What star children look like and what they do. Style of star children: daughters of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel - Virgo and Leonie Grown-up Virgo and Leonie

Monica Bellucci is not only a very beautiful and gorgeous woman, she is also a wonderful mother. Today, the children of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel are already growing up; two wonderful daughters are surrounded by care and affection from their parents.

Children of Monica Bellucci – photo

Monica and Vincent officially registered their marriage in 1999. Everything was fine with their personal life and the couple decided to have a child. Monica was already thirty-eight years old at that time, but according to her, this best age for the birth of a child, because she has already tried everything in life and achieved great success so that she can now invest in her children.

In the photo: Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel in their youth

It was at this age that Monica gave birth to her first child in a Roman clinic. The biography of Virgo's daughter begins in September 2004. The family has expanded by one little man, whom everyone loved, both Monica and her husband. A photo of young Monica and her little daughter is presented below.

The next pregnancy “delighted” the woman unexpectedly; she found out about it at the age of forty-five and was simply shocked. First of all, she was afraid that she would not be able to carry this child, because she herself knew many cases where girls after forty were unable to maintain a pregnancy. Another cause for concern was the question of how to look attractive even in such a difficult period, so that the husband would not stop admiring and would not look at other women.

Despite all the warnings, the girl, who was named Leonie, was born very pretty and healthy, and the joint birth was successful. Vincent himself really wanted a second child and was incredibly glad that they were able to do it on their own without the help of specialists.

But still, even in this wonderful family there are quarrels and disagreements. Having two wonderful girls did not save the couple from divorce. They separated without scandals, explaining their divorce by saying that over time their interests had completely changed. At the same time, the couple made sure that the divorce did not greatly affect the children. Monica Bellucci and her children remained to live in Lisbon, and dad often visits them.

Monica Bellucci's children now

Today in 2018, a lot has changed in the lives of girls. They have grown up a lot, but their mother does not want them to communicate with journalists. However, latest photos of Monica Bellucci's children, taken accidentally by journalists, confirm that the girls are no longer babies, but growing ladies.

Bright and unusual images stars always become the subject of discussion after new photographs taken by Hollywood paparazzi appear on the Internet. Not long ago, heated discussions touched upon Monica Bellucci herself, or rather her young daughter Deva.

Deva's provocative outfit

Monica Bellucci's daughter is only 12 years old, but the girl already knows how to behave in public and chooses provocative outfits. He speaks before the public quite confidently.

The last photos were taken when Monica Bellucci and her daughter Deva were leaving the hotel. Deva's outfit caused a lot of controversy and heated discussions: many say that the girl was dressed too much for her years. Dave was wearing a long one black dress to the floor, but with an impressive neckline and a high slit that completely opens the legs. At the same time, Monica herself was dressed much more modestly. Many critics spoke negatively about the taste of the young girl, while condemning her mother for allowing her daughter to dress so openly and provocatively at that age.

Good heredity

In other photographs, Deva Cassel can be seen not only with deep bikini, but also with an open belly. Many note that, despite young age, the girl looks very attractive and sexy. She already uses cosmetics and does not appear in public without makeup. Deva is quite tall - her height is 175 centimeters. The girl undoubtedly took after her father, Vincent Cassel, whose height is 187 centimeters. Therefore, many assume that Monica Bellucci’s daughter will follow in her mother’s footsteps and try herself in modeling business. It is worth noting that Deva looks like Everyday life no less feminine than her star mom, who for many years has held the unspoken title of one of the sexiest actresses of our time.

The girl’s parents, and Monica Bellucci, did not comment on the situation, leaving Internet commentators with their opinion. However, the latter still reproached the star mother for not monitoring enough how her daughter dresses.

Relationships of ex-spouses

In the world of Hollywood, the union of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel, which lasted for 19 years, is still considered one of the most beautiful and romantic. According to Hollywood media reports, ex-spouses continue to communicate and maintain warm friendly relations and to this day.

Around the same days when the photographs of Deva were taken, the paparazzi caught Monica Bellucci with her daughter named Leoni, who is 7 years old. It is still difficult to judge from a little girl what she will become in a few years, and it is not very clear which star parents The girl looks more like her. However, looking at Deva Cassel’s appearance, we can say with confidence that the girl is very similar to her mother, especially in her youth.

Star girls

Deva's eldest daughter was born in 2004, just a few days before Monica's fortieth birthday. Youngest daughter Leonie Cassel was born in 2010. Deva will turn 13 in September, and Leonie has already celebrated her 7th birthday in May of this year.

