How to make oil from melon seeds. Other vegetable oils

Refined sunflower oil, melon pulp.

100 g of product contains: fats – 98.8 g, incl. polyunsaturated fatty acids – 60.0 g. Calorie content – ​​914 kcal.


In the East they say: “melon makes hair shiny, eyes young, lips fresh, desires strong, men desirable, and women beautiful.”

It has a calming effect on the central nervous system, rejuvenates the body, cleanses it, binds and removes harmful toxins, and has a revitalizing effect on cells.

The presence of vitamin E in melon oil makes it an excellent remedy for normalizing family relationships when one of the spouses is cooling. In France they say about melon oil that it is “necessary in the autumn of life, when feelings are like a dying fire. How an armful of dry logs causes a bright, warmth-giving fire.” Melon oil is recommended for elderly and senile patients suffering from atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of the brain and heart.

Mode of application

Use it 3 times a day, a tablespoon with salad, porridge or seasoning. You can fry pancakes or pancakes on it by adding it to the dough.

Source of information - materials from the Europa-Biopharm company

Melon is a fruit of paradise, it ended up on Earth thanks to a disobedient angel who gave people a melon, for which he was expelled from Paradise. The cracks in the rind of a melon are the writings that Allah wrote, as it was believed in the East from ancient times. Just like the pattern on the palm, the ornate patterns on the rind of a melon never repeat each other! In the East they know: melon “...makes hair shiny, eyes young, lips fresh, desires strong, opportunities turning into action, men desirable, and women beautiful”!

Melon oil has a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma, thanks to which summer will be with you all year round. Add 1 teaspoon of melon oil to baked goods, pancakes, pancakes, desserts, fruit and vegetable salads, cottage cheese, flavor porridges and vegetable side dishes with it, so you and your family will receive a daily dose of vital polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the full health of the body .


Vitamins A, E, beta-carotene, zinc, protein substances, galactan, glucose, gum, resins, linolenic, oleic, palmitic, stearic acid


Nourishing, protective, softening, regenerating, soothing, moisturizing, regenerating

  • The aroma of the oil improves mental state, protects the nervous system from overload and stress, and eliminates feelings of fatigue and tension. Particularly useful in states of depression and apathy, helps cope with melancholy and blues
  • helps fight fatigue, improves sleep quality
  • strengthens the immune system, helps normalize metabolism
  • restores elasticity and fresh color to the skin, protects against premature aging, restores shine to hair
  • restores and softens combination or oily skin, normalizes the condition of tired, dehydrated, damaged skin
  • soothes the skin after sunbathing, has a whitening effect, protects the skin from external adverse influences (heat, cold, wind)
  • recommended for older people to maintain tone
  • softens the negative manifestations of menopause
  • softens “smoker’s cough”, helps remove phlegm, removes toxins from the body
  • Helps with liver diseases, including alcoholism
  • relieves the condition of nephropathy and gastropathy, is useful for the prevention of constipation
  • aid for removing kidney stones
  • maintains the normal state of the gastrointestinal tract
  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, useful for hypertensive patients when taken regularly


  • Internal use: 1-2 teaspoons with meals 2-3 times a day for 2-4 months
  • External use for skin diseases: applications of pure oil to affected areas of the skin
  • When added to other oils: softens the smell of oils with intense aroma; the resulting mixture is easy on the skin
  • For massage, it is used in its pure form (does not leave an oil film or greasy sheen) or in synergy with other oils in a 1:1 ratio.
  • An effective anti-wrinkle procedure - massage with tapping movements
  • Nourishing face masks: apply a small amount of oil for 20 minutes, remove any remaining oil with a paper towel
  • Enrichment of cosmetics, shampoos and hair conditioners: add a small amount of oil to the finished product

Many women know that the most effective remedies for such a phenomenon as wrinkles are contained in the natural components of vegetables, fruits, berries and all kinds of herbs, which is why they give preference.

They are more effective and safe than expensive cosmetics made from chemical elements, which often do more harm than good.

Many women are interested in which melon greatly reduces wrinkles. Cantaloupe and cantaloupe are considered the best in this regard.

Melons, which have long been used for facial skin care and are one of the main components of ancient cosmetology, have excellent rejuvenating properties.

