President's Day class hour presentation. Presentation on the topic "Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev"

Contents of the book: 1. Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan. October 10, 1997. "Kazakhstan - 2030: Prosperity, security and improvement of the well-being of all Kazakhstanis." 2. Message from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan. December 14, 1999. "Stability and security of the country in the new century." 3. Ideological consolidation of society as a condition for the progress of Kazakhstan. May 12, 1993. 4. Ordabasy – a symbol of unity. From a speech at Memorial Day in Ordabasy. May 28, 1993. 5. On the formation of the Eurasian Union of States. Project. June 3, 1994 6.For peace and harmony in our common home. Report at the first session of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan. March 24, 1995. 7. Independence of Kazakhstan: lessons from history and modernity. Report at the ceremonial meeting dedicated to the 5th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. January 21, 1999 8. National harmony is the basis of stability and development of Kazakhstan. Report at the fifth session of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan. January 21, 1999 9. Speech at the UN at the Millennium Summit. New York, September 6, 2000. 10. Speech at the opening of the International Conference “XXI Century: Towards a World Free of Nuclear Weapons.” August 29, 2001 11. Ten years equal to a century. Speech at a gala meeting dedicated to the 10th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. December 16, 2001. 12. From a speech at the II World Kurultai of Kazakhs in Turkestan. October 23, 2002. 13. Speech at the first Forum of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly “Trans-Asian dimension of the OSCE: An inextricable link of security.” June 7, 2003 14. From the dialogue of religions to the rapprochement of civilizations. Speech by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev at the First Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions. September 23 – 24, 2003

Nursultan Nazarbayev was born on July 6, 1940 in the village of Chemolgan, Kaskelensky district, Alma-Ata region of the Kazakh SSR into a peasant family. Comes from the Shaprashta family of the Senior Zhuz. Nursultan Nazarbayev was born on July 6, 1940 in the village of Chemolgan, Kaskelensky district, Alma-Ata region of the Kazakh SSR into a peasant family. Comes from the Shaprashta family of the Senior Zhuz.

He graduated from the Dneprodzerzhinsk Technical School (1960), a higher technical educational institution at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant (1967), and a correspondence Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee (1976). Doctor of Economic Sciences, academician. He graduated from the Dneprodzerzhinsk Technical School (1960), a higher technical educational institution at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant (1967), and a correspondence Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee (1976). Doctor of Economic Sciences, academician. He began his career in 1960 at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant in Temirtau as a laborer, where he worked his way up to the senior gas operator of a blast furnace. Since 1969 he was transferred to Komsomol and party work. He began his career in 1960 at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant in Temirtau as a laborer, where he worked his way up to the senior gas operator of a blast furnace. Since 1969 he was transferred to Komsomol and party work. He worked as the first secretary of the Temirtau city committee of the Komsomol of Kazakhstan (), second secretary of the Temirtau city party committee (), secretary, second secretary of the Karaganda regional party committee (). He worked as the first secretary of the Temirtau city committee of the Komsomol of Kazakhstan (), second secretary of the Temirtau city party committee (), secretary, second secretary of the Karaganda regional party committee (). He has held senior government and party posts since 1979, since his election as Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan (), First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC (June 1989-September 1991), at the same time - a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee (), Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR (February - April 1990). He has held senior government and party posts since 1979, since his election as Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan (), First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC (June 1989-September 1991), at the same time - a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee (), Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR (February - April 1990).

April 24, 1990 N.A. Nazarbayev was elected the first President of the Kazakh SSR. April 24, 1990 N.A. Nazarbayev was elected the first President of the Kazakh SSR. On April 29, 1995, following the results of a national referendum, the powers of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan were extended until 2000. On April 29, 1995, following the results of a national referendum, the powers of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan were extended until 2000. Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the World Association of Kazakhs. Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the World Association of Kazakhs. Awarded the highest orders and medals of Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and a number of foreign countries. Awarded the highest orders and medals of Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and a number of foreign countries.

Nursultan Nazarbayev has pronounced leadership qualities and adequate self-esteem. Combines the features of charismatic, rational-legal and traditional types of leadership. Quickly adapts to a changing environment. Has high resistance to stress. He controls his feelings well and is self-possessed. Pragmatist. Skillfully combines strategy and tactics; in case of conflicts between long-term and short-term goals, preference is given to strategic planning. Nursultan Nazarbayev has pronounced leadership qualities and adequate self-esteem. Combines the features of charismatic, rational-legal and traditional types of leadership. Quickly adapts to a changing environment. Has high resistance to stress. He controls his feelings well and is self-possessed. Pragmatist. Skillfully combines strategy and tactics; in case of conflicts between long-term and short-term goals, preference is given to strategic planning. Nazarbayev is a subtle politician who makes only informed decisions. He is consistent and predictable, although in an extreme situation he can make a decision that no one expects from him. In December 1991, when the leaders of the three Slavic republics, unexpectedly for the whole world, signed the Belovezhsky Agreement, which practically became a death sentence for the Soviet Union, Nazarbayev, contrary to all predictions and forecasts, did not follow the lead of events, refusing to create his own - the Muslim union of the Central Asian republics and Kazakhstan. Time has shown that Nazarbayev made the only right decision in that difficult situation. Thanks to this, confrontation between the republics was avoided. Nazarbayev is a subtle politician who makes only informed decisions. He is consistent and predictable, although in an extreme situation he can make a decision that no one expects from him. In December 1991, when the leaders of the three Slavic republics, unexpectedly for the whole world, signed the Belovezhsky Agreement, which practically became a death sentence for the Soviet Union, Nazarbayev, contrary to all predictions and forecasts, did not follow the lead of events, refusing to create his own - the Muslim union of the Central Asian republics and Kazakhstan. Time has shown that Nazarbayev made the only right decision in that difficult situation. Thanks to this, confrontation between the republics was avoided.