It also became known that the daughters of the former star couple Bellucci-Cassel receive training and live in the capital of Portugal, Lisbon. tries not to post photos on social media and is of the opinion that personal life should remain private. Therefore, it is quite difficult to find any information and photographs on the Internet. On this moment Of course, fans and critics are most interested in photographs eldest daughter Monicas, Devas. But Monica Bellucci doesn’t post photos with her daughter on her Instagram page.

It is worth noting that this topic has greatly excited the Internet. The young Deva Cassel has many fans. Now everyone is excitedly awaiting new news from the Hollywood paparazzi with provocative outfits of daughter Monica Bellucci and photos that can be discussed. Monica shares that she doesn't particularly like the excessive attention to the life of her family and her daughters in particular. But what can you do? star name and popularity make themselves felt! Due to the success and good career of their parents, girls will probably also be able to succeed in show business and art. Well, we will follow the developments and watch how the young stars grow up and become prettier.

She is the most beautiful and attractive woman in the world, according to many men, he is a charming anti-hero. Monica and Vincent spent 17 years together and still broke up, managing to preserve both friendship and memories of past love. Even years after the star’s divorce, we sigh dejectedly and remember how it was.

Italian Monica Bellucci and Frenchman Vincent Cassel met in 1996 on the set of the film “The Apartment” and immediately fell in love with each other... not at all with love, but quite the opposite. To Cassel, the girl for whom a good half of the set was pining for attention seemed “brainless” (he once admitted this), and to her he seemed like an unbearable snob. At that moment, Monica was successfully working as a model and had not yet established herself as an actress, which irritated the temperamental Frenchman - having starred in more than one film at that time, he understood the profession and did not tolerate amateurism. However, if there is only one step from love to hate, then why not assume the opposite option?

Still from the film "Apartment"

Still from the film "Apartment"

At the Cesar Awards, where Bellucci received an award for her role in “The Apartment,” the actors appeared together and never parted. For a long time Vincent tried to persuade Monica Bellucci to marry him, but she refused because she “was never obsessed with marriage.” The actress finally decided to get married three years after they met, when Vincent got into a car accident. Monica responded to endless questions from the press with black humor: “At some point I decided that being a widow was more logical than ex-lover. Plus it's black the color is coming any woman more than anyone else.”

Still from the movie "Irreversible"

They got married in September 1999. However, their marriage was far from the classical understanding of this word; having tied themselves with family ties, they still remained absolutely free people. Surprisingly, throughout the 14 years of their marriage they lived in three houses: he was in Paris, and she was in Rome and London. In their own words, they didn’t have time to quarrel, but they did have time to get bored. “I never interfere in his affairs. We are very independent. We live in different worlds. Like all Italians, I am jealous, but somehow I can manage without the fidelity of my body. For me, love is loyalty of the heart. Vincent is always there when I need him, I don’t ask for anything more,” the actress shared in one of her interviews. “Yes, we are different, but that’s wonderful! I couldn't fall in love with myself. She's Italian, I'm French, anything happens between us. I love Monica and am happy that I live with a man who, like me, values ​​freedom most of all,” Cassel once said.

“Agree, it is unnatural to have one partner in life. It’s just that sometimes when we cheat, it’s better to keep quiet about it, isn’t it?” Monica Bellucci

The next round of their relationship was the difficult filming of Gaspar Noé’s scandalous film “Irreversible,” where the couple played lovers. In the film, the heroine Monica is brutally raped, this scene lasts “pure” 9 minutes without editing - this film caused a lot of noise in its time. Monica forbade her husband to be present on the site. While watching the footage, Cassel lost his temper and left the studio. In short, during the filming a very real and completely Italian scene of jealousy unfolded. Such a turn could not go unnoticed by the press. Monica and Vincent were immediately “divorced,” but the couple quickly denied rumors of separation.

Soon Monica Bellucci gave birth to her first child - her daughter was named Virgo. The birth of the child brought the couple together, and they happily spent the first months of the baby’s life under one roof. Then, in an interview, the actor admitted: “A few years ago, when asked what I would do five minutes before the end of the world, I would answer: jump with a parachute. Right now I would rather make love to my wife.” Their second daughter Leonie was born in 2010, and Vincent insisted that the family should live together under one roof, and the children should know where their home is. This is probably what contributed to the subsequent separation. As you know, if a woman dreams of remaining free, any attempt on her right leads to disaster.