But it is important to know which melon will especially smooth out wrinkles, whether it reduces the possibility of their appearance, and whether it is suitable for these purposes, because in many respects everything depends on the variety.

Interesting fact! Many consider this wonderful melon plant to be a vegetable, but it is not one of those, but, like watermelon, is a berry.

The peculiarity of this culture is that it contains many useful substances and a whole group of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the epidermis.

Melon is very rich in vitamins A, B, E, ascorbic and folic acid, carotene, potassium, silicon, magnesium, and other natural ingredients that are widely used in modern cosmetology for the production of facial skin care creams.

Melon masks are especially suitable for women with delicate, sensitive skin, their action is soft and not aggressive, and the result will exceed your wildest expectations.

Melon is very rich in vitamins A, B, E, ascorbic and folic acid, carotene, potassium, silicon, magnesium, and other natural components

This is largely due to the substances contained in the sunberry, which have irreplaceable qualities:

  1. Vitamin B5, has rejuvenating properties, as a remedy in the fight against wrinkles it is indispensable, perfectly smoothes and cleanses the skin of the face without tightening it.
  2. Vitamin B9, protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, protecting it from possible unpleasant consequences, but in most cases acts as a prophylactic agent.
  3. Vitamin PP, has excellent protective properties that protect the skin from the adverse effects of direct sunlight, brightens it, giving it a healthy, blooming shade.
  4. Ascorbic acid, is distinguished not only by its rejuvenating effect, but also by its ability to qualitatively restore aged skin, whitening it and returning vital colors.
  5. Folic acid, greatly improves not only the condition, but also the color and pigmentation of the facial skin, protecting it from such a common phenomenon as sagging epidermis, and copes with rashes and pimples.
  6. Carotene, is useful for enhancing metabolism, slowed down by natural aging of the skin and problems with it, stimulates and stabilizes blood circulation, saturating cells with oxygen.
  7. Potassium, has the ability to gently moisturize the skin, but more importantly, it inhibits dehydration, retaining the necessary moisture, being an indispensable component for people with dry skin.

Why melon smoothes wrinkles

The benefits of melon are generally clear; it can reduce the harmful effects of the environment on the skin, but many consider its ability to smooth out wrinkles to be greatly exaggerated.

In fact, there is nothing unusual about this, especially considering that melons, among other things, are high in fiber, vegetable fats and sodium salt.

All these components, when used naturally, have a broad rejuvenating effect not only applicable to the skin, but also to the entire body.

A combination of beneficial substances that moisturize and soften the skin of the face, saturate it with oxygen, making it smooth and elastic, and most importantly, healthy - this is the rejuvenating effect that leads to the disappearance of wrinkles. But such results can only be achieved by regularly applying masks, but you should not overuse this.

Carefully! Oversaturation of facial skin with substances and vitamins contained in melons can cause allergic reactions. Only healthy, ripe fruits grown in natural conditions are suitable for masks.

Which melon greatly reduces wrinkles?

Undoubtedly, all sunny berries have beneficial properties, but which melon has a strong effect on wrinkles and reduces the possibility of their appearance, this remains to be sorted out.

Indeed, not all varieties have such irreplaceable qualities, and among the many suitable for masks, some are more effective, others do not have such a positive result.

The best European varieties in cosmetology are Muskmelon and Cantaloupe. They are notable for their high content of substances beneficial to the skin and the chemical composition of the fruit pulp, which is especially ideal for preparing masks.

Somewhat inferior in this regard are the Kuban Collective Farm Girl and Torpedo, familiar to our latitudes, their content of fiber, fats, acids and vitamins is quite high, as is the sugar level, but in terms of the balance of all components they cannot be compared with European ones.

Recipes for melon masks for wrinkles

For dry skin, potassium and carotene are needed, saturating it with moisture and preventing dehydration, protecting it from drying out and peeling. Preparing such a mask is not difficult; you only need 100 g of melon pulp, 10 g of uncandied honey and 10 ml of olive oil.

For normal skin, no matter what kind of melon is suitable, it greatly reduces wrinkles. It is best to use a smoothing mask.

The melon should be finely chopped, poured with heated honey and stirred until smooth, add oil and mix all ingredients thoroughly. The mask is applied infrequently, no more than once a week.

