Tickets for Irina Miroshnichenko. Order tickets for Irina Miroshnichenko’s creative evening Concert of Irina Miroshnichenko

Celebrating the anniversary of the actress, People's Artist of Russia Irina Miroshnichenko “Celebrating the anniversary...”

  • Who: Russian Song Theater
  • Where: Moscow, Olympic Avenue, 14
  • When: 07/27/17 (19:00-22:00)

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“Celebrating the anniversary...” - this is the laconic title the birthday girl came up with for her concert. This is an evening filled with music, film stills, stories from the life of an actor, as well as reading fragments of your favorite prose. The concert will be attended by Lev Leshchenko, Anzhelika Varum, Denis Maidanov, Andrei Nikolsky, the Na-Na group, Konstantin Kuperweis. Presenter - Vladimir Berezin.

“At the Russian Song Theater under the direction of Nadezhda Babkina, I am given the opportunity to go on stage with the program “Celebrating the Anniversary”, where my friends, colleagues, actors will come, where there will be a luxurious and wonderful orchestra “Phonograph Symphony Jazz” under the direction of Sergei Zhilin. We will sing, read poetry, and communicate with the audience. The concert is directed by an amazing female director - Lyubov Grechishnikova. Naturally, all spectators who want to come this evening are invited. I’ll wait!” shared Irina Miroshnichenko.
Irina Miroshnichenko played in almost 60 films, including recognized masterpieces of cinema: “I’m Walking Around Moscow,” “Andrei Rublev” and “Uncle Vanya.” True to image and style, a new dress is a must, even for an interview. Every hour of Irina Miroshnichenko, as before, is scheduled to the minute - in the theater and on the stage she is busy herself, and closely follows the performances of her colleagues. In diversity creative life finds inspiration and strength.
Irina Miroshnichenko always remembers her first film role with special warmth - it was G. Danelia’s film “I’m Walking Around Moscow,” and then we saw this actress in the film “Andrei Rublev” by A. Tarkovsky, in the films “You Never Dreamed of” , “The Secrets of Madame Wong”, “Resident’s Mistake”, “This sweet word is freedom!”, “Winter Cherry”, etc. And the number of roles that the actress played in the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater is simply impossible to count! These are Masha in “Three Sisters”, Anna Petrovna in “Ivanov”, Arkadina in “The Seagull”, Elena Andreevna in “Uncle Vanya”, Matilda in “My Dear Matilda” and many other roles.
One of the facets of Irina Miroshnichenko’s acting talent was expressed in music. The actress performs lyrical songs about love in Russian and French. Her extraordinary voice timbre, rich and deep, rich in the colors of feelings and experiences, conveys the subtlest nuances of love in her songs.
"My creative biography inextricably linked with my favorite city - Moscow. Therefore, this event should be held as a holiday for all Muscovites, guests of our city, and also become a kind of offering to theater and film art. My friends and stage colleagues will take part in the anniversary concert - famous actors and singers, all songs will be performed live along with an amazing orchestra conducted by Sergei Zhilin!”, says Irina Miroshnichenko.
Irina Miroshnichenko's anniversary concert is a meeting with her beloved audience. This is the desire to talk about your life and profession, about theater and cinema, the desire to read your favorite poems and passages from prose, to show on the screen the most bright moments their film roles and, of course, perform several soulful romantic songs.
“All the applause, all the love, all the kindness – only for you! Dear Irina Petrovna, I join those kind words and congratulations addressed to you today! Happy anniversary! - Nadezhda Babkina, the artistic director of the Russian Song Theater, congratulates the people's favorite actress Irina Miroshnichenko. - I adore you from a long time ago and to this day - you are a person! Beautiful, vulnerable, feminine, strong! I admire you! I’m happy that your anniversary is taking place in our theater! You are talented! Happy anniversary!"
At the Moscow State musical theater folklore “Russian Song” Irina Miroshnichenko is involved in a large-scale production directed by Lyubov Grechishnikova, the musical and dramatic play “Russia, a word about you!”

A strong woman, a talented actress, poetess and singer - it’s all about one person, Irina Miroshnichenko.

For this event she came up with the name “I’ll Tell You.” The name itself already speaks for itself. At this concert, footage from films in which she starred will be shown, and the actress will also tell more than one interesting story from your life. We can say that Irina lived her life very interestingly and with dignity. In addition, she will read out her favorite

Works. Irina acted in films quite often. These were both main and supporting roles. She always treated each role with great responsibility.

