Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are expecting a baby. Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake showed rare family photos

Every week HELLO.RU talks about the most stylish celebrity children. Last time we got acquainted with the style of Noah and Bodhi - the sons of actors Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green, who are expecting the birth of their third child together, and today the hero of our column is Silas Randall - the son of singer Justin Timberlake and actress Jessica Biel.

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The first child of Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake was born on April 10, 2015. Journalists started talking about Biel’s pregnancy in the fall of 2014, when they noticed changes in her figure, but the couple made an official statement only in January, when Justin published a photo on a social network in which he kisses his wife’s rounded belly.

Justin Timberlake and pregnant Jessica Biel

Unlike many celebrities, the couple decided not to sell the first photo of their son to glossy publications, but showed it to the public themselves. Just two weeks after the birth of Silas, Randall appeared with his mother in front of Justin's followers on Instagram.

The Timberlake family is ready! Go Grizzlies!

Justin signed the photo, in which Bil posed with her son in her arms. It's funny that Silas Randall is already a fan of his father's favorite team, the Memphis Grizzlies. At least for the first photo shoot, he was dressed in the blue and white uniform of this particular basketball team. On that day, by the way, Timberlake family There was plenty to celebrate as the Memphis Grizzlies beat the Portland Trail Blazers 100-86.

Justin Timberlake and Silas

He is wonderful, our true joy. It allows us to have an absolutely amazing experience. Motherhood is an incredibly difficult task, the most hard work in the world. I have never been so grateful and appreciative of my mother in my life as I am now. When Silas was born, I immediately called my mom and simply said, “Thank you.” What you have to do every day for your children is a huge responsibility and great joy that cannot be compared with anything,

Jessica said in an interview with NBC's Today after Timberlake took part in Jimmy Fallon's The Tonight Show, where he not only showed pictures of the grown-up Silas, but also talked about how his everyday life as a father goes.

This is the most crazy, amazing, beautiful, amazing and incredible thing that has ever happened in my life. My son has already said his first word and, what is pleasant for me, it was “dad”... Never in my life have I slept so little and dealt with so many “waste products”. But I'm still very happy about it all!

After Jimmy Fallon's broadcast, an even more desperate "hunt" began for the Timberlake family. The paparazzi followed the stars' every step, and their efforts were crowned with success: in November 2015, Jessica Biel was photographed for the first time on a walk with her son. Even then it became clear: Silas was growing up to be a real fashionista and had every chance of becoming the storm of girls’ hearts.

Justin Timberlake and SilasJessica Biel with son SilasJessica Biel and SilasJessica Biel and SilasSilas Randall Timberlake

Silas's parents dress him modestly, but not boringly, incorporating into his looks elements that they themselves love. For example, both Justin and Jessica love striped and checkered things, so their son has a huge amount of checkered and striped clothes in his wardrobe - overalls, bodysuits, shorts and shirts. Silas’s printed outfits are combined with plain ones so that the image is not overloaded: for example, a bright T-shirt or a colorful sweatshirt can be combined with neutral sweatpants, and a patterned jumpsuit can be combined with a knitted nude sweater or gray jacket.

Since Silas's parents are people with a great sense of humor, he does a lot of "funny" things. Just look at the collection of bodysuits with the words “I love mommy” and “I love daddy” written on the butt. Let's hope that the baby will inherit their parents' positive attitude and, when he dresses independently, will delight us with new images with a touch of humor.

Justin Timberlake and Silas
Jessica Biel with son SilasJustin Timberlake and SilasJessica Biel with son SilasJessica Biel with her son Silas and his nanny

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Jessica Biel is a talented actress and beautiful girl. Her film roles are always bright and memorable. That’s why everyone is always focused on the person of this sultry American beauty. increased attention public.

But who is she - another beauty who made her way into the world of big cinema only thanks to her pretty appearance, or a bright actress with extraordinary acting talent? You can understand this by watching at least a few films with the participation of our today’s heroine. However, there is a simpler option. Find all the most Interesting Facts from the life of Jessica Biel you can read our article today dedicated to creative and career path this bright American actress.