Nursultan Nazarbayev is known, recognized and respected all over the world. His name is associated with the acquisition of independence by our republic, the period of formation and strengthening of the statehood of Kazakhstan. Nursultan Nazarbayev is known, recognized and respected all over the world. His name is associated with the acquisition of independence by our republic, the period of formation and strengthening of the statehood of Kazakhstan. During the leadership of Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan became a sovereign state and a full member of the United Nations. During the leadership of Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan became a sovereign state and a full member of the United Nations. Under his direct leadership, the national currency - the tenge - was introduced, and the independent financial and economic system of the republic was institutionalized. Under him, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other security forces were formed, reliably ensuring the national security of the country. Under his direct leadership, the national currency - the tenge - was introduced, and the independent financial and economic system of the republic was institutionalized. Under him, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other security forces were formed, reliably ensuring the national security of the country.

Kazakhstan has received guarantees of national security and territorial integrity from five nuclear powers: the USA, Great Britain, Russia, France and China. The Republic of Kazakhstan has become a nuclear-free state. The Semipalatinsk nuclear test site was closed. Kazakhstan has received guarantees of national security and territorial integrity from five nuclear powers: the USA, Great Britain, Russia, France and China. The Republic of Kazakhstan has become a nuclear-free state. The Semipalatinsk nuclear test site was closed. Thanks to the efforts of Nazarbayev, our country received the status of a strategic partner of the United States - the only superpower in the world after the collapse of the USSR. At the same time, traditionally friendly relations with Russia have been preserved: a simplified procedure for acquiring citizenship has been established, the Russian language has been given the status of an equal official language with the state language, the Baikonur Cosmodrome has been preserved, and a Declaration of Eternal Friendship has been signed. Thanks to the efforts of Nazarbayev, our country received the status of a strategic partner of the United States - the only superpower in the world after the collapse of the USSR. At the same time, traditionally friendly relations with Russia have been preserved: a simplified procedure for acquiring citizenship has been established, the Russian language has been given the status of an equal official language with the state language, the Baikonur Cosmodrome has been preserved, and a Declaration of Eternal Friendship has been signed.

Author of books Author of books 1. “Kazakhstan’s way” 2. “Steel profile of Kazakhstan” 3. “Without right and left” 4. “Resource saving strategy and transition to the market” 5. “Kremlin dead end” 6. “Strategy for the formation and development of Kazakhstan as sovereign state" 7. "Market and socio-economic development" 8. "On the threshold of the 21st century" 9. "N. A. Nazarbayev. The Eurasian Union: ideas, practice, prospects " 10. "In the flow of history" 11. "Epicenter of the world"

Author of scientific articles 1. “Manager's prudence” 2. “Economy of Kazakhstan: reality and prospects for renewal” 3. “Problems of division of labor” 4. “The effect of associations: experience and problems” 5. “New conditions, old brakes” 6. “Problems The Aral Sea region and ways to solve them" 7. "Terra incognita of post-totalitarian democracy" 8. "From an imperial union to a community of independent states" 9. "Economic integration there is no reasonable alternative" 10. "Interethnic unity and economic sovereignty are the main and reliable support of our advancement" 11. “Our guidelines are consolidation, social progress, social partnership” 12. “Critical decade” 13. “On accelerating market transformations and measures to overcome the economic crisis” 14. “Eurasian space: integration potential and its implementation”, etc.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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DECEMBER 1ST DAY OF THE FIRST PRESIDENT OF KAZAKHSTAN The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, is the founder of a new independent state, who ensured the unity of Kazakhstan, the protection of the Constitution, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

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The Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan adopted amendments to the bill “On Holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, adding to the already existing holidays the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan, which will be celebrated on December 1. The achievements of the First President evoke enormous, genuine respect and trust from the people. In this regard, the Senate adopted this bill and recognized the outstanding services of the First President to the republic. The adoption of the bill implies a positive effect on the patriotic mood of the citizens of our state, the Senate concluded on the bill. “On December 1, 1991, our country, as a result of a popular election, chose its First President and from this the history of independence began, so today we approved December 1 as a public holiday, the Day of the First President,” noted Senate Speaker Kairat Mami after the adoption of the bill.

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Official statuses of Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy (Leader of the Nation) Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan Chairman of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Chairman of the People's Democratic Party "Nur Otan" Chairman of the World Association of Kazakhs Chairman of the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan Chairman of the National Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan Chairman of the Council of Foreign Investors under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Chairman of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Chairman of the Council for Management of the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan Chairman of the Supreme Board of Trustees of Nazarbayev University

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Symbols and insignia of presidential power The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as the highest official of the state, has his own personal symbols and insignia. One of them is the breastplate of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is a multi-rayed star, the beams of which form an octahedron. In the center of the star is a medallion, along the circumference of which there is an inscription in gold letters: “KAZAKSTAN PRESIDENTS”. The sign, using a pendant in the form of the state emblem of Kazakhstan, is connected to a chain consisting of twenty links interconnected by double chains. The chain links are triangular elements covered with blue enamel with a white edging, in the center of which there is a golden image of a shanyrak. The badge is worn by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the occasion of the inauguration, during public holidays, during military parades and receptions of officials of foreign states.

