Boris Livanova, Vasily’s son, what does he do? People's Artist of Russia Vasily Livanov: My son worked in prison, that's why he was released early

Livanov Boris Nikolaevich

National artist USSR (1948)
Laureate of USSR State Prizes (1941, for the role of Pozharsky in the film “Minin and Pozharsky”; 1947, for the role of the commander of the cruiser Rudnev in the film “Cruiser “Varyag””; 1942, 1949, 1950, for theatrical work; 1970, for acting and directing work recent years)
Knight of the Order of Lenin

His father Nikolai Livanov was an actor who played in provincial theaters. At the age of 16, Boris Livanov went to civil war and fought for a year under the command of Alexander Strizhenov, the father of actors Oleg and Gleb Strizhenov. But when it turned out that Livanov hid his age when being drafted into the army, he was expelled from the military unit.

Later, Boris Livanov decided to follow in the footsteps of his father and chose the profession of an actor - he entered the Moscow Art Theater, where he studied at the 4th Studio, after completing his studies in which he began working at the Moscow Art Theater in 1924. His first role, played in this theater in 1924, was the role of Prince Shakhovsky. In 1925, he again played the role of the prince, but this time - Andrei Shuisky. At that time, Livanov also played in the play “Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich”, in the production “At the Gates of the Kingdom”, played Bondesen in 1927, and Cassio in “Othello” in 1930, after which he was recognized as one of the leading artists of the theater. While working at the theater, Boris Livanov played roles from the classical repertoire and plays by contemporary authors with equal success.

Boris Livanov perfectly performed the role of Count Almaviva in the play “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro” and Kimbaev in the play “Fear”, after which the audience and critics especially noted bright character actor. The audience especially noted Livanov’s work in the play “Dead Souls,” staged at the Moscow Art Theater in 1934, in which Livanov played the role of Nozdryov.

In the same 1934, Livanov also played Kudryash in the play “The Thunderstorm”. Boris Livanov’s son, actor Vasily Livanov, said: “For the first time I saw my father in the role of Nozdryov in the play “Dead Souls” staged by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. Then I watched this performance 37 times. Throughout my life, whenever possible, I went to see my father in this role. It was the delight from his personality that I always felt, selflessly loving my father. The charm of his personality was very noticeable.”

According to his contemporaries, Boris Livanov had a great sense of humor and could create a brilliant aphorism on the most innocent occasion. When one day an announcement was made in the theater: “The artist Livanov is asked to come into the artistic section,” Boris Nikolaevich immediately reacted: “That’s out of the question! The artistic whole cannot fit into the artistic part!” Vasily Livanov said in his memoirs: “In last years at the Moscow Art Theater the “old people” hardly spoke to each other. Sometimes they would sit during intermission in the backstage foyer of the theater, in makeup and costumes, silent and each thinking about his own. And suddenly one of the “old men,” without addressing anyone personally, begins to reason out loud: “Well, what don’t I have? I am a People's Artist Soviet Union, party member... order bearer. Constantly busy in the repertoire. What don't I have yet? I have a wonderful five-room apartment in the center... a very nice dacha... Two state awards... Yes... I’m also a director... I have my own theater, I’m the artistic director there... I’m on the government they carry me in a car... and I also have my own car... "Volga"... I'm not complaining about my health, pah-pah. Well, what don’t I have yet?” - In the hanging silence, the voice of Boris Nikolaevich Livanov is heard: “You have no conscience.”

During the 1940-50s, Livanov succeeded in his theater work use the widest possible palette expressive means. During this period of time, he played Solyony in the play “Three Sisters”. With the help of the director of the production, Nemirovich-Danchenko, the actor found the sharpness of the external drawing, the genuineness of feelings and the poverty of spiritual content with the strong nature of the character. Later Livanov was played by Astrov and Lomonosov.

Among his other notable roles played in the theater were Chatsky in the play “Woe from Wit”, Zabelin and Rybakov in “The Kremlin Chimes”.