Early years, childhood and family of Jessica Biel

Jessica Biel was born into the most ordinary American family, in no way connected with professional cinema. Her father, Jonathan Edward Beale, was a fairly successful entrepreneur. And my mother, Kimberly, is a housewife.

Our today's heroine was the eldest child in her family. Three years after the birth of the future celebrity, her younger brother Justin.

The early childhood of the future celebrity consisted of constant moving. Trying to find the necessary market for his father's business, the family moved first to Texas, and then to Connecticut and Illinois. Ultimately, the small town of Bouldren, located in central Colorado, became home to the family of the future actress.

At this point the girl went to new school, and then signed up for singing lessons. It is quite remarkable that it was vocal classes that first brought our today’s heroine to the theater stage. Also in early childhood Jessica Biel made her mark in several vibrant musicals that were staged at the Bouldren City Theater.

At the age of twelve, as one of the most promising actresses in the city, she was sent to a conference International Association models and talents, where Jessica was noticed by representatives of a large modeling agency, who soon offered her a lucrative long-term contract.

From that moment on, the life of the little beauty changed a lot. She began to often appear in various videos, as well as for advertising posters. The most notable on this list are: collaborations with Pringles and Deluxe Paint companies.

Actor career

Some time later, the actress again played in the musical. This time it was the low-budget television film “This is a Digital World,” which, however, was never released and is still collecting dust in the archives of its creators.

At the age of 14, Jessica Biel came to her first great fame. After a number of unsuccessful auditions, the young actress played Mary Cadman in Aaron Spelling's television series 7th Heaven for the WB. The directors noticed that Jessica had innate talent and her first acting experience was very successful. A year later, Bio played the granddaughter of Peter Fonda's character in the film Ulee's Gold. The work, of course, was noticed by critics - this is what made the producers think seriously about Jessica as a promising actress. The girl was awarded the Young Artist Award. In addition, the famous company L’Oreal immediately invited the actress to become the face of the company. This helped L’Oreal make money and develop Beale’s career.

Jessica attended the Lycee Francais de Los Angeles private school and after graduation went to study at Tufts University. But educational institution Bill left on the eve of receiving scientific degree to devote himself entirely to his acting career. In 2000, 17-year-old Jessica posed topless for the glossy magazine Gear. The young actress believed that such explicit filming would provoke a break in the contract with the series “7th Heaven” - the girl was bored with her film image. However, the opposite happened. High rating the girl jumped even higher, as did the indicators of the series itself. Jessica became popular and recognizable, returned to the film and starred in it until 2002.

But later the actress began to pay attention to big cinema. The actress made her debut in it in 2001. Beale played a cameo role in the film " Summer Games" However, even on the big screen it was difficult for the actress to escape the difficult legacy of 7th Heaven. In 2002, Jessica was invited to the film “Rules of Sex”. There she was supposed to play the same heroine of the TV show Mary Cadman. Next, Beal began working in the 2003 film “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” The film did not deserve much attention from critics, and this despite the fact that the film grossed $80 million at the American box office against a budget of $9 million.

Jessica's career was clearly going well. She starred in several films over the course of a year. In 2004 alone, the actress played in the films “Blade: Trinity,” “It’s a Digital World,” and “Cellular.”

In 2005, viewers saw Jessica in the film “London” with Chris Evans. Later, a strong, beautiful and deep film about love, “Elizabethtown” by Cameron Crowe, appeared on the screens. And then Rob Cohen invited Beale to a science-fiction action movie called “Stealth.”

This picture told how a perfect stealth plane, controlled by a robot, got out of control. Specialists had to disable the plane before it provoked the outbreak of World War III. The film did not make a big profit, to the surprise of the creators; on the contrary, it did not return $99 million.

