Biology at the Lyceum. Adaptive features of the structure and behavior of animals: changes in body color

Adaptive features of the structure, body color and behavior of animals (accompanying material for a general biology lesson based on the textbook by N.I. Sonin V.B. Zakharov. Grade 9).

Fitness. Body shape. TYPES OF ADAPTATION VALUE EXAMPLES Body shape: - torpedo-shaped - knot-shaped, leaf-shaped - bizarre Helps to avoid the formation of turbulence Sharks, dolphins of water flows when moving Makes the body invisible among certain objects Stick insects, moth caterpillars of the environment Hides among algae, coral polyps Seahorses, anglerfish

Body shape - Torpedo-shaped Promotes the formation of turbulence in water flows when moving. sharks dolphins

Streamlined body shape Peregrine falcon The streamlined body shape facilitates rapid movement in the air. eagle penguin Duck swan woodpecker Birds: peregrine falcon, eagle, penguin, duck, swan, woodpecker.

Body shape Stick insects cricket cicada filly - The knot-like and leaf-shaped body shape makes the organism invisible among environmental objects.

Body shape - Bizarre clown fish anglerfish pipefish body shape Hides representatives of the deep sea among algae and coral polyps. toad fish

Fitness. Body coloring. TYPES OF ADAPTATION VALUE EXAMPLES Body coloring: - protective Hides against the background of the environment Mountain hare, partridge, green grasshopper, aphids - dismembering The same against the background of stripes of light and shadow Zebras, tigers - warning Preservation of the number of species that have poisonous, burning, stinging properties Bees, wasps, blister beetles, caterpillars, ladybugs Mimicry (imitation of defenseless animals is good Protection from extermination by protected animals and those with warning colors) Needles, spines, crystals of potassium oxalate, Protection from eating herbivores that accumulate in spines or animal leaves of plants Hard integument of the body Protection from being eaten by carnivores. Wasps, bees, bumblebees; eggs laid by cuckoos Cacti, rose hips, hawthorn, nettles Beetles, crabs, bivalves, turtles, armadillos

Changing and dissected coloration tigers chameleon octopus Zebras squid flounder - Changing protective coloration Hides against the background of the environment. - Dismembering Hides in the environment against the background of stripes of light and shadow.

Solid color green grasshopper Nest of the plover aphid antelope lion Solid protective color Hides against the background of the environment.

Adaptive coloration changing protective coloration Hides against the background of the environment, changes depending on the season. arctic fox ermine hare

Warning coloring Preservation of the number of species that have poisonous, burning, stinging properties. Bees ladybug beetles blister beetles caterpillars soldier bug

Mimicry Protection from extermination Wasp - Wasp bee bumblebee Danaid butterfly beekeeper bumblebee butterfly Nymphal butterfly

Fitness. Protective devices TYPES OF ADAPTATION VALUE EXAMPLES Protective devices: Needles, spines, crystals of potassium oxalate, Protection from eating by herbivores Cacti, rose hips, accumulating in spines or animals hawthorn, nettle leaves of plants Hard body covers Needles Beetles, crabs, bivalves Protection from eating molluscs by carnivores, turtles, armadillos, animals Protection from being eaten by carnivores Echidnas, porcupines, hedgehogs

Protective devices Cacti rose hips nettle hawthorn - Needles, spines, crystals of potassium oxalate accumulating in the spines or leaves of plants Serve as protection against being eaten by herbivores.

Protective devices. Needles. hedgehogs porcupines Echidna Hedgehog fish - Needles, spines, often accumulating toxic substances. Protection from being eaten by carnivores.