In addition, this talented woman showed herself on the theater stage. Irina writes and performs her songs. Basically, this is a love theme that touches the most delicate strings of the soul.

Everyone can attend this event. You can order tickets very quickly and easily on our website. Courier delivery is available.

July 27 at 19.00 actress Irina Miroshnichenko invites bloggers to her anniversary evening at the Russian Song theater

July 27 on the stage of the Russian Song Theater famous actress, People's Artist Russia's Irina Miroshnichenko will celebrate her anniversary. “Celebrating the anniversary...” - this is the laconic title Irina Miroshnichenko came up with for her concert. This evening will be filled with music, film stills, stories from the life of an actor, as well as reading fragments of your favorite prose. The festive concert will be attended by Lev Leshchenko, Anzhelika Varum, Denis Maidanov, Andrey Nikolsky, the Na-Na group, Konstantin Kuperweis. Presenter - Vladimir Berezin.

“At the Russian Song Theater under the direction of Nadezhda Babkina, I am given the opportunity to go on stage with the program “Celebrating the Anniversary”, where my friends, colleagues, actors will come, where there will be a luxurious and wonderful orchestra “Phonograph Symphony Jazz” under the direction of Sergei Zhilin. We will sing, read poetry, and communicate with the audience. The concert is directed by an amazing female director - Lyubov Grechishnikova. Naturally, all spectators who want to come this evening are invited. I’ll wait!” shared Irina Miroshnichenko.

Irina Miroshnichenko played in almost 60 films, including recognized masterpieces of cinema: “I’m Walking Around Moscow,” “Andrei Rublev” and “Uncle Vanya.” True to image and style, a new dress is a must, even for an interview. Every hour of Irina Miroshnichenko, as before, is scheduled to the minute - in the theater and on the stage she is busy herself, and closely follows the performances of her colleagues. He finds inspiration and strength in the diversity of creative life.

Irina Miroshnichenko always remembers her first film role with special warmth - it was G. Danelia’s film “I’m Walking Around Moscow,” and then we saw this actress in the film “Andrei Rublev” by A. Tarkovsky, in the films “You Never Dreamed of” , “The Secrets of Madame Wong”, “Resident’s Mistake”, “This sweet word is freedom!”, “Winter Cherry”, etc. And the number of roles that the actress played in the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater is simply impossible to count! These are Masha in “Three Sisters”, Anna Petrovna in “Ivanov”, Arkadina in “The Seagull”, Elena Andreevna in “Uncle Vanya”, Matilda in “My Dear Matilda” and many other roles.

One of the facets of Irina Miroshnichenko’s acting talent was expressed in music. The actress performs lyrical songs about love in Russian and French. Her extraordinary voice timbre, rich and deep, rich in the colors of feelings and experiences, conveys the subtlest nuances of love in her songs.

“My creative biography is inextricably linked with my favorite city - Moscow. Therefore, this event should be held as a holiday for all Muscovites, guests of our city, and also become a kind of offering to theater and film art. My friends and colleagues on stage - famous actors and singers - will take part in the anniversary concert, all songs will be performed live along with an amazing orchestra conducted by Sergei Zhilin!” says Irina Miroshnichenko.

Irina Miroshnichenko's anniversary concert is a meeting with her beloved audience. This is a desire to talk about your life and profession, about theater and cinema, a desire to read your favorite poems and passages of prose, to show on the screen the brightest moments of your film roles and, of course, to perform several soulful romantic songs.

“All the applause, all the love, all the kindness – only for you! Dear Irina Petrovna, I join you in the kind words and congratulations that are addressed to you today! Happy anniversary! - Nadezhda Babkina, the artistic director of the Russian Song Theater, congratulates the people's favorite actress Irina Miroshnichenko. - I adore you from a long time ago and to this day - you are a person! Beautiful, vulnerable, feminine, strong! I admire you! I’m happy that your anniversary is taking place in our theater! You are talented! Happy anniversary!"

At the Moscow State Musical Theater of Folklore “Russian Song”, Irina Miroshnichenko is involved in a large-scale production directed by Lyubov Grechishnikova, the musical and dramatic play “Russia, a word about you!”