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Childhood On July 6, 1940, in the Ushkonyr zhailau in the Trans-Ili Alatau, a long-awaited boy was born into the family of Abish and Alzhan Nazarbayev, whom his parents named Nursultan. A whole story happened with the choice of the baby’s name. The relatives gathered there vied with each other to propose a variety of names. In the end, the grandmother of the newborn Myrzabal suggested: “Let my beloved grandson bear two names at once - Nur and Sultan, let him be Nursultan.” Nursultan Nazarbayevich’s father, Abish, was born in 1903 at the foot of Mount Alatau in the family of Nazarbay Biy. Abish Nazarbayev was a cheerful, respected man. He was fluent not only in Kazakh, but also in Russian and Balkar languages. Abish sang Kazakh and Russian songs with soul, knew how to listen to his interlocutor, and give practical advice. Abish Nazarbayev died in 1971. Nazarbayev’s mother, Alzhan, was born in 1910 in the family of a mullah in the village of Kasyk, Kurdai district, Dzhambul region. Alzhan came with her exiled father to Ushkonyr, where she met Abish. No one in the village sang or improvised better than her. The cheerful Alzhan raised in her son respect and reverence for adults, instilled in him a love of national traditions, songs and customs. Alzhan Nazarbayeva died in 1977. It was a hard time, half-starved. But in the childhood memory of young Nursultan, not only the hardships and trials of that time were preserved, but also the warm, loving hands of his mother and the caring attention of his father. Friendly family, brothers and sisters, sincere songs of parents. The beauty of the brilliant peaks of Alatau and exciting boyish games. This was the childhood of all his peers.

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Youth Nursultan studied diligently and with interest, remaining one of the first students not only in his class, but also at school. He immersed himself in reading all the books he could get his hands on, which his relatives brought him, knowing about the greedy curiosity of young Nursultan. The head teacher of the Kaskelen school, Seytkhan Isaev, where Nursultan graduated from high school, immediately noted the curiosity and analytical mind of the young man: “He was the most grateful student. He listened carefully, asked questions not only about the program, and hung on every word of the teacher. I was never without a book; I was always reading something.” Young Nursultan's childhood and adolescence were short. By the age of 18, by the time he graduated from high school, Nursultan stood out noticeably among his peers with his good knowledge and broad outlook. Constant work and regular sports made him physically strong, he looked noticeably older than his peers. But the main thing that distinguished him was his independence in judgment and actions and his constant desire for leadership. He knew how to build relationships with peers from the first minutes of their acquaintance, he was a “ringleader” and a social organizer. He loved to joke, sang well, won people over and quickly became the “life of the party.” Nursultan wanted to quickly get back on his feet and help his parents and relatives financially. After all, he was the eldest son in the family. Upon arrival in Temirtau, as a future metallurgist, he was sent even further - to study in Ukraine, to a vocational school at the Dnieper Metallurgical Plant in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. Perseverance and perseverance allowed him to master all academic subjects in his chosen specialty with excellent marks. Young Nazarbayev also passed his final qualifying exams with excellent marks, receiving a certificate with honors of “second forge of the eighth category of a blast furnace.”

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Youth On July 3, 1960, they launched a blast furnace - the first and only one in all of Central Asia and Kazakhstan at that time. This date became the birthday of the Kazakhstan magnet - the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant. Together with experienced craftsmen, the young metallurgist Nazarbayev also participated in the smelting of the first Kazakhstani cast iron. At Karmet, he mastered several other related professions: he worked as a cast iron worker for casting machines, a blast furnace forge operator, a dispatcher, and a blast furnace shop gasman. As an advanced worker - a Kazakh and a Komsomol member, Nazarbayev was often sent to Komsomol congresses and youth festivals. He became famous, and a photograph of Nazarbayev’s production leader even appeared in the central press. Among his work colleagues, the young metallurgist enjoyed great respect and authority, so after joining the party, he soon became the party organizer of the workshop. In those years, another important event happened in his life: “I met a girl who was on duty at the electrical substation that night and came to see what was going on under our stove... Well, soon they organized a Komsomol youth wedding for us.” The happy young family grew quickly, they had daughters - Dariga, Dinara, Aliya. But the young spouses also grew professionally. ON THE. Nazarbayev studied at the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute for 3 years, after which he was transferred to the newly established Karaganda Metallurgical Plant “VTUZ Plant” in Temirtau, from which he graduated with a diploma in metallurgical engineering. Following him, his wife, Sara Alpysovna Nazarbayeva, received a diploma in economics in 1967, graduating from the VTUZ Plant at Karmet. New prospects have opened up for Nursultan Nazarbayev. Since 1969, he was offered party and Komsomol work in Temirtau. At first, he was not too keen on this proposal - he was upset by the significant loss in salary and the interruption of his “hot tenure”. But strict party discipline was obligatory. And his metallurgist friends blessed him for leadership work. Half a century later in Temirtau Young family