Hard coverings Hard coverings of the body Protection from being eaten by carnivorous animals. Beetles crabs turtles bivalves armadillos

Fitness. Adaptive behavior TYPES OF ADAPTATION VALUE EXAMPLES Adaptive behavior: - freezing - threatening posture - stocking food Protection from being eaten by herbivores The same Experience of starvation Possums, some beetles, amphibians, birds Bearded lizard, long-eared round-headed nutcracker, jay, chipmunk, squirrel, pika )

Freezing pose Possum beetles - Freezing is an imitation of injury or death. gray toad newt crested bittern bustard

Threatening pose Bearded lizard long-eared roundhead Skunk Mantis - Threatening pose is a deterrent behavior, often very characteristic of poisonous and stinging forms.

Fitness. Caring for offspring. TYPES OF ADAPTATION VALUE EXAMPLES Caring for offspring: - bearing eggs in the oral cavity, Preservation of offspring in a fold of skin on the abdomen Males of tilapia, sea catfish, seahorse - building a nest and breeding in it Preservation of offspring Some fish (sticklebacks, cocklebacks, macropods), birds , squirrels, baby mice - feeding offspring, Preservation of offspring, providing future offspring with food Birds, mammals, scarab beetles, riders.

Bearing offspring - Bearing eggs in the mouth, in a fold of skin on the abdomen Preservation of offspring sea catfish Male tilapia seahorse

Breeding oriole cockerels - Building a nest and breeding offspring in it. Preservation of offspring. stickleback wagtail stork squirrels baby mice

Feeding offspring lions swan - Feeding offspring, providing future offspring with food. Raccoon raccoon Scarab beetles. flamingo riders.

Question 1. Give examples of the adaptability of organisms to living conditions based on your own observations.

During evolution, organisms acquire various properties that allow them to more successfully adapt to their living conditions. For example, the fur of northern animals (arctic foxes, bears) is white, making them almost invisible against the background of snow. Insects that feed on flower nectar have the structure and length of their proboscis that is ideal for this. Seal flippers, modified from the paws of their land-dwelling ancestors, are perfectly adapted to movement in water. Giraffes live in the savannah and eat tree leaves at high altitudes, which their long neck helps them do.

There are many such examples, since every living creature has a large number of characteristics acquired in the process of adaptation to specific living conditions.

Question 2. Why do some animals have bright, unmasking colors, while others, on the contrary, have protective colors?

Two types of coloring correspond to two variants of behavioral strategy. In one of them, the animal tries to remain unnoticed, trying to avoid meeting a predator or sneaking up on the prey. For this purpose, protective coloring is used, allowing it to blend into the background. On the other hand, animals that are dangerous or poisonous often make a point of emphasizing this. They use bright, unmasking colors that warn: “don’t eat me.” In addition to poisonous organisms, this strategy is used by harmless species that mimic them. Organisms can have unmasking colors for a completely different reason - in connection with the desire to attract a partner for reproduction (the bright colors of many male birds, fish, reptiles, butterflies, etc.). In this case, the task of procreation comes into conflict with the instinct of self-preservation, but turns out to be more significant for the organism.

Question 3. What is the essence of mimicry? Compare mimicry and camouflage. What are their fundamental differences? How are they similar?

The essence of mimicry (from the Greek mimikos - imitative) is that harmless animals in the process of evolution acquire resemblance to dangerous (poisonous) species. This allows them to avoid attacks from predators. An example is provided by some non-venomous snakes: there is a species of snake that is similar in color to the deadly adder and differs from it only in the alternation of stripes. In addition to coloring, mimicking animals have characteristic behavior: hoverflies behave like wasps, imitating aggression.

Question 4. Does natural selection apply to animal behavior? Give examples.

Natural selection influences not only the external characteristics of an organism, but also its behavior. This applies, first of all, to innate (instinctive) forms of behavior. Such forms are very diverse: methods of obtaining food, manifestations of fear and aggression, sexual behavior, parental behavior, etc. A spider weaves a web, a bee builds a honeycomb, a cat takes a threatening pose in a moment of danger, chipmunks store supplies and hibernate for the winter and etc. Mating rituals are very complex, strict adherence to which is one of the ways for animals to prevent interspecific crossing.

