General cleaning in your life. How cleaning changes your life: interview with Regina Rakhmatullina

You can't pour water into a full glass.

This is one of the fundamental principles of any change. It is impossible to radically change your life and rewrite history on your sheet of paper if you act based on an unexamined baggage of experience.

Your life puzzle will always come together into the same picture if you use the same elements, no matter how many times you mix them at the start.

You need to start consciously creating yourself and your new experience with zeroing.

Not from searching for goals, not from declaring a vision of oneself in 5 years, not from questions of mission and purpose. This whole process will be confused by old ideas, which, moreover, take a lot of energy.

You need to start by throwing out all the trash from your life: on the physical, energetic and mental levels.

Uncontrolled hoarding of the past leads to two things:

  1. Endlessly replaying your past– life becomes like déjà vu.
  2. Slowing down the speed of life- this is when you look at those who manage three times more and don’t understand how they do it. Life success and implementation in all areas is possible only at rapid speed.

It makes sense to clean up your life in all three dimensions.: past, present and, don’t be surprised, future. Yes, in your future there is also already a pile of garbage in the form of ideas about it, forgive me for being so direct, but it also needs to be cleared.

Stop living like you have 500 years left. © Bill Gates

I suggest starting with the present. It is the most objective, here and now. Completely clearing the current moment of junk will already give you noticeable strength and fresh energy, and you will still need it.

The principle is to throw out everything you can, and even a little more. The point is to put an end to every open issue: either complete the matter or cancel it if its necessity is no longer so important.

The main thing is to remove all pending issues from the to-do list.

I would like to note that it is not suggested here to immediately polish your present like Cinderella (although this is useful!) - first you need to put things in order and close the “hanging points”, even by resetting them to zero. It is necessary to remove tasks from the waiting list or start them in the process if they have been stuck there for more than a few weeks. This will give a colossal influx of new energy.

And now in more detail. What will those who really intend to collect a new picture of their experience do in the coming days:

1. Throw away the trash

We get rid of all garbage. To begin with, from your home. We throw it away, distribute it, take it to a shelter. But not according to the principle “I’ll put it in a box and take it to church somehow.” And we really take it away. We do not leave anything on the “waiting” list.

What is garbage?

This is everything you don't use. Let's do this: everything that you haven't used during the year (this is very loyal) needs to be removed, distributed, sold, thrown away:

  • Clothes you don't wear.
  • Most of the souvenirs, except those that really create comfort in the interior (in fact, this is a smaller part of what you have).
  • Unusable or outdated dishes and equipment.

The more you dig, the better off you are.. Understand that every thing, literally every one, is a particle of your energy, look at them soberly and take into your new experience only what you will need there and will delight you. Approach all things with the question - “Do I want to leave this energy or let a new one come in its place?”

You can't pour water into a full glass.

You empty your glass yourself. As much as you pour out, so much will flow in. If you are greedy, don’t be surprised that big changes simply won’t have room to enter.

All in all, spring-cleaning at home is a game called: “How ready am I to let new experiences into my life.” As much as you throw away, you are ready.

By the way, this applies to all your spaces, including workplace in an office, a country house, a car, a private jet and what have you. Surprise your colleagues - really clean up your desk, start the real process of unpacking.

2. Throw away files

Throwing out trash is just the beginning, it's time to throw away your files. How much time do you spend at the computer and online? This is also your space, although virtual, it is also part of your energy.

We are used to storing everything on the computer. Why throw it away? Hard drive there's enough for everything.

The principle here is the same: cleansing is the release of energy. Leave only what you like and value. Why keep a movie you didn't like? Why keep some old stupid files? This is all a piece of you. Do we carry it with us, understanding that the more cargo, the slower the speed, or will we give room for a new one?

Debriefing is required not only for your personal computer, but also for your work computer, as well as virtual accounts: social networks, blogs, websites.

3. We put things in order, give things their place, organize files.

It’s not enough to throw out the trash, you need to put things in order in what you have.

I have never been on the side of strict purity; I even cultivated creative disorder for a long time, hiding behind my penchant for art.

Now I will say this - a harmonious order (not fanatical, but systematized, when things have their place) is the key to the good and effective functioning of things, especially if it’s time to speed up. You won't be able to shift your life into a new gear if your desk and apartment are in chaos.