For oily skin, prone to frequent inflammatory processes, you will need not just any melon, but preferably Musk melon, which has the ability not only to have a strong effect on wrinkles, but also reduces inflammatory elements.

For 60 g of melon you need 5 g of dry chamomile, 2 bay leaves, 5 g of St. John's wort and 40 ml of boiled water. First of all, the dry, ground ingredients are poured with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes, the melon is crushed to a pulp and mixed with a decoction of herbs.

This mask should be applied with a cotton swab and the procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a week.

For normal skin that is not prone to irritation and allergic reactions, but requires rejuvenation and refreshment procedures, a smoothing mask is best suited.

For it you should take 80 g of peeled melon pulp, 20 g of sour cream, with a fat content of no more than 15%, and 1 egg yolk. The melon is crushed in a blender, sour cream and pre-beaten yolk are added to the resulting pulp, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

This mask can also be used by people with oily skin; then there is no need to separate the yolk; the egg should be added along with the white and applied daily.

For sensitive skin, you will need to pay much more attention and caution to avoid unwanted consequences. In this case, the most relevant would be not only a wrinkle-smoothing mask, but also a gently softening mask that soothes the skin.

To prepare it, you need to take 50 g of melon pulp, 30 ml of milk, 10 g of flaxseed oil, 10 g of semolina, 5 g of honey, 3 g of salt and 1 egg yolk.

First you need to steam the semolina, pour it with hot milk and leave for 15 minutes, beat the remaining ingredients in a blender, mix the resulting mixture with semolina gruel until smooth. The mask is applied in a thick layer, repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Note! For all kinds of masks, different varieties of melons can be used, but not grown in greenhouses! They contain too few natural components necessary to fight wrinkles; in this regard, they are completely useless.

Masks with melon for expression lines around the eyes

Melon, no matter what, is such an excellent and powerful remedy for smoothing out facial wrinkles that it reduces them, even if thinly sliced ​​pieces are simply applied to problem areas. Of course, this is not as effective as using special masks, but it says a lot in favor of this amazing berry.

Among the masks, the mask made from melon and aloe juice is considered the most effective. To do this, take 3 tbsp. l. melon pulp, 3 tsp. gelatin steamed in milk, 1 tsp. olive oil, 1 tsp. cucumber juice and aloe juice.

The swollen gelatin must be pierced and squeezed into a paste, mixed thoroughly with other ingredients and applied to the skin around the eyes for 25 minutes in a thick layer.

Basic rules for using a melon mask at home

What is especially important is the choice of fruit, the melon must be ripe, but not overripe, without suspicious spots and signs of diseases typical of plants.

When making masks, regardless of other components, the melon must be thoroughly crushed for high-quality mixing and uniform application to the face.

All the ingredients of the mask must be mixed immediately before use; in no case should you make a homemade cosmetic product for several days in advance, or use the leftovers the next day.

Before application, be sure to remove makeup, cleanse your face with warm water and foam, It is advisable to steam the skin being prepared.

There is no need to keep the mask on for a long time, no matter what kind of melon, it doesn’t take much time to reduce wrinkles, 15 minutes is enough for this, the main thing is not to forget about the frequency of procedures.

Making anti-aging lotions from melon juice

In addition to masks, various lotions are also made at home from the juice of the sunberry, which have the same rejuvenating effect and have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face.

Such products fight sagging epidermis, restoring its former elasticity and smoothness, get rid of age spots and restore freshness and healthy color.

To prepare the lotion, you need to use juice squeezed from melon pulp - add 1 tbsp to 2 cups of juice. l. honey, 1 tsp. salt. Carefully place and place in a warm place until the honey and salt are completely dissolved, usually this takes 1-1.5 weeks.

The oil should be applied to the face with cotton swabs, first in one layer, when it dries a little, apply a second layer on top of it - for greater effectiveness.

Apply to the face, just like masks, but you need to keep it on 2 times longer, then rinse with warm water without soap.

Preparation and use of melon oil for wrinkles

Self-made melon oil is also often used. In this case, it does not matter at all what kind of melon is used for such purposes. The oil is considered the most powerful agent that reduces and smoothes wrinkles.