And at this time, after a 3-year break, Jessica Biel reappeared in the series “7th Heaven,” which greatly surprised her fans.

In 2006, Jessica Biel brilliantly played in the film “The Illusionist” by Neil Burger. The film received excellent reviews and also took a leading position at the box office. This time the actress was lucky enough to star in a “movie with a capital C” with Edward Norton. And then she appeared in the film “Home of Courage,” a film about soldiers returning from Iraq.

In 2007, the popular actress appeared in a frame with star Adam Sandler in the comedy film “Chuck and Larry: Wedding on Fire.” A great humorous film about friends with a non-trivial plot and the right ending. Kevin James and Dan Aykroyd played with Jessica. The comedy took first place in the box office list; in the first weekend alone, the film collected $34 million.

Jessica Biel on video

That same year, Jessica worked with Nicolas Cage and Julianne Moore on the science-fiction thriller The Prophet. This is the story of Chris, who lived with an unusual gift, made money gambling and tricks. And having learned about the upcoming terrorist attack, government representatives did everything to find the gifted young man to prevent tragedy.

In 2008, Beal worked in two films at once. These are "Oxide" and "Your Mommy Kills Animals." well and next year pleased Jessica with a light film - the comedy “Easy Virtue” directed by Stefan Elliott. IN beautiful picture there was English humor, a lot of emotions from bright actors: Ben Barnes, Kristin Scott Thomas, as well as Colin Firth. A clear indication of Jessica Biel's popularity was the fact that already in 2009 and 2010, several major American magazines included her among the most sexy women planets.

In 2008, having accumulated many connections in the world of American cinema, Jessica Biel presented the world with the film “Hole in the Paper Sky,” on the creation of which she worked not only as an actress, but also as a producer. Subsequently, the track record of our today’s heroine was supplemented by two more production works - the films “The Big Man” (2011) and “The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea” (2013, forthcoming).

In 2010, already as a director, Jessica Biel presented the world with the short film “Sodales”, which became the first and only (on this moment) the work of an actress in this capacity.

Currently, the American beauty primarily works as an actress. In 2013, three new films starring Jessica Biel should be released on screens all over the world, one of which is the above-mentioned film “The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.” The film stars such stars as Chloë Grace Moretz, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and Mary Steenburgen.

Jessica Biel today

At the moment, according to some independent sources, American actress is one of the wealthiest women in her profession.

Personal life of Jessica Biel

The conscious life of an actress and former model took place in Los Angeles. Until 2006, Jessica dated colleague Chris Evans. The lovers starred together in the films “London” and “Cellular”. Afterwards, Beale had an affair with Adam LaVorgne. He played in 7th Heaven.

Jessica Biel was romantically involved with Derek Jetter, the star of the team " New York Yankees."

Since 2007, the actress has been a member of romantic relationships with the famous American singer and actor Justin Timberlake.

In October 2012, one of the most bright couples in US history officially announced the wedding. Justin Timberlake After registering the marriage, the girl also added her husband's last name to her last name, which is very unusual for representatives of show business. Currently, the American beauty appears in all documents under the name Jessica Biel-Timberlake.

Together with her new husband, our today's heroine lives in Los Angeles, which has long been a place for the two of them. permanent place work. After Jessica Biel posed nude for Gear, she admitted that she regretted what she had done. But she still found the experience instructive.

Remember all

Instead of Maggie Grace, Jessica was supposed to work in the TV series Lost, but refused the role. And for good reason, the remake was a box office failure.

Outside of work, Jessica prefers to play football, ballet, yoga, running or hiking in the mountains.

In 1999, the actress did not get the main role in the film "American Beauty". Thora Birg got the job.

(34) and Jessica Biel(33) are undoubtedly one of the most harmonious and beautiful couples Hollywood. Each of them had their own path, and who would have thought that someday these bright personalities unite in a great mutual and strong love.PEOPLETALK invites you to remember how this romantic story began.

He is the dream of millions of girls around the world, and every music lover on the planet knows his songs.