4. Filter incoming information

Order and cleaning is also necessary for the flow of your incoming information. This is food for the mind and the work of your mind depends on its quality. There is no other way to say it.

Information intoxication - have you heard? This is a common disease that affects many people now. They read everything online, endlessly repost quotes, completely atrophying the ability to hear the voice of their soul.

Information has the ability to accumulate; it never leaves our subconscious, so it must be carefully filtered. Letting in only what is valuable and immediately launching it into implementation - then it teaches and develops us, otherwise it clutters up the channels, creating powerful information noise. This leads to making mistakes along the way due to the inability to hear the voice of your soul.

    1. Clean up your friend feed

Remove those friends whose reading does not resonate or inspire you.

    1. Clean your walls

Delete or hide those people whose news is annoying. Especially those who post negativity from world events.

    1. Decide on a set of blogs and sites that you intend to read.

My main principle How to determine the value of a resource for yourself personally is a response in the soul. When you read something and feel the release inside, it is a very distinct feeling of awareness and thirst for action.

And under no circumstances should this be a feed based on the principle “they added me - I’ll add and read.” No, this should be a selection of only those resources that fill and delight you personally. It also needs to be cleaned regularly and replenished with new resources.

5. Finish unfinished tasks or reset them

It is important to complete all the tasks on the “waiting” list: either transfer them to the “in progress” status and actually do it and get it done, or reset them to zero. It’s better to decide for yourself that at this stage the case is closed and I’m not doing it anymore, than to carry this burden with me. You should feel from the inside that all your work has been done, current processes are on schedule, and there are no pending issues. This is “first gear” in order to approach the question: “What do I want from this life?” and move towards conscious change.

In conclusion: the process of spring cleaning your present consists of two key points - getting rid of junk at all levels and organizing things, including the incoming information flow.

Set up your channels so that you receive only high-quality helpful information in moderation and you will see your world transformed.

Creating yourself anew is only possible if you understand that old experience is not your advisor in this.

Now for the cleaning!

Surely each of you at least once in your life would like to change something in your life. Perhaps change your place of residence or stop communicating with those people who drag you down. But few people can decide to make changes, much less such global ones.

Some people lack the courage or desire, while others simply don’t know how to do it. But sooner or later, everyone will have to do some spring cleaning in their life. And we will talk about this in this article.

Components of cleaning

General cleaning consists of four steps:

  1. Space and things. The first thing you need to do is give away, throw away or sell all unnecessary things. For example, get rid of those clothes that you haven’t worn for a long time or know that you won’t wear them, no matter how long they hang in the closet. Sell ​​or give away unnecessary equipment, books, magazines, souvenirs, etc. In general, put things in order in your workplace, house, apartment.
  2. The second step is people. And if you cannot get rid of a person, then minimize communication with those who bring you negativity and do not enrich you intellectually and emotionally. Also consider whether this person will be in your future and what impact they have on you overall.
  3. Information. Limit and filter your time on the Internet, social networks, and watching TV. Control your conversations, what you say.
  4. Actions. Minimize and filter out those actions initiated by other people. Learn to say “no” to things that are unnecessary for you and always think about whether you want to do it.

But before you begin these steps, you need to sit down and think about what you should get rid of. Analyze your social circle, the space, the time you devote unnecessary things and only then act.

Of course, you won't be able to do everything in one day, but a few weeks or a couple of months will be enough. If you drag out the cleaning for a long time, you will have to start all over again. Any delay will pull you back from final result, and if you don’t do it now, you probably won’t want to later.

Questions to help with “cleaning up”

So, to analyze your life and begin to implement the four steps, ask yourself very specific questions that will help you.


  • When I'm in last time have you used this thing?
  • Do I need it now or will I need it in the future?
  • What will happen to me if she is not there? Will I be able to buy the same one later?


  • What does this person bring into my life?
  • Is it related to my idea of ​​the future?
  • What happens if I stop communicating with him?


  • What influence does the Internet, TV, etc. have on me? What's the benefit?
  • What is its level of importance and credibility?
  • What happens if I don't accept this information?


  • Who said I have to do this?
  • Why and why do I need this?
  • What do these actions do for me and other people?
  • What happens if I refuse to do this?