To prepare, you will need sesame oil and melon gruel, mixed in a 1:2 ratio, after which the mixture is heated in a water bath, the longer the time, the better, usually until all the water has evaporated.

The oil should be applied to the face with cotton swabs, first in one layer, when it dries a little, apply a second layer on top of it - for greater effectiveness. Leave for no more than 25-30 minutes, then wash off with warm water and soap.

Another positive feature of melon oil is that it can be prepared for future use., for daily use, and can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Melon can be called a universal product; its beneficial effect on the skin and the body as a whole is contained in its rejuvenating properties, the secret of which lies in its natural components.

Why melon is good for the face, which mask from this product greatly reduces wrinkles:

Application of melon lotion for face:

How much does melon oil cost (average price for 1 liter)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Melon oil is a natural product that is made from the seeds of this false berry. The uses of melon oil are not limited to its use in cooking, where it is highly valued. Due to its rich biochemical composition, this product is often used in medicine and cosmetology.

Regarding its use in gastronomy, it can be said that melon oil is especially well suited for home baking - it imparts a wonderful aroma to the dough intended for making pancakes and pancakes. In addition, it can be used as an excellent dressing for salads and cereals, as well as added to marinades for vegetables. Some chefs even prefer to fry foods in natural melon oil.

The method for obtaining high-quality melon oil is cold pressing, that is, squeezing melon seeds. The result is a light yellow liquid, which is characterized by a rather specific, but weak melon aroma.

Natural melon oil is one of the therapeutic and prophylactic agents that retain in their composition a considerable amount of biologically active compounds and vitamins. The fact is that melon seeds themselves are a valuable food and dietary product, which surpasses even watermelon seeds in the amount of sugars and vitamins. That is why regular use of natural melon oil will not only give your dishes a wonderful aroma, but will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole.

Melon oil contains many valuable substances, but polyunsaturated fatty acids still predominate, helping to regulate the level of lipemia, the activity of hemostasis, as well as the activation of metabolic processes. Unsaturated fatty acids in natural melon oil are represented by linolenic, linoleic and oleic, while saturated fatty acids include palmitic and stearic.

Directly thanks to this composition, the beneficial properties of melon oil are obvious, which determine the use of this plant substance in the official and non-traditional fields of medicine.

As an effective preventative that helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, blood cholesterol levels and the accumulation of fat in the liver, melon seed oil is recommended for use by many experts. In addition, it prevents hair loss, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, and also provides nonspecific protection for the entire human body.

Melon oil is especially useful for older people, with liver diseases, diabetes, and in case of deteriorating sleep quality. Thanks to this vegetable oil, you can soften the “smoker’s cough”, further promoting the separation of phlegm. It helps with constipation, allergic dermatitis, hypersensitivity to pollen, and also alleviates the condition of gastropathy and nephropathy.

Calorie content of melon oil 899 kcal

Energy value of melon oil (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu).

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

If you need to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increase hemoglobin levels or strengthen the immune system, then you should seek help from a very tasty and at the same time healthy fruit called melon. By the way, these are not all the beneficial properties of this berry.

General information

Melon is an annual heat-loving plant of the pumpkin family, which is considered one of the descendants of forest vines. This plant comes from Central and Asia Minor, Iran and Afghanistan. China and tropical Africa are considered to be the birthplace of certain varieties of this plant. There are quite a few species of this plant, but the most common is table or ordinary melon, which is considered to be a valuable food and dietary product. For normal growth and development of this fetus, an air temperature of 25 to 30 degrees is required.

This is interesting!

The first mentions of this fruit can be found in the Bible. The first nation to start eating it was the Egyptians. Since ancient times, melon has also been known to the Greeks and Romans. The Arabs are of the opinion that this fruit was brought to Earth by one of the angels who committed a terrible crime, for which he was expelled by God from paradise. Easterners claim that cracks in the crust are symbols by which you can read your future. They came to this conclusion only because the pattern of cracks on this fruit never repeats. This fact, of course, worries superstitious people. In Russia, this product appeared only in the 16th century, but today it is already popular with a huge number of people.

Vegetable, fruit or berry?