Since the fifties, Boris Livanov began his activity as a director, staging Chekhov's “The Seagull” at the Moscow Art Theater in 1969. As a director, he also took part in other productions of the Moscow Art Theater - he staged the plays “Our Youth”, “Front”, “Lomonosov” and “The Master”. Livanov was one of the first directors who strived to Soviet years stage works by Dostoevsky in the theater. Boris Livanov also staged the play “Egor Bulychev and Others”, in which he himself played main role, and in 1960 Boris Livanov interpreted Dmitry in his own way in The Brothers Karamazov. Vasily Livanov said in his memoirs: “ The general is coming rehearsal of the play "Egor Bulychev", actors in makeup and costumes. Suddenly Nastasya Platonovna Zueva, playing the role of the Witch Doctor, interrupts the scene, approaches the ramp and asks, turning to Livanov the director, in the dark auditorium: “Borechka, I forgot what my “super task” is here?” - “What a “super task”, Nastya! - Livanov groaned in response. “Tickets are already on sale!!!”

Livanov was also good at drawing caricatures and caricatures. One day the Kukryniksy asked him: “Work with us!” - and Livanov replied: “I can’t. You’ll have to sign: “Are they Kukryniksy?” Among the many stories and stories preserved by Livanov’s acquaintances, there is a story about the game “Hopkins!”, which, according to contemporaries, was very popular among the old Moscow Art Theater artists. Its essence was as follows: if one of the players said “Hopkins!”, the others were obliged to immediately jump. For example, when during a performance someone commanded: “Hopkins!”, the rest jumped, otherwise they were threatened with a large fine. And when one day the Minister of Culture Furtseva called the actors of the Moscow Art Theater, among whom were Massalsky, Yanshin, Belokurov, Gribov and Livanov, in the middle of the speech of the Minister Livanov, who became bored, quietly said: “Hopkins!” The actors listening to the minister naturally jumped. Once in the early sixties, a group of young actors was received at the Moscow Art Theater and they were introduced by name to everyone working in the theater. On the eve of this event, Khrushchev publicly exposed the “anti-party Malenkov-Kaganovich-Molotov group” in the CPSU Central Committee. Molotov's name was Vyacheslav Mikhailovich. And then the name of one of the young actors was heard: Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Nevinny... Livanov’s remark instantly followed: “Aha! Vyacheslav Mikhailovich - innocent! Well, what about the rest? And Lazar Moiseevich?..”

Writer German Ashkinazi spoke about Boris Livanov in his memoirs: “During my youth and youth, he was very popular. I was lucky enough to see him not only in films or hear on the radio his characteristic bass with the famous Lebanese pauses, but also in the 60s of the last century to enjoy his performance at the Moscow Art Theater. And shortly before his death in 1972, he brilliantly played a cardiac surgeon in the film “Degree of Risk” based on the then sensational story by the outstanding surgeon Professor Amosov “Thoughts and Heart”. It is known that Stalin valued Livanov. For 10 years, from 1941 to 1950, he was awarded 5 (five!) times Stalin Prize. Whether for this reason, or because of his innate independent character, it seems that Livanov did not feel any fear of the high authorities. At that time, they were popular among the creative intelligentsia different stories concerning the relationship between this very intelligentsia and those in power. The witty Boris Nikolaevich was a frequent character in these stories, which can now be found in abundance on the Internet under the name “theatrical tales”. However, I didn’t find one of these old stories there. So I vouch for the originality, but don’t blame me for the authenticity, although it was told by one of the theaters of that time. In my opinion, it well reflects both Livanov’s character and the post-war Stalinist atmosphere. Here it is, this story, or, if you like, a tale. Boris Nikolaevich was an indispensable participant in the post-war Stalinist receptions and was part of the group of the so-called creative intelligentsia, composed of eminent theater and film figures, scientists, writers, and artists. At the banquet they were placed at some distance from the central table, where Stalin sat with his closest rulers. Government officials, diplomats, famous military leaders were located closer... The first toast in honor of the leader of all progressive humanity was traditionally made by one of the country's top leaders. And this time another toastmaster offered to raise a glass to the great, the brilliant... and so on and so forth. Everyone got up. Usually this took 10-15 minutes, but then something unexpected happened. At the peak of the toast, Stalin was called to the telephone, which was installed in a room adjacent to the banquet hall. The leader left, but for some unknown reason did not close the door behind him. The speaker interrupted the speech, and in the ensuing silence one could only hear the invitees shifting from foot to foot and Stalin’s short remarks in the next room. This lasted quite a long time. Finally, Stalin appeared at the door and slowly walked to his place at the table. The toaster perked up and just opened his mouth to continue speaking, when suddenly Livanov’s indignant bass broke the silence: “But I won’t drink!” Deathly silence reigned. People didn't know where to put their eyes. Sticky sweat ran down my spine and perspiration appeared on my forehead. Stalin slowed down slightly... And Boris Nikolayevich, after enduring the “Lebanon” pause, finished with anguish: “Because I’m not tired!” (Yes, yes!.. that’s what he said “nolito”, with the emphasis on the first syllable). Stalin grinned a little, but everyone caught it, and a sigh of relief rustled through the hall. The speaker cheerfully continued his speech. The banquet rolled in the given direction.”