Question 5. What are the biological mechanisms for the emergence of adaptive (hiding and warning) coloration in animals?

The biological mechanism that ensures the appearance of adaptive coloration is natural selection. In the process of evolution, in a population that, due to the diversity of the gene pool, was distinguished by a very wide range of colors, those individuals that were less noticeable against the background of the environment predominantly survived and left offspring. As a result, the proportion of corresponding genotypes constantly increased. Subsequently, this phenotype, and therefore the genotype, was fixed in the population with the help of stabilizing selection. In the case of warning coloring, similar processes occurred. For example, birds initially find and eat brightly colored insects more easily. If these insects turn out to be poisonous, then the birds quickly learn not to touch them and prefer more modestly colored prey. Thus, individuals with bright colors, which are easily identified as poisonous, are preserved and leave offspring. Over time, this trait becomes fixed in the population.

Question 6. Are there living organisms that do not have adaptive structural features? Justify your answer.

Adaptation is a set of structural features, physiology and behavior of living organisms to specific conditions in which they can normally exist and leave offspring.

The emergence of adaptation to the environment is the main result of evolution. Therefore, evolution can be viewed as the process of the emergence of adaptations or adaptations.

Organisms that failed to adapt to the environment became extinct.

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Adaptation of organisms to environmental conditions as a result of natural selection Compiled by Bolshakov S.V.

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Plant and animal species are amazingly adapted to the environmental conditions in which they live. A huge number of very diverse structural features are known that provide a high level of adaptability of the species to the environment. The concept of “adaptability of a species” includes not only external characteristics, but also the correspondence of the structure of internal organs to the functions they perform, for example, the long and complex digestive tract of animals that eat plant foods (ruminants). The correspondence of the physiological functions of an organism to living conditions, their complexity and diversity are also included in the concept of fitness.

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Adaptive features of the structure, body color and behavior of animals. In animals, body shape is adaptive. The appearance of the aquatic mammal dolphin is well known. His movements are easy and precise. Independent movement speed in water reaches 40 km/h. Cases are often described of how dolphins accompany high-speed sea vessels, for example destroyers, moving at a speed of 65 km/h..

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This is explained by the fact that dolphins attach themselves to the bow of the ship and use the hydrodynamic force of the ship's waves. But this is not their natural speed. The density of water is 800 times higher than the density of air. How does a dolphin manage to overcome it? In addition to other structural features, the body shape contributes to the dolphin’s ideal adaptation to its environment and lifestyle. The torpedo-shaped body shape avoids the formation of turbulence in the water flowing around the dolphin.

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This is a glider. The shape of its body is similar to that of a dolphin. The glider is beautiful and rides quickly, having the ability to naturally play in the waves like a dolphin, waving its fin. The body is made of polycarbonate. The motor is very powerful. The first such dolphin crawler was built by Innespace in 2001.

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The streamlined shape of the body facilitates the rapid movement of animals in the air. The flight and contour feathers covering the bird's body completely smooth out its shape. Birds do not have protruding ears; they usually retract their legs in flight. As a result, birds are much faster than all other animals. For example, the peregrine falcon dives at its prey at speeds of up to 290 km/h. Peregrine Falcon

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Birds move quickly even in water. An chinstrap penguin was observed swimming underwater at a speed of about 35 km/h. Adelie Penguin

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In animals that lead a secretive, hidden lifestyle, adaptations that give them a resemblance to objects in the environment are useful. The bizarre body shape of fish that live in algae thickets helps them successfully hide from enemies.

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Similarity to objects in their environment is widespread among insects. There are known beetles whose appearance resembles lichens and cicadas, similar to the types of shrubs among which they live. Stick insects look like a small brown or green twig, and orthoptera insects imitate a leaf. Stick insects

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Protective coloring also serves as a means of protection from enemies. Birds incubating eggs on the ground blend into the surrounding background. Their eggs, which have a pigmented shell, and the chicks hatching from them are also little noticeable. The protective nature of egg pigmentation is confirmed by the fact that in species whose eggs are inaccessible to enemies - large predators, or in birds that lay eggs on rocks or bury them in the ground, protective coloration of the shell does not develop.