Botanists claim that this melon crop from the cucumber genus is a false berry, the weight of which varies from 200 g to 20 kg. Commodity experts are of the opinion that this is a dessert vegetable that can be found on the shelves of numerous stores. This “southern sorceress” is often included in the list of fruits, so its true origin still remains a mystery.


The composition of delicious sugar fruits includes a huge amount of various vitamins. So, for example, just one vitamin WITH they contain much more than oranges. Melon is considered to be a record holder for calcium content. It contains a lot of sodium, iron, potassium, chlorine, as well as fiber and organic acids. As for iron, there is as much of it as in onions and radishes. For clarity, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table, which indicates the number of useful substances included in 100 grams. product.

Composition 100 gr. product:

Squirrels, gr. 0.6
Water, gr. 88.5
Carbohydrates, gr. 10.3
Vitamin IN (carotene), mg. 0.4
Vitamin IN 1 (thiamine), mg. 0.04
Vitamin AT 2 (riboflavin), mg. 0.04
Vitamin AT 9 (folic acid), mcg. 6
Vitamin WITH (ascorbic acid), mg. 20
Vitamin E (tocopherol), mg. 0.1
Starch, gr. 0.1
Zola, gr. 0.6
Pectin, gr. 0.4
Mono- and disaccharides, gr. 9
Organic acids, gr. 0.12
Fiber, gr. 0.6
Phosphorus, mg. 12
Cobalt, mcg. 2
Potassium, mg. 118
Iodine, mcg. 2
Zinc, mcg. 90
Magnesium, mg. 13
Calcium, mg. 16
Iron, mcg. 1000
Copper, mcg. 47
Sodium, mg. 32
Manganese, mcg. 35

Use in traditional medicine

In traditional medicine, the fruit of this plant is used as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, laxative, and also a choleretic agent. This same fruit is valued for its cleansing and restorative properties. External use allows you to cleanse the skin, but internal use is indicated for various pathologies of the urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract. The same fruit is recommended to be consumed to improve hematopoietic processes, as well as to normalize metabolism. Experts advise including melon in your daily diet in order to enhance intestinal motility. If you need to normalize high blood pressure, cleanse the body of cholesterol, calm the nervous system or overcome melancholy, then you should also seek help from this exotic fruit. It is also classified as an effective means of treating rheumatism, kidney stones and gout. In the course of research conducted by South Korean scientists, it was possible to find out that lycopene, which is part of these fruits, is able to prevent the development of malignant neoplasms. This same substance significantly slows down the aging process.

Popular use

Traditional healers use this fruit to treat malnourished and anemic patients. The same fruit perfectly fights cardiovascular pathologies, liver diseases, anemia, constipation and atherosclerosis. It also has a fairly powerful antihelminthic effect. Since the fruit has diaphoretic properties, it is recommended to eat it for all patients suffering from dropsy or jaundice. Popular beliefs say that consuming the seeds of this fruit allows you to increase potency and cope with various problems relating to the spleen.

Folk recipes

1. From worms and to improve digestion: You should drink 0.5 cups of freshly squeezed juice 2-3 times a day.

2. For gonorrhea: 1 tsp crushed fruit seeds, pour 300 ml of boiled water and leave in a water bath for 20 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and take it orally before lunch. The course of therapy ranges from 15 to 20 days.

3. To increase potency: take 1 tsp three times a day. dry seeds ground into powder.

4. For kidney stones: carefully grind the seeds and steam them in 1 glass of cooled boiled water. After 30 minutes, filter the infusion and take 0.5 cups orally 2 - 3 times a day. It is very important to take this infusion before meals.

5. For kidney diseases: 1 tbsp. Brew crushed seeds for 10 minutes in 250 ml of water. Let the broth cool, filter it and take 100 ml orally twice a day.

6. For headaches: slowly eat 200 grams. melon pulp.

7. For nosebleeds: Place 2-3 drops of juice from the peel into each nostril.

8. For bronchitis and sore throat: We make compresses on the chest or throat from the crusts.

9. For allergies: pour 1 glass of melon juice into a bath of water at a temperature of 36 - 37 degrees or throw pieces of the fruit and chopped rinds into it. The course of therapy consists of 7 procedures.

10. For burns: We pour a stream of cold water over the affected area, after which we apply the melon peel to it with the inside.