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Mature years The turning point was the appointment of N.A. Nazarbayev in 1972 to the post of secretary of the party committee of the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant. In fact, he became the second person after the director of the plant at a gigantic enterprise on the scale of Kazakhstan, which employed 30 thousand people. He had a strategic sense, an interest in perspective and everything new. The need for such experienced and energetic personnel in the country was enormous. That is why already in 1977 he became secretary of the Karaganda regional party committee. In 1979, Nursultan Nazarbayev became secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. In 1984, he became Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR - the youngest, 44-year-old prime minister of a union republic in the USSR. On June 22, 1989, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Kazakh SSR elected Nursultan Nazarbayev to the position of first secretary: out of 158 participants in the plenum, 154 voted “For.” On April 24, 1990, the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR established the post of President of the Kazakh SSR. Nursultan Nazarbayev was elected the first president in the history of Kazakhstan at a session of the Supreme Council of the republic. On December 1, 1991, the first popular presidential elections of the republic took place, during which Nazarbayev received the absolute support of his voters. On December 10, 1991, the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR adopted a law renaming the Kazakh SSR into the Republic of Kazakhstan and inaugurated the President of Kazakhstan. On December 16, 1991, the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR proclaimed the state independence of the republic. Nursultan Nazarbayev becomes President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The grateful nation highly appreciated the services of its permanent leader. On June 15, 2010, the status of Leader of the Nation was assigned to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on the basis of the newly adopted Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Chairman of the Council of Ministers Oath of the President of the KSSR

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Family Spouse, Sara Alpysovna Nazarbayeva, since February 1992, founder and president of the Bobek International Children's Charitable Foundation. Today “Bobek” is the most active charitable foundation of the republic, which has received recognition not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad. The foundation has hundreds and thousands of charitable events, providing assistance to orphans and disabled people, and supporting mothers. Since July 1994, S. Nazarbayeva has been the president of the SOS Children's Villages of Kazakhstan foundation. Since March 1999 - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Demography Charitable Foundation. For outstanding services in the field of charity and mercy, Sara Nazarbayeva was awarded many awards from international organizations. Among them are such as the International Prize of the World Health Organization. Ihsana Dogramaci, International Unity Award, Kurmanjan Datka Award. She was awarded the gold medal named after Chingiz Aitmatov “For her great contribution to the philosophy of self-knowledge.” From the hands of Sophia Loren, Sara Alpysovna received the international Golden Heart award, established by the Russian Red Cross and awarded for many years of activity aimed at supporting the younger generation. In 2010, she received the SOS Kinderdorf International Foundation's Golden Ring award, which is awarded to women who have dedicated their lives to children from SOS Kinderdorf children's villages.

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Nazarbayeva Dariga Nursultanovna (born 1963), eldest daughter. Has two sons and a daughter. Graduated from Kazakh State University named after. CM. Kirov. Doctor of Political Sciences. Speaks Kazakh, Russian, English, Italian and German. Director of the Public Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the 5th convocation, heads the Committee on Social and Cultural Development. Kulibaeva Dinara Nursultanovna (born 1967), middle daughter. Has a son and two daughters. In 1989 she graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Theater Arts. A.V. Lunacharsky. Speaks Kazakh, Russian, English and Italian. In 1998, she received a Master of Business Administration degree from the Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Forecasting. In 2007 she defended her doctoral dissertation. Since 2004, he has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kazakh-British Technical University. Heads the Nursultan Nazarbayev Education Foundation. Nazarbayeva Aliya Nursultanovna (born 1980), youngest daughter. She studied at Kazakh and foreign schools and universities. Graduated from KazGUU. Speaks Kazakh, Russian, English and German. Has two daughters. She worked as an assistant director at Radio Europe Plus, at TuranAlemBank - as an intern in the legal department, and as a secretary to Nursultan Nazarbayev. Head of the construction company "Elitstroy". Nursultan Nazarbayev has eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. With daughters

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International recognition In the second half of the 20th and early 21st centuries, many new states declared their independence. But the declaration of sovereignty did not equate to widespread international recognition. Some of the formally independent countries still remain on the margins of international life and cannot break out of the vicious circle of poverty and backwardness. Kazakhstan and its Leader were destined for a different, much more enviable fate. Thanks to decisive socio-political and economic reforms and foreign policy initiatives, over the two decades of Independence, Nursultan Nazarbayev and the Republic of Kazakhstan have become real engines of world politics. Kazakhstan is becoming an increasingly significant player in the international arena. The head of state is a regular participant in the most important conferences and forums on the planet. The President of Kazakhstan speaks from such high platforms as the UN General Session, the Nuclear Security Summit, the World Economic Forum in Davos, etc. Moreover, our country itself hosts events of the highest level. An example of this is the OSCE Summit in Astana, which was held in December 2010, the 38th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers in June 2011, etc. The President of Kazakhstan also initiates a number of forums that gather the most representative participants and attract the attention of the international community. In particular, these are the Astana Economic Forum, the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, the Eurasian Media Forum, meetings of the Council of Foreign Investors, etc. The participation of world leaders in such events increases the image and authority of Kazakhstan and contributes to the establishment of cooperation with other countries of the world.