Jessica Biel- one of the brightest and beautiful actresses Hollywood.

Timberlake was born in Memphis (Tennessee, USA) in the family of a Baptist minister Randall Timberlake and his wife Lynn Harless. However, when Justin was four years old, his parents divorced.

Since childhood, the future singer was drawn to music. First steps in musical career were made on an American television show Star Search, where a very young Justin performed country songs.

Jessica was born into a businessman's family Jonathan Edward Beale And Kimberly Beal. The future actress, like Justin, was a creative person from childhood and, before connecting her life with cinema, studied singing.Bill participated in many musical projects and starred in commercials, and was soon noticed by a modeling agent. At the age of 14, Jessica began to break into films and received her first role in a drama. "Family Sky".

The next step in Timberlake's rapidly rising career was his participation in a popular children's show. "Mickey Mouse Club", where he met his first love - (33). This novel was brilliant. Young, beautiful, successful and passionately in love with each other - Justin and Britney were America's most beloved couple. Their separation was a real shock. In 2002, the union broke up, and, according to rumors, the reason for this was Spears’ betrayal, which Justin could not forgive.

First high-profile romance in Biel’s personal life it is considered to be an alliance with a handsome man and the favorite of many girls Chris Evans(34). They met in 2001 on the set of the film Cellular. Feelings flared up between the young actors, but in 2004 they fled, nevertheless maintaining friendly relations.

Justin Timberlake after a painful breakup with Britney Spears starts solo career, which brings him success and recognition. Song Cry Me a River literally blew up all the music charts, because, according to Justin himself, it was dedicated to Britney, and the plot of the video told about true reasons separation of a bright couple.

Jessica breaking up with ex-lover She endured it quite easily and immediately embarked on new love adventures. The actress's next choice was a famous baseball player from the New York team. Derek Jeter(41), with whom she began a long and, as it seemed then, promising romance.

After breaking up with Spears in 2003, Justin falls in love with another bright blonde - (42). Despite the nine-year age difference, strong feelings flared up between them. The singer even gave his new lover Diamond ring. The press prophesied for the couple fast wedding, however, in 2007 the union broke up. According to rumors, the reason was Cameron's jealousy and the actress's bad relationship with Justin's mother, who has always been an authority for the musician.

After breaking up with Diaz, Justin releases a video for the song What Goes Around... Comes Around, in which the musician portrays passionate love with one of the sexiest actresses Hollywood− (30). The press immediately began to attribute an affair to the celebrities, but neither Justin nor Johansson confirmed the rumors.

And finally, in the same 2007, it happens fateful acquaintance Justin Timberlake And Jessica Biel. It happened at a party after the closing of the Golden Globe ceremony. “There was nothing stellar about our meeting.” It was very un-Hollywood, so to speak. We met and started talking. Then I asked my friend to ask Jessica if I could call her. My friend asked her, she said yes, and I called back. I did it in the traditional style - over the phone. Nobility should not die with the birth of the Internet - that's what I learned from my adoptive father and grandfather. And I believe that when you ask a girl out, she should hear your voice. I had to be very persistent to get her consent. But I have perseverance, and if I want something, I achieve it. In the end, she agreed,” Justin said at one of the press conferences.

In 2011, information appeared in the press about the separation of Jessica and Justin, which was eventually confirmed. The artists did break up, though not for long; six months later they made up again. It was rumored that the reason for the breakup was the musician’s infidelity with the actress. Olivia Munn(35).

Justin Randall Timberlake is a name known to many pop music fans. Justin is an outstanding performer with unique appeal and charisma. The idol of millions and the conqueror of girls' hearts, he is also endowed with other talents, such as acting, composing and producing.

During his journey to fame, he did a great job, and never stopped halfway. I learned new things and strived to conquer the next peaks.
A womanizer in the past, Justin Timberlake is now an exemplary husband and father, which does not particularly please his fans.