11. To maintain health and youth: pass the peel and upper peel of the fruit through a juicer. Drink the resulting product 0.5 cups 2 times a day after eating one serving of melon pulp.

Juice and pulp are healing

Since the pulp contains a large amount of iron salts, it is especially useful to use it for anemia. It also contains carotene, which helps improve visual acuity and cope with lazy bowel syndrome ( functional intestinal disease, characterized by water retention in this organ). It is also enriched with special substances that provoke the synthesis of serotonin, i.e. " happiness hormone». Pectin in turn helps improve intestinal motility. In addition, it tends to both bind and remove toxins. It is especially useful to eat melon pulp during a course of antibiotic therapy, as it significantly enhances their effect, while significantly reducing the toxicity of antibiotic drugs. Melon pulp is an excellent remedy for improving memory. Melon juice is recommended to be used to wash the entire body. It removes microbes that tend to provoke the development of inflammation of the renal pelvis, and also removes all excess fluid from the body.

Helps cleanse the body

If you want to cleanse your body, then experts recommend giving yourself a strict “melon day.” If the strength for such a “feat” is not enough, then you can use the help of a lighter version: we eat 1.5 - 2 kg of fruit per day in 3 - 4 doses in between main meals. The desired effect will be noticeable immediately - you will begin to visit the toilet much more often, which indicates the fact of gradual cleansing of both the urinary tract and kidneys. If you are a follower of a healthy lifestyle and regularly fight cholesterol, then this fruit should be present in your diet regularly. Its use will give your skin a healthy look and your eyes an unforgettable shine. By eating several pieces of these fruits for breakfast every day for a month, you can get rid of toxins and wastes that have accumulated in the body over the whole year.

When is melon harmful?

  • If you have diabetes, since it contains a large amount of sugars;
  • During breastfeeding, as it can cause the development of digestive problems in the child;
  • For infectious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • When consumed along with alcoholic beverages, cold water, honey and dairy products, as it can cause digestive upsets;
  • When consumed on an empty stomach;
  • With exacerbation of chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • For intestinal inflammation.

Safety precautions

Considering the fact that the pulp of this berry is enriched with sugars, which are a favorable environment for bacteria, experts do not recommend storing the fruit in cut form, even in the refrigerator. If you cut it, eat it immediately. Otherwise, within a few hours, numerous bacteria will accumulate on the pulp, which tend to cause serious intestinal infections and food poisoning, including cholera and dysentery.

We eat correctly

Any specialist will tell you that under no circumstances should you finish your lunch or dinner with this fruit. It is best eaten between meals, since its digestion occurs not in the stomach, but in the intestines. Having lingered in the stomach, the pulp begins to ferment, provoking the development of flatulence ( gas formation), which in turn causes such unpleasant symptoms as a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, belching, and intestinal colic. You can also expect trouble if the purchased fruit turns out to be unripe. It is strictly forbidden to consume this fruit in a chilled form, since when cooled it loses many beneficial properties.

Instructions: “Choose the ripe one”

  • No dents;
  • Pleasant aroma reminiscent of vanilla or pear;
  • A dull sound when clapping your palm;
  • Dry and even tail;
  • Lightly press on the “nose” with your finger. If the peel is removed, it means that the fruit is ripe in the melon field.

Melon diet

Melon is classified as a low-calorie product. In 100 gr. the product contains from 30 to 38 kcal. Following a melon diet is quite simple, since the fruits of this plant perfectly saturate, while cleansing the body of accumulated waste and toxins. In addition, the use of this product allows you to get rid of “bad” cholesterol, as well as enrich the body with the necessary strength and energy. As a result, you continue to feel great, and your extra pounds gradually disappear. While on such a diet, it is strictly forbidden to eat pasta, potatoes, sweets, and bread.

Mono-diet or fasting day

You can go on this diet no more than once a week. If you need to get rid of extra pounds as quickly as possible, then experts allow you to sit on it for a maximum of 7 days, but in no case more.
The daily diet is 1 - 1.5 kg of melon pulp, which must be eaten in 4 - 5 meals. In addition, you are allowed to drink rosehip infusion, mineral or drinking pure water, as well as green tea.