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Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions EurAsEC Summit March 19, 2012 At the International Assembly in New York

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The People's President together with the people “He came from the people,” this is what they say about the President of Kazakhstan. Nursultan Nazarbayev grew up in a simple rural family and is well aware of the needs of ordinary people. Over all the years of independence, the activities of the President, all socio-economic reforms have been carried out exclusively for the benefit of the people of our country. New educational institutions of all levels, hospitals are being built in Kazakhstan, and a number of social programs are being implemented that are aimed at improving the quality of life of Kazakhstanis. Holding regular meetings with the population, Nursultan Nazarbayev does not leave any region of our country unattended and knows about all the problematic issues of our republic. Throughout the years of independence, the citizens of our country have placed their trust in the Head of State. In the 2011 presidential elections in Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev won a landslide victory, gaining more than 95% of the votes. Thanks to such powerful popular support and trust of the population, the President successfully implements all his ideas and initiatives, bringing the country to the level of leading states with a developed economy, social guarantees and stability in society.

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Hobbies Recreation for a full-fledged personality is just a change in the type of activity. Activities at the highest government position do not leave much free time. But Nursultan Nazarbayev tries to devote those rare pauses in work to his favorite activities, which are both relaxation and entertainment for him. These include communication with nature, sports, music and reading.

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Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan The museum is located in the former Residence of the Head of State N. Nazarbayev. Unique furnishings and interiors that make up a single complex have been preserved unchanged. The museum collection began with souvenirs, books, and paintings presented to the president. Currently, the museum houses more than 60 thousand exhibits, including archival, handwritten and printed materials, film and photographic documents, works of fine and decorative art, weapons, personal belongings, documents and a collection of awards of the First President of Kazakhstan. These museum treasures reveal the most important stages in the formation of sovereign Kazakhstan and tell about the life and activities of the president.

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Astana - the city of the future Among the steppes of Saryarka, the new capital of our Motherland has grown, a symbol of prosperous Kazakhstan - Astana. Astana was built in the shortest possible time and became the personification of the success of the entire country. The chief architect of the city is rightfully considered the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev. Thanks to his ideas and proposals, Astana acquired an irresistible, unique look, combining the culture of the West and the traditions of the East. Famous architects from around the world, such as Kise Kurokawa, Sir Norman Foster, Kenzo Tange and many others, managed to bring the President's plans to life. Its convenient location at the junction of Europe and Asia has made the capital of our country the center of the Eurasian space. Today Astana has become the most beautiful city in the region, its political, economic, cultural and spiritual center.

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Monumental and sculptural composition “Kazakhstan” In Almaty, in the park named after the First President of Kazakhstan, on the day of six units (11.11.11), the opening ceremony of the monumental and sculptural composition “Kazakhstan”, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic, took place. The composition is made in the form of a golden eagle from bronze, granite and marble. In the center of the monument is the figure of the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev, and on the wings of the golden eagle are the symbols of Almaty and Astana.

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Astana. November 14, 2012 Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev became the laureate of the National Award “Person of the Year.” Together with him, the title “Person of the Year” in the nomination “Public Policy” was awarded to the Presidents of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. The leaders of the three states were awarded for their contribution to the creation of the EurAsEC and the Customs Union. The national award “Person of the Year” was established by the Russian Biographical Institute in 1993 and is awarded for achievements in areas of activity of strategic importance - science, culture, public administration, socially responsible business, charity, education.

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Personality of Nursultan Nazarbayev “He knows how to foresee the future...” Former US President George W. Bush “His life... is closely intertwined with the fate of the people; represents the interest and activity of the hero, as a political figure who took on the shoulders of the burden of the era...” English. Writer, publicist J. Aitken “When Kazakhstan first gained independence, we thought that Turkey would become an example for Kazakhstan. And now, 17 years later, we are forced to admit that Kazakhstan has already become an example for Turkey itself.” Turkish politician Namyk Kemel Zeybek Nursultan Nazarbayev is leading the people to a bright future. May this path be bright and joyful!

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United Fatherland - Independent Kazakhstan We are Kazakhstanis, and we speak about this with great pride. Loving the Fatherland is the first sign of civic maturity. If you are a child of your country, if your heart lives with its joys and sorrows, if the honor of a citizen is dear to you, work for the country by the sweat of your brow so that it becomes stronger, nobler and more beautiful. Don’t forget that only you are the owner of both the land and the country! Taking care of the revival of the national identity of the Kazakhs is my presidential and filial duty. We are a people who launched our ship, deciding on a long voyage. It was not a thirst for adventure or illusory hopes that called us on the road. We are a people fighting under the flag of freedom and justice, honor and humanism, independence and patriotism. Our country needs citizens who have inherited from their ancestors and have absorbed a feeling of ardent love for their father’s land and native people, who would selflessly serve our independent state, have erudition and breadth of thinking, are deeply and versatilely educated, resourceful and quick-witted, courageous and responsible, healthy physically and mentally. Until everyone living in Kazakhstan recognizes himself as a son of this country and is imbued with faith in its future, we will not progress. The duty of each of us is to appreciate and respect the Flag, Coat of Arms, and Anthem of our republic. With them we are filled with a sense of pride for our country. With them we feel like one inseparable family. With them we are recognized, recognized and welcomed all over the world.