House, apartment, workplace

Look around and think about what you don't need. What things can be thrown away or given away. Believe me, such things probably exist, you just might be sorry to throw them away. Surely, when you move or renovate, a third of things are thrown away so that they do not take up unnecessary space. So imagine that you are also moving, but not to new apartment, and in new life and you don't need old junk.

To make it easier for you to do this, use the questions listed above. Surely, when you get rid of a box of unnecessary things, you will feel relief, especially if you help someone at the same time. After all unnecessary clothes, toys can be handed over to a second-hand store or taken to any shelter.

To get rid of unnecessary things, remember two criteria:

  • Surely, you don’t need something that you haven’t used for about a year. This does not apply to seasonal items such as sleds, skis, winter boots, etc.
  • Those things that you cannot buy, because they are valuable to you, can also be left.

At a minimum, if you get rid of an unnecessary item that you haven’t used for a long time, it can be rented.

People and information

Once you have tidied up your personal space, you can start interacting with people. Unfortunately, things are not as simple with people as they are with things. It is quite possible that you will break off relationships with those people who do not bring anything good into your life; someone else’s opinion will prevent you from doing so. After all, the phrase “What will they think of me?” sits in the heads of many people. And this applies not only to live communication, but also to filtering friends on social networks. After all, a person may be offended if you remove him from your friends.

This is where you have to come to the question of beliefs and values, why should your actions be determined by the opinions of strangers? It is also worth paying attention not only to the presence of friends on social networks, but also to how much time you spend scrolling through your feed on Facebook, VKontakte or classmates. And also the presence of accounts on these social networks, subscriptions to various groups and more.

Try to clean up not only unnecessary people on social networks, but also in real life. Think about whether the people you are communicating with now are connected with your personal image of the future? Do they have a positive impact on you? Do they cause inconvenience with their behavior or simply prevent you from developing?

You may not realize it, but sometimes a person with whom you have been communicating for several years constantly drags you down. He doesn’t want to let you go, because then everything might be fine with you, but not with him. He will say that your place is with him, because you have always been here. Not all people are happy about your victories and successes. It has been and will be so, so it is worth taking this fact into account. If you cannot remove this person from your life completely, then just try to communicate with him to a minimum. Let the space that becomes vacant be empty. It's better than filling it with negativity.

In fact, all the people in your environment can be divided into three categories:

  • Useful.
  • Pleasant.
  • Harmful.

You may think this category is utilitarian, but before you think so, ask yourself: do you want to live your life?

If yes, then you need to understand that your life should have all the good and necessary things. Therefore, if there are people in your environment who interfere with your life, then ask yourself - why do you need them? Why do you communicate with them?

Information is something that also needs to be filtered. Surely, you know people who can do several things at the same time. But scientists have proven that the human brain can truly perceive only one action, and the rest are achieved by quickly switching, which, of course, requires certain skills. So don't think that reading hundreds of articles a day will enrich your knowledge. Most likely, it will be information garbage.

If you really liked an article and put it aside to read later, read it right away, and don’t just put it off, as is usually the case. After all, by the end of the week you will have hundreds of texts that you will also be too lazy to read.

Information can also be divided into three categories:

To make your job easier, ask questions that relate to people and information choices.

Of course, many may say that it is difficult to filter information, especially in the stream that is now presented.

To do this you need to know a few rules of analysis and response:

  1. Check the information based on its importance to you, reliability and relevance.
  2. Try to find several sources to check and compare the data.
  3. Ask yourself - “Who benefits from the emergence of information?”, “How does receiving this information relate to me and my goals?”
  4. Don't react to her if you don't understand her goals and motives.
  5. Screen out not necessary information, if it does not benefit you and does not serve as a source of achieving any goals.

To learn how to filter out unnecessary information and learn to perceive the necessary information, we will use a certain validity model shown in the figure.

On the first scale of importance of information, you see numbers from 0 to 10. Using them, you can rate the information you received, thereby determining its importance in numbers.

The reliability of the source is a little more difficult to confirm, but it is possible. To do this, take one source that you probably trust and draw the necessary information from it.

But it also needs to be checked, and for this there is a third scale - the reliability of the information. After all, no matter how good the source is, it is not a fact that he received reliable information. Therefore, always try to find out the accuracy of information before accepting it.