Cleansing diet

By turning to such a diet for help, you can not only cleanse your body, but also lose 3 - 5 extra pounds, and also significantly improve your complexion and mood. It is recommended to use this diet for no longer than 7 days.

Breakfast ( for all 7 days): Season 1 cup of boiled rice without salt with 1 tbsp. soy sauce, after diluting it with lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio. In addition, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of berry infusion for breakfast. This infusion is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. steam mashed raspberries or cranberries in 1.5 cups of boiled water. After 10 minutes, filter the resulting infusion and drink.

Dinner ( on the 1st and 4th day): prepare a salad from 200 gr. any fresh vegetables and season it with 1 tbsp. olive oil . In addition, we eat 50 grams. low-fat cottage cheese and drink 1 glass of apple infusion. We prepare the infusion according to the following recipe: cut half an apple into slices and pour 1.5 cups of boiled water over the raw material. After 20 minutes, filter the infusion and drink.

Dinner ( on the 2nd and 5th day): salad from 200 gr. fresh vegetables, seasoned with a mixture of lemon and apple juice in a 1:1 ratio. In addition, 50 gr. boiled pink salmon or cod and 1 glass of green tea without sugar.

Dinner ( on the 3rd and 6th day): prepare 200 gr. salad of grated or boiled beets, fresh cucumbers, herbs and garlic. Season it with 1 tbsp. sour cream and a little lemon juice. We also prepare an omelette from 1 egg and 1 glass of weak black tea without sugar.

Dinner ( on the 7th day): prepare a salad of apples, cucumbers, and stalked celery and season it with 1 tbsp. olive oil. In addition, we eat 150 grams. boiled turkey or chicken. Drink 1 glass of green tea without sugar.

Instead of afternoon tea and dinner ( for all 7 days): Divide the melon pulp into 5 equal portions at the rate of 1 kg of melon for every 30 kg of total body weight. We eat one serving every 2 - 3 hours.

After following such a diet, experts recommend eating one quarter of the “melon norm” for breakfast. If you are obese, you should eat 2 kg of pulp per day for all 7 days, after dividing the total volume into 5 - 7 meals. When turning to such a diet for help, first get a consultation with a nutritionist who can assess exactly how your body will react to such a diet. This is important, since not all organisms can cope with sudden changes in diet.

On the baby's menu

Pediatricians recommend including melon pulp in a child’s diet starting from the age of one. At the same time, every mother should remember that this product is heavy, which is why it is strictly contraindicated for children in large quantities. After eating a large amount of melon, the baby may experience various tummy problems, from heaviness in the stomach to severe diarrhea. Considering the fact that this product contains a huge amount of useful components, the child’s body will need a lot of effort to process it. That is why melon pulp should be given to children without additional cereals or other food products. It is best to do this 2 - 3 hours before eating the main meal. This false berry is especially useful for all those children who suffer from constipation and anemia. It is worth noting that melon pulp contains 10 times more iron and potassium than milk.

In the diet of pregnant women

You can eat melon pulp during pregnancy, but you need to remember that it is digested exclusively in the intestines, so it is best not to eat it at the same time as other foods, so as not to provoke the formation of excessive amounts of gas. Its rational use during pregnancy helps calm the nervous system, improve intestinal function, quench thirst, normalize water-salt balance, rejuvenate the skin, and strengthen nails and hair.

Good together with melon!

Since the fruit contains a large amount of vitamin A , melon began to be called “a wonderful elixir of beauty,” which has long been recognized by many cosmetologists. Using this elixir, you can give freshness to your lips, a pleasant shine to your hair and eyes, and unforgettable smoothness and softness to your skin. Thanks to a number of beneficial properties, this berry began to be included in a large number of masks and creams, many of which can be prepared at home. This berry also has a whitening effect, so it can be easily used in the fight against age spots and freckles.

For hair and skin – seeds, pulp, peels

Milk for dry skin: mix melon juice with the same amount of milk and mineral water. Wipe your face with the resulting milk.

Moisturizing lotion for all skin types: knead the melon pulp and squeeze the juice out of it after 120 minutes. Mix 400 g of the resulting juice with 1 tsp. salt and 2 tbsp. honey As soon as the salt has dissolved, strain the resulting mixture and add 1 glass of vodka to it. Soak a cotton swab in the lotion and wipe the skin with it at any time convenient for you. After 60 - 120 minutes, rinse your face with cool water.