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Unity of the people is the highest virtue. Preserving and strengthening the unity of the people is the highest virtue. Unity is the root of success, discord is an obstacle to success. Spouses quarrel - the family collapses, managers quarrel - the company breaks up, ethnic groups quarrel - the state perishes. To the question “To be or not to be?” we answer: “To be!” and not just to be, but to be in unity and move together towards the shining future that our ancestors dreamed of. If we want to be a respected and competitive country, we must become a united and united nation. Knowing who to be friends with, who to reach out to, and who to stay away from is the key to preserving the nation. At all times, the purpose of the great is to spiritually ennoble the people. A person who loves his people and wishes them well will not make enemies for them by insulting other peoples. Tole bi, Kazybek bi, Aiteke bi - the three supreme biys of our people, who united all the Kazakhs on the top of Ordabasy and since then, from century to century, from generation to generation, instructing descendants in unity for the sake of life and life for the sake of unity - they saw their main task that the struggle for freedom should be the ideal, the meaning of life and a matter of honor for every Kazakh. If it were not for the unity of our people and not for their patriotic dedication, then now there would be neither this land, nor the Kazakhs as a nation, nor the state of Kazakhstan. Our ancestors lived in unity to survive, we must be in unity for great things.

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The native language is the mirror of the nation. Without a full-blooded language there cannot be a full-blooded nation. National consciousness is formed by the national language. The state language is the same symbol of the state as the Flag, Coat of Arms, and Anthem of the country. In this capacity, he must unite all citizens of the country. The primary lever for strengthening the position of a nation is its language. Knowing, appreciating and respecting one’s native language is the filial duty of every citizen. The word Abai is a talisman for a Kazakh. Abai's legacy is the most sacred treasury of the Kazakhs. Abai will forever live with his native people, and call them to new horizons, to new heights. Absorb the Kazakh language with diligence, because it contains the experience, worldview, character and unique existence of our ancestors. The native language is that constant guideline and stimulus that from century to century, from era to era, has safely led us to today. What is more valuable in this world for a Kazakh than his native language - in a verbal competition, it strikes like a diamond blade, burns with thought like molten lead, at the same time a weapon, and a shield, and ancient, and forever young, fiery and playful, suitable for all occasions life. If in every country every Kazakh living there thoroughly masters the language of that country, this is useful knowledge. If he speaks a foreign language, even better. But if a Kazakh speaks ten foreign languages, but stifles and buries his native language, this is an unforgivable sin.

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Independence is the destiny of the strong in spirit. The restoration of Independence is a natural compensation for the sacrifices made by our ancestors in the centuries-old struggle for freedom. The triumph of historical justice, accomplished by the will of fate itself. The merit of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who defended this vast land with the tip of a spear and the power of a striking blow. There is an independent country of Kazakhs in the world. There is a sovereign Kazakhstan on the planet. There are its multinational people living in harmony and friendship. There is a powerful economy and a reliable political system. The most important thing is that there is a tomorrow, even brighter and more meaningful than today. We are united by a strong belief in all this. Gone are the days when we looked at others. The time has come when all our wealth belongs to us. The time has come when political stability and unity reign in society. In a word, we have overcome the most difficult milestone in becoming a sovereign country. We are a state that, since gaining independence, has been in constant search. There are hits and misses in the search process. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.

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Lessons from History History – lessons from the past, instructions from the past for the future. The whole essence and content of the entire multi-layered and rich past history of the Kazakhs comes down to one thing - the struggle for freedom. The entire centuries-old history from the times of the ancient Scythians, Huns, Oguzes, Saks, Usuns, Kanglys, Kipchaks and until yesterday’s tragic Zheltoksan is the chronicle of our struggle for the honor and independence of the Motherland. The lessons of history encourage us to think in the interests of the people. Human civilization is a continuous movement of peoples and states appearing on the historical arena, flourishing and disappearing from it. History is for the noble. Only worthy citizens do it. The whole history of the Kazakhs is a history of unity, a history of unity.

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The fate of the earth is the fate of the country. A common land gives rise to a common fate and history. Today we can say with confidence that a belt of peace and security has formed around our country. Not a single state in the world has any claims against us or harbors hostility. The entire country is judged by the appearance of the capital. The image of Astana is the image of the nation. Young Astana is a symbol of the bright future of independent Kazakhstan. Astana is the face of the state, the pride of the people. The name of the new capital is now on everyone’s lips all over the world; it is undeniable that this will attract even more attention to our young state. In order for its development to correspond to our wildest dreams, we will spare no effort or perseverance.

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Nursultan Nazarbayev was born on July 6, 1940 in the village of Chemolgan, Kaskelensky district, Alma-Ata region of the Kazakh SSR into a peasant family. Comes from the Shaprashta family of the Senior Zhuz.

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He graduated from the Dneprodzerzhinsk Technical School (1960), a higher technical educational institution at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant (1967), and a correspondence Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee (1976). Doctor of Economic Sciences, academician. He began his career in 1960 at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant in Temirtau as a laborer, where he worked his way up to the senior gas operator of a blast furnace. Since 1969 he was transferred to Komsomol and party work. He worked as the first secretary of the Temirtau city committee of the Komsomol of Kazakhstan (1969-1971), second secretary of the Temirtau city party committee (1971-1977), secretary, second secretary of the Karaganda regional party committee (1977-1979). He has held senior government and party posts since 1979, since being elected Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan (1979-1984), First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC (June 1989-September 1991), at the same time - a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee (1990-1991), Chairman Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR (February-April 1990).

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April 24, 1990 N.A. Nazarbayev was elected the first President of the Kazakh SSR. On April 29, 1995, following the results of a national referendum, the powers of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan were extended until 2000. Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the World Association of Kazakhs. Awarded the highest orders and medals of Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and a number of foreign countries.