Since 1924, Boris Livanov began acting in films, and his first role was played in the film “Morozko”, directed by Yuri Zhelyabuzhsky. Later, Livanov acted a lot and worked with such famous Soviet directors as Sergei Eisenstein, Vsevolod Pudovkin, Grigory Kozintsev, Mikhail Romm, Alexander Zarkhi, Joseph Kheifits and Ilya Averbakh.

Among best roles Boris Livanov in the cinema can be called Vladimir Dubrovsky in the film adaptation of Pushkin’s story “Dubrovsky” in 1936, Prince Pozharsky in the historical film “Minin and Pozharsky” in 1939, Captain Rudnev in the heroic film “Cruiser “Varyag” in 1941, the main role in biographical film "Mikhailo Lomonosov" in 1955 and Zabelina in "Kremlin Chimes". The actor vividly and powerfully created the temperamental image of Prince Potemkin in Mikhail Romm’s historical and biographical film “Admiral Ushakov,” released in 1953. Vasily Livanov said: “Stanislavsky gave an amazing definition that any person of art has only two paths - to love the art in himself or himself in art. Boris Nikolaevich loved the art in himself. My father understood the gift that God gave him. He is my art teacher. I am his faithful student. All the best I have done in art is thanks to him, his example, his upbringing and his understanding of life.”

In 1970, Livanov received an offer to become the head of the Moscow Art Theater, but the theater actors opposed this, and while Boris Livanov was on vacation in the south with his wife Evgenia Kazimirovna, they turned to Furtseva with a proposal to make Oleg Efremov the head of the Moscow Art Theater, who as a result was appointed . When Boris Livanov found out about this, he did not go to the theater for two years, was very worried about what happened, and died on October 23, 1972.

Boris Livanov is buried at Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Leonid Filatov prepared a program about Boris Livanov from the series “To Be Remembered.”

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Text prepared by Andrey Goncharov