Rejuvenating mask: Take fresh melon pulp, chop it and apply it to your face for 15 minutes. Then wash it off with water at room temperature. This mask will not only whiten, but also tighten the skin.

If your skin is peeling: mix melon juice with 0.5 tsp. salt, egg yolk and 1 tsp. honey Then add 1 tbsp to the resulting mixture. semolina porridge and 2 tsp. olive oil. Apply the mask to your face and after 20 minutes wash it off with warm water.

Whitening mask: cut the melon pulp into pieces and boil for 5 minutes. After this, thoroughly knead it until it becomes mushy and apply it to age spots or freckles. After 20 minutes, remove the mask using a cotton swab and wash with water at room temperature.

Mask for oily skin: 2 tbsp. Mix chopped melon pulp with thoroughly beaten egg white. Apply the resulting mask in layers to previously cleansed skin using a pastry brush. Each subsequent layer should be applied only after the previous one has dried. This mask is recommended to be applied to the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands. The entire procedure will take about a quarter of an hour. As soon as the last layer has dried, wash off the mask with warm water, then rinse the skin with cold water. Instead of egg white, you can use 1 tbsp. kefir

Anti-wrinkle and acne mask: Make puree from the melon pulp and apply it to your face for 10 - 15 minutes. After this, we blot our face with a paper napkin and apply any nourishing cream to the skin. This procedure is best done before going to bed.

Mask for hair loss: Rub melon juice into the roots of washed, damp hair. After 10 - 15 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water. The course of therapy is 15 - 20 procedures. Procedures can be performed 2-3 times a week.

To make your hair beautiful: Mix melon pulp with castor oil and apply the resulting product to damp hair. We put on an insulating cap and walk like this for 30 minutes, after which we wash off the mask with warm water.

The healing properties of melon seed oil

It is obtained by cold pressing and is used for both therapy and prevention of a number of pathological conditions. Melon oil contains a large number of biologically active substances and vitamins, which tend to significantly improve the functioning of the entire human body. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to consume 1 tbsp. three times a day during meals. The minimum course of prevention lasts about 2 months.

  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • in the fight against insomnia and excessive fatigue;
  • to remove toxins and waste from the body;
  • for constipation;
  • for pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • for the purpose of preventing various ailments of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with negative manifestations of menopause;
  • to improve general well-being in nephropathy ( damage to the glomerular apparatus and renal parenchyma);
  • to alleviate “smoker’s cough”;
  • in the fight against allergic dermatitis;
  • with increased sensitivity to pollen;
  • to maintain normal functioning of the whole body in old age.

Kalahari Melon Oil

Kalahari melon is a unique food product whose fruits are no larger than the size of a tennis ball. The weight of the fruit is about 200 g. As for the oil, it is an oily liquid with a light yellow color, which is used exclusively for cosmetic purposes. Thanks to its regenerating, nourishing, softening and protective effect, this oil helps prevent premature aging of the skin, and also makes it elastic and velvety. With its help, it is possible to maintain the integrity of cell membranes, restore the normal structure of the skin, and regulate sebum production ( sebum) and the degree of skin hydration. This oil can be used both in pure form and in combination with other oils, as well as as one of the components of certain lotions, creams and masks.


  • for massage as a basic component;
  • for the care of damaged, tired and dehydrated skin;
  • to protect the skin from wind, dust, cold, sun, etc.;
  • for balancing care for combination and oily skin.

In cooking

1. Jam recipe: Place 1 kg of melon pulp in a basin and fill it with apple juice. Cook everything for no more than 10 minutes, after which add a little sugar to the mixture and continue cooking until jam is formed.

2. Jam recipe: We clean a kilogram melon of skin and seeds, then cut it into cubes and dip it in boiling syrup made from 2 glasses of water and 6 glasses of sugar. Remove everything from the heat, leave for 8 hours, and then cook for another 3 minutes. We repeat this procedure 3-4 times. At the end of cooking, add a small amount of lemon juice or citric acid, let the jam cool, and put it in jars.