Height, weight, age. How old is Justin Timberlake

The singer's personal life has always been the subject of research and study. It is known that the singer’s family included Englishmen, Circassians and even Indians. Justin Timberlake: photos in his youth and now his fans really like to look at them. The girls dreamed of knowing everything about their idol: height, weight, age. They easily calculated how old Justin Timberlake was by his date of birth.

It's hard to hide anything when they write about you every day in the tabloids, and journalists are guarding your every step.

Everyone knows that Justin is 181 cm tall and weighs 76 kg. Timberlake will turn 37 in January 2018. According to his horoscope, Justin is an Aquarius. Representatives of this sign strive for big victories, thrills, unknown horizons and new friends.

Biography and personal life of Justin Timberlake

On January 31, 1981, the biography and personal life of Justin Timberlake began. He was born in the USA, in the city of Memphis.

Father Randall was a conductor in a church choir. Mother Lynn owned a small business. From his father, the boy inherited a love of music and excellent hearing. He could listen to Michael Jackson and Elton John for hours. He loved to dance and he was good at it.

As a child, Justin Timberlake loved watching the children's TV series about Mickey Mouse. A few years later he was invited to play in this series. After the show closed, Justin and 4 friends formed the group “N Sync”. The young musician was 14 years old at the time.

After 2 years, the guys released their first disc, which instantly became popular. Album sales exceeded all expectations.

The second and third discs came out one after another. The group's last disc sold 15 million units.

Justin Timberlake began his solo career in 2002. Already in 2006, the new album took first place in the charts. The singer was recognized as one of the most sexy men on the planet. It would seem: what more could you want? He had worldwide recognition a large number of awards and prizes, but Justin decided to plunge into the world of cinema.

Justin Timberlake's first film did not bring him success, but just 5 years later the film " Social network"with his participation, received 3 Oscars and 4 Golden Globes.

The next year, viewers saw Justin in several films at once, where the artist had prominent roles. These are: “Sex for Friendship”, “Very Bad Teacher” and the action movie “Time”. Timberlake proved that he has reached the top in this matter as well.

Justin Timberlake's return to music happened in 2013. He recorded new albums and a video. Conducted a large concert tour to support his albums.

The voice of an artist and musician can often be heard in animated films. Justin willingly agrees to voice cartoon characters. First it was in “Shrek”, and in 2016 the hero of the film “Trolls” spoke in his voice, and even sang songs.

Timberlake's personal life has always been turbulent. His girlfriend in his youth long time there was Britney Spears. After breaking up with her, Justin recorded a song that became world famous.

For the next 4 years, Justin Timberlake dated Hollywood actress Cameron Diaz. The girl was older than the singer, but Justin did not notice this. The couple wanted to get married, but fate wanted to do everything differently.

Perhaps meeting Jessica Biel was the reason for the breakup with Cameron. Already at the beginning of 2007, Timberlake was seen in the company new beauty.

Not everything was perfect in Jessica and Timberlake's relationship. After 3 years, the couple separated, but not forever. The test showed that love did not pass.

In 2012, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel were married in Italy. The young people did not reveal the wedding date until the last moment. Even the guests had no idea why they were invited to the south of Italy.
In April 2015, a son was born into the family of actors. The boy was named Silas.

The actor's early years were tumultuous. Justin Timberlake's family and children changed everything. True, there is only one child in the family, but recently it became known that the couple is expecting the birth of a second baby.

According to Justin, the birth of his son is the most amazing and incredible event that changed him, made him a different person. He realized how much he loved his wife and his boy. They also help you understand yourself, what you are really worth. They help you look at yourself from the outside.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are a very beautiful and sincere couple. Their relationship is charming and glowing with love. They don't hide it at all.

Justin Timberlake's son Silas

little son Justin Timberlake - Silas full name Silas Randall Timberlake, very similar to his father in childhood, especially given the resemblance curly hair. The first word Silas said was "Daddy", which is very flattering for the child's father.