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"Morozko" (USSR) - Morozko
“Four and Five” (USSR) - Dmitry Gai
“Kastus Kalinovsky” (USSR) - Stanislav Skirmunt
"October" (USSR) - Minister Tereshchenko
“Golden Beak” (USSR) - Major Tuchkov
“Annenkovshchina” (USSR) - Ataman Annenkov
“City under attack” (USSR) - Carl Runge
“Deserter” (USSR) - Karl Renn
« Private life Pyotr Vinogradov" (USSR) - Pyotr Vinogradov
“Four Visits of Samuel Wolfe” (USSR) - Dick Arrowsmith
“Dubrovsky” (USSR) - Vladimir Dubrovsky
“Deputy of the Baltic” (USSR) - Bocharov
"Balticians" (USSR) - Vikhover, commissar
“Minin and Pozharsky” (USSR) - Pozharsky, prince
“Guilty without guilt” (USSR) - Murov
"Glinka" (USSR) - Nicholas I
“Cruiser “Varyag” (USSR) - commander of the cruiser “Varyag” Rudnev
“The Fall of Berlin” (USSR) - K.K. Rokossovsky
« Battle of Stalingrad" (THE USSR)
"Admiral Ushakov" (USSR) - Potemkin
“Mikhailo Lomonosov” (USSR) - M.V. Lomonosov
“Captain of the first rank” (USSR) - Lezvin
"Oleko Dundich" (USSR/SFRY) - Mamontov
“Poem about the Sea” (USSR) - Fedorchenko
“On the Eve” (USSR/BPR) - Nikolai Stakhov
“The Theater Calling” (USSR) - episode
“Dead Souls” (USSR) - Nozdryov
“The Blind Musician” (USSR) - Maxim Yatsenko
“Death of the squadron” (USSR) - Admiral Granatov
“Now judge!” (USSR) - Bogutovsky
“Degree of risk” (USSR) - surgeon Sedov
“Kremlin chimes” (USSR) - Zabelin

The 44-year-old lover of actress Maria Golubkina, actor Boris Livanov, shared with Boris Korchevnikov for the first time how he ended up behind bars, and how difficult his relationship with Golubkina is.

The middle son of People's Artist of the RSFSR Vasily Livanov, Boris, became a guest on the program “The Fate of a Man,” in which he spoke openly for the first time about the circumstances of what happened, because of which he ended up in prison. In 2009, Boris Livanov was convicted of murder, from which he was released on parole in 2014.

Boris Livanov was married only once. His chosen one, Ekaterina, did not like the artist’s parents because she abused alcohol with her husband.
« Katya has always been very positive, but some things brought her down. Of course, she and I drank, I drank all my life along with everyone else, but for some reason they always noticed me, even if compared to the others I was almost not drunk. Some time after the birth of our daughter, we had to separate"- said Boris. According to him, the fatal blow for Catherine was that their daughter Eva was born deaf - this is what provoked her addiction to alcohol.

In 2005, Boris and Ekaterina divorced. Daughter Eva more often lived with Vasily Livanov and his wife, since her mother was being treated for alcoholism. Boris had already met with another woman, but in a fateful New Year's Eve In 2009, he again found himself in the company of Ekaterina. The artist celebrated the holiday in Khimki. At the height of the celebration, Boris and his friends left the apartment to buy more alcohol, and the owner jumped out behind them with a knife. According to witnesses, Livanov stabbed Khromov several times.

Maria Golubkina and Boris Livanov with their daughter Eva

« I woke up in the police station with no idea how I got here. At first, this did not cause me any concerns: at that time I had visited almost all police departments in Moscow. And then someone says to me: “Why did you kill a man?”
At first I thought it was a joke, but I didn’t remember anything. There are a lot of questions in this case. Witnesses said that I was holding the knife in my left hand, although I am right-handed. Someone claimed that I was defending myself. The man I killed was drunk, his blood did not clot from large quantity ppm If he had been sober, he would have been slightly injured... The situation is very murky, I don’t know what happened. Until the end I didn’t admit my guilt"- recalls Livanov.

As a result, Boris was sentenced to eight years in prison. His daughter, by court decision, lived with Vasily Livanov and his wife Elena. In February 2016, after a family conflict, 13-year-old Eva ran away to her mother. Subsequently, the girl returned several times and went back to Catherine. Two years later, Eva was completely reconciled with her father and grandparents.

Last summer, Boris Livanov and Maria Golubkina announced their engagement. The couple then announced their breakup, but New Year spent together again. Maria admitted that she loves Boris, but it is very difficult for them to be near each other for a long time. Livanov admits that he cannot imagine a future without Golubkina. " We have a wonderful relationship, incredibly complex. I am now a victim of domestic violence from her. It took all my experience to attract her and keep her for at least some time. She has an excellent relationship with my parents. This is Love“, - Boris said frankly.

