, and play the guitar, and draw autographs - all this is about the famous Lennon.

13. Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves is a controversial actor whom you can hardly recognize on the street, let alone with an autograph.

14. Michael Jackson

Even though Michael Jackson is no longer with us, his songs and films, as well as his autograph, will remain with us forever.

15. Hugh Jackman

Idol of millions, famous actor, the singer and producer is distinguished not only by his attractive appearance and talent, but also by his interesting signature. Just right!

16. George Washington

America's first president had a unique character and style.

17. Leonardo da Vinci

The artist, inventor, engineer, sculptor and architect simply could not have any other kind of handwriting.

18. Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee's fighting character was reflected in his autograph. A fighter, he is a fighter in everything!

19. Angelina Jolie

Famous actress There is absolutely no time to analyze your autograph. Although it is quite possible that it contains some kind of code.

20. Victoria Beckham

Autograph of the actress and singer Victoria Beckham as beautiful, smooth and neat as the new fashion line.

21. Barack Obama

This is exactly the autograph of the 44th President of the United States of America. Laconic and simple at the same time.

22. Amy Winehouse

The singer who died prematurely had a unique voice and acting skills. Even her signature looks unusual.

23. Mark Zuckerberg

The same laconic and excellent autograph as the one he created social network Facebook. This is what Mark is all about.

24. Samuel L. Jackson

The American actor and producer has received many awards for his talent and work in cinema. Take a look at his autograph? This is what the signature of a winner looks like, a winner in everything!

25. Tom Hanks