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Nursultan Nazarbayev has pronounced leadership qualities and adequate self-esteem. Combines the features of charismatic, rational-legal and traditional types of leadership. Quickly adapts to a changing environment. Has high resistance to stress. He controls his feelings well and is self-possessed. Pragmatist. Skillfully combines strategy and tactics; in case of conflicts between long-term and short-term goals, preference is given to strategic planning. Nazarbayev is a subtle politician who makes only informed decisions. He is consistent and predictable, although in an extreme situation he can make a decision that no one expects from him. In December 1991, when the leaders of the three Slavic republics, unexpectedly for the whole world, signed the Belovezhsky Agreement, which practically became a death sentence for the Soviet Union, Nazarbayev, contrary to all predictions and forecasts, did not follow the lead of events, refusing to create his own - the Muslim union of the Central Asian republics and Kazakhstan. Time has shown that Nazarbayev made the only right decision in that difficult situation. Thanks to this, confrontation between the republics was avoided.

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Nursultan Nazarbayev is known, recognized and respected all over the world. His name is associated with the acquisition of independence by our republic, the period of formation and strengthening of the statehood of Kazakhstan. During the leadership of Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan became a sovereign state and a full member of the United Nations. Under his direct leadership, the national currency - the tenge - was introduced, and the independent financial and economic system of the republic was institutionalized. Under him, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other security forces were formed, reliably ensuring the national security of the country.

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Kazakhstan has received guarantees of national security and territorial integrity from five nuclear powers: the USA, Great Britain, Russia, France and China. The Republic of Kazakhstan has become a nuclear-free state. The Semipalatinsk nuclear test site was closed. Thanks to the efforts of Nazarbayev, our country received the status of a strategic partner of the United States - the only superpower in the world after the collapse of the USSR. At the same time, traditionally friendly relations with Russia have been preserved: a simplified procedure for acquiring citizenship has been established, the Russian language has been given the status of an equal official language with the state language, the Baikonur Cosmodrome has been preserved, and a Declaration of Eternal Friendship has been signed.

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Author of the books “Kazakhstan’s Way” “Steel Profile of Kazakhstan” “Without Right and Left” “Strategy of Resource Saving and Transition to the Market” “Kremlin Deadlock” “Strategy for the Formation and Development of Kazakhstan as a Sovereign State” “Market and Socio-Economic Development” “On the Threshold” XXI century" "N. A. Nazarbayev. The Eurasian Union: ideas, practice, prospects. 1994-1997" "In the flow of history" "Epicenter of the world"

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Author of scientific articles

“Economy of economics” “Economy of Kazakhstan: reality and prospects for renewal” “Problems of division of labor” “Effect of associations: experience and problems” “New conditions, old “brakes”” “Problems of the Aral region and ways to solve them” “Terra incognita of post-totalitarian democracy” “ From an imperial union to a community of independent states" "Economic integration - there is no reasonable alternative" "Interethnic unity and economic sovereignty are the main and reliable pillar of our progress" "Our guidelines are consolidation, social progress, social partnership" "A critical decade" "On acceleration market transformations and measures to overcome the economic crisis” “Eurasian space: integration potential and its implementation”, etc.

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Introduce students to the biography of President N. Nazarbayev by taking a virtual journey into the childhood of our president, based on the book “Nursultan Nazarbayev. Biography", published by the Delovoy Mir publishing house in 2012.

Educational. Education of patriotism using the example of the personality of the first president of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev. To form an understanding of patriotism, which manifests itself not in struggle, but in creation: in work, creativity, education, activity, etc., it can be called “civil patriotism”, based on a sense of civic duty, and not admiration for the state or hatred of "strangers".

Developmental. Forming an interest in the history of the country, in political figures, the ability to extract information from books, presentations, as well as analyze and express one’s own opinion.



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Our first president Class hour 10 “A” class 2012-2013.

On July 6, 1940, Nursultan Nazarbayev was born in the village of Shamalgan, Karasai district, Almaty region. " Nursultan Nazarbaev. Biography", Published by the Delovoy Mir publishing house in 2012.

In the first row from left to right: brother Bolat, sister Anipa; in the second row - Nursultan, mother Alzhan, father Abish; in the third row - Satybaldy's brother, Zeynegul's niece.

Nursultan's father is Abish Nazarbayev (1898–1971). Abish, who lost his father early, was hired as a farm laborer by the wealthy Russian family of the Nikifirovs, where he received labor training and his first professional skills. Thanks to his hard work and thirst for knowledge, Abish, unlike many of his peers, learned the Russian language, learned to plow the land and run a mill, mastered shoemaking, mastered the basics of gardening and trade, which was quite rare in his environment. In his youth, Abish was a laborer and ran a sole farm. From the mid-1930s, he took an active part in the creation of the Ushkonyr state farm, and after its liquidation in 1939, he joined the collective farm named after D. A. Furmanov, initially heading the field crew there. In 1940, while saving collective farm livestock and property from a fire at one of the mountain winter huts, I received severe burns and a hand injury, but, despite my disability, I continued to work as a foreman on the collective farm.

Nursultan's mother, Alzhan Nazarbayeva (1904–1977), was born in the village of Kasyk, now the village of Talapty, Kordai district, Zhambyl region, in the family of Mullah Zhatkanbai. Later, the fact of belonging to the clergy became the reason for the persecution to which the family was subjected by the Soviet authorities. However, despite the hardships and trials that befell her, Alzhan retained a cheerful disposition, clearly manifested in her love for a good joke and song improvisation. All her life she worked as an ordinary collective farm worker and kept house.