It is also worth paying attention to your smartphone, which constantly distracts you from important matters. You've probably noticed that if you have Wi-Fi turned on, then work or another activity progresses slowly, since you are always distracted by messages, funny pictures, and so on. Try to avoid this, go online several times a day when you really have time.

Remember that switching attention takes a lot of energy, which you can spend on mastering a skill.

You should know that in modern society The boundaries are somewhat blurred, and very often you can encounter their violation. For example, you set aside time for yourself and decided to go in for sports. But at the most inopportune moment, a person you know comes to you and starts talking not about his problems, but about a colleague at work, a friend he knows, or someone else. You didn’t ask him for this, this information will not play any role for you, but it will take away a very valuable resource - time. And it will not be possible to resume it.

And only you are to blame for this. Perhaps the person who writes, calls or comes to you does not even know about your intentions, but you yourself open the borders to him and allow him to invade them.


Now comes the turn of the fourth step, which is important. Your actions are influenced by everything - environments, space, information. Therefore, you need to learn to get rid of those activities that waste your energy. Always ask yourself the question - why exactly should you do this? Who initiates this action: you or another person? Is it worth “working” for this person if he asks to do something? Do you need it?

Surely, all these questions may seem difficult to you, but rest assured, you will not have to ask them all your life before every action. They will help you form the habit of thinking before you do something.

Your life energy and time are a unique resource that you can invest in yourself or spend on another person. But before you do, think twice.

Of course, any change requires courage and it will be required from you. No one guarantees that your new life will be 100% better than the previous one, but you will definitely have a chance. Because if you don’t give up the old, then nothing will definitely change. You must clear your life for new people, new activities and for yourself.

This is all just the beginning, and the cleaning process is quite lengthy, but definitely worthwhile. You will need to take a proactive approach to change your life.

But many people may be intimidated by an active position, and all of the above will turn into just another aimless attempt. To avoid this, let's look at the pros and cons of an active position.

But first, determine what position you have in this moment?

In an active position, you take responsibility for your life and all changes. And in passive mode, you wait for time, circumstances, or anyone to change it, just not you.

Unfortunately, many are attracted to a passive position, characterized by the following factors:

  • Transferring responsibility to another person.
  • Chronic reflection on one’s own emotions and lack of action. Such people think all the time, but do nothing.
  • Quick adaptation to what is available. Ability to adapt.
  • Low level energy.
  • Submission to the rules and desires of society.
  • Slave position, need for a “master”.
  • Lack of personal motivation, you always need a kick from the outside.

An active position suggests otherwise, and a person with such a position:

  • Accepts responsibility.
  • Knows what he wants and is ready to act.
  • He is able to motivate himself, he does not need external factors.
  • Strives to develop, change the world, never stands still.
  • Has a huge supply of vital energy.
  • Self-sufficient.
  • Ignores the norms imposed by society.

An active position does not mean that you will always push your position and never agree with someone else’s point of view. But when you need it, you will do it.

Therefore, start being active. Yes, it will be difficult, because if you are used to leading a passive lifestyle, then this action will be unusual for you. At least because you decided it, and not someone imposed it and did it for you. In addition, the energy passive people not so much. But if you accumulate it and spend it with effort, you will have much more of it.

pros active position:

  • Control over your life.
  • High level realization in life.
  • Life by your own rules.
  • Active and dynamic life.


  • High energy consumption.
  • Risks in the competitive field.
  • Conflict.
  • Energy depletion.
  • A burden of responsibility, because everything that does not happen is your choice.

pros passive position:

  • Less consumption of vital energy.
  • Less competition, which means less risks.
  • Less responsibility.
  • Energetically favorable position.


  • Lack of control over own life.
  • Neurotic manifestations and aggression.
  • Dependence external factors.
  • Dissatisfaction with one's own life and the implementation of life plans.

No matter how attractive a passive position may be, only an active one will allow you to change something. A person who was a slave, but does not want to continue to live like that now, is no longer a slave. Since now he has the opportunity to choose and build his life the way he wants. This is your conscious choice, and you have the right to change everything.