« And to the question: “So what’s going on between you?” I’ll answer - we have a Battle! The battle of Patriarchy and Matriarchy, Yin and Yang, male chauvinism and female feminism, Christianity and paganism, classics and fantasy, Day and Night, in short and in general - everything with everything. A truce is periodically declared so that the orderlies of consciousness will remove wounded arguments from the field, and we can take a break from each other. But, and this is important - no one loses or wins, so far, a damn year and a half already, treating each other with love and tenderness", Boris admits.

« It’s funny that the station is very symbolic in our relationship with Masha - we either meet each other for life, then we see each other off forever, so that, with even greater passion, we meet again", noted Livanov.

The court, held in December last year, sentenced Livanov Jr. to nine years in prison. This year, lawyers tried to appeal the verdict, but failed...

Our meeting with Vasily Borisovich took place a year after tragic events with his son...

“Elite,” as they would say now, a house on Tverskaya Street, right opposite the city hall... Vasily Borisovich has lived here since birth - this is his parents’ apartment. The home has not undergone any European-quality renovation; the spirit of antiquity has been preserved here, with many memorable antiques. His wife Elena Artemyevna is busy in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for her 7-year-old granddaughter Eva, the daughter of the convicted Boris. Eva is a very lively child, she greets cheerfully, shakes her grandfather’s hand... Only a minute later I notice she has a hearing aid...

“Yes, unfortunately, Eva is deaf from birth,” explains Vasily Borisovich. “But a hearing aid helps.” She can hear and speaks quite well. She studies in the first grade at a special school... - Looking at the girl with tenderness, Livanov adds:

– You know, this is my favorite granddaughter!

– Since her dad is in prison, will Eva now live with you?

- While she is visiting us...

- But what about Boris’s wife, Katya, doesn’t she take care of her daughter?

Best of the day

– Boris has been divorced from Katya for five years. Now he has common-law wife Natasha, a beautiful woman... We are forced to communicate with Katya only because of the child. She is always trying to do something to take the girl to her place. But the fact is that Katya is a chronic alcoholic. Now the question will be decided whether to leave the child with her at all. Because when she and Boris officially divorced, the court left the child with the father, and not with her. Now we hope that Eva will stay with us...

– What will happen to your son, is his fate decided?

– No, his fate is still being decided... (Livanov’s voice trembled.) An absolutely unjust trial took place there! This exactly falls under the president’s statement about unfair trials, when our investigators and judges force Russians to turn to the Strasbourg court for justice. And we are one of those who fell on this judicial path. After all, my son’s guilt has practically not been proven! Not proven! And the consequence was ugly...

- So it’s not true that the son killed his drinking companion with an ax? Out of jealousy... On New Year's Eve...

– It is unknown what happened! Nothing has been proven, nothing has been proven! Do you understand? This case was announced as resonant and covered in the press. What kind of question is this anyway? The investigation tried to please the yellow press, which was talking such nonsense in general! About some incredible number of wounds that he inflicted. And that it was his friend... There were a lot of lies and slander. But this is all because Boris is the son famous person!

- What if it was a common person

- Yes, no one would have written the words! In the area where this happened to my son, four more murders were committed at the same time. Nobody shouted about it. And my son was “inflated”... And now we turned to the Prosecutor General’s Office. I hope for a fair decision.

“But they still won’t let him go.”

“They may not let him go, but such wild sentences for unproven guilt cannot be given... Nine years!” And accuse him of premeditated murder. What was the motive for this premeditated murder? None. He saw this man for the first time. Well, they got into a fight, and that’s it... They got into a fight! Moreover, in the person who died, as experts said, there were three lethal doses alcohol. He did not die because he received a wound, which is also unknown whether Boris inflicted it on him... The knife was not found, and Boris did not throw it away, which has also been established. And who was it anyway? And what third person's blood was everywhere there? Everything was adjusted to please the yellow press... Well, now the prosecutor's office will deal with this.

– It turns out that you took the entire blow for that tragedy?