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Protective coloring is widespread among a wide variety of animals. Butterfly caterpillars are often green, the color of the leaves, or dark, the color of the bark or earth. Bottom fish are usually colored to match the color of the sandy bottom (rays and flounder). At the same time, flounders are also capable of changing color depending on the color of the surrounding background. Polar flounder

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The ability to change color by redistributing pigment in the integument of the body is also known in terrestrial animals (chameleon). Chameleons

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Desert animals are usually yellow-brown or sandy-yellow in color. Desert king snake (Lampropeltis getula...

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Uniform protective coloring is characteristic of both insects (locusts) and small lizards, as well as large ungulates (antelope) and predators (lion).

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If the background of the environment does not remain constant depending on the season of the year, many animals change color. For example, inhabitants of middle and high latitudes (arctic fox, hare, ermine, white partridge) are white in winter, which makes them invisible in the snow. Arctic fox

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However, often in animals there is a body color that does not hide, but, on the contrary, attracts attention and unmasks. This coloring is characteristic of poisonous, burning or stinging insects: bees, wasps, blister beetles. Honey bee

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The ladybug, which is very noticeable, is never pecked by birds because of the poisonous secretion secreted by the insect. Photos of ladybugs photo 14

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Inedible caterpillars and many poisonous snakes have bright warning colors. The bright color warns the predator in advance about the futility and danger of an attack. Through trial and error, predators quickly learn to avoid attacking prey with warning colors. Poisonous snake cobra.

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The protective effect of protective or warning coloration increases when combined with appropriate behavior. For example, the bittern nests in the reeds. In moments of danger, she cranes her neck, raises her head up and freezes. In this position it is difficult to detect even at close range. Great bittern

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Many other animals that do not have means of active defense, in case of danger, take a resting pose and freeze (insects, fish, amphibians, birds). Warning coloration in animals, on the contrary, is combined with demonstrative behavior that scares away predators. The effectiveness of warning coloration gave rise to a very interesting phenomenon - imitation, or mimicry. Mimicry is the resemblance of a defenseless or edible species to one or more unrelated species that are well protected and have warning coloration. One of the species of cockroaches is very similar to the ladybug in size, body shape and distribution of pigment spots.

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Some edible butterflies imitate the body shape and color of poisonous butterflies, and flies imitate wasps. The emergence of mimicry is associated with the accumulation, under the control of natural selection, of small successful mutations in edible species in conditions of their cohabitation with inedible ones. An example of mimicry: a fly of the hoverfly family...

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It is clear that the imitation of some species by others is justified: a significantly smaller proportion of individuals of both the species that served as the model and the imitator species are exterminated. It is necessary, however, that the number of the imitator species be significantly less than the number of the model. Otherwise, mimicry is of no benefit: the predator will not develop a strong conditioned reflex to the shape or color that should be avoided. How is the population of the mimic species maintained at a low level? It turned out that the gene pool of these species is saturated with lethal mutations. In the homozygous state, these mutations cause the death of insects, as a result of which a high percentage of individuals do not survive to adulthood.

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In addition to protective coloring, other means of protection are observed in animals and plants. Plants often develop needles and spines that protect them from being eaten by herbivores (cacti, rose hips, hawthorn, sea buckthorn, etc.).

Adaptations are the properties and characteristics of organisms that provide adaptation to the environment in which these organisms live. Adaptation is also called the process of the emergence of adaptations.