Surely, you cannot avoid resistance, tension, you will show aggression and suppressed energy, but this is all temporary. Sublimate, waste negative energy at the gym or doing something creative. But don't stand still. Your life is in your hands.

If you want changes, to bring something new into your life, to change yourself, to change your life in the new year, then, first of all, you need to do a spring cleaning of everything that surrounds you. Get rid of old weight that is pulling you down.

This applies to both things and people in your life.

First week

Nowadays they are rewriting from article to article that you should get rid of those things that you have not used for a year or two. I do not advise.
It's easy to throw away, and if you don't have the money to replace it, it goes without saying new thing will not appear as if by magic.
I had cases when I took my mother’s blouses that had been there for twenty years from the mezzanine and wore them - they were in fashion again.

The same applies to other things, so you shouldn’t rely on time frames and “helpful” advice invented by someone. The main thing is to have a place for storage and if the item is in good condition, then it is quite possible to leave it there until better times. Organize your storage, and to avoid rummaging through boxes looking for what you need, make a list of everything you store.

The second option is to sell

That's how I got rid of large quantity things I no longer need, while earning money. They even bought something that seemed to be outdated for a long time (VCR, PDA).

This also includes souvenirs and gifts that are not suitable for you. Clothes that cause physical discomfort when worn can also be sold. Just take a photo and post it on the free board.

The third option is to throw it away.

What you should get rid of without regrets:
torn, worn things;
dishes, mirrors with chips, cracks;
things that have unpleasant memories associated with them.

5 days ( work week) to review things in three categories - in the pantry, sell, throw away.

1 day (Saturday) – take photos and post items for sale on the free bulletin board, 1 day (Sunday) to list and pack items for storage.

When finished, do some general cleaning.

Second, third week



Before entering a new life, in New Year and so on, you just need to sort out your finances.
And this means paying off debts and starting to learn to control your money. In the article you can read how to do this gradually.

Unfinished business

This is probably the most important thing to do before the new year. You have a month to deal with unfinished matters and frog matters, as they call unpleasant things that you constantly put off until later.

Understand yourself - and either complete what you planned, or let it go and forget about it forever.

To stimulate yourself, write down each task not in a diary, but separately on a sticker and stick these stickers in a visible place - if they spoil the interior, you will want to tear them off as quickly as possible. Every day, choose one thing at random.

Here are a few rules to help you deal with frog cases:

break a complex case into several stages;
when everything is already planned, don’t think anymore, but act;
the process must be continuous;
do the hardest part at the beginning of the day.

Do a spring cleaning of your life, this is the first step to dramatic changes!

Not good serious video on topic (excerpt from the series “You’re the Worst”).

You can't pour water into a full glass. This is one of the fundamental principles of any change. It is impossible to radically change your life and rewrite history on your sheet of paper if you act based on an unexamined baggage of experience.

Your life puzzle will always come together into the same picture if you use the same elements, no matter how many times you mix them at the start.

You need to start consciously creating yourself and your new experience with zeroing.

Not from searching for goals, not from declaring a vision of oneself in 5 years, not from questions of mission and purpose. This whole process will be confused with old ideas, which also take a lot of energy.

You need to start by throwing out all the trash from your life: on the physical, energetic and mental levels.

Uncontrolled hoarding of the past leads to two things:

1. Endless reproduction of your past.

Life becomes like déjà vu.

2. Slowing down the speed of life.

This is when you look at those who manage three times more and don’t understand how they do it. Success in life and fulfillment in all areas is possible only at fast speed.



By the way, sometimes a person sincerely tries to speed up his rhythm by waking up early, exercising, and strict self-discipline, but nothing works. The energy jumps from heady highs to sharp lows, when there is nothing but devastation inside. The reasons may be different, here you need to look at the situation and ask impartial questions to yourself - “why is this happening?”, but one of them may be precisely the desire to drive at normal speed without unhooking the van of your many years of junk.

We all have “cars” created for full movement, the question is the driver and his approach to the whole process. It’s not enough to just press the gas, just as it’s not enough to just choose a direction if you’re tightly attached to something or there’s no gas.

General cleaning of life for those who prefer speed and completely new horizons

It makes sense to clean up your life in all three dimensions: past, present and, don’t be surprised, future. Yes, your future is also filled with crap in the form of ideas about it, forgive me for being so blunt, but it also needs to be cleared.