- Yes. As my wife correctly said, the fact that he is my son is not his merit and not his fault. He's just my son. And an adult who must be responsible for himself. What does it have to do with me, my father, his grandfather, famous people? If it weren’t for the famous surname, no one would have known anything at all.

Domestic fight. And they turned it into something incredible, they made him out to be some kind of villain...

- He probably just drank...

- No! No! I just fell under this wheel, the president said correctly: there is an unimaginable number of unjust trials now. We need to reform the legal system, that's it last words Medvedev, just a few days ago, on TV...

– Are you allowed to visit Boris?

- Yes, we saw him. Until the sentence comes into force, he is in a pre-trial detention center... (Vasily Borisovich lights a cigarette and is silent for a long time.) It’s a shame! He published such a wonderful book. Amazing book! He is an excellent writer and poet. His poems were noted in the Literary Gazette. And the books sold out. I went to the bookstore and wanted to buy it, but there was nothing left. The literary collection is called “Morning Rain”, with his drawings. There are poems and prose, short stories, fairy tales, humoresques, film stories... Wonderful! He spent all of 2008 preparing this book. And it came out just in the spring of 2009, when he was already under investigation. And of course, I believe that this is a tragic judicial misunderstanding...

– Have you hired lawyers? Did you try to make sure that the truth was established?

– VERY serious experts with all-Russian names were invited by defense lawyers. These are people who are absolutely not engaged by anyone. From Russian Institute examination, doctor of science, professor. Forensic scientists... But the judge! (Taps herself on the forehead expressively.) She already had everything ready. The resonance thing... They have no idea what resonance is. And how can this resonance benefit them? This is how it all gets done. (Livanov sighs and takes his eighth cigarette.) I haven’t smoked for a year and a half, and then such circumstances arose that I started smoking again. Let me tell you about something positive...

Livanov - about other members of his family...

– My wife is Elena Artemyevna Livanova, an animation film artist by profession. For many years she worked as a production designer at the Soyuzmultfilm puppet association. We've been together for thirty-eight years. I consult with her on many things, but I try not to overload with my problems. We live as it is said in the Gospel: husband and wife are one flesh. This worked out very well for us, thank God. And my wife is a very talented person - a wonderful mother, a wonderful grandmother. And just beautiful woman. I never tire of admiring her!

My eldest daughter from her first marriage, Anastasia, is engaged in landscape design.

The youngest son, Nikolai Livanov, is graduating from the last faculty of VGIK with a degree in computer design. Already participated in the creation of films. I'm very proud of his work!

I have three grandchildren. The eldest is already finishing school, but has no intention of going into a creative profession; he has a technical mindset. The middle granddaughter is studying at school, she is now 12 years old, the youngest granddaughter Eva is in first grade.

The secret of Vasily Livanov’s health:

“So far I don’t have any health problems,” says 74-year-old Vasily Borisovich and knocks on wood. – Still, I played a lot of sports. Not such a professional sport, when a person puts his health on the line, and then over the years it all affects... But the sport of hunting. It was great fun! For example, I ride horse professionally and have performed my own stunts in films. In my film Don Quixote, I spent half the film on a horse. He also rode horseback, playing in the films “The Blind Musician”, “Yaroslavna, Queen of France”...

Boris spent 4.5 years in prison for murder. After his release in September 2014, he lives almost all the time at his parents’ dacha in the Moscow region. There, the heir to a famous family is writing a book and maintaining a family archive. In the near future, 41-year-old Livanov will publish a two-volume book. It is possible that one of the chapters in it will be about love.

Boris Livanov proposed to actress Maria Golubkina. In the “Million Dollar Secret” program, the man said that he had been in love with the star for 25 years. They are planning to get married in the near future.

According to Golubkina, she is not afraid of her fiancé’s past. Both Maria and Boris are sure that the marriage they create will be the last in their lives.

About six months ago, Boris Livanov began communicating with Angelina Frolova on a social network; they once studied together at GITIS a long time ago, and even met. Years later, feelings flared up with new strength. “Spring began in autumn for the first time twenty years ago. And then there was a long winter... And again we have spring,” Livanov poetically confesses his love.