How did all these amazing devices come about? It is unlikely that a single mutation could provide such an exact correspondence between an insect wing and a living leaf, or between a fly and a bee. It is incredible that a single mutation would cause a protectively colored insect to hide on exactly the leaves it resembles. It is obvious that such adaptations as protective and warning colors and mimicry arose through the gradual selection of all those small deviations in body shape, in the distribution of certain pigments, in innate behavior that existed in the populations of the ancestors of these animals. One of the most important characteristics of natural selection is its cumulativeness - its ability to accumulate and strengthen these deviations over a series of generations, composing changes in individual genes and the systems of organisms controlled by them. Kogan V.L. and others. Biology. M.., 2008. P.142.

The most interesting and difficult problem is the initial stages of the emergence of adaptations. It is clear what advantages the almost perfect resemblance of a praying mantis to a dry twig gives. But what advantages could his distant ancestor, who only vaguely resembled a twig, have had? Are predators really so stupid that they can be deceived so easily? No, predators are by no means stupid, and natural selection from generation to generation “teaches” them better and better at recognizing the tricks of their prey. Even the perfect resemblance of a modern praying mantis to a twig does not give it a 100% guarantee that no bird will ever notice it. However, its chances of eluding a predator are higher than that of an insect with less perfect protective coloration. Likewise, his distant ancestor, who only slightly resembled a twig, had a slightly higher chance of life than his relative who did not look like a twig at all. Of course, a bird sitting next to him will easily notice him on a clear day. But if the day is foggy, if the bird does not sit nearby, but flies by and decides not to waste time on what may be a praying mantis, or perhaps a twig, then even a minimal resemblance saves the life of the bearer of this barely noticeable resemblance. His descendants who inherit this minimal similarity will be more numerous. Their share in the population will increase. This will make life difficult for the birds. Among them, those who will more accurately recognize camouflaged prey will become more successful.

Natural selection picks up all those minute changes that increase the similarity in color and shape with the substrate, the similarity between the edible species and the inedible species that it imitates. It should be taken into account that different types of predators use different methods of searching for prey. Some pay attention to shape, others to color, some have color vision, others do not. Therefore, natural selection automatically increases, as far as possible, the similarity between the imitator and the model and leads to those amazing adaptations that we observe in nature. Kogan V.L. et al. Biology. M.., 2008. P.149.

The emergence of complex adaptations. Many adaptations give the impression of being carefully thought out and purposefully planned. How could such a complex structure as the human eye arise through the natural selection of randomly occurring mutations?

Scientists suggest that the evolution of the eye began with small groups of light-sensitive cells on the surface of the body of our very distant ancestors, who lived about 550 million years ago. The ability to distinguish between light and dark was certainly useful for them, increasing their chances of life compared to their completely blind relatives. The random curvature of the “visual” surface improved vision, which made it possible to determine the direction to the light source. An eye cup appeared. Newly emerging mutations could lead to narrowing and widening of the opening of the optic cup. The narrowing gradually improved vision - light began to pass through a narrow aperture. As you can see, each step increased the fitness of those individuals that changed in the “right” direction. Light-sensitive cells formed the retina. Over time, a crystalline lens has formed in the front of the eyeball, acting as a lens. It appeared to appear as a transparent two-layer structure filled with liquid.

We can find all the supposed stages of the evolution of the human eye among living animals. The evolution of the eye followed different paths in different types of animals. Thanks to natural selection, many different eye shapes arose independently, and the human eye is only one of them, and not the most perfect one

If we carefully examine the design of the eye of humans and other vertebrates, we will discover a number of strange incongruities. When light enters the human eye, it passes through the lens and hits the light-sensitive cells in the retina. Light is forced to break through a dense network of capillaries and neurons to reach the photoreceptor layer. Surprisingly, the nerve endings approach the light-sensitive cells not from the back, but from the front! Moreover, the nerve endings are collected into the optic nerve, which extends from the center of the retina, thereby creating a blind spot. To compensate for the shadowing of photoreceptors by neurons and capillaries and to get rid of the blind spot, our eye constantly moves, sending a series of different projections of the same image to the brain. Our brain performs complex operations, adding these images, subtracting shadows, and calculating the real picture. Kogan V.L. and others. Biology. M.., 2008. P.150.