I suggest starting with the present. It is the most objective, here and now. Completely clearing the current moment of junk will already give you noticeable strength and fresh energy, and you will still need it.

The principle is to throw out everything you can, and even a little more. The point is to put an end to every open issue: either complete the matter or cancel it if its necessity is no longer so important.

The main thing is to remove all pending issues from the to-do list.

I would like to note that here it is not suggested to immediately polish your present, like Cinderella (although this is useful!) - first you need to put things in order and close the “hanging points”, even by resetting them to zero. It is necessary to remove tasks from the waiting list or start them in the process if they have been stuck there for more than a few weeks. This will give a colossal influx of new energy.

And now in more detail. What will those who really intend to collect a new picture of their experience do in the coming days:

1. Throw out the trash

We get rid of all garbage. To begin with, from your home. We throw it away, distribute it, take it to a shelter. But not according to the principle “I’ll put it in a box and take it to church someday.” And we’ll take it straight away. We do not leave anything on the “waiting” list.

What is garbage?

This is everything you don't use. Let's do this: everything that you haven't used during the year (this is very loyal) needs to be removed, distributed, sold, thrown away:

Clothes you don't wear;

Most of the souvenirs, except those that really create comfort in the interior (in fact, this is a smaller part of what you have);

Unusable or outdated dishes and equipment.


The more you dig, the better off you will be. Understand that every thing, literally every one, is a particle of your energy, look at them soberly and take into your new experience only what you will need and will delight. Approach all things with a question - “Do I want to leave this energy or let a new one come in its place?”


You empty your glass yourself. As much as you pour out, so much will flow in. If you are greedy, don’t be surprised that big changes will simply have nowhere to enter.

It’s difficult for me to give detailed advice here, since I don’t have such a problem at all. Due to frequent moves and changes of place of residence, I literally learned to weed out the unnecessary and part with seemingly beloved, but actually useless souvenirs. But seeing the apartments of some of my friends who have lived in one place for years, or even decades, it’s just a museum of rubbish from the past. What changes can we talk about?

In general, spring cleaning of the house is a game called “How ready am I to let new experiences into my life.”

As much as you throw away, you are ready.

By the way, this applies to all your spaces, including your office workspace, your dacha, your car, your private jet, and whatever else you have. Surprise your colleagues - really clean up your desk, start the real process of unpacking.

2. Throw away files

Throwing out trash is just the beginning, it's time to throw away your files. How much time do you spend at the computer and online? This is also your space, although virtual, it is also part of your energy.

We are used to storing everything on the computer. Why throw it away? The hard drive is enough for everything.

The principle here is the same: cleansing is the release of energy. Leave only what you like and value. Why keep a movie you didn't like? Why keep some old stupid files? This is all a piece of you. Do we carry it with us, understanding that the more cargo, the slower the speed, or will we give room for a new one?

Debriefing requires not only your personal computer, but also your work computer, as well as virtual accounts: social media, blogs, websites.

3. Put things in order, give things their place, organize files

It’s not enough to throw out the trash, you need to put things in order in what you have.

I have never been on the side of strict purity; I even cultivated creative disorder for a long time, hiding behind my penchant for art.

Now I will say this - a harmonious order (not fanatical, but systematized - when things have their place) is the key to the good and effective functioning of things, especially if it’s time to speed up. You will not be able to switch your life to a new speed, with complete chaos on your desk and in your apartment.

4. Filter incoming information

Order and cleaning also require the flow of your incoming information. In general, this is food for the mind, and the work of your mind depends on its quality. There is no other way to say it.

Information intoxication, have you heard? This is a common disease that affects many people now. They read everything online, endlessly repost quotes from great people, completely atrophying the ability to hear the voice of their soul.

Information has the ability to accumulate; it never leaves our subconscious, so it must be carefully filtered. Letting in only what is valuable and immediately launching it into implementation - then it teaches and develops us, otherwise it clutters up the channels, creating powerful information noise. This leads to making mistakes on the Path due to the inability to hear the voice of one’s soul.

Each of us has thought more than once about how to change our lives for the better, starting with own home. The hardest thing is to start, because it is not clear where.