Now Angelina and Boris try to spend everything together free time. Both changed their status on social networks marital status to "meets". Geli, as Livanov affectionately calls her, has two sons - 14-year-old Klim and 16-year-old Demyan. Boris also has a growing daughter from his first marriage, 12-year-old Eva.

In early February, Boris signed documents, officially allowing the girl to live with her mother, Ekaterina. For more than four years they fought in the courts for the child. “Since January 2016, Bora was given the right to raise our daughter,” Ekaterina Livanova tells StarHit. – Before this, grandfather Vasily Borisovich and grandmother Elena Artemyevna were listed as guardians. But Eva missed me and told dad about it. We went to her guardianship and got everything done. Borya, with whom relations had improved, signed Required documents that he does not interfere with our communication."

It must be said that not so long ago, Catherine told reporters that her daughter did not want to live with her grandparents and decided to run away from them to her mother. However, later Vasily Livanov denied information about this and stated that Eva did not enter into any conflict with them. The grandparents took care of the girl and were attentive to her.

Writer German Ashkinazi spoke about Boris Livanov in his memoirs: “During my youth and youth, he was very popular. I was lucky enough to see him not only in films or hear on the radio his characteristic bass with the famous Lebanese pauses, but also in the 60s of the last century to enjoy his performance at the Moscow Art Theater. And shortly before his death in 1972, he brilliantly played a cardiac surgeon in the film “Degree of Risk” based on the then sensational story by the outstanding surgeon Professor Amosov “Thoughts and Heart”. It is known that Stalin valued Livanov. For 10 years, from 1941 to 1950, he was awarded the Stalin Prize 5 (five!) times. Whether for this reason, or because of his innate independent character, it seems that Livanov did not feel any fear of the high authorities. At that time, various stories were popular among the creative intelligentsia concerning the relationship between this very intelligentsia and those in power. The witty Boris Nikolaevich was a frequent character in these stories, which can now be found in abundance on the Internet under the name “theatrical tales”. However, I didn’t find one of these old stories there. So I vouch for the originality, but don’t blame me for the authenticity, although it was told by one of the theaters of that time. In my opinion, it well reflects both Livanov’s character and the post-war Stalinist atmosphere. Here it is, this story, or, if you like, a tale. Boris Nikolaevich was an indispensable participant in the post-war Stalinist receptions and was part of the group of the so-called creative intelligentsia, composed of eminent theater and film figures, scientists, writers, and artists. At the banquet they were placed at some distance from the central table, where Stalin sat with his closest rulers. Government officials, diplomats, famous military leaders were located closer... The first toast in honor of the leader of all progressive humanity was traditionally made by one of the country's top leaders. And this time another toastmaster offered to raise a glass to the great, the brilliant... and so on and so forth. Everyone got up. Usually this took 10-15 minutes, but then something unexpected happened. At the peak of the toast, Stalin was called to the telephone, which was installed in a room adjacent to the banquet hall. The leader left, but for some unknown reason did not close the door behind him. The speaker interrupted the speech, and in the ensuing silence one could only hear the invitees shifting from foot to foot and Stalin’s short remarks in the next room. This lasted quite a long time. Finally, Stalin appeared at the door and slowly walked to his place at the table. The toaster perked up and just opened his mouth to continue speaking, when suddenly Livanov’s indignant bass broke the silence: “But I won’t drink!” Deathly silence reigned. People didn't know where to put their eyes. Sticky sweat ran down my spine and perspiration appeared on my forehead. Stalin slowed down slightly... And Boris Nikolayevich, after enduring the “Lebanon” pause, finished with anguish: “Because I’m not tired!” (Yes, yes!.. that’s what he said “nolito”, with the emphasis on the first syllable). Stalin grinned a little, but everyone caught it, and a sigh of relief rustled through the hall. The speaker cheerfully continued his speech. The banquet rolled in the given direction.”