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The presentation on the topic “Adaptability of Organisms” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Biology. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 33 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Adaptation of organisms to environmental conditions as a result of natural selection

Compiled by Bolshakov S.V.

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Plant and animal species are amazingly adapted to the environmental conditions in which they live. A huge number of very diverse structural features are known that provide a high level of adaptability of the species to the environment. The concept of “adaptability of a species” includes not only external characteristics, but also the correspondence of the structure of internal organs to the functions they perform, for example, the long and complex digestive tract of animals that eat plant foods (ruminants). The correspondence of the physiological functions of an organism to living conditions, their complexity and diversity are also included in the concept of fitness.

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Adaptive features of the structure, body color and behavior of animals. In animals, body shape is adaptive. The appearance of the aquatic mammal dolphin is well known. His movements are easy and precise. Independent movement speed in water reaches 40 km/h. Cases are often described of how dolphins accompany high-speed sea vessels, such as destroyers, moving at a speed of 65 km/h.

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This is explained by the fact that dolphins attach themselves to the bow of the ship and use the hydrodynamic force of the ship's waves. But this is not their natural speed. The density of water is 800 times higher than the density of air. How does a dolphin manage to overcome it? In addition to other structural features, the body shape contributes to the dolphin’s ideal adaptation to its environment and lifestyle. The torpedo-shaped body shape avoids the formation of turbulence in the water flowing around the dolphin.

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The streamlined shape of the body facilitates the rapid movement of animals in the air. The flight and contour feathers covering the bird's body completely smooth out its shape. Birds do not have protruding ears; they usually retract their legs in flight. As a result, birds are much faster than all other animals. For example, the peregrine falcon dives at its prey at speeds of up to 290 km/h.

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Birds move quickly even in water. An chinstrap penguin was observed swimming underwater at a speed of about 35 km/h.

Adelie Penguin

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In animals that lead a secretive, hidden lifestyle, adaptations that give them a resemblance to objects in the environment are useful. The bizarre body shape of fish that live in algae thickets helps them successfully hide from enemies.

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Similarity to objects in their environment is widespread among insects. There are known beetles whose appearance resembles lichens and cicadas, similar to the types of shrubs among which they live. Stick insects look like a small brown or green twig, and orthoptera insects imitate a leaf.

Stick insects

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Protective coloring also serves as a means of protection from enemies. Birds incubating eggs on the ground blend into the surrounding background. Their eggs, which have a pigmented shell, and the chicks hatching from them are also little noticeable. The protective nature of egg pigmentation is confirmed by the fact that in species whose eggs are inaccessible to enemies - large predators, or in birds that lay eggs on rocks or bury them in the ground, protective coloration of the shell does not develop.

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Protective coloring is widespread among a wide variety of animals. Butterfly caterpillars are often green, the color of the leaves, or dark, the color of the bark or earth. Bottom fish are usually colored to match the color of the sandy bottom (rays and flounder). At the same time, flounders are also capable of changing color depending on the color of the surrounding background.

Polar flounder

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The ability to change color by redistributing pigment in the integument of the body is also known in terrestrial animals (chameleon).


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Desert animals are usually yellow-brown or sandy-yellow in color.

Desert king snake (Lampropeltis getula...

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If the background of the environment does not remain constant depending on the season of the year, many animals change color. For example, inhabitants of middle and high latitudes (arctic fox, hare, ermine, white partridge) are white in winter, which makes them invisible in the snow.

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However, often in animals there is a body color that does not hide, but, on the contrary, attracts attention and unmasks. This coloring is characteristic of poisonous, burning or stinging insects: bees, wasps, blister beetles.