After the birth of the baby, the parents themselves showed his photo to subscribers on Instagram, without waiting for the “hunt” of journalists.

The baby's parents love to joke. They often post online photos of Silas in clothes with funny captions.
We hope that the boy will inherit a sense of humor and a cheerful parental disposition, and in the future he will delight us with his own cheerful images.

Justin Timberlake's wife - Jessica Biel

Justin Timberlake's wife is Jessica Biel. Real name is Jessica Claire Timberlake. After her marriage, Jessica added her husband's last name to hers, which is very rare in celebrity circles.

Jessica is one year younger than her husband, born in 1982. As a child, she studied singing. Once at one of the performances at beautiful girl representatives of the modeling business noticed. From that moment on, Jessica began acting in commercials.

At the same time, Jessica auditions for roles in films. At the age of 14, she was filmed in the series “7th Heaven,” where she plays the daughter of a priest. The film played on screens for 11 years. To get out of the boring image, the girl poses topless for the cover of a magazine. Subsequently, Jessica will say that she regrets this action.

For my creative career the actress played with such celebrities as Edward Norton, Nicolas Cage, Kristin Scott Thomas and Colin Firth. Received several prestigious awards.

Jessica Biel is also trying her hand as a producer and director, but so far she has achieved more success in her main profession.

Jessica lived in Los Angeles before her marriage. This is her favorite city. She and Justin continue to live there now.

Before meeting Timberlake, Biel had several long-term relationships. After meeting Justin, she forgot all her fans.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel. Wedding, photos - such headlines did not leave the pages of newspapers and magazines after the wedding famous couple.

Family relationships were sometimes marred by quarrels. Journalists were in a hurry to say that the couple was getting a divorce. The rumors always turned out to be just another “duck”. Now little Silas is growing up and everything is fine in the family.

Instagram and Wikipedia Justin Timberlake

Instagram and Wikipedia for Justin Timberlake have been available since the onset of popularity, that is, for a long time. The number of subscribers is growing steadily, now their number has exceeded 48 million people.

In anticipation of the release of new albums, Justin communicates more actively with fans on Instagram. He can post dozens of photos at once. The fans' reaction is predictable - they are delighted!

Interest in celebrities will never dry up. There will always be those who want to know the details of life, find articles on the Internet or go to a page on social networks.

April 8th to my son famous artists Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake turn 3 years old. On this occasion, Hollywood stars decided to give a short interview about the birth of Silas, which was included in a book called “Nanny Connie’s Method: Secrets of the First Four Months of the Life of a Baby and His Parents.”

The son decided to do everything his own way

Her story about how she prepared for the birth of her first child a beautiful couple, Jessica decided to start by talking about preparations for childbirth. Here are the words the movie star said about this:

“When I found out that I was pregnant, my first thoughts were about how to protect our baby from dangers, because there are so many of them in the world. I wanted to protect him from everything. I rushed around the shops in search of children's clothes that would be made only from natural fabrics, toys, without harmful dyes, etc. In addition, we decided to make a nursery that would be fully equipped with harmless furniture, appliances, etc. To be honest, this was the hardest thing to do. In general, then my life was completely devoted to preparing for the birth of my son. Over time, when most things were done, I took care of myself and preparing for childbirth. I started visiting special courses, did gymnastics, read a lot of literature. In addition to this, we looked good clinic for childbirth and were very happy about it. All that was left was to wait, but the son decided to do everything his own way.”
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Justin talks about emergency caesarean section

After this, his dad decided to continue the story about the birth of Silas. Here's what Timberlake said:

“It all happened very suddenly. We did not expect that the birth of our son could not go according to plan. As a result, Jessica ended up in the hospital, where she was urgently treated C-section. It was a blow of such force that we barely got out. We returned from the hospital crushed and devastated. Everything we had been preparing for for 9 months did not end as planned. Despite this, Silas was born a healthy baby, and this is the most important thing for us.”