It's better to start with the simplest. For example, I recommend first “agreeing” with the living space so that it supports the changes and does not take away, but, on the contrary, gives us energy.

In one room you feel more alert and focused, in another you want to hide in a corner and do nothing. Just how many thousands of years these ancient arts have been known and practiced, in my opinion, speaks for itself.

And if you are boiling inside, fatigue and disappointment have accumulated, your dreams are like the moon, why not start the process of changes in your life from your own home?

How to start the change process right

It would seem that nothing could be easier than changes in the house: just take it and do it. However, when trying to take the first steps towards improvement, you may encounter some limitations and pitfalls.

For example, even knowing the rules of ancient knowledge, you will not be able to change the shape of your house or apartment, change the location of the toilet, or remove a high-rise building that blocks the landscape :).

The thoughts “everything is gone, you need to look for another apartment” or “why do all this then” may come to mind... However, you should not give up.

Even if there is an opportunity to find another apartment, you must first bring this one to fruition, because it appeared in your life for a reason, and for some reason you need to work it out.

If you just leave everything as it is, positive changes in your life will not come as quickly as you would like.

Step 1. Clear the space of junk and unnecessary things

There is a very correct logic in this, since the cleanliness of the room, along with the correct arrangement of furniture, ensures good circulation of vital energy - Prana or Qi.

However, there is one factor that is often forgotten: a painful space, and, unfortunately, in most cases this is exactly what it is, it can resist.

Unfortunately, this resistance will be stronger the longer the space has been in the state it is in now. Therefore, if this is your case, then do not forget to take the next step.

Step 2. Perform a cleansing ritual with a candle

First of all, before starting changes, try to tune in to your space, thank it for for a long time it supported you as best it could, and that all your actions are aimed at treating it.

Swipe cleansing ritual with a candle, choosing one of the favorable lunar days.

For the ritual you will need a candle. Take it in your hands, or put it on a platter, turn to face front door and light it up.

When the candle lights up, move from the front door strictly counterclockwise around the perimeter of the apartment, repeating to yourself " cleanse, cleanse".

Return to the door, the place where you started, and leave the candle on the floor or on any piece of furniture to burn out.

After general cleaning, this ritual will need to be repeated.

Step 3: Use Fresh Flowers to Support Change

Fresh flowers will help reduce the space’s resistance to change, as well as fresh fruits, vegetables on the table.

Flowers can be either in bouquets or in pots.

Choose fruits or vegetables according to the season, the main thing is that they represent the idea of ​​prosperity and fertility for you.

Place a bowl of fruits or vegetables on your kitchen counter.

The Legend of Vastu Purush

There is a Vedic legend about Vastu Purush, a person who guards all the buildings of the world and is their owner, like the brownie well known to us from Russian fairy tales.

Vastu Purush was born as the embodiment of the unbridled energy of chaos, but was defeated higher powers agreed to serve people.

However, he asked: " In the golden, silver and bronze ages, people will build their homes according to the laws of Vastu and will serve God devotedly, and I will also receive many gifts from them, but in Kali Yuga (our days) people will build houses in which I will suffer , and they will not bring gifts to me! What will I eat?»

The Creator of the world answered: " If the people of Kali Yuga squeeze you into uncomfortable rooms and do not make you offerings according to your taste, you can eat them yourself".

It’s not for nothing that fairy tales mention a saucer of milk that was left for the brownie! However, the smell of fresh flowers and fruits will be no worse :)

step 4. use other ways to “feed” the space

Another simple way to heal a space is the right music.

Choose the one that represents joy, calmness, harmony. It can be classical or spiritual music, sounds of nature.

It is not at all necessary to turn on the music at full volume; even a quiet, barely audible sound will help your space heal.

Let's summarize what you need to do to start making changes in your home:

  • First of all, you need to clear the room of unnecessary things and trash. It is favorable to plan and carry out general cleaning.
  • Since a sick room often resists change, it is recommended to perform a space cleansing ritual with a candle, following the recommendations from this article.
  • To “nurture” the space while it is healing, use fresh flowers, as well as vegetables and fruits.
  • Consider other ways to maintain the space in your home, preparing it for change. For example, using special music for this, as indicated in the article.

Please write your questions and feedback in the comments to this article.

Have a great Vastu!

With respect and good luck,