Honey bee

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The ladybug, which is very noticeable, is never pecked by birds because of the poisonous secretion secreted by the insect.

Photos of ladybugs photo 14

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Inedible caterpillars and many poisonous snakes have bright warning colors. The bright color warns the predator in advance about the futility and danger of an attack. Through trial and error, predators quickly learn to avoid attacking prey with warning colors.

Poisonous snake cobra.

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The protective effect of protective or warning coloration increases when combined with appropriate behavior. For example, the bittern nests in the reeds. In moments of danger, she cranes her neck, raises her head up and freezes. In this position it is difficult to detect even at close range.

Great bittern

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Many other animals that do not have means of active defense, in case of danger, take a resting pose and freeze (insects, fish, amphibians, birds). Warning coloration in animals, on the contrary, is combined with demonstrative behavior that scares away predators. The effectiveness of warning coloration gave rise to a very interesting phenomenon - imitation, or mimicry. Mimicry is the resemblance of a defenseless or edible species to one or more unrelated species that are well protected and have warning coloration. One of the species of cockroaches is very similar to the ladybug in size, body shape and distribution of pigment spots.

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Some edible butterflies imitate the body shape and color of poisonous butterflies, and flies imitate wasps. The emergence of mimicry is associated with the accumulation, under the control of natural selection, of small successful mutations in edible species in conditions of their cohabitation with inedible ones.

An example of mimicry: a fly of the hoverfly family...

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It is clear that the imitation of some species by others is justified: a significantly smaller proportion of individuals of both the species that served as the model and the imitator species are exterminated. It is necessary, however, that the number of the imitator species be significantly less than the number of the model. Otherwise, mimicry is of no benefit: the predator will not develop a strong conditioned reflex to the shape or color that should be avoided. How is the population of the mimic species maintained at a low level? It turned out that the gene pool of these species is saturated with lethal mutations. In the homozygous state, these mutations cause the death of insects, as a result of which a high percentage of individuals do not survive to adulthood.

A cuckoo egg in a blue nightingale's clutch.

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In addition to protective coloring, other means of protection are observed in animals and plants. Plants often develop needles and spines that protect them from being eaten by herbivores (cacti, rose hips, hawthorn, sea buckthorn, etc.).

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The same role is played by toxic substances that burn hairs, for example in nettles. Crystals of calcium oxalate that accumulate in the thorns of some plants protect them from being eaten by caterpillars, snails and even rodents.

Stinging nettle

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Formations in the form of a hard chitinous cover in arthropods (beetles, crabs), shells in mollusks, scales in crocodiles, shells in armadillos and turtles protect them well from many enemies. The quills of hedgehogs and porcupines serve the same purpose. All these adaptations could only appear as a result of natural selection, that is, the preferential survival of better protected individuals.

Elephant turtle

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For the survival of organisms in the struggle for existence, adaptive behavior is of great importance. In addition to hiding or demonstrative, scaring behavior when an enemy approaches, there are many other options for adaptive behavior that ensure the survival of adults or juveniles. This includes storing food for the unfavorable season of the year. This especially applies to rodents. For example, the root vole, common in the taiga zone, collects cereal grains, dry grass, roots - up to 10 kg in total.

Housekeeper vole - Microtus oeconomus (Pallas

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Burrowing rodents (mole rats, etc.) accumulate pieces of oak roots, acorns, potatoes, steppe peas - up to 14 kg.

Thread. skajazz. mole rats.

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The large gerbil, living in the deserts of Central Asia, cuts grass at the beginning of summer and drags it into holes or leaves it on the surface in the form of stacks. This food is used in the second half of summer, autumn and winter.

Large gerbils are typical inhabitants of the desert.

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The river beaver collects cuttings of trees, branches, etc., which it places in the water near its home. These warehouses can reach a volume of 20 cubic meters.

Beavers are the most famous "builders" of dams in rivers and streams, and...

Tips for making a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts; you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.