Nursultan’s parents met at the construction of Turksib, where Abish got a job as a freelance foreman, and the Alzhan family, along with other special settlers, was forced into forced labor. Abish and Aljan married in 1934. In the first 6 years of marriage they had no children, so the birth of the long-awaited heir was greeted with boundless joy and interpreted as a reward to the virtuous spouses for their love, fidelity and patience.

The meaning of the name The baby was named Nursultan, which is a combination of the names Nur (from Arabic: ray, light, radiance, purity; Koran. an-Nur - one of the 99 names of Allah) and Sultan (from Arabic: supreme ruler, ruler, lord, master , noble, aristocrat, chosen, best). Among family and household members, friends and peers, the name Nursultan was pronounced in a relaxed and simplified form, Sultan.

Famous ancestors One of his ancestors in the eighth generation is the famous military commander Karasai Batyr Altynayuly (1589–1671), who actively participated in the liberation struggle of the Kazakh people against the Dzungar conquerors. As a sign of respect for the military merits of Karasai batyr, his name has since served as the uranium (battle cry) of the Shapyrashty clan. The name of his grandfather Nazarbay, who was an active supporter of the transition to a sedentary lifestyle and did a lot to introduce his relatives to agriculture, is also well preserved in people’s memory. To this day, in those places there remain the names “Nazarbay’s Mill”, “Nazarbay’s Glade”, directly related to his activities.

In childhood... Until the age of 5, Nursultan lived constantly in Ushkonyr, where, at the head of a livestock brigade, his father tended the collective farm flock. In 1948, Nursultan Nazarbayev went to the first grade of the Kazakh-Russian secondary school named after D. A. Furmanov. Nursultan studied the first two classes while living in the house of his paternal uncle Umbet, since his parents did not have their own housing in Chemolgan at that time. Subsequently, the parents bought a house here and finally settled in this place. The far-sighted Abish deliberately chose a house on Podgornaya Street in the upper part of the village, where mostly Russians lived - so that Nursultan would master the Russian language well in communicating with them. From that moment on, the mother created around Nursultan an atmosphere of a cult of knowledge, strict discipline and conscientious fulfillment of his new duties.

During the hours when Nursultan was teaching homework, silence reigned in the house, and it usually happened that Nursultan’s childhood playmates were not allowed into the house until he had finished his school preparations. Even after playing with his friends, the boy, thirsty for knowledge, often sat by the light of a kerosene lamp from the evening until the morning, which for his parents was akin to a feat: of all the family members, only Nursultan was allowed to turn on the light in the house at odd hours. So the parents, who, due to cruel timelessness, themselves were unable to receive an elementary education, tried so that their boy could receive everything that a small rural school could give him.

Interests, hobbies. By the age of 12, Nursultan was already playing the dombra and accordion well, performing Kazakh and Russian songs, which delighted those around him. To have his own accordion, Nursultan once worked all summer for a neighbor, making adobe bricks for him, and with the money he earned he bought the coveted instrument. Noticing his son’s craving for music, the father later ordered a dombra from a local master, the art of playing which Nursultan improved under the guidance of his relative A. Kopzhasaruly. At the same time, Nursultan began to compose his own poems and songs, at first imitative and naive, and over the years more and more original, mature and meaningful. However, Nursultan, like the vast majority of his peers in the countryside, spent most of his time helping his parents in their difficult peasant work.

In 1957, due to a shortage of students, the 10th grade of the Chemolgan school was closed, and in order to continue his studies, Nursultan, among six classmates, had to transfer to the Kaskelen secondary school named after Abai, located in the regional center - the village of Kaskelen.

Attestation sheet of the 10th grade of the Kaskelen Kazakh secondary school named after Abay. 1958

School graduation photo

After school Full of ambitious plans and confident in his own abilities, Nursultan, after graduating from school, went to Alma-Ata, where he applied to the Faculty of Chemistry of the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov. He successfully passed the entrance exams, but at the end he was unsuccessful: it turned out that he was one point short of being admitted to the faculty. Nursultan could not return to the village and meekly accept defeat. He temporarily got a job as a security guard at a bank, where he worked for three months. But his inherent fighting spirit and wounded pride prompted the young man to think hard and look for opportunities for a more worthy application of his strength.

An unfulfilled dream Therefore, in the same summer of 1958, in the same place in Alma-Ata, he passed the entrance exams to the Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation. Having successfully passed a competitive selection at the Civil Aviation Administration of the Kazakh SSR and entered an aviation university, Nursultan returned to his native village with this good news. But unexpectedly for him, the family council, to which the elders of the clan were invited, did not approve of his initiatives, opposing his departure to a foreign land. Brought up with respect for the older generation, Nursultan meekly accepted this verdict and, having gone to the capital, took his documents.

Beginning of working activity But the desire to step into adulthood, with honor to pass the test of strength far from the parental nest, to master a good profession and, thanks to his own work, to become a full member of society, was ineradicable in him. And in September 1958, Nursultan went to Temirtau, where the construction of the Kazakhstan Magnitogorsk - Karaganda Metallurgical Plant began.

Tired but happy. At a communist subbotnik

Today, Nazarbayev has led Kazakhstan for more than 20 years. He is currently serving his fourth presidential term. Several years ago, Nazarbayev was given the status of “leader of the nation.” The adopted amendments to the legislation established criminal liability for desecrating images of Nazarbayev, “denigrating his biography,” as well as obstructing his work.
